Age in 2025: 136
Name | Date of birth | Date of death |
Adrian, Edgar Douglas | 1889-11-30 | 1977-08-04 |
Buxton, Thomas Fowell (1889-11-08) | 1889-11-08 | 1945-10-28 |
Cavendish-Bentinck, Lucy Joan | 1889-11-04 | 1971-06-29 |
Griffith-Boscawen, Enid Sophia | 1889-11-11 | 1980-01-23 |
Lowcock, Edith | 1889-11-22 | 1936-12-26 |
Paget, Leo Berkeley | 1889-11-15 | 1951-07-26 |
Rees-Mogg, Edmund Fletcher | 1889-11-11 | 1962-12-12 |
Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.
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