People born in  month

Age in 2024: 106

Name Date of birth Date of death
Abbott, Hubert Reginald 1918-07
Adams, Kate (1918-07) 1918-07
Adkins, Elsie Evelyn 1918-07
Alker, Lillian 1918-07
Allott, Elizabeth Rosemary 1918-07
Almond, Richard (1918-07) 1918-07
Alper, Ida 1918-07
Angus, Margaret Lois 1918-07
Arthur, Alfred James 1918-07
Bailey, Margaret (1918-07) 1918-07
Baker, Cecilia Doris 1918-07
Ball, Stella Constance 1918-07
Barber, Betty May 1918-07
Barber, Leslie (1918-07) 1918-07
Baring, George Rowland Stanley 1918-07-28 1991-03-16
Barker, Alice Elizabeth (1918-07) 1918-07
Barker, George Kenneth 1918-07
Barnard, Mary Ethel 1918-07
Barnett, Ruth (1918-07) 1918-07
Bartholomew, Dorothy 1918-07
Bartlett, Christopher (1918-07) 1918-07
Bartlett, Frederica Jean 1918-07
Batters, Fred 1918-07
Beech, Fred Clifford 1918-07
Beeton, Grace Alice 1918-07
Bell, John Hoggarth Murray 1918-07
Bender, Arnold Eric 1918-07
Bennet, David Wilkinson 1918-07
Bennett, Douglas Geoffrey Bertossa 1918-07
Bessey, John De Montmorency 1918-07
Blackburn, Joseph Charles 1918-07
Blenkhorn, Thomas 1918-07
Bollom, Stanley Cecil 1918-07
Borthwick, Beryl Ivy 1918-07
Boswell, James Henry 1918-07
Boutflour, Robert Woodiwis 1918-07
Boyce, John Edward (1918-07) 1918-07
Boyce, Walter Edwin 1918-07
Boyd, Betty 1918-07
Boyes, Doris Mary 1918-07
Brain, Anthony Leonard 1918-07
Bramley, Doris 1918-07
Brander, Daphne Mary 1918-07
Brander, Tauba 1918-07
Bright, Mollie 1918-07
Brimacombe, Stanley George 1918-07
Brizzolari, Anthony Joseph 1918-07
Brooks, Thomas Arnold Victor 1918-07
Brooks, Victor (1918-07) 1918-07
Broughton, Wilfred Frederick 1918-07
Brown, Albert (1918-07) 1918-07
Brown, Kenneth Edward (1918-07) 1918-07
Brydson, Kenneth James 1918-07
Bungey, Frederick John 1918-07
Burbridge, Harry 1918-07
Burd, Robert Sydney 1918-07
Burdett, Marjorie 1918-07
Burke, Eunice Ellen 1918-07
Burr, John Perry Underwood 1918-07
Burrington, Humphrey Bryant 1918-07
Bustin, Lesley 1918-07
Butterworth, Lionel 1918-07
Buxton, Aubrey Leland Oakes 1918-07
Cadogan, Cynthia 1918-07-28 2009-10-09
Campbell, Jean Harriet 1918-07
Campbell-Holland, Lesley 1918-07
Canfor, Arthur Percy Robert 1918-07
Carlton, Charles Frederick 1918-07
Carr, Frederick James 1918-07
Carter, Dudley Markham 1918-07
Carton, Victor 1918-07
Caton, Robert Frank 1918-07
Celner, Tony 1918-07
Chamberlain, Horace Reginald 1918-07
Channing, Betty 1918-07
Chapman, Norman Edwin 1918-07
Charlish, Margaret Francis 1918-07
Chivers, John Norton 1918-07
Clackett, Charles Joseph 1918-07
Clapp, Yvonne Mary 1918-07
Clark, Constance Marie 1918-07
Clark, Robert Matthew 1918-07
Clifton, John Roland 1918-07
Clore, Leon 1918-07
Cobb, William Henry 1918-07
Cochrane, Thomas Geoffrey 1918-07
Coen, Massimo Aldo 1918-07
Cogswell, Marian 1918-07
Collins, Jack Ellison 1918-07
Collins, Joyce Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Collisson, Gwendoline Elizabeth 1918-07
Connor, James (1918-07) 1918-07
Conyers, Edward Leadbeater 1918-07
Cooke, Alice Edith 1918-07
Cooper, Dereck Ashley 1918-07
Cooper, Friend 1918-07
Copping, Coralie Maud 1918-07
