People born in  month

Age in 2024: 106

Name Date of birth Date of death
Abbott, George Disney 1918-11
Ackroyd, Betty Audrey 1918-11
Adey, Arthur Henry Vernon 1918-11
Affleck, David 1918-11
Ahuja, Harmahinder 1918-11
Alderton, William 1918-11
Alec, Exors 1918-11
Alexander, Alex (1918-11) 1918-11
Allum, Ethel May 1918-11
Ancliffe, Arthur John 1918-11
Andrew, Margret Lille 1918-11
Andrews, Alice (1918-11) 1918-11
Andrews, Hubert Charles 1918-11
Armstrong, Gwendoline Enid 1918-11
Arthur, Joyce Mary 1918-11
Astbury, Yvonne Marie Melville 1918-11
Atkins, Douglas Lloyd 1918-11
Ayre, Eleanor Forrester 1918-11
Bacon, Rachel (1918-11) 1918-11
Bailey, Helen Edith 1918-11
Baird, Nigel 1918-11
Baker, Basil Neale 1918-11
Baker, Roy Turner 1918-11
Ball, Edith Rozena 1918-11
Banks, Joy Phyllis May 1918-11
Barker, Edith Mary (1918-11) 1918-11
Barnes, Hubert Edwin 1918-11
Barrett, Francis Arthur 1918-11
Batchelor, Wilma Maud 1918-11
Bayle, Margaret Joan 1918-11
Bayley, Peter Hugh 1918-11
Beaumont, Mary Elizabeth 1918-11
Beckett, Martyn Gervase 1918-11-06 2001-08-05
Beevers, Joan Alison 1918-11
Bell, Barbara (1918-11) 1918-11
Bell, Lily (1918-11) 1918-11
Bellamy, Doris 1918-11
Bendall, Marjorie 1918-11
Benjamin, William (1918-11) 1918-11
Bennet, Daisy 1918-11
Birch, William Frederick 1918-11
Bird, Prudence Ann 1918-11
Blackman, Peter Francis 1918-11
Boddy, John Henry 1918-11
Bolton, Anne (1918-11) 1918-11
Bolton, Enid Jean 1918-11
Bonnett, Tom (1918-11) 1918-11
Boville-Wright, Kathleen Maud 1918-11
Bowers, Wilson 1918-11
Bowker, Earnest Eric 1918-11
Boyd, Robert Nathaniel 1918-11
Bradley, Victoria (1918-11) 1918-11
Branson, Mildred Joyce 1918-11
Brent, Alan John 1918-11
Brentano, Stanley Gordon 1918-11
Bridge, Madge 1918-11
Brinkman, Eric Nicholaas 1918-11
Brodie, Eric Sutherland 1918-11
Brown, Daphne Joan (1918-11) 1918-11
Browne, Thomas Francis (1918-11) 1918-11
Bruce, James Alexander (1918-11) 1918-11
Bryant, Regwald John 1918-11
Buck, Lily 1918-11
Bullivant, Cecil 1918-11
Burgess, John Wesley 1918-11
Burns, Robert (1918-11) 1918-11
Burt, Donald (1918-11) 1918-11
Butterworth, Gerald 1918-11
Buxton, Kathleen Olive 1918-11
Callen, William John 1918-11
Carmichael, Marjorie Lilian 1918-11
Carrick, Hilda (1918-11) 1918-11
Carter, Lilian May 1918-11
Cass, John (1918-11) 1918-11
Catling, Anne Phyllis 1918-11
Chandler, Elizabeth Joyce 1918-11
Chapman, Frank Stephen 1918-11
Cheatle, Dorothy Ethel 1918-11
Chudleigh, Richard Neil 1918-11
Churchill, Marigold Frances 1918-11-15 1921-08-23
Clements, Peter Larby 1918-11
Clifford, Agnes Mary 1918-11-26 1995-03-10
Clough, Geoffrey Michael 1918-11
Cluley, John Charles 1918-11
