People born in  month

Age in 2024: 96

Name Date of birth Date of death
Aaronson, Leslie 1928-05
Abrams, Eric 1928-05
Ackroyd, Harold 1928-05
Adamson, Peter Greig 1928-05
Aghera, Hiren (1928-05) 1928-05
Aichert, Elisabeth 1928-05
Akers, John Malcolm 1928-05
Albuquerque, Manuel Araujo 1928-05
Allen, Keith (1928-05) 1928-05
Allen, Kenneth Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Allen, Patrick (1928-05) 1928-05
Allen, Robert William (1928-05) 1928-05
Alloway, Eileen Phyliss 1928-05
Allred, Brenda 1928-05
Almond, Mary Cynthia Florence 1928-05
Alsop, Derek Cecil 1928-05
Amey, Margaret Patricia 1928-05
Amor, Peter David Card 1928-05
Amos, Andrew (1928-05) 1928-05
Anaokar, Ramakant Shripad 1928-05
Anderson, Maria (1928-05) 1928-05
Anderson, Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Andipa, Maria Efthimia 1928-05
Andreae, Patricia Mary 1928-05
Andrews, Gordon Latham 1928-05
Anthony, Micheal Peter 1928-05
Anton, Ivor Cyril 1928-05
Anulopo, Oluwabamiyo 1928-05
Appleby, Eileen Patricia 1928-05
Arber, Rita 1928-05
Archard, John Francis 1928-05
Archer, Elizabeth Rosemary 1928-05
Archer, Timothy Henry 1928-05
Archibald, Liliana 1928-05
Armitage, Willie 1928-05
Armstrong, Edmund 1928-05
Armstrong, Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Armstrong, James Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Aschenagi, Annemarie 1928-05
Ashcroft, Stanley 1928-05
Ashdown, Victor William 1928-05
Ashmore, Constance Freda 1928-05
Ashworth, Joseph 1928-05
Ashworth, Robert Gordon 1928-05
Askew, Reginald James Albert 1928-05
Atkin, Arthur Cyril 1928-05
Atkinson, Betty Irene 1928-05
Atkinson, John Dominic 1928-05
Attwood, Maria Claudia 1928-05
Atwal, Mohan Singh 1928-05
Au, Bak Ling 區百齡 1928-05-13 2019-04-20
Ault, Anthony James 1928-05
Austin, Albert Henry 1928-05
Ayre, Jack (1928-05) 1928-05
Ayres, Peter Alexander 1928-05
Ayress, Dennis Gerald 1928-05
Baigel, Sydney 1928-05
Bailes, Irene 1928-05
Bailey, Annette Darke 1928-05
Bain, Donald Gilbert Jack 1928-05
Bain, Isobel May 1928-05
Baird, Eileen Mary 1928-05
Baitup, Frank 1928-05
Baker, Derek Ronald 1928-05
Baker, John Mckinnon 1928-05
Baker, Loraine Audrey 1928-05
Balbach, Gunter 1928-05
Baldwin, John Lewis Edwin 1928-05
Bale, Joyce Lilian 1928-05
Bales, Edward 1928-05
Balfour Lynn, Lionel Peter 1928-05
Balfre, Jean Audrey 1928-05
Ball, Ivan John 1928-05
Ball, Margaret Elizabeth 1928-05
Ballardie, James Quintin 1928-05
Bamford, Thomas Charles Eric 1928-05
Barber, Rex Tyson 1928-05
Barcelo, Gabriel 1928-05
Barclay, Elizabeth Mary 1928-05
Barden, Kenneth Frank 1928-05
Barker, Albert Dyson 1928-05
Barker, Jean Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Barker, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Barkwith, Jonathan 1928-05
Barnes, Derek Lewis 1928-05
Barnes, Eileen Dorothy Mary 1928-05
Barnett, John Richard (1928-05) 1928-05
Barnett, Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Baron, Margaret Ann 1928-05
Barr, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Barrett, Douglas Geoffrey 1928-05
Barrett, John Lesley 1928-05
Barrett, Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Barron, Eleanor 1928-05
Barthand, Douglas Louis 1928-05
Barton, Cecil John Andrew 1928-05
Barton, Paul (1928-05) 1928-05
Barton, Ruth Alice 1928-05
Bassett, Ellen Agnes 1928-05
Bate, John Bolton 1928-05
Bateman, Patricia Mary Mcfaul 1928-05
Bateson, Peter Ralph 1928-05
Baxendale, Eva 1928-05
Baxter, Gilbert Arthur 1928-05
Baxter, Percy 1928-05
Beard, Alan Howard Cousens 1928-05
Beard, Clifford Charles Kenneth 1928-05
Beattie, James Elliot 1928-05
Becker, Basil George Christie 1928-05
Beeley, Anthony Francis Mycroft 1928-05
Beers, V Gilbert 1928-05
Beese, Colin 1928-05
Beg, Mohammed Akram 1928-05
Belcher, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Bell, Joseph T 1928-05
Bennett, Derek Michael Randal 1928-05
Bennett, Norman Edward 1928-05
Bennett, Peggy Ena 1928-05
Bennett, Winifred Rosalind 1928-05
Benneworth, Douglas Thomas 1928-05
Benson, Roy Alwyn 1928-05
Bernard, Elmay Ettarose 1928-05
Berriman, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Betteridge, Harry 1928-05
Bevin, Patricia Mary 1928-05
Bickers, Arthur 1928-05
Bigge, Kenneth 1928-05
Biggs, Leonard Ralph 1928-05
Biggs, Mary May 1928-05
Binning, Balwant Singh 1928-05
Birch, Mary May 1928-05
Birch, Maurice (1928-05) 1928-05
Birch, Morris Askew 1928-05
Birchall, Barbara 1928-05
Bird, Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Birkett, Daphne Isabel Margaret 1928-05
Birley, James 1928-05
Birley, Julia 1928-05
Birse, John Frederick 1928-05
Bishop, Eric 1928-05
Bishop, Eva Mary 1928-05
Bishop, Molly 1928-05
Bissenden, Ernest Charles 1928-05
Blacklock, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Blackmore, William Raymond 1928-05
Blakeman, Henry 1928-05
Blakey, Jack (1928-05) 1928-05
Blazey, Montague Ian 1928-05
Bleasdale, John Kenneth Anthony 1928-05
Bloom, Ray 1928-05
Bloomfield, Eric John 1928-05
Blount, Ronald 1928-05
Blundell, Edward John 1928-05
Blunsum, Charles Michael 1928-05
Blythe, Sheila Haddow 1928-05
Bogdan, June Anita 1928-05
Boggi, Giovanni 1928-05
Boles, Beryl 1928-05
Bollen, Antony 1928-05
Bolter, John Reginald 1928-05
Bolton, Cyril 1928-05
Bolton, Michael Edgar 1928-05
Bond, Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Bond, Mary Genevieve 1928-05
Bonnell, Victoria Maud 1928-05
Bonner, Robert Anderson 1928-05
Boobyer, Cristine Myfanwy 1928-05
Borland, Andrew Stewart 1928-05
Borrer, John William 1928-05
Bos, Karel (1928-05) 1928-05
Bossey, Charles Arthur 1928-05
Bosworth, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Bosworth, Frederick Antony 1928-05
Botham, Terry Robert 1928-05
Bott, James Derek 1928-05
Boult, Anthony John 1928-05
Bovington, Pauline Ada 1928-05
Bowman, Malcolm James 1928-05
Bowman, William Brown 1928-05
Boyask, Ronald Jack 1928-05
Boyd, Duncan (1928-05) 1928-05
Boyle, Frank (1928-05) 1928-05
Bradsell, Peter 1928-05
Brafman, Harold Harry 1928-05
Brakefield, Alan Victor 1928-05
Brand, Eric 1928-05
Brandenburger, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Brennan, Francis Gerard 布仁立 1928-05-22 2022-06-01
Brett, Margery Ellen 1928-05
Brewer, Michael Douglas 1928-05
Brewis, Oswald 1928-05
Brice, Robert Arthur 1928-05
Bridges, Kenneth George 1928-05
Brillanti, Roberto Carlos 1928-05
Britton, Robert Sharpley 1928-05
Broadbridge, Philip Frank 1928-05
Broadhead, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Broadhurst, Doris Alicia 1928-05
Bromley-Challenor, David Derek 1928-05
Brooke Smith, Fred 1928-05
Brookes, Ella 1928-05
Brooks, Clive (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, Alec Charles (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, Douglas (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, Francis Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, Gwendoline Temar 1928-05
Brown, Helena Christine 1928-05
Brown, Jean Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, John Alexander (1928-05) 1928-05
Brown, Kenneth Ernest 1928-05
Brown, Muriel Violet Alice 1928-05
Brown, Noreen Mary 1928-05
Brunning, Christopher 1928-05
Brunstrom, Sheila Fern 1928-05
Brunton, John Randall 1928-05
Bryan, Michael Mead 1928-05
