People born in  month

Age in 2024: 105

Name Date of birth Date of death
Abbott, Albert Alfred 1919-11
Ablett, Irene 1919-11
Adams, Joseph (1919-11) 1919-11
Adams, Sarah Jane Brownlee 1919-11
Adamson, Olive 1919-11
Ainsworth, Frederick Graham 1919-11
Albertini, Sauro 1919-11
Ali, Laila (1919-11) 1919-11
Allen, Claude Elisabeth 1919-11
Allen, Raymond Charles (1919-11) 1919-11
Allen, Victor Charles 1919-11
Allin, Reginald John 1919-11
Althorpe, Chris 1919-11
Anderson, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Andrews, Daisy (1919-11) 1919-11
Angle, Dorothy 1919-11
Arthur, Jessie 1919-11
Ashworth, William Edmund 1919-11
Atkins, Eric William Lester 1919-11
Atkins, Raymond William 1919-11
Atkinson, Renee Eileen 1919-11
Atle, Borje Wolfgang 1919-11
Atter, Frank Sydney 1919-11
Attfield, Gordon 1919-11
Aucott, Ruth Eleanor 1919-11
Avent, Catherine 1919-11
Aves, Harold N 1919-11
Badham, George Patrick 1919-11
Baggs, Barbara Cecilia 1919-11
Bailey, Marjorie May 1919-11
Baily, Joan Mary 1919-11
Ball, Irene Florence Pat 1919-11
Banham, Belinda (1919-11) 1919-11
Bannister, Doris Esther 1919-11
Baring, Patrick 1919-11-10 1940-05-19
Barnard, Elizabeth Mary 1919-11
Barnes, Kathleen (1919-11) 1919-11
Barrett, Pamela Violet 1919-11
Barrow, Barbara Mary 1919-11
Bass, James Henry 1919-11
Bassett, Kenneth Hugh 1919-11
Batty, Graham Tindale 1919-11
Beales, John Richard 1919-11
Beere, Ronald George 1919-11
Benson, Ronald (1919-11) 1919-11
Beviss, Jack 1919-11
Bew, Kenneth Walter 1919-11
Biggin, Ernest 1919-11
Bispham, Ronald 1919-11
Blacklee, Frederick Phillips 1919-11
Bland, Elsie Gertrude 1919-11
Blewitt, Joseph Charles 1919-11
Bobbins, Alfonso Newell 1919-11
Boler, Beatrice Ellen 1919-11
Bondi, Hermann 1919-11
Boot, John William 1919-11
Booth, Alice 1919-11
Booth, Harry (1919-11) 1919-11
Bowmer, Thomas 1919-11
Bradburn, William John (1919-11) 1919-11
Bradbury, Godfrey Vincent 1919-11
Brady, Violet Edith 1919-11
Bragg, Peter Hinton 1919-11
Bramall, Cynthia 1919-11
Brattle, Roy Anthony 1919-11
Bray, Norman 1919-11
Brickell, Alfred William 1919-11
Brigden, Vincent Lawson 1919-11
Briggs, Florence 1919-11
Bristow, Pegey Eveline 1919-11
Brooks, Geoffrey Ernest 1919-11
Brooks, Robert James (1919-11) 1919-11
Broomfield, Louis Wilfred 1919-11
Brown, Andrew (1919-11) 1919-11
Brown, Brian Auckland 1919-11
Brown, Ernest William (1919-11) 1919-11
Brown, Helen Simpson 1919-11
Brown, Janet Somerville 1919-11
Bruce, Catherine Mary 1919-11
Brumfitt, Jack (1919-11) 1919-11
Bunting, Sheila Phyllis 1919-11
Burdekin, Winnie 1919-11
Burford, Minnie 1919-11
Burgin, Patrick Leslie 1919-11
Burke, Elizabeth (1919-11) 1919-11
Burke, Raymond F 1919-11
Burnett, Frank (1919-11) 1919-11
Burr, Keith 1919-11
Burrell, Cedric Batalha Reis 1919-11
Burridge, Nora Carina Agnes 1919-11
Burrow, Robert Frank 1919-11
Burrows, John Harry 1919-11
