Name |
Date of birth |
Date of death |
Abascal Alonso, Juan Arturo |
1949-01 |
Abbe, Godwin Osagie |
1949-01 |
Abbott, Bruce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Abbott, Leslie Ralph |
1949-01 |
Abbott, Ronnie Dean |
1949-01 |
Abdy, Dennis |
1949-01 |
Abe, Yuji |
1949-01 |
Abela, Michael Anthony |
1949-01 |
Abercromby, Marny |
1949-01 |
Abid, Abedelfateh |
1949-01 |
Abiri, Abiodun Hilda |
1949-01 |
Abiri, Abiodun Hilda Hannah |
1949-01 |
Abiri, Hilda Hannah Abiodun |
1949-01 |
Abonyi, Arpad |
1949-01 |
Abouelkhir, Ferial Mohamed Kamal |
1949-01 |
Abramamsen, Graham Mark |
1949-01 |
Absalom, John David |
1949-01 |
Abu Hamdan, Akram Hayel |
1949-01 |
Achouline, Jack |
1949-01 |
Acutt, Margaret Sampson |
1949-01 |
Adam, Ibrahim Ahmed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adam, Veronica |
1949-01 |
Adams, David William Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Adams, Elaine Patricia |
1949-01 |
Adams, Elizabeth Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, James Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, James Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, Kathleen Josephine |
1949-01 |
Adams, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, Keith David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adams, Moira Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Adams, William Raymond Pryde |
1949-01 |
Adamson, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Adamson, Joy Mackay |
1949-01 |
Adcock, Glen Gordon |
1949-01 |
Adcock, James Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Aden, Elizabeth Reed |
1949-01 |
Adeyemi-Doro, Folorunso Adedeji Badeji |
1949-01 |
Adkins, Eric |
1949-01 |
Adkins, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Affleck, Vivienne Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Afia, Philip |
1949-01 |
Agar, Mary Patricia |
1949-01 |
Agarwal, Dinesh Chand |
1949-01 |
Agarwal, Jaiprakash |
1949-01 |
Ager, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ager, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Ageros, Hilary Barbara |
1949-01 |
Agg, Dawn |
1949-01 |
Ahern, Deirdre Jane |
1949-01 |
Ahluwalia, Bhupinder Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmad, Saeed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmad, Sarfraz (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Ali Raza (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Aziz James |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Bashir (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Kohinoor |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Mohamed Sami |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Mohammed Sami |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Mushtaq (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Nisar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Nisar Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Ahmed, Salehuddin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ahrens, Alex Thomas |
1949-01 |
Ahuja, Ashok |
1949-01 |
Aiken, Philip Stanley |
1949-01-09 |
Aiken, Wesley Thomas Joseph |
1949-01 |
Aimson, Raymond Vernon |
1949-01 |
Ainsley, Catherine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Airdrie, Margaret |
1949-01 |
Airey, Catherine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Airey, Joyce |
1949-01 |
Ait Mbark, Jamaa |
1949-01 |
Aitken, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Aitkenhead, Lois |
1949-01 |
Aitkins, Diane Velma |
1949-01 |
Aitkins, Richard |
1949-01 |
Aitzian, Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Ajang, Joseph Kucburo |
1949-01 |
Akar, Zamir |
1949-01 |
Aked, Francis Joseph |
1949-01 |
Akhtar, Javed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Akhtar, Parveen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Akhtar, Pervez (1949-01) |
1949-01-10 |
Akhtaruzzaman, Mohammed |
1949-01 |
Akinpelu, Issa Adeleke |
1949-01 |
Akiyama, Hidejiro |
1949-01 |
Akram, Naseem (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Al Ansari, Ismail |
1949-01 |
Al Bader, Ali Rashaid |
1949-01 |
Al Ghanim, Qais Abdullah Thanyan |
1949-01 |
Al Kassimi, Nora |
1949-01 |
Al Quradaghi, Ali Muhyeadin |
1949-01 |
Al Rahmani, Khalid |
1949-01 |
Al-Aiban, Ahmed Mohamed Othman |
1949-01 |
Al-Alwani, Ahmed Masood |
1949-01 |
Al-Dahab, Abdulla Bin Mohamed Bin Aqeel |
1949-01 |
Al-Rabiah, Abdulaziz Ibrahim |
1949-01 |
Al-Saour, Izzat |
1949-01 |
Alaiban, Ahmed Mo |
1949-01 |
Alam, Kamal-Ul |
1949-01 |
Alam, Mohammad Nurul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Albert Allen, Terry |
1949-01 |
Alder, Peter Colin |
1949-01 |
Alderman, Clive |
1949-01 |
Alderman, Julie Denise |
1949-01 |
Alderman, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Alderson, Grace (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Aldred, Victor Leonard |
1949-01 |
Aldridge, Deanne Christine |
1949-01 |
Aldridge, Geraldine |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Alan Lumsden |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Michael David |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Robert Andrew Rennie |
1949-01 |
Alexander, Ronald Arthur |
1949-01 |
Alexander-Moore, Dounne Agnes Corinthia |
1949-01 |
Alexandre, Stephen Robert |
1949-01 |
Alford, Nicolette Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Alford, Peter Roger James |
1949-01 |
Alghanem, Qais |
1949-01 |
Ali, Abdel Karim Bushara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Diwan |
1949-01 |
Ali, Iftikhar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Leah Lorriane |
1949-01 |
Ali, Liaqat (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Nazim (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Rahmat (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Rashida Jackie |
1949-01 |
Ali, Rehmat (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ali, Syed Mozammel |
1949-01 |
Ali, Yar |
1949-01 |
Ali Tayyab, Waqar |
1949-01 |
Alinsagay, Resureccion |
1949-01 |
Alker, George Antony |
1949-01 |
Alkooheji, Abdulhameed Abduljabbar Mahmood |
1949-01 |
Allan, James Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allan, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allan, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allan, Michael Craig |
1949-01 |
Allaway, Carol Bridget |
1949-01 |
Allcock, Vaughan Christopher James |
1949-01 |
Allen, Anthony John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Derek (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Jean Margaret |
1949-01 |
Allen, Jennifer Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, John Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Allen, Kathryn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Len |
1949-01 |
Allen, Lord Sidney |
1949-01 |
Allen, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Phillip Douglas |
1949-01 |
Allen, Richard Gray |
1949-01 |
Allen, Roger Michael |
1949-01 |
Allen, Roy Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Allen, Roydon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allen, Terrence Albert |
1949-01 |
Allen, Tracey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Allenby, Graham |
1949-01 |
Allenby, William |
1949-01 |
Alley, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Alli, Saiyed |
1949-01 |
Allingham, Rita Jean |
1949-01 |
Allington, William John |
1949-01 |
Allison, Geoffrey Leonard |
1949-01 |
Allison, Peter Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Allonby, Maria Daniela |
1949-01 |
Allsop, Patricia Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Allum, Bernard |
1949-01 |
Allwood, Janet |
1949-01 |
Almeda, Joaquim |
1949-01 |
Almedia, Joaquim Magro |
1949-01 |
Almeida, Joaquim (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Almeida, Joaquim Magro |
1949-01 |
Almeida, Joaquim Magro De (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Almeida, Magro |
1949-01 |
Almond, Jennifer Margaret |
1949-01 |
Altaf, Mohammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Altenburg, Gerhard |
1949-01 |
Alves, Antonio Cardoso |
1949-01 |
Alzaidi, Abduljabbar |
1949-01 |
Amano, Akira |
1949-01 |
Amaranath, Nadarajah |
1949-01 |
Ambler, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ambrose, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ambrose, Robert James |
1949-01 |
Ambursley, Linton Ashman (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ameobi, John |
1949-01 |
Ameobi, John Babatope |
1949-01 |
Ames, Linda Violet |
1949-01 |
Amhad, Saeed |
1949-01 |
Amman, Gillbare |
1949-01 |
Amor, Linda |
1949-01 |
Amoruso, Antonio |
1949-01 |
Amyes, John Stephen |
1949-01 |
Anastasescu Gritten, Ruxandra Ioana |
1949-01 |
Ancheta, Victoria |
1949-01 |
Anders, Anthony Paul |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Allan Telfer |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Anthony Maurice |
1949-01 |
Anderson, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Harrington |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Ian Mcallister |
1949-01 |
Anderson, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Mary Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Maurice |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Pamela Eileen |
1949-01 |
Anderson, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andreou, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andreou Olymbios, Chrystalla |
1949-01 |
Andrew, David Christopher |
1949-01 |
Andrew, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Alan Roy |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Anthony James Stapleton |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Cathy |
1949-01 |
Andrews, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Michael Trevor |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Patricia Anne |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Paul Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Roger Edward Walden |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Sandra Joy |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Susan Linda |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Trevor John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Andrews, Wendy Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Angelini, Luigi |
1949-01 |
Angell, Terence Paul |
1949-01 |
Angless, David |
1949-01 |
Angrave, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Angus, Sonja Janet |
1949-01 |
Anker, Leueen Mary |
1949-01 |
Ankers, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ansari, Kaleem |
1949-01 |
Ansari, Kaleem Elahi |
1949-01 |
Ansell, Glenis Jean |
1949-01 |
Ansell, Goula Anastasia |
1949-01 |
Ansell, Janet Eileen |
1949-01 |
Anson, Leon |
1949-01 |
Anthony, Peter Bryan Henry |
1949-01 |
Antill, Hilary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Antoine, Shirley Ann |
1949-01 |
Antola, Vesa Ilari |
1949-01 |
Anwar, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Anwar, Nishat Haneefa |
1949-01 |
Anzalone, Beniamino |
1949-01 |
Anze, Taihei |
1949-01 |
Appleby, Nicola |
1949-01 |
Appleton, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Appleton, Helen Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Appleton, John Sylvester |
1949-01 |
Appleyard, Ian John |
1949-01 |
Appleyard, Rodney Leonard |
1949-01 |
Aptaker, Adrienne |
1949-01 |
Aranda, Mario |
1949-01 |
Arasu, Sathiyarajah |
1949-01 |
Arasu, Satiyarajah |
1949-01 |
Arbuckle, James Whiteford |
1949-01 |
Arcaini, Andrea |
1949-01 |
Archdeacon, Kevin Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Archer, Alan Fleming |
1949-01 |
Archer, Catherine Ann |
1949-01 |
Archer, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Archer, Ian Charles |
1949-01 |
Archer, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Archer, Robert Anthony |
1949-01 |
Archer, Roderick Clive |
1949-01 |
Archer, Roy Howard |
1949-01 |
Archibald, Douglas Lewis |
1949-01 |
Arcila-Martin, Manuel |
1949-01 |
Ardan, Alper |
1949-01 |
Arditi, David |
1949-01 |
Argent, Alan |
1949-01 |
Argo, Helen Margaret |
1949-01 |
Argyle, Pauline |
1949-01 |
Argyle, Pauline Anne |
1949-01 |
Arkle, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Arkles, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Arkley, Clifford |
1949-01 |
Armagan, Tuna |
1949-01 |
Armitage, Anthea Mary |
1949-01 |
Armitage, Julian Martin Hogarth |
1949-01 |
Armitage, Peter Lockhart |
1949-01 |
Armson, John Robert |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Anthony Hamilton |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Barbara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Carole-Anne |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Catherine Millar |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, John Richard Maxwell |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, John William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Armstrong, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Arneill, Richard |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Anthony Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Christine Linda |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Eleanor Catherine Richard |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Elizabeth Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Arnold, Suzanne Adeline |
1949-01 |
Arnott, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Arshed, Mussarat |
1949-01 |
Arthur, Charles |
1949-01 |
Arthur, Helen Ann |
1949-01 |
Arthur, Hilary Ann Stewart |
1949-01 |
Arton, Kathleen Elsie |
1949-01 |
Arulselvananthan, Mylvaganam |
1949-01 |
Asbury, Martin John |
1949-01 |
Asby, Christopher Basil |
1949-01 |
Ash, David Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ash, Jennifer Henia |
1949-01 |
Ash, John Victor |
1949-01 |
Ashby, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashdown, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashford, Jon Gardiner |
1949-01 |
Ashford, Susan Annette Audrey |
1949-01 |
Ashforth, Joseph Mcknight |
1949-01 |
Ashley, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashley, Julie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashley, Stephen Paul |
1949-01 |
Ashley Smith, Lynda Mary |
1949-01 |
Ashman, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashton, Pauline Hilda |
1949-01 |
Ashton, Sandra Julietta |
1949-01 |
Ashton, Susan Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ashwood, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Ashworth, Jane Margaret |
1949-01 |
Ashworth, Lesley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Asken, John Hugh |
1949-01 |
Askey, Gabrielle Jane |
1949-01 |
Aslett, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Aspbury, Helen |
1949-01 |
Aspin, Anton Frank |
1949-01 |
Asplin, Delia |
1949-01 |
Aswani, Dev |
1949-01 |
Aswani, Herdev Singh |
1949-01 |
Atencio, Thomas Anthony |
1949-01 |
Atherage, Hilary Patricia |
1949-01 |
Atherton, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkin, Thomas David |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Adrian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Graham Martin |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Jeffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Kevin John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Richard Stuart |
1949-01 |
Atkins, Stephen William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkins, William Peter |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Christine Barbara |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Gerald Anthony |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Maurice George |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Penelope Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Atkinson, Philip Barry |
1949-01 |
Atlan, Rhoanna |
1949-01 |
Atlan Jackson, Rhianna |
1949-01 |
Atlan Jackson, Rhoanna |
1949-01 |
Attreed, David Charles |
1949-01 |
Attrill, Anthony Walter Henry |
1949-01 |
Audan, Michel Francis Gerard |
1949-01 |
Aughney, Brendan |
1949-01 |
Austen, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Austen, Timothy |
1949-01 |
Austen, Timothy John |
1949-01 |
Austen-Heath, Yvonne Sheryl |
1949-01 |
Austin, Kenneth Francis |
1949-01 |
Austin, Martin David |
1949-01 |
Austin, Pamela Helen |
1949-01 |
Austin, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Austin, Yvonne Ann |
1949-01 |
Austin-Heath, Yvonne Sheryl |
1949-01 |
Avallone, Osvaldo |
1949-01 |
Avenell, Maurice Leslie Roger |
1949-01 |
Avery, Anthony William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Avery, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Avery, Roger Frederick |
1949-01 |
Avery, Trevor John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Avis, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Awadalla, Elsayed Hagelobaid Elawad |
1949-01 |
Ax, Daniel Lee |
1949-01 |
Aydin, Trish |
1949-01 |
Aydiner, Ismail |
1949-01 |
Aydinoglu, Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Ayliffe, Martyn Peter Loveless |
1949-01 |
Aylott, Teresa Ann |
1949-01 |
Aylward, Kevin John |
1949-01 |
Ayres, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ayto, John |
1949-01 |
Azria, Max |
1949-01 |
Babcock, Shiona Egerton Fraser |
1949-01 |
Back, Nigel Barry Quarles |
1949-01 |
Bacon, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bacon, William Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Baden, Ragbir |
1949-01 |
Badger, Gerald Douglas |
1949-01 |
Bagaria, Susheela |
1949-01 |
Bagaria, Sushella |
1949-01 |
Bagshaw, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bahi, Darshan Kaur |
1949-01 |
Bahra, Parmjit |
1949-01 |
Bai, Feng Xi |
1949-01 |
Baig, Mirza M |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Cynthia Irene Ann |
1949-01 |
Bailey, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bailey, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Denise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Jocelyn Holt |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Judi |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Judith Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Keith Robert |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Pauline Joy |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bailey, Susan Elizabeth Helen |
1949-01 |
Baillie, James Edward John |
1949-01 |
Baillie, Sherly Elaine |
1949-01 |
Baily, Richard Steven |
1949-01 |
Baines, Amarjit Singh |
1949-01 |
Baines, Raymond William James |
1949-01 |
Baird, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Beryl (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Charles Barry George |
1949-01 |
Baker, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Christopher Jack |
1949-01 |
Baker, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, David Alan John |
1949-01 |
Baker, Dawn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Donald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Ellen Ann |
1949-01 |
Baker, George Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Georgina Ruth |
1949-01 |
Baker, James Victor |
1949-01 |
Baker, Jean Mary |
1949-01 |
Baker, Jeremy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Margaret Doreen |
1949-01 |
Baker, Martin Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Michael Roy |
1949-01 |
Baker, Peotr |
1949-01 |
Baker, Peter James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker, Rodney James |
1949-01 |
Baker, Rosanne |
1949-01 |
Baker, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baker Wade, Robin |
1949-01 |
Bakran, Ali |
1949-01 |
Bakshi-Gleave, Marilyn Sue |
1949-01 |
Bala, Jugdish |
1949-01 |
Balachandran, Ginige Pearl Srimatie |
1949-01 |
Balachandran, Pear Ginige Srimatie |
1949-01 |
Balanchandran, Ginige Pearl Srimatie |
1949-01 |
Balbo, Luciano |
1949-01 |
Balding, Emma Alice Mary |
1949-01 |
Baldwin, Edward Francis Victor |
1949-01 |
Baldwin, Philip David Charles |
1949-01 |
Bale, Joseph John |
1949-01 |
Balendra, Philip Antony |
1949-01 |
Balfour, Nairn |
1949-01 |
Bali, Hassan |
1949-01 |
Ball, Charles Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Ball, Edward Alan |
1949-01 |
Ball, Eric |
1949-01 |
Ball, Gwenda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Ball, Harvey Andrew Gallagher |
1949-01 |
Ball, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ball, Rita Enid |
1949-01 |
Ballani, Meena |
1949-01 |
Ballantyne-Smith, Sheila Mary |
1949-01 |
Ballard, Richard Henry |
1949-01 |
Balmer, Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Balmforth, Linda Patricia |
1949-01 |
Balston, Meriel Frances |
1949-01 |
Bammatter, Martino |
1949-01 |
Banaczek, Ryszard |
1949-01 |
Bancroft, Judith |
1949-01 |
Bancroft, Michael Roy |
1949-01 |
Bancroft, Micheal Roy |
1949-01 |
Bankes, Nicholas David |
1949-01 |
Banks, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bann, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bannister, Cicilia Jeanne Ellen |
1949-01 |
Bannister, Hilary Margaret |
1949-01 |
Bannon, Robert Thomas |
1949-01 |
Bansal, Pritam Singh |
1949-01 |
Banyard, John Alexander |
1949-01 |
Barak, Zvika |
1949-01 |
Baran, Grazyna |
1949-01 |
Barasolo, Armando Luigi |
1949-01 |
Baraya, Diana George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barber, Gerald John |
1949-01 |
Barber, Peter William |
1949-01 |
Barber, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barber, Trevor Buckley |
1949-01 |
Barbet, Michael Laurence |
1949-01 |
Barbookles, James |
1949-01 |
Barbour, Elisabeth |
1949-01 |
Barbour, Lavinia Frances |
1949-01 |
Barclay, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barclay, Nicholas Robert |
1949-01 |
Bargroff, Gary Robert |
1949-01 |
Bari, Abdul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baring, Rosemary Carol |
1949-01 |
Barker, Graham Harold |
1949-01 |
Barker, Irene Charlotte |
1949-01 |
Barker, Jennifer Margaret |
1949-01 |
Barker, Joyce Sharp |
1949-01 |
Barker, Kathleen Halcyon |
1949-01 |
Barker, Michael Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barker, Richard George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barkmeiyer, Bertus Eugene |
1949-01 |
Barlow, Jennifer Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barlow, Peter George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barlow, Richard Melvin |
1949-01 |
Barmby, William Usher |
1949-01 |
Barnard, Alan Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnard, Andrew Michael |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Adrian Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Geoffrey Anthony |
1949-01 |
Barnes, John Scott |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Juanita Alaxandra |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Kenneth Charles |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Kevin John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Olivia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Robert Michael |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Thomas Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnes, Valerie Patricia |
1949-01 |
Barnett, Christine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Barnett, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnett, John David |
1949-01 |
Barnett, Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barnett, Robert James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barneveld, John Peter |
1949-01 |
Barnfather, Jacqueline |
1949-01 |
Barnfield, Richard Anthony |
1949-01 |
Barnham, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Barnsley, Peter Frederick |
1949-01 |
Barnsley, Roger Brian |
1949-01 |
Baron, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barr, Alan Edward |
1949-01 |
Barr, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barr, Ron |
1949-01 |
Barr, Samuel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barraclough, Adrian Gerald |
1949-01 |
Barratt, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Barratt, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barratt, William Ronald |
1949-01 |
Barres, Rosalind |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Barbara Sally |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Denys Gordon Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Gillian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrett, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrett, Vanessa Jayne |
1949-01 |
Barrie, Alison |
1949-01 |
Barrington, Maria |
1949-01 |
Barron, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barron, Brian Raymond |
1949-01 |
Barron, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrow, Harold George |
1949-01 |
Barrow, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barrow, Paul Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Barrs, Daniel Andrew |
1949-01 |
Barry, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barry, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Barry-Jackson, Mark Christopher Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Barter, Bridget Ruth |
1949-01 |
Barthelemy, Cecile |
1949-01 |
Bartlam, Keith |
1949-01 |
Bartle, Ian Stewart |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, Caroline Ann |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, James Roger |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, John Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, Richard David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bartlett, Steven James |
1949-01 |
Barton, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Barton, Gillian Mary |
1949-01 |
Bartrop, Margaret Sandra |
1949-01 |
Bartrum, Ian Clifford |
1949-01 |
Baruch, Valerie Denise |
1949-01 |
Barwell, Frank Clifford |
1949-01 |
Barwick, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Basford, Hazel Bruce |
1949-01 |
