People born in  month

Age in 2024: 107

Name Date of birth Date of death
Adams, Charles Cullen 1917-06
Aitken, Donald Wilfred 1917-06
Alexander, Maurice Benjamin 1917-06
Allenby, Barbara Marion 1917-06
Appleton, John Griffith 1917-06
Armstrong, William (1917-06) 1917-06
Ash, Barbara Joan 1917-06
Ashdown, James Archibald 1917-06
Askew, Constance Mary 1917-06
Aston, Priscilla Mary 1917-06
Atkins, Joan Elizabeth 1917-06
Atkinson, Edward (1917-06) 1917-06
Attlee, Wilfrid Ormiston 1917-06
Attrill, Kenneth William 1917-06
Bailey, Dorothy Elizabeth (1917-06) 1917-06
Bailey, Gladys Elizabeth 1917-06
Ballard, James Cyril 1917-06
Balon, Rosalind Louisa 1917-06
Balshaw, Josephine 1917-06
Barr, William Greig 1917-06-10 2008-04-23
Bartell, Frank Frederick Ernest William 1917-06
Barton, Charles William 1917-06
Barton, Ruby 1917-06
Bate, Frank 1917-06
Beddall, Hilda Winifred May 1917-06
Bellwood, Agnes Josephine 1917-06
Belsey, Frank 1917-06
Benfield, James William 1917-06
Bennett, William (1917-06) 1917-06
Bere, Doris Vera 1917-06
Berridge, Margaret Olwen 1917-06
Berry, Doreen May 1917-06
Bertram, Angela Jean Weston 1917-06
Billett, John Nash Kemp 1917-06
Billings, Frederick Henry 1917-06
Bingham, Clive Francis Bertram 1917-06
Blackman, Evelyn Mary 1917-06
Blair-Fish, John Michael 1917-06
Bolton Scurrah, Malcolm William 1917-06
Bonsall, Arthur Wilfred 1917-06
Bourne, Betty 1917-06
Bradbury, Sybil 1917-06
Bradley, Anthony (1917-06) 1917-06
Briggs, John Thompson 1917-06
Broad, Stanley 1917-06
Broughton, Alfred Leslie 1917-06
Browell, John Logan 1917-06
Brown, Stanley (1917-06) 1917-06
Brunt, Peter Astbury 1917-06
Bryan, Vera Florence Alice 1917-06
Burningham, John 1917-06
Bush, Edwin Colston 1917-06
Butler, Peggy Louise 1917-06
Camillin, Aurelius Joseph 1917-06
Carey, John Wooddill Harold 1917-06
Carpenter, Edgar 1917-06
Carson, Brenda Gertrude 1917-06
Carter, Frank William Sydenham 1917-06
Catley, Eric 1917-06
Cedar, Albert 1917-06
Chant, Phyllis Margaret 1917-06
Charles, Marion Jean 1917-06
Charlton, Arthur William 1917-06
Chase, Norman Maxwell 1917-06
Chen, Fen Wen 1917-06
Chennells, Dorothy 1917-06
Chilton, Charles Frederick William 1917-06
Church, Gordon 1917-06
Clark, Hugh Turton 1917-06
Clarke, Alfred Douglas Templeman 1917-06
Claydon, Maurice Robert 1917-06
Cohen, Simon (1917-06) 1917-06
Cole, Frank Frederick 1917-06
Coleman, Dorothy 1917-06
Collings, Florence 1917-06
Collingwood, John Gildas 1917-06
Collison, Joan 1917-06
Cooke, Eileen Alice Marion 1917-06
Cooper, Olive Margaret 1917-06
Corby, Philip Anthony 1917-06
Cox, Garfield Elias Frederick 1917-06
Craig, Joy 1917-06
Crampton Smith, Alexander 1917-06
Creasy, Joan Mary 1917-06
Cross, Alan (1917-06) 1917-06
Curry, Richard (1917-06) 1917-06
