Name |
Date of birth |
Date of death |
Aarons, Albert |
1920-05 |
Abbott, Dennis Leigh |
1920-05 |
Ablett, Ronald Norman |
1920-05 |
Adams, Thomas Murdoch |
1920-05 |
Adams, William Norman (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Adlam, Dorothy Mary |
1920-05 |
Adrian, Joan |
1920-05 |
Allen, Marjorie (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Allinson, William Charles |
1920-05 |
Allwood-Coppin, David John |
1920-05 |
Alpert, Bernard |
1920-05 |
Amos, Harold S |
1920-05 |
Anderson, Elsie (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Andrew, Joan May |
1920-05 |
Andrews, Kathleen Joan |
1920-05 |
Archer, Alex George |
1920-05 |
Armstrong, John William Crawford |
1920-05 |
Armstrong, William Thomas |
1920-05 |
Arnull, Vera Doreen |
1920-05 |
Ashken, Karol Maksymilian |
1920-05 |
Ashley, John Gordon |
1920-05 |
Ashman, Barbara (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Askew, James Dennis |
1920-05 |
Astley, Norman John |
1920-05 |
Bachelor, Jack Alan |
1920-05 |
Baddeley, Frederick Hutson |
1920-05 |
Badrick, Vera |
1920-05 |
Baess, Trudi Marie |
1920-05 |
Bailey, Edith Eileen |
1920-05 |
Bains, Lawrence Arthur |
1920-05 |
Balfe, Eileen |
1920-05 |
Ballard, Denis George William |
1920-05 |
Banks, Joan Irene |
1920-05 |
Barber, Barbara Mary Kay |
1920-05 |
Barker, Philip Herbert Edward |
1920-05 |
Barnes, Frank (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Baron, Charles (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Baron, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Barrett, Marjorie Elsie |
1920-05 |
Barron, Albert Henry |
1920-05 |
Barton, Joan Mary |
1920-05 |
Bartup, George Alfred |
1920-05 |
Battye, Joe |
1920-05 |
Baxter, Betty Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Beal, Charles Marshall |
1920-05 |
Beales, Irene May |
1920-05 |
Beardow, Cecil Victor |
1920-05 |
Beasley, Philip Harold |
1920-05 |
Beebe, Charles Godfrey |
1920-05 |
Beecham, Elsie Florence |
1920-05 |
Beeston, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Belk, Joseph Edwin |
1920-05 |
Bell, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Bell, Thomas David Simpson |
1920-05 |
Bellak, Kitty |
1920-05 |
Bellamy, Henry Arthur |
1920-05 |
Bennett, Ardene Clavendon |
1920-05 |
Bennett, Maria Theresia |
1920-05 |
Bennett, Ruth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Benson, Frederick Richard (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Benson, Jack Hurst |
1920-05 |
Bentley, Alfred |
1920-05 |
Benton, Joyce Phyllis |
1920-05 |
Beringer, Evelyn Joan |
1920-05 |
Berry, Henry Arthur |
1920-05 |
Berry, Leslie William |
1920-05 |
Berwick, Sidney Dryden |
1920-05 |
Berwick, Sydney Dryden |
1920-05 |
Beswick, Richard Rawsthorne |
1920-05 |
Bettridge, Lawrence Reginald |
1920-05 |
Beverley, Eleanor Isabel |
1920-05 |
Bibby, Frank Neville |
1920-05 |
Biber, Hettie |
1920-05 |
Biffen, William Henry |
1920-05 |
Bignell, Sydney Thomas William |
1920-05 |
Billenness, Anne Gilroy |
1920-05 |
Birch, Caroline Painter |
1920-05 |
Biss, Nora Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Bissett, Ronald |
1920-05 |
Black, Elizabeth Jean (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Black, Richard (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Black, Sheila Psyche |
1920-05 |
Blackburn, Dorothy May |
1920-05 |
Blundell, Jean Margaret |
1920-05 |
Boal, Alexander J |
1920-05 |
Boal, Alexander Johnston |
1920-05 |
Boam, Marguerite |
1920-05 |
Bolger, Oliver Henry |
1920-05 |
Bond, Thomas Edward |
1920-05 |
Bone, Phyllis Mildred |
1920-05 |
Bonham-Carter, Marigold Maude |
1920-05-15 |
1980-05-30 |
Bonney, Kenneth Victor |
1920-05 |
Bossman, Frank |
1920-05 |
Botham, Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Bousfield, Clifford Stanley |
1920-05 |
Bowen, Pauline Mary |
1920-05 |
Bowkunowicz, Michael |
1920-05 |
Boyle, Thelma Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Bradford, Stanley John |
1920-05 |
Bradshaw, John Raymond |
1920-05 |
Brady, Francis Thomas |
1920-05 |
Brady, William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Brazier, Derrick John |
1920-05 |
Bridle, Denis Reginald |
1920-05 |
Briggs, Bill David Francis |
1920-05 |
Britland, William Stanley |
1920-05 |
Broadbent, Joan Marie |
1920-05 |
Broadhead Williams, Helen |
1920-05 |
Bromfield, Philip Alaster |
1920-05 |
Brook, Yolande |
1920-05 |
Brookes, Joseph Leonard |
1920-05 |
Brooks, Ronald Major |
1920-05 |
Broughton, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Broughton, Joyce Diana |
1920-05 |
Browell, Rita Joan |
1920-05 |
Brown, Clement Mccune |
1920-05 |
Brown, Ernest (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Brown, Isabel Kerr |
1920-05 |
Brown, Percy Alan Christopher |