Bashir, Ahmad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bason, David George |
1949-01 |
Bass, Martin |
1949-01 |
Bassett, Christine |
1949-01 |
Bassett, James Alan |
1949-01 |
Bassi, Amarji Singh |
1949-01 |
Bassnett, Stephen Andrew |
1949-01 |
Bastiani, Ursula |
1949-01 |
Bastow, Theresa Ann |
1949-01 |
Batchlor, John Storr |
1949-01 |
Bate, Janet Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bate, Janet Lorimer |
1949-01 |
Bateman, Colin David |
1949-01 |
Bateman, David Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Bateman, Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Bateman, Julian Rex |
1949-01 |
Bateman, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bateman, Nicholas David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bates, Geoffrey Michael |
1949-01 |
Bates, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bates, Philip John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Batey, Susan |
1949-01 |
Bath, Christine |
1949-01 |
Bath, Clive (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Batt, Mohinder Kaur |
1949-01 |
Batt, Stephen Robert |
1949-01 |
Batterbee, Hilary Mary |
1949-01 |
Batting, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Battini, Jean Francois |
1949-01 |
Battle, Jean |
1949-01 |
Batty, Margaret Maud Teresa |
1949-01 |
Baty, Elspeth Jane |
1949-01 |
Bauer, Julian Anthony |
1949-01 |
Baugh, Urszula Barbara May |
1949-01 |
Bauwens, Francoise |
1949-01 |
Bavin, Geoffrey William |
1949-01 |
Bavington, Peter |
1949-01 |
Baxter, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Baxter, Eric John |
1949-01 |
Baxter, Patsy |
1949-01 |
Baxter-Smith, Helen Pamela |
1949-01 |
Baylis, Anthony Arthur Empson |
1949-01 |
Baylis, Denise Frances |
1949-01 |
Bayliss, Colin Charles Macarthur |
1949-01 |
Bayliss, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bayne, Martin Roger |
1949-01 |
Bayoumi, Munir Mustafa |
1949-01 |
Bayoumi, Munir Mustafa Khalil |
1949-01 |
Beadle, Leslie John |
1949-01 |
Beale, Kevin George |
1949-01 |
Beales, Robert Francis |
1949-01 |
Beall, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Beard, Anthony Ernest |
1949-01 |
Beard, David Philip |
1949-01 |
Beard, James Ian |
1949-01 |
Beard, Paul Leonard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Beard, Robin |
1949-01 |
Beard, Robin Keith |
1949-01 |
Bearder, Catherine Zena |
1949-01 |
Beardmore, Norman Stuart |
1949-01 |
Beaton, David Walter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Beaton, Karen Joyce |
1949-01 |
Beattie, Georgina Dye |
1949-01 |
Beattie, Graham George Templeton |
1949-01 |
Beattie, Joyce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Beattie, Ralph Allen |
1949-01 |
Beaumanoir, Roland |
1949-01 |
Beaumont, Linda Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Beaumont, Margaret Denise |
1949-01 |
Beavis, Alan Kyle |
1949-01 |
Beazley, Robert William |
1949-01 |
Beck, Clive William |
1949-01 |
Beck, Richard Frank |
1949-01 |
Beckinsale, Anthony William |
1949-01 |
Bedding, David |
1949-01 |
Bedford, Mary Ann |
1949-01 |
Beebee, Irene |
1949-01 |
Beech, Anne Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Beech, Janet Gwendolen |
1949-01 |
Beech Allen, Peter James |
1949-01 |
Beeching, Richard Samuel |
1949-01 |
Beeren, Bruce Gerard |
1949-01 |
Beers, Valerie |
1949-01 |
Beggs, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Bushra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Naziran (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Nurun (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Sakina (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Shahara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Begum, Surriya (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Behan, Laurence |
1949-01 |
Beiki, Mahmood |
1949-01 |
Belasco, Helen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Belcher, Clive Stuart |
1949-01 |
Belcher, Roger Charles |
1949-01 |
Belfield, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Belford, Katherine Jane |
1949-01 |
Bell, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bell, Albert George |
1949-01 |
Bell, Arkle Leslie |
1949-01 |
Bell, Charles Anthony Mark |
1949-01 |
Bell, Eleanor Doris |
1949-01 |
Bell, Glyn |
1949-01 |
Bell, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bell, Ian Broadhurst |
1949-01 |
Bell, James Angus |
1949-01 |
Bell, Joseph Francis |
1949-01 |
Bell, Pauline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bell, Shena Margaret |
1949-01 |
Bell, Sidney Edward |
1949-01 |
Bell, Simon Leonard Lawrance |
1949-01 |
Bellaby, Anthony Maurice |
1949-01 |
Bellamy, Ian Douglas |
1949-01 |
Bellamy, John Leonard |
1949-01 |
Bellari, Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Bellavita, Valter |
1949-01 |
Bellec, Gilles |
1949-01 |
Bellerby, David Michael |
1949-01 |
Belli, John Andrew |
1949-01 |
Bellingham, David Edward |
1949-01 |
Bellis, Edward Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Belson, Michael |
1949-01 |
Belson, Michael James |
1949-01 |
Belsten, Valerie Ann |
1949-01 |
Bembridge, Bernard |
1949-01 |
Bemment, Kay Louise |
1949-01 |
Ben-Nathan, Marsha Jeannette |
1949-01 |
Benarr, Diana Mary |
1949-01 |
Benbaruk, Leon |
1949-01 |
Benbow, Lawrence James |
1949-01 |
Benedict, Clement Silinganiso |
1949-01 |
Benfield, Susan |
1949-01 |
Benford, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Benjamin, Carol Ann |
1949-01 |
Bennellick, Dean Arthur |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Angela Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Clive Anthony Douglas |
1949-01 |
Bennett, David Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bennett, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bennett, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bennett, John Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Kathryn Margaret |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Linda Nicola |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Neil Melvyn |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Paul Ian |
1949-01 |
Bennett, Valerie Jane |
1949-01 |
Bennett Willetts, Linda Nicola |
1949-01 |
Bennetts, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Benoit, Martine Marcelle |
1949-01 |
Benoliel, Gemma Bridget (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Benson, James Edwin |
1949-01 |
Benson, Michael Howard |
1949-01 |
Bentinck, Henriette Luisa Maria |
1949-01-30 |
2010-11-29 |
Bentley, Katrina Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bentley, Keith Arthur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bentley, Malcolm John |
1949-01 |
Benton, Joan Marjorie |
1949-01 |
Benton, Robin |
1949-01 |
Berchik, Robert |
1949-01 |
Beresford, Raymond Peter |
1949-01 |
Berger, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Berger, David Jacob |
1949-01 |
Berger, Sigrid |
1949-01 |
Berghmans, Jean Pierre |
1949-01 |
Bergson, Estelle Louise |
1949-01 |
Berman, Janet |
1949-01 |
Bernacchia, Viola Marion |
1949-01 |
Bernard, Gordon James |
1949-01 |
Bernard, Marie-Christine Paquita |
1949-01 |
Bernard Toulat, Marie Christine Paquita |
1949-01 |
Bernica, Edward John |
1949-01 |
Bernstein, Al |
1949-01 |
Bernstein, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bernstone, Alan |
1949-01 |
Berridge, Anthony Denis |
1949-01 |
Berry, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Berry, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Berry, Maria O'Cullen |
1949-01 |
Berryman, Angela Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Berryman, Karenza Ann |
1949-01 |
Bertelli, Adrian Giacobbe Andrea |
1949-01 |
Bertram, Frederick William |
1949-01 |
Bertram, Sylvia |
1949-01 |
Best, Michael Stephen James |
1949-01 |
Best, Mike Stephen James |
1949-01 |
Best, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Best, Peter James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Best, Stephen Roger |
1949-01 |
Beswick, Barry Donald |
1949-01 |
Bethell, Christine Gillian |
1949-01 |
Betteridge, George |
1949-01 |
Betteridge, George Edward |
1949-01 |
Betteridge, Jane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bettinson, Catherine Mary Jean |
1949-01 |
Bettridge, Mary Margaret |
1949-01 |
Bettridge, Reginald |
1949-01 |
Bettridge, Victor Herbert Alfred |
1949-01 |
Betts, Doriane Christine |
1949-01 |
Betts, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Betts, Stephen Graham |
1949-01 |
Beuselinck, Linda Joyce |
1949-01 |
Beuselinck, Linzi Joyce |
1949-01 |
Beuzeboc, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Bevan, Barry Thomas |
1949-01 |
Bevan, Joyce |
1949-01 |
Bevan, Thomas Ronald |
1949-01 |
Bevan, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bewtra, Umindra Kumar |
1949-01 |
Bexon, Teresa |
1949-01 |
Beynsberger, David |
1949-01 |
Beynsberger, David Jacob |
1949-01 |
Bezant, Graham |
1949-01 |
Bhala, Balmukund Bansilal |
1949-01 |
Bhat, Sharada Khandige |
1949-01 |
Bhatia, Kamal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bhatia, Kamal Hassanand |
1949-01 |
Bhatnagar, Vijay Kumar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bhatti, Mohammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Bhikhiben |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Kalabhai |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Rajuben |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Rajuben Bachubhai |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Savitaben |
1949-01 |
Bhoi, Savitaben Shanabhai |
1949-01 |
Bhut, Sharda |
1949-01 |
Bhuyian, Lutfa |
1949-01 |
Bi, Mehfooz |
1949-01 |
Bibby, Catherine Annette |
1949-01 |
Bibi, Zakia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bice, Peter Anthony |
1949-01 |
Bickley, Glyn |
1949-01 |
Biddlecombe, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bielski, John Jerzy Black |
1949-01 |
Bier, Jacqueline Ann |
1949-01 |
Bierman, Robert Louis |
1949-01 |
Biermann, Hugo |
1949-01 |
Biermann, Hugo Hendrick |
1949-01 |
Biggs, Robert Edward |
1949-01 |
Biggs, Sonia Joy |
1949-01 |
Bignell, Jane Felicity |
1949-01 |
Bill, Derek Harold |
1949-01 |
Billingham, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Billingham, Derek Joseph |
1949-01 |
Billings, Colin Clifford |
1949-01 |
Billingsby, Valerie |
1949-01 |
Billington, Andrew Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Billington, Jack (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Billington, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Billson, Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Billson, Haydn |
1949-01 |
Bilstein, Hans |
1949-01 |
Bilton, Keith |
1949-01 |
Bilton, Terence John Richard |
1949-01 |
Bin Mohd Amin, Mohd Razali |
1949-01 |
Binch, Diana Rosalind Ruth |
1949-01 |
Binge, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Bingham, Anthony George |
1949-01 |
Bingham, Roger Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Binnie, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Birch, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Birch, Brian John |
1949-01 |
Birch, John Ernest |
1949-01 |
Birch, Julian Robert |
1949-01 |
Birch, Martin Douglas |
1949-01 |
Birchall, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Birchmore, Howard |
1949-01 |
Bird, Bruce Martin |
1949-01 |
Bird, John Donald |
1949-01 |
Bird, John Stanley |
1949-01 |
Bird, Michael Arthur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bird, Russell John |
1949-01 |
Bird, Trevor David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Birkby, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Birkin, Frank Keith |
1949-01 |
Birkin, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Birkinshaw, Graham James |
1949-01 |
Birley, Veronica Jane |
1949-01 |
Birlison, Frank Gordon Thomas |
1949-01 |
Birnie, James Mitchell |
1949-01 |
Birt, Barbara |
1949-01 |
Birt, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Birthright, Peter |
1949-01 |
Bishop, David Glyn |
1949-01 |
Bishop, Haydn John |
1949-01 |
Bishop, Leslie William |
1949-01 |
Bisp, Keith |
1949-01 |
Bissett, Kathleen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bitan, William Hai |
1949-01 |
Bizreh, Nizar |
1949-01 |
Blach, Czesiek |
1949-01 |
Black, Caroline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Black, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Black, Robert Archibald |
1949-01 |
Black, Sarah Ann |
1949-01 |
Blackall, Keith Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Blackburn, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blackburn, Nigel John |
1949-01 |
Blackburn, Peter Holmes |
1949-01 |
Blackett, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blackman, Philip Michael |
1949-01 |
Blackmore, Janet Mary |
1949-01 |
Blackmore, Tom (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blackshaw, Christian Charles |
1949-01 |
Blackwell, Frances Elizabeth Verity Austell |
1949-01 |
Blackwell, Jennifer Catherine |
1949-01 |
Blackwell, Peter Kendal |
1949-01 |
Blackwell, Raymond John |
1949-01 |
Blackwell, Stephen William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blade, Jonathan Paul |
1949-01 |
Blades, Roger Tom |
1949-01 |
Blair, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blair, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blake, Anne Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blake, Brian Anthony |
1949-01 |
Blake, Derek Edward |
1949-01 |
Blake, Peter Robert |
1949-01 |
Blakely, Michael Beresford |
1949-01 |
Blakemore, Michael Dennis |
1949-01 |
Blanc, Denis |
1949-01 |
Blanch, Richard Stapley |
1949-01 |
Bland, Ian Frederick |
1949-01 |
Blandford, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blanks, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Blatt, Maureen Ann |
1949-01 |
Blau, Melissa (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blavins, Richard |
1949-01 |
Blaxland-De Lange, Simon Henry |
1949-01 |
Blayney, Nigel Christopher |
1949-01 |
Bleakley, Alan Douglas |
1949-01 |
Bleakley, Clifford John |
1949-01 |
Blench, Barbara Dido Lambre |
1949-01 |
Blezard, Linda |
1949-01 |
Blight, David Maurice |
1949-01 |
Blincow, Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
Blomley, Delia |
1949-01 |
Bloodworth, John Milton |
1949-01 |
Bloor, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blower, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Bloxham, Gillian |
1949-01 |
Bloxham, Mark Ryan |
1949-01 |
Bloxham, Ray Frank |
1949-01 |
Blum, Maxi |
1949-01 |
Blumenfield, Joan |
1949-01 |
Blundell, Kathy |
1949-01 |
Blundell, Peter George |
1949-01 |
Blunt, Julian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Blunt, Kevin Michael |
1949-01 |
Blythe, Gordon Donaldson |
1949-01 |
Boag, Trevor Norman |
1949-01 |
Boardman, David Lovell |
1949-01 |
Boardman, Marlyn |
1949-01 |
Boast, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Boast, Geraldine Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Boatfield, Agatha |
1949-01 |
Bobet, Francine |
1949-01 |
Bocchetti, Gaetano |
1949-01 |
Bock, Emerick Ioan |
1949-01 |
Boddam-Whetham, Carolyn Helen Mary |
1949-01 |
Boddenberg, Norbert |
1949-01 |
Boddington, Denise Meriel |
1949-01 |
Boddy, Derek Roy |
1949-01 |
Bodfish, Clifford Alan |
1949-01 |
Bodie, Douglas Albert |
1949-01 |
Bodner, Barry Yehuda |
1949-01 |
Bodsworth, Christopher |
1949-01 |
Boege, Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Boenhardt, Hartmut |
1949-01 |
Bohen, Haydn Lee |
1949-01 |
Bois, John Andrew |
1949-01 |
Boland, Brendan James |
1949-01 |
Bolder, Ian |
1949-01 |
Bolderstone, Mark James |
1949-01 |
Boldock, Abner Charles |
1949-01 |
Boleat, Mark John |
1949-01 |
Bolger, Thomas James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bollmann, Manfred |
1949-01 |
Bolsom, David John |
1949-01 |
Bolt, Arthur Ewart Michael |
1949-01 |
Bolton, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bolton, Kennth John |
1949-01 |
Bolton, Pamela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bolton, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bond, David Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bond, Jonathan R |
1949-01 |
Bond, Lynda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bond, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Bonham, Elizabeth Margaret |
1949-01 |
Boniface, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bonnell, Beatrix Anna Ida |
1949-01 |
Bonner, Theresa |
1949-01 |
Boobis, Alan Raymond |
1949-01 |
Boogerd, Piet-Hein |
1949-01 |
Booker, Brian Vincent |
1949-01 |
Booker, Derek Graham Desmond |
1949-01 |
Bookless, David Robert Scott |
1949-01 |
Boonpaknavic, Nidda |
1949-01 |
Boorman, Heather Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Booth, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Booth, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Booth, Eve |
1949-01 |
Booth, Gordon James |
1949-01 |
Booth, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Booth, Peter Maurice |
1949-01 |
Boothby, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Borden, Jennifer Edith |
1949-01 |
Borgonon, Jane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bork, Horst Robert |
1949-01 |
Borkett, John Henry |
1949-01 |
Borner, Gerd |
1949-01 |
Borough-Copley, Paul |
1949-01 |
Borrill, Stephen John |
1949-01 |
Borrill, Steve |
1949-01 |
Borthwick, Roy |
1949-01 |
Bostel, Richard |
1949-01 |
Bostwick, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boswell, David John |
1949-01 |
Boswell, Pauline |
1949-01 |
Boswell, Susan Irene |
1949-01 |
Bothwell, James |
1949-01 |
Botterill, Adrian Michael |
1949-01 |
Botterill, John Frederick |
1949-01 |
Bottomley, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boucher, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boulis, Huda Tawfik Boctor |
1949-01 |
Boulton, Andrew James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bourgois, Patrice Gilles |
1949-01 |
Bourn, Susan Janet |
1949-01 |
Bousfield, Judith Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bousfield Gregory, Caroline |
1949-01 |
Bouskill, Penelope Mary |
1949-01 |
Boustead, Ian Bryan |
1949-01 |
Bouwer, Clement Edgar |
1949-01 |
Bovaird, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Bovaird, Anthony Gerard |
1949-01 |
Bovington, Alan John |
1949-01 |
Bowden, Elzbieta Maria |
1949-01 |
Bowden, Ralph William |
1949-01 |
Bowden, Roy Edward |
1949-01 |
Bowen, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bower, Diana Mary |
1949-01 |
Bowers, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bowes, Brian William |
1949-01 |
Bowes, Jane Margaret |
1949-01 |
Bowes, John Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bowes, Malcolm Leslie |
1949-01 |
Bowes, Timothy Howard |
1949-01 |
Bowes, Tom Mayson |
1949-01 |
Bowhey, Anthony Edwin |
1949-01 |
Bowie, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bowie, Colin Mcnaughton (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bowles, Jon |
1949-01 |
Bowles, Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bowley, John William |
1949-01 |
Bowman, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Bowman, Lyle |
1949-01 |
Bowman, Mark Robert |
1949-01 |
Bowring, Bridget Hilary |
1949-01 |
Bowring, Henry Clive |
1949-01 |
Bowring, Joanna Mary |
1949-01 |
Bowry, Jennifer Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Bowry, Kiran |
1949-01 |
Box, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boxley, Keith James |
1949-01 |
Boyce, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyce, David Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyce, Martina |
1949-01 |
Boyd, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyd, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyd, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyd, Susan Janet |
1949-01 |
Boyd-Stenson, Michael |
1949-01 |
Boyer, Julien |
1949-01 |
Boyer, Marjorie |
1949-01 |
Boyer, Marjorie Janet |
1949-01 |
Boyes, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyes, Michael Stuart |
1949-01 |
Boyes, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boyes, Steven Alfred |
1949-01 |
Boylan, Owen |
1949-01 |
Boyle, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Boys, Robert Leslie |
1949-01 |
Bozzini, Michael |
1949-01 |
Brace, Malcolm George |
1949-01 |
Brackenboro, Pauline Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bradbury, Curtis Franklin |
1949-01 |
Bradbury, Roy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bradford, John Howard |
1949-01 |
Bradley, Adrian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bradley, Gerald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bradley, Lynda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bradley, Michael Allen |
1949-01 |
Bradley, Valerie Joyce |
1949-01 |
Bradshaw, Thomas Richard Gustaf |
1949-01 |
Bradwin, Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
Bragg, Thomas Kingwell |
1949-01 |
Braier, Mark |
1949-01 |
Brain, Andrew Maitland |
1949-01 |
Bramble, Carol |
1949-01 |
Bramley, Margaret Hilary |
1949-01 |
Brampton, Neal John |
1949-01 |
Branch, Christine |
1949-01 |
Brand, Alannah Margaret |
1949-01 |
Brand, Theresa Margaret |
1949-01 |
Brannighan, Derek Raymond |
1949-01 |
Branston, Glenys Olivia |
1949-01 |
Bratchie, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Bratherton, John Howard |
1949-01 |
Braverman, Paul |
1949-01 |
Bravo Schwarzenberg, Jaime Rodolfo |
1949-01 |
Brawley, Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Bray, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bray, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Braydon, Ronald Howard |
1949-01 |
Brearley, Anthony Eric |
1949-01 |
Brearton, John Christopher |
1949-01 |
Breckenridge, James Gordon |
1949-01 |
Breen, Rolf Einar |
1949-01 |
Bremers, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Brennan, Linda Jennifer Pauline |
1949-01 |
Brennan, Lynda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Brennan, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brennan, Stephen Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brennecke, Sheridan |
1949-01 |
Brewer, Keith Gordon |
1949-01 |
Brewster, Monika Katharina |
1949-01 |
Briance, Roger Noel |
1949-01 |
Brichto, Cathryn Cecile |
1949-01 |
Bricknell, Norman Christopher |
1949-01 |
Bridger, Carol Ann |
1949-01 |
Bridger, Glyn Charles |
1949-01 |
Bridges, Maxwell Stephen |
1949-01 |
Bridgewater, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bridgford, Richard Martin |
1949-01 |
Bridle, John Victor |
1949-01 |
Bridle, Terry Robert |
1949-01 |
Brierley, Stuart (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brigden, David William |
1949-01 |
Briggs, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bright, Stuart |
1949-01 |
Bright, Terence Nigel |
1949-01 |
Bright, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brightman, Christopher Marten |
1949-01 |
Brighton, Geoffrey Ronald |
1949-01 |
Brightwell, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Brindle, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brinkman, Priscilla Margaret |
1949-01 |
Brinkmann, Werner |
1949-01 |
Brinton, Paul |
1949-01 |
Brinton, Paul Lesley |
1949-01 |
Brinton, Paul Leslie |
1949-01 |
Brisbane, Ross Philip |
1949-01 |
Briscoe, Patricia Margaret |
1949-01 |
Brisk, Christina |
1949-01 |
Brisk, Christina Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Briskman, Louis J |
1949-01 |
Bristow, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bristow, Josephine Theresa |
1949-01 |
Bristow, Kay |
1949-01 |
Bristow, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bristow, Richard Dennis |
1949-01 |
Britcliffe, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Britnell, Liisa Christine |
1949-01 |
Brittain, Carl |
1949-01 |
Brittain, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Britton, Stephanie Anne |
1949-01 |
Britton, Terence John |
1949-01 |
Broadhead, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Broadhurst, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Broadhurst Bell, Ian |
1949-01 |
Broadley, Robert Howard |
1949-01 |
Brock, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brock, David Edward |
1949-01 |
Brock, Lesley Montford |
1949-01 |
Brodniewicz, Bogumil Antoni |
1949-01 |
Bromfield, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bromfield, Michael Ian |
1949-01 |
Bromiley, Paul Nigel |
1949-01 |
Brook, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brooke, Norman |
1949-01 |
Brooke, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Brookes, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brookes, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brookes, Donald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brookes, Karen Lorna |
1949-01 |
Brookes, Nigel John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brookes, Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Brookfield, Stuart |
1949-01 |
Brooks, Christopher Leonard |
1949-01 |
Brooks, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brooks, David George |
1949-01 |
Brooks, Gareth Leslie Owen |
1949-01 |
Brooks, Jennifer Anna |
1949-01 |
Brooks-Jones, Pamela |
1949-01 |
Brophy, Dominick |
1949-01 |
Brosnan, Patrick Aidan |
1949-01 |
Brotherton, David Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brothwell, Steven James |
1949-01 |
Brown, Adrian Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Alan Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Angela Josephine |
1949-01 |
Brown, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Arthur Henry |
1949-01 |
Brown, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Christine-Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Clifford (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Darrell Richard |
1949-01 |
Brown, David Roy |
1949-01 |