Dadd, Christopher Victor Tomkins 1917-06
Dale, Eric Henry 1917-06
Dalton, Patricia (1917-06) 1917-06
Davey, Margaret Glenys 1917-06
Davies, Jean Daniel Evans 1917-06
Davis, Denis Owen 1917-06
Davison, Thomas Balmain 1917-06
de Peyrecave, Rene Louis 1917-06
Dean, Doris Lilian 1917-06
Dennis, Vera Hannah 1917-06
Derby Williams, Edith Roosevelt 1917-06-17 2008-06-08
Dick, Peter Harry William 1917-06
Digweed, Freda Henrietta 1917-06
Dixon, George Edwin 1917-06
Don, Stuart Warren 1917-06
Dooley, George Edward 1917-06
Douglas, Gordon (1917-06) 1917-06
Dowell, Frederick 1917-06
Driver, Joan Edith 1917-06
Dunlop, Peter James 1917-06
Durant, Leslie Boyfield 1917-06
Dyson, Alwyn Dorathy 1917-06
Eagleton, Leslie Bainbridge 1917-06
Eastwood, Gwendolyn Maudie 1917-06
Edwards, Albert John 1917-06
Edwards, Peggy Vivian 1917-06
Elliott, Isobel M 1917-06
Elliott, Isobella M 1917-06
Farnworth, Margery 1917-06
Farrell, Bernard James 1917-06
Fawcett, Robert (1917-06) 1917-06
Fawcett, William Thomas 1917-06
Ferguson, Peggy 1917-06
Field, George Hazon 1917-06
Fisher, Albert Adolphus 1917-06
Fisher, Joanna Morley 1917-06
Fishman, Maurice 1917-06
Flavell, Basil Handley 1917-06
Fletcher, Wilfred Percy 1917-06
Flower, Jean Mabel 1917-06
Forbes, Clare Lee 1917-06
Ford, Violet Ward 1917-06
Forrest, Donald Alexander 1917-06
Forster, Elizabeth (1917-06) 1917-06
Foster, John (1917-06) 1917-06
Fox, Margaret Mary 1917-06
Frankfurt, Stanley Jacob 1917-06
Frayling, Alice Neilson Patterson 1917-06
Frederick, Philip Harold 1917-06
Fuller, Ernest Thomas 1917-06
Fullick, Edna Florence 1917-06
Gallimore, Shelly 1917-06
Garcia, Ray (1917-06) 1917-06
Gateley, Kenneth Edmonds 1917-06
Giallorezo, Vito 1917-06
Gibbs, Denis Charles Parkins 1917-06
Gilby, Philip Thornton 1917-06
Giles, Donald (1917-06) 1917-06
Girdler, Alexander Charles 1917-06
Gittens, Gwynneth Joan 1917-06
Gleave, Alice 1917-06
Gobey, Peter Michael Stafford 1917-06
Godwin, Francis (1917-06) 1917-06
Goodyer, Pauline Margaret 1917-06
Gorick, Kathleen 1917-06
Gostling, Josephine Edith 1917-06
Graham 1917-06
Graham, Katharine (1917-06) 1917-06
Graham, William Knowles 1917-06
Graveley, Catherine Queen 1917-06
Green, Edward George (1917-06) 1917-06
Green, Raymond (1917-06) 1917-06
Griess, Charles 1917-06
Griffith, Naomi 1917-06
Griffiths, Gwilym Daniel 1917-06
Griffiths, Irene Doris 1917-06
Gullett, Ursula 1917-06
Gunning, Barbara May 1917-06
Haigh, Bernice 1917-06
Hall, Alfred John 1917-06
Hallett, Dorothy Muriel 1917-06
Hameed, Mustafa (1917-06) 1917-06
Hammond, Beatrice Emily 1917-06
Harbridge, Jim 1917-06
Harrison, Arthur (1917-06) 1917-06
Harrow, Grace Simpson 1917-06
Harte, George Frederick 1917-06
Hartley, Lydia 1917-06
Harvey, Jack (1917-06) 1917-06
Harvey, Trevor Frederick Charles 1917-06