Bryant, Mavis Irene 1928-05
Buck, Gordon William 1928-05
Buckland, Peter Arthur 1928-05
Buckler, John Redvers 1928-05
Buckley, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Buckner, Ronald Richard 1928-05
Burbidge, Charles Frederick 1928-05
Burke, Peter Clifford Arthur 1928-05
Burkey, Kenneth Thomas 1928-05
Burrell, Denis Edward 1928-05
Bursill, Arnold Everard 1928-05
Burtoft, Johnny 1928-05
Burton, Betty (1928-05) 1928-05
Bushell, Vincent 1928-05
Butcher, John Peter 1928-05
Butler, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Butt, Walter Raph 1928-05
Butterworth, Doris Crawford (1928-05) 1928-05
Buyers, Mary Fleming 1928-05
Cabbanes, Cynthia Jean 1928-05
Cadman, Margaret Mcfarlane 1928-05
Cadogan, Mary Rose 1928-05
Cain, Peggy Patricia 1928-05
Caley, Ernest 1928-05
Callow, Peggy 1928-05
Calvert, Gerard 1928-05
Campbell, Ian Foster 1928-05
Campbell, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Candlin, David John 1928-05
Capell, Edward Cecil 1928-05
Capes, Terrence 1928-05
Carder, Jack 1928-05
Carey, John Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Carr, Peter Michael (1928-05) 1928-05
Carr, Roy John 1928-05
Carr, Vera Grace 1928-05
Carr, William Stewart Mccaffrey 1928-05
Carter, Cynthia Maud 1928-05
Carvill, Charles Joseph 1928-05
Caslake, Josephine May 1928-05
Casswell, John Grant 1928-05
Castles, David George 1928-05
Catchpole, Doreen Margaret 1928-05
Cathro, Elizabeth Naomi 1928-05
Catterall, John Ashley 1928-05
Cawsey, Emma 1928-05
Chadwick, Barry (1928-05) 1928-05
Chaiban, Boutros Khalil 1928-05
Chamberlain, Alison Maud 1928-05
Chamberlain, Robert Edwin 1928-05
Chammas, Frederico 1928-05
Chandler, Thomas Francis Albert 1928-05
Chaney, Edith May 1928-05
Channing, Jack 1928-05
Chapman, Allan Claude 1928-05
Chapman, Peter Herbert George 1928-05
Chapman, Roger Stanley 1928-05
Chapman, Roy (1928-05) 1928-05
Chappell, Muriel (1928-05) 1928-05
Charlesworth, Joyce Evelyn 1928-05
Charman, James Gad 1928-05
Charman, Kenneth William 1928-05
Cherns, Cecil Vivian 1928-05
Chin, Harold 1928-05
Chittock, John Dudley 1928-05
Chiu, Hin Kwong 招顯洸 1928-05-23
Chivers, Jeanne Betty 1928-05
Christensen, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Christian, Andrea (1928-05) 1928-05
Christopher, George Sidney 1928-05
Citrine, George 1928-05
Clack, Sydney Alan 1928-05
Claisse, Victor 1928-05
Clark, Alexander Edward 1928-05
Clark, Colin Clifford 1928-05
Clark, Cyril (1928-05) 1928-05
Clarke, Alexander (1928-05) 1928-05
Clarke, Harriet Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Clarke, Howard (1928-05) 1928-05
Clarke, Janet Bearpark 1928-05
Clay, Ernest 1928-05
Cleevely, John Edward 1928-05
Clinton, Philip Keith Selman 1928-05
Clissold, Kenneth Frank 1928-05
Cloet, Audrey Margaret 1928-05
Clothier, Douglas Norman 1928-05
Clutterbuck, Sheila Mary 1928-05
Cockayne, Gerald Richard 1928-05
Coghlan, John Frederick 1928-05
Cohen, Michael Stanley 1928-05
Colburn, Helen Joan 1928-05
Coldicott, Henry Cotterill 1928-05
Coldrey, Christopher Arthur 1928-05
Coleman, Charles John Darent Blake 1928-05
Coleman, Leslie Henry 1928-05
Colin, Francis 1928-05
Collins, David John (1928-05) 1928-05
Collins, Ronald Grant 1928-05
Collis, Joan Mary 1928-05
Colwell, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Colwell, Percy Charles 1928-05
Combes, Barbara Elliott 1928-05
Comer, Michael Edward Cowpland 1928-05
Comfort, Margaret Mary 1928-05
Commins, Ray 1928-05
Cond, Leslie Yates 1928-05
Connery, Thomas 1928-05
Conway, Frederick John 1928-05
Conway, Vernon Henry 1928-05
Cook, Angela Frances 1928-05
Cook, Geoffrey Allan (1928-05) 1928-05
Cook, John Robert 1928-05
Coombs, Dennis Henry (1928-05) 1928-05
Coope, Jean Katharine Mary 1928-05
Cooper, Barbara (1928-05) 1928-05
Cooper, Colin Bay Liss 1928-05
Cooper, Jean (1928-05) 1928-05
Cooper, John Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Cooper, Lona Myfanwy 1928-05
Cooper, Michael Brian 1928-05
Cooper-Bentley, John Edwin 1928-05
Corbett, Trevor Foley 1928-05
Cordell, Muriel 1928-05
Cornes, Irene Ellen Doris 1928-05
Corob, Sidney (1928-05) 1928-05
Cotton, Jill 1928-05
Coumboulis, Antonios Fotis 1928-05
Courtier, Peter Kenwood 1928-05
Cousins, Arthur 1928-05
Cousins, Henrietta Marylynne 1928-05
Coward, Maurice Cyril 1928-05
Cowie, Beatrice 1928-05
Cowing, Jean 1928-05
Cowling, Walter Frederick 1928-05
Cox, Fredric Donald 1928-05
Cox, Grace Vera 1928-05
Cox, Victoria Helen Maud 1928-05
Crabtree, Kenneth 1928-05
Craig, Gordon Fair 1928-05
Crarer, John 1928-05
Crawford, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Crawford, Henry Georg Walker 1928-05
Crawford, Henry George Walker 1928-05
Creed, George Arthur 1928-05
Creek, Roy John 1928-05
Crocker, Charles Gordon 1928-05
Cromptom, William Arthur 1928-05
Crooks, John Leslie 1928-05
Crouch, Albert Charles 1928-05
Crowe, Ronald Mervyn Geoffrey 1928-05
Cryer, Theresa Valerie 1928-05
Cull, Brian Victor 1928-05
Cusack, Constance 1928-05
Cussons, Peter 1928-05
Cuthbertson, Elizabeth (1928-05) 1928-05
Cutler, Harry William 1928-05
Cutts, Trudy 1928-05
D'antin Y Villalba, Eric 1928-05
Dadds, Hazel Jean 1928-05
Dainton, David Albert 1928-05
Dale, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Dalziel, June Patricia 1928-05
Darlington, Michael Goodman 1928-05
Davenport, Ian Keith 1928-05
Davenport, Nigel (1928-05) 1928-05
Davidson, John Stavers 1928-05
Davidson, Kenneth Guy 1928-05
Davidson, Peter Maurice 1928-05
Davies, Audrey Corell 1928-05
Davies, David Anthony (1928-05) 1928-05
Davies, Henry George 1928-05
Davies, Joanna Elizabeth Clement 1928-05
Davies, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Davies, Richard Roland 1928-05
Davies, Roy (1928-05) 1928-05
Davies, William Raymond (1928-05) 1928-05
Davis, Allan 1928-05
Davis, James Herbert 1928-05
Davis-Greenwood, Eileen 1928-05
Davy, Gudrun 1928-05
Daw, Leslie William 1928-05
Dawkins, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Dawson, Anthony (1928-05) 1928-05
Dawson, Geoffrey (1928-05) 1928-05
Dawson, George Edwin 1928-05
Dawson, Trevor (1928-05) 1928-05
Day, Bernard Maurice 1928-05
Day, Sheila Mary 1928-05
Deacon, Anthony John 1928-05
Deakin, Dorothy Margaret 1928-05
Deal, Eric Lewis 1928-05
Deere, Jean Georgina Cynthia 1928-05
Defty, Eric 1928-05
Denbury, Edgar Francis 1928-05
Dence, David John 1928-05
Deol, Malkiat Singh 1928-05
Deptford, Margaret Patricia 1928-05
Di Ciacca, Elvira Maria 1928-05
Diaper, Anthony Frederick 1928-05
Dickens, Ruth Mary 1928-05
Diggle, Joan 1928-05
Dillingham, Geoffrey William 1928-05
Dittrich, Jan (1928-05) 1928-05
Dixon, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Dobbie, George Mclay 1928-05
Dodd, James Stanislavs 1928-05
Doherty, Edna 1928-05
Donnelly, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Doore, Rosemary 1928-05
Dorrance, Frank 1928-05
Dorrington, Mary 1928-05
Dorward, William Fyffe Morrison 1928-05
Dougal, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Douglas, Ian Coulson 1928-05
Downey, Vincent (1928-05) 1928-05
Downie, Harold Leslie 1928-05
Doyle, John Cattermole Kerry 1928-05
Drake, Boyce Oswald Alfonso 1928-05
Drake, Lionel Francis Selem 1928-05
Draper, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Draper, Stanley Charles 1928-05