Brown, Derek (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Elizabeth Alice |
1949-01 |
Brown, Eric Arthur |
1949-01 |
Brown, Fiona Therese |
1949-01 |
Brown, Frank (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Frederick Elette |
1949-01 |
Brown, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Graham Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Ian Douglas |
1949-01 |
Brown, Jacqueline Agnes Jane |
1949-01 |
Brown, Jacqueline Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Janet Kathleen Thomson |
1949-01 |
Brown, Joan Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Joseph Warner |
1949-01 |
Brown, Kaye Ann |
1949-01 |
Brown, Keith Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Lorraine Jane Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Michael John Alexander |
1949-01 |
Brown, Michael Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Mike (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Neil Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Peter Herbert |
1949-01 |
Brown, Philip James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Richard Frederic Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Richard Stewart (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Robert Graham |
1949-01 |
Brown, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Susan Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Terance Colin |
1949-01 |
Brown, Valerie Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Brown, Yvonne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Browne, Anthony Percy Scott |
1949-01 |
Browne, Patricia Eileen |
1949-01 |
Browne, Pauline Anne |
1949-01 |
Browne, Peter Dominick |
1949-01 |
Browne, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Browne, Stephen Francis |
1949-01 |
Browne, Terence James |
1949-01 |
Browning, Timothy Thomas |
1949-01 |
Brownjohn, Mark Stephan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Broyer, Francis Paul |
1949-01 |
Bruce, Jeffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bruce, Marian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bruegger, Anthony James |
1949-01 |
Bruen, Phyl |
1949-01 |
Brumfitt, John Garry |
1949-01 |
Brumfitt, William Harold John |
1949-01 |
Bruntisfield, Lord |
1949-01 |
Bruntisfield, Michael John Victor |
1949-01 |
Brunwin, Sheila Ann |
1949-01 |
Bruynseels, Colette |
1949-01 |
Bryan, Barrie |
1949-01 |
Bryan, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bryan, Paul Adrian |
1949-01 |
Bryant, Alan Arthur |
1949-01 |
Bryant, Carolyn Stella |
1949-01 |
Bryant, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bryant, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bryant, James Charles |
1949-01 |
Bryant, John Howard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bryce, James Logan |
1949-01 |
Bryce, Jennifer Jane |
1949-01 |
Brydon, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bryson, Norval Mackenzie |
1949-01 |
Bubb, Fiona Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bubb, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Buchanan, David Hugh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buchanan, Frances |
1949-01 |
Buchanan, Joyce |
1949-01 |
Buck, Drew Martin Charles |
1949-01 |
Buck, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buck, Martin Harold |
1949-01 |
Buck, Roderick Martyn |
1949-01 |
Buck, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buckell, Judith Anne |
1949-01 |
Buckels, John Anthony Charles |
1949-01 |
Buckeridge, Graham John |
1949-01 |
Buckeridge, Robert |
1949-01 |
Buckingham, Jane Hilary |
1949-01 |
Buckland, Ann Bjarno |
1949-01 |
Buckland, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buckley, Bernard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buckley, Christopher James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Buckley, Peter Kevin |
1949-01 |
Buckley, Stephen Grahame |
1949-01 |
Bucklitsch, Peter James |
1949-01 |
Buckman, Alfred Charles |
1949-01 |
Buckman, Richard Spencer |
1949-01 |
Buckman, Steven Bruce |
1949-01 |
Buckridge, Graham |
1949-01 |
Budde, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Buffham, Pauline Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Bull, Alwyn John |
1949-01 |
Bull, Linda May |
1949-01 |
Bull, Lynne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bull, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bulled, Trevor |
1949-01 |
Bullock, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bullock, John Robert Broadberry |
1949-01 |
Bullock, Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bunce, Alastair Edward |
1949-01 |
Bunch, Margaret Edith |
1949-01 |
Buncher, Anthony William |
1949-01 |
Bunge, Bernhard |
1949-01 |
Bunn, David Joseph |
1949-01 |
Bunt, Walter Christopher |
1949-01 |
Bunyan, Euneta Veronica |
1949-01 |
Bunyan, Marjorie Ann |
1949-01 |
Burbeary, Roger |
1949-01 |
Burbridge, Richard |
1949-01 |
Burch, David George Sidney |
1949-01 |
Burchett-Vass, Graham |
1949-01 |
Burchnell, Richard John |
1949-01 |
Bure, Patrick Louis Robert |
1949-01 |
Burford, Bryan David |
1949-01 |
Burger, Graham Leslie |
1949-01 |
Burgers, Matthieu |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Edward Charles |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Frank Arthur |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Jacquelin Anne |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Jacqueline Anne |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Janet Ann |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Jennifer Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Sian Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgess, Stephen Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burgoyne, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Burke, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burke, Mary |
1949-01 |
Burke, Roger Horatio |
1949-01 |
Burkhill, Ann |
1949-01 |
Burkitt, John Rowland |
1949-01 |
Burl, Andrew Gilbert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burles, Derek William |
1949-01 |
Burman, Brian George |
1949-01 |
Burnaby-Davies, Pauline Phyllis |
1949-01 |
Burnett-Alleyne, Ellalaine Diane |
1949-01 |
Burnham, Barry John |
1949-01 |
Burns, Lynn Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Burns, Patricia Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burns, William Anthony |
1949-01 |
Burrell, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burrell, Melvyn |
1949-01 |
Burrell, William George |
1949-01 |
Burridge, Chris Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Douglas James |
1949-01 |
Burrows, George Roland |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Gillian Marguerite |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Julia Susan |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Maurice Charles |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Stephen Anthony |
1949-01 |
Burrows, Thomas Robert |
1949-01 |
Burrows M.B.E, Harold |
1949-01 |
Bursey, Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Burt, Jennifer Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Burt, Josephine Mary |
1949-01 |
Burt, Michael Peter |
1949-01 |
Burt, Susan Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burtenshaw, Carol Mary |
1949-01 |
Burtinshaw, Robert David Glover |
1949-01 |
Burton, Linda Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burton, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Burton, Peter Gwynne |
1949-01 |
Burton, Rachel Mary |
1949-01 |
Burtt, Andree Lambert |
1949-01 |
Bush, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bush, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bushell, Timothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Bustard, Ernest |
1949-01 |
Bustard, Ernest Osborne |
1949-01 |
Butcher, Sydney |
1949-01 |
Butler, Allen |
1949-01 |
Butler, Anne Margaret |
1949-01 |
Butler, Bernard James |
1949-01 |
Butler, Margaret Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Butler, Pamela Jane |
1949-01 |
Butler, Patrick Rodger |
1949-01 |
Butler, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Butson, Paul Anthony |
1949-01 |
Butt, Valarie Anne |
1949-01 |
Butterfield, Elizabeth Anne |
1949-01 |
Butters, Robin Edward |
1949-01 |
Butterworth, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Butterworth, Peter Stuart |
1949-01 |
Butterworth, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Button, David Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Button, Ian Francis |
1949-01 |
Buzzle, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Byam, Michael Arthur |
1949-01 |
Byram, Alan Peter |
1949-01 |
Byramjee, Farrokh Temul |
1949-01 |
Byrd, Byron |
1949-01 |
Byrd, Byron Michael |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Kevin Richard |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Maria (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Mike (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Noreen |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Paul Christopher |
1949-01 |
Byrne, Robert James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Byrnes, Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Byron-Collins, Sylvie Britt |
1949-01 |
Bysshe, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Caballero Valeron, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Cable, John Forbes |
1949-01 |
Cable, Jonathan Clive |
1949-01 |
Cadji, Monique Francoise |
1949-01 |
Caesar, Gary |
1949-01 |
Cafferkey, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cahill, Charles James Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Cain, Jeremy Spyers Porritt |
1949-01 |
Cairns, James Morrison |
1949-01 |
Cairns, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cairns, Robert Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cairns, William Stephen |
1949-01 |
Caki, Yusuf |
1949-01 |
Calabrese, Giuseppe |
1949-01 |
Caldecourt, Stuart Frederick |
1949-01 |
Calder, Lilias Ann |
1949-01 |
Calderbank, Graham Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Caldwell, Alasdair David |
1949-01 |
Caldwell, Joseph |
1949-01 |
Calewaert, Marc Elisabeth Jozef |
1949-01 |
Callaghan, Martyn Gregory Thompson |
1949-01 |
Callaghan, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Callen, Gerald Christopher |
1949-01 |
Calow, Sandra Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Calver, Charles |
1949-01 |
Calver, Clive Richard |
1949-01 |
Cammegh, Nigel Leslie |
1949-01 |
Camp, Adrian David |
1949-01 |
Camp, William Henry |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Alec (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Anita Daphne |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, David Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, David Samuel Ian |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Graham Peter Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Campbell, James Ross |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Ken (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Sarah Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Stuart (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Stuart Russell |
1949-01 |
Campbell, Yvonne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Campbell-Dunlop, Christine |
1949-01 |
Canby, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Candelet, Susan |
1949-01 |
Candler, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Candy, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Canham, Joan Brenda |
1949-01 |
Canham, John Philip |
1949-01 |
Cannon, Danny (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cannon, Geoff |
1949-01 |
Cannon, Patrick Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cannon, Roger James Andrew |
1949-01 |
Cantoni, Jean Rene |
1949-01 |
Capel, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Capon, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Capon-Brown, Janet Alberta |
1949-01 |
Cappellani, Antonino |
1949-01 |
Capstick, Alan |
1949-01 |
Capstick, Norman |
1949-01 |
Cara, Anwar Yousouf |
1949-01 |
Carberry, Anne |
1949-01 |
Carberry, Anne Christina Bernadette |
1949-01 |
Careswell, Keith |
1949-01-02 |
Carey, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carey Harris, John |
1949-01 |
Caring, Jacqueline |
1949-01 |
Carle, Helen |
1949-01 |
Carlier, Armand |
1949-01 |
Carlier, Louis Armand |
1949-01 |
Carlisle, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carman, Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carman, Margaret Rose |
1949-01 |
Carnelley, Keith Robert |
1949-01 |
Carney, Michael Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carney, Raymond William |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, Brian Patrick |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, Christine Irene |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, June (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, June Marian |
1949-01 |
Carpenter, Peter Anthony |
1949-01 |
Carr, Barbara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carr, Michael Terence Devlin |
1949-01 |
Carr, Richard Alfred Victor |
1949-01 |
Carr, Thomas Findlay |
1949-01 |
Carrick, Harald Brian |
1949-01 |
Carrington, Stephen Howard |
1949-01 |
Carrizo, Blanca |
1949-01 |
Carroll, Beryl Ann |
1949-01 |
Carroll, Peter David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carroll, Vincent Paul |
1949-01 |
Carroll Blankenship, Jane |
1949-01 |
Carruthers, Christine Linda |
1949-01 |
Carruthers, Robert Leslie |
1949-01 |
Carse, Iain George |
1949-01 |
Carson, Dennis John |
1949-01 |
Carswell, Christine |
1949-01 |
Carter, Andrew William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carter, Carol Ruth |
1949-01 |
Carter, George Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carter, Jeffrey Michael |
1949-01 |
Carter, Michael Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carter, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Carter, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cartledge, Denise Patricia |
1949-01 |
Cartman, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Carty, Gerard Martin |
1949-01 |
Carvell, Charles Robert |
1949-01 |
Casagrange, Annia |
1949-01 |
Case, Steven (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Casey, Seamus (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Casey, Sean Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cashmore, Helen Margaret |
1949-01 |
Cassidy, Brigid Theresa |
1949-01 |
Cassidy, Frank (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cassidy, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cassidy, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Casswell, Jacqueline Summers |
1949-01 |
Castle, Alan James |
1949-01 |
Castle, Maurice Phillip |
1949-01 |
Castleman, Anthony Reginald Wayne |
1949-01 |
Castles, Brian |
1949-01 |
Caswell, Patricia Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Catalano, Alejandrina |
1949-01 |
Catermole, Isobel Sophia |
1949-01 |
Catney, Laurence |
1949-01 |
Catney, Laurence Patrick |
1949-01 |
Caton, Linda |
1949-01 |
Cattell, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Catterall-Maguire, Carol Irene |
1949-01 |
Cattermole, Isobel Sophia |
1949-01 |
Catton, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Caunt, Alan Bernard |
1949-01 |
Causer, Anthony Charles Benjamin |
1949-01 |
Causon, Neil William |
1949-01 |
Cavanagh, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cave, Alice |
1949-01 |
Cave, Geoffrey James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Caveney, Margaret Elaine |
1949-01 |
Cawley, Joseph Howard |
1949-01 |
Cawley, Lavinia Ann |
1949-01 |
Cawley, Lesley Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Caygill, Alan |
1949-01 |
Cazazian, Christian |
1949-01 |
Cehlin, Bengt |
1949-01 |
Chadha, Narinder Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Bernard Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Christina |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Hugh Savile |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Nigel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Norman |
1949-01 |
Chadwick, Stuart (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chagnon, Jean Frederic |
1949-01 |
Chalk, Kristine |
1949-01 |
Challiner, Brian |
1949-01 |
Challinor, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Challis, Stephen Leslie |
1949-01 |
Chalmers, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chalmers, Shirley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chalmers-Dixon, Paul |
1949-01 |
Chaloner, Robert |
1949-01 |
Chamberlain, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chamberlain, Bernard |
1949-01 |
Chamberlain, Susan Joyce |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Geoff (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Jonathan Guy |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Martin Bertram |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Robert Dennis |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Robert Royston |
1949-01 |
Chambers, Veronica Bernette |
1949-01 |
Champion, Judith Ann |
1949-01 |
Champkins, Susan Jane |
1949-01 |
Chan, Eliza Yuk Wah |
1949-01 |
Chan, John (1949) |
1949-01-24 |
Chan, Kam Lam 陳鑑林 |
1949-01-22 |
Chan, Martina Har Hung |
1949-01 |
Chan, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chan, Simon Kam Chiu 陳錦釗 |
1949-01-11 |
Chan, Siu Wing (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chan, So Chun (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chan Pau, Shirley Shiu Yeng 陳鮑雪瑩 |
1949-01-31 |
Chance, Christopher Stephen |
1949-01 |
Chandarana, Saroj |
1949-01 |
Chandler, Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chandrakumar, Velupillai |
1949-01 |
Channell, Joanna Mary |
1949-01 |
Chao, Donald Kuo Liang 趙國樑 |
1949-01-22 |
Chaplin, Caroline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chaplin, Derek Wyndham |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Brian Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Christine Mary |
1949-01 |
Chapman, David Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Gillian Mary |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Ian Frederick |
1949-01 |
Chapman, John William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chapman, Paul Wellington |
1949-01 |
Chappell, Timothy John Warwick |
1949-01 |
Charalambous, David Theos |
1949-01 |
Chard, Amarjit Singh |
1949-01 |
Chard, Russell |
1949-01 |
Charles, Lennox Vincent |
1949-01 |
Charlesson, Lawrence Erik Dederick |
1949-01 |
Charlett, Andrew Phillip |
1949-01 |
Charlton, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Charrington, Richard John |
1949-01 |
Chase, Henry |
1949-01 |
Chatburn, Mike |
1949-01 |
Chatel, Christian Bernard |
1949-01 |
Chater, Robin |
1949-01 |
Chater, Robin Ernest John |
1949-01 |
Chatfield, Keith James |
1949-01 |
Chaudhari, Rugnathbhai |
1949-01 |
Chaudhary, Muhammed Sarwar |
1949-01-01 |
Chaudhry, Mohammed Islam |
1949-01 |
Chavy, Christian |
1949-01 |
Chawla, Vinod Kumar |
1949-01 |
Cheek, Suzanne Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Cheeseman, Roger |
1949-01 |
Cheesman, Carole Anne |
1949-01 |
Chen, Gan Wei |
1949-01 |
Chen, Jingde (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cheney, Peter Michael |
1949-01 |
Cherry, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cheshire, Nigel Leonard |
1949-01 |
Chesters, Alison Mary |
1949-01 |
Chew, Suzanne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chhapia, Niranjan |
1949-01 |
Chikanda, Daniel |
1949-01 |
Child, Michael James |
1949-01 |
Chilton, Michael Arthur |
1949-01 |
Chilvers, Kevill George |
1949-01 |
Chilvers, Roger Edward |
1949-01 |
Chinni, Gianpaolo |
1949-01 |
Chinnock, David Royston |
1949-01 |
Chinoy, Kadir |
1949-01 |
Chinzewe, Regina |
1949-01 |
Chippendale, Ian Hugh |
1949-01 |
Chisholm, Maureen Brenda |
1949-01 |
Chisholm, Thomas Andrew |
1949-01 |
Chohan, Liaqut |
1949-01 |
Chohan, Liaqut Ali |
1949-01 |
Chohan, Manjit |
1949-01 |
Chong, Yik Ing |
1949-01 |
Chopra, Som Lal |
1949-01 |
Chopra, Subhash |
1949-01 |
Choudhury, Faruk (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Choudhury, Mohammed Shafiqual Haque |
1949-01 |
Choudhury, Pauline Heima |
1949-01 |
Chougule, Aruna |
1949-01 |
Chow, Ping Wah |
1949-01 |
Chowdhury, Abdur Razzaq Mahmud |
1949-01 |
Chowdhury, Azmal Hussain |
1949-01 |
Chowen, Maxwell Stephen |
1949-01 |
Chown, Thomas Reed |
1949-01 |
Christian Ragnar Clauss, Louis |
1949-01 |
Christie, Glen David |
1949-01 |
Christofi, Irene |
1949-01 |
Christofi, Nicholas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Christopher, Brock |
1949-01 |
Chua-Ngern, Montri |
1949-01 |
Chung, Yau Fuk (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Chung, Yiu Lam |
1949-01 |
Churchouse, David Maxwell |
1949-01 |
Chynowzth, Peter |
1949-01 |
Cieslik, Filip William |
1949-01 |
Cihak, Mirko |
1949-01 |
Ciobanu, Maria (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ciudad de la Cruz, Raul Renato |
1949-01 |
Claber, Charles Rodney |
1949-01 |
Clapp, Robert George Colston |
1949-01 |
Clare, Peter Norman |
1949-01 |
Clare, Stephen Charles |
1949-01 |
Claringbold, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Clark, Andrew Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Antonia Margaret Mary |
1949-01 |
Clark, Archibald Mitchell |
1949-01 |
Clark, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Benjamin James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Christine Lesley |
1949-01 |
Clark, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, David Paris |
1949-01 |
Clark, Edward Campbell |
1949-01 |
Clark, George Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, George Gordon |
1949-01 |
Clark, Gillian Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, James Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, James Maxwell |
1949-01 |
Clark, Jane Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, John Brian |
1949-01 |
Clark, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Keith John |
1949-01-18 |
Clark, Lesley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Linda Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Malcolm Lambirth |
1949-01 |
Clark, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Ronald Francis |
1949-01 |
Clark, Steven Ross (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, Thomas Gerald |
1949-01 |
Clark, Trevor John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clark, William Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Andrew Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Anthony Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Anthony Noel |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Brian Arthur |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Colin Norman Roy |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Doreen Patricia |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Helen Anne |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Helen Irene |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Jennifer Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01-01 |
Clarke, John Cooper |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Michael William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarke, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clarkson, Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Clarkson, Roger Martin |
1949-01 |
Clash, Ken |
1949-01 |
Clavel, Jean-Louis |
1949-01 |
Clays, Kathryn Margaret |
1949-01 |
Clays, Pamela |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Barry |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Barry Leaonard |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Dennis John |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Graham Norman |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Nigel John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clayton, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cleal, Richard Frederick |
1949-01 |
Cleary, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clegg, Noel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clemedson, Lars Johan |
1949-01 |
Clements, Angela Clare |
1949-01 |
Clements, Lilian Margaret |
1949-01 |
Clements, Sandra |
1949-01 |
Clements, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Clements, Vivien |
1949-01 |
Cleminson, Jennifer Joy |
1949-01 |
Clemmensen, Svend Erik |
1949-01 |
Clempson, Richard |
1949-01 |
Clempson, Rodney William |
1949-01 |
Clench, Hugh Alexander |
1949-01 |
Cleveland, Anne Grace |
1949-01 |
Cliffe, Christopher Frederick |
1949-01 |
Cliffe, Dianne |
1949-01 |
Clifford, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clifford, Leslie Peter |
1949-01 |
Clifton, Terence (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cline, Ralph Morgan |
1949-01 |
Clinton, Patrick |
1949-01 |
Clist, Sheila Gladys |
1949-01 |
Cloridor Wood, Kenneth Barry |
1949-01 |
Close, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clothier, Michael |
1949-01 |
Clough, Julia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Clow, Kit |
1949-01 |
Clutton, Sylvia |
1949-01 |
Clyde, Sam |
1949-01 |
Clyde, Samuel |
1949-01 |
Coates, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coates, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coates, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coates, Terry Michael |
1949-01 |
Cochrane, Judith |
1949-01 |
Cochrane, Maggie |
1949-01 |
Cockbill, Susan Pamela |
1949-01 |
Cockburn, Judy Nyet Phin |
1949-01 |
Cocker, Carol |
1949-01 |
Cocker, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cockerton, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Cockle, Terence Stanley |
1949-01 |