Burrows, Maisie Louise 1919-11
Burton, Donald Aubrey 1919-11
Burton, Geoffrey (1919-11) 1919-11
Byres, John 1919-11
Cager, Doris Emily 1919-11
Callow, Athannasia 1919-11
Cameron, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Campbell, Douglas Arnold 1919-11
Candler, Donald Frank 1919-11
Cane, Lily 1919-11
Capstick, Grace Margaret 1919-11
Card, Ronald Maurice 1919-11
Carew, Thomas Arthur 1919-11
Carpenter, Joan 1919-11
Carr, Vera Edith 1919-11
Carr-Gomm, Jean Frances 1919-11
Carter, Edna Florence 1919-11
Casserley, Enid Peggy 1919-11
Cawdell, Barbara Joan 1919-11
Cawthorn, Colin Jennison 1919-11
Chambers, Alice Edith 1919-11
Chandler, Clifford 1919-11
Charles, Roy David 1919-11
Cheesbrough, Muriel Mary 1919-11
Chessum, Dorothy Rita 1919-11
Chisnell, Harry Charles 1919-11
Clare, Eileen 1919-11
Clark, Constance Margaret 1919-11
Clark, Freda Millicent 1919-11
Clark, Hilary Agnes Mackenzie 1919-11
Clarke, Christine Florence 1919-11
Clay, Marjorie 1919-11
Cleggett, Noel John 1919-11
Clough, Prunella 1919-11
Clutterbuck, Maurice Hawkley 1919-11
Cochrane, Thomas O'Grady 1919-11
Cockrill, Jean Lilian 1919-11
Cohen, Harry (1919-11) 1919-11
Coker, Eric Godfrey 1919-11
Cole, Edward Arthur 1919-11
Cole, Ernest 1919-11
Cole-Hamilton, Anthony Mervyn 1919-11-25 2010-10-09
Collings, Christopher Elijah 1919-11
Collins, Henry William 1919-11
Collis, Josephine Violet 1919-11
Collisson, Norman 1919-11
Coltart, Douglas Stuart Ralph 1919-11
Considine, Philip 1919-11
Cooke, Arthur William 1919-11
Cornfoot, Charles Alfred 1919-11
Corrie, Wallace Rodney 1919-11
Corson, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Cory, Fridjof John 1919-11
Cotterill, Frederick Robert 1919-11
Couper, Lewis Reid 1919-11
Court, Lilian 1919-11
Cowan, James Richard (1919-11) 1919-11
Cowen, Ernest Andrew 1919-11
Cowlishaw, Iris Madge 1919-11
Cox, Raymond Stephen 1919-11
Craddock, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Crawshaw, Ellis 1919-11
Crotty (honorary Director), Patrick (1919-11) 1919-11
Crowhurst, Ivo Albert William 1919-11
Cummins, Edgar Alan 1919-11
Curley, Lawrence Vincent 1919-11
Cutland, John Robertson 1919-11
D'inverno, Luigia 1919-11
Dainton, Ralph Desmond 1919-11
Daking, Sylvia Margaret 1919-11
Daniels, George Stephen 1919-11
Darvell, Alfred Ronald 1919-11
Davies, Frances E 1919-11
Davis, Daniel (1919-11) 1919-11
Davis, Freda Joan 1919-11
Dawkes, John William 1919-11
Dawson, Clifford Dickinson 1919-11
de Grouchy Hodge, John 1919-11
de Winne, Marjorie Helen 1919-11
Denman, Mildred Joan 1919-11
Dennis, Sidney John 1919-11
Discombe, Ronald 1919-11
Dockett, Cyril William 1919-11
Dodd, Leslie James 1919-11
Dodds, Isabelle Agnes 1919-11
Dodgson, Violet Ellen 1919-11
Dokhanian, Marianne 1919-11
Donaldson, Elizabeth (1919-11) 1919-11
Douglas, Arthur Stewart 1919-11
Downs, Brenda Elizabeth 1919-11
Dowsett, Gladis 1919-11
