Guangdong Cai Xing Asset Valuation Company Limited 廣東財興資產評估有限公司

start date:
end date:
Performance period years

Role: Valuer (1-time)

This is a one-time role. Returns are from the appointment date to the earliest of the end of the specified performance period and the last trading date. CAGR is the annualised return and is not shown for periods under 180 days. Relative returns are to the Tracker Fund of HK (2800), starting from the latest of 12-Nov-1999, the appointment date and the chosen start date.

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Client Added Total
1 GDH GUANGNAN (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 2022-12-23 -3.60% -3.61% 11.28%
2023-11-06 8.93% 8.94% -10.26%
2 Guangdong Yueyun Transportation Company Limited 2022-09-28 69.01% 69.07% 61.46%
2024-10-09 -6.12%
3 Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. 2002-12-12 237.50% 237.78% 150.69%
4 Xingfa Aluminium Holdings Limited 2024-11-06 -3.94%
Average 78.04% 53.29%

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