Cockshott, John Worstenholme |
1949-01 |
Coco, Caterina |
1949-01 |
Codd, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Codona, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Codona Jnr, Gordon John |
1949-01 |
Cody, Michael Joseph |
1949-01 |
Coene, Janice |
1949-01 |
Cogdell, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Cogdell, Christine Ann Cornelia |
1949-01 |
Cohen, Barbara Susan |
1949-01 |
Cohen, Henry Ian Windeler |
1949-01 |
Cohen, Ian Richard |
1949-01 |
Cohen, Leo |
1949-01 |
Cohen, Stanley Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Colakoglu, Engin |
1949-01 |
Colbourne, Anne Louise |
1949-01 |
Colburn, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coldron, Michael |
1949-01 |
Cole, Bruce Terrence Frederick |
1949-01 |
Cole, Christine Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, David Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, David Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, Gary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, Harvey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, Susan Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cole, Terence Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Finbar Kevin |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Finola |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Jenny (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coleman, John Brendon |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Katharine |
1949-01 |
Coleman, Michael William George |
1949-01 |
Coles, Stephen John Hamilton |
1949-01 |
Coley, Pauline Joan |
1949-01 |
Collard, Richard Hugh |
1949-01 |
Collett, Graham Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Collett, Stephen James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collett, Trevor Stanley |
1949-01 |
Colley, Terence |
1949-01 |
Colley, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collie, Robert S |
1949-01 |
Collier, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collier, Philip John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collier, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collin, Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Colling, Alan Richard |
1949-01 |
Collingridge, Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Collings, Nicholas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collings, Nigel Redvers |
1949-01 |
Collini, Gerald Piero |
1949-01 |
Collins, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, Ann Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, David William |
1949-01 |
Collins, Evan Alan |
1949-01 |
Collins, Hugh Anthony |
1949-01 |
Collins, Justin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, Lynda Joan |
1949-01 |
Collins, Nigel Redvers |
1949-01 |
Collins, Patrick John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, Philip Herbert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, Rita Margaret |
1949-01 |
Collins, Seamus Anthony |
1949-01 |
Collins, Shirley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collins, Stewart Russell |
1949-01 |
Collins, Sylvi |
1949-01 |
Collins, Trevor Richard |
1949-01 |
Collinson, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Collis, Rita Ann |
1949-01 |
Colliver, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Collum, David |
1949-01 |
Collyer, Barry Michael |
1949-01 |
Collyer, Michael Norris |
1949-01 |
Colossi, Domenico |
1949-01 |
Colquhoun, Iain Black |
1949-01 |
Colquhoun-Denvers, Nicholas John Arthur |
1949-01 |
Coltman, John Thomas Leslie |
1949-01 |
Combe, Brian Francis |
1949-01 |
Combes, Janice |
1949-01 |
Combes, Janice Christine |
1949-01 |
Comby, Alain |
1949-01 |
Comer, Geoffrey Stephen |
1949-01 |
Comninos, Gregory James |
1949-01 |
Comninos, John Burns (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Conibear, Malcolm Dudley |
1949-01 |
Conlon, Rosemary Joyce |
1949-01 |
Conn, Monique |
1949-01 |
Connell, Anna |
1949-01 |
Connell, Anthony Francis |
1949-01 |
Connell, Christopher Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Connell, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Connell, Margaret Mary |
1949-01 |
Conner, Bryan Thomas |
1949-01 |
Connolly, Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Connolly, Paul Ryan |
1949-01 |
Connolly, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Connolly, Sean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Connolly, Vanessa Lindsay |
1949-01 |
Connor, James Edward |
1949-01 |
Connor, Terence John |
1949-01 |
Connors, Tim Chong |
1949-01 |
Conroy, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Constable, Lesley Gillian |
1949-01 |
Constantine, John Lupton |
1949-01 |
Constantine, John Luston |
1949-01 |
Constantinou, Chrysso |
1949-01 |
Consunji, Isidro |
1949-01 |
Consunji, Isidro Almeda |
1949-01 |
Contaldo, Gennaro |
1949-01 |
Conway, Cecile Adrienne |
1949-01 |
Conway, Joseph Watson |
1949-01 |
Conway, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Conway, Robert Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Conway, Rod |
1949-01 |
Cook, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cook, Brian Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cook, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cook, Colette Ann-Marie |
1949-01 |
Cook, Diane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cook, Frances Cromarty |
1949-01 |
Cook, Kathleen Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cook, Sandra Bouttelle |
1949-01 |
Cook, Stuart Melvin |
1949-01 |
Cook, Thomas Andrew |
1949-01 |
Cooke, Derek George |
1949-01 |
Cooke, George Leonard |
1949-01 |
Cooke, Jane Roberta Ashby |
1949-01 |
Cooke, John Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooke, Richard Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooke, Shirley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cookson, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cookson, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coombe, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coombes, Lisa Christine |
1949-01 |
Coombes, Maureen Joyce |
1949-01 |
Coombes, Michael William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coombes, Sheila (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coomes, Rosemary Christine |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Allan John |
1949-01 |
Cooper, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Dennis Ramond |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Dennis Ronald |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Dennis Samuel |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Derek John |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Donna Mary |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Eric (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Geoffrey Brian |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Janet Kate |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Jeffrey Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Judith Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Kenneth Graham |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Lynne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Madeline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Madeline Carola Vernon |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Margaret Catherine |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Peter Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Peter Winrow |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Randal Arthur |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Reginald William |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Sue Mary |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Susan Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Susan Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Terence (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cooper, Vaughan James |
1949-01 |
Coote, Suzanne |
1949-01 |
Cope, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Cope, Christopher Edward |
1949-01 |
Cope, Diana May |
1949-01 |
Cope, Nicholas Anthony Silverwood |
1949-01 |
Copping, George Gregory |
1949-01 |
Copsey, Kathryn Mary |
1949-01 |
Corbet, Kristin |
1949-01 |
Corbet-Milward, Kristin |
1949-01 |
Corbett, Eric (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Corbin, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Corbridge, Alan |
1949-01 |
Corcoran, Sarah Ann |
1949-01 |
Cordova, Belen |
1949-01 |
Corfe, Glenys |
1949-01 |
Corfe, Glenys Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Corfield, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Corfield, Christopher Richard |
1949-01 |
Corfield, Richard Christopher |
1949-01 |
Cork, John |
1949-01 |
Corker, Alan Charles |
1949-01 |
Cormie, James Low |
1949-01 |
Cornell, Andrew Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Cornell, David William |
1949-01 |
Cornell, Sandra |
1949-01 |
Cornforth, Kevin Peter |
1949-01 |
Corns, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cornwall, David |
1949-01 |
Cornwell, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Corp, Maureen Janet |
1949-01 |
Corry, Geoffrey Alexander |
1949-01 |
Cosh, Paul Nigel |
1949-01 |
Costabel, Ulrich |
1949-01 |
Costello, Francis Thomas |
1949-01 |
Costello, Gary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Costello, John Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Costelloe, Jack |
1949-01 |
Costelloe, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Costelloe, John Thomas |
1949-01 |
Costin, Ioan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cottam, Jack (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cottard, Annie Claude |
1949-01 |
Cotterill, Donald Clifford |
1949-01 |
Cottier, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cottis, Joan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Cottrell, Christopher Thomas |
1949-01 |
Cottrell, Keith Roy |
1949-01 |
Coughtrey, Denise Florence |
1949-01 |
Coulson, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coulson, Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Court, Nicholas Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Courtauld, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Courtnall, Michael |
1949-01 |
Cousins, James Gerard |
1949-01 |
Coutard, Jean-Pierre Francois |
1949-01 |
Coutts, Hamish |
1949-01 |
Couvert, Gerard |
1949-01 |
Coventry, Kay |
1949-01 |
Coverdale, Dianne |
1949-01 |
Coverdale, Dianne Jane |
1949-01 |
Cowan, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowan, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Cowan, Rosemary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowell, Doreen Brenda Lilian |
1949-01 |
Cowell, Philip James |
1949-01 |
Cowell, Teresa Valerie |
1949-01 |
Cowen, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowen, Gordon James |
1949-01 |
Cowking, David |
1949-01 |
Cowle, Katharine Sylvia |
1949-01 |
Cowley, Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowley, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowley, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cowling, Annette Penelope |
1949-01 |
Cowx, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Cowx, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Cox, Brian William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, David Arnold |
1949-01 |
Cox, Edward Thomas |
1949-01 |
Cox, Harold George |
1949-01 |
Cox, Hazel Ann |
1949-01 |
Cox, Jack (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, Jill (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, Paul Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cox, Robert George |
1949-01 |
Cox Spencer, Delia |
1949-01 |
Coxon, James Anthony |
1949-01 |
Coyle, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Coyne, Norma |
1949-01 |
Cozens, Barbara Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cozens, Jeffrey Alan |
1949-01 |
Crabtree, Helen Claire |
1949-01 |
Cragg, Alan Daniel |
1949-01 |
Cragg, Patricia Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig, Brian David |
1949-01 |
Craig, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig, Ian Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Craig Waller, Desmond Sean |
1949-01 |
Craik, James Fredrick Dunbar |
1949-01 |
Crampton, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Crampton, Rosamund |
1949-01 |
Crane, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crane, Andrew Reginald |
1949-01 |
Crane, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crane, Richard Bernard |
1949-01 |
Craven, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Alexander John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Andrew Barnie |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Arthur |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Donald James |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Graham Anthony |
1949-01 |
Crawford, John Mckelvie |
1949-01 |
Crawford, Julie Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Crawley, Larry |
1949-01 |
Crayford, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Craythorn, Alan |
1949-01 |
Creasey, JR. |
1949-01 |
Creasey, Keith Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Creasey, William Edward |
1949-01 |
Creasey Jr, Frank Clay |
1949-01 |
Cree, George |
1949-01 |
Crehan, Terry John |
1949-01 |
Creighton, David Lenerd |
1949-01 |
Cremin, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Crepaldi, Edna De Lima |
1949-01 |
Cresswell, Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Cresswell, Paul Alan Mason |
1949-01 |
Cresswell, Peter Philip |
1949-01 |
Crew, Terence James |
1949-01 |
Crickmore, Graham Thomas |
1949-01 |
Crisp-Jones, Stephen Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Crispin, Christine Florence Brown |
1949-01 |
Crispin, Colin Thomson |
1949-01 |
Critchley, Denise |
1949-01 |
Critchley, Graham Ernest |
1949-01 |
Critchley, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Crocker, David Norman |
1949-01 |
Croft, Norman John |
1949-01 |
Crofts, Angela Clare |
1949-01 |
Crolla, Carlo (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crombet-Beolens, Margaret Patricia |
1949-01 |
Crombie, Jenifer Susan |
1949-01 |
Crompton, David Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crompton, George Peter |
1949-01 |
Crompton, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cronan, Anthony Cooper |
1949-01 |
Cronin, Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Cronin, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crook, Alistair (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crook, John Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crooks, Richard Kyle |
1949-01 |
Cropley, Stephen John |
1949-01 |
Cross, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cross, Melvyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cross, Monica (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cross, Philip Austin |
1949-01 |
Cross, Rupert Edward Blount |
1949-01 |
Crossan, Ita |
1949-01 |
Crossley, Elizabeth Shelley |
1949-01 |
Crosweller Burnett, Hilary |
1949-01 |
Crouch, Janet Grace Comrie |
1949-01 |
Crouch, Jonathan Dickenson |
1949-01 |
Crouch, Lesley Margaret |
1949-01 |
Crouch, Sandra Lynette |
1949-01 |
Crow, Ronald Edwin |
1949-01 |
Crowe, Sidney Alfred |
1949-01 |
Crowley, Lynette |
1949-01 |
Crowley, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Crowther, John Saville |
1949-01 |
Croxford, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Croxton, Benjamin Carlton |
1949-01 |
Crundwell, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Crux, Judith Jean |
1949-01 |
Cryer, Roger Graham |
1949-01 |
Cubbins, Barry William |
1949-01 |
Cudd, Angela |
1949-01 |
Cuddy, Angela |
1949-01 |
Cuddy, Brendan Patrick |
1949-01 |
Cui, Liuyue |
1949-01 |
Cullen, Victor Gordon |
1949-01 |
Cullinan, Linda |
1949-01 |
Cullis, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cully, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Culshaw, William Robert |
1949-01 |
Cumberland, Barry Ronald |
1949-01 |
Cumbers, Alan Brian |
1949-01 |
Cumming, John Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cumming, Nancy Mobray Pollock |
1949-01 |
Cumner, Janet Ann |
1949-01 |
Cunliffe, Margaret Catherine |
1949-01 |
Cunliffe, Michael David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cunliffe, Rosalind Mary |
1949-01 |
Cunningham, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cunningham, Glen Tenent |
1949-01 |
Cunningham, Jane Yvonne |
1949-01 |
Cunningham, Jeanette (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Cunningham, Narda Desiree |
1949-01 |
Curdling, Michael |
1949-01 |
Curran, Lesley Janet |
1949-01 |
Curran, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Currie, Michael William |
1949-01 |
Curry, Andrew Charles |
1949-01 |
Curry, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Curry, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Curtis, Christine Mary |
1949-01 |
Curtis, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Curwen, Therese |
1949-01 |
Curwen, Therese Helene |
1949-01 |
Cushing, Geoffrey John |
1949-01 |
Cuthertson, Andrew |
1949-01 |
Cutten, Robert Paul |
1949-01 |
Cynthia, James |
1949-01 |
D'alessio, Frederick Daniel |
1949-01 |
D'souza, Hyginus |
1949-01 |
D'souza, Sue |
1949-01 |
da Costa, Robert Ian |
1949-01 |
da Silva, Marcello Castilho |
1949-01 |
Dabski Nerlich, Patricia Antoinette |
1949-01 |
Dabson, Ashley John |
1949-01 |
Dacosta-Solomon, Patricia (Trish) |
1949-01 |
Dadhav, Savjibhai |
1949-01 |
Dagger, Christopher John Hilary |
1949-01 |
Dahl, Madeleine Josephine |
1949-01 |
Dahl, Unni |
1949-01-30 |
Daine, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Daintree, Jacqueline |
1949-01 |
Dale, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dale, Jennifer Rose |
1949-01 |
Dale, John Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dale, Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dale, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Daley, Paul Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Daley, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dalla Benetta, Marcello |
1949-01 |
Dallas, Isobel Mary |
1949-01 |
Dalley, Norman |
1949-01 |
Dalrymple, David Lennox |
1949-01 |
Damms, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Dando, Jack (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Danes, Melvyn Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Dangol, Jhunu Maya |
1949-01 |
Danholm, Paula |
1949-01 |
Daniel, Gwyn |
1949-01 |
Daniel, Randal Gwynallt |
1949-01 |
Daniels, Harold Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Daniels, Joyce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Daniels, Lyn |
1949-01 |
Danks, Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Danks, Nicholas Charles |
1949-01 |
Dann, Graham Leonard |
1949-01 |
Danson, David Frank |
1949-01 |
Danter, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Darker, William Joseph |
1949-01 |
Darling, Frank Richard |
1949-01 |
Darlison, Geoffrey Stuart |
1949-01 |
Darnell, Bryan George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Darrieutort, Bernard |
1949-01 |
Darrington, Hanna |
1949-01 |
Dartnell, Dianne |
1949-01 |
Darwen, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Das, Rabindra Nath |
1949-01 |
Das Gupta, Gayatri |
1949-01 |
Dass, Chuni |
1949-01 |
Dass, Makhan John |
1949-01 |
Datoo, Almas |
1949-01 |
Daubeney, Anna (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dave, Navinchandra Manilal |
1949-01 |
Dave, Promod Ray |
1949-01 |
Dave, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Davenport, Jenny |
1949-01 |
Davey, Hilary |
1949-01 |
Davey, Robert Keith |
1949-01 |
David, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
David, Mackey |
1949-01 |
Davids, Helen |
1949-01 |
Davidson, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davidson, Irwin |
1949-01 |
Davidson, Terence Brian |
1949-01 |
Davidson-Smith, Peter Cyril |
1949-01 |
Davies, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Anton (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Barry Meredith |
1949-01 |
Davies, Bernard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Christine Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Conway Rodney |
1949-01 |
Davies, David Cenfyn |
1949-01 |
Davies, Felicity Jane |
1949-01 |
Davies, Geraint James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Gerald Brian |
1949-01 |
Davies, Glyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Glyn Melvyn |
1949-01 |
Davies, Hannah (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Hilary Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Huw Dyer |
1949-01 |
Davies, Jane Jennifer Ann |
1949-01 |
Davies, Jeffrey Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, John Lewis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, John Wynn |
1949-01 |
Davies, Josephine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Davies, Lee Russell |
1949-01 |
Davies, Malcolm Rhys |
1949-01 |
Davies, Mary Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Mary Teresa |
1949-01 |
Davies, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Neville (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Patricia Heaphy |
1949-01 |
Davies, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Peter Haydon |
1949-01 |
Davies, Peter William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Ralph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Rhett |
1949-01 |
Davies, Sheila (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Simon Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Sophia Jane |
1949-01 |
Davies, Susan Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Susan Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davies, Thomas Glyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Adrian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Alan Kyle |
1949-01 |
Davis, Ann Marie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Glenys |
1949-01 |
Davis, Graham Roy |
1949-01 |
Davis, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Rosemary Ann |
1949-01 |
Davis, Ruth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Sylvia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Davis, Thomas Samuel |
1949-01 |
Davison, Sandy |
1949-01 |
Davsion, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Dawe, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dawe, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dawkins, Dinah Jane |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Aileen |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Carmen |
1949-01 |
Dawson, David Alfred |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Gerald John |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Mary Aileen Mackenzie |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Nicholas Groom |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Patricia Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Philip Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dawson, Timothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Day, Cheryl Valerie |
1949-01 |
Day, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Day, Gerald Richard |
1949-01 |
Day, Giles Vincent |
1949-01 |
Day, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Day, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Day, Stanley Michael |
1949-01 |
Day, Susan Carol |
1949-01 |
Day, Timothy James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
de Aguiar Pestana Garces, Manuel Eduardo |
1949-01 |
de Almeida, Joaquim |
1949-01 |
de Almeida, Joaquim Magro |
1949-01 |
de Blocq Kuffeler, John Philip |
1949-01 |
de Blocq Van Kuffeler, John Philip |
1949-01 |
de Bryas, Francesca |
1949-01 |
de Castro, Litto |
1949-01 |
de Celis, Graciela Beatriz |
1949-01 |
de Gregorio, Nicholas |
1949-01 |
de Groot, Peter Russell |
1949-01 |
de Ioia, Angelo |
1949-01 |
de Kock, Eugene Alexander |
1949-01 |
de Lartigue, Jean-Bertrand Regis Marie |
1949-01 |
de Menezes Alencar, Francisco Antonio |
1949-01 |
de Pear, Ronald |
1949-01 |
de Pere, Arnauld |
1949-01 |
de Peterson, Nita Josephine |
1949-01 |
de Rivaz, Paul Chevalley |
1949-01 |
de Silva, Christine |
1949-01 |
de Toledo, Karim |
1949-01 |
de Vreede, Martinus Hubertus |
1949-01 |
de Weirdt, Jean Pierre |
1949-01 |
de Weirdt, Jean Pierre Gustaaf Leon |
1949-01 |
de Wendel, Francois |
1949-01 |
De'ath, Andrew William |
1949-01 |
De'ath, Walter Thomas |
1949-01 |
Deacon, Paul Leonard |
1949-01 |
Deacon, Robert Peter |
1949-01 |
Deakin, Arthur Michael |
1949-01 |
Dean, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dean, Graham Peter |
1949-01 |
Dean, Janet Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
Dean, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dean, Pamela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dean, Roger William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dean, Terence Harvey |
1949-01 |
Dean, Trevor Alan |
1949-01 |
Deane, Gerald St Clair Cameron |
1949-01 |
Deane, Geraldine |
1949-01 |
Deane, Ian Barclay |
1949-01 |
Dear, William Douglas Robertson |
1949-01 |
Dearden, Alison Fleming |
1949-01 |
Dearden, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Deards, Alan |
1949-01 |
Deards, Alan George |
1949-01 |
Dearing, Michael Harris |
1949-01 |
Debar, Kacem |
1949-01 |
Debbage, Stephen George |
1949-01 |
Debryas, Francesca Carolyn |
1949-01 |
Dee, Anthony George Oakley |
1949-01 |
Deem, Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Degnan, Stephen Alfred |
1949-01 |
Dejardin, John Norman |
1949-01 |
Delaney, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Delaney, Mark (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Delaney, Mary Bernadette |