Cohen, Samuel (1918-11) 1918-11
Coker, Ronald Andrew Moschonas 1918-11
Cole, George Francis 1918-11
Cole, Marian Elizabeth 1918-11
Colley, John Kenneth 1918-11
Colliver, Alice Emily 1918-11
Congrave, Leslie Edward 1918-11
Connolly, Ethel Mary 1918-11
Conroy, Dennis Charles 1918-11
Cook, Herbert (1918-11) 1918-11
Coole, Christine 1918-11
Coomber, Albert Ernest Armistice 1918-11
Cooper, Elizabeth (1918-11) 1918-11
Cope, Ronald John 1918-11
Coulsdon, Gladys Margaret 1918-11
Cowell, Dorothy (1918-11) 1918-11
Cox, Joyce Winifred 1918-11
Crawshaw, Albert Victor 1918-11
Crimmins, Michael Lawrence 1918-11
Crisp, Charles Leonard 1918-11
Crook, Maurice Anthony 1918-11
Crook, Sarah (1918-11) 1918-11
Cullimore, William Rae 1918-11
Czyrski, Stanislaw 1918-11
Dalton, William (1918-11) 1918-11
Dalzell, Elise 1918-11
Dancaster, Patrick 1918-11
Daniel, John Bertis Harris 1918-11
Davies, Alan Drayton 1918-11
Davies, Albert Jack (1918-11) 1918-11
Davies, Frederick George (1918-11) 1918-11
Davies, Glyn Garth 1918-11
Davis, Evelyn Rose 1918-11
Daws, Irene Bertha 1918-11
Day, Thomas Samuel George 1918-11
Dibden, William Raymond 1918-11
Diggines, Bernard George 1918-11
Dobry, George 1918-11
Dobry, George Leon Severyn 1918-11
Dobson, Hilda Margaret 1918-11
Dobson, Robert Emmerson 1918-11
Docking, Reginald George 1918-11
Dodd, Winifred Marjorie 1918-11
Dowse, Sydney 1918-11
Drain, Geoffrey 1918-11
Dring, Catherine 1918-11
Dunning, Richard William 1918-11
Duthie, John Stephen 1918-11
Dyer, Ian Claude 1918-11
Eatley, Jaques Ernest 1918-11
Edge, William Robert 1918-11
Edwards, Arthur (1918-11) 1918-11
Edwards, Elizabeth Hannah (1918-11) 1918-11
Edwards, Gerald (1918-11) 1918-11
Elliot, Margaret Elizabeth Holford 1918-11
Ellis, Ieuan Gwyn 1918-11
Elphinstone, Andrew Charles Victor 1918-11-10 1975-03-19
Emery, Gordon Haigh 1918-11
England, Charles Worthington 1918-11
Erskine-Crum, Rosemary 1918-11
Esson, Evelyn Sally 1918-11
Evans, Vivian Victor 1918-11
Eyles, George Leonard 1918-11
Fare, Kenneth Arthur 1918-11
Fareham, Iris Frances 1918-11
Farley, Eveline Phyllis 1918-11
Fierz, Stephanie Constance Phoebe (1918-11) 1918-11
Finch-Knightley, Charles Ian 1918-11-02 2008-02-19
Fox, Gladys 1918-11
France, Henry 1918-11
France, Margaret (1918-11) 1918-11
Frew, David B 1918-11
Frey, George 1918-11
Fromant, Alexandre Charles 1918-11
Gaastra, Joan 1918-11
Gadesden, Diane Clare 1918-11
Gale, Edith Willena 1918-11
Garbett, Cyril Frederick 1918-11
Gardner, John Victor 1918-11
Garn, Alec 1918-11
Garner, John Stanley 1918-11
Gavins, Herbert 1918-11
Gibbs, Freda Gwendoline 1918-11
Gillilan, Pamela 1918-11
Glover, Leonard (1918-11) 1918-11
Golder, Latizia Giovanna Valeria 1918-11