Duddy, Alan 1928-05
Dudley, Sheila Mary 1928-05
Dufour, Peter Alfred 1928-05
Dulake, Michael 1928-05
Dunn, Elizabeth Mildred 1928-05
Dunne, Michael William Langam 1928-05
Dunsby, Margery Eliza 1928-05
Eagleson, George Mckinney 1928-05
Earl, Roland John 1928-05
Eaton, Anthony Charles 1928-05
Ebery, Peter John 1928-05
Eddie, Barbara 1928-05
Edgar, Mary Elizabeth 1928-05
Edmead, Richard Mason 1928-05
Edmonds, Edna Winifred 1928-05
Edwards, Peter John (1928-05) 1928-05
Edwards, Philip John (1928-05) 1928-05
Ellement, Frank James 1928-05
Elliff, Barry 1928-05
Elliman, Sonia 1928-05
Elliott, Emrys George 1928-05
Ellison, Jack (1928-05) 1928-05
Elman, Charles 1928-05
Emery, Elizabeth Dorothy Beatrice 1928-05
Endacott, Marion Elizabeth 1928-05
Esposti, Ronald Nicholas 1928-05
Etchells, William Alan 1928-05
Evans, Constance Vivian 1928-05
Evans, Douglas (1928-05) 1928-05
Evans, Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Evans, Eric (1928-05) 1928-05
Evans, John Hatfield 1928-05
Evans, Margaret (1928-05) 1928-05
Evans, Roy James 1928-05
Everall, Kathleen Mary 1928-05
Everett, Iris 1928-05
Eves, Richard Jackson 1928-05
Eyre, Margaret 1928-05
Fairweather, Frank Arthur 1928-05
Falkner, Patricia 1928-05
Farmanfarmaian, Khodadad 1928-05
Farmer, John Dennis 1928-05
Farr, John Henry Templeman 1928-05
Farrow, Brian (1928-05) 1928-05
Farthing, Roy Clement 1928-05
Farwell, Maureen 1928-05
Fawcett, George 1928-05
Fawkner, Ian Wyness 1928-05
Fearn, Peter Geoffrey 1928-05
Feest, Frederick Cecil 1928-05
Feltham, Patricia Louise 1928-05
Ferguson, John Colin 1928-05
Ferlie, Thomas Darling 1928-05
Fernley, Renee Amy Margaret 1928-05
Fiagbe, Louise 1928-05
Field, Ann (1928-05) 1928-05
Field, Jeffrey Lionel 1928-05
Finch, Clifford Ralph 1928-05
Finding, Sidney Harold 1928-05
Finnamore, Hilda Mary 1928-05
Firth, Raymond (1928-05) 1928-05
Fisher, Annie May 1928-05
Fisher, Pam Wendy 1928-05
FitzGerald, Patrick Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Fitzpatrick, John Victor 1928-05
Flanagan, Gerard (1928-05) 1928-05
Fletcher, Gertrude May 1928-05
Fletcher Jones, Herbert 1928-05
Flory, Paul John 1928-05
Flower, Robert William 1928-05
Folkes, Alan 1928-05
Forbes, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Forbes, Wallace Federate 1928-05-16
Ford, Barry Peter 1928-05
Foreman, Jeffrey 1928-05
Foreman, Lilian 1928-05
Foreman, Pamela Moreen 1928-05
Foreman, Sybil Edna 1928-05
Forrester, Betty 1928-05
Foss, Nils 1928-05
Foster, Gladys May 1928-05
Foster, Kevin William 1928-05
Foster, William Bailey 1928-05
Fowler, Ursula Margaret 1928-05
Fox, Brian Roger 1928-05
Fox, Royston Edgar Dennis 1928-05
Frampton, Barbara (1928-05) 1928-05
France, Elisabeth 1928-05
Francis, Cecil John 1928-05
Francis, Clive (1928-05) 1928-05
Francis, Clive Patrick 1928-05
Francis, Henry Ronald Alfred 1928-05
Franks, Michael John Alan 1928-05
Fraser-Darling, Alasdair 1928-05
Freegard, Norman Paul Gordon 1928-05
Freeman, David Alexander 1928-05
Freer, William Richard 1928-05
Fretwell, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Friel, Wally 1928-05
Fulford, Ian Oliver 1928-05
Fullard, Geoffrey Howard 1928-05
Fuller, Gordon Hawkesford 1928-05
Fuller, Ronald Keith 1928-05
Fullerton, Bernard Victor Hilary 1928-05
Funke, Llinos Myra 1928-05
Funnell, Jesse Charles 1928-05
Furness, Doreen 1928-05
Gadsby, Margaret May 1928-05
Gardiner, Charles Alexander 1928-05
Gardiner, Grahame (1928-05) 1928-05
Gardiner, Joyce Doris 1928-05
Garnade, Louis Anthony 1928-05
Garnett, June Elizabeth Ann 1928-05
Garson, James Leslie 1928-05
Garson, John George 1928-05
Garton, Foster Henry 1928-05
Gartside, Alan Edwin 1928-05
Gaskell, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Gauntley, Eleanor Cleo 1928-05
Gay, Patricia Mary 1928-05
Geddes, Helen Trantor 1928-05
Geddes, Patrick Michael 1928-05
Gee, Michael Ivor 1928-05
Geenard, Paul Francois Mari 1928-05
Geller, John Stanley 1928-05
Getgood, Ronald Arthur Stanley 1928-05
Gibbons, Doreen Elizabeth 1928-05
Gibson, William Percy 1928-05
Gifford, Maurice John 1928-05
Gilespie, Alan 1928-05
Gill, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Gillespie, Jemima Simpson 1928-05
Gilmore, Alec 1928-05
Gilpin, Norman 1928-05
Giovanacci, Mario 1928-05
Gledhill, Brenda Rusina 1928-05
Gledhill, Connie Sugden 1928-05
Goddard, Colin Higham 1928-05
Godden, Vera 1928-05
Goff, Kenneth John 1928-05
Gold, Peter Richard 1928-05
Goldberg, Basil 1928-05
Goldberg, Hyman Basil 1928-05
Goldemberg, Jose 1928-05
Goldstone, Maisie Cecilia 1928-05
Goldwater, Mahla 1928-05
Gooch, Anthony Roy 1928-05
Good, Albert Michael John 1928-05
Goodhew, Raymond John 1928-05
Goodman, Alexander Taylor 1928-05
Goodridge, Betty Irene 1928-05
Goodwin, Clive (1928-05) 1928-05
Goodyear, Granville Ernest Harrison 1928-05
Goodyear, Jean Mary 1928-05
Gordon, Alexander Duncan 1928-05
Gore, Norman 1928-05
Gormley, Renee May 1928-05
Gorrie, Isabella Russell 1928-05
Gotfredson, Knut Henning 1928-05
Gough, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Gould, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Graham, Jean Stronach 1928-05
Graham, John Michael (1928-05) 1928-05
Graham, Patricia Frances (1928-05) 1928-05
Grange, Eleaner May 1928-05
Granger, David Edmund 1928-05
Grant, Donald (1928-05) 1928-05
Grant, George Lloyd 1928-05
Gray, Trevor Wilson 1928-05
Gray, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Grayson, Audrey Vera 1928-05
Green, Audrey Mavis 1928-05
Green, Erdina Louise 1928-05
Green, Joan May 1928-05
Greenaway, Charles William George 1928-05
Greenhill, George Edward 1928-05
Greenly, Francis Derek 1928-05
Greenwood, Eric Rodney 1928-05
Greenwood, Leonard (1928-05) 1928-05
Greenwood, Richard Kay 1928-05
Gregory, Edward Sinclair 1928-05
Gregory, Peter James 1928-05
Griffin, William Thomas Jackson 1928-05
Griffiths, Margaret Catherine 1928-05
Griggs, Ian Macdonald 1928-05
Grimsey, Robert William 1928-05
Grindle, William Harry Roy 1928-05
Grisenthwaite, David Allan 1928-05
Groberg, James 1928-05
Groom, Doreen Emily 1928-05
Groom, Eric Charles 1928-05
Grover, Donald Edward 1928-05
Grunhut, Miriam 1928-05
Guerlain, Philippe 1928-05
Gulliford, Ivan Edward 1928-05
Gynn, Dennis William 1928-05
Hadfield, Reginald James 1928-05
Haggie, Kenneth Alexander 1928-05
Haggie, William Knox 1928-05
Haigh, Pauline Christine Alice 1928-05
Hajiyianni, Efstathios 1928-05
Hale, Linda (1928-05) 1928-05
Hall, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Hall, Cyril Joseph 1928-05
Hall, Marjorie Lily 1928-05
Hall, Sherwin Alexis 1928-05
Hallam, George Haig 1928-05
Halpern, Hilary Anthony 1928-05
Halsey, Philip Hugh 1928-05
Hamber, Victor George Hugh 1928-05
Hamilton, Alistair Matthew 1928-05
Hamilton, James Gordon (1928-05) 1928-05
Hamlyn, Matthew Alastair Bentley 1928-05
Hamman, Peter Henry 1928-05
Hammersley, Peter Gerald 1928-05
Hammond, Anthony Fenwick Winstone 1928-05
Hammond, Ian Roger Frank 1928-05
Hancock, Cecil Walter 1928-05
Hancox, Shelia Muriel 1928-05
Hanes, William Lionel 1928-05
Hankinson, Bernard 1928-05
Hankinson, David Kyrle 1928-05
Hann, Betty Jean 1928-05
Hanson, Henry Peter 1928-05
Harbot, Marian 1928-05
Hardacre, Gwendoline 1928-05