1920-05 |
Brown, Robert James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Brownbill, Muriel May |
1920-05 |
Bruce, William Whitecross |
1920-05 |
Bruce Jones, Thomas Dunlop |
1920-05 |
Buckley, Ailsa Mary Olive |
1920-05 |
Bull, Betty |
1920-05 |
Bunce, Barbara |
1920-05 |
Burbage, Harry Fry |
1920-05 |
Burch, Aubrey Charles |
1920-05 |
Burgess, John James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Burnett, John Stanley |
1920-05 |
Burrows, Harold Reginald |
1920-05 |
Burrows, Lilian May (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Burrows, William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Burton, Alice |
1920-05 |
Burton, Edward (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Bushell, Joan Florence |
1920-05 |
Bussey, Edna |
1920-05 |
Butland, Laurion Percival |
1920-05 |
Butler, Dennis Ormonde |
1920-05 |
Buttery, Edna |
1920-05 |
Bygrave, Gladys May |
1920-05 |
Byles, Gladys May |
1920-05 |
Caddick, Thomas (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Campbell, Ian Samuel |
1920-05 |
Carden, Margaret Rosemary |
1920-05 |
Carey, Ronald (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Carr, Douglas John |
1920-05 |
Carse, Ron |
1920-05 |
Carse, Susan |
1920-05 |
Carson, Violet Paulina Chadwick |
1920-05 |
Carter, Peggy May |
1920-05 |
Carter, Ronald James |
1920-05 |
Cassidy, Thomas Daniel |
1920-05 |
Cavin, William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Chadwick, Walter (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Chalke, Kathleen Doris |
1920-05 |
Chapman, Jean Rosaleen |
1920-05 |
Charman, Michael (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Chesterfield, Robert Raymond |
1920-05 |
Chidson, Donald Montagu Gerard |
1920-05 |
Chippindale, Barbara |
1920-05 |
Christie, Ellen Margaret |
1920-05 |
Clark, Christopher Herbert Farnden |
1920-05 |
Clark, Edward Harry Gilbert |
1920-05 |
Cleary, Joseph Eric |
1920-05 |
Cligman, Leon |
1920-05 |
Cline, Sydney |
1920-05 |
Clow, Ronald William |
1920-05 |
Cobbold, Albert Arthur |
1920-05 |
Cochrane, David George |
1920-05 |
Coghlan, Anne |
1920-05 |
Cohen, Harry Lazarus |
1920-05 |
Cohen, John Jacob |
1920-05 |
Cole, Arthur Grapes |
1920-05 |
Coleman, Kenneth Frederick |
1920-05 |
Coles, Ronald Stanley James |
1920-05 |
Collins, Frank William |
1920-05 |
Common, John Walford |
1920-05 |
Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Joan Margaret |
1920-05-02 |
1987 |
Cook, Mary Alison |
1920-05 |
Cooke, Irene Louise |
1920-05 |
Coombes, Beatrice Mary |
1920-05 |
Coombes, Susanne Ida Elise Elfriede |
1920-05 |
Cooper, Eric William |
1920-05 |
Cooper, Frederick Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Cooper, Ralph Edward |
1920-05 |
Cooper, Raymund Michael |
1920-05 |
Coppendale, Jack Allen |
1920-05 |
Coray, Joan Mary |
1920-05 |
Corbett, Hugh C |
1920-05 |
Corbett, Moira Estelle |
1920-05 |
Cornock, Archibald Rae |
1920-05 |
Corrgan, Mary Margaret |
1920-05 |
Corrigan, William Louis |
1920-05 |
Corti, Giovanni |
1920-05 |
Cottom, John |
1920-05 |
Cottrell, Iolanda Maria Roma |
1920-05 |
Courtnee, Zena |
1920-05 |
Cousins, Margaret (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Couzens, John Edwin |
1920-05 |
Cowles, Kenneth Rupert |
1920-05 |
Cox, Desmond Arthur |
1920-05 |
Cox, Ronald Arthur |
1920-05 |
Cozens, Marion |
1920-05 |
Craig, David (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Craig, James Thomson (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Crawforth, Betty Winifred |
1920-05 |
Crawshay, William Robert |
1920-05 |
Crick, Lois Olwen |
1920-05 |
Cridlan, Patricia Alice Helene |
1920-05 |
Cridland, Ronald |
1920-05 |
Cronin, Ronald John |
1920-05 |
Cross, Bernard George |
1920-05 |
Cross, Ivy Doreen |
1920-05 |
Crouch, Doreen Manala |
1920-05 |
Crowther, Kenneth William |
1920-05 |
Croyle, Constance Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Cullen, Norman James |
1920-05 |
Cundall, Hugh Bond |
1920-05 |
Cundall, Rosemary Wakefield |
1920-05 |
Cunningham, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Dale, Rita May |
1920-05 |
Dance, William John |
1920-05 |
Daniels, Robert James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Darley, George Henry |
1920-05 |
Darley, Kenneth Arthur |
1920-05 |
Dash, William Norman |
1920-05 |
Davidson, Robet Lomas |
1920-05 |
Davies, Eric Lewis |
1920-05 |
Davies, Evan Llewellyn |
1920-05 |
Davies, Margareta |
1920-05 |
Davies, Marjory Alice |
1920-05 |
Davies, May Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Davis, Geoffrey David |
1920-05 |
Davis, George Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Davis, Gerald (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Davis, Pearl Mary |
1920-05 |