Gomberg, Edward Nicholas 1918-11
Goodchild, Elsie May 1918-11
Goodley, Marjorie 1918-11
Gore-Langton, Alaric Hubert St George 1918-11-14 1987
Gough, Bessie 1918-11
Gould, John Laurence 1918-11
Gould, Martin Geoffrey 1918-11
Goulstone, Horace Kenneth Hawkes 1918-11
Grant, Walter Douglas Haig 1918-11
Gray, Thomas (1918-11) 1918-11
Greene, Bernard (1918-11) 1918-11
Gregson, Anne Ellen 1918-11
Griffin, Bertha Mary 1918-11
Griffiths, Gwilym Parry 1918-11
Griffiths, James Turner 1918-11
Griffiths, Lester John William 1918-11
Grimes, Cynthia Joan 1918-11
Groves, Norman (1918-11) 1918-11
Gruber, Israel 1918-11
Guest, Ann Hutchinson 1918-11
Gunn, John (1918-11) 1918-11
Guy, Margaret Olive Jesse 1918-11
Hale, Vera Amelia (1918-11) 1918-11
Halfacre, Vera Emily 1918-11
Hall, John Robson 1918-11
Hall, Leonard George 1918-11
Halliday, Herbert Sheppard 1918-11
Hallums, Victor Ernest 1918-11
Hamilton, Kenneth John (1918-11) 1918-11
Hampson, Betty Mary 1918-11
Hancock, Margaret Joan 1918-11
Hargreaves, Elizabeth Jane 1918-11
Harman, George William (1918-11) 1918-11
Harper, Muriel Irene 1918-11
Harper, Roland 1918-11
Harris, Peter (1918-11) 1918-11
Harwood, Doris May 1918-11
Henderson, Eileen (1918-11) 1918-11
Henshaw, Kenneth Ralph 1918-11
Hey, Doris 1918-11
Hide, Dennis Arthur 1918-11
Higginson, Gordon Mons 1918-11
Higgs, Charles 1918-11
Hilton, Cyril 1918-11
Hitchcock, Joan Elizabeth 1918-11
Ho, George Ho Chi 何佐芝 1918-11-03 2014-06-04
Hobson, George Henry 1918-11
Hodgets, Jack 1918-11
Hogan, Patricia 1918-11
Holland, Sarah Graham 1918-11
Holley, Ernest Albert 1918-11
Holman, Elsie Margaret 1918-11
Holt, Ethel Frances 1918-11
Honderich, Beland 1918-11
Hopkinson, John Richard (1918-11) 1918-11
Horne, Nora Georgina 1918-11
Hough, Alfred James 1918-11
Howell, William Frederick James 1918-11
Howse, Charles Henry Robert 1918-11
Hudson, Agnes Ellen 1918-11
Hughes, Evan Richard 1918-11
Hughes, Patricia Florence Ena 1918-11
Hume, Rita Mary 1918-11
Hurst, Arthur Victor 1918-11
Jacobson, Joseph (1918-11) 1918-11
James, Ludden 1918-11
James, Reginald 1918-11
Jameson, Marjory Elizabeth 1918-11
Jaye, Gerald 1918-11
Jeffery, Dorothy May 1918-11
Jeffrey, Ronald (1918-11) 1918-11
Jenner, Violet 1918-11
Jennings, Charles (1918-11) 1918-11
Johnson, Alexander Kirk 1918-11
Jones, Gwilym (1918-11) 1918-11
Joyce, John Thomas (1918-11) 1918-11
Juliff, Idris Haydn 1918-11
Jupe, John 1918-11
Kay, Henry Norman Victor 1918-11
Keighley, Audrey Clare 1918-11
Kenneth, Royle 1918-11
Kent, Edwin Victor 1918-11
Keuegher, Martin Vincent 1918-11
King, Geoffrey William (1918-11) 1918-11
Kinloch, Colin David 1918-11
Kirk, David Beattie 1918-11