Cordon, Basil Eley 1918-07
Corney, Jessie 1918-07
Coulson, George Moyse 1918-07
Cowan, William (1918-07) 1918-07
Coxhead, Anne Francesca 1918-07
Craven, Augustus John 1918-07
Croad, Florence Mary 1918-07
Crowther, George Reginald 1918-07
Cutlack, Kathleen Joan 1918-07
Cutts, Ronald Henry 1918-07
Dalrymple, Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Dangoor, Sasoon 1918-07
Daniel, Owen (1918-07) 1918-07
Dann, Jesse David 1918-07
Darby, Alan Graham 1918-07
Darlington, William (1918-07) 1918-07
Davie, Marjorie 1918-07
Davies, David Tom 1918-07
Davies, Edna Mary 1918-07
Davies, Thomas Alun (1918-07) 1918-07
Davis, Donald (1918-07) 1918-07
Davis, Rose (1918-07) 1918-07
Davis, Sheila (1918-07) 1918-07
Dawson, Geoffrey (1918-07) 1918-07
de Bosdari, Erica 1918-07
de Chazal, Eric Charles 1918-07
Dean, Dorothy Irene 1918-07
Dean, Mohammed Rafique 1918-07
Deigham, Pauline 1918-07
Dew, Arthur Raymond 1918-07
Dibben, Barbara Mary 1918-07
Dickinson, John George 1918-07
Dickson, Edward Chambre 1918-07
Diggle, Margaret 1918-07
Dimishky, Joan Margaret 1918-07
Dix, Bruce 1918-07
Doole, Doris Beatrice 1918-07
Douglas, David Alexander (1918-07) 1918-07
Down, James Frederick 1918-07
Draper, Grace 1918-07
Drummond, Ruby 1918-07
Dunn, Richard Vivien 1918-07
Dunn, Samuel (1918-07) 1918-07
Dunscombe, Robert 1918-07
Dunsford, William Robert 1918-07
Eamer, Albert Ernest Eric 1918-07
Eaton, Leslie Roland 1918-07
Eccleston, Dulcie Viola 1918-07
Egerton, Margaret 1918-07-20 2004-05-03
Elliott, Charlott Ellen Elazabeth 1918-07
Elliott, William Herbert 1918-07
Ellis, Geoffrey Edwin 1918-07
Ellis, Margaret Anne (1918-07) 1918-07
Emms, Victor John 1918-07
England, Herbert 1918-07
Eric William Dudley, Rice 1918-07
Espinasse, Jean Jacques Pierre 1918-07
Ettinger, Juliet 1918-07
Evans, Percy 1918-07
Ewing, Joyce Sibyl 1918-07
Farnes, Paul Caswell 1918-07
Fenton, Mercia Jasmine Wignall 1918-07
Fletcher, Reginald 1918-07
Flint, Valerie (1918-07) 1918-07
Ford, Derek Edwin 1918-07
Ford, Joan (1918-07) 1918-07
Fordyce, Thomas Graham 1918-07
Franklin, Della Cotton 1918-07
Fraser, Edith Victoria 1918-07
Freer, Olive Hilda 1918-07
Freudenthal, Margaret 1918-07
Frost, Ernest Mark 1918-07
Fry, Frederick Charles 1918-07
Fuller, Bertie Stanley 1918-07
Garland, David Royce Sextus 1918-07
Garrett, Richard Anthony (1918-07) 1918-07
Garrity, Margaret 1918-07
Giansily, Dorothy End 1918-07
Gibbons, John Gordon (1918-07) 1918-07
Gibson, Alexander (1918-07) 1918-07
Gilbert, Ruth Elizabeth 1918-07
Giles, Kenneth Henry 1918-07
Gladstone, Reuben 1918-07
Gleeson, Gerard 1918-07
Glen Haig, Mary 1918-07
Glen-Haig, Mary Alison 1918-07
Goddard, Leslie 1918-07
Godfrey, Godfrey Robert Martin 1918-07
Golding, Ernest Douglas 1918-07
Gooch, Florence Mary 1918-07
Goode, Esther 1918-07
Govani, Shariff 1918-07
Gratton, Beryl Wynn 1918-07
Gray, Alexander (1918-07) 1918-07
Greenwood, Roy (1918-07) 1918-07
Gregson, Stanley (1918-07) 1918-07
Griffen, William Frank 1918-07
Grimwade, Helen Lockhart 1918-07
Gubbin, Joy Sylvia 1918-07
Guest-Fletcher, Marie Doreen 1918-07
Guy, Leonard Geoffrey 1918-07
Habas, Stanislaw 1918-07