Davis, Thomas Bevan |
1920-05 |
Davison, Roger William |
1920-05 |
Dawes, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Dawson, Evelyn Maud |
1920-05 |
Dawson, Philip (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Day, Alfred Edward Alan |
1920-05 |
Day, James Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Dean, Frank (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Deller, Douglas |
1920-05 |
Dennison, Arthur Mitchenson |
1920-05 |
Dews, Henry |
1920-05 |
Diakaris, Dimitri |
1920-05 |
Dickson, James Robertson |
1920-05 |
Dillon, Eileen Amy |
1920-05 |
Docherty, Doreen Pattie |
1920-05 |
Dodge, Arnold Johnson |
1920-05 |
Doltis, Israel |
1920-05 |
Donald, Matthew (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Douglass, William Lingwood |
1920-05 |
Downey, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Doyle, Leslie |
1920-05 |
Draper, Beryl |
1920-05 |
Drew, Alex (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Duckworth, Frank |
1920-05 |
Duffy, Rosa Burton |
1920-05 |
Duggan, Antony Joseph |
1920-05 |
Dunham, Charles Gerald Hubert Field |
1920-05 |
Duxfield, Rachel |
1920-05 |
Dymock, Irene |
1920-05 |
Eastoe, Alexander William |
1920-05 |
Eccles, Norman |
1920-05 |
Edwards, Margaret Bird |
1920-05 |
Eggelton, Tom |
1920-05 |
Eldred, Marjorye Doreen |
1920-05 |
Emery, Ralph (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Evenden, Alfred Albert |
1920-05 |
Fairman, John Robert (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Featherstone, Geoffrey Herbert |
1920-05 |
Felgate, Barbara |
1920-05 |
Fell, Philip Charles |
1920-05 |
Fey, Barry |
1920-05 |
Finlay, Catherine (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Finn, Joan Mary |
1920-05 |
Finnimore, Norman Alan |
1920-05 |
FitzSimmons, Frederick |
1920-05 |
Fletcher, Richard (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Flindall, Douglas Gordon |
1920-05 |
Foden, Sylvia |
1920-05 |
Ford, Zara |
1920-05 |
Fordham, Jack Colin |
1920-05 |
Forth, Janet |
1920-05 |
Foskett, Eric William |
1920-05 |
Foster, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Foster, Kenneth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Fox, Mary Philothea |
1920-05 |
Franklin, Donald (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Franklin, Elsie Joan |
1920-05 |
Freeman, Elsie May |
1920-05 |
French, Ivy Doreen |
1920-05 |
Fryer, Arthur (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Furness, Margaret |
1920-05 |
Gardner, Marjorie Eileen |
1920-05 |
Garton, Sheila Winifred |
1920-05 |
Gascoigne, Bruce |
1920-05 |
Gibbins, Charles Ernest |
1920-05 |
Gifford, David Neef |
1920-05 |
Gillard, Albert William |
1920-05 |
Gilman, Ellen |
1920-05 |
Glidden, Joan |
1920-05 |
Glover, James Alan |
1920-05 |
Goddard, Lewis Benjamin |
1920-05 |
Godfrey, Mona |
1920-05 |
Goldblum, Myer Isaac |
1920-05 |
Goodman, Carol |
1920-05 |
Goodman, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Goodrum, Mary |
1920-05 |
Gorman, Mary (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Gorrie, Marshall |
1920-05 |
Gosley, Derrick Wilfred |
1920-05 |
Gow, Stewart Alexander |
1920-05 |
Grafham, Stanley Joseph |
1920-05 |
Graham, Joan Elizaebth |
1920-05 |
Graham, John Ian |
1920-05 |
Grant, James Herbert |
1920-05 |
Graves, Florrie |
1920-05 |
Gray, Elsie Minnie |
1920-05 |
Gray, James Melville Arthur |
1920-05 |
Gray, Leonard George |
1920-05 |
Gray, Margaret (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Gray, Myra |
1920-05 |
Green, Gabriele Ida Elisabeth |
1920-05 |
Green, Raymond Frances Coote |
1920-05 |
Greensmith, Joan Matilda |
1920-05 |
Greenwood, James Walter (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Griffiths, Phyllis Betty |
1920-05 |
Grimston, Herbert Eric Pilch |
1920-05 |
Grindrod, Mary |
1920-05 |
Hackett, Ethel Ruth |
1920-05 |
Hackwill, Harold Robert |
1920-05 |
Hadjipateras, Constantin John |
1920-05 |
Hadley, Felix |
1920-05 |
Haggett, William Stanley |
1920-05 |
Haines, Douglas George |
1920-05 |
Hale, Leslie Charles |
1920-05 |
Hale, Walter Douglas |
1920-05 |
Hales Hoy, Martha Kathleen Joan |
1920-05 |
Halifax, John Smith |
1920-05 |
Hall, Evelyn Betty |
1920-05 |
Hall, Irene Violet |
1920-05 |
Hall, Ronald Marshall |
1920-05 |
Hall, Sidney (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hamer, Harry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hames, Jack |
1920-05 |
Hamilton, Michael Thomas |
1920-05 |
Hammond, Frederick William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hammond, William Henry |
1920-05 |
Hancock, Violet May |
1920-05 |
Hankin, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hardcastle, Frederick |
1920-05 |
Harkett, Phyllis |
1920-05 |
Harland, Reginald Edward Wynyard |