Kite, Doreen 1918-11
Kneeshaw, Irene Maud 1918-11
Knott, John Lamb 1918-11
Knott, Samuel (1918-11) 1918-11
Kup, Edith Mary 1918-11
Kyte, Vera 1918-11
Laird, Betty 1918-11
Laitner, Morris 1918-11
Lambert, Catherine Margaret (1918-11) 1918-11
Lanning, George Reginald 1918-11
Lapham, Roger Dearborn 1918-11
Law, Noreen Rosina 1918-11
Lawn, Olivor Hugh 1918-11
Lawrence, Douglas (1918-11) 1918-11
Lawrence, Joan Pauline 1918-11
Lawson, Rex 1918-11
Lebus, Oliver Hart Herman 1918-11
Leeds, Kathleen Majorie 1918-11
Leete, David Latcham 1918-11
Lehman, Albert Llewlyn 1918-11
Leigh-Quine, Rodney 1918-11
Lethbridge, Anna Christine 1918-11
Lewis, Alan George Whittlesey 1918-11
Lewis, Charles Denis 1918-11
Lightfoot, Catherine Ann 1918-11
Lindsay, Doris Evelyn 1918-11
Lister, William Squire 1918-11
Lock, James Richard Ingram 1918-11
Lomax, Herbert Arnold 1918-11
London, Denis Stanley 1918-11
Loosley, Robert William Victor 1918-11
Lossos, Helga Ruth 1918-11
Loveridge, Edric Basil 1918-11
Lowe, Ellen Mabel 1918-11
Lupton, Thomas (1918-11) 1918-11
Luxton, Harry Joseph 1918-11
Macer, Muriel Greta 1918-11
Macgibbon-Lewis, Bridges 1918-11
Macindoe, Rose Mary 1918-11
Macleod, Dorothy Winifred 1918-11
Maison, Stefanie Helen 1918-11
Makin, Margaret (1918-11) 1918-11
Marks-Jones, Marguerita 1918-11
Marsden, Delia 1918-11
Martin, Andrew Young 1918-11
Martin, Eileen Margaret (1918-11) 1918-11
Martin, Nora Catherine Teresa 1918-11
Maryniak, Roman 1918-11
Massey, Irene (1918-11) 1918-11
Masterson, Walter Edward 1918-11
Maydew, Maurice Herbert 1918-11
McGlashen, Irene 1918-11
McGorman, Joseph A 1918-11
McIndoe, George Alexander 1918-11
Medlen, Joan Doreen 1918-11
Meredith, William George (1918-11) 1918-11
Middlehurst, Charles 1918-11
Millar, Victor Benbow 1918-11
Miller, Pearl (1918-11) 1918-11
Miller, Robert Firth 1918-11
Mills, Sydney Herbert Paul 1918-11
Milne, William Alexander (1918-11) 1918-11
Mockridge, Trevor James 1918-11
Moore, Joan Noble 1918-11
Moore, Margaret Gertrude 1918-11
Moosa, Mohammed (1918-11) 1918-11
Morris, Barbara Joyce 1918-11
Mumford, Reginald Joseph 1918-11
Musgrave, Ada 1918-11
Nayler, Douglas Leonard 1918-11
New, Beryl Doreen 1918-11
Newland, Douglas Albert 1918-11
Norfleet, Frank Marmaduke 1918-11
Norfolk, Barbara Jean 1918-11
Ockwell, Clarice 1918-11
Oliphant, Gordon Stanley 1918-11
Oneil, Thomas 1918-11
Oosterman, Hermanus 1918-11
Orrell, Stella 1918-11
Oubridge, Harry 1918-11
Owen, James (1918-11) 1918-11
Pao, Yue Kong 包玉剛 1918-11-10 1991-09-23
Pape, Margaret Neta 1918-11
Parker, Dorothy Victoria 1918-11
Parker, James Walton 1918-11
Parkinson, Esme 1918-11
Parnham, Freda 1918-11
Partridge, Francesca 1918-11