Drake, Diana Louisa 1919-11
Drake, Diana Louise 1919-11
Drea, Daniel Desmond 1919-11
Dunsdon, Stella 1919-11
Duthie, Maud 1919-11
Dyson, Mary 1919-11
Eaglen, Raymond 1919-11
Eccles, Joseph Andrew 1919-11
Edmunds, Thomas Ivor 1919-11
Edwards, Frederick Howard 1919-11
Egan, Walter Richard 1919-11
Egginton, Kenneth Edward 1919-11
Ellis, Philip (1919-11) 1919-11
Ellor, Albert 1919-11
Evans, Reginald Patrick 1919-11
Evans, Renee Florence 1919-11
Evans, Thomas Archie 1919-11
Evans, Thomas Harold 1919-11
Eveleigh, Lilian 1919-11
Ewen, Gladys Margaret 1919-11
Exelby, Sydney George 1919-11
Fairburn, Maurice Henry 1919-11
Farnhell, Marion 1919-11
Farquar, Elsie Sim 1919-11
Farr, John Starling 1919-11
Faulknall, Harold 1919-11
Ferguson, Margaret Neilson Lesley 1919-11
Ferguson, Maria Campbell 1919-11
Fielding, John Lewis 1919-11
Fildes, Francis Mary 1919-11
Fisher, Charles William Rex 1919-11
Fisher, Ronald Frank 1919-11
Fitchett, Dorothy 1919-11
Fitton, Joyce 1919-11
Fleet, Maude Mary 1919-11
Flood, Margaret Agnes 1919-11
Forrester, Jim 1919-11
Forsyth, Robert Mckenzie 1919-11
Fortuyn, Peggy 1919-11
Foxton, Richard Hartas 1919-11
Francis, Laurence Reginald 1919-11
Frank, Rudolph 1919-11
Frobisher, George 1919-11
Frowen, Trevor James 1919-11
Fudge, Ronald 1919-11
Gagen, Neville Victor 1919-11
Galloway, Elspeth 1919-11
Garrett, Reginald 1919-11
Garrett, William James 1919-11
Gascoigne, Albert Henry 1919-11
Gaskin, Patricia (1919-11) 1919-11
Gay, Alfred Joseph 1919-11
Gearing, Lily 1919-11
Gent, Hettie Georgina 1919-11
Gerlis, Leon Monty 1919-11
Gessing Richardson, Joyce 1919-11
Gidman, Joseph Harold 1919-11
Gillett, Richard Francis 1919-11
Gimbert, Albert Walter Alexander 1919-11
Giveen, Jeanne 1919-11
Givli, Benjamin 1919-11
Goddard, Jean 1919-11
Golland, Margaret Kershaw 1919-11
Goodfellow, Roy 1919-11
Goodhew, Victor Henry 1919-11
Goodyear, Doris 1919-11
Gordon, James (1919-11) 1919-11
Gordon, John Plant 1919-11
Gould, Elizabeth Winifred 1919-11
Gover, Rupert Martin 1919-11
Gowland, Muriel Daphne Crane 1919-11
Grabham, Stanley Fred 1919-11
Graff, Julius 1919-11
Graham, Victor 1919-11
Grant, Norman Howard 1919-11
Greatorex, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Green, John Kenneth (1919-11) 1919-11
Green, Ronald Arthur (1919-11) 1919-11
Greenfield, Harold 1919-11
Greenhalgh, Ivy May 1919-11
Greenhalgh, Kenneth (1919-11) 1919-11
Gregory, Frederick James 1919-11
Gregory, Terence Wyatt 1919-11
Griffiths, David Meredith 1919-11
Griffiths, Thomas Victor 1919-11
Grimshaw, Doreen Mabel 1919-11
Grindlay, Olive Winifred 1919-11
Grosvenor, Hugh Richard 1919-11 2002-03-30
Grummett, Frank 1919-11
Grunewald, Margot 1919-11
Haas, Nathan 1919-11
Hadland, Enid 1919-11
Haggas, Gerald Rockley 1919-11
Haining, Robert (1919-11) 1919-11
Hajek, Bedrich 1919-11
Hale, Peter (1919-11) 1919-11
Hamilton-Towler, Stuart 1919-11