Hardaker, John Brian 1928-05
Hardie, Winifred Florence 1928-05
Harding, Lillian 1928-05
Harding, Pearl Moira 1928-05
Hardwick, Barbara (1928-05) 1928-05
Hare, John Gerard 1928-05
Harness, Betty Mahala 1928-05
Harper, Joseph Donald 1928-05
Harper, Philip (1928-05) 1928-05
Harper, Rosemary Eve 1928-05
Harries, Norman Bevan 1928-05
Harris, Bernard (1928-05) 1928-05
Harris, Sheila Margaret (1928-05) 1928-05
Harrison, Baron Anthony 1928-05
Harrison, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Harrison, Eric Brian 1928-05
Harrison, Jane Runcie Fraser 1928-05
Hart, Ernest Gibson 1928-05
Hart, Gerald 1928-05
Hart, Laurence 1928-05
Hart, Michael (1928-05) 1928-05
Hart, William Robert 1928-05
Hartley, Fred 1928-05
Hartley, Leonard 1928-05
Harvey, Christine (1928-05) 1928-05
Harvey, Jean Elizabeth Mary 1928-05
Harvey, Margaret Winifred 1928-05
Harvey, Roy (1928-05) 1928-05
Harwood, Frederick Ernest 1928-05
Hasenclever, Rolf 1928-05
Hatch, Rita 1928-05
Hateley, Jean 1928-05
Haugh, Frederick 1928-05
Havergal, Nina Levina Brebner 1928-05
Hawkley, Gwendoline 1928-05
Hay, Donald William Alexander 1928-05
Hayes, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Hayhoe, Cliff R 1928-05
Haynes, Mary Anne 1928-05
Haynes, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Hayward, Betty 1928-05
Hayward, Hazel Joyce 1928-05
Heath, Maurice William 1928-05
Hedlund, John Lennart 1928-05
Heeks, Peggy 1928-05
Hees, Burkhard Van 1928-05
Helme, Anthony Robin 1928-05
Helyar, Lionel Sydney 1928-05
Hemingway, Henry Brian 1928-05
Henderson, Elizabeth Kidd 1928-05
Henderson, James Forsyth 1928-05
Henderson, Robert Taylor 1928-05
Henderson, Roger Sydney 1928-05
Henry, Robert John (1928-05) 1928-05
Hepple, Beryl May 1928-05
Herbert, Derek Alan 1928-05
Herbst, Clarence August 1928-05
Hervey, John Bethell 1928-05
Herz, Richard Anthony 1928-05
Heyes, Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Heys, Edmund 1928-05
Hickinson, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Hiendl, Herbert 1928-05
Higgins, Maurice Stanley 1928-05
Higgins, William Alleyne 1928-05
Higgs, Joseph Brian 1928-05
Hildebrand, Peter Geoffrey 1928-05
Hilhe, Peter John 1928-05
Hill, Brian John (1928-05) 1928-05
Hill, Christopher Henry 1928-05
Hill, Ian Frederick Donald 1928-05
Hill, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Hill, Robert William Mclevy 1928-05
Hill, William James (1928-05) 1928-05
Hilne, Peter John 1928-05
Hinchliffe, Randall 1928-05
Hindley, Christopher Paton 1928-05
Hindley, Cyril Heaps 1928-05
Hine, Stewart Charles 1928-05
Hirst, Margaret Dorothy 1928-05
Ho Lee, Chui Foon 1928-05 2017-12-06
Hoare, Joyce Margaret 1928-05
Hoare, Ruth Emily 1928-05
Hobbs, Basil Raymond 1928-05
Hobhouse, Richard Henry 1928-05
Hobson, Timothy John (1928-05) 1928-05
Hoda, Mohammad Surur 1928-05
Hoda, Surur 1928-05
Hodge, George Elliott 1928-05
Hodge, Sylvia Betty 1928-05
Hodges, Eric John 1928-05
Hodgson, Agnes Paterson 1928-05
Hodgson, Shona 1928-05
Hodson, Denys Fraser 1928-05
Hodson, William Ronald Searson 1928-05
Holder, Ronald Alfred 1928-05
Holford, John Anthony 1928-05
Holland, Vera Mary 1928-05
Holliday, Lionel Brook 1928-05
Hollingworth, Aubron John 1928-05
Hollinshead, Eric Joseph 1928-05
Holmes, George Anthony 1928-05
Holmgren, Richard S 1928-05
Holt, John Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Holt, Lawrence Guest 1928-05
Holton, Kenneth William 1928-05
Homer, Brian Reginald 1928-05
Homer, Harold Robert 1928-05
Homer, Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Honour, Margaret 1928-05
Hope, Edward Rowland Peter 1928-05
Hope, Kenenth 1928-05
Hopkins, William Brodrick 1928-05
Hopwood, Arthur 1928-05
Horne, Thomas Keeling 1928-05
Horniblow, Philip James 1928-05
Horton, John Kenneth 1928-05
Horton, Kenneth David 1928-05
Horton, Margaret Gillian 1928-05
Houlton, James Walter 1928-05
Howard, Alice Clara 1928-05
Howard, Christina (1928-05) 1928-05
Howard, Frank Sinclair 1928-05
Howard, Nancy 1928-05
Howell, Gwendolen Sybil 1928-05
Howells, Rita 1928-05
Howgill, Patrick Alexander 1928-05
Hubbard, Charles Bryan 1928-05
Hudghton, John Dennis 1928-05
Hudson, Charles Martin 1928-05
Hudson, Kenneth Clifford 1928-05
Hughes, John Girdlestone Boutwood 1928-05
Hughes, Margaret (1928-05) 1928-05
Hughes, Thomas Henry (1928-05) 1928-05
Hughes-Davies, Colin 1928-05
Hull, Christiane Renee Marthe 1928-05
Hume, James Douglas Howden 1928-05
Humphrey, Neil (1928-05) 1928-05
Humphrey-Jones, Megan 1928-05
Hunt, Raymond Frederick 1928-05
Hunter, Doreen 1928-05
Hurrell, Maurice Keith 1928-05
Hurst, John Lawrence 1928-05
Hutchings, Frederick Grenville 1928-05
Hyde, Ellen Doreen 1928-05
Ifold, Margaret Elizabeth 1928-05
Ingham, Deryck 1928-05
Innes, Brian Stanley 1928-05
Ireland, Elizabeth (1928-05) 1928-05
Ivill, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Jacka, Joyce Elizabeth Brereton 1928-05
Jackson, Dennis (1928-05) 1928-05
Jacobs, Edna Wendy 1928-05
Jacobs, Eric (1928-05) 1928-05
Jaeger, Frederick 1928-05
Jaffe, Raymond (1928-05) 1928-05
Jager, Raie Judith 1928-05
Jajbhay, Mohamed Hoosen 1928-05
Jakobovits, Amelie 1928-05
James, Illtyd Lessels Stephen 1928-05
Janaka, Thavamani 1928-05
Jarred, Roy William 1928-05
Jarrett, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Jarvis, Daphne 1928-05
Jarvis, Douglas Edward 1928-05
Jeffrey, David Ronald 1928-05
Jell, Geoffrey James 1928-05
Jenkins, Gwyn Gower 1928-05
Jennings, Molly Thurston 1928-05
Jennings, Sydney 1928-05
Jennison, John 1928-05
Jephson, Elizabeth 1928-05
Jepson, Betty Grace 1928-05
Jessop, Colin 1928-05
John, Bebb 1928-05
John, Howard (1928-05) 1928-05
John, Mabel Joyce 1928-05
Johns, David Leonard William 1928-05
Johnson, Clarence Jeffrey 1928-05
Johnson, Edward Philip (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnson, Eithne Mary 1928-05
Johnson, Elizabeth Alexandra 1928-05
Johnson, Franklin Pitcher 1928-05
Johnson, George Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnson, Gerald Clive Frederick 1928-05
Johnson, Harry (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnson, Kevin John (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnson, Neville (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnson, Roy Herbert 1928-05
Johnson, William Gene 1928-05
Johnston, Dorothy (1928-05) 1928-05
Johnston, Howard Leslie 1928-05
Jolley, Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Jones, Anne Elizabeth (1928-05) 1928-05
Jones, Evelyn Florence 1928-05
Jones, Glenys Rees 1928-05
Jones, Howard George 1928-05
Jones, John Llewellyn 1928-05
Jones, Marion Elizabeth (1928-05) 1928-05
Jones, Robert Alfred (1928-05) 1928-05
Jones, Rosemary (1928-05) 1928-05
Jopp, Peter Munro 1928-05
Jubert, Peter Rowley 1928-05
Judge, Catherine Mary 1928-05
Jump, Thomas John Owen 1928-05
Kabbara, Abdul Ghani 1928-05
Kaloudis, William 1928-05
Kanaris, Andreas Demitri 1928-05
Katten, Hans Godfrey 1928-05
Kavanagh, Daphne Marion 1928-05
Kaye, Bette 1928-05
Keane, Barry (1928-05) 1928-05
Keith-Stuart, Peter Christopher 1928-05
Keith-Stuart-Scott, Peter Ernest Christopher 1928-05
Kelly, John Martin (1928-05) 1928-05
Kelsey, John Joseph 1928-05
Kemp, Charles Ian Taggart 1928-05
Kemp, Derek Lewis 1928-05
Kemp, Kathleen Elizabeth 1928-05
