People born in  month

Age in 2024: 106

Name Date of birth Date of death
Agius, Hugh (1918-01) 1918-01
Allen, Gwendolyn Marston 1918-01
Allen, William Harold 1918-01
Andersen, Prudence Schack 1918-01
Anniss, Michael Stephen 1918-01
Archer, Phyllis Mary 1918-01
Armstrong, Anthony (1918-01) 1918-01
Arnell, John Edmund Charles 1918-01
Aubrey-Smith, Barbara 1918-01
Baker, Anna Tamara 1918-01
Balston, Rex Whitehorn 1918-01
Bamber, Dennis Drewery 1918-01
Banks, Joan (1918-01) 1918-01
Barter, Reginald Tovey 1918-01
Basil, Maisie Lilla 1918-01
Bass, Richard Christopher Mitchell 1918-01
Bastani Hessary, Bhador 1918-01
Batchelor, Sybil 1918-01
Batt, Robert Frederick 1918-01
Battye, Ian Howard 1918-01
Beard, Frederick Albert 1918-01
Beaton, Alan (1918-01) 1918-01
Beech, Frederick Ronald 1918-01
Beeson, Doreen Marie 1918-01
Bekker, Elizabeth Anne 1918-01
Bell, Jean Redpath 1918-01
Bennett, Reuben 1918-01
Bigland, Edna Amelia 1918-01
Bingham, George Edward (1918-01) 1918-01
Birtwistle, John (1918-01) 1918-01
Black, John Angus 1918-01
Blackwell, Marjorie Ethel 1918-01
Bliss, Gwendoline Elizabeth Mabel 1918-01
Boden, Phyliss 1918-01
Bonham-Carter, Maud Lesley 1918-01-16 1992-04-28
Booth, Marcus Baxter 1918-01
Boris, Harry 1918-01
Borland, Catherine Martha 1918-01
Bostock, John Richard 1918-01
Botting, Robert James 1918-01
Bowen, Annie Mary Edwina 1918-01
Bradburn, Ronald 1918-01
Braithwaite, Ernest 1918-01
Brewster, Joan Kathleen 1918-01
Bridge, Jean Frances 1918-01
Briggs, Wallace Lancelot 1918-01
Broad, Dorothy Wilson 1918-01
Brook, Eric Perry 1918-01
Brooks, Beatrice May 1918-01
Brooks, William George Alvery 1918-01
Brown, Anthony William (1918-01) 1918-01
Brown, Harold (1918-01) 1918-01
Brown, Jane (1918-01) 1918-01
Brown, John Morton (1918-01) 1918-01
Bunce, George Henry 1918-01
Burge, Stuart (1918-01) 1918-01
Burgess, Betty Rhoda 1918-01
Burgess, Frederick James 1918-01
Burgoine, Robert Cocks 1918-01
Burke, Gerald (1918-01) 1918-01
Burnett, David Humphery 1918-01
Byam-Cook, Anne 1918-01
Cairns, Jack John William 1918-01
Capon, Nancy Gladys 1918-01
Carey (joint Director With McCarol), Patrick Joseph (1918-01) 1918-01
Carrington, Eric Robson 1918-01
Cavendish, Jean May 1918-01
Chadwick, Violet 1918-01
Chamberlain, Gerald William 1918-01
Chaplin, Harold Edward 1918-01
Chapman, Nora 1918-01
Chappell, Jack (1918-01) 1918-01
Charman, Ivy Doris 1918-01
Christie, Gregory 1918-01
Claridge, Geoffrey Percy 1918-01
Claridge, Joan Margaret 1918-01
Clark, Horace Ernest 1918-01
Clarke, Freda 1918-01
Cloke, Ronald James 1918-01
Clowes, Richard (1918-01) 1918-01
Collins, Bridget (1918-01) 1918-01
Collyer, Pauline Ruby 1918-01
Cook, Andrew Mcturk 1918-01
Cook, Harry Home 1918-01
Cook, Reginald Alexander 1918-01
Cookson, Muriel Ada 1918-01
Cooper, Babette Magdalene 1918-01
Cooper, Dorothy (1918-01) 1918-01
Cooper, George William Charles 1918-01
