People born in  month

Age in 2024: 110

Name Date of birth Date of death
Adam, William Alexander 1914-02
Allen, Raymond Henry 1914-02
Allen, William Hugh Skeldon 1914-02
Andrews, Ian Herbert 1914-02
Arnold, Francisjohn Henry 1914-02
Aschenagi, Albert Maurice 1914-02
Askew, Arthur 1914-02
Atkinson, Francis (1914-02) 1914-02
Austin, Mary (1914-02) 1914-02
Ayres, Geoffrey Arthur 1914-02
Baines, Dorothy May 1914-02
Ball, Ernest Albert 1914-02
Barbrook, William Howard 1914-02
Barlow, Martina Augusta Hilda 1914-02
Barraball, Eric Leslie George 1914-02
Bartlett, Hubert Charles 1914-02
Baulk, Irene 1914-02
Beatty, Marion Sybil 1914-02
Beckhough, Harry 1914-02
Beckingham, Charles Fraser 1914-02
Beken, Alfred Keith 1914-02
Bennett, Henry Lennox 1914-02
Bennett, Margaret Sybil 1914-02
Berck, Myra 1914-02
Biegler, Louis William 1914-02
Biggs, Iris Kathleen Ruth 1914-02
Bishop, Alfred (1914-02) 1914-02
Black, Jane (1914-02) 1914-02
Black, Phyllis (1914-02) 1914-02
Blackburn, Richard Samuel 1914-02
Bloom, Freddy 1914-02
Bloomfield, John Reginald 1914-02
Blyth-Simpson, Robert Bazeth 1914-02
Booth, Ella Sybil 1914-02
Bracey, Frederick John 1914-02
Bradshaw, Arthur William 1914-02
Brake, Cyril John Ellis 1914-02
Brazier, Thomas Francis 1914-02
Brind, Walter Edward 1914-02
Bristow, Marjorie Mary 1914-02
Britton, Irene Mary 1914-02
Britton, Percy 1914-02
Brooker, Albert Ronald 1914-02
Brookes, Reginald (1914-02) 1914-02
Brooks, Henry John (1914-02) 1914-02
Brotherton, Helen Alice Jane 1914-02
Buck, Hadley Joseph 1914-02
Buck, Jean Risk 1914-02
Buckley, Eric Arthur 1914-02
Buckley, James Ronald 1914-02
Buckoke, Mary Elsie 1914-02
Cadogan, William Gerald Charles 1914-02-13 1997-07-04
Cairns, Edith Mary 1914-02
Calvert, John (1914-02) 1914-02
Carmel, Mary 1914-02
Carter, Lawrence John 1914-02
Carter-Ruck, Peter Frederick 1914-02
Cartwright, Suzanne Elsie 1914-02
Cater, Hilda Mary 1914-02
Chapman, Mary Jane 1914-02
Chennells, Dennis 1914-02
Clapham, Phyliss 1914-02
Clarfelt, Jack Gerald 1914-02-07 2009-05-09
Clarke, Percy 1914-02
Clarke, Robert William Anthony 1914-02
Clarke, Steven Valentine 1914-02
Cocker, Joan 1914-02
Cockerill, Desmond Frank 1914-02
Coldwell, Ernest 1914-02
Coleman, Mary (1914-02) 1914-02
Constantinides, Vivienne 1914-02
Copley, Frank 1914-02
Corrigan, Alice 1914-02
Coryton, Patrick Desmond Olpherts 1914-02
Cox, Helen Cleeve 1914-02-16
Coxhill, Ethel Dorothy 1914-02
Critchley, Leslie 1914-02
Cross, Nellie 1914-02
Crouch, Henry Russell 1914-02
Crust, Charles Henry 1914-02
Cummins, Donald 1914-02
Dalby, Kathleen (1914-02) 1914-02
Daly, Edith Alice 1914-02
Davidson, Grace Lillian 1914-02