Kendall, John Hume 1928-05-09
Kendrew, John 1928-05
Kennedy, Thomas Lawrie 1928-05
Kenzie, Cyril Bernard 1928-05
Ker Armstrong, David 1928-05
Kerley, Peter 1928-05
Kershaw, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Key, Mary Helen 1928-05
Kidney, George 1928-05
Kiernan, Paul (1928-05) 1928-05
Kilgarriff, Raymond Meath 1928-05
King, Brian Edmund 1928-05
King, John Bernard (1928-05) 1928-05
King, Mervyn Herbert 1928-05
King, Peggy Elizabeth 1928-05
Kinnaird, William Reid 1928-05
Kirk, Eric Matthew Kenny 1928-05
Kirkham, George Frederick 1928-05
Kitson, Frank (1928-05) 1928-05
Klingenberg, Dieter 1928-05
Knight, Eileen Grace 1928-05
Knighton, Eric William 1928-05
Knowles, Kathleen Angela 1928-05
Koretz, Martin 1928-05
Kovacs, Sandor Alexander 1928-05
Kristensen, Egon 1928-05
Kutscher, Horst 1928-05
Lake, John Codner 1928-05
Lamb, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Lamb, Raymond (1928-05) 1928-05
Lambert, Dorothy Pat 1928-05
Lamond, Alexander Douglas 1928-05
Lamplough, Brian Arundell 1928-05
Lancaster, Charles George 1928-05
Lane, Geoffrey (1928-05) 1928-05
Lane, Gordon Albert 1928-05
Langley, Henry James 1928-05
Langley Essen, Eileen 1928-05
Lashmar, Edna Mary 1928-05
Latif, Mohamed Abdul 1928-05
Laufer, Moses 1928-05
Lawler, Mary 1928-05
Lawless, Irene Rebecca 1928-05
Lawrence, Arthur Charles Kendon 1928-05
Lawrence, Mary Georgene 1928-05
Lawson, Chicot Dorothy Ann 1928-05
Lawson, Maurice (1928-05) 1928-05
Lazarus, Harry 1928-05
Le Gray, Lilian 1928-05
Leaf, Gerald 1928-05
Learmonth, Jean 1928-05
Lee, John Derek 1928-05
Lee, Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Lee, Reuben 1928-05
Lees, Faith Justin 1928-05
Leigh, Ronald (1928-05) 1928-05
Leigh, Roy Stephen 1928-05
Leishman, Robert Stuart 1928-05
Lemon, Brenda Doreen 1928-05
Lentell, Barbara Evelyn 1928-05
Leonard, Thomas Simpson 1928-05
Leppard, Bernard 1928-05
Leslie, Daniel Richard 1928-05
Lester, Maurice Robert 1928-05
Letts, Richard Francis Bonner 1928-05
Levinson, Anita Shirley 1928-05
Lewington, Irene 1928-05
Lewis, Freda 1928-05
Leybourne, Frank 1928-05
Lilley, Ilse 1928-05
Limbrick, Gordon Frederick 1928-05
Lindup, David 1928-05
Linford, Geoffrey Daniel 1928-05
Ling, Owen Ralf 1928-05
Lipington, Cedric Adrian 1928-05
Lippitt, Anthony John 1928-05
Lippitt, John 1928-05
Lister, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Litherland, John Albert 1928-05
Litwin, Edna 1928-05
Loder, Rita Joyce 1928-05
Loftus, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Longden, Pamela Falworth 1928-05
Longford Smith, Peter 1928-05
Lonmo, Arthur Ellef 1928-05
Lord, Ivy May 1928-05
Lovatt, George Everard 1928-05
Lovelock, Donald 1928-05
Loveridge, Ernest Leslie 1928-05
Lowenstein, Ludwig Fred 1928-05
Lowrey, Frank 1928-05
Lowry, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Ludlow, Brian Martin 1928-05
Lukes, Dennis 1928-05
Lukom, Sheila Gertrude 1928-05
Lunn, June (1928-05) 1928-05
Luxon, Leslie James 1928-05
Ly, Nguyen Thi 1928-05
Lynch, Terence William 1928-05
Lyne, Robert Ernest 1928-05
Lynton, Maureen Loretta 1928-05
Lyon, John Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Macarthur, Allan Ian 1928-05
Macdonald, Charles (1928-05) 1928-05
Mace, Edward 1928-05
Mackenzie, Alice Aitken 1928-05
Mackenzie, James Alexander Mackintosh 1928-05
Mackenzie, John Leonard Duncan 1928-05
Mackey, Ronald Michael 1928-05
Mackinnon, Brian Anthony 1928-05
Maclellan, Donald Alexander Stephen 1928-05
Maconochie, Thomas Currie 1928-05
MacPherson, Patricia Dean 1928-05
Macpherson, Stuart Hooper 1928-05
Madden, James Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Maitland, Gordon Wilson 1928-05
Makepeace, Dorothy May 1928-05
Maller, Peter Anthony 1928-05
Maltby, Antony John 1928-05
Manchett, Geoffrey Donald 1928-05
Manley, Leonard William 1928-05
Manly, Albert Allen 1928-05
Mansel-Edwards, Digby 1928-05
Mara, Pam 1928-05
Marks, Nigel Alexander 1928-05
Marlow, Patrick Evan 1928-05
Marmin, Paul Louis Charles 1928-05
Marsh, Joan Lydia 1928-05
Marshall, Iris Rosenda 1928-05
Marshall, Mavis Nichol 1928-05
Marshall, Peter Herbert 1928-05
Martin, Arthur (1928-05) 1928-05
Martin, Diane Wendy 1928-05
Martin, Dorothy (1928-05) 1928-05
Martin, George Henry (1928-05) 1928-05
Martin, Hubert Harold 1928-05
Martin, Kenneth Lionel 1928-05
Martin, Mavis Rose 1928-05
Martyn Johns, David 1928-05
Mason, Elizabeth Mary Louise 1928-05
Mason, Ernest William Isaac 1928-05
Mason, Nancy Elizabeth 1928-05
Mason, Stuart Benford 1928-05
Mason, Zena Mary 1928-05
Mather, Derek (1928-05) 1928-05
Matthews, Cyril Arthur Noel 1928-05
Matthews, Eric John 1928-05
Maturi, Peter Julian 1928-05
Maurer, Gilbert Charles 1928-05
Maurice Alford, Truran 1928-05
Maxwell, James (1928-05) 1928-05
May, Eileen Betty 1928-05
McBride, Sydney Alexander William 1928-05
McCabe, Frank (1928-05) 1928-05
McCartney, Bernard 1928-05
McClennan, Patrick Joseph 1928-05
McCullough, Hugh (1928-05) 1928-05
McCullough, Hugh D 1928-05
McDermott, William G 1928-05
McDermott, William George 1928-05
McDonald, Henry Edward 1928-05
McDonald, Randall Gerrard 1928-05
McDowall, Cynthia Mary 1928-05
McDowall, Ronald Norman 1928-05
McGee, Henry (1928-05) 1928-05
McGrattan, Gerald 1928-05
McIntosh, Alexander (1928-05) 1928-05
McIntosh, Alexander Martin 1928-05
McIntyre, James Eric 1928-05
McIntyre, Rosemary Buchanan 1928-05
McKenzie, Janet Summers 1928-05
McKiernan, Terence 1928-05
McKune, Robert 1928-05
McLintock, Donald 1928-05
McLoughlin, Kevin (1928-05) 1928-05
McLuckie, Alfred Brown 1928-05
McMurray, Samuel Burns 1928-05
McNab, Donald (1928-05) 1928-05
McStravick, Eugene 1928-05
Meakin, Kathleen Louise 1928-05
Mealor, Lillian May 1928-05
Medler, Eric Gordon 1928-05
Medley, Edward Roy 1928-05
Mellor, Olive 1928-05
Melrose, Margaret Elstob 1928-05
Meredith, Corinne Thelma 1928-05
Metcalfe, Reginald Baldwin 1928-05
Mew, Donald Harold 1928-05
Meyer, Thomas Thowtagus 1928-05
Miccoli, Guiseppe 1928-05
Millar, Kirsteen Lindsay 1928-05
Miller, Sheila Dorothy 1928-05
Miller, William Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Mills, Barry (1928-05) 1928-05
Milnes, William Frederick 1928-05
Milsom, Betty Joyce 1928-05
Mist, Iris Rosina 1928-05
Mitchell, Martin (1928-05) 1928-05
Mitchison, Nicholas Avrion 1928-05
Moffat, Festus Ian Walker 1928-05
Molineux, William Pemberton 1928-05
Mollett, Philip Thomas Wetherall 1928-05
Moncrieff, Peter Duncan 1928-05
Monnery, Doreen Mabel 1928-05
Moor, Wendy Beryl Mavis 1928-05
Moore, Bernard Clive 1928-05
Moore, Clifford John Patrick 1928-05
Moore, Dennis William 1928-05
Moore, Kenneth Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Moore, Paul Willoughby 1928-05
Moore, Sarah Elizabeth (1928-05) 1928-05
Moran, Francis (1928-05) 1928-05
Moreton, Joyce May 1928-05
Morgan, Austin Neville 1928-05
Morgan, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Morgan, Eric Albert George 1928-05
Morgan, Haydon 1928-05
Morgan, John David (1928-05) 1928-05
Morris, Gordon (1928-05) 1928-05
Morris, Ian Ramsay 1928-05
Morris, John Raymond (1928-05) 1928-05
Morrison, Malcolm Cameron Tatham 1928-05-28
Mortimer, Donald Stanley 1928-05
Mortimer, Marjorie 1928-05
Morton, Alec Raymond 1928-05
Moses, Vivian 1928-05