Hampson, Peter (1918-07) 1918-07-22 2011-08-28
Hamson, Margaret 1918-07
Hancock, James Harrison 1918-07
Harben, Daisy Isobel 1918-07
Harding, Robert Lionel 1918-07
Hardy, Frank (1918-07) 1918-07
Harkness, William Jardine 1918-07
Harris, Joan 1918-07
Harrison, Kathleen Ellen 1918-07
Harrison, Sheila Hesketh 1918-07
Harrison, Shiela Hesketh 1918-07
Hawden, Harry Drakeford 1918-07
Haworth, Cecil Jack 1918-07
Hay, George Angus 1918-07
Hearn, Frank Ernest 1918-07
Heath, Stanley Albert William 1918-07
Heath-Smith, Geoffrey Malcolm 1918-07
Heath-Stubbs, John Francis Alexander 1918-07
Helps, Norman 1918-07
Henson, Joan Maud 1918-07
Henstock, Frances Lilian 1918-07
Hickling, Muriel Constance 1918-07
Hickmet, Ferid 1918-07
Hill, Edith Maud 1918-07
Hilliam, John 1918-07
Hindley, Albert 1918-07
Hitchmough, John Eric 1918-07
Hodnett, Mary Bell 1918-07
Holcroft, Eileen 1918-07
Holford, Jean Valerie 1918-07
Holland, Harry (1918-07) 1918-07
Holmes, Joan (1918-07) 1918-07
Honeyfield, Elsie Vera 1918-07
Huggins, Eric William 1918-07-02 2016-08-04
Hughes, John (1918-07) 1918-07
Hunt-Smith, Donald Roy 1918-07
Hunter, Hugh Vincent 1918-07
Hurley, Edith Anne 1918-07
Iacovides, Stelios 1918-07
Iann, Angelo Marco 1918-07
Insley, Stella Ethel Dorothy 1918-07
Ironside, Dorothy Ellen 1918-07
Isaacs, Leslie 1918-07
Jakars, Janis 1918-07
Jardine Paterson, Arthur James 1918-07-14
Jenkins, Francis Wilfred 1918-07
Johnson, Audrey Constance 1918-07
Johnson, Harold Vincent 1918-07
Johnson, Joan (1918-07) 1918-07
Jones, Arthur Wyn Parker 1918-07
Jones, Beryl Hughes 1918-07
Jones, Edward Wilson 1918-07
Jones, Idris (1918-07) 1918-07
Kalisch, Minnie 1918-07
Kaye, Lillian Molly 1918-07
Kemp, Jenny Goodwin 1918-07
Kemp-Gee, Ann 1918-07
Kempton, Claude Walter 1918-07
King, John Musgrave 1918-07
Knapp, Percy Eric 1918-07
Koch, Elly F L E 1918-07
Koenen, Trevor Adrian 1918-07
Krempel, Ian 1918-07
Lates, Stanley Alan 1918-07
Lawrence, Henry (1918-07) 1918-07
Leader, Lewis Isadore 1918-07
Lefever, Irene 1918-07
Lendon, Ronald Burt 1918-07
Lewis, Joan (1918-07) 1918-07
Lighfield, Desiree Albertine Jeanne Julie 1918-07
Lilley, Jack (1918-07) 1918-07
Lindley, Kingsley Frank 1918-07
Lindsay, John Maurice 1918-07
Lissauer, Rachel 1918-07
Littlejohn, George Maxwell 1918-07
Livington Booth, John Dick 1918-07
Lloyd, Gabriel Frederick Garnons 1918-07
Lockyer, Frederick Robert 1918-07
Louloudis, Constantine Leonard 1918-07
Lowe, Arthur Charles 1918-07
Lowes, Robin Ninian 1918-07
Lowry, Everett 1918-07
Luftig, Cacilie 1918-07
Malley, James Young 1918-07
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla 1918-07-18 2013-12-05
Marks, Harry (1918-07) 1918-07
Marriage, Robert Wallis 1918-07
Marsh, Anne 1918-07
Mason, William George 1918-07
Mazzetti, Vera 1918-07
McAdden, Dorothy Katherine 1918-07
McFaul, Daniel 1918-07
McGregor, Henry George 1918-07
McGregor, Stark Mitchell 1918-07
McKee, Alexander Paul Charrier 1918-07
McKeown, Patrick Brendon 1918-07
McQuaker, Frances Rosa Winifred 1918-07
Meadows, Dorothy 1918-07
Meitiner, John Alfred 1918-07
Merritt, Gabrielle Mary 1918-07