Hancock, Dorothy Vera 1919-11
Handley, Roy (1919-11) 1919-11
Hanson, John Wingfield 1919-11
Harber, Charles Ernest Richard 1919-11
Hardill, Stanley Gibson 1919-11
Hardiman, Marjorie 1919-11
Hargreaves, Cyril 1919-11
Harris, David Kenneth (1919-11) 1919-11
Hart, Anne Thomson 1919-11
Hart, Hilda 1919-11
Hatch, Alfred James 1919-11
Hatcher, Gordon Ralph 1919-11
Hayes, Colin (1919-11) 1919-11
Haywood, Edna Mary 1919-11
Healey, George (1919-11) 1919-11
Heard, Harold 1919-11
Heathfield, Doris Evelyn 1919-11
Hebblewhite, Arnold 1919-11
Hedley, Thomas (1919-11) 1919-11
Heins, Duncan Harvey 1919-11
Helman, John 1919-11
Hemingway, Joan Margaret 1919-11
Henley, Leslie Douglas 1919-11
Henman, Margaret 1919-11
Hetherington, Sydney (1919-11) 1919-11
Hibbard, Douglas Joseph 1919-11
Hicks, Victor John 1919-11
Higginbottom, Eric 1919-11
Higgs, Barton Frank 1919-11
Higham, Edith 1919-11
Hill, Alan Charles (1919-11) 1919-11
Hill, Gordon James 1919-11
Hill, James Bell 1919-11
Hill, Roland Victor 1919-11
Hill, Thomas (1919-11) 1919-11
Hillary, Dudley Victor 1919-11
Hilliard, James Frederick 1919-11
Hodges, Barbara Louise 1919-11
Hoggard, John Wellesley 1919-11
Holdgate, Jeffrey 1919-11
Hollaar, Derik 1919-11
Holland, Geoffrey William (1919-11) 1919-11
Holland, Winnifred 1919-11
Hollander, Ruth Elizabeth 1919-11
Holmes, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Holt, Raymond (1919-11) 1919-11
Hook, Roy William 1919-11
Horley, John Fairbourne 1919-11
Horrill, Jeanne Mary 1919-11
Horton, Margaret (1919-11) 1919-11
Houlton, Elizabeth 1919-11
Hoveyda, Farid 1919-11
Howard, Mary Mutch 1919-11
Howard, Peter Wyndham 1919-11
Howard-Smith, John 1919-11
Howes, Walter Sidney 1919-11
Hulme, John Stanley 1919-11
Hume, Roy Coltart 1919-11
Humm, Ronald Leslie 1919-11
Hutchins, Albert James 1919-11
Hutchison, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Impey, Edith 1919-11
Instone, Stephanie 1919-11
Irving, Alistair William 1919-11
Jack, Stella Edith 1919-11
Jackson, Leonard Ring 1919-11
Johnson, Bessie (1919-11) 1919-11
Jones, Gwilyn Morris 1919-11
Jones, Marian Ellen 1919-11
Jones, Norman Cecil 1919-11
Jordan, George Henry Sidney 1919-11
Juggler, Irene 1919-11
Kan, Ramon Yuet Wang 1919-11-24 2010-03-27
Keay, Joan (1919-11) 1919-11
Keehan, Antonia 1919-11
Kell, Peggy 1919-11
Kennedy, Peter (1919-11) 1919-11
Kent, Donald George Eric 1919-11
Kenyon, Harry Stuart 1919-11
Kermode, Frank 1919-11
Kerr, Elizabeth May 1919-11
Kerr, Phyllis 1919-11
Kerrison, James (1919-11) 1919-11
Kidston, Jean Hilda 1919-11-29
Kilpatrick, Joan 1919-11
King, Euna May 1919-11
King, Vernon Herbert 1919-11
Kirk, George Dougall 1919-11
Kirkham, Thomas Wilfred 1919-11
Kitson, Bertha Mary 1919-11
Kleiman, Alfred 1919-11
Knight, Isabella 1919-11
Knight, Victor Haig George 1919-11
Krantz, Henry Eugene 1919-11
Krygier, Helena 1919-11