Moss, Alexander (1928-05) 1928-05
Mowat, William George 1928-05
Mowatt, Donald William 1928-05
Mowatt, Patricia 1928-05
Muddeman, Fiona Grace 1928-05
Muldoon, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Mumford, Kenneth John (1928-05) 1928-05
Munro, Ian (1928-05) 1928-05
Munroe, John 1928-05
Murland, Eleanor Creina 1928-05
Murrell, Helen Calvert 1928-05
Myers, Dennis (1928-05) 1928-05
Myhill, Rosalie 1928-05
Nadin, William Geoffrey 1928-05
Nailor, Doris 1928-05
Nash, Roye Aubrey 1928-05
Naylor, Heather 1928-05
Neate, Ann Marigold 1928-05
Needleman, Samuel 1928-05
Nelson, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Neville, David Keith 1928-05
Newman, Anthony Gerald 1928-05
Newman, Christopher John (1928-05) 1928-05
Newton, Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Newton, John Harry 1928-05
Nichols, Ivor 1928-05
Nilan, Kevin Owen 1928-05
Niven, Mary Leithead 1928-05
Noakes, Richard Wickham 1928-05
Noble, Leslie Charles 1928-05
Noble, Rosalie (1928-05) 1928-05
Norbury, Daphine Elizabeth 1928-05
Norris, Bernard Henry 1928-05
Norris, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Norris, William Albert 1928-05
Norval, Frank 1928-05
Nottingham, Michael Charles (1928-05) 1928-05
Nunn, Alan Charles 1928-05
Nurmohamed, Raza 1928-05
O'Grady, Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
O'Hare, John Brendon 1928-05
O'Neill, Elizabeth Grace (1928-05) 1928-05
O'Neill, Margaret (1928-05) 1928-05
O'Reilly, Vincent 1928-05
Oakes, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Oates, Joan Louise 1928-05
Oates, Patricia May 1928-05
Odonnell, Ronald Wilfred 1928-05
Oestreicher, Martin 1928-05
Officer, William James 1928-05
Offinger, Walter 1928-05
Ogle, Thomas G 1928-05
Oldfield, Norman Frederick 1928-05
Oldham, Sheila Dorothy 1928-05
Oliver, Michael Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Olorenshaw, Alan Vincent 1928-05
Olsson, Nils 1928-05
Oneill, Patrick (1928-05) 1928-05
Oneill, Sean (1928-05) 1928-05
Oren, Lea 1928-05
Ormerod, Robert 1928-05
Orr, Sara 1928-05
Orsman, William John Fletcher 1928-05
Osman, Stanley John 1928-05
Ostler, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Oughton, Michael Henry 1928-05
Ovington, Derrick 1928-05
Owen, David Ronald (1928-05) 1928-05
Owen, Trevor Alan 1928-05
Owens, Edward Glynne 1928-05
Pagett, Cedric George 1928-05
Paice, Frank William 1928-05
Palmer, Frederick Charles 1928-05
Palmer, Patricia Ellen 1928-05
Pampel, Norman Nathan 1928-05
Papouchado, Albert 1928-05
Park, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Parker, Raymond Morrell 1928-05
Parker-Jervis, Sybil Anne 1928-05
Parkes, Peter William 1928-05
Parkinson, John Richard (1928-05) 1928-05
Parry, Ivan Stuart 1928-05
Parry, Nora Helen 1928-05
Parry, Queenie May 1928-05
Parsley, Derek Armstrong 1928-05
Pate, Ronald James Affleck 1928-05
Patel, Babubhai Jethabhai 1928-05
Patel, Natwarbhai 1928-05
Paton, Matthew (1928-05) 1928-05
Patten, Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Pattinson, Edward Mackereth 1928-05
Paul, Jennifer Graham 1928-05
Paver, Catherine Kinloch 1928-05
Payne, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Payne, Rolf 1928-05
Payton, Frances Sheila 1928-05
Peace, James Dewar 1928-05
Peach, William Leonard 1928-05
Pearman, Phyllis Leah Mary 1928-05
Pearson, John Francis 1928-05
Pearson, Margaret May 1928-05
Pedley, Jean Helena 1928-05
Peet, John Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Pemberton, Brian Michael Frankland 1928-05
Pendleton, Alan George 1928-05
Pennington, Keith Allan 1928-05
Perlow, Henry Ivor 1928-05
Perry, Hubert 1928-05
Perry, John Arnold 1928-05
Perry, John Hill 1928-05
Petch, Sidney Anthony 1928-05
Pette, Evelyn Alice Mary 1928-05
Pettet, Pamela Vera 1928-05
Pettit, Derek Leslie 1928-05
Philippe, Georges 1928-05
Phillimore, Reynold Victor 1928-05
Phillipe, Georges 1928-05
Phillips, Celia 1928-05
Phillips, Daphne Catherine 1928-05
Phillips, Dennis Thackeray 1928-05
Phillips, Peter Joseph 1928-05
Phillips, Peter Robert 1928-05
Philpott, Doris 1928-05
Phipps, Peter Ernest 1928-05
Pickering, Winifred 1928-05
Pilsworth, Daphne Winifred Rose 1928-05
Piper, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Piper, John Worthington 1928-05
Pitcher, George Edward 1928-05
Pitches, Stanley Harold Albert Joseph 1928-05
Plumb, Ian Harold 1928-05
Plume, Terence 1928-05
Pobgee, Julia Hildred 1928-05
Polhill, Patricia Elizabeth 1928-05
Pollard, Sylvia 1928-05
Pollock, Ronald (1928-05) 1928-05
Pool, Michael John 1928-05
Portwood, Jean 1928-05
Poulton, Dorothy 1928-05
Poulton, Keith (1928-05) 1928-05
Powell, Frank (1928-05) 1928-05
Powell, James Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Powell, Kathleen Mary May 1928-05
Powers, Odell Eugene 1928-05
Powney, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Poyner, Frank William Arthur 1928-05
Prater, Nilon Houston 1928-05
Pratt, Margaret Lucy 1928-05
Preston-Shoot, William Henry 1928-05
Preuveneer, Raymond 1928-05
Price, Elwyn 1928-05
Price, Ivor Charles 1928-05
Price, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Price, Peter James (1928-05) 1928-05
Prichard, David Humberstone 1928-05
Prince, Irene (1928-05) 1928-05
Pritchard, Derek Ernest 1928-05
Pritchard, Harry Thomas 1928-05
Prosser, Gwynneth Mary 1928-05
Prothero, John Michael 1928-05
Prutton, William John 1928-05
Pryke, John Fordham Speaight 1928-05
Puddy, Mervyn Rex 1928-05
Pugsley, Bertram Stanley 1928-05
Pulford, Maisie Jean 1928-05
Purser, Alexandra Jean 1928-05
Purves, Margaret 1928-05
Queripel, Daphne Elizabeth 1928-05
Quieros, Basil Arthur Dennis 1928-05
Race, Leonie Rebecca Govier 1928-05
Rackley, George 1928-05
Raeside, Kenneth Geoffrey 1928-05
Rainbird, Eric John 1928-05
Ram, Arvick 1928-05
Rampling, Brian 1928-05
Ramsay, Colin K 1928-05
Ramsay, Melvin Murray 1928-05
Ramsey, Valentine Haylett 1928-05
Randle, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Randolph, Michael (1928-05) 1928-05
Ranger, Douglas Fred 1928-05
Rawcliffe, Frank 1928-05
Rawlings, Elizabeth Thompson Shaw 1928-05
Rayment, Alan William Harrington 1928-05
Rayment, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Raymont, Alan 1928-05
Rayner, Peter Norman Geoffrye 1928-05
Raynes, Norman 1928-05
Rayson, Brenda 1928-05
Rayson, Brenda Christine 1928-05
Redfern, Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Reed, Monica 1928-05
Rees, William Howard Guest 1928-05
Reeves, Doreen Gertrude 1928-05
Regan, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Reid, Leon Ralph 1928-05
Rex, Lonnie 1928-05
Rice, Michael (1928-05) 1928-05
Rice, Peter Holbrook 1928-05
Richardson, Charles Bulmer 1928-05
Richardson, Ian (1928-05) 1928-05
Richardson, Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Ricketts, Raymond Wheeler 1928-05
Ridley, May 1928-05
Rigby, Pamela May 1928-05
Riley, Michael Hawkins 1928-05
Rimmer, Edmund 1928-05
Rimmer, Henry 1928-05
Rippingale, Kathleen 1928-05
Ritchie, Alexander James Otway 1928-05
Roberts, Ernest Thomas 1928-05
Roberts, Geoffrey (1928-05) 1928-05
Roberts, Geoffrey Oakes 1928-05
Roberts, George (1928-05) 1928-05
Roberts, John Anthony (1928-05) 1928-05
Robertson, Alastair (1928-05) 1928-05
