Odysseus Capital Asia Limited 奧澌資本亞洲有限公司
Raw ESS filings
This page shows the raw filings from the Employment Support Scheme files attributed to this organisation in Webb-site Who's Who. Click here to search all approved ESS claims.
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Phase | English name | Chinese name | Amount HK$ |
Heads | Average HK$ |
1 | ODYSSEUS CAPITAL ASIA LIMITED | 奧澌資本亞洲有限公司 | 67,500 | 3 | 22,500 |
2 | ODYSSEUS CAPITAL ASIA LIMITED | 奧澌資本亞洲有限公司 | 67,500 | 3 | 22,500 |
Phase | Amount HK$ |
Heads | Average HK$ |
1 | 67,500 | 3 | 22,500 |
2 | 67,500 | 3 | 22,500 |
Both | 135,000 | 3 | 22,500 |
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