People born in  month

Age in 2024: 112

Name Date of birth Date of death
Agombar, Alfred Albert 1912-03
Ahlin, Frank 1912-03
Albon, George Henry 1912-03
Allen, Agnes Christina 1912-03
Allen, John Piers 1912-03
Allison, Lilian 1912-03
Amousie, Elias 1912-03
Amstell, Tessa 1912-03
Anderson, James Farquharson Maclaren 1912-03
Anthony, Muriel 1912-03
Appleby, Fred Roper 1912-03
Armstrong, William Alexander (1912-03) 1912-03
Arnold, Mary (1912-03) 1912-03
Astor, Francis David Langhorne 1912-03
Atkin, Mary 1912-03
Bacon, Charles Cecil 1912-03
Bailey, Albert Henry 1912-03
Bailey, Robert Ernest 1912-03
Bannister, Claude 1912-03
Barber, Kenneth Lysberg 1912-03
Barnes, Reginald Thomas 1912-03
Bartholomew, Leslie John 1912-03
Bartle, Frank 1912-03
Batchelor, Joan Mary Champion 1912-03
Baynham, Margaret Elizabeth 1912-03
Bebb, Rupert Thomas 1912-03
Bellamy, Frank 1912-03
Betts, Stanley 1912-03
Bleasdale, Nora 1912-03
Bloom, Sadie 1912-03
Bolton, Dorothy (1912-03) 1912-03
Bolton, Ruth Annie 1912-03
Booth, John (1912-03) 1912-03
Bowerman, Leslie Charles 1912-03
Bowring, Andrew John Presgrave 1912-03-21 1987-07-24
Boyland, Leonard Samuel 1912-03
Brafman, Jack 1912-03
Bray, Gladys Nora 1912-03
Bridle, Harold James 1912-03
Briggs, Agnes Moyes 1912-03
Brighouse, Ethel Elizabeth 1912-03
Brogan, Winifred 1912-03
Brown, Fred (1912-03) 1912-03
Bruce, Alexander George (1912-03) 1912-03
Brunton, Winifred May 1912-03
Burden, Albert Edward 1912-03
Burland, David (1912-03) 1912-03
Burnell, Howard Gilbert 1912-03
Byrne, Henry Francis 1912-03
Calder, Muriel 1912-03
Caley, Phyllis Mary 1912-03
Callaghan, James (1912-03) 1912-03
Callaghan, Leonard James 1912-03-27 2005-03-26
Caplin, Elizabeth 1912-03
Carnes, Hilton Alonzo 1912-03
Carter, Ronald Frank 1912-03
Cartledge, Samuel Joseph 1912-03
Chamberlain, Robert (1912-03) 1912-03
Charnley, Gladys May 1912-03
Cherriman, Violet 1912-03
Chidson, Elizabeth Margaret 1912-03
Chopping, Leonard 1912-03
Churchill, George Stanislas 1912-03
Churchman, Horace 1912-03
Clapton, Doris Eileen 1912-03
Clark, Dorothy May 1912-03
Clarke, Charlotte Elizabeth (1912-03) 1912-03
Clarke, Mary (1912-03) 1912-03
Coak, Leonard 1912-03-13
Cohen, Eric (1912-03) 1912-03
Cole, Barbara (1912-03) 1912-03-16 1999-06-13
Collcott, John Sanders 1912-03
Collett, Douglas Clarence Edward 1912-03
Collins, William James (1912-03) 1912-03
Collisson, Marion 1912-03
Colman, Geoffrey William 1912-03
Colman, Russell Parsons 1912-03
Cowling, Marjorie Lucy 1912-03
Cozens, Arthur Barry 1912-03
Crago, George Henry 1912-03
Craske, Basil 1912-03
Crawford, Mary Elizabeth (1912-03) 1912-03
Crellin, Rosemary Emily Hodson 1912-03
Crofton, John Wenman 1912-03
Crowson, Olive Muriel 1912-03
Dann, Leslie Reuben 1912-03
Darbyshire, Elizabeth 1912-03
Davies, Millicent 1912-03
Dawson, Ethel 1912-03
de Wichfeld, Angela Alice Maryel 1912-03
Denham, Mary Constance 1912-03
Dickie, Bruce Watson 1912-03
Dixon, Muriel Gertrude 1912-03
Doran, Mary (1912-03) 1912-03
Dorer, Grace Mary 1912-03
Dowlman, Mary Elizabeth 1912-03
Downs, Frank 1912-03
Drake, Alfred 1912-03
Dugard, Cecil Leslie George 1912-03
Duke, Kenneth Frederick De Gory 1912-03
Dunderdale, Edward (1912-03) 1912-03
Earland, Ernest Edward 1912-03
Eland, Roger Talbot 1912-03
Ellsworth Jones, Eileen 1912-03
Evans, Laurence Ansdell 1912-03
Evans, Megan (1912-03) 1912-03
Everett, Thora Olive 1912-03