Kundu, Amitava (1919-11) 1919-11
Lack, Harry 1919-11
Lambert, Emma Dorothy Hannah 1919-11
Land, John Frederick 1919-11
Langdell, Joseph Edwin 1919-11
Langridge, Ruth Monica 1919-11
Laughton, Margaret Evengaline 1919-11
Lavender, Eric (1919-11) 1919-11
Lawrence, Thomas Stephen 1919-11
Leakey, John 1919-11
Leather, Betty 1919-11
Lee, Alec 1919-11
Lee, Esther 1919-11
Lee, Frederick William 1919-11
Lee, George Edward (1919-11) 1919-11
Lee, Gladys May 1919-11
Lee, Leonard Victor 1919-11
Leek, James Thomas 1919-11
Leese, Edward (1919-11) 1919-11
Leonard, John Treharne 1919-11
Lester, Thomas Charles 1919-11
Levene, Sylvia 1919-11
Levy, Geoffrey Maurice 1919-11
Lewandowski, Agnes 1919-11
Lewis, Leslie Ralph 1919-11
Lilley, Geoffrey Michael 1919-11
Lin, Ting Sheng 1919-11
Liney, Barbara Edith 1919-11
Litchfield, Harold 1919-11
Little, Kathleen Patricia 1919-11
Livingstone, Robert (1919-11) 1919-11
Loakes, Norman Harry 1919-11
Lobb, Arthur Henry 1919-11
Lobl, Arnst 1919-11
Logan, Robert Carr 1919-11
Longworth, Henry 1919-11
Loutsis, John Alexis 1919-11
Love, Ruby Beatrice 1919-11
Lowrie, Margaret Evelyn Grace 1919-11
Lupton, William (1919-11) 1919-11
Luttman-Johnson, Peter Michell 1919-11
Lyon, Thomas Redshaw Spring 1919-11
Macdonald, Andrew Gair 1919-11
Macintosh, Joan 1919-11
Mackenzie, Wiiliam 1919-11
Mackworth-Praed, Humphrey Winthrop 1919-11
Madle, George 1919-11
Maloney, Terence Jerome 1919-11
Maloney, Valerie Cynthia 1919-11
Mandelstam, Joel 1919-11
Manning, William (1919-11) 1919-11
Marks, Florence 1919-11
Marshall, Walter Scott 1919-11
Martin, Elsie May 1919-11
Martin, Joseph Edward George 1919-11
Martyn, Eugenia Fay 1919-11
Mather, Edna Joan 1919-11
Matsushita, Hideo 1919-11
Mayhew, Arthur Wilfred 1919-11
Maynard, Jack (1919-11) 1919-11
McAulay, David (1919-11) 1919-11
McGarry, Michael (1919-11) 1919-11
McKechnie, Neil (1919-11) 1919-11
McKenna, Vera Maud 1919-11
McKeon, Bro. Paul 1919-11
McKernan, William (1919-11) 1919-11
McLelland, James Forrest 1919-11
McMurray, Barbara (1919-11) 1919-11
Meek, Philip (1919-11) 1919-11
Meltzer, Joseph 1919-11
Mendoza, Jack Judah 1919-11
Mendoza, Mark 1919-11
Mercer, James Richard 1919-11
Meredith, Richard (1919-11) 1919-11
Michel, Kenneth Gordon 1919-11
Middlemiss, Mark 1919-11
Milford, Richard Arthur Frederick 1919-11
Millar, Ronald Graeme 1919-11
Mills, John Micklethwait 1919-11
Milne, Ian Mckay 1919-11
Milner, Matthew (1919-11) 1919-11
Minter, Guy Murton 1919-11
Mirrey, Rodger 1919-11
Monk, Reginald Frank 1919-11
Moon, Leonard Vincent 1919-11
Moon, Margery Betty 1919-11
Moreno, Juan (1919-11) 1919-11
Morgan, Aurfryn David 1919-11
Morgan, John Frederick 1919-11
Morgan, Peter Henry Geoffrey 1919-11
Morris, John Albert 1919-11
Mudie, Ronald 1919-11
Muller, Vera Grace 1919-11
Murphy, Arthur William 1919-11
Murray, Marjorie Bishop 1919-11
Murton, Robert (1919-11) 1919-11