1920-05 |
Harley, Eileen |
1920-05 |
Harman, Donald George |
1920-05 |
Harper, Alan (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harper, Joyce Millicent |
1920-05 |
Harris, Angus Seward |
1920-05 |
Harris, Daphne |
1920-05 |
Harris, Harry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harris, Pamela (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harris, Stephen Brian |
1920-05 |
Harrison, John Alexander (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harrod, Dorothy Beatrice |
1920-05 |
Hart, Kenneth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harvey, Charles Harry |
1920-05 |
Harvey, Doris Eileen |
1920-05 |
Harvey, Freda Mary |
1920-05 |
Harvey, Jacqueline Anne (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Harvey, Queenie |
1920-05 |
Haselgrove, Basil Garth |
1920-05 |
Haslam, Dorothy Mary |
1920-05 |
Hassall, Henry |
1920-05 |
Hawkins, John William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hawley, Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Haydock, John |
1920-05 |
Haynes, Reginald Frank |
1920-05 |
Hearne, Yvonne Christine Monica |
1920-05 |
Hedley, Douglas Charlton |
1920-05 |
Henderson, Diana Kaloma |
1920-05 |
Henderson, John Ronald |
1920-05 |
Henderson, William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hennessy, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Henrotte, George Arthur |
1920-05 |
Henscoe, Leslie Walter |
1920-05 |
Herbstien, Maurice Cyril |
1920-05 |
Heycock, Bill |
1920-05 |
Hibberd, Daphne May |
1920-05 |
Hickinbotham, Catherine Rachel |
1920-05 |
Higgs, Christine Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Hill, Charles Ernest |
1920-05 |
Hill, Harold James |
1920-05 |
Hill, Millicent Florence |
1920-05 |
Hill, Peggy Doreen |
1920-05 |
Hill, Roland Helliott |
1920-05 |
Hill, William George (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hill, William Stanley Bramford |
1920-05 |
Hillier, Beryl Mary |
1920-05 |
Hillson, Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Hird, Henry Victor |
1920-05 |
Hirst, John Kenneth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hodges, Frank Alfred |
1920-05 |
Hodges, Patricia (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hodges, Tom Talmage |
1920-05 |
Hoffman, Walter |
1920-05 |
Hogbin, Gordon Neville |
1920-05 |
Hogg, Muriel |
1920-05 |
Holbrook, Doreen Mabel |
1920-05 |
Holden, Raymond (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Holder, Gladys Charlotte |
1920-05 |
Holland-Hibbert, Julian Thurstan |
1920-05-03 |
1986-03-07 |
Holloway, Francis Daisy |
1920-05 |
Holmes, Cynthia Faith |
1920-05 |
Holt, Derrick James |
1920-05 |
Holttum, Cyril Charles |
1920-05 |
Hopkins, Arthur Leonard |
1920-05 |
Horsley, Donald Vincent |
1920-05 |
Horvath, Daphne |
1920-05 |
Horwood, Pearl Sara |
1920-05 |
Houghton, Hilda Olive |
1920-05 |
Howard, Evelyn (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Howard, Henry William |
1920-05 |
Howard, Joan (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Howarth, Jeanne May |
1920-05 |
Howker, Ernest (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Huckle, George Sydney |
1920-05 |
Huggett, Vera Clarissa |
1920-05 |
Hughes, Elizabeth Mary (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hughes, Thomas (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hull, Robert (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Humm, Dennis Raymond |
1920-05 |
Humm, George James Samuel |
1920-05 |
Humphries, Ruby Joyce |
1920-05 |
Hunt, Margaret Mary |
1920-05 |
Hunt, Patrick (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Hunter, John Campbell |
1920-05 |
Hunter, Richard Glen |
1920-05 |
Huscrops, Reginald Joseph |
1920-05 |
Hutchinson, Annie May |
1920-05 |
Huxford, Ronald |
1920-05 |
Irvine, George Richardson |
1920-05 |
Irwin, Florence Eleanor Doreen |
1920-05 |
Jackson, Dinah |
1920-05 |
Jackson, Kenneth George (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
James, Dorothy |
1920-05 |
James, Dorothy Violet |
1920-05 |
Jancar, Jose |
1920-05 |
Javed, Arslan (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jaye, Edna Jean |
1920-05 |
Jeanes, Metford Arthur |
1920-05 |
Jennings, Joan |
1920-05 |
Jennings, Ursula Mary |
1920-05 |
John, Christine Dorothy |
1920-05 |
John, Rose Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Johnson, Agnes Calder |
1920-05 |
Johnson, Dorothy (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Johnson, Irene (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Johnson, Peter Waddington |
1920-05 |
Johnston, Robert William Roche |
1920-05 |
Jolley, Maria |
1920-05 |
Jonckheere, Aimable Robert |
1920-05 |