Robertson, Catherine Forbes Hornsby 1928-05
Robinson, Harold Samuel 1928-05
Robinson, Hugh David Geoffrey 1928-05
Robledo, Juanita Pena 1928-05
Rodwell, Marie Elizabeth 1928-05
Rogan, Canon John 1928-05
Rogan, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Rogers, Donald Geoffrey 1928-05
Rogers, Michael James (1928-05) 1928-05
Ronson, Peter Ashworth Titchener 1928-05
Roscoe, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Rose, Frederick Ernest 1928-05
Rose, Gwendoline 1928-05
Rose, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Rosskogler, Kurt 1928-05
Rowan, Alistair (1928-05) 1928-05
Rowe, Wilfred Anthony 1928-05
Rowley, Geoffrey (1928-05) 1928-05
Roxburgh, Mary Jane Jarvie 1928-05
Rubin, Joseph Jack 1928-05
Rubinstein, Elias 1928-05
Rudkin, Anthony Stafford 1928-05
Rundle, Audrey 1928-05
Russell, Peter Powell 1928-05
Russell, Philip Edward (1928-05) 1928-05
Sainsbury, David William Bateman 1928-05
Sakraney, Nari Lalchand 1928-05
Salvesen, John George 1928-05
Sampson, Doreen 1928-05
Sampson, Luke Piercy 1928-05
Samuels, Raymond Charles 1928-05
Samuels, Renee 1928-05
Sarrag, Peter Edward 1928-05
Sassanfar, Abtine 1928-05
Sauer, Herman 1928-05
Saunders, Mary 1928-05
Savage, Henry (1928-05) 1928-05
Sawtell, William Arthur 1928-05
Schapira, Harry 1928-05
Scheck, Luella 1928-05
Schliwinski, Magdalene 1928-05
Schneider, Rhoda 1928-05
Schofield, Kathleen Margaret 1928-05
Schofield, Robert (1928-05) 1928-05
Scholey, Jill Marian 1928-05
Schumm, Irene Joyce 1928-05
Schwanhausser, Gunter Gustav Eduard Herbert 1928-05
Scott, James Ellis 1928-05
Scott, Laura Jan 1928-05
Scott, Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Scott-Spencer, Ernest Christopher James 1928-05
Scruton, Charles 1928-05
Seaman, Michael Samuel 1928-05
Sears, Patrick Michael Edmund 1928-05
Seaton, Raymond Dennis 1928-05
Selby-Green, Michael Bawden 1928-05
Seymour, Alan Joseph 1928-05
Seymour, Richard (1928-05) 1928-05
Shakespeare, Barbara 1928-05
Shallicker, Kenneth 1928-05
Shalom, Anita Phyllis 1928-05
Sharp, Harry Brian 1928-05
Sharpe, Nell 1928-05
Shattock, Gordon 1928-05
Shaw, Richard Wyndham 1928-05
Shaw, Ronald Charles 1928-05
Shea, Patricia Margaret 1928-05
Sheale, Kenneth Franz Martin 1928-05
Shearer, Frederick 1928-05
Sheath, Roy Hilton 1928-05
Shedid, Abdel 1928-05
Sheldrick, Dennis Henry 1928-05
Shepherd, Norman Eric 1928-05
Sheppard, Reece Ivon 1928-05
Sheriff, Donald George 1928-05
Sherman, Murray Myer 1928-05
Sherman, Peter John (1928-05) 1928-05
Shipley, Dennis James William (1928-05) 1928-05
Shore, Norman Ernest 1928-05
Short, Simon Stanley Roy 1928-05
Shute, Thomas Ronald 1928-05
Shuttleworth, Bernard Thomas 1928-05
Siegal, Herbert J 1928-05
Simonds, Denis Oswald 1928-05
Simons, Anita 1928-05
Simpson, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Simpson, William Angus 1928-05
Sinclair, James Alexander (1928-05) 1928-05
Sindall, Cyril John 1928-05
Singer, Ruth Sheila 1928-05
Sirs, Peter Raymond 1928-05
Skellern, Roy 1928-05
Skermer, Ronald 1928-05
Skierczynska, Jadwiga 1928-05
Skinner, Gordon (1928-05) 1928-05
Skipper, Joan 1928-05
Slade, Desmond Keith 1928-05
Slade, Mavis Joan 1928-05
Slater, Rhoda 1928-05
Slaughter, Dennis Arthur 1928-05
Smalley, Alan 1928-05
Smethurst, James (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Alma (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Beryl Joy 1928-05
Smith, Betty Joan 1928-05
Smith, Donald Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Doreen Barbara (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Eric William (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Harold Arther 1928-05
Smith, Ian (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Ivy May 1928-05
Smith, Joan Amelia 1928-05
Smith, Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Pamela Dorothy (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Pearl Doreen 1928-05
Smith, Peter Jack (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Peter John (1928-05) 1928-05
Smith, Winifred Phyllis 1928-05
Smith, Zelma Lindsay 1928-05
Smithson, Pamela Joy 1928-05
Smyth, Violet 1928-05
Snow, Kenneth James 1928-05
Snowden, John Robert 1928-05
Snowdon, Elizabeth Florence 1928-05
Snowdon, Henry James 1928-05
Soar, Gerald Thurston Heath 1928-05
Softley, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Solomons, Ethel Mildred 1928-05
Sommers, Irene 1928-05
Songhurst, Ralph 1928-05
Soutar, Thomas Douglas Glen 1928-05
Southern, Fred (1928-05) 1928-05
Sowerby, Roy Henry Thomas 1928-05
Spencer, Charles Geoffrey Campbell 1928-05
Spencer, Ernest 1928-05
Spencer, Raymond Herbert 1928-05
Spier, Dorothy 1928-05
Spill, Alfred 1928-05
Spink, Betty 1928-05
Spooner, Francesca (1928-05) 1928-05
Srisa-An, Narong (1928-05) 1928-05
Stafford, Francis James 1928-05
Stanier, Sylvia 1928-05
Stanton, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Stanworth, Denis Raymond 1928-05
Staplehurst, Jill Edwina 1928-05
Stapleton, Charles Roy 1928-05
Steele, Richard Charles 1928-05
Steer, Christina Morris 1928-05
Steinberg, Golda Rebecca 1928-05
Stenton, Edward 1928-05
Steptoe, Leslie 1928-05
Stevens, Beryl Edith 1928-05
Stevens, Dacia 1928-05
Stevens, Peter Oliver 1928-05
Steventon, Barbara 1928-05
Stewart, Reginald 1928-05
Stilwell, Peter George 1928-05
Stock, Doris 1928-05
Stokes, Donald Charles 1928-05
Stone, John Arthur William 1928-05
Stoneman, Keith 1928-05
Strachan, William Young 1928-05
Strange, Richard (1928-05) 1928-05
Stratford, Irvine William 1928-05
Strickett, Ivy 1928-05
Stronach, Reginald Sidney 1928-05
Stuart, Charles Rowell 1928-05
Stubbs, Dorothea 1928-05
Stuttard, John Anthony 1928-05
Suddaby, Stanley 1928-05
Sullivan, Marian 1928-05
Summers, Sybil 1928-05
Sumner, Brenda Margaret 1928-05
Surtees Robinson, Catherine Mary 1928-05
Sutton, Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Sutton, Rosemary (1928-05) 1928-05
Swan, Douglas Henry 1928-05
Swatton, Iris Evelyn 1928-05
Swindall, Lilian 1928-05
Swindall, Lilian Rose 1928-05
Swindle Hurst, Owen Francis 1928-05
Syer, Frank 1928-05
Sykes, Betty May 1928-05
Tait, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Tamplin, Robin 1928-05
Tanner, Brian James 1928-05
Tanner, Philip Gordon 1928-05
Tarrant, Connolly Crea 1928-05
Tatarczuk, Mychajlo 1928-05
Tatt, Robert James 1928-05
Taylor, Alma Ida 1928-05
Taylor, Christopher Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Taylor, Eric David Thomsom 1928-05
Taylor, Gladys (1928-05) 1928-05
Taylor, Iris (1928-05) 1928-05
Taylor, Peter Kershaw 1928-05
Taylor, Raymond Eric 1928-05
Taylor, Raymond Spencer (1928-05) 1928-05
Taylor, Reginald Frederick Douglas 1928-05
Teixeira, Neil Anthony Pomfret 1928-05
Tenquist, David Whyte 1928-05
Thacker, Elizabeth Mclaren 1928-05
Thackway, Alan John 1928-05
Thomas, Allan Morgan 1928-05
Thomas, Derek Gordon 1928-05
Thomas, Gwyneth Daphne 1928-05
Thomas, Noel (Tommy) Sainsbury 1928-05
Thomas, Peter Austin (1928-05) 1928-05
Thomas, Thomas Glyn (1928-05) 1928-05
Thomason, Jean Murray 1928-05
Thompson, Anthony Peter (1928-05) 1928-05
Thompson, Dorothy Mary 1928-05
Thompson, Frank Gordon 1928-05
Thompson, James Ronald Hall 1928-05
Thompson, Joseph James 1928-05
Thompson, Richard Robert 1928-05
Thomson, James Ronald Hall 1928-05