Middleditch, Dorothy Edith 1918-07
Mildred, Hilda 1918-07
Miles, Maud Evelyn 1918-07
Mills, Gerald Tranfield 1918-07
Mills, John Nigel Wakefield 1918-07
Milne, George (1918-07) 1918-07
Minter, Charles John 1918-07
Montgomery, David (1918-07) 1918-07
Moore, Gladys Mary 1918-07
Morgan, William Edward (1918-07) 1918-07
Morris, Edwin Herbert 1918-07
Morris, Neil Balfour 1918-07
Morrow, Peggy Joycey 1918-07
Moss, Beryl Eloise 1918-07
Muir, John (1918-07) 1918-07
Munns, Frank Edwin 1918-07
Murray, Alice Rosemary 1918-07
Murray, Thomas Gerald Somerville 1918-07
Murray-Brown, Elspeth 1918-07
Mutter, Margaret Rose 1918-07
Naismith, Mary Strathdee 1918-07
Napolitano, Mary Alice 1918-07
Neal, Phyllis Anne 1918-07
Neeter, Alexander 1918-07
Nethercott, Philip John Morton 1918-07
Newman, John William (1918-07) 1918-07
Newman, Robert Arthur 1918-07
Newmark, Thomas Victor 1918-07
Nissler, William Stenhouse 1918-07
Noble, Dora (1918-07) 1918-07
Noble, Victor (1918-07) 1918-07
Obrien, James Terence 1918-07
Ogilvy, Selina May 1918-07
Oglethorpe, Jane 1918-07
Ohare, Dorothy 1918-07
Otty, Eric 1918-07
Owen, Stanley 1918-07
Oxley, Robert (1918-07) 1918-07
Padfield, Ronald David 1918-07
Page, Nathan (1918-07) 1918-07
Pairaudeau, Gerard Eric Henry 1918-07
Pare, Hilda Clarie 1918-07
Paretti, Vittorio 1918-07
Parker, Harry Francis 1918-07
Parker, Lillian (1918-07) 1918-07
Pascoe, Joyce 1918-07
Paterson, Frank David 1918-07
Pattison, Clifford 1918-07
Pearson, Bruce Wescombe 1918-07
Pearson, Eric (1918-07) 1918-07
Pemberton, Dorothy Elizabeth 1918-07
Perry, Samuel Victor 1918-07
Peters, Thomas William (1918-07) 1918-07
Philp, Harry (1918-07) 1918-07
Philpot, Peter Gordon 1918-07
Pickup, Stanley Thomas 1918-07
Pierce, Thomas Richard 1918-07
Piggott, Nelson Henry 1918-07
Pirie, Elizabeth Mary Julia 1918-07
Plaskett, Joseph Francis 1918-07
Plastow, George Edwin 1918-07
Platon, Gilbert Arthur 1918-07
Poole, Alison Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Poole, Frank Bishop 1918-07
Procter, Norman 1918-07
Prout, Freda Madeleine 1918-07
Prout, Madeleine 1918-07
Prowse, John Henry 1918-07
Punter, Doris Annie 1918-07
Quincey, John 1918-07
Ralph, Kenneth 1918-07
Read, Ernest George 1918-07
Redman, Stanley 1918-07
Reed, Leslie Gordon 1918-07
Reed, Maurice Edgar 1918-07
Reynolds, Maurice James (1918-07) 1918-07
Rice, Jack Edward Voaden 1918-07
Richards, Francis Brooks 1918-07
Richards, Kathleen Josephine Ita 1918-07
Richards, Peter Lowood 1918-07
Richardson, Montague 1918-07
Richardson, Patricia (1918-07) 1918-07
Rigby, Charles Patrick 1918-07
Ripley, Eva Maud 1918-07
Rive, Kenneth 1918-07
Roberts, Joyce Eileen 1918-07
Roberts, Margaret Joan (1918-07) 1918-07
Roberts, Richard Gilbert 1918-07
Robinson, Christine (1918-07) 1918-07
Robinson, Frederick Dudley 1918-07
Robson, Margaret (1918-07) 1918-07
Roby, Frederick 1918-07
Roper, Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Rossiter, Joseph 1918-07
Rowley, Peter (1918-07) 1918-07
Rudnell, George 1918-07
Rufus Isaacs, Joan Alice Violet 1918-07-19 2000-03-25
Russell, Lempi Lyyli (1918-07) 1918-07
Russell-Taylor, Norah Gertrude 1918-07