Jones, Dennis Harold (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Eleanor (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Florence May (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Jack (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Joan Beatrice |
1920-05 |
Jones, Joan Elizabeth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Margaret (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Raymond Wesley |
1920-05 |
Jones, Sidney (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Jones, Sydney (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Judd, George Henry |
1920-05 |
Jukes, Dorothy Evelyn |
1920-05 |
Keay, Ronald William John |
1920-05 |
Keller, Joyce Bratby |
1920-05 |
Kelly, Joan Doreen |
1920-05 |
Kelly, Rosaleen |
1920-05 |
Kelsey, Phyllis Margaret |
1920-05 |
Kemp, Joyce Theresa |
1920-05 |
Kent, Adrian Crispin |
1920-05 |
Kerr, Joshua (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Kerr, Majorie Violet |
1920-05 |
Kerr, Mary (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Kiln, Robert John |
1920-05 |
Kincaid, Ivy |
1920-05 |
Kindon, William Alster |
1920-05 |
Knight, Ernest William |
1920-05 |
Knowles, William Henry |
1920-05 |
Knox, Angel Stuart |
1920-05 |
Koller, Pauline |
1920-05 |
Konstam, Sheila Thompson |
1920-05 |
Kratt, James Robertson |
1920-05 |
Kulp, Earnest Alfred |
1920-05 |
Kyte, Jack |
1920-05 |
Lambert, Dorothy Francis |
1920-05 |
Land, Gerald Kelly |
1920-05 |
Lankester, Elizabeth Janet Thornhill |
1920-05 |
Lansom, Violet Joyce |
1920-05 |
Lazenby, Kenneth Buckley Hamilton |
1920-05 |
Le Feuvre, Dorothy Eileen |
1920-05 |
Leach, Kenneth Gordon |
1920-05 |
Leavisley, Norman Edward |
1920-05 |
Lederman, Hans John |
1920-05 |
Leigh, Kenneth (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Leighton, Leslie Douglas |
1920-05 |
Lewin, Michael Guy Geneste |
1920-05 |
Lewington, Joan Edythe |
1920-05 |
Lewis, Alice Maud Mary |
1920-05 |
Lewis, Eric Arthur |
1920-05 |
Lewis, Winifred |
1920-05 |
Lewis-Jones, Peggy |
1920-05 |
Ling, Thomas Charles William |
1920-05 |
Linsell, Bessie Thomasine |
1920-05 |
Little, Joseph Gerard |
1920-05 |
Lloyd, Barry James |
1920-05 |
Lloyd, Eric (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Loan, Leonard |
1920-05 |
Lock, Graham (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Lomas, Cyril Owen |
1920-05 |
Lomax, Albert George |
1920-05 |
Longbotham, Patricia Marigold Scott |
1920-05 |
Longman, Norman George |
1920-05 |
Lott, Barbara |
1920-05 |
Lowe, Olive |
1920-05 |
Lowe, William Joseph |
1920-05 |
Ludlow, Thomas Edward |
1920-05 |
Lund, Patricia Mary |
1920-05 |
Lunn, Mary Ethel |
1920-05 |
Lyon, Grace (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
MacHent, Clifford |
1920-05 |
Mackay, Constance Maude |
1920-05 |
Mackay, Donald (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Maddock, Gwynne Evans |
1920-05 |
Malby, Ronald Charles |
1920-05 |
Manahan, William Augustine |
1920-05 |
Mant, John Charles Bingham |
1920-05 |
Mapp, Ronald Harold |
1920-05 |
Margolis, Cyril |
1920-05 |
Marland, Wilfred |
1920-05 |
Marriott, Mary Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Marsh, Paul S |
1920-05 |
Marshall, Annette Catherine |
1920-05 |
Martel, George Frederick |
1920-05 |
Martin, George Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Martin, Grace Edith |
1920-05 |
Martin, Margaret Wilson |
1920-05 |
Marx, Paul |
1920-05 |
Mascall, Edgar |
1920-05 |
Mather, Joan Marguerite |
1920-05 |
Matthews, Harold (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Mayell, Eric |
1920-05 |
Mayling, Bessie |
1920-05 |
McCafferty, Hugh (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
McCallum, Bruce Peter |
1920-05 |
McCarthy, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
McDermott, James Clancy |
1920-05 |
McDuff, Margaret |
1920-05 |
McKechnie, Gloria |
1920-05 |
McKinven, Robert Stark |
1920-05 |
McLaren, Kenneth Lang |
1920-05 |
McLeod, Ruth Scott |
1920-05 |
McMurray, Nancy Joan |
1920-05 |
McMurray Decd, Sheelah Kathleen Joan |
1920-05 |
McParland, Joseph Vincent |
1920-05 |
Meatyard, Ronald |
1920-05 |
Meister, Doris Evelyn Joyce |
1920-05 |
Melville, Jessie Ramsay |
1920-05 |
Mercer, Samuel D |
1920-05 |
Merlin, John |
1920-05 |
Methley, Maisie |
1920-05 |
Miller, Florence |
1920-05 |
Miller, Freda May |
1920-05 |
Miller, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Minnitt, Arthur |
1920-05 |
Mitchell, Christine (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Moffatt, Phyllis Eileen |
1920-05 |
Montag, Robert |
1920-05 |
Montefiore, Hugh |
1920-05 |
Moon, Donald Bradley |
1920-05 |
Moore, Geoffrey Alexander |
1920-05 |
Moore, Harold Arthur |
1920-05 |
Moore, Margaret Hunter |
1920-05 |
Morgan, Evelyn Patricia Luis |
1920-05 |
Morison, Alexander Gordon |