Davies, Eleanor Olwen 1914-02
Davies, Jean Daniel Evans (1914-02) 1914-02
Davies, Muriel (1914-02) 1914-02
Davis, John Reynoldson Sydney 1914-02
Dewynter, Ida Helen 1914-02
Diakonoff, Igor 1914-02
Dick, Elsie M 1914-02
Dodd, Ena 1914-02
Dodge, Kathleen Mary French 1914-02
Donaldson, J Archibald 1914-02
Drakes, Frank 1914-02
Dryburgh, David Aitken 1914-02
Duffell, Beryl Anne 1914-02
Duncan, Joseph Alexander 1914-02
Dunnet, James Ludovic 1914-02
Durbin, David (1914-02) 1914-02
Edwards, George Robert (1914-02) 1914-02
Ellis, Doris May 1914-02
Elvis, Francis Alfred 1914-02
Evans, Megan (1914-02) 1914-02
Faiman, Joseph 1914-02
Farrell, Pauline Anne 1914-02
Fielder, Ethel May 1914-02
Ford, Robert (1914-02) 1914-02
Frank, Nellie 1914-02
Franklin, Robert Henry 1914-02
Freeman, Harry (1914-02) 1914-02
Frith, Norman Laurence 1914-02
Gadsby, Lilian Barbara 1914-02
Gallie, Charles Frederick 1914-02
Garswood, John 1914-02
Gawthorpe, Lilian Mary 1914-02
Gessey, Edna 1914-02
Gill, Winifred Ruby 1914-02
Glenn, Arthur John 1914-02
Gold, Hannah (1914-02) 1914-02
Goldstein, Herbert 1914-02
Goldstein, Joseph Abraham Douglas 1914-02
Goodyear, Ethel Lavinia 1914-02
Gourevitch, Arnold 1914-02
Gray, Norman (1914-02) 1914-02
Greenham, Dennis Evelyn 1914-02
Greenwood, Blanche 1914-02
Gregory, Nina (1914-02) 1914-02
Grosvenor, Robert Egerton 1914-02-08 1957-05-05
Haines, Audrey Violet 1914-02
Hall, Edna Christine 1914-02
Hallam, Edward Eric 1914-02
Halle, Robert 1914-02
Hanmer, Esther 1914-02
Hardy, Winifred (1914-02) 1914-02
Hare, Montague 1914-02
Harre, Albert Edmund 1914-02
Harris, Mabel 1914-02
Harris, Margaret Manderson 1914-02
Harrop, Ernest 1914-02
Hartley, William Kingsley 1914-02
Hartnell, George Sidney James 1914-02
Hatherton, Roland 1914-02
Hawkins, Joan Adelaide 1914-02
Heathcote, Charles Cyril 1914-02
Hedderly, Jeanne Clench 1914-02
Henniker Heaton, Marjorie 1914-02
Herring, Freda Mary 1914-02
Hidderley, Grace Lillian 1914-02
Hill, Edith 1914-02
Hill, Frederick Cresswell 1914-02
Hill, William Charles (1914-02) 1914-02
Hiller, Marjorie May 1914-02
Himpfen, Margaret May 1914-02
Hislop, George Steedman 1914-02
Hoby, Alan John Fraser 1914-02
Hockmeyer, Henry Martin 1914-02
Hodge, Gilbert Leonard 1914-02
Hodge, Jack 1914-02
Holmwood, Rosa Beatrice 1914-02
Hornabrook, Valerie 1914-02
Horner, John Carter 1914-02
Hotchkin, Neil Stafford 1914-02
Hughes, Francis Elizabeth 1914-02
Hughes, Freda Joan 1914-02
Hui, Sek Kwong 1914-02-01
Hurford, Nora Mary 1914-02
Husband, Richard Edward 1914-02
Jackson, Jessie Esther 1914-02
Jacques, Annie 1914-02
James, Charles Edwin Moxey 1914-02
Jenkins, Kathleen Annie 1914-02