Haslehurst, Stanley Hubert 1917-06
Haycock, Peter Bertram 1917-06
Hayes, Doris 1917-06
Haynes, John Richard 1917-06
Heard, George Hedley Douglas 1917-06
Hearsey, Frank William 1917-06
Helper, Deborah 1917-06
Hemingway, Mary 1917-06
Henshall, Dorothy Emily 1917-06
Hepton, Gertrude Marjorie 1917-06
Higgs, Douglas George 1917-06
High, Barry Langford 1917-06
Hill, John Charles Gathorne 1917-06
Hindman, Harold 1917-06
Hirst, Jack (1917-06) 1917-06
Hobbs, David Sydney Thomas 1917-06
Hockey, Lewis George 1917-06
Hodder, Millicent Miriam 1917-06
Hope-Mason, Gunnel Anna 1917-06
Horton, Stanley 1917-06
Horwich, Otto Camillo 1917-06
Hughes, Joan (1917-06) 1917-06
Hughes, Kathleen Valarie 1917-06
Hughes, Muriel Frances 1917-06
Hughes-Hallett, Gordon Hamilton 1917-06-15
Hume, Thomas Andrew 1917-06
Hunter, Thomas Munro 1917-06
Hyde, Robert Charles 1917-06
Ilic, Milos (1917-06) 1917-06
Ingram, Michael Warren 1917-06
Ismail, Nurbanu Gulam Hussein 1917-06
Ivanovic, June Veronica 1917-06
Jackson, John (1917-06) 1917-06
Jacobs, Edward Eugene John 1917-06
Jarvie, Albert 1917-06
Jarvis, Ellen Beryl 1917-06
Jarvis, Leslie Tom 1917-06
Jensen, Arne Bundgard 1917-06
Jessett, Muriel Edith 1917-06
Johnston, Isobella 1917-06
Jolley, Ian Bellian 1917-06
Jones, Mary Catherine (1917-06) 1917-06
Jover, Luis Matutano 1917-06
Karmali, John Shamsudin 1917-06
Kay, Marion (1917-06) 1917-06
Kendrick, Mary Betty 1917-06
Kenwright, Leonard 1917-06
Kenyon, Margaret Emma 1917-06
Keveren, Keith Norman 1917-06
King, Winifred Muriel 1917-06
Kivell, Ernest Colin 1917-06
Knights, Barbara Molly Willoughby 1917-06
Knights, Frank Arthur 1917-06
Knock, Reginald Henry 1917-06
Koven, Leonard 1917-06
Kravis, Morris 1917-06
Langley, Margaret Annie Beryl 1917-06
Latham, John Viview 1917-06
Laufer, Jack 1917-06
Lawlor, Elsie Edna 1917-06
Lawson, Dulcie Alberta 1917-06
Leppington, Leslie Walter 1917-06
Lind, Hazel 1917-06
Lindo, Albert William 1917-06
Lindsay, James Wilson 1917-06
Linton, Norman Martin 1917-06
Lipmann, Eric Otto Maria 1917-06
Liversedge, Arthur Donald 1917-06
Livingston, Helen Ainslie 1917-06
Livingstone, Helen (1917-06) 1917-06
Lochhead, Robert Finlay 1917-06
Lomax, Douglas John Barton 1917-06
Lowe, Arnold John 1917-06
Macaulay, Betty 1917-06
Mackay, Margaret Joan 1917-06
Maclean, Dorothea 1917-06
Maes, Diana Willis 1917-06
Magrill, Emanuel 1917-06
Maitland, George Wilbraham 1917-06
Mander, Joseph Cecil 1917-06
Maplestone, Hetty 1917-06
March, Peter Shirley 1917-06
Marland, Elsie 1917-06
Marsh, William Rawlinson 1917-06
Martin, Alastair John (1917-06) 1917-06
Martin, Dorothy Elizabeth 1917-06
Massingham, Annie Emily 1917-06
Maxwell, Michael Hugh Constable 1917-06
Mayes, Stanley Norman 1917-06
McColm, John 1917-06
McFarlane, John (1917-06) 1917-06