1920-05 |
Morrall, Leonard |
1920-05 |
Morris, Emily Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Morris, Joan Marcella |
1920-05 |
Morton, Robert Irvoin |
1920-05 |
Mounsey, Ivy Joan |
1920-05 |
Muir, May |
1920-05 |
Muir, William Affleck |
1920-05 |
Mulcahy Morgan, Honor Patricia |
1920-05 |
Munby, Richard Kenneth |
1920-05 |
Munns, Irene |
1920-05 |
Murray, Norman Leslie |
1920-05 |
Murrell, Joyce Mary |
1920-05 |
Myatt, Frank Gerrard |
1920-05 |
Myers, Margaret Irene |
1920-05 |
Naimer, Gerda |
1920-05 |
Naylor, Joan May |
1920-05 |
Naylor, Lawrence (Lawrie) |
1920-05 |
Neal, Winifred May |
1920-05 |
Neervoort-Moore, Mary Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Newcombe, Eileen May |
1920-05 |
Newman, Joan Lilian Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Newton, Alfred Charles |
1920-05 |
Newton, Anne Sybil |
1920-05 |
Nivern, Nathaniel |
1920-05 |
Noble, Hilda Anne |
1920-05 |
Norfolk, Norman Clifford |
1920-05 |
Norman, Kenneth William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Nottall, John Windle |
1920-05 |
O'Hare, James Dominic |
1920-05 |
O'Sullivan, Jeremiah John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Oconnell, William Oliver |
1920-05 |
Olaleye, Abigail Olabisi |
1920-05 |
Olney, Marie |
1920-05 |
Oneil, Winifred Barbara |
1920-05 |
Ortori, Bernard |
1920-05 |
Osband, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Owen, Neville Dicran Nevshehir |
1920-05 |
Paganuzzi, Irma |
1920-05 |
Palmer, Joyce Winifred |
1920-05 |
Palmer, Michael Harold |
1920-05 |
Parish, Betty |
1920-05 |
Park, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Parker, Albert Charles |
1920-05 |
Parker, Christopher William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Parker, Ilona |
1920-05 |
Parkin, Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Pattenden, Peggy Bettina |
1920-05 |
Paxton, George Henry |
1920-05 |
Payne, Edward Charles (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Payne, Mabel |
1920-05 |
Payton, Edith Ellen |
1920-05 |
Peacock, Mary (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Peacock, Robert Christopher |
1920-05 |
Pead, Sidney Maurice |
1920-05 |
Pearce, Harry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Pease, Cyril |
1920-05 |
Peet, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Pepper, Albert Leonard |
1920-05 |
Perring, Cicely Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Petre, Olive |
1920-05 |
Phillips, Lena Cosantene |
1920-05 |
Philpott, Ronald Arthur |
1920-05 |
Pinder, Margaret Lilian |
1920-05 |
Pinkney, Harry |
1920-05 |
Pleydell, Shirley Rowena |
1920-05 |
Plumpton, Frederick John |
1920-05 |
Poore, Arthur Frank |
1920-05 |
Porter, Alexander Milner |
1920-05 |
Posner, Isidore |
1920-05 |
Post, Jack Alfred Norman |
1920-05 |
Powell, Neil Anthony (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Pratten, Eric Stratton Henry |
1920-05 |
Prescott, Catherine |
1920-05 |
Preston, Walter Nevill |
1920-05 |
Prew-Smith, Joyce May |
1920-05 |
Prince, James Lionel |
1920-05 |
Pruggmayer, Robert Marcus |
1920-05 |
Pullen, Kathleen Marguerite |
1920-05 |
Radford, Renie |
1920-05 |
Raffles, Ralph Leslie Stamford |
1920-05 |
Raine, Joan Flora |
1920-05 |
Ramsey, Adrienne-Maria |
1920-05 |
Ramsey, Claude Dudly |
1920-05 |
Rawson, Anne Miriam |
1920-05 |
Rea, Veronica Jane |
1920-05 |
Read, Kenneth Howard Arthur |
1920-05 |
Reading, Nellie Rosa |
1920-05 |
Redstone, Thomas Henry |
1920-05 |
Rehman, Umer (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Reid, Tommy |
1920-05 |
Reynolds, Philip Alan |
1920-05 |
Rice, Franklin Arthur |
1920-05 |
Rice, Leslie (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Richardson, George (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Richardson, Margaret (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Ripley, Henry John |
1920-05 |
Roach, Doreen Audrey |
1920-05 |
Roberts, Glyndwr Morgan |
1920-05 |
Roberts, Lilias Eileen |
1920-05 |
Roberts, Marion (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Robertson, George (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Robertson, Sylvia Mary Abernethy |
1920-05 |
Robinson, Nena Mary |
1920-05 |
Roe, Joyce Beatrice |
1920-05 |
Rogers, Norman John |
1920-05 |
Rollinson, William Albert |
1920-05 |
Romberg, Ilse Charlotte |
1920-05 |
Rose, Vera |
1920-05 |
Ross, James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Rudderham, John William |
1920-05 |
Rugg, John Herbert |
1920-05 |
Ruocco, Florence May |
1920-05 |
Russell, Charles Edgar |
1920-05 |
Russell, Dorothy Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Russell, Herbert James |
1920-05 |
Ryan, Eileen Mary |
1920-05 |
Sakuyama, Keisuke |
1920-05 |
Salmon, Eugene Augustus |