Jennings, Winifred Amelia Mabel 1914-02
Johnsen, Ivan Frederick 1914-02
Johnson, Barbara (1914-02) 1914-02
Joyce, Lottie 1914-02
Kahn, Kenneth Even 1914-02
Keegan, Gabrielle 1914-02
Kelly, Felix (1914-02) 1914-02
Killingback, Frederick William (1914-02) 1914-02
King, Arthur Leslie 1914-02
King, Thomas Lionel 1914-02
Kirsch, Rachel (1914-02) 1914-02
Knight, Robert (1914-02) 1914-02
Lambert, Ellen Gladys 1914-02
Lamport, William Richard 1914-02
Langhorne, Rosemary 1914-02
Lawrence, Charles Joseph John Middleton 1914-02
Lawson, Claire (1914-02) 1914-02
Leader, Bertram Lawrence 1914-02
Lloyd, William Leonard Johnson 1914-02
Lloyd-Jones, Emily Jane 1914-02
Loftus, Asher Max 1914-02
Long Price, David Edward 1914-02
Manfield, Hilda Doris 1914-02
Marks, Harold Edward Suter 1914-02
Marks, John Richard William 1914-02
Marshall, Mabel (1914-02) 1914-02
Martino, Nicola Donato 1914-02
Mason, Peter Geoffrey (1914-02) 1914-02
Matthews, Flora Irene 1914-02
Mawer, Kathleen Mary 1914-02
Mayer, Thomas Henry 1914-02
McCallum, Mildred Lilian 1914-02
McConnell, Wallace 1914-02
McGowan, Muriel 1914-02
McIlwham, Sophia Taylor 1914-02
Meares, Joan Conquer 1914-02
Mellor, Doris Irene 1914-02
Mettam, Norah 1914-02
Middleton, Nancy 1914-02
Miller, Janet Elizabeth Easton 1914-02
Milne, Ray 1914-02
Morris, Ronald (1914-02) 1914-02
Moss, Eileen (1914-02) 1914-02
Munro, Clarice Amelia Emily 1914-02
Music, Bertram 1914-02
Nash, Jack (1914-02) 1914-02
Neville, Anne (1914-02) 1914-02
Niven, Annie Boyd Templeton 1914-02
Noble, Joan Adelaide 1914-02
Nurnberg, Ilse Rita 1914-02
Nuttall, Ronald Glyn 1914-02
Oliver, James Kenneth Murray 1914-02
Ormond, Ada Kay 1914-02
Owen, Dilys Alice 1914-02
Pailthorpe, Norman Douglas 1914-02
Paterson, Iris Irene 1914-02
Pearce, Richard Charles 1914-02
Pearson, Charles Arthur 1914-02
Pearton, Doris 1914-02
Pedley, Millicent Renee 1914-02
Pellant, Walter Reginald 1914-02
Pendred, Norman Lewis William 1914-02
Penney, Frank Edward 1914-02
Petzold, Henry 1914-02
Pindar, Bernard Frederick 1914-02
Pine, Annette Josephine 1914-02
Piper, Stanley Edward 1914-02
Platfoot, Donald Cranmer 1914-02
Pouncy, Anthony Greville 1914-02
Price, Spencer Ernest Charles 1914-02
Prince, Henry John 1914-02
Pugh, Meyvis Arnold 1914-02
Pulbrook, Roger 1914-02
Pullen, Harold James 1914-02
Radcliffe, Audrey 1914-02
Ray, Robert (1914-02) 1914-02
Rayman, Phyllis 1914-02
Reid, Leslie (1914-02) 1914-02
Reid, Olive (1914-02) 1914-02
Rhead, Nellie Harley 1914-02
Richard, Charles John 1914-02
Rickerby, John 1914-02
Ridout, Basil Edwin 1914-02
Rigg, John (1914-02) 1914-02
Rimmer, Margery 1914-02