Eykel, Arthur Ernest 1912-03
Ferguson, Annie Mcdonald 1912-03
Field, William John 1912-03
Finlayson, Ian Ross 1912-03
Fisher, Guy Frederick 1912-03
Fisher, Joseph (1912-03) 1912-03
Fisk, Jack Roy 1912-03
Fowler, Harold Charles 1912-03
Frankel, Adolf (1912-03) 1912-03
Frankland, Alfred William 1912-03
Fyfield, Charles William 1912-03
Gallagher, Teresa (1912-03) 1912-03
Gardner, Clifford 1912-03
Geal, Eric Walton 1912-03
Gelles, Anna 1912-03
Gibson, Gertrude Beatrice Kathleen 1912-03
Gisborne, Gerald Henry 1912-03
Goddard, Frank 1912-03
Goddard, Lily Emma Harriett Garrad 1912-03
Gold, Queenie 1912-03
Golding, Walter Denis 1912-03
Goldman, Samuel (1912-03) 1912-03
Grant, Maurice 1912-03
Gray, Donald (1912-03) 1912-03
Green, Thomas (1912-03) 1912-03
Greenwood, Hugh 1912-03
Grove, Phyllis Mary 1912-03
Groves, Harry (1912-03) 1912-03
Guthrie Limmer, Kathleen Nellie 1912-03
Hadden, William Edward 1912-03
Hale, George James 1912-03
Halls, Bryan Archer 1912-03
Handel, Arthur Israel 1912-03
Hardiman, Patrick (1912-03) 1912-03
Hardman, John (1912-03) 1912-03
Harman, Anthony Shannon 1912-03
Harmon, Kathleen Rosemary 1912-03
Harris, Abraham Albert 1912-03
Harris, Edward George (1912-03) 1912-03
Hart, William John (1912-03) 1912-03
Hartle, Leslie 1912-03
Hayward, Alfred William 1912-03
Hayward, Marjorie Mary 1912-03
Hellrich, Kenneth Sergeant 1912-03
Hesketh, John Frances 1912-03
Hickling, Francis 1912-03
Higginson, Stanley Birkinshaw 1912-03
Hilton, Ina Elizabeth 1912-03
Hodge, Rita Hildegard Aranka 1912-03
Holcom, Gladys 1912-03
Houston, Robert Ritchie 1912-03
Howarth, Lilian 1912-03
Humphreys, Albert (1912-03) 1912-03
Hunt, Robert Graham 1912-03
Hutchinson, Margaret Edith 1912-03
Hutchinson, Phyllis Alice Mary 1912-03
Hutton-Stott, Thomas Wilson 1912-03
Ivanowicz, Boleslaw Stanislaw 1912-03
Jackson, Gladys May 1912-03
Jamieson, William (1912-03) 1912-03
Jay, Betty 1912-03
Jenkins, Frances Josephine 1912-03
Johnson, Helen Margaret (1912-03) 1912-03
Johnston, Mary Cecelia 1912-03
Jones, Dorothy (1912-03) 1912-03
Jones, Edna (1912-03) 1912-03
Jordan (sen), Hercules (1912-03) 1912-03
Keeling, Dennis Talbot 1912-03
Kelly, Joseph Kevin 1912-03
Kendal, Anne Marie 1912-03
Kirkham, Harold 1912-03
Langford, Lord 1912-03
Lavelle, Edward Thomas 1912-03
Lawrance, Elsie Florence 1912-03
Lawrie, Annie Marshall 1912-03
Lawrie, Thomas Steele 1912-03
Lawson, George Alexander 1912-03
Lee, Elinor Mary 1912-03
Lee, Margaret Alicia 1912-03
Leech, Walter William 1912-03
Legg, Dororthy 1912-03
Lentle, Irene Mary 1912-03
Lewis, Frederick William 1912-03
Lloyd, Gwlym Elwyn 1912-03
Lock, Phillip Edward 1912-03
Lockhart, Donald Earnest 1912-03
Lowe, Gordon (1912-03) 1912-03
Lyall, John Rea 1912-03
Lydbury, Bruce Alan 1912-03
Lyons, William Patrick 1912-03
Macferson, Austin Wallace 1912-03
Macpherson, John Cuthbert 1912-03
Maddocks, Margaret May 1912-03
Mansfield, Mary (1912-03) 1912-03
Mantle, Arthur Ernest 1912-03
Marshall, Kathleen Maria 1912-03
Marshall, William Harold 1912-03
McCormick, Joan 1912-03
McKay, James Wilson 1912-03
McLachlan, James Alan 1912-03
McNeill, Mary B 1912-03
Metcalfe, Decima 1912-03
Miles, Leslie Hugh 1912-03
Mintz, Hannah 1912-03
Mirams, Leslie 1912-03
Money, Leslie Joseph 1912-03
Morrison, Jessie (1912-03) 1912-03
Murphine, Zofja 1912-03
Murray, Nancy Noreen 1912-03
Nathan, Millicent 1912-03
Ockenden, Ralph Ernest 1912-03