1920-05 |
Salmon, George Henry |
1920-05 |
Salter, Bernard James |
1920-05 |
Sanders, Margaret Winifred |
1920-05 |
Sanderson, Robert (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Sandys, Myra May |
1920-05 |
Sank, Samuel |
1920-05 |
Sansom, Joan |
1920-05 |
Sargent, Nelle |
1920-05 |
Saunders, Dorothy |
1920-05 |
Saunt, Thomas |
1920-05 |
Schilsky, Victorine Anne |
1920-05 |
Schofield, Thomas Percy |
1920-05 |
Scholes, Arnold |
1920-05 |
Schparr, Chaim |
1920-05 |
Scott, Albert Christopher |
1920-05 |
Scott, Rosa Maria |
1920-05 |
Scruton, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Seagroatt, Edgar Howard |
1920-05 |
Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh William |
1920-05-12 |
2005-05-13 |
Sedgwick, John Herbert |
1920-05 |
Selby, John Ernest (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Selley, Margaret |
1920-05 |
Senat, Sonia |
1920-05 |
Shaw, William Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Sheard, Iris Lilian |
1920-05 |
Sheffield, Ralph Gordon |
1920-05 |
Sheldrake, Daphnee May |
1920-05 |
Sheppard, Leslie Edward Joseph |
1920-05 |
Sheppard, Richard (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Sherrington, Frederick Arnold |
1920-05 |
Sherry, Cecil Douglas |
1920-05 |
Sherwood, Muriel Joan |
1920-05 |
Shirley, Dorothy Mabel |
1920-05 |
Shoresman, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Siegler, Betty Joan |
1920-05 |
Sillars, Patricia Dora |
1920-05 |
Simmons, Fred |
1920-05 |
Simons, Ellen Mary |
1920-05 |
Simpson, Dorothy Hurle |
1920-05 |
Simpson, William James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Skinner, Clarence William Albert |
1920-05 |
Slater, Audrey Joyce |
1920-05 |
Slater, Daisy Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Sleightholme, John Vincent |
1920-05 |
Sluys, Ronald |
1920-05 |
Small, Barbara Joan Maude |
1920-05 |
Smallcombe, Jack |
1920-05 |
Smart, Elaine Ethel |
1920-05 |
Smith, Alan Percy |
1920-05 |
Smith, Charles Alan (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Smith, Frank Douglas (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Smith, Kenneth Bertram |
1920-05 |
Smith, Maisie Rosina |
1920-05 |
Snow, Patricia |
1920-05 |
Solomon, Harris (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Somner, Kenneth Leslie |
1920-05 |
Southern, Douglas Alexander |
1920-05 |
Southworth, Mary |
1920-05 |
Sowden, Barbara |
1920-05 |
Spary, Mary Rhoda |
1920-05 |
Speirs, Gwendoline Alice |
1920-05 |
Spencer, Seymour Jamie Gerald |
1920-05 |
Spensley, Philip Calvert |
1920-05 |
Spicer, Thomas Douglas |
1920-05 |
Spierenburg, Splinter Adolphe |
1920-05 |
Spiers, Annelise |
1920-05 |
Spiers, James Ronald |
1920-05 |
Spong, Sidney Ernest Alan |
1920-05 |
Springer, Samuel |
1920-05 |
Stanbridge, Leslie Cyril |
1920-05 |
Stanley, Peter Terence Vizor |
1920-05 |
Steele, Barbara (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Steele, Mary (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Stein, Jack (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Stephens, Marjorie |
1920-05 |
Stephenson, Richard (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Stewart, Donald Tyrell |
1920-05 |
Stewart, William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Stickland, John Charles |
1920-05 |
Stone, Allen William |
1920-05 |
Stone, Elsie |
1920-05 |
Storar, Leonore |
1920-05 |
Storr, Anthony (1920-05) |
1920-05-18 |
2001-03-17 |
Stott, Harry Ralston |
1920-05 |
Strange, Barbara Comben |
1920-05 |
Strathearn, William McCallum |
1920-05 |
Stretton, Florence Joan |
1920-05 |
Summerfield, Robert Edward |
1920-05 |
Sutherland, Jane Mackenzie |
1920-05 |
Sutherland, Margaret Brownlie |
1920-05 |
Sutton, Stacey Alan |
1920-05 |
Swallow, Joan Edith Emily |
1920-05 |
Swarbrick, William |
1920-05 |
Swinbank, Doris Margaret Gwendolene |
1920-05 |
Sykes, Geoffrey England |
1920-05 |
Symes, Collin |
1920-05 |
Tanner, John Barton |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Allan Vivian |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Allen (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Joan Margretta |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Margery Helen |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Mollie Hilda |
1920-05 |
Taylor, Samuel Ernest |
1920-05 |
Taylor, William James (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Tebbit, Donald Claude |
1920-05 |
Tedds, Lily |
1920-05 |
Terry, Frederick John |
1920-05 |
Thom, Mary Florence Cynthia |
1920-05 |
Thomas, Iorwerth |
1920-05 |
Thomas, Robert Edgar |
1920-05 |
Thomas, Robert Hopkinson |
1920-05 |
Thomas Ferand, Sylvia Alston |
1920-05 |
Thorn, Zena |
1920-05 |
Thornton, David William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Thresher, Ronald Norman |