McWean, Elizabeth Stewart 1917-06
Mellor, Herbert Henry 1917-06
Mendleson, Joseph 1917-06
Meyer, Godefroy Auguste 1917-06
Meyer, Gus 1917-06
Meyrick, Joan 1917-06
Mitchell, William Thomson 1917-06
Moore, Stanley (1917-06) 1917-06
Morgan, Arthur Philip Harold 1917-06
Morgan, Audrey Elizabeth 1917-06
Morley, William Joseph 1917-06
Morrison, Denis (1917-06) 1917-06
Mort, Ethel Mary 1917-06
Mounsey, William George 1917-06
Murphy, Winifred Ada 1917-06
Musgrave, Betty (1917-06) 1917-06
Musgrave, Raymond John Le Butt 1917-06
Nattress, Mary 1917-06
Neville, Barbara May 1917-06
Neville, Kenneth Henry 1917-06
Noakes, Harry Reginald 1917-06
Oldfield, Fred Douglas 1917-06
Osborne, Kenneth William (1917-06) 1917-06
Oxer, John Charles Lewes 1917-06
Oxer, Patricia Berenice Vera 1917-06
Park, George William Seed 1917-06
Parker, Arthur (1917-06) 1917-06
Parker, Douglas Arthur 1917-06
Parker, Kathleen Esther 1917-06
Parkinson, Jack (1917-06) 1917-06
Parry, Iorwerth Brynmor 1917-06
Payne, Edward (1917-06) 1917-06
Peden, Phyllis Anne Morrison 1917-06
Perkins, George (1917-06) 1917-06
Phillips, Catherine Joan 1917-06
Phillips, Helen (1917-06) 1917-06
Pidgen, Hilda Edith 1917-06
Pitt, Peggy Audrey 1917-06
Plant, Edna May 1917-06
Polcock, Susan 1917-06
Pole, George 1917-06
Porter, Joan Patience 1917-06
Pountney, Frank 1917-06
Pratt, Joan 1917-06
Pritchett, Leslie 1917-06
Purkiss, Stanley Thomas 1917-06
Radage, Marjorie 1917-06
Randell, Lois 1917-06
Rapport, Audrey Rachel 1917-06
Ratcliffe, Edna Jane 1917-06
Rathbone, George Harold Creed 1917-06
Rawlings, Helen Marion 1917-06
Rawlins, Raymond Vivian 1917-06
Readman, Stuart Charles 1917-06
Reavenall, Stanley Frederick 1917-06
Reed, Beryl Constance 1917-06
Reed, Joan Clara 1917-06
Reid, John Malcolm 1917-06
Reid, William Frank Donald 1917-06
Reynolds, Stanley (1917-06) 1917-06
Richardson, Frederick Robert 1917-06
Riding, Frederick Norman 1917-06
Ritson, John Hopper 1917-06
Robertson, Stanley Mercer 1917-06
Robertson, Thomas Rae Laing 1917-06
Robinson, Muriel (1917-06) 1917-06
Robinson, Vincent John 1917-06
Robinson, William Milligan 1917-06
Roesner Mautby, Hans Herman 1917-06
Rogers, Violet Maud 1917-06
Rogerson, Louisa Florence 1917-06
Rootes, William Geoffrey 1917-06
Ross, Margaret (1917-06) 1917-06
Rothwell, Percy 1917-06
Rowland, Edith Ferguson 1917-06
Rowling, John William 1917-06
Ruddell, Herbert Richard Frederick John 1917-06
Russell, John Findlay 1917-06
Russell, Lucy Jane (1917-06) 1917-06
Russell, Walter Alan 1917-06
Sakula, Alec 1917-06
Salmon, Brian Lawson 1917-06
Samuel, Edward Bertham 1917-06
Sayers, Arthur Douglas 1917-06
Scantlebury, Gladys Elizabeth 1917-06
Scott, James (1917-06) 1917-06
Scott, John Newton 1917-06
Scott, Lilian (1917-06) 1917-06
Sekers, Agota 1917-06