Roadnight, Denis Harry 1914-02
Roberts, Keith (1914-02) 1914-02
Robins, Norman George 1914-02
Robson, Allen Valentine 1914-02
Roebuck, Ruby Evelyn 1914-02
Rogan, Eamonn 1914-02
Rogers, Paul (1914-02) 1914-02
Rogers, Peter Edward (1914-02) 1914-02
Rollins, Thomas O 1914-02
Rolph, Ralph Leslie 1914-02
Roose, Reginald 1914-02
Rosen, Ann 1914-02
Rosenfeld, George 1914-02
Sage, James Oliver 1914-02
Sambrook, Vera Mary 1914-02
Sarter, Peter 1914-02
Sass, Elsie 1914-02
Schrader, Bernard 1914-02
Scouse, Florence Mary 1914-02
Sebag-Montefiore, Denzil Charles 1914-02-18 1996-01-15
Seigal, Harry Charles 1914-02
Selby, Eileen 1914-02
Selby, Kenneth 1914-02
Sharp, Percy Robinson 1914-02
Sharpling, Grace Ada 1914-02
Shaw, Herbert Cedric 1914-02
Shears, Ernest Calvert 1914-02
Sherwin, Eric 1914-02
Sinclair, Jack (1914-02) 1914-02
Skinner, Jessie Margaret Laurie 1914-02
Smith, Maud Beatrice 1914-02
Standring, Elsie 1914-02
Stanley, Grizel 1914-02
Stanton, Ivan Edgar 1914-02
Steffens, Albert Joseph 1914-02
Stein, Fritz 1914-02
Stern, Jack (1914-02) 1914-02
Stevens, George Ian Graham 1914-02
Stott, George Kenneth 1914-02
Stott, Margaret 1914-02
Strang, Florence Edna 1914-02
Stratton, Sydney 1914-02
Stubbs Stanhope, Ruth Emma 1914-02
Sutherland, James Anthony 1914-02
Sutton, Ernest George 1914-02
Swift, Stephen Henry Valentine 1914-02
Tabaxman, Simon Barnet 1914-02
Taylor, Joyce Helena 1914-02
Tett, Kenneth 1914-02
Thomas, Adaline May 1914-02
Thompson, Mary Lilian 1914-02
Thomson, Christina Redpath 1914-02
Thorpe, George Bradley 1914-02
Titman, Leslie 1914-02
Tracy, Walter Valentine 1914-02
Travis, Ada 1914-02
Tucker-Peake, Herbert William 1914-02
Vaughan-Jones, Joyce Maria Pounds 1914-02
Wainford, Joseph Leonard 1914-02
Wakley, Alice Margaret 1914-02
Walker, George Frederick 1914-02
Wang, Sally 王姚翠棣 1914-02-28 2018-06-03
Wates, George Ainsworth 1914-02
Weir, Alfred Robert 1914-02
Welch, Marjorie Louise 1914-02
West, George Thomas 1914-02
Westley, Joseph Henry 1914-02
Whitehead, Robert Grimshaw 1914-02
Whitsey, Kathleen Julia 1914-02
Whitworth, Geoffrey (1914-02) 1914-02
Wilks, Frederick 1914-02
Williams, Edward Joseph 1914-02
Wills, Kenneth Anthony Watts 1914-02
Wilson, Howard Francis 1914-02
Wilton, Kathleen Mary 1914-02
Winkless, Charles Stephen 1914-02
Witt, Mary Davis 1914-02
Witting, Kenneth Wilfrid 1914-02
Woods, Robin (1914-02) 1914-02
Wrightson, Peter 1914-02
Yahya, Kadir 1914-02
Young, Kenneth Malcolm George 1914-02
Young, Olga Theodora 1914-02
Young, Stephen Naunton 1914-02
Zogalli, Robert 1914-02

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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