Thomson, James William Wishart 1928-05
Thorp, Christopher Charles 1928-05
Thorpe, Betty 1928-05
Thorpe, Gerald 1928-05
Threshie, John Morton 1928-05
Thurston, Edna 1928-05
Tickner, Arthur Sidney 1928-05
Tilley, Ronald Albert 1928-05
Timson, Alfred John 1928-05
Todd, Angela Beverly 1928-05
Todd, Leslie (1928-05) 1928-05
Todd, Wilfred 1928-05
Tomkins, Harry 1928-05
Tomlinson, Joseph William 1928-05
Tompson, Marjorie Ethel 1928-05
Toms, Dorothy 1928-05
Tonkinson, Peter 1928-05
Tonks, John Richard 1928-05
Toothill, Colin (1928-05) 1928-05
Torrents, Arnold 1928-05
Toseland, Peter John 1928-05
Townsend, Ronald (1928-05) 1928-05
Trainor, Brian 1928-05
Trattles, Norman William 1928-05
Travers-Smith, Ian Oswald 1928-05
Trenchard, Joseph John Coombes 1928-05
Trinick, John Maxwell 1928-05
Trott, Colin Arthur 1928-05
Truman, Doris 1928-05
Truran, Maurice Alford 1928-05
Tuck, Daisy May 1928-05
Tuck, Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Turner, Beryl (1928-05) 1928-05
Turner, Heather Ursula 1928-05
Turner, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Turner, Martin Edwin (1928-05) 1928-05
Turner, Shirley (1928-05) 1928-05
Turner, Thomas (1928-05) 1928-05
Tusler, Jon 1928-05
Tyers, Laurence William 1928-05
Tyler, Dennis (1928-05) 1928-05
Tyson, Denis Walter 1928-05
Ufton, Derek Gilbert 1928-05
Usher, Eric Dennis 1928-05
Uttley, Betty Margaret 1928-05
Valiant, Donald 1928-05
Vartoukian, Krikor Giragos 1928-05
Veral, Fehamet 1928-05
Verity, Jean 1928-05
Vida, Julius Adalbert 1928-05
Vile, John Richard Albert 1928-05
Vincent, Raymond 1928-05
Vogel, Werner 1928-05
Waddell, Jeannie 1928-05
Wade, Allan John Raymond 1928-05
Wadsworth, Robert Vernon 1928-05
Wagg, Richard Eric Victor 1928-05
Wagner, Irmgard 1928-05
Waite, Thomas Edmond 1928-05
Waldorf, Montague 1928-05
Walker, Beatrice May 1928-05
Walker, Diana Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Walker, Elizabeth Helen May 1928-05
Walker, Evelynne Anne 1928-05
Walker, Jean Susanna 1928-05
Walker, Mary (1928-05) 1928-05
Walker, Tom (1928-05) 1928-05
Walkinton, Robert Hugh 1928-05
Wall, Victor Edward Henry 1928-05
Wallace, Martin William (1928-05) 1928-05
Wallis, Joan Williamson 1928-05
Wallwork, Robert Everett 1928-05
Walsh, Audrey 1928-05
Walsh, Peter Joseph (1928-05) 1928-05
Walters, Eric James 1928-05
Walton, William James 1928-05
Warburton, Joan (1928-05) 1928-05
Ward, Brian Russell 1928-05
Ward, Dennis Eustace 1928-05
Ward, Marie Therese 1928-05
Ward, Peter Frank Thomas 1928-05
Warren, Antony Derek 1928-05
Warren, Philip (1928-05) 1928-05
Waterall, Eric Grenville 1928-05
Waterhouse, Keith Mason 1928-05
Waters, Michael Francis Ray 1928-05
Wathen, David Anthony 1928-05
Watling, Patricia 1928-05
Watling, Patricia Marion 1928-05
Watling, Peter Kenneth 1928-05
Watt, Donald Cameron 1928-05
Watts, Derek James (1928-05) 1928-05
Wawman, Barbara 1928-05
Wayne, Frederick Edward 1928-05
Weaver, Eileen Mary 1928-05
Webb, Michael Guthrie 1928-05
Webb, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Webber, John Charles 1928-05
Weber, Barbara Thelma 1928-05
Webster, Ernest George 1928-05
Webster, Frederick (1928-05) 1928-05
Webster, Joseph Horace 1928-05
Weddle, William Anthony 1928-05
Weedall, Joyce Dorothy 1928-05
Weighill, Gerald Christopher 1928-05
Weinfeld, Egon 1928-05
Weintroub, Albert 1928-05
Weir, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Weitzel, Mavis 1928-05
Weldrake, Keith 1928-05
West, Gerald 1928-05
West, Jean Frances (1928-05) 1928-05
West, Margaret Florence Helen 1928-05
Westin, Cyril Humphrey 1928-05
Weston, Simon Zigmond 1928-05
Weston, Trevor Edmund Thomas 1928-05
Weston, Winifred 1928-05
Wetherall, David Lancaster 1928-05
Wharram, James 1928-05
Wheatley, John Alexander 1928-05
Whelan, Anthony Desmond Wilson 1928-05
Whiston, William Joseph 1928-05
Whitcomb, Henry Robert 1928-05
White, Derek Alfred George 1928-05
White, Norman Roy Pierce 1928-05
Whitehead, Lilian 1928-05
Whitehead, Norman (1928-05) 1928-05
Whiteley, Jean 1928-05
Whiteman, Joseph Edmund 1928-05
Whiteman, Vivienne Jessica 1928-05
Whiting, George (1928-05) 1928-05
Whitlock, Sheila Emily Daisy 1928-05
Whitmore, Gwyneth 1928-05
Whittaker, Minnie 1928-05
Wicken, Betty 1928-05
Wield, Thelma Dorothy 1928-05
Wigg, Raymond William 1928-05
Wilcock, Edmund Parker 1928-05
Wilcox, Robert John Bees 1928-05
Wilcox, Rosa Elizabeth 1928-05
Wild, Gordon (1928-05) 1928-05
Wileman, Brenda 1928-05
Wilkes, Michael John (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilkinson, Jean Marion (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilkinson, Kenneth (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilkinson, Leslie (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilkinson, Molly Ruth 1928-05
William Walter, Eales 1928-05
Williams, Anthony Graham (1928-05) 1928-05
Williams, Caradog 1928-05
Williams, Gordon (1928-05) 1928-05
Williams, Gwynfryn Watts 1928-05
Williams, John Holman Bentley 1928-05
Williams, Mark (1928-05) 1928-05
Williams, Norma Janet 1928-05
Williams, Raymond Dennis 1928-05
Williams, Rita (1928-05) 1928-05
Williams, Robin Philip 1928-05
Williams, Slyvia Elizabeth 1928-05
Williamson, Alan (1928-05) 1928-05
Willment, Charles John Russell 1928-05
Willoughby, Joan 1928-05
Wilsher, Doris Elizabeth 1928-05
Wilsher, Gordon Christopher 1928-05
Wilson, Arthur Leonard 1928-05
Wilson, Barbara (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilson, David Livingstone 1928-05
Wilson, Ethel Norah 1928-05
Wilson, Joan Adelaide 1928-05
Wilson, John (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilson, June Patricia 1928-05
Wilson, Noble Mowat 1928-05
Wilson, Raymond George (1928-05) 1928-05
Wilson, Vera May 1928-05
Wilson, William James (1928-05) 1928-05
Winder, Ronald John 1928-05
Winkett, Benjamin 1928-05
Winter, Dorothy (1928-05) 1928-05
Winter, Kenneth Hambley 1928-05
Winterbottom, Harry (1928-05) 1928-05
Winters, Henry 1928-05
Wintle, Robert Dennis 1928-05
Witter, Donald 1928-05
Wohl, Heinz 1928-05
Wolfe, Eric Sydney 1928-05
Wolffe, Cyril 1928-05
Wolfson, Janet Anita 1928-05
Wolstenholme, Oswald Barry 1928-05
Wood, Alan Vincent 1928-05
Wood, Christina Milne 1928-05
Wood, Dennis William 1928-05
Wood, Hazel (1928-05) 1928-05
Wood, Phyllis Mary 1928-05
Wood, Sheila Winifred 1928-05
Woodford, Keith (1928-05) 1928-05
Woodhead, Andrew (1928-05) 1928-05
Woodhouse, Valerie Mavis 1928-05
Wordsworth, Gertrude Elizabeth 1928-05
Worlidge, Edward John 1928-05
Worsfold, Donald George 1928-05
Wouters, Frederick Adrian 1928-05
Wraight, James Ralph 1928-05
Wraxall, George Richard Lawleygibbs 1928-05
Wray-Baume, Doreen 1928-05
Wright, Barbara Elizabeth 1928-05
Wright, William (1928-05) 1928-05
Wyeth, Simon Richard Appleton 1928-05
Wynne, Maldwyn Vaughan 1928-05
Yamashita, Nobuo 1928-05
Yonge, Nesta Dean 1928-05
Young, David (1928-05) 1928-05
Young, George Charles 1928-05
Young, John Baldwin 1928-05
Young, Winifred Hazel 1928-05
Yule, Helen 1928-05
Yule, Ian (1928-05) 1928-05
Zahlan, Antoine Benjamin 1928-05
Zamaron, Bernard Jean Adrien 1928-05
Zandman, Felix 1928-05
Zueger, Ernst 1928-05

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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