Senior, Marjorie 1917-06
Sewell, Joseph Barron 1917-06
Shaw, William David (1917-06) 1917-06
Shepping, Colin 1917-06
Shires, Norman Nelson 1917-06
Shishmanian, Edward 1917-06
Silcox, John Vernon 1917-06
Silver, Lily 1917-06
Simmons, Charles Frederick 1917-06
Simmons, William Percy Henry 1917-06
Sington, Reginald 1917-06
Slade, Kathleen (1917-06) 1917-06
Slovick, David (1917-06) 1917-06
Small, Reginald William (1917-06) 1917-06
Smith, Harold St Clare 1917-06
Smith, Hilda Day 1917-06
Sowerby, Thomas William 1917-06
Sparkes, George Ezra 1917-06
Spence, Charles G 1917-06
Spratling, Reginald John 1917-06
Stephens, Rupert St John 1917-06
Stevenson, Cecilia 1917-06
Stolc, Wladyslaw 1917-06
Stunt, James Philip 1917-06
Sturney, Phyllis Hettie 1917-06
Sugden, Elsie 1917-06
Sugden, Sarah Josephine 1917-06
Sullivan, Doris Muriel 1917-06
Summersby, Phyllis Joan 1917-06
Sutton, Florence 1917-06
Sutton, Myra Mabel 1917-06
Sweeting, Norman Ellis 1917-06
Taylor, Dudley Lloyd Stevens 1917-06
Terry, Mary Josephine 1917-06
Thompson, Elizabeth Rebecca 1917-06
Towne, Naomi Margery 1917-06
Townson, Henry Edmund 1917-06
Treadwell, Peggy Diana 1917-06
Trotter, Thomas Alfred 1917-06
Tucker, Kathleen Annie 1917-06
Tully, Leslie Wilfred 1917-06
Turner, John Stanley (1917-06) 1917-06
Turner, Leonard Roy 1917-06
Turner, Reginald Victor John 1917-06
Tysoe, Lionel Edward 1917-06
Vann, Jack Norman 1917-06
Von Saxe, Consuelo 1917-06
Walker, John Simpson 1917-06
Walters, Theodora Francesca 1917-06
Walwyn-Jones, Edward Owen 1917-06
Ward, Joan Elizabeth Frances 1917-06
Ward, Michael Newling 1917-06
Ward, Ruth Mary 1917-06
Warham, Barbara 1917-06
Warnes, John Frederick 1917-06
Warren, Violet 1917-06
Webb, Ronald Arthur Frank 1917-06
Welford, Agnes 1917-06
Welford, Ruth Ada 1917-06
Wells, Keith William (1917-06) 1917-06
West, Joyce Winifred 1917-06
Wherry, Annie 1917-06
White, Ronald Arthur 1917-06
Wigham, Stanley Rodham 1917-06
Wilkins, Thomas George 1917-06
Williams, Dilys 1917-06
Williams, Graham Stanley 1917-06
Williams, John Frederick (1917-06) 1917-06
Wills, Hugh David Hamilton 1917-06
Wilsher, Godfrey Amos 1917-06
Wilson, John (1917-06) 1917-06
Wilson, Leslie (1917-06) 1917-06
Wilson, Leslie Andrew 1917-06
Wilson, Sarah (1917-06) 1917-06
Wilston, James Herbert Joseph 1917-06
Wintle, Olivia 1917-06
Wolff, David Simon 1917-06
Woodland, Claude Jack 1917-06
Woodley, Ronald Arthur 1917-06
Woods, Marjorie Maude 1917-06
Woodward, Alan Joseph 1917-06
Wrench, Roy Leslie 1917-06
Wright, Warner Leslie 1917-06
Wyatt, Ben (1917-06) 1917-06
Wyles, Shelia Aline 1917-06
Yallop, Harold Derrick John 1917-06
Yeomans, Thelma Irene 1917-06

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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