Pass, Elsie May 1918-11
Paton, Boris 1918-11
Patrick, Elsie Illicent Joan 1918-11
Patrick, Eunice 1918-11
Peacock, Nellie 1918-11
Peers, Ruby Lyndsay 1918-11
Penna, William Godfrey 1918-11
Peters, Frank (1918-11) 1918-11
Phelps, Gilbert 1918-11
Pilcher, Douglas Arthur 1918-11
Pilkington, Richard Godfrey 1918-11
Piper, John Hugh 1918-11
Pitter, Kenneth 1918-11
Podmore, William 1918-11
Polson, John Stokoe 1918-11
Porter, Maurice Robb 1918-11
Porter, Sidney William 1918-11
Posthuma, Alaric Edward 1918-11
Potts, Joan Winifred 1918-11
Powell, Ernest John Edmund 1918-11
Prime, Alec Raymond 1918-11
Primrose, Anne 1918-11
Prince, Joan 1918-11
Pritchard, John (1918-11) 1918-11
Proudlove, David Eric 1918-11
Pryce Bayley, David 1918-11
Raine, Rosalind 1918-11
Read, George Arthur 1918-11
Reddington, John Thomas 1918-11
Redfern, William Henry Graham 1918-11
Reed, Dane Baron 1918-11
Richards, Patricia (1918-11) 1918-11
Rickman, Hans Peter 1918-11
Riley, Denis 1918-11
Ripley, John (1918-11) 1918-11
Robbins, George Harold 1918-11
Roberts, Peter Michael Dale 1918-11
Roberts, Phyllis Anne 1918-11
Roberts, Thomas Victor (1918-11) 1918-11
Robertson, Mollie Agnes 1918-11
Robins, Helen (1918-11) 1918-11
Robinson, Benjamin (1918-11) 1918-11
Robson, Arthur Alfred 1918-11
Roden, Joyce Edith 1918-11
Rogers, Thomas Samuel (1918-11) 1918-11
Rosbotham, Helen 1918-11
Rowell, Lilian Verona 1918-11
Rowlands, Joan 1918-11
Rowntree, Evelyn 1918-11
Rule, Ronald William Pritchard 1918-11
Russell, Dorothy Ann Murray 1918-11
Sansom, Victor Douglas 1918-11
Saunders, Sylvia (1918-11) 1918-11
Saunders, Sylvis 1918-11
Saunter, Barbara 1918-11
Saxon, Cyril Victor 1918-11
Scott, Phillipa (1918-11) 1918-11
Seaton, Faye 1918-11
Secrett, Mark Archibald 1918-11
Seligman, Richard Madron 1918-11
Sergeant, Richard (1918-11) 1918-11
Severn, Kenneth 1918-11
Seymour, Winifred Florence 1918-11
Share, Lorna 1918-11
Shaw, Joseph (1918-11) 1918-11
Shepherd, Edward Hunter Leslie 1918-11
Shepherd, Leslie Robert 1918-11
Sherwood, Harry (1918-11) 1918-11
Shields, Angus Gordon 1918-11
Siddall, John (1918-11) 1918-11
Sik, Chung Chuen 1918-11
Simms, Jonathan (1918-11) 1918-11
Simpson, Mabel 1918-11
Sinclair, Margaret Beaumont 1918-11 2017-05
Skeeles, Victor Douglas 1918-11
Skeist, Sidney Merrill 1918-11
Sleeman, Betty 1918-11
Slinger, Lilian 1918-11
Sloan, Adela Victoria 1918-11
Smith, Fanny Mary 1918-11
Smith, George Ernest (1918-11) 1918-11
Smith, Mary Ellen 1918-11
Smith, Sarah (1918-11) 1918-11
Smith, Thomas Herbert (1918-11) 1918-11
Smith, William (1918-11) 1918-11
Soole, Rosemary Una 1918-11
Spalding, Eda Ilse-Lotte 1918-11
Spencer, Eric Norman (1918-11) 1918-11