Sage, Raymond 1918-07
Saithers, Ruby 1918-07
Sandham, William 1918-07
Scharenguivel, Douglas Herman 1918-07
Scragg, Kathleen Mary 1918-07
Sebastian, Ronald John 1918-07
Sedman, Ernest 1918-07
Selig, Ralph 1918-07
Sexon, Leonard 1918-07
Sexton, Doreen Christine 1918-07
Seymour, Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Shaw, Albert Edward 1918-07
Shaw, Harold Anthony 1918-07
Shaw, Roy (1918-07) 1918-07
Shearman, Douglas James 1918-07
Shepard, Joan Amy Marion 1918-07
Shepherd, Phyllis Annie 1918-07
Shineberg, Irene 1918-07
Siddall, Emma (1918-07) 1918-07
Simon, Jessie Ray 1918-07
Simpson, Alan Gordon (1918-07) 1918-07
Slater, Leslie Douglas 1918-07
Sly, Joyce Zoe Mary 1918-07
Smith, Kathleen Mossey 1918-07
Smith, Kenneth Howard Avery 1918-07
Smith, Thomas (1918-07) 1918-07
Smithers, Ruby 1918-07
Smithies, Ivy 1918-07
Snape, Audrey Stewart 1918-07
Sockett, Frank 1918-07
Solana, Manuel Sanz 1918-07
Sparrow, Edna Eileen 1918-07
St John-Loe, Peter 1918-07
Stagg, Peter Cedric 1918-07
Stanley, George Rowland 1918-07
Stanton, Robert (1918-07) 1918-07
Staples, Arthur Colin 1918-07
Steel, Denis Ingram 1918-07
Steel, Mary (1918-07) 1918-07
Stevens, Betty Christine 1918-07
Stoker, Michael George Park 1918-07
Stone, Ralph Morris 1918-07
Stormonth Darling, James Carlisle 1918-07
Straker, Frank Glen Foyle 1918-07
Stratton, Pamela Matilda 1918-07
Stredder, Geoffrey Douglas 1918-07
Svensson, Eric Victor Rouse 1918-07
Swain, Thomas Edward 1918-07
Switzman, John 1918-07
Symons, Walter Reinfrid Kingdon 1918-07
Tait, Agnes Mary 1918-07
Tame, Lou 1918-07
Tarran, Harry V Clark 1918-07
Terrell, John (1918-07) 1918-07
Thill, Raymond Dunston 1918-07
Thomas, Charles Malcolm 1918-07
Thomas, David John Trevor 1918-07
Thomas, Reginald (1918-07) 1918-07
Thompson, Madge 1918-07
Thorne, Stanley George 1918-07
Tilley, Arthur 1918-07
Todd, John Henry Sydney 1918-07
Tomkins, Catherine Elizabeth 1918-07
Tranter, Bert 1918-07
Traverse, John (1918-07) 1918-07
Trench, Peter Edward 1918-07
Triggs, John Henry 1918-07
Tucker, William Francis 1918-07
Turner, Leslie Hugh 1918-07
Turner, Ronald Edwin 1918-07
Tyler, Rena 1918-07
Tyrrell, Jean Margaret 1918-07
Varley, Edward 1918-07
Vint, Ronald Wilfred Terry 1918-07
Walker, Edward Craven 1918-07
Wallace, Stanley Kenneth 1918-07
Walter-Clarke, William John 1918-07
Warde, Edna Holliday 1918-07
Watt, Bessie 1918-07
Watts, Lester 1918-07
Webber, Peggy Ella 1918-07
Webster, Alan Brunskill 1918-07
Webster, Madoline Constance 1918-07
Westoll, James (1918-07) 1918-07
White, Elsie Florence 1918-07
Wilbraham, Doreen Edith 1918-07
Wilkins, Lawrence Harry 1918-07
Wilkinson, George Howard 1918-07
Williams, Hannah (1918-07) 1918-07
Wilson, Edna Susan 1918-07
Winship, Doris 1918-07
Wood, Frank (1918-07) 1918-07
Woods, John Frederick 1918-07
Workmam, Raymond 1918-07
Worral, Margorie 1918-07
Wyatt, Woodrow Lyle 1918-07-04 1997-12-07
Young, Charles (1918-07) 1918-07
Young, Sacheverel Rochfort John Henry 1918-07
Zee, Chingpah 1918-07

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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