1949-01 |
Delaney, Paddy |
1949-01 |
Delaroche, Sylvie Helene |
1949-01 |
Delartigue, Jean Bertrand |
1949-01 |
Deleo, Richard |
1949-01 |
Delgado, Nicklette Miguel |
1949-01 |
Delgado, Nicky Miguel |
1949-01 |
Deliens, Patrick Albert |
1949-01 |
Dell, Peter |
1949-01 |
Dellaportas, Constantinos Ioannou |
1949-01 |
Dellar, Jacqueline Phillipa |
1949-01 |
Dellow, Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Delstanche, Veronica Rosa Maria |
1949-01 |
Demetriou, Demetrios Kyriacou |
1949-01 |
Demmon, Eric George |
1949-01 |
Dench, Jean Patricia Mary |
1949-01 |
Denega, Peter |
1949-01 |
Denega, Peter Alexander |
1949-01 |
Denham, Julia Louise |
1949-01 |
Denison, Henry Arthur |
1949-01 |
Denizci, Umur |
1949-01 |
Denne, James William |
1949-01 |
Denne, Ronald Andrew |
1949-01 |
Denness, Roland Paul |
1949-01 |
Dennett, James David |
1949-01 |
Dennis, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dennis, Roy Richard |
1949-01 |
Dennis, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Denniss, Neil |
1949-01 |
Denny, Barry Douglas |
1949-01 |
Denot, Helene |
1949-01 |
Dent, Christopher Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Dent, Graham Christopher |
1949-01 |
Dent, Richard Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dent, Thomas Howard |
1949-01 |
Denyer, Mary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Depledge, Stuart |
1949-01 |
Derby, Steven |
1949-01 |
Derbyshire, Anthony William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Derbyshire, Eric |
1949-01 |
Derbyshire, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Derbyshire, Sue |
1949-01 |
Derham, Gordon Nicolas |
1949-01 |
Derry, Kevin Lester |
1949-01 |
Dervish, Cankat |
1949-01 |
Desai, Niranjan Chandubhai |
1949-01 |
Deshmukh, Soniben |
1949-01 |
Desodt, Joel |
1949-01 |
Detiger, Frederik Geradus Gijsbertus |
1949-01 |
Detiger, Frederik Gerardus |
1949-01 |
Detoro, William |
1949-01 |
Devi, Mannemela Kamakshi |
1949-01 |
Devi, Urmila (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Devitt, Edmund Russell |
1949-01 |
Devlin, Thomas Clement |
1949-01 |
Dewa, James |
1949-01 |
Dewan, Mokhlesur Rahman |
1949-01 |
Dewer, Rosemary Louise |
1949-01 |
Dewhurst, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Dexter, Keith Leslie |
1949-01 |
Dey, Sylvia Janet |
1949-01 |
Dey, Williamina Walker |
1949-01 |
Dhesi, Gurnam Singh |
1949-01 |
Dhillon, Gurmail Singh |
1949-01 |
Dhir, Sudhir |
1949-01 |
Dhunnoo, Bhagwath Narain |
1949-01 |
Dhunnoo, Haresh Bhagwast Narrin |
1949-01 |
Dhunnoo, Haresh Bhajwath Narain |
1949-01 |
Di Paola Pirak, Maria Teresa |
1949-01 |
Diba, Susan Erica |
1949-01 |
Dibbens, Linda Florence |
1949-01 |
Dibble, Brian Peter |
1949-01 |
Dick, Ann Vivienne |
1949-01 |
Dick, Isobel |
1949-01 |
Dickens, Pamela Eugene |
1949-01 |
Dickie, Mary |
1949-01 |
Dickie, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, Gordon E |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, John Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, Richard Hugh |
1949-01 |
Dickinson, Timothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickinson-Green, Christopher Rhoderick |
1949-01 |
Dickmann, Alfred Frans Casper |
1949-01 |
Dicks, Charles Ernest Basil |
1949-01 |
Dickson, Brian Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dickson, Paul Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Diehl, Roger |
1949-01 |
Diep, Brenda Joyce |
1949-01 |
Digedan, Ann |
1949-01 |
Diggett, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
Diggle, Arthur Hanson (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Diggle, Sylvia |
1949-01 |
Dilks, Brian Michael |
1949-01 |
Dill, John Daniel |
1949-01 |
Dilworth, Alan Charles |
1949-01 |
Dimeloe, Peter William |
1949-01 |
Dingley, Keith William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dinnes, Brian Gordon |
1949-01 |
Dinsdale, Christopher Richard |
1949-01 |
Disney, Josephine |
1949-01 |
Dixon, Angela Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dixon, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dixon, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dixon, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dixon-Vowles, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Dobinson, John Melven |
1949-01 |
Dobson, Michael Bernard |
1949-01 |
Docherty, Joseph Alan |
1949-01 |
Docker, Philip Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Dockrell, Gwendoline Jean |
1949-01 |
Dodd, Margaret May |
1949-01 |
Dodd, Peter Charles |
1949-01 |
Dodd, Terence |
1949-01 |
Dodd, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dodds, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Dodson, Daphne |
1949-01 |
Dodsworth, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Dodsworth, Robert Charles |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Helen Marina |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Herbert Edward |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doherty, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doidge, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Doig, Ian Gray |
1949-01 |
Dolan, Mary Margaret |
1949-01 |
Dolan, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Dolier, Anne Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Dollard, Anthony Brian Christopher |
1949-01 |
Dolley, Charles Frederick James |
1949-01 |
Dollmann, Gisela Maria |
1949-01 |
Dominey, Glenville Phillip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Domingo-John, Wilfred Michael |
1949-01 |
Dominguez, Salvacion |
1949-01 |
Don Carolis, Frazer Anthony |
1949-01 |
Donaghy, Marie Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Donald, Leslie |
1949-01 |
Donaldsen, Andrew |
1949-01 |
Donaldson, Brian Edward |
1949-01 |
Done, John Peter |
1949-01 |
Done, Judith |
1949-01 |
Doney, Jon Francis |
1949-01 |
Dong, Xiangqin |
1949-01 |
Donkin, Brian John |
1949-01 |
Donkin, Mary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Donnelly, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Donnelly, Anthony Edward |
1949-01 |
Donnelly, Danny T |
1949-01 |
Donnelly, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Donnelly, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Donoff, Ian Anthony |
1949-01 |
Donoghue, James Joseph |
1949-01 |
Donohue, Janet Mary |
1949-01 |
Donovan, Michael T |
1949-01 |
Dooley, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dooley, Mary Jane |
1949-01 |
Dooley, Vaughan Francis |
1949-01 |
Doran, Carol Ann |
1949-01 |
Doran, Janet Christine |
1949-01 |
Dorman, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dormer, Keith Edward |
1949-01 |
Dosanjh, Davinder Singh |
1949-01 |
Doshi, Kalindi Dilip |
1949-01 |
Doshi, Naren Rasiklal |
1949-01 |
Doubleday, Geoffrey John Renshaw |
1949-01 |
Douch, Helena |
1949-01 |
Dougall, Gordon Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Doughton, David Llewellyn |
1949-01 |
Douglas, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Douglas, Glen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Douglas, Linda Joyce |
1949-01 |
Dove, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dove, James Gormill |
1949-01 |
Dover, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dow, Linda Ruth |
1949-01 |
Dow, Ronald Wallace Paterson |
1949-01 |
Dowell, Leslie Alwyn |
1949-01 |
Dowles, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Dowling, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dowling, Simon John Marriott |
1949-01 |
Downey, Alexander Galloway Smith |
1949-01 |
Downey, Michael Francis |
1949-01 |
Downham Clarke, Christine Nora |
1949-01 |
Downie, Ian Michael Stuart |
1949-01 |
Downie, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Downing, Mary Theresa |
1949-01 |
Dowsett, Derek James |
1949-01 |
Doyle, Adrian Charles Caslin |
1949-01 |
Doyle, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doyle, Francis Michael |
1949-01 |
Doyle, James Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Doyle, Martin Patrick |
1949-01 |
Dracup, Gail Margaret |
1949-01 |
Draffin, Nigel Alexander |
1949-01 |
Drah, Mohammed Abdussalam |
1949-01 |
Drake, Barry Michael |
1949-01 |
Drake, Elinor Delpratt |
1949-01 |
Drake, Richard Charles |
1949-01 |
Draper, Elaine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Draper, Graham Dennis |
1949-01 |
Draper, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Drayton, Clive |
1949-01 |
Drever, Mina |
1949-01 |
Drew, Elizabeth Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Drew, James Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Drew, Lesley Madeleine |
1949-01 |
Drew, Marion Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Drewett, Eric Patrick |
1949-01 |
Drife, Diana Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Drinkwater, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Driver, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Driver, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Driver, Micheal John |
1949-01 |
Drogt, Jentinus |
1949-01 |
Dronsfield, Marilyn |
1949-01 |
Drummond, Nancy Smith |
1949-01 |
Drummond, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Drummond, Peter Craig |
1949-01 |
Drury, Colin Francis |
1949-01 |
Drury, Janet Linda |
1949-01 |
Drury, Robin Alexander |
1949-01 |
Drury, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Druwe, Dieter |
1949-01 |
Dsouza, Paul Stephen |
1949-01 |
Du Pré, Lindsay Gail |
1949-01 |
Duance, Susan |
1949-01 |
Duchanan, Paul |
1949-01 |
Duckett, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Duckham, Lynette |
1949-01 |
Duckham, Michael David Drummond |
1949-01 |
Duckworth, David Alan |
1949-01 |
Duckworth, Ian Philip |
1949-01 |
Duckworth, Susan Gillian |
1949-01 |
Duddy, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dudley, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dudley, Marie Louise Patricia |
1949-01 |
Dudley, Marie-Louise |
1949-01 |
Duenas, Adelina Orquin |
1949-01 |
Duff, Robert Richard Steward |
1949-01 |
Duffin, Dorothy Cecilia |
1949-01 |
Duffin, Francis Daniel Patrick |
1949-01 |
Duffin, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Duffy, Kenneth James |
1949-01 |
Duffy, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dugan, Michael Talmon |
1949-01 |
Duggan, Geoff (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Duggan, Geoffrey Allan |
1949-01 |
Duguid, Eric |
1949-01 |
Duke, Georgina Tina |
1949-01 |
Duke, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dull, David Alexander |
1949-01 |
Dumitru, Gheorghe-Minus |
1949-01 |
Duncan, Brian Matheson |
1949-01 |
Duncan, Craig Mckinnon |
1949-01 |
Duncan, Marshall Mcvey |
1949-01 |
Duncan, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Duncombe, Wendy |
1949-01 |
Dunevein, Simon Andrew |
1949-01 |
Dunford, Judith |
1949-01 |
Dungveckis, Jonas |
1949-01 |
Dungworth, Lynn Joyce |
1949-01 |
Dunkley Hughes, Joan Mary |
1949-01 |
Dunlea, Niall Martin |
1949-01 |
Dunlop, Janice |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Christopher Bernard |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Eileen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dunn, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dunn, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dunne, Frances Ann |
1949-01 |
Dunnett, Charles Robert Lionel |
1949-01 |
Dunnett, Jean Susan |
1949-01 |
Dunnett, Paul Alexander |
1949-01 |
Dunning, Richard Glyn |
1949-01 |
Dunphy, Christine |
1949-01 |
Dunsdon, Timothy Peter |
1949-01 |
Dunsford, Roger James |
1949-01 |
Dupre, Marinus Jan Gerard |
1949-01 |
Durand, Pierre-Yves Henri Gaston |
1949-01 |
Durban, Andrea Christine |
1949-01 |
Durdey, Susan Ann |
1949-01 |
Durrant, Helen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Durston, Christopher George |
1949-01 |
Duthie, Jessie |
1949-01 |
Dutt, Alan |
1949-01 |
Dutta, Gautam |
1949-01 |
Dutton, David Reuben Churchill |
1949-01 |
Duxbury, Frederick George |
1949-01 |
Duxbury, Heather |
1949-01 |
Dwyer, Michael William |
1949-01 |
Dye, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dyer, Bryan John |
1949-01 |
Dyer, Harold Robert |
1949-01 |
Dyer, Patricia Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dyke, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dykes, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Dykes, Gareth |
1949-01 |
Dykes, Roger Thomas |
1949-01 |
Dyson, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dyson, Jean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Dyson, Margaret Jean |
1949-01 |
Dyson, Paul Anthony Clifford |
1949-01 |
Dyson, Robert William |
1949-01 |
Dyson, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Eacott, Charles William |
1949-01 |
Eadie, Noel James Davidson |
1949-01 |
Eagle, Susan Ann |
1949-01 |
Eagles, Christene Joy |
1949-01 |
Eagleson, John James |
1949-01 |
Eakins, Elizabeth Jessica Gwenllian |
1949-01 |
Earl, Howard Charles |
1949-01 |
Early, Reg Arthur |
1949-01 |
Earney, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Earp, Christopher Hilary |
1949-01 |
Easley, Michael Arthur |
1949-01 |
Eason, Barbara Anne |
1949-01 |
Eason, Glenise |
1949-01 |
East, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
East, Judith |
1949-01 |
East, Keith Thomas |
1949-01 |
Eastbrook, Giles |
1949-01 |
Eastell, Jennifer Glynis |
1949-01 |
Easterbrook, Edward Alan Norris |
1949-01 |
Easterbrook, Giles Robertson Harding |
1949-01 |
Eastham, Samuel George |
1949-01 |
Eastley, Frank |
1949-01 |
Eastman, Michael Brookes |
1949-01 |
Easton, Richard Carl |
1949-01 |
Eastwood, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eatock, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Eaton, James Charles |
1949-01 |
Eaton, John William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eaton, Susan Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eaton, Susan Anne |
1949-01 |
Ebbeling, Robert |
1949-01 |
Eborne, Joan |
1949-01 |
Eborne, Joan Yvonne |
1949-01 |
Ebrahimi, Soroush |
1949-01 |
Eccles, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eccles, Michael Andrew |
1949-01 |
Eccleston, Keith William |
1949-01 |
Eckart, Dietrich |
1949-01 |
Ecob, Michael |
1949-01 |
Eden, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eden, John Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Edgar, George Alistair |
1949-01 |
Edge, Neil John |
1949-01 |
Edgley, Wendy Ann |
1949-01 |
Edkins, Keith |
1949-01 |
Edleston, Hugh Anthony Harold Greswell |
1949-01 |
Edmondson, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Edmondstone, Linda Jane |
1949-01 |
Edmunds, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edmunds, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Alan Albert |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Albert Charles |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Anthony Victor |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Catherine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Edwards, David Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Diane Margaret |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Dianne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Dianne Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Gareth Wyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Ian Edwin |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Kevin John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Nans |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Phillip Christopher |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Susan Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Edwards, Wendy Patricia |
1949-01 |
Egford, Kathleen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Egford Jeremy, Kathllen |
1949-01 |
Egford-Jeremy, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Egginton, Alan Douglas |
1949-01 |
Eglin, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Egremont, Audrey Caroline |
1949-01 |
Eichler, Rodney John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eickhoff, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Eickhoff, Patricia Anne |
1949-01 |
Eidelson, Brina |
1949-01 |
Eilers, Heinz Wolfgang Herbert |
1949-01 |
Ekelund, Sandra Dorothea |
1949-01 |
Eker, Richard Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Ekiko, Florence |
1949-01 |
Ekiko, Florence Ida |
1949-01 |
Ekstedt, Lennart |
1949-01 |
El Beltagy, Sherif Elsayed Tawfik |
1949-01 |
El Hansali, Abdelati |
1949-01 |
El Heri, Ruth |
1949-01 |
El Kouhen, Lahoussine |
1949-01 |
El Sheikh, Hassan |
1949-01 |
El-Abd, Catherine Mary Susan |
1949-01 |
El-Sherbini, Ossama Ibrahim |
1949-01 |
Elcock, David Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Eld, Robert Francis |
1949-01 |
Elder, Alan James Fletcher |
1949-01 |
Elder, Amanda Jane |
1949-01 |
Elder, Stephen Graham Blackwood |
1949-01 |
Eldridge, Colin Edward |
1949-01 |
Elfert, Peter |
1949-01 |
Elfond, Alexandr |
1949-01 |
Elhende, Abdelaziz Eltayeb Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Eliasz, Andrew Wladyslaw |
1949-01 |
Eliott, John Henry |
1949-01 |
Eliott Lockhart, Richard Allan |
1949-01 |
Eliott-Lockhart, Richard |
1949-01 |
Ella, Ilana |
1949-01 |
Ellarby, Julie |
1949-01 |
Ellen, Elaine Sandra |
1949-01 |
Elliot, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Elliot, Iain Charles |
1949-01 |
Elliot, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Elliot, John Stewart |
1949-01 |
Elliot, Thomas Carse |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Elliott, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Marie Cecile Alixe |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Martyn |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Martyn Ian |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Michael Alan |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Roger William |
1949-01 |
Elliott, Wendy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Elliott-Shircore, Elizabeth Margaret |
1949-01 |
Ellis, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellis, David Brown |
1949-01 |
Ellis, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellis, David Neil |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Howard James |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Jeffery Thomas |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Marjory Christine |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Maureen Ceirys |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellis, Rosemary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ellison, John Edwin |
1949-01 |
Ellwood, Wayne Rodney |
1949-01 |
Elmidoro, Jane Margaret |
1949-01 |
Elmy, Zena |
1949-01 |
Elrick, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Elrick, Stuart |
1949-01 |
Elsam, David John |
1949-01 |
Elsby, Anthony Ian |
1949-01 |
Elverson, Nicholas Antony James |
1949-01 |
Elwell, Patricia Lorna Carew |
1949-01 |
Emerson, Frederick |
1949-01 |
Emerson, Robert James Williams |
1949-01 |
Emery, James Graham |
1949-01 |
Emery, Julien |
1949-01 |
Emmel, Peter Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Emmerson, John David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Emmingham, David |
1949-01 |
Emmott, Angela Janet |
1949-01 |
Emslie, Richard Martin Bradshaw |
1949-01 |
Enderbury, June Valerie |
1949-01 |
Enderby, Pam |
1949-01 |
Engineer, Shernaz (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
English, David Frederick |
1949-01 |
English, Eliizabeth |
1949-01 |
English, Elizabeth Anne |
1949-01 |
English, Marie Helene |
1949-01 |
Erbeznik, Slobodan |
1949-01 |
Erhart, Timothy Albrecht |
1949-01 |
Erikawa, Keiko |
1949-01 |
Esam, Brian |
1949-01 |
Escandon, Robert Adrian |
1949-01 |
Escreet, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Espie, Robert Scott |
1949-01 |
Essex, Brian Walter |
1949-01 |
Ethell, Derrick William |
1949-01 |
Etherington, David Edward |
1949-01 |
Etienne, Lennuyeux |
1949-01 |
Eva, Helen Lucie |
1949-01 |
Evangelou, Maria |
1949-01 |
Evans, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Bryn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Carole (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, David Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, David Currie |
1949-01 |
Evans, David Ronald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Edward Gerwyn |
1949-01 |
Evans, Gary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Hilary Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Huw Dewi |
1949-01 |
Evans, Ivor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Jean Patricia |
1949-01 |
Evans, John Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, John Arnold |
1949-01 |
Evans, John Ernest (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, John Henry Gwyndaf |
1949-01 |
Evans, Judith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Karen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Lorraine Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Evans, Lucy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Margaret Winifred |
1949-01 |
Evans, Martin Anthony |
1949-01 |
Evans, Martin Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Martin Thomas |
1949-01 |
Evans, Meirion Wyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Michael Ronford |
1949-01 |
Evans, Peter Whinray |
1949-01 |
Evans, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Rene Suzanne |
1949-01 |
Evans, Richard David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Robert Geraint |
1949-01 |
Evans, Stuart Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Evans, Thomas Alexander Matthew |
1949-01 |
Evatt, Hamish Alban George |
1949-01 |
Everall, Michael William |
1949-01 |
Everett, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Every, Robina Mary |
1949-01 |
Ewan, Bruce C R |
1949-01 |
Ewing, Arthur G F |
1949-01 |
Exall, Colin John |
1949-01 |
Exley, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Eyre, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Eyre, Michael Walter Edward |
1949-01 |
Ezekiel, Judith |
1949-01 |
Ezzat, Sherif Ezzeldin Mahmoud Ezzat Othman |
1949-01 |
Faal Trin, Margaret |
1949-01 |
Fabian, Dennis Barry |
1949-01 |
Fabisiak, Andrzej |
1949-01 |
Fackrell, Peter |
1949-01 |
Fagan, Gerard Andrew |
1949-01 |
Fagg, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Fahn, David |
1949-01 |
Faint, Victoria Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Fairbrass, David John |
1949-01 |
Fairbrother, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Fairchild, Kevin Raymond |
1949-01 |
Faircloth, John Frederick |
1949-01 |
Fairclough, Penelope Gwenllian Savile |
1949-01 |
Fairclough, Roberta Theresa Lesley |
1949-01 |
Faires, Roland Clive |
1949-01 |
Fairfield, Sonja Patricia |
1949-01 |
Fairhurst, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Fairhurst, Walter |
1949-01 |
Fairley, John David |
1949-01 |
Fairweather, Iain Ronald |
1949-01 |
Faith, Irene |
1949-01 |
Falconer, Alexander Wilson |
1949-01 |
Faleel, Shahul Hameed Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Falkingham, Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Fallon, Gerald Gregory |
1949-01 |
Fallon, John Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fallon, Stephen Patrick |
1949-01 |
Falloon, Michael Dudley Rowland |
1949-01 |
Fallows, Michael |
1949-01 |
Faloon, Mervyn |
1949-01 |
Fani, Piero |
1949-01 |
Fanning, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Fanous, Bahjat Spiro Bsharah |
1949-01 |
Faraday, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Faridi, Balkat Ali Shafiq |
1949-01 |
Faridi, Barkat Ali |
1949-01 |
Farley, Daniel Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farley, Denise May Josephine |
1949-01 |
Farley, Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farlow, George |
1949-01 |
Farlow, George Martin |
1949-01 |
Farmborough, John Wilfred |
1949-01 |
Farmer, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Farmer, Derrick George |
1949-01 |
Farmer, Jennifer Frances |
1949-01 |
Farmer, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farmer, John Ernest |
1949-01 |
Farquharson, Alexander Stanley |
1949-01 |
Farr, Derek William |
1949-01 |
Farr, Michael Ruben |
1949-01 |
Farrand, Linda Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Farrar, Yvonne Mary |
1949-01 |
Farrell, Dermot Brian |
1949-01 |
Farrell, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farrell, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farrell, Susan Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Farrenkopf Jr, Leo Charles |
1949-01 |
Farrimond, Andrew Thomas |
1949-01 |
Farrow, John Chieveley |
1949-01 |
Farthing, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Farwell, Brian Edward |
1949-01 |
Fatmaben, Samnani |
1949-01 |
Fauchier-Magnan, Thierry |
1949-01 |
Faul, Christine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Faul, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Faulds, John |
1949-01 |
Faulkner, Brian Martin |
1949-01 |
Faulkner, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Faulkner, Eric |
1949-01 |
Faulks, Christopher |
1949-01 |
Faultley, Peter Douglas |
1949-01 |
Favale, Luciano |
1949-01 |
Fawcett, Roger Stewart |
1949-01 |
Fawke, Leonard |
1949-01 |
Fayyaz, Balkis |
1949-01 |
Fazzani, Marie Agnes |
1949-01 |
Feagin, Susan Kay |
1949-01 |
Fear, Ivan John |
1949-01 |
Fear, Sandra Margaret |
1949-01 |
Fearn, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fearnehough, Steven Michael |
1949-01 |
Fearnhead, John Fisher |
1949-01 |
Feasey, Anthony Stephen |
1949-01 |
Feasey, Tony |
1949-01 |
Featherstone, Keith Andre |
1949-01 |
Fecitt, Ann Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Feeney, Philomena Margaret |
1949-01 |
Feigenbaum, Tony Evelyn |
1949-01 |
Feilder, Geoffrey Robert |
1949-01 |
Feindt, Heidemarie |