1920-05 |
Tier, Joan Sylvia |
1920-05 |
Tingle, Peter (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Todd, Christina Audrey Jane |
1920-05 |
Tonge, Leonard Harry |
1920-05 |
Tonks, William Frank |
1920-05 |
Toplis, Francis George |
1920-05 |
Tower, Julian Edmund Christopher |
1920-05 |
Town, Leslie Arthur |
1920-05 |
Townsend, Margaret May |
1920-05 |
Tregunno, Joan Adelaide |
1920-05 |
Tsangarides, Christos Nearchou |
1920-05 |
Tsapralis, Constantine |
1920-05 |
Tunstall, Lilian Elizabeth |
1920-05 |
Turkie, Marcel |
1920-05 |
Turkington, Sara |
1920-05 |
Turley, Joseph Geoffrey |
1920-05 |
Turnbull, Cyrel Maurice |
1920-05 |
Tweedie, May (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Tweedy, Philip (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Usher, Evelyn Mary |
1920-05 |
Van Rosmalen, Jan Willem Gerrit |
1920-05 |
Veale, Dennis Harold |
1920-05 |
Venn, Iris |
1920-05 |
Vere, Vincent |
1920-05 |
Vilarem, Francois |
1920-05 |
Viney, Arthur Oliver |
1920-05 |
Vlasak, Vitezslav Karel |
1920-05 |
Vose, Helen (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wake-Walker, Christopher Baldwin Hughes |
1920-05-16 |
1998-04-05 |
Wall, Lee (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wallbank, Mavis Noreen |
1920-05 |
Waller, Edwin Raymond |
1920-05 |
Wallis, Doris Lilian |
1920-05 |
Walters, Frederick James |
1920-05 |
Walters, George Harold |
1920-05 |
Walters, Margaret (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Ward, Clifford (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Ward, Frederick Harold |
1920-05 |
Ward, Joan (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Ward, William Ronald |
1920-05 |
Wardell, Hector Smith |
1920-05 |
Warner, Sydney Alfred |
1920-05 |
Washbrook, Noreen |
1920-05 |
Wassell, Jack (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Watkins, Gwendoline |
1920-05 |
Watson, Doris May |
1920-05 |
Watson, Jean Hamilton Brown |
1920-05 |
Watson, William Argyle |
1920-05 |
Watts, Frank Charles |
1920-05 |
Watts, Frank Edwin |
1920-05 |
Wayne, Peter Howard |
1920-05 |
Weatherby, Christopher Nicholas |
1920-05 |
Webber, Cyril (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Webster, John Aldred |
1920-05 |
Weedon, Bert |
1920-05 |
Weetman, William |
1920-05 |
Weir, Robert Wallace |
1920-05 |
Welbourn, Mary Louise |
1920-05 |
Wells, John Austin |
1920-05 |
Wenborn, Leslie Ronald |
1920-05 |
Werner, Herbert |
1920-05 |
Wesley Coe, Ernest James |
1920-05 |
West, Herbert George |
1920-05 |
West, John (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wetherilt, Freda Doris |
1920-05 |
Whall, Cyril Norman |
1920-05 |
Wheeler, Donald George Stuart |
1920-05 |
Wheelwright, George Arthur |
1920-05 |
White, Albert (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
White, Dennis William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
White, Kenneth Frank |
1920-05 |
Whitehouse, Douglas |
1920-05 |
Whyman, Eileen Cladys |
1920-05 |
Wickham, John Gordon |
1920-05 |
Widdowson, Joan |
1920-05 |
Widdup, Malcolm |
1920-05 |
Wilderspin, George Britten |
1920-05 |
Wilkins, Roy Frank |
1920-05 |
Wilkinson, Bessie R |
1920-05 |
Wilkinson, Harry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wilkinson, Lilian May |
1920-05 |
Wilkinson, Margaret Hilda |
1920-05 |
Willbourn, Anthony Horace |
1920-05 |
Williams, Betty (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Williams, Clifford Henry |
1920-05 |
Williams, Donald George |
1920-05 |
Williams, Franceline Maud |
1920-05 |
Williams, George (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Williams, Glanmor (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Williams, Harry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Williams, Helene Victoria |
1920-05 |
Williams, Hilda Betty |
1920-05 |
Williams, Thomas Robert |
1920-05 |
Williams, Walter (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wilson, Edith Elizabeth Mary |
1920-05 |
Wilson, Frederick Edgar |
1920-05 |
Wilson, James Henry (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wilson, Robert Clifford |
1920-05 |
Witt, Alfred George |
1920-05 |
Wojtyla, Karol Jozef |
1920-05-18 |
2005-04-02 |
Wolff, Albert Edward |
1920-05 |
Wolffe, Anthony Curtis |
1920-05 |
Wood, Beryl Eileen |
1920-05 |
Wood, Elsie Margaret |
1920-05 |
Wood, Francis Gordon |
1920-05 |
Wood, Kenneth William (1920-05) |
1920-05 |
Wood, Sidney |
1920-05 |
Woodall, Louise |
1920-05 |
Woodhams, Ernest Albert |
1920-05 |
Yates, George Hunt |
1920-05 |
Yeomans, Geoffrey Herbert |
1920-05 |
Yeramian, Hripsime |
1920-05 |
Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but
we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their