Nagle, Ronald (1919-11) 1919-11
Nevay, Eliza Chrystal 1919-11
Newland, Naney Louisa Mary 1919-11
Newman, Leslie James 1919-11
Newmark, Jean Dorothy 1919-11
Newson, Margaret 1919-11
Newton, David (1919-11) 1919-11
Newton, Kenneth (1919-11) 1919-11
Nichols, Peter Allen 1919-11
Norland, Charles Eric 1919-11
Norman, Ada Eleanor 1919-11
Nutting, David Colver 1919-11
Oakley, Sybil 1919-11
Ohnson, Sylvia Adela 1919-11
Okeeffe, James Frederick 1919-11
Oldershaw, Ethel Ruth 1919-11
Oliver, Denis Frank 1919-11
Onyett, Viva Rhoda 1919-11
Osband, Emanuel Eric 1919-11
Owen, Betty (1919-11) 1919-11
Owens, Charlotte Lilian 1919-11
Packman, George Farrell 1919-11
Packman, Stanley James 1919-11
Paffett, Joan 1919-11
Page, Joan Alice 1919-11
Page, Peter Francis 1919-11
Panton, Gladys Violet 1919-11
Parrott, Maurice Derek Alfred 1919-11
Parsons, Dorothy (1919-11) 1919-11
Parsons, Frances Elizabeth 1919-11
Parsons, Joyce Edith 1919-11
Paul, Norman Frederick 1919-11
Payn, Gerald Armstrong 1919-11
Payne, Kathrine 1919-11
Pearce, Charles Worth 1919-11
Pearce, Eric 1919-11
Pegg, Dennis Percy John 1919-11
Pegna, Edward William 1919-11
Pennant, Patrick (1919-11) 1919-11
Pepper, Anthony Joseph 1919-11
Peraticas, Panagiotis Constantinos 1919-11
Perry, Bertha Mary 1919-11
Perry, Joan Doreen 1919-11
Perry, Norman 1919-11
Pesate, Iancu 1919-11
Pett, Basil Warwick 1919-11
Phelps, Mabel 1919-11
Philippides, Andreas (1919-11) 1919-11
Phillingham, William Henry 1919-11
Phillips, Charles Richard 1919-11
Pickard, James (1919-11) 1919-11
Pierce, Patricia 1919-11
Pike, Douglas John (1919-11) 1919-11
Pillinger, John Henry 1919-11
Pimley, William 1919-11
Porter, Cyril Allenby 1919-11
Porter, Philip (1919-11) 1919-11
Postlethwaite, Norman 1919-11
Pountney, Raymond Harold 1919-11
Pratt, Stella Irene 1919-11
Preddy, Gladys Virginia 1919-11
Price, Graham Downton 1919-11
Prideaux, Diana Beatrice 1919-11
Prince, Anthony (1919-11) 1919-11
Proctor, Hilary 1919-11
Prosser, William John (1919-11) 1919-11
Psaras Georgiou, Panayiotis 1919-11
Pullinger, Eileen Margaret 1919-11
Pullinger, Henry 1919-11
Puryer, Alice Edith 1919-11
Quigley Sir, George 1919-11
Randall, Joyce Margaret 1919-11
Ranger, Kenneth James 1919-11
Ratcliffe, John Brotherton 1919-11
Rees, Ben (1919-11) 1919-11
Rees, Clifford (1919-11) 1919-11
Reynolds, Kathleen Lilian 1919-11
Rich, Robert Dawson 1919-11
Richards, Philip William (1919-11) 1919-11
Richardson, Alice Mary 1919-11
Rickell, Leslie Ernest 1919-11
Rigg, John Dacre 1919-11
Ripley, George Harry 1919-11
Roberts, Ernest Richard 1919-11
Roberts, Esmor 1919-11
Roberts, John Windsor 1919-11
Roberts, Marion (1919-11) 1919-11
Robinson, John Michael (1919-11) 1919-11
Rodziewicz, Patricia Irene 1919-11
Rolph, Frederick Charles 1919-11
Roosevelt, Belle "Clochette" Wyatt 1919-11-10 1985-05-01
Rose, Albert (1919-11) 1919-11
Rosen, Rebecca (1919-11) 1919-11