1949-01 |
Fekih Ahmed, Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Feldman, Gerald |
1949-01 |
Felgner, Gert-Steffen |
1949-01 |
Felgner, Gert-Steffen Kurt |
1949-01 |
Fell, Paul Frederick |
1949-01 |
Fell, Peter William |
1949-01 |
Fellows, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Felt, Carol |
1949-01 |
Feltham, Robert Kevin Andrew |
1949-01 |
Fenby, Royce Mavir |
1949-01 |
Feneron, Jacqueline Maria |
1949-01 |
Fennell, Frederick John William |
1949-01 |
Fennell, Robert |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Allan Robert Lymburn |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Catherine Smith |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Catriona Mairi Maciver |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Iain John |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Janet Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Jenny |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ferguson, Philip Michael |
1949-01 |
Fergusson, James Duncan |
1949-01 |
Ferland, Margaret Bronwen |
1949-01 |
Fernandez, Silvia |
1949-01 |
Fernando, Sebastian Damian Gregory |
1949-01 |
Ferrand, Dianna Adrienne |
1949-01 |
Ferrand-Nisbet, Dianna Adrienne |
1949-01 |
Ferrari, Alberto (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ferris, Ewan James |
1949-01 |
Ferris, Gordon Sloan Kirkpatrick |
1949-01 |
Ferris, James Murray |
1949-01 |
Fetherstonhaugh, Hugh Simon |
1949-01 |
Fewings, Christine |
1949-01 |
Fidler, Garth Harvey |
1949-01 |
Fidler, Philip John |
1949-01 |
Field, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Field, Mary Teresa |
1949-01 |
Field, Mary-Ellen |
1949-01 |
Field, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Field, Pamela Dawn |
1949-01 |
Field, Pamela May |
1949-01 |
Field, Peter Robert |
1949-01 |
Field Westwood, Mary Ellen |
1949-01 |
Fielding, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fieldman, Derek |
1949-01 |
Fieldman, Derek Howard |
1949-01 |
Fieros, Nicos Michael |
1949-01 |
Fifer, Gillian |
1949-01 |
Filby, Susan |
1949-01 |
Filiberti, Mauricio Daniel |
1949-01 |
Finch, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Finch, John Vincent |
1949-01 |
Finch, Keith Ronald |
1949-01 |
Finch, Peter David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Findlay, Charles Brooks |
1949-01 |
Findlay, Don |
1949-01 |
Findlay, Donald Hedley |
1949-01 |
Findleton, Jeanne Marie |
1949-01 |
Finey, Linda Ann |
1949-01 |
Finlay, Robin Julian |
1949-01 |
Finn, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Finnegan, John Daniel |
1949-01 |
Finneron, Pippa |
1949-01 |
Finni, Stanley |
1949-01 |
Fionda, Maria Assunta |
1949-01 |
Firby, Anthony Frederick |
1949-01 |
Firdous, Mussarat |
1949-01 |
Firfu, Doris |
1949-01 |
Firman, Peter Linge |
1949-01 |
Firmin, Frances Mary |
1949-01 |
Firth, Francis |
1949-01 |
Firth, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Firth, Josephine Mary |
1949-01 |
Fischer, Bernhard Rudolf |
1949-01 |
Fischer, Guenter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fisher, Derrick |
1949-01 |
Fisher, Frank Norman |
1949-01 |
Fisher, Paul William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fisher, Valerie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fisher, Vernon Charles |
1949-01 |
Fishler, Mark |
1949-01 |
Fitch, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fitch, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fitchett, Alan Clare William |
1949-01 |
Fitchett, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Fitchett, Peter George |
1949-01 |
Fitton, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fitzer, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Fitzgerald, Caroline Jane |
1949-01 |
Fitzgerald, Pamela |
1949-01 |
Fitzgerald, Wendy Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Fitzmaurice, Vivienne |
1949-01 |
Fitzsimons, Charles Joseph |
1949-01 |
Fitzsimons, Coral Margaret |
1949-01 |
Flanagan, David Richard |
1949-01 |
Flanagan, Pamela Irene |
1949-01 |
Flash, Adrian Clive |
1949-01 |
Flashman, James Anthony |
1949-01 |
Flatt, Kate |
1949-01 |
Flavell, Irene Maria |
1949-01 |
Fleet, Andrew Simon |
1949-01 |
Fleming, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fleming, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fleming, Michael Peter |
1949-01 |
Fleming, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Flenley, Jennifer Ann |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Audrey |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Elizabeth Margaret |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, James Laughlin |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, John Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Kate (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Kenneth Richard |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Linda Marjorie |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Mervyn Edward |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Nicholas John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fletcher, Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Flindt, Jane |
1949-01 |
Flint, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Flint, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Flint, Paul Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Flockhart, Thomas |
1949-01 |
Flockhart, Tom |
1949-01 |
Flood, Stephen William |
1949-01 |
Florimonte, Saverio |
1949-01 |
Flower, Peter Lamorock |
1949-01 |
Flowerdew, Kieran Paul |
1949-01 |
Floyd, John Raymond |
1949-01 |
Floyd, Kevin Douglas |
1949-01 |
Floyd, Robert Charles |
1949-01 |
Flukes, Peter James |
1949-01 |
Flynn, Angela Cecile |
1949-01 |
Flynn, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Flynn, Patrick J |
1949-01 |
Fogel, Asher |
1949-01 |
Foggin, William Gordon |
1949-01 |
Foley, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foley, Terence Patrick Perino Grattan |
1949-01 |
Fontaine, Stephanie Georgette |
1949-01 |
Fookes, Stephen John |
1949-01 |
Fooks, Rosemary Anne |
1949-01 |
Foord, Jennifer Ann |
1949-01 |
Foote, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foote, Anthony Samuel Charles |
1949-01 |
Forbes, Eric (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forbes, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forbes, Robert Laidlaw |
1949-01-07 |
Ford, Cynthia Joan |
1949-01 |
Ford, Edward Frederick Arthur |
1949-01 |
Ford, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ford, Gillian Marie |
1949-01 |
Ford, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ford, Rodney |
1949-01 |
Ford, Roger Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ford, Roger Clem |
1949-01 |
Ford, Roger John |
1949-01 |
Forde, Mathew Ivo Hubert Boys |
1949-01 |
Fordham, Stuart Alan |
1949-01 |
Fordom, Christopher Rowlands |
1949-01 |
Foreman, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forestello, Giovanni |
1949-01 |
Forester, Juliet Paula Vivian |
1949-01 |
Forgham, Colin |
1949-01 |
Forman, Ian Raymond |
1949-01 |
Formo, Bjorn Vidar |
1949-01 |
Forrest, Kate (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forrester, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forster, Diana Mary |
1949-01 |
Forster, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forster, Peter John Gibson |
1949-01 |
Forster, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Forsyth, Richard Charles Edward |
1949-01 |
Forward, Ian Glyn |
1949-01 |
Forward, Jennifer Susan |
1949-01 |
Fosker, Roger |
1949-01 |
Foster, Carol Winifred |
1949-01 |
Foster, Christopher Fred |
1949-01 |
Foster, Ian Arthur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Foster, Margaret Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Morris |
1949-01 |
Foster, Robert Fitzroy |
1949-01 |
Foster, Robert William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Sandy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Stephen James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Foster, Stephen Trevor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fote, Charles T |
1949-01 |
Fothergill, Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fothergill, Philip Keith |
1949-01 |
Fothergill, Robert Derrick John |
1949-01 |
Fowosere, Michael Olajide |
1949-01 |
Fox, Arnold Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Fox, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fox, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fox, John Digby |
1949-01 |
Fox, John Ronald |
1949-01 |
Fox, Kenneth Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fox, Larry Allan |
1949-01 |
Fox, Malcolm Walter |
1949-01 |
Fox, Margaret Louise |
1949-01 |
Fox, Peter Frederick |
1949-01 |
Fox, Sally Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fox, Valerie Ann |
1949-01 |
Fox-Leonard, Anthony Peter |
1949-01 |
Foxley, Maurice John |
1949-01 |
Foxwell, Alan Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Frackleton, Ronald Arthur |
1949-01 |
Fradley, Philip Harold |
1949-01 |
Frain, Laurence |
1949-01 |
Frampton, Michele Susan |
1949-01 |
Franc, Paul |
1949-01 |
France, Nene Mary |
1949-01 |
Francis, Anthony Rowland |
1949-01 |
Francis, Daniel Fernley |
1949-01 |
Francis, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Francis, Geoffrey William |
1949-01 |
Francis, John Edmund |
1949-01 |
Francis, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Francis, Terence Richard |
1949-01 |
Frank, Horst Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Frankel, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franklin, Betty (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franklin, Graham |
1949-01 |
Franklin, Graham Ronald |
1949-01 |
Franklin, James Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franklin, Neil John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franks, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franks, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Franks, Roger Harvey |
1949-01 |
Franses, Michael David Anthony |
1949-01 |
Franses, Michael David Antony |
1949-01 |
Fraser, Alexander John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fraser, Beverly Addassa |
1949-01 |
Fraser, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fraser, John Alistair (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fraser, Stuart (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Frayne, Michael Albert |
1949-01 |
Frazer, David Iain |
1949-01 |
Frazer, Dorcas Pennyfather |
1949-01 |
Freake, Thomas Frederick |
1949-01 |
Free, Ernest Frank |
1949-01 |
Freedman, David John |
1949-01 |
Freeman, David Peter |
1949-01 |
Freeman-Smithers, Leslie William |
1949-01 |
French, Adrian Stuart |
1949-01 |
French, David Walter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
French, Michael Gordon |
1949-01 |
Freshwater, Janice |
1949-01 |
Friday, Judith Celia |
1949-01 |
Friedman, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Friedman, Tessa Irena |
1949-01 |
Friedrich, William |
1949-01 |
Friedrich, William Michael |
1949-01 |
Friel, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Friel, John Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Frisby, Paul Elliott |
1949-01 |
Friswell, David Thomas |
1949-01 |
Froggatt, Nadine |
1949-01 |
Froome, Angela Maria |
1949-01 |
Frost, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Frost, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Frost, Glenis |
1949-01 |
Frost, Margaret Lesley |
1949-01 |
Frost, Matthew Derek |
1949-01 |
Frost, Roger Adrian |
1949-01 |
Fry, Catherine Anne Margaret |
1949-01 |
Fry, Frances Gillian |
1949-01 |
Fry, Peter Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fry, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fry, Victor William |
1949-01 |
Fryatt, Susan Ann |
1949-01 |
Fryer, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fryer, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Fuccio, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Fudge, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fudge, Jeanette Patricia |
1949-01 |
Fujimori, Fumio |
1949-01 |
Fulbrook, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fulford, Barry |
1949-01 |
Fulford, John |
1949-01 |
Full, Roger Charles |
1949-01 |
Fullagar, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fullard, Trevor |
1949-01 |
Fullarton, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01-13 |
Fuller, Barry James |
1949-01 |
Fuller, Neil Martin |
1949-01 |
Fullerton, Helen Scott |
1949-01 |
Fullick, Glynnis |
1949-01 |
Fullick, Glynnis Christine |
1949-01 |
Fulton, Daniel Mckenzie |
1949-01 |
Fulton, Gabriel |
1949-01 |
Fulton, Joan Elizabeth Frances |
1949-01 |
Fulton, Ruth Ann |
1949-01 |
Funnell, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Funnell, Edward Andrew |
1949-01 |
Furby, Neil |
1949-01 |
Furlong, Ruth Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Furre, Kari (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fursey, Paul William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Furze, David Richard |
1949-01 |
Fusco, Peter Michael Aloysius |
1949-01 |
Fushimi, Chiaki |
1949-01 |
Fusniak, Catherine Florence |
1949-01 |
Fyfe, Elizabeth Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Fyfe, William Alexander Paton |
1949-01 |
Gabay, Samuel |
1949-01 |
Gabbey, Margaret Janice |
1949-01 |
Gabriel, Bernadette |
1949-01 |
Gabriel, Marguerite Ann |
1949-01 |
Gabriele, Paula Chartier |
1949-01 |
Gadonneix, Pierre |
1949-01 |
Gaffney, David John |
1949-01 |
Gage, Carole Ann |
1949-01 |
Gaillemin, Francois |
1949-01 |
Galbraith, Keith Wayne |
1949-01 |
Gale, Nicholas Franklin |
1949-01 |
Gale, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Galey, Richard John |
1949-01 |
Galinis, Muriel Christina |
1949-01 |
Gallafant, Alan |
1949-01 |
Gallaghar, Malachy |
1949-01 |
Gallagher, Malachy |
1949-01 |
Gallagher, Pauline Ann |
1949-01 |
Gallaway, Andrew |
1949-01 |
Gallaway, Bernard John |
1949-01 |
Galloway, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Galloway, Eric William |
1949-01 |
Galt, Chris |
1949-01 |
Galvin, Linda |
1949-01 |
Gamaralalage, Amarasinghe Meegastanna |
1949-01 |
Gamble, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gameson, Robert Edward Hugh |
1949-01 |
Gammage, Julian |
1949-01 |
Gammans, Peter Christopher Michael |
1949-01 |
Gammon, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Gamp, Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Gani, Md. Osman |
1949-01 |
Gani, Mohammed Osman (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gann, Geoffrey Paul |
1949-01 |
Gannon, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gant, Robert William |
1949-01 |
Gant, Stephen John |
1949-01 |
Garba, Samira |
1949-01 |
Garbett, Jennifer Ann |
1949-01 |
Garbutt, Philip |
1949-01 |
Garcia, Angela Mary |
1949-01 |
Garcia, Juan Sanchez |
1949-01 |
Garcia, Rafael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garcia Velasco, Rafael |
1949-01 |
Gardener, David Edward |
1949-01 |
Gardener, Susan Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Gardiner, Anita Ellen |
1949-01 |
Gardiner, Brian Richard |
1949-01 |
Gardiner, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gardiner, John Ernest Cragg |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Angela Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Colin Henry |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Elizabeth Brown |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Patricia June (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Susan Elizabth |
1949-01 |
Gardner, Susan Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gare, Andrew Roger |
1949-01 |
Garner, Marie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garner, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garner, Trevor Frederick |
1949-01 |
Garner, William Vaughan |
1949-01 |
Garofalo, Michael |
1949-01 |
Garrett, Ann Ellen |
1949-01 |
Garrett, Carl Ernest |
1949-01 |
Garrett, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garrity, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garrod, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garstin, Michael |
1949-01 |
Garthwaite, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Garton, Michael |
1949-01 |
Garton, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Gartshore, Moira |
1949-01 |
Garwood, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Garwood, Marion |
1949-01 |
Garwood, Marion May |
1949-01 |
Gascoigne, Beryce |
1949-01 |
Gascoigne, Beryce Ann |
1949-01 |
Gascoyne, Gillian Margaret |
1949-01 |
Gaspari, Emidio |
1949-01 |
Gatenby, Beryl |
1949-01 |
Gates, Jacquelene |
1949-01 |
Gauci, Frank Anthony |
1949-01 |
Gaudiosi, Vincenzo |
1949-01 |
Gauld, Ronald |
1949-01 |
Gault, Norman John |
1949-01 |
Gaunt, Peter |
1949-01 |
Gauntlett, Timothy Michael |
1949-01 |
Gautheron, Michel |
1949-01 |
Gavin, Frances |
1949-01 |
Gavin, Frances Violet |
1949-01 |
Gavryliuk, Liubov |
1949-01 |
Gawith, Elizabeth Carol |
1949-01 |
Gawley, Roger Anthony |
1949-01 |
Gayden, Robert James |
1949-01 |
Gaze, Ken |
1949-01 |
Gear, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gearing, Carol Anne |
1949-01 |
Gebbett, Stephen Henry |
1949-01 |
Geddes, Ann Patricia |
1949-01 |
Geddes, Jacqueline Ann |
1949-01 |
Gee, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gee, Michael Christopher |
1949-01 |
Gee, Pelagia Anna |
1949-01 |
Geedi, Abdi Roble |
1949-01 |
Geerlings, Janet Margaret |
1949-01 |
Geller, Markham Judah |
1949-01 |
Gelston, Ronan |
1949-01 |
Gelston, Ronin John |
1949-01 |
Gemignani, Andre |
1949-01 |
Gentry, Paul Ernest |
1949-01 |
George, Bryan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
George, James Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
George, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
George, Lisbeth |
1949-01 |
George, Peter Matthew |
1949-01 |
George, William Henry |
1949-01 |
Georges, Antonis |
1949-01 |
Georgiou, Andreas Charalambous |
1949-01 |
Georgiou, Margarita |
1949-01 |
Gerard Leigh, John Norman |
1949-01 |
Gerber, Gillian Carol |
1949-01 |
Gerdis, Ronald |
1949-01 |
Gergacz, David S |
1949-01 |
Gernand, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Gerrie, Alexander Joseph |
1949-01 |
Gerrod, Kevin John |
1949-01 |
Gersch, Irvine Stuart |
1949-01 |
Gersmann, Karl-Heinz |
1949-01 |
Gething, John Stuart |
1949-01 |
Gevaux, David William |
1949-01 |
Ghadiri-Zare, Robabeh |
1949-01 |
Ghori, Abdul Malik |
1949-01 |
Giammasi, Giuseppe |
1949-01 |
Giammasi, Guiseppe |
1949-01 |
Giardina, Enzo (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Giardina, Salvatore (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gibb, Margaret Hilary |
1949-01 |
Gibbon, John David |
1949-01 |
Gibbon, Rita |
1949-01 |
Gibbon, Rita Victoria |
1949-01 |
Gibbons, David Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gibbs, Jennifer Vivienne |
1949-01 |
Giblin, Bridget Ann |
1949-01 |
Giblin, Susan Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Andrew Gilmore |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Camilla |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Ella |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Ian Mackenzie |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Marian |
1949-01 |
Gibson, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Giddings, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gilbert, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gilbert, Hazel Margaret |
1949-01 |
Gilbert, John Charles George |
1949-01 |
Gilbert, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gilbertson, Rhyddian John |
1949-01 |
Gilbey, George Sidney John |
1949-01 |
Gilbey, Robert Christopher |
1949-01 |
Gilchrist, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gilchrist, Ian Robert |
1949-01 |
Gilchrist, James Wilson |
1949-01 |
Gilder, Adrian John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Giles, Robert Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Giles, Victor James |
1949-01 |
Gilham, Anthony David |
1949-01 |
Gill, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, James Harry |
1949-01 |
Gill, Jannice Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Gill, Jannise |
1949-01 |
Gill, Jim (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, Kuldip Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, Manjit (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, Martin Richard |
1949-01 |
Gill, Peter Leslie |
1949-01 |
Gill, Satnam Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill, Sukhdev Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gill-Martin, Yvonne |
1949-01 |
Gillan, Justine |
1949-01 |
Gillan, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gillani, Shamsh Esmail |
1949-01 |
Gillespie, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gillies, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gilliland, Alan Howard |
1949-01 |
Gilman, Caroline Patricia |
1949-01 |
Gilmartin, Susan |
1949-01 |
Gilmore, Laurence Dennis |
1949-01 |
Gilmour, Ginger |
1949-01 |
Gilmour, Margaret Kinniburgh |
1949-01 |
Gilmour, Virginia Ann |
1949-01 |
Gingell, Thomas John |
1949-01 |
Ginn, Linda Joy Catherine |
1949-01 |
Ginn III, Edward Robert |
1949-01 |
Giovanni, Forestello |
1949-01 |
Giovinazzo, Gino |
1949-01 |
Gipson, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Girasoli, Teresa Linda |
1949-01 |
Girdlestone, Rosario |
1949-01 |
Gisby, Philip Edward |
1949-01 |
Gist, Francis |
1949-01 |
Gittins, Janet |
1949-01 |
Glasgow, Mark Richard |
1949-01 |
Glass, Angela Betty Langton |
1949-01 |
Glass, Joan Valerie |
1949-01 |
Glass, Wyatt George Dunlop |
1949-01 |
Glazer, Jeffrey Julius |
1949-01 |
Gleave, Michael Norman |
1949-01 |
Gledhill, Heather Diane |
1949-01 |
Gleek, David Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Gleeson, Noel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Glencross, Philip Stanley |
1949-01 |
Glendinning, Christine |
1949-01 |
Glennie, Diana Teresa |
1949-01 |
Glennon, Stewart Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Glicenstein, Regina |
1949-01 |
Glockler, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Glossop, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Glover, Anthony Harding |
1949-01 |
Glover, Isobel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Glyn Davies, Hewiett Murray |
1949-01 |
Gnaanachelvan, Koneswary |
1949-01 |
Gocinsky, Mark |
1949-01 |
Godber, Fenella Mary Bremner |
1949-01 |
Godber, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Godbold, Sally Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Goddard, Reginald Frank |
1949-01 |
Godfrey, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Godfrey, Jan |
1949-01 |
Godfrey, Rosemary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Godfrey, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Godiff, Laurence |
1949-01 |
Godley, Brian |
1949-01 |
Godliman, John Henry |
1949-01 |
Goepel, John Robert |
1949-01 |
Gohel, Mayurdhwajasinh Jayvantsinh |
1949-01 |
Gokan, Esin |
1949-01 |
Goktuna, Bulent |
1949-01 |
Gold, Maurice |
1949-01 |
Goldberg, Geoffrey Alan |
1949-01 |
Goldfinch, Ann Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Goldfinch, Sandra |
1949-01 |
Goldie, Linda |
1949-01 |
Golding, James Laurence |
1949-01 |
Goldmeier, Philippa Joy |
1949-01 |
Goldmeier, Phillipa Joy |
1949-01 |
Goldsmith, Gillian Helen |
1949-01 |
Goldsworthy, Teresa |
1949-01 |
Golinsky, Mark |
1949-01 |
Goll, Roland Martin |
1949-01 |
Gomersall, Ray |
1949-01 |
Gomme, Alan |
1949-01 |
Gonszor, George Patterson |
1949-01 |
Gonzalez, Carlos Enrique |
1949-01 |
Good, Herbert Anthony |
1949-01 |
Good, Michael |
1949-01 |
Goodall, Anne Hester |
1949-01 |
Goodburn, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Goode, Alan James |
1949-01 |
Goodfellow, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goodfellow, Alan Donald |
1949-01 |
Goodhew, Richard John |
1949-01 |
Goodliffe, John Godfrey |
1949-01 |
Goodman, Kenneth Stuart |
1949-01 |
Goodman, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goodman, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goodreid, Brian Arthur |
1949-01 |
Goodridge, George Grantley |
1949-01 |
Goodwin, Hazel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goodwin, Stephen Alfred |
1949-01 |
Goodyear, Roger William |
1949-01 |
Goodyer, Jill |
1949-01 |
Goomany, Lutchmee |
1949-01 |
Gooroochurn, Rutchmeeparsad |
1949-01 |
Gopsill, Haydn John |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Geoffrey Alan |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Harold Karel |
1949-01 |
Gordon, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Linda Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gordon, Sheena Margaret |
1949-01 |
Gore, Barry John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gore, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gore, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Gorin, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goriup, Fabid |
1949-01 |
Goriup, Fabio |
1949-01 |
Gorman, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Goroshevskiy, Valerian |
1949-01 |
Gorsi, Zia Ul-Haq |
1949-01 |
Gosling, Alan |
1949-01 |
Gospel, Peter |
1949-01 |
Goss, Barry Anthony |
1949-01 |
Goss, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gosse, Nicholas John |
1949-01 |
Gostling, Barbara Ann |
1949-01 |
Goswell, Lynette Kay |
1949-01 |
Gottlieb, Lars |
1949-01 |
Gough, Barrie |
1949-01 |
Gould, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gould, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Gould, Mary Ann |
1949-01 |
Gould, Michael Arthur |
1949-01 |
Goulding, Adrian John |
1949-01 |
Goulding, Charles Philip |
1949-01 |
Gow, Alison Carol |
1949-01 |