Cormack, William Hamilton 1918-01
Cornish, Elizabeth Gallacher 1918-01
Corser, Victor John 1918-01
Cottrell, Delroy (1918-01) 1918-01
Cound, Stanley John 1918-01
Coward, Eva 1918-01
Cox, William Stuart 1918-01
Craggs, George Ronald 1918-01
Craig, George (1918-01) 1918-01
Cramp, James Richard Lees 1918-01
Crawford, Frank (1918-01) 1918-01
Crellin, Thomas (1918-01) 1918-01
Cullman Snr, Edgar Meyer 1918-01
Cunningham, Letitia 1918-01
Cuthbertson, George Alexander 1918-01
Dadgaran, Khadijeh 1918-01
Dance, Gilbert Abel 1918-01
Darby, Marjorie Daphne 1918-01
Davey, Evelyn Ruth 1918-01
Davies, Margaret Hannah 1918-01
Davies, Zena Isern 1918-01
Davis, Jack Oliver 1918-01
Davis, Stanley (1918-01) 1918-01
Dawes, Geoffrey Sharman 1918-01
Dean, Mahalla Jane 1918-01
Dell, Faye 1918-01
Denton, Olive 1918-01
Dev, Guru 1918-01
Dibb, Reginald Arthur Lawrence 1918-01
Diemer, Frank 1918-01
Dimont, Simon 1918-01
Disney, James William 1918-01
Dodgson, Constance Nottingham 1918-01
Doherty, Arthur Woodings 1918-01
Donaldson, Robert (1918-01) 1918-01
Dorman, Bernard Samuel 1918-01
Dove, Peggy Dorothea 1918-01
Dugan-Chapman, Charles 1918-01
Dunn, Robin Walford 1918-01
Elliott, Dorothy (1918-01) 1918-01
Eskell, Stanley Louis Mowbray 1918-01
Evans, Harold Brian 1918-01
Everett, Alan Sidney 1918-01
Eynon, Margaret Olive 1918-01
Farey, Kathleen Maude 1918-01
Faulkner, William Henry 1918-01
Fenton, James Douglas 1918-01
Ferguson, Margaret Brockie 1918-01
Ferrar, Frank Leslie 1918-01
Fitzgerald, Desmond (1918-01) 1918-01
Flay, Martha 1918-01
Fletcher, Clifford (1918-01) 1918-01
Flitter, Doris May 1918-01
Foggett, Jack 1918-01
Folkes, John Herbert 1918-01
Foster, Winifred 1918-01
Fountain, Rhoda Mary 1918-01
Fox, Harold Denis 1918-01
Franzkowiak, Elizabeth 1918-01
Fraser, Hugh Charles Patrick Joseph 1918-01-23 1984-03-06
Frattaroli, John 1918-01
Frost, Bernard Cardain 1918-01
Frost, Walter Leonard Frank 1918-01
Galwey, Elizabeth 1918-01
Gardner, John Howard 1918-01
Gaunt, Olive Rita 1918-01
Gidney, Frank Mortimer 1918-01
Gillman, Arthur Neville 1918-01
Glanville, John Foster 1918-01
Glass, Reginald John 1918-01
Glogowska, Jean Stewart 1918-01
Golt, Jean Amy Mcmillan 1918-01
Gordon, Beryl Irene 1918-01
Graham, Muriel Jane 1918-01
Grant, Douglas (1918-01) 1918-01
Gray, John Gordon (1918-01) 1918-01
Gray, Margaret Elaine 1918-01
Greatorex, Wilfred Anthony 1918-01
Green, Douglas (1918-01) 1918-01
Green, Elizabeth Moira 1918-01
Greenwood, Winifred 1918-01
Grundy, Kenneth (1918-01) 1918-01
Gunn, Bay 1918-01
Hair, Margaret 1918-01
Hall, Michael Lindsay Bracbridge 1918-01
Halsall, Amy Joan 1918-01
Hambelton, Winifred Ruby 1918-01
Hammond, Paul Augustus 1918-01
Hams, Reginald William 1918-01
Hancox, Eric Claude 1918-01
Hannah, Richard (1918-01) 1918-01
Hansen, Jan Haakan 1918-01
Hargreaves, Edna 1918-01
Harrison, Lizzie Vera 1918-01
Hartwell, Claude 1918-01