Round, James Gray 1919-11
Rowe, Gladys Joan 1919-11
Royle, Peter (1919-11) 1919-11
Rudge, Reginald Vernon 1919-11
Russell, Alexander James (1919-11) 1919-11
Russell, Claire (1919-11) 1919-11
Russell-Smith, Angela Catherine Immaculata 1919-11
Rutter, Robert Luke 1919-11
Sallabank, Leslei Charles Thomas 1919-11
Salling, Herman 1919-11
Salm-Salm, Eleonore Furstin Zu 1919-11
Salter, Edna 1919-11
Sandeman-Allen, James 1919-11
Sansom, Charles George 1919-11
Sarginson, William Joseph 1919-11
Saunders, Lilian 1919-11
Scales, Frederick 1919-11
Scammell, Kenneth 1919-11
Scarpa, Elizabeth 1919-11
Schofield, Geoffrey (1919-11) 1919-11
Scott, Charlotte Elizabeth 1919-11
Scott, Karel 1919-11
Sear, Thora Ethel 1919-11
Sehn, Celestine 1919-11
Sewell, Joan (1919-11) 1919-11
Sexton, Raymond John Albert 1919-11
Seymour, Donald Edwin 1919-11
Sharman, Jessica (1919-11) 1919-11
Sharpe, William Clarence 1919-11
Shaw, George Watson 1919-11
Shenkin, Leonard 1919-11
Shepherd, Margot Winifred 1919-11
Shields, Lawrence (1919-11) 1919-11
Shipway, Ralph Heming 1919-11
Shonn, Henry 1919-11
Shorter, Joy Rosamund Ashton 1919-11
Shutte, Francis Richard 1919-11
Simmons, Joan Mary Gordon 1919-11
Simpson, Elsie 1919-11
Simpson, Lucy Alice 1919-11
Singer, Dennis 1919-11
Skelton, Patricia Ann 1919-11
Skinner, Joyce Muriel 1919-11
Sladen, Philip (1919-11) 1919-11
Slipper, Helen Mary 1919-11
Smith, Barbara Jean (1919-11) 1919-11
Smith, Charles Kimberley Marshall 1919-11
Smith, David Rae 1919-11
Smith, Douglas Kelsey 1919-11
Smith, Edward (1919-11) 1919-11
Smith, Frank Eric 1919-11
Smith, James Ebenezer 1919-11
Smith, Mary Goodwin 1919-11
Smith, Natalie (1919-11) 1919-11
Smith, Raymond Charles (1919-11) 1919-11
Smith, Reginald Graham 1919-11
Smith, William Harrison 1919-11
Snapper, Royston 1919-11
Snow, Charles David 1919-11
Snowman, Sallie 1919-11
Sommer, John Ernest 1919-11
Southern, Alan (1919-11) 1919-11
Spence, David (1919-11) 1919-11
Spencer, Elizabeth (1919-11) 1919-11
Stabler, Arthur Fletcher 1919-11
Stanley, Sadie 1919-11
Stanton, Elizabeth Edith 1919-11
Stanyard, Ronald James 1919-11
Stanyon, Florence 1919-11
Staples, Jean 1919-11
Stead, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Steiner, Rose 1919-11
Stephens, Marie Joyce 1919-11
Steven, Eanonor Sylvia 1919-11
Stevenson, Barbara Ellen Edith 1919-11
Stevenson, James Edward Mackenzie 1919-11
Stewart, John Andrew (1919-11) 1919-11
Stollery, Hazel Mary 1919-11
Storer, Wilfred Sidney 1919-11
Storey, Caroline (1919-11) 1919-11
Straker, Olive 1919-11
Strawson, Peter 1919-11
Stringer, Audrey Elsie 1919-11
Strong, Leslie Ernest 1919-11
Stross, Josephine Audrey 1919-11
Stutchbury, Desmond 1919-11
Sutcliffe, Harold (1919-11) 1919-11
Swain, Donald Kilburn 1919-11
Swanton, Iris Edith 1919-11
Sweatman, Vera 1919-11
Sykes, Margaret (1919-11) 1919-11
Sykes, Margaret Teresa 1919-11