Gowland, Jillian Anne |
1949-01 |
Gowlett, Geoffrey Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Goymer, Neil |
1949-01 |
Grabham, Carol |
1949-01 |
Grace, Penelope Maureen Ann |
1949-01 |
Gracey, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gradel, David |
1949-01 |
Grady, Ged |
1949-01 |
Graffam, Joseph Henry |
1949-01 |
Grafin Schwadlak von Muller, Kathleen Jo |
1949-01 |
Graham, Colin Alexander |
1949-01 |
Graham, Dorothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graham, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graham, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graham, Michael Andrew Hume |
1949-01 |
Graham, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graham, Roderick John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graham, Roszann |
1949-01 |
Graham Harrison, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Grahame, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Grainge, Paul |
1949-01 |
Grainger, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grainger, Trevor William Francis |
1949-01 |
Grand, Denis Joseph Francois |
1949-01 |
Granger, Angela |
1949-01 |
Granger, Brian Frank |
1949-01 |
Granger, Ralph Martin |
1949-01 |
Grant, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grant, Alan Charles |
1949-01 |
Grant, Charles Lindsay |
1949-01 |
Grant, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grant, Elizabeth Mckenzie |
1949-01 |
Grant, Ian Gordon |
1949-01 |
Grant, James Carson |
1949-01 |
Grant, James David Norman |
1949-01 |
Grant, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grant, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grant, Peter Graham |
1949-01 |
Grant, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grant, Philip Denis |
1949-01 |
Granville, Sean |
1949-01 |
Gras, Michael |
1949-01 |
Graves, Colin James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Graves, Leslie Donald |
1949-01 |
Gray, Adrian Albert |
1949-01 |
Gray, Brian Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Charles Stuart Douglas |
1949-01 |
Gray, Dorte Vinnie |
1949-01 |
Gray, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Jean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Jillian Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Paul Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Ralph Berkeley |
1949-01 |
Gray, Ralph Berkley |
1949-01 |
Gray, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Robert Albert Reginald |
1949-01 |
Gray, Simon Arthur |
1949-01 |
Gray, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gray, Susan Hazel |
1949-01 |
Gray, Timothy Nichol |
1949-01 |
Grayson, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grayson, Robin Francis |
1949-01 |
Greaves, Katherine Copeman |
1949-01 |
Grech, Albert |
1949-01 |
Green, Alan Dennis |
1949-01 |
Green, Alban |
1949-01 |
Green, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Barry Melvyn |
1949-01 |
Green, Carol (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, David Robin |
1949-01 |
Green, David Stewart |
1949-01 |
Green, Henry Richard |
1949-01 |
Green, Hilary Jane |
1949-01 |
Green, James Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Janet Pauline |
1949-01 |
Green, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, John Hugh |
1949-01 |
Green, John Mclernon |
1949-01 |
Green, Judith Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Margaret Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Paul Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Richard David John |
1949-01 |
Green, Russell Edward |
1949-01 |
Green, Ruth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, Sheila Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Green, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Greenan, Catherine Bell Kirkwood |
1949-01 |
Greenaway, Ian Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Greenbeck, Brian Peter |
1949-01 |
Greendale, Kenneth Ernest |
1949-01 |
Greene, Christopher Randall |
1949-01 |
Greene, Ron |
1949-01 |
Greenfield, Philip Norman |
1949-01 |
Greenfield, Susan Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Greenhalgh, Ian Frank |
1949-01 |
Greenhow, Ivy |
1949-01 |
Greening, Clifford Philip |
1949-01 |
Greenland, Kenneth Robert |
1949-01 |
Greenlees, Barry Lewis |
1949-01 |
Greenway, Ian Paul |
1949-01 |
Greenway, Patricia Anne |
1949-01 |
Greenway, Robert Alan |
1949-01 |
Greenwood, Alan Douglas |
1949-01 |
Greenwood, Lesley Alice |
1949-01 |
Greer, Catherine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Caroline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Christine Anne |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Christopher Robin Francis |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Colin Arthur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Gerald Edward |
1949-01 |
Gregory, Sheila Jane |
1949-01 |
Gregson, Pamela Mary |
1949-01 |
Greiling, Florian |
1949-01 |
Greveson, Catherine Margaret |
1949-01 |
Gribbin, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Grice, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Grier, David Duncan |
1949-01 |
Grieves, Brian |
1949-01 |
Griffin, John Edward Henry |
1949-01 |
Griffin, Margaret Eileen |
1949-01 |
Griffith, Marianne Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, David James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Derek (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Elfrys Ann |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Frances Ann |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Gillian Annette |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, James David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Michael Barrie |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Griffiths, Thomas Hywel |
1949-01 |
Grigg, Terry |
1949-01 |
Grimes, Chris (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grimes, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grimmer, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grimshaw, Neil Charles |
1949-01 |
Grinnell, Sheila Doreen |
1949-01 |
Grinyer, Gwendoline Amy |
1949-01 |
Grizzetti, Giacomo Carlo |
1949-01 |
Groenewold, Wolter |
1949-01 |
Groocock, Pamela Joan |
1949-01 |
Groom, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Groome, Judith |
1949-01 |
Grossberger, Georgette |
1949-01 |
Grosse-Ahlert, Ludger |
1949-01 |
Grossi, Gabriele |
1949-01 |
Grosvenor, Irene |
1949-01 |
Grove, Derek James Langlands |
1949-01 |
Grove, Jeff John |
1949-01 |
Grove, Jeffrey Jonn |
1949-01 |
Grove, Peter Colin |
1949-01 |
Grove, Richard Barry |
1949-01 |
Grover, Derek James Langlands |
1949-01 |
Groves, Sylvia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grubb, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gruenenfelder, Irma |
1949-01 |
Grundman, Reinhard |
1949-01 |
Grundmann, Reinhard |
1949-01 |
Grundmann, Reinhard Walter |
1949-01 |
Grundy, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grundy, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Grylls, Cherrywyn Vere |
1949-01 |
Grzyb, Janet |
1949-01 |
Gschmeissner, Stephen Elliott |
1949-01 |
Gschwendtner, Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Guanlao, Armando |
1949-01 |
Guarnotta, Georges |
1949-01 |
Guckian, Bridget Agatha |
1949-01 |
Gudgin, Pamela Ann |
1949-01 |
Guelker, Helga Annelises |
1949-01 |
Guest, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Guest, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Guijarrubia, Juan |
1949-01 |
Guinness, Tony Francis |
1949-01 |
Guinot, Philippe |
1949-01 |
Guinot, Philippe Marcel Rene |
1949-01 |
Guinot, Phillippe Marcel Rene |
1949-01 |
Guise, Maureen Patricia |
1949-01 |
Guise, Roger Martin |
1949-01 |
Gul, Guncha |
1949-01 |
Gulley, Ian William |
1949-01 |
Gulley, Ian William James |
1949-01 |
Gulley, Stephen Charles |
1949-01 |
Gumbley, Terence Edmund |
1949-01 |
Gundran, Reynaldo |
1949-01 |
Gunner, Gary John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gunning, Doreen |
1949-01 |
Guo, Ding |
1949-01 |
Guo, Dingyin |
1949-01 |
Gupta, Neelam (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Gurman, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Gurmin, Trevor Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Gurney, Vivienne Jean |
1949-01 |
Gurung, Hari Bahadur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Guthrie, Robert Bruce |
1949-01 |
Guy, Christine |
1949-01 |
Guy, John Alexander |
1949-01 |
Guyer, Ruth Evelyn |
1949-01 |
Gygax, Rudolf |
1949-01 |
Gynn, Anthony James |
1949-01 |
Habberfield, John |
1949-01 |
Habbin, Richard Leonard |
1949-01 |
Habgood, Nancy |
1949-01 |
Habib, Mohamednur Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Hackenbroch, Rosalyn |
1949-01 |
Hackett, Patricia Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hackett, Peter William |
1949-01 |
Hackney, Christine Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hackwell, Jeanette Dawn |
1949-01 |
Haddad, Kulthum |
1949-01 |
Hadden, Ronald |
1949-01 |
Haddrell, Ann Josephine |
1949-01 |
Haddrell, Peter |
1949-01 |
Haden, James Keith |
1949-01 |
Hadfield, Janet Anne |
1949-01 |
Hadjikyriacou, Kyriacos |
1949-01 |
Hadland, Ronald Charles |
1949-01 |
Hadley, Connie Ann |
1949-01 |
Hadley, Roger |
1949-01 |
Hadwick, Ann Margaret |
1949-01 |
Haeffner, Edward |
1949-01 |
Haeffner, Henry Edward |
1949-01 |
Hagan, Jane Carol |
1949-01 |
Hageman, Ian Jonathen |
1949-01 |
Hagen, Ellen Nymark |
1949-01 |
Hager, Michael Jacob |
1949-01 |
Haggas, Margaret Joan |
1949-01 |
Haglund, Ake |
1949-01 |
Haidar, Antoine Chucrallah |
1949-01 |
Haigh, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Haigh, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hailey, John Frederick |
1949-01 |
Hails, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Haines, Alan Christopher |
1949-01 |
Haines, Alan Clifford |
1949-01 |
Haines, Kingston William |
1949-01 |
Haines, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Haines, Terence |
1949-01 |
Hainschitz, Kurt |
1949-01 |
Haki, Jeremiah |
1949-01 |
Halai, Taramati |
1949-01 |
Hale, Alan Desmond |
1949-01 |
Hale, Gerald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hale, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hales, Frances |
1949-01 |
Hales, Ian Alexander |
1949-01 |
Halil, Yalchin |
1949-01 |
Hall, Ann Elizabeth Rose |
1949-01 |
Hall, Bryan Donald |
1949-01 |
Hall, Christopher Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Derrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Helen Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, James Frederick |
1949-01 |
Hall, Jane Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, John Wilfred (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Mervyn Douglas |
1949-01 |
Hall, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Monika Ann |
1949-01 |
Hall, Nicholas Joynson |
1949-01 |
Hall, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Peter John Francis |
1949-01 |
Hall, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Robert Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Stephen William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hall, Vera Mary Anne |
1949-01 |
Hallam, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Hallard, Diana |
1949-01 |
Hallatt, Philip David |
1949-01 |
Hallett, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Hallett, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Halliday, John Stuart |
1949-01 |
Halliday, Terence Peter James |
1949-01 |
Halligan, Colin James |
1949-01 |
Halligan, Michael Edward |
1949-01 |
Hallissey, Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Halliwell, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hallside, Judith |
1949-01 |
Hallworth, Linda |
1949-01 |
Hallworth, Shaun Armour |
1949-01 |
Halpern, Relly |
1949-01 |
Halsall, John Anthony Sydney (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Halsey, Christine Marie |
1949-01 |
Halswell, Alexandra Kathryn Noble |
1949-01 |
Halswell/barker, Alex |
1949-01 |
Hama, Fudeji |
1949-01 |
Hamawi, Stefanos |
1949-01 |
Hamble-Smith, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Hambly Smith, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Hambridge, Cyril Michael |
1949-01 |
Hameed, Mohamed Faleel Shahul |
1949-01 |
Hamer, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Hamer, Phillip Edgar |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, Colin Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, Irene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, Judith Agnes |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, Philip Arthur Marcus |
1949-01 |
Hamilton, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hamlin, Anthony Thomas |
1949-01 |
Hamlin, William George |
1949-01 |
Hammad, Hend Mostafa Kamal |
1949-01 |
Hammal, Frederick John |
1949-01 |
Hammer, Martin Julius |
1949-01 |
Hammill, William Stanley |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Alan Frederick |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Andrew Potter |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Angela Susan |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Charles Hugh |
1949-01 |
Hammond, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Julian Clive |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Lynne |
1949-01 |
Hammond, Paul Duncan |
1949-01 |
Hamnett, Carol |
1949-01 |
Hampson, Eddie |
1949-01 |
Hampson, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hampson, Sally (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hampton, Clive |
1949-01 |
Hampton, Paul Anthony |
1949-01 |
Hamtaeian, Heshmat |
1949-01 |
Hamze, Ali Khalil |
1949-01 |
Han, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hancock, David Arthur |
1949-01 |
Hancock, John Leslie |
1949-01 |
Hancock, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hancox, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hand, Ann Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hand, Gerard Robert |
1949-01 |
Handbury, Keith |
1949-01 |
Handke, Richard Andrew |
1949-01 |
Handley, Margaret Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Handley, Martyn Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Hands, Marilyn Jane |
1949-01 |
Hands, William Charles |
1949-01 |
Handzel, Zenon |
1949-01 |
Hanif, Bilqis |
1949-01 |
Hankin, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Hankinson, Adrian |
1949-01 |
Hankinson, Alan |
1949-01 |
Hanks, Hazel |
1949-01 |
Hann, Daniel |
1949-01 |
Hanna, Rita (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hannah, William Lister |
1949-01 |
Hanney, Raymond John |
1949-01 |
Hannington, David John |
1949-01 |
Hannon, Terrence John |
1949-01 |
Hansell, Victor Ernest |
1949-01 |
Hansen, Kenneth John |
1949-01 |
Hansen, Kenneth Mart |
1949-01 |
Hansen, Lars-Ole |
1949-01 |
Hansen, Max |
1949-01 |
Hansford, Roderick Gerald |
1949-01 |
Hanson, Carol (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hanson, Trevor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hanson Kahn, Madeleine Joy |
1949-01 |
Hansson, Ake Bertil |
1949-01 |
Hanton, Ronald Charles |
1949-01 |
Haque, Fatema |
1949-01 |
Haque, Mohammed Monzurul |
1949-01 |
Haque, Rafique |
1949-01 |
Haque, Syed Amanul |
1949-01 |
Hara, Yukio |
1949-01 |
Harahwa, Lily |
1949-01 |
Haraldsen, Keith |
1949-01 |
Hardcastle, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Harden, Graham Arthur |
1949-01 |
Hardenberg, Alison |
1949-01 |
Hardern, Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Hardern, Geoffrey Neal |
1949-01 |
Hardie, Paul David |
1949-01 |
Harding, Clive Henry |
1949-01 |
Harding, Clive Richard |
1949-01 |
Harding, Jean Christine |
1949-01 |
Harding, Nigel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harding, Richard Samuel |
1949-01 |
Hardingham, Diane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hardman, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hardwick, Fredrick Barry |
1949-01 |
Hardwick, Norman |
1949-01 |
Hardy, Christopher Kevin |
1949-01 |
Hardy, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Hardy, Michael Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hardy, Pamela Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hardy, Stephen Alan |
1949-01 |
Hare, John Francis |
1949-01 |
Hare, Mabel Ann |
1949-01 |
Hares, David Gilbert |
1949-01 |
Hargrave, Barry Alfred |
1949-01 |
Hargreaves, Janet Louise |
1949-01 |
Haria, Ashok |
1949-01 |
Harker, Colin Trevor |
1949-01 |
Harle, Gordon |
1949-01 |
Harle, Gordon Alexander |
1949-01 |
Harle, John Barry Frederick |
1949-01 |
Harley, Leonard Kevan |
1949-01 |
Harley, Sue |
1949-01 |
Harley, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Harlow, Alan Roger |
1949-01 |
Harlow, Christopher Stephen |
1949-01 |
Harman, Jacqueline Mary |
1949-01 |
Harmer, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Harper, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harper, John Barton |
1949-01 |
Harper, John Craig (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harper, John Haig |
1949-01 |
Harper, Robert George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harper, Timothy James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harpley, Robin Stewart |
1949-01 |
Harrigan, Thomas Owens |
1949-01 |
Harriman, Brian Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Harrington, Anthony Kevin |
1949-01 |
Harrington, Glynnis Margaret |
1949-01 |
Harrington, Kevin Bernard |
1949-01 |
Harris, Alan George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Christine Gwendoline |
1949-01 |
Harris, Christopher David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Harlan Knowlton |
1949-01 |
Harris, Howard Stanley |
1949-01 |
Harris, Jennifer Jane |
1949-01 |
Harris, John Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, John Carey |
1949-01 |
Harris, John Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Leslie John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Martin Ernest |
1949-01 |
Harris, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Olivia Marie-Therese |
1949-01 |
Harris, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Philip Malcolm Gregg |
1949-01 |
Harris, Robert Michael Neil |
1949-01 |
Harris, Roger Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Samuel John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harris, Samuel Louden |
1949-01 |
Harris, Stephen Maurice |
1949-01 |
Harris, Tony Glyn |
1949-01 |
Harris, William Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Brenda Patricia |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Brian John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Charles William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Dianne Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Elizabeth Joanne |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Ingrid |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Jean Lorraine |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Jude (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Malcolm Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Pauline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harrison, Terence Joseph |
1949-01 |
Harry, Charles Thomas |
1949-01 |
Hart, Anthea Cynthia Laura |
1949-01 |
Hart, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hart, Geoff (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hart, Geoffrey John |
1949-01 |
Hart, Ivan Thomas James |
1949-01 |
Hart, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hart, Keith John |
1949-01 |
Hart, Paul Gordon |
1949-01 |
Hart, Robert Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hartgroves, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Hartie, Catherine |
1949-01 |
Hartley, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hartley, Kathleen Ann |
1949-01 |
Hartley, Keith Scott |
1949-01 |
Hartley, Michael George |
1949-01 |
Hartley, Paul Edward |
1949-01 |
Harton, Denis Patrick |
1949-01 |
Hartwell, John David |
1949-01 |
Harvard-Watts, Olivia |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Colin Royston |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Gillian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Graham Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Ronald Raymond |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Ronald Vernon George |
1949-01 |
Harvey, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Harvey Mimi, Richard Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Harwood, James Leslie |
1949-01 |
Harwood, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hasan, Gayle |
1949-01 |
Hasan, Nadra |
1949-01 |
Hasan, Suraya |
1949-01 |
Hashimoto, Nagahide |
1949-01 |
Haslam, Nicholas Christopher Martin |
1949-01 |
Haslam-Jones, Richard Charles |
1949-01 |
Hasler, Walter |
1949-01 |
Haslum, Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Hassan, Aly Ibrahim |
1949-01 |
Hassan, Mustafa (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hassan Al-Said, Gayle |
1949-01 |
Hasselteg, Eva Maria |
1949-01 |
Hastie, Duncan |
1949-01 |
Hastings, Geertruida |
1949-01 |
Hastings, Geertruida Wilhelmina |
1949-01 |
Hastings, Thomas Dunn |
1949-01 |
Hastings-Jones, Alan Richard |
1949-01 |
Haston, Valerie |
1949-01 |
Hastuti, Siti Hardiyanti |
1949-01 |
Hatcher, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hatcher, Ranju |
1949-01 |
Hatherall, Stephen Ivor |
1949-01 |
Hatry, Christopher Charles |
1949-01 |
Haulrik, Bjarne |
1949-01 |
Hauswirth, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Havard, Monica |
1949-01 |
Hawie, Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hawken, Doug |
1949-01 |
Hawkes, Doreen Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hawkings, Gillian Mary |
1949-01 |
Hawkins, John Bernard |
1949-01 |
Hawkins, Lesley Margaret |
1949-01 |
Hawksley, Cheryll Angela |
1949-01 |
Hawksworth, Colin Thomas |
1949-01 |
Hawley, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Haworth, Ann Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Haworth, John Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hay, Malcolm John |
1949-01 |
Haydar, Mohammed Ali |
1949-01 |
Hayden-Davies, Peter |
1949-01 |
Hayes, Bernadette (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayes, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayes, Janice Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hayes, Margaret Eileen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayes, Terence David |
1949-01 |
Haygreen, David John |
1949-01 |
Hayhurst, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Haylock, Margaret Anne |
1949-01 |
Haynes, Cherry Jane |
1949-01 |
Haynes, Reynold Stanfield |
1949-01 |
Haynes, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayter, Avril Elaine |
1949-01 |
Hayward, John Ernest (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayward, Robin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayward, Roger Edwin |
1949-01 |
Hayward, Sally (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hayward, Wendy Mary |
1949-01 |
Hazel, George Mclean |
1949-01 |
Hazlehurst, Richard |
1949-01 |
Hazon, Joyce |
1949-01 |
He, Zhuan Di |
1949-01 |
Head, Brian Francis |
1949-01 |
Head, Stephen Richard |
1949-01 |
Headley, Michael |
1949-01 |
Headly, Nicholas Ind |
1949-01 |
Heale, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Healey, Averil Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Healey, Royston Douglas |
1949-01 |
Healy, Patrick Vincent |
1949-01 |
Heaney, Danny |
1949-01 |
Heard, Glynis |
1949-01 |
Heard, Josephine Dorcas |
1949-01 |
Heard, Shelley |
1949-01 |
Heard, Shelley Ray |
1949-01 |
Hearn, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hearne, Richard David |
1949-01 |
Heathcote, Sylvia Margaret |
1949-01 |
Heatley, Bryan |
1949-01 |
Heaton, Conrad Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hebbert, Richard Bruce |
1949-01 |
Hebbourn, Barbara Olwen |
1949-01 |
Heckendorn, Gilles |
1949-01 |
Hedge, Hazel Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Hedley, David Walter |
1949-01 |
Heel, John |
1949-01 |
Heer, Dev |
1949-01 |
Hegab, Nabil Mahmoud |
1949-01 |
Hegarty, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hegarty, Charles |
1949-01 |
Hegarty, Charles Patrick |
1949-01 |
Hegarty, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hegarty, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Heighes, Nicholas Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Heil, Susan |
1949-01 |
Heilos, Gunther |
1949-01 |
Heinecke, Dieter |
1949-01 |
Heithus, Roger Keith |
1949-01 |
Hele, Jane |
1949-01 |
Hele, Jane Mary |
1949-01 |
Helliker, Adrian Robert |
1949-01 |
Helliker, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Helliwell, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hellkvist, Henrik Bertil |
1949-01 |
Hellmann, Klaus |
1949-01 |
Hellmann, Klaus Walter Charles |
1949-01 |
Hellsten, Bert Gunner |
1949-01 |
Hellwig, Hans Ulrich |
1949-01 |
Hellwig, Klaus Dieter Walter |
1949-01 |
Helmy, Abdel-Fattah |
1949-01 |
Helsby, Richard John Stephens |
1949-01 |
Hemingway, Colin |
1949-01 |
Hemingway, Timothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hemming, Eric Rodney |
1949-01 |
Hemming, John William Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Hemmings, Mark Felton |
1949-01 |
Hems, Vilma Celia |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Denise Lindzay |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Grace |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Graeme J M |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Ian Ramsay |
1949-01 |
Henderson, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henderson, James Wilson |
1949-01 |