Springer, Bernard 1918-11
Starmer, Mary Elizabeth 1918-11
Stephen, Karin Judith 1918-11-20 1972
Stephens, Judith Mary (1918-11) 1918-11
Stevenson, Jacaueline Mary 1918-11
Stewart, James Dunlop 1918-11
Stiff, Wilfred 1918-11
Stobbs, Horace Richard 1918-11
Stokes, Leonard William 1918-11
Stone, John Brandon 1918-11
Sturges, John Russell 1918-11
Sullivan, Eric Arthur 1918-11
Swan, Barbara Duncan Balfour 1918-11
Sweeney, Celia 1918-11
Sykes, Eileen Mabel 1918-11
Tann, Douglas Gordon 1918-11
Tanner, Elsie 1918-11
Taylor, Albert William Robert 1918-11
Taylor, Joseph (1918-11) 1918-11
Taylor, Mary Dorothy Elizabeth 1918-11
Theobald, Esther 1918-11
Thomas, Margaret Mae 1918-11
Thomas, Maurice Arthur 1918-11
Thomson, Brian Harold 1918-11
Tiffin, Frank Victor 1918-11
Tinker, Elizabeth 1918-11
Tirwatadinata, Martin Eddy Hornido 1918-11
Tisdale, Betty Victoria 1918-11
Tomlin, Heather Ruth 1918-11
Tomlinson, Harry (1918-11) 1918-11
Townsend, Florence May 1918-11
Tree, Frederick Morgan 1918-11
Tremayne, Damaris Jean 1918-11
Turner, Douglas (1918-11) 1918-11
Tyers, Joan 1918-11
Uncle, Jack 1918-11
Usher, Winifred Mary 1918-11
Vardy, Sidney 1918-11
Vardy, Sydney 1918-11
Wallace, Elizabeth Bennett 1918-11
Walters, Pippa 1918-11
Walton, Dorothy (1918-11) 1918-11
Ward, Elsie 1918-11
Warren, Charles Hugh Elsey 1918-11
Watkins, Tasker 1918-11
Watts, Wilfred Arthur 1918-11
Welsh, David James (1918-11) 1918-11
Weston, Raymond Robert 1918-11
White, Edward Taylor 1918-11
White, Peter Mervyn 1918-11
White, William George (1918-11) 1918-11
Whitehead, Harry William 1918-11
Whitelegg, Kathleen Sylvia 1918-11
Whitmarsh, Jean 1918-11
Whitworth, Adrian 1918-11
Wilkinson, John Percival 1918-11
Willder, Marjorie Joan 1918-11
Williams, Angus Kenneth 1918-11
Williams, Bernard Val 1918-11
Williams, Betty (1918-11) 1918-11
Williams, David Morris (1918-11) 1918-11
Williams, George Mervyn 1918-11
Williams, Gladys Winifred 1918-11
Williams, Leonard (1918-11) 1918-11
Williamson, Joseph (1918-11) 1918-11
Willoughby, Alan Edward 1918-11
Wilmshurst, Geoffrey Fredrik Buckham 1918-11
Wilson, Reginald Denis 1918-11
Wilson, Robert (1918-11) 1918-11
Winbolt-Lewis, Joyce Margaret 1918-11
Windridge, Sylvia Beatrice 1918-11
Winfield, John George 1918-11
Wood, Annie Watson 1918-11
Woodcraft, Ruth Doris 1918-11
Woodman, Isabella 1918-11
Woodnutt, Moira 1918-11
Wooldridge, Douglas Marshall 1918-11
Wyatt, Richard James 1918-11
Wyers, Janet Beveridge Buchan 1918-11
Wykes, Roy Gordon 1918-11
Young, George Donald 1918-11
Young, Victoria Florence Helen 1918-11

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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