Hawkes, Benjamin John 1918-01
Hayes, Frederick Christopher 1918-01
Heaps, Edward Lionel 1918-01
Heavey, Luke 1918-01
Hellyer, Veronica 1918-01
Henderson, Ruby Isabel 1918-01
Hepworth, Kenneth 1918-01
Hewer, Mary Patricia 1918-01
Hilary, Conquest 1918-01
Hill, Bette May 1918-01
Hill, Janet Rumney 1918-01-15 2000
Hill, John Archibald De Cusse 1918-01
Hill, Sarah Ellen 1918-01
Hindle, Ann 1918-01
Hird, George 1918-01
Ho, Celine Po Fong 1918-01-27
Hodgkinson, Arthur Cecil 1918-01
Holben, Mary Margaret 1918-01
Holland, Walter William Robert 1918-01
Hollingworth, John Lawrence 1918-01
Hollinshead, Robert (1918-01) 1918-01
Holloway, Douglas Ralph 1918-01
Hopkins, Adam (1918-01) 1918-01
Hopkins, John Terence 1918-01
Hopkins, Margaret (1918-01) 1918-01
Horsfield, Joseph Stanley 1918-01
Horsley, Edith Mary Sanders 1918-01
Hovell, Clifford Joseph 1918-01
Howard, Marie Helena 1918-01
Howe, Harold Lomax 1918-01
Hu, Sheng (1918-01-11) 胡繩 1918-01-11 2000-11-05
Hughes, Margaret Ethel (1918-01) 1918-01
Humm, Reginald James 1918-01
Humphreys, Grace Fundrey 1918-01
Humphries, Eillen Elsie 1918-01
Hutchins, Millicent 1918-01
Inglessis, Dimitri 1918-01
Jackson, Albert Leslie Samuel 1918-01
James, Edwin Eugene 1918-01
Janssens, Pierre Egide Antoine Gaston 1918-01
Jays, Ivy 1918-01
Jeffery, Dennis Bert 1918-01
Johnson, George Albert Dixon 1918-01
Johnson, John Harold (1918-01) 1918-01
Joinson, John Maylor 1918-01
Jones, Joan Gwendoline 1918-01
Jones, Phyllis (1918-01) 1918-01
Jones, Thomas (1918-01) 1918-01
Joseph, Keith Sinjohn 1918-01
Keeling, Mary 1918-01
Keenlyside, Harry 1918-01
Kennedy, John Matthew 1918-01
King, John (1918-01) 1918-01
Kirk, Margaret Menzies 1918-01
Kirkby, Ronald 1918-01
Kirwan, Pamela Jane Dawson 1918-01
Kraska, Barbara 1918-01
Lamb, Gordon (1918-01) 1918-01
Laney, Ethel 1918-01
Lang, Rosemary Rank 1918-01
Lawson, Harry Burness Stephen 1918-01
Lawson, William Alexander 1918-01
Lee, Doris Elizabeth 1918-01
Lemer, Abraham 1918-01
Lemon, Betty 1918-01
Lewis, Ada 1918-01
Lewis, Andrew Mackenzie 1918-01
Lewis, Millie (1918-01) 1918-01
Litman, Cecily 1918-01
Longley, Phyllis Eileen 1918-01
Love, Frank Dennis 1918-01
Lovelock, Arthur Osborne 1918-01
Luther-Jones, Gwerfyl Lowri 1918-01
Maccoll, Alexander Browning 1918-01
Mackenzie Charrington, Angus Keith Ingleby 1918-01
Maennling, Andrewina Soutar 1918-01
Manners, Isabel Violet Kathleen 1918-01-05 2008-12-21
Marsden, Robert (1918-01) 1918-01
Marshall, Iris Barbara 1918-01
Martin, Hilda Margaret 1918-01
Martindale, Gladys Mabel 1918-01
Matthews, Eric Vizer Fielding 1918-01
Mavropoulos, Stamatis D 1918-01
McCann, Thomas Joseph (1918-01) 1918-01
McElroy, James (1918-01) 1918-01
McEvoy, Marjorie (1918-01) 1918-01
McInerney, Sara 1918-01
McLauchlan, Kathleen 1918-01
McMordie, Frederick William 1918-01
McQuarrie, Albert 1918-01
McSkimming Walker, Sarah 1918-01
Mellor, Alfred 1918-01