Osborne, Daisy Grace May 1912-03
Oxenham, Cyril Edwin 1912-03
Parr, Thomas Kenneth 1912-03
Patterson, Dorothy Marian 1912-03
Paxton, Collier George 1912-03
Payne, Francis Martin 1912-03
Peake, Irene 1912-03
Perrin, Frank Alfred 1912-03
Pesci, Estte Of Doris May 1912-03
Pickard, Daphne Evelyn 1912-03
Pitchson, George Sayers 1912-03
Pollock, Thomas Buchanan 1912-03
Popham, William Jewell 1912-03
Powell, Ruth Eleanor 1912-03
Price, Charles William 1912-03
Proffitt, Ruth 1912-03
Pugh, Betty Hattersley 1912-03
Racke, Bertha 1912-03
Ramshaw, John Rowland Morpeth 1912-03
Ramus, Ernest 1912-03
Ravenhill, Ruth Margery 1912-03
Ready, George Alan 1912-03
Reed, Evelyn Maud 1912-03
Rees, Herbert David 1912-03
Reichman, Theodore 1912-03
Richards, Llewellyn 1912-03
Richardson, Mabel 1912-03
Ricks, Cyril Richard 1912-03
Roberts, Kenneth (1912-03) 1912-03
Robertson, Stanley William Hodge 1912-03
Robinson, Joseph (1912-03) 1912-03
Ross, Sidney 1912-03
Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Alexander 1912-03-08 2017-11-12
Saady, Victor 1912-03
Sainsbury, Lisa Ingeborg 1912-03-03 2014-02-06
Saunders-Davies, Mary Lesley 1912-03
Scher, Daphne Cecile 1912-03
Scholes, Frank (1912-03) 1912-03
Schryver, Peter John 1912-03
Scouse, Herbert Arthur 1912-03
Sebag-Montefiore, Arthur (1912) 1912-03-13 1935-04-28
Sharp, Jack (1912-03) 1912-03
Shepherd, Eric (1912-03) 1912-03
Shepherd, Ethel 1912-03
Sibthorpe, Henry Masters 1912-03
Simmonds, Garth Hubert 1912-03
Skinner, Jeffery William 1912-03
Slark, Dorothy Emily 1912-03
Slatter, Stanley James 1912-03
Smith, Ernest William Price 1912-03
Smith, Gladys (1912-03) 1912-03
Smith, John (1912-03) 1912-03
Smith, Leslie Harold 1912-03
Smith, Violet Minnie 1912-03
Snell, Ronald George 1912-03
Southon, Eric Henry John 1912-03
Stafford, Mabel Doris 1912-03
Steele, Lewis Guy 1912-03
Steiner, Kurt 1912-03
Stringer, Ivy 1912-03
Sutton, Albert Edward 1912-03
Sutton, Henry Samuel 1912-03
Swiss, Kenneth Gordon 1912-03
Tawai, Teruaki 1912-03
Tay, Michael Prynn 1912-03
Terley, Richard (1912-03) 1912-03
Thomas, Stanley (1912-03) 1912-03
Thompson, Samuel Francis 1912-03
Thurlby, Gwendoline Dora 1912-03
Thurlow, Francis Edward 1912-03
Tinniswood, John Alfred 1912-03
Tipper, John Frank 1912-03
Tobin, Maria Anna Brieida 1912-03
Tovey, Philip Godfrey 1912-03
Tumilty, Kathleen 1912-03
Twaites, Evelyn 1912-03
Uhlman, Nancy Diana Joyce 1912-03
Underwood, Norman Wilfred 1912-03
Unsworth, George Raymond 1912-03
Vaughan, William Randal 1912-03
Wadsworth, Walter 1912-03
Walker, Daisy Rosina 1912-03
Warren, George Douglas 1912-03
Waterman, Alec 1912-03
Waters, Alexander James Garland 1912-03
Waters, Arthur (1912-03) 1912-03
Watkins, John (1912-03) 1912-03
Watson, Andrew (1912-03) 1912-03
Webb, Reginald Douglas 1912-03
Wellings, Harry 1912-03
West, Lillian Beatrice 1912-03
Wetherell, William 1912-03
Whitteridge, Steven Ashley 1912-03
Whyte, Gerald Owen 1912-03-07 1994-01-24
Wilkinson, Phyliss Urmston 1912-03
Williams, Doris Ada 1912-03
Williams, Ethel (1912-03) 1912-03
Winwood, Thomas Claude Middleton 1912-03
Withnall, Herbert Thomas Francis 1912-03
Wood, Anne Pauline Decarteret 1912-03
Wooding, Harold Arthur 1912-03
Wormald, William (1912-03) 1912-03
Worsley, Charmian Louise 1912-03
Yorke, Elizabeth Mary 1912-03-10 1985

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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