Tabor, Beatrice 1919-11
Takahashi, Hisayo 1919-11
Talbot, John Clough 1919-11
Tansey, Henry 1919-11
Taylor, Margaret Christina 1919-11
Taylor, Muriel (1919-11) 1919-11
Teichner, Maurice David 1919-11
Thomas, Eric Lionel 1919-11
Thompson, Colin (1919-11) 1919-11
Thompson, Daphne May 1919-11
Thompson, Ian Joseph 1919-11
Thompson, Robert Jordan 1919-11
Thorn, Patrick Arthur 1919-11
Thurley, Peter Henry 1919-11
Tidey, Norman 1919-11
Timperley, May 1919-11
Tin, Ka Ping 田家炳 1919-11-20 2018-07-10
Tindale, Harold Alfred 1919-11
Tonks, Harold Byers 1919-11
Tooth, Gordon Eric Guy 1919-11
Torrance, George Black 1919-11
Travis, Eric 1919-11
Trythall, Elizabeth Loveday 1919-11
Tunley, Mabel Dorothy 1919-11
Turner, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Turner, William George (1919-11) 1919-11
Twinch, Roma Bayliss 1919-11
Van Staveren, Muriel 1919-11
Vassiltchikov, George 1919-11
Vestertas, Tomas 1919-11
Vink, Enid Evelyn Fitzwilliam 1919-11
Walker, Frederick (1919-11) 1919-11
Wallace, Elizabeth Fincham 1919-11
Wallerstein, Dorothy Margaret 1919-11
Walls, Donald 1919-11
Walton, Lynn (1919-11) 1919-11
Warcus, Philip Harry 1919-11
Ward, Frank (1919-11) 1919-11
Ward, Harry Gordon 1919-11
Ward, John (1919-11) 1919-11
Ward, Lillian Ruth 1919-11
Ward, Wilfred (1919-11) 1919-11
Wardale, Geoffrey 1919-11
Warnes, Irene Joyce 1919-11
Waters, James Joseph (1919-11) 1919-11
Waterworth, Joan Booth 1919-11
Weatherly, Bernice Ina 1919-11
Webb, Gordon Vincent Carey 1919-11
Webster, George (1919-11) 1919-11
Welland, Arthur Andrew James 1919-11
Welsh, Thomas William 1919-11
West, Ronald Gilbert 1919-11
Westlake, Charlotte Annie 1919-11
Weston, Joan Lilian 1919-11
Wetherman, Jack Douglas 1919-11
Wheeler, Anthony (1919-11) 1919-11
Whitehouse, George (1919-11) 1919-11
Whitten, Cyril Guy 1919-11
Whittle, Pauline Lillian 1919-11
Wickson, Muriel 1919-11
Wilcock, Ruth Edmondson 1919-11
Wilkinson, Ernest Rodney 1919-11
Wilkinson, Teresa (1919-11) 1919-11
Williams, Dorothy (1919-11) 1919-11
Williams, Leslie Roland 1919-11
Williams, Megan (1919-11) 1919-11
Williams, Nora Catherine 1919-11
Williams, Walter (1919-11) 1919-11
Willoughby, Richard Thomas 1919-11
Wilton, Ethel 1919-11
Windibank, Gwendoline 1919-11
Winter, Gwendoline 1919-11
Wood, Gladys Margaret 1919-11
Wood, Jesse 1919-11
Wood, Stella Hermione 1919-11
Woodsend, Edward John 1919-11
Woodward, Douglas John 1919-11
Woolman, John Frederick 1919-11
Worsfold, Francis Arthur 1919-11
Wrench, Charles Robert 1919-11
Wright, Edwin (1919-11) 1919-11
Wright, Gordon (1919-11) 1919-11
Wright, Mary Hester 1919-11
Yates, William Rodney 1919-11
Yeldham, Roger Guy 1919-11

Note: the list may include dead people. If a person is known to be dead but we do not know when he/she died, then this is indicated by a (d) against their name.

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