Mellor, Arnold 1918-01
Mody, Russi 1918-01
Moldovanyi, Akos 1918-01
Moller, Hans 1918-01
Moon, Violet Florence 1918-01
Moores, John (1918-01) 1918-01
Morris, Donald Victor 1918-01
Morris, Gertrude Annie 1918-01
Mossman, Peter Robert 1918-01
Mould, Nora Margaret 1918-01
Moxham, Josephine Bridget 1918-01
Munro, Victor Walter 1918-01
Murray, Elsie Gertrude 1918-01
Myers, Doris May 1918-01
Myers, Kathleen Margaret 1918-01
Myers, Margaret Helena 1918-01
Neill, Dennis Ambrose 1918-01
Nicol, Andrew (1918-01) 1918-01
Nind, Philip Frederick 1918-01
Nutt, Irene 1918-01
Nuttall, Annie 1918-01
O'Hare, Michael Eugene 1918-01
Oakley, Herbert Robert 1918-01
Orchant, Morris 1918-01
Osborne, Barbara (1918-01) 1918-01
Page, Edward Clifford 1918-01
Palmer, Jessie (1918-01) 1918-01
Palmer, Roy Michael 1918-01
Parker, Grace (1918-01) 1918-01
Parkinson, James Ronald 1918-01
Parry, William Edward 1918-01
Pate, Albert George 1918-01
Pates, Vivian Thomas 1918-01
Paton, Duncan Bennett 1918-01
Pattison, Frank Hovel 1918-01
Paul, Leslie (1918-01) 1918-01
Pearson, Edward (1918-01) 1918-01
Pemberton, Margaret (1918-01) 1918-01
Perelman, Joseph Perel 1918-01
Perkins, Thomas (1918-01) 1918-01
Perry, Roger William (1918-01) 1918-01
Peters, Pamela (1918-01) 1918-01
Pickavance, Joseph 1918-01
Polus, Bettie 1918-01
Posner, Sidney Lewis 1918-01
Powdrill, Ernest 1918-01
Pratt, Gwendoline 1918-01
Price, Ronald Thornley 1918-01
Pryce, Maurice 1918-01
Pugh, Joan (1918-01) 1918-01
Ram, John Henry 1918-01
Ram, Penelope Anne 1918-01
Rankin, James Deans 1918-01
Rayner, Henry James 1918-01
Redfern, Arthur John 1918-01
Redmayne, Alan Harold 1918-01
Richards, Daphne Veronica 1918-01
Richards, Hazel (1918-01) 1918-01
Richards, Joseph (1918-01) 1918-01
Richards, Minnie Virginie 1918-01
Richards, Weldon 1918-01
Richardson, Marjorie Nancy 1918-01
Richmond, Howard Spencer 1918-01
Rigg, Robinson Peter 1918-01
Rimer, Joan Corona 1918-01
Ripman, Hujohn Armstrong 1918-01
Rix, John (1918-01) 1918-01
Rixon, Grace 1918-01
Robbins, Clare 1918-01
Roberts, Olga Mary 1918-01
Robinson, Margaret Joyce Woodford 1918-01
Robinson, Richard Thomas 1918-01
Roosevelt, Joseph Willard 1918-01-16 2008-05-18
Rosen, Edward 1918-01
Rowland, Margaret Eileen Conifer 1918-01
Royalton-Kisch, Aline Mary 1918-01
Ruddock, Thomas Harry 1918-01
Rudge, Percy William 1918-01
Ruse, Geoffrey Knowles 1918-01
Rush, John Elliott 1918-01
Ryan, Edna Matilda 1918-01
Sabine, Gordon 1918-01
Sander, Joseph (1918-01) 1918-01
Saxton, Bristowe Buckland 1918-01
Scott, Olive Elizabeth 1918-01
Selby, Frank 1918-01
Seligman, Nancy Joan 1918-01
Sequerra, Lilian 1918-01
Serenson, David 1918-01
Shackleton, Marian Clarke 1918-01
Shafar, Louis 1918-01
Shammah, Victoria 1918-01
Sharp, Alexander (1918-01) 1918-01
Shaw, Beatrice (1918-01) 1918-01
Shelley, Douglas 1918-01
Shelley, Louis Douglas 1918-01
Shepherd, Joan Kathleen 1918-01
Sherwood, Reginald Harold 1918-01
Shields, Pamela (1918-01) 1918-01
Shulman, Ann 1918-01
Simons, Rita 1918-01
Sinclair, Doris 1918-01
Singer, Alfred Richard Eric 1918-01
Skeens, Betty Caroline 1918-01
Skeffington, William Francis 1918-01
Skinner, Mary Elizabeth 1918-01
Skudder, Margaret Kate 1918-01
Slade, Margaret Barclay 1918-01
Smeddles, Barbara 1918-01
Smith, Winifred (1918-01) 1918-01
Snell, Walter Frederick 1918-01
Spence, Muriel Gertrude 1918-01
Stern, David (1918-01) 1918-01
Stoner, Joan Mary 1918-01
Strong, Donald Fredrick 1918-01
Tame, William (1918-01) 1918-01
Taylor, Barbara Agnes 1918-01
Taylor, Mary Florence 1918-01
Tessler, Andrew 1918-01
Thomson, Eric Rosslyn 1918-01
Thorne, Douglas Peter 1918-01
Thorne, Reginald Leslie Frank 1918-01
Throckmorton, Isabel Kathleen Violet 1918-01
Tidmas, Marjorie Ethel Louise 1918-01
Tindell, Edna Lillian 1918-01
Tofield, Claude Ralf 1918-01
Toon, Kenneth Henry 1918-01
Tottman, Adelaide Mary 1918-01
Town, Edward Philip 1918-01
Trenchard, Margaret Elizabeth 1918-01
Triggs, Arthur Ethelbert 1918-01
Tubby, Barbara Constance Beamish 1918-01
Turnbull, Andrew Hugh 1918-01
Turner, Maurice George 1918-01
Tyler, Diana 1918-01
Vasa, Natwarlal Nandlal 1918-01
Vickers, Alfred 1918-01
Vij, Ankush (1918-01) 1918-01
Wadsworth, Freda 1918-01
Wagstaff, Howard Wilfred 1918-01
Wainwright, John Andrew W 1918-01
Walker, Richard George (1918-01) 1918-01
Wallace, John Arthur (1918-01) 1918-01
Walls, William Leslie 1918-01
Warner, Sidney Arthur 1918-01
Warshaw, Peggy 1918-01
Waterman, Keith Howard 1918-01
Waters, William Jack 1918-01
Watts, Donald Rickard 1918-01
Weeks, Sambourne James Napper 1918-01
Weiss, Mollie Isabella Birkby 1918-01
Welch, Kathleen Grace 1918-01
Wells, William Wilfred John 1918-01
Welsher, Daphne 1918-01
Wenman, Isabella Grace 1918-01
West, Margaret (1918-01) 1918-01
Westley, Jack Frederick 1918-01
While, Frederick William 1918-01
White, Albert Edward 1918-01
White, Elizabeth (1918-01) 1918-01
Whittaker, Joan Mary 1918-01
Whitworth, Adeline Mary 1918-01
Whitworth, Kenneth Ernest 1918-01
Wildish, Florence Violet 1918-01
Wilkinson, John (1918-01) 1918-01
Willans, Terence William 1918-01
Williams, Charles Lewis 1918-01
Williams, Dennis (1918-01) 1918-01
Williams, Gwyneth (1918-01) 1918-01
Williams, Huw Cecil 1918-01
Willis, Edward Henry 1918-01
Wilson, Dorothy Leslie 1918-01
Wilson, Jean (1918-01) 1918-01
Wilson Broad, Dorothy 1918-01
Winton, Denis 1918-01
Withington, Harry 1918-01
Wood, Gwendoline Fanny 1918-01
Wood, Harold Eric 1918-01
Woods, Alfred William Gibson 1918-01
Worrall, Horace 1918-01
Wozencroft, Wilfred 1918-01
Wright, Alan Dudley 1918-01
Wright, Elizabeth Ivy 1918-01
Wright, Frederick (1918-01) 1918-01
Wylie, Freda 1918-01
Young, Beatrice Elizabeth 1918-01

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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