Henderson, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henderson, John Gilmour |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Joyce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Ronald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henderson, Terence (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hendry, Elizabeth Anne Isobel |
1949-01 |
Hendry, Maureen |
1949-01 |
Henness, Peter William |
1949-01 |
Henry, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henry, Victor John |
1949-01 |
Henry, Werner |
1949-01 |
Henry, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henshaw, Eric |
1949-01 |
Henson, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Henwood, Josephine Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hepburn, Finola Mary |
1949-01 |
Heracleous, Paul |
1949-01 |
Herbert, Anthea |
1949-01 |
Herbert, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Herbert-Lawrence, Susan |
1949-01 |
Hercock, Janet Mary |
1949-01 |
Herd, Carole Jean |
1949-01 |
Herd, George Daniels |
1949-01 |
Herdlicka, Herbert |
1949-01 |
Hering Hanit, Rachel |
1949-01 |
Hering-Hant, Rachel |
1949-01 |
Heritage, Elizabeth Allanson |
1949-01 |
Herman, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Herman, Raymond Charles |
1949-01 |
Hernaman Allen, Philip Richard |
1949-01 |
Heron, Marigold Wendy Maude |
1949-01 |
Herrington, Diana Jean |
1949-01 |
Heshelman, Michael |
1949-01 |
Hesketh, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hesketh, David Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Heslop, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hess, Timothy Alan |
1949-01 |
Hettiarachchy, Ariyawansa |
1949-01 |
Heward, Ronald Thomas |
1949-01 |
Hewett, Robert Michael |
1949-01 |
Hewings, Martin Alan |
1949-01 |
Hewitson, Keith John |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, Angela Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, Anthony William |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, John Robert |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hewitt, Richard Alan |
1949-01 |
Hewson, Elizabeth Helen |
1949-01 |
Hewson, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Heyer, Harald Heinz |
1949-01 |
Heywood, Robert Edward James |
1949-01 |
Hibberd, Hazel Susan |
1949-01 |
Hibberd, Janice |
1949-01 |
Hickman, Albert |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Andrew James |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Angela Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Avril Anne |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Keith Henwood |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hicks, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hickson, Ian Stephen |
1949-01 |
Hidaka, Masahiro |
1949-01 |
Hiddleston, David |
1949-01 |
Higgins, Maxine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Higgins, Peter George |
1949-01 |
Higginson, Gordon Nigel |
1949-01 |
Higham, Alwyn Elizabeth Anne |
1949-01 |
Higham, Mary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Higham B.S.S. Dip A.S.S, Alwyn E A |
1949-01 |
Hilary Warren ( Mr ), Holmes |
1949-01 |
Hilborne, Terence Paul |
1949-01 |
Hilditch, Brian John Haworth |
1949-01 |
Hill, Anne Bernadette |
1949-01 |
Hill, Cecilia |
1949-01 |
Hill, Clifford Ian |
1949-01 |
Hill, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hill, Frank Anthony |
1949-01 |
Hill, George Keith |
1949-01 |
Hill, Glenys |
1949-01 |
Hill, Glynis Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Hill, Graham Donald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hill, Jacqueline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hill, Jennifer Jean |
1949-01 |
Hill, Keith Hereward |
1949-01 |
Hill, Margaret Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hill, Maureen Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Hill, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hill, Michael Thomas Albert |
1949-01 |
Hill, Neil Barrie |
1949-01 |
Hill, Norman Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Hillier, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hillier, Stephen Gilbert |
1949-01 |
Hillion, Robert |
1949-01 |
Hillman, Andrew George Aldridge |
1949-01 |
Hills, Kevin Patrick |
1949-01 |
Hilmi, Ahmet |
1949-01 |
Hilton, Anthony Donovan |
1949-01 |
Hilton, Barbara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hinchcliffe, John Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hinchcliffe, Kathleen Mary |
1949-01 |
Hind, Frances Elaine |
1949-01 |
Hingston, Peter Derek Edward |
1949-01 |
Hinman, John Nicholson |
1949-01 |
Hinmers, David William Leslie |
1949-01 |
Hinton, Alan Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Hipwell, Arthur Paul |
1949-01 |
Hiraben, Thakor |
1949-01 |
Hirai, Norio |
1949-01 |
Hiranaka, Mitsuo |
1949-01 |
Hirani, Nasirudin |
1949-01 |
Hire, Annette |
1949-01 |
Hireika, Mohamed |
1949-01 |
Hireika, Mohamed Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Hirose, Toshiharu |
1949-01 |
Hirota, Masaho |
1949-01 |
Hirth, Frank |
1949-01 |
Hiscock, Norman Ronald |
1949-01 |
Hiscock, Susan Jeanette |
1949-01 |
Hislop, John Taylor |
1949-01 |
Hitchin, George Edward |
1949-01 |
Ho, Ching-Shon |
1949-01 |
Hoad, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hoare, Susan Evelyn |
1949-01 |
Hobart, Martin Leonard |
1949-01 |
Hobbs, Herbert Neil |
1949-01 |
Hobbs, Kenneth Charles |
1949-01 |
Hobbs, Margaret Mary |
1949-01 |
Hobday, Alan |
1949-01 |
Hobden, Christopher Martin |
1949-01 |
Hobden, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Hobson, Alan Wyn |
1949-01 |
Hobson, Veronica Mary |
1949-01 |
Hodder, William Richard |
1949-01 |
Hodge, Geoffrey George |
1949-01 |
Hodge, George Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Hodge, Helena Mary |
1949-01 |
Hodges, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hodges, David Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Hodges, Helena |
1949-01 |
Hodges, Richard Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Hodgetts, Joyce |
1949-01 |
Hodgkin, Mark William Backhouse |
1949-01 |
Hodgkinson, Noreen |
1949-01 |
Hodgkinson, Philip Alan |
1949-01 |
Hodgson, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hodgson, David James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hodgson, Manis Austin |
1949-01 |
Hofmann, Gerhard Heinrich Theodor |
1949-01 |
Hogan, Colin Raymond |
1949-01 |
Hogan, Paul Anthony |
1949-01 |
Hogg, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hogg, Nigel Robert Laurence |
1949-01 |
Hoggen, Alexander |
1949-01 |
Holbrook, David Roy |
1949-01 |
Hold, John Howard |
1949-01 |
Holden, Barbara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holden, Ian Douglas |
1949-01 |
Holden, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holden, Martin Edward |
1949-01 |
Holder, Frank (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holding, Stephen Richard |
1949-01 |
Holdroyd, Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
Holehouse, Geoffrey Douglas Thurston |
1949-01 |
Hollamby, Norman Frank (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holland, David John William |
1949-01 |
Holland, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Holland, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holland, Leslie William |
1949-01 |
Holland, Narelle |
1949-01 |
Holland, Raymond Peter |
1949-01 |
Holland, Tobias (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holleran, Henry Vincent |
1949-01 |
Holley, Paul Edward |
1949-01 |
Holliday, Malcolm Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Hollier, Carol |
1949-01 |
Hollingbery, Audrey Margaret |
1949-01 |
Hollingdale, John Philip |
1949-01 |
Hollingsworth, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hollingworth, Jeffrey Edwin |
1949-01 |
Hollis, Kenneth John William |
1949-01 |
Hollis, Lynne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hollobone, Neil Barry |
1949-01 |
Holly, Richard Foster |
1949-01 |
Hollyhoke, Penelope Ann |
1949-01 |
Holm, Knut Bjornar |
1949-01 |
Holm, Kurt Bjoernar |
1949-01 |
Holm, Kurt Bjornar |
1949-01 |
Holm Clausen, Ulla |
1949-01 |
Holman, Elizabeth Warren |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Charles Gordon |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Diana (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Graham Kent |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Joy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Keith Melvin |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Louise Agnes |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Philip Dimitri |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Ray |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holmes, Warren (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holohan, William Francis |
1949-01 |
Holosi, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Holt, Andrew John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holt, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holt, Derek John |
1949-01 |
Holt, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Holt, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Holt Bailey, Jocelyn |
1949-01 |
Holter, Borre |
1949-01 |
Holton, Penny Lynn |
1949-01 |
Holvey, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Homer, James Michael |
1949-01 |
Homewood, Brian |
1949-01 |
Homewood, Brian Cannon |
1949-01 |
Homewood, James Brian |
1949-01 |
Honeybun, Judith Hilary |
1949-01 |
Honeywill, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hood, Charles Patrick |
1949-01 |
Hook, Doreen |
1949-01 |
Hook, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hooker, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hoole, Alan Roy |
1949-01 |
Hooley, Wendy Joan |
1949-01 |
Hooper, Christopher Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Hooper, Christopher Geoffrey Douglas |
1949-01 |
Hooper, David Sanford |
1949-01 |
Hooper, Emma (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hooper, Emma Charlotte |
1949-01 |
Hooper, Marie |
1949-01 |
Hooson, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hooton, Malcolm Alan |
1949-01 |
Hopcroft, Kevin Albert |
1949-01 |
Hopcroft, Robert James |
1949-01 |
Hope, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hope, Edward Valentine |
1949-01 |
Hope, John Meldrum |
1949-01 |
Hope, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hope, Valerie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hope-Stone, Michael Alexander John |
1949-01 |
Hopkin, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, Carolyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, David William Richard |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, Gillian Christine |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, John Antony |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, Keith Edwin |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hopkins, William Ian |
1949-01 |
Hopley, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hopley, Stuart John |
1949-01 |
Hopson, Alan Michael |
1949-01 |
Hopton, Colin Andrew |
1949-01 |
Hoque, Fatema |
1949-01 |
Horder, Heather |
1949-01 |
Horn, Helmut (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Horn, Susanann Fenton |
1949-01 |
Hornby, Dennis Reeve |
1949-01 |
Hornby, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Horncastle, John Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Horne, Janice Susan |
1949-01 |
Horne, Richard William |
1949-01 |
Horne, Ronald James |
1949-01 |
Horner, Brian Michael |
1949-01 |
Horner, Margaret Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Horner, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hornung, Franzotto |
1949-01 |
Hornung, Péter József |
1949-01 |
Horrocks, Susan |
1949-01 |
Horten, Alan Richard |
1949-01 |
Horton, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Horton, Trevor Andrew |
1949-01 |
Hortor, Robert James |
1949-01 |
Hosegood, Paulenne Ann Catherine |
1949-01 |
Hosking, Robin Michael |
1949-01 |
Hotham, Christopher Ernest John |
1949-01 |
Houben, Hartmut |
1949-01 |
Hough, Angela Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Hough, Derek |
1949-01 |
Hough, Derrick Stuart |
1949-01 |
Hough, James Arthur |
1949-01 |
Hough, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Houghin, Gemma Gertrude Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Houghton, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Houston, Lynne Christine |
1949-01 |
Houston, Paul Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Houwert, Johan Coenraad H F Van Hanxleden |
1949-01 |
How, John Philip |
1949-01 |
How, Richard Frederick Charles |
1949-01 |
Howard, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01-09 |
Howard, Christopher Warren |
1949-01 |
Howard, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howard, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howard, Peter Eric |
1949-01 |
Howard, Susan Dianne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howarth, Ray |
1949-01 |
Howchin, John Michael |
1949-01 |
Howcroft, Samuel Lewis |
1949-01 |
Howe, Graham Wilfrid |
1949-01 |
Howe, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howe, Joy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howe, Nicholas Andrew |
1949-01 |
Howe, Robert Jeffrey Charles |
1949-01 |
Howe Davies, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Howell, Jean Magaret |
1949-01 |
Howell, Michael Bernard |
1949-01 |
Howell, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howell, Pauline Winifred |
1949-01 |
Howells, Caroline |
1949-01 |
Howells, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howells, Loretta Naomi |
1949-01 |
Howes, Alan |
1949-01 |
Howes, Christopher Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Howes, Jonathan Isadore |
1949-01 |
Howie, Mary Ann |
1949-01 |
Howitt, Christopher Vaughan |
1949-01 |
Howlett, Ian Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Howlett, Michael David |
1949-01 |
Howley, Peter Douglas |
1949-01 |
Howsam, Janis Mary |
1949-01 |
Howsam, Trevor |
1949-01 |
Howson, John Evelyn |
1949-01 |
Huang, Chunjin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hubbard, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hubbard, Patricia Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Christopher Peter |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Doug |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Ian Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Hudson, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hudson, Susan Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hues McIlmoyle, Gordon |
1949-01 |
Huggins, Gabrielle Rosalie |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Aeron Watkins |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Catherine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Catherine Marion |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Chris (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Christopher Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Elizabeth A |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Emrys (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Jennifer Frances |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Malcolm Cyril |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Nora (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Peter Gabriel Paul |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Robert Arthur |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Robert Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, Susan Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hughes, William Howard |
1949-01 |
Hui, Yuk Kit Kitty |
1949-01 |
Huish, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Hulbert, Pauline |
1949-01 |
Hull, Gary Spencer |
1949-01 |
Hull, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hull, Norman (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hull, Peter Albert |
1949-01 |
Hulley, Janet Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Hulme, Ronald |
1949-01 |
Hulme, Ronald Brian |
1949-01 |
Humble, Robert James |
1949-01 |
Humble, Stephen Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hume, Anne Julia Anton |
1949-01 |
Hummel Newell, Jean |
1949-01 |
Humphrey, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Humphrey, Graham Hugh |
1949-01 |
Humphrey, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Humphrey, Roger Keith |
1949-01 |
Humphrey, Timothy James |
1949-01 |
Humphreys, Jill Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Humphreys, Paul Frederick |
1949-01 |
Humphries, Patricia Jane |
1949-01 |
Humphries, Richard Neil |
1949-01 |
Hung, Honlun |
1949-01 |
Hunjan, Gurmit |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Christopher Melvyn |
1949-01 |
Hunt, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Glenda Ruth |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Ian Roland |
1949-01 |
Hunt, John Gilbert |
1949-01 |
Hunt, John Roger |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Philip Henry |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Rodney Thomas |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Hunt, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Carol Susan |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Gloria |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunter, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunter, John Rotheram |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hunter, Nora Winifred |
1949-01 |
Huntley, Gillian Lesley |
1949-01 |
Huntley, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Huntley, Richard Bernard |
1949-01 |
Huntoon, Christopher Lindsey |
1949-01 |
Huntriss, Michael Graham |
1949-01 |
Hunwick, Stephen Arthur Foyle |
1949-01 |
Hur, Kwha Hyun |
1949-01 |
Hurford, Derek William |
1949-01 |
Hurkett, Janet Margery |
1949-01 |
Hurley, Barbara |
1949-01 |
Hurll, Nigel William |
1949-01 |
Hurrell, Beverley Ann |
1949-01 |
Hurrell, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hurrey, Peter Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Hursey, Lionel |
1949-01 |
Hursey, Lionel Joseph |
1949-01 |
Hurst, Joy Anita |
1949-01 |
Hurst, Lydia Hazel |
1949-01 |
Husain, Syed Zahid |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Ashiq (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Mukhtar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Munir (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Mussawar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Syed Muazzem (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussain, Tajamal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussein, Hassan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hussein, Shoukat |
1949-01 |
Hussey, Robert Michael Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Hutcheson, Albert Richard |
1949-01 |
Hutchings, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hutchins, Anita Betty |
1949-01 |
Hutchins, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hutchinson, Selina |
1949-01 |
Hutchinson, William David |
1949-01 |
Hutchinson, Yew Theng |
1949-01 |
Hutchison, Cheryl Florence Mary |
1949-01 |
Hutchison, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hutchison, Iain Clark |
1949-01 |
Hutter, Julian |
1949-01 |
Hutton, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hutton, Linda Susanne |
1949-01 |
Hutton, Martin Edward |
1949-01 |
Huzzard, Iain James |
1949-01 |
Hwang, Fen-In |
1949-01 |
Hwang, Sun-Uk |
1949-01 |
Hwang, Tzeng-Fu |
1949-01 |
Hyde, Deirdre |
1949-01 |
Hyde, George William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hyett, Suzanne |
1949-01 |
Hyett, Suzanne Linda |
1949-01 |
Hyland, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Hymas, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Hyne, Denis |
1949-01 |
Hynes, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Iamnenko, Mykhailo |
1949-01 |
Iball, Jillian Patricia |
1949-01 |
Ibbitson, Howard |
1949-01 |
Ickringill, Thomas |
1949-01 |
Ida, Ibrahim |
1949-01 |
Idil, Umit |
1949-01 |
Idowu-Fearon, Josiah |
1949-01 |
Idowu-Fearon, Josiah Atkins |
1949-01 |
Idrissi, Mhammed |
1949-01 |
Iftikhar, Keyani |
1949-01 |
Ijeh, Bernadette (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ikeda, Shigeru (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Illingworth, Angela Joyce |
1949-01 |
Illingworth, John Hemingway |
1949-01 |
Illingworth, Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ilott, Terence |
1949-01 |
Ilsley, Richard William |
1949-01 |
Iman, Erlangga Achmad |
1949-01 |
Imber, Hilary Joan |
1949-01 |
Inayathusein, Shabbir Mulla |
1949-01 |
Ingham, Charles Kevin Richard |
1949-01 |
Ingham, Peter Hartley |
1949-01 |
Ingham, Phillip Duncan Thomas |
1949-01 |
Ingham, Susanna |
1949-01 |
Ingles, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Inglis, Frances Ann |
1949-01 |
Inglis, John Bruce |
1949-01 |
Ingram, Amanda Susannah Winslow |
1949-01 |
Ingram, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ingram, Gilda Barbara |
1949-01 |
Ingram, Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ingram, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Inman, David Gaston |
1949-01 |
Innos, George |
1949-01 |
Inns, George Richard |
1949-01 |
Inoue, Osamu |
1949-01 |
Insley, Stephanie Philippa |
1949-01 |
Ioannou, Vasos Elia |
1949-01 |
Ionnaou, Vasos Elia |
1949-01 |
Ions, James William |
1949-01 |
Iqbal, Jawaid (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Iqbal, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Iqbal, Muhammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Iqbal, Zafar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Irons, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Irons, Susan Caroline |
1949-01 |
Irven, John |
1949-01 |
Irvine, Andrea |
1949-01 |
Irvine, John Dudley |
1949-01 |
Irvine, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Irvine, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Irving, Marion |
1949-01 |
Irving, Meryl Lyndon |
1949-01 |
Irwin, Michael Donald |
1949-01 |
Irwin Singer, Diana Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Isaac, Timothy Peter |
1949-01 |
Isherwood, Karen Lynn |
1949-01 |
Ishfaq, Muhammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ishida, Yasushi |
1949-01 |
Islam, Mohammed Nazrul Miah |
1949-01-01 |
Islam, Muhammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Islam, Nurun Nahar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Isle, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
Islip, Donald James |
1949-01 |
Islip, Robert Stanley |
1949-01 |
Isobe, Hisato |
1949-01 |
Ison, Linda Shirley |
1949-01 |
Issa, Mohammed Tawfik |
1949-01 |
Issacharoff, Patricia Anne |
1949-01 |
Ivanov, Kirill Nikolaevich |
1949-01 |
Iveson, Norman |
1949-01 |
Iwaskiw, Stefan |
1949-01 |
Izmailov, Tagir |
1949-01 |
Izmaylov, Tagir Kadirovich |
1949-01 |
Jabble, Harvinder Kaur |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Clifford William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Dean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Derek Reginald |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Diana Margaret |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Lindsay Jean |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Michael Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Michael Albert William |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Michael Ingram |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Michael Roland (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Michael Vivian |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Peter Eric |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Peter James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Rhoanna |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Richard John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Rosemary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jackson, Sheila |
1949-01 |
Jackson, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jacob, Elizabeth Iris |
1949-01 |
Jacob, Stanislaus Frederick |
1949-01 |
Jacobs, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jacobs, Robin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jacobson, Edward |
1949-01 |
Jacques, Geoff |
1949-01 |
Jacques, Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Jacques, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jacques, Michael Paul |
1949-01 |
Jacques, Philippe Paul Joseph |
1949-01 |
Jadeja, Ashok Kumar |
1949-01 |
Jadeja, Ashokkumar |
1949-01 |
Jaffrey, George Fowler |
1949-01 |
Jaffy, Stanley Allen |
1949-01 |
Jalalabadi, Rabia |
1949-01 |
Jalland, Peter Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Jalley, Antoine Lucien Shane |
1949-01 |
James, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Bryn |
1949-01 |
James, Cynthia Louise |
1949-01 |
James, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, David Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Gillian Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, John Coram |
1949-01 |
James, John Lyndon |
1949-01 |
James, Joseph Francis |
1949-01 |
James, Judith Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Ronald William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
James, Sheila Anne |
1949-01 |
James, Wyndham Nicholas |
1949-01 |
James, Zeal |
1949-01 |
Jamieson, Gillian Clare |
1949-01 |
Jamieson, Ivar Douglas |
1949-01 |
Jamieson, Robert Gordon |
1949-01 |
Jan, Tariq (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Janes, Carol (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Janes, Martin Philip |
1949-01 |
Janion, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Janz, Heiko Franz |
1949-01 |
Janz, Sonia Binodime |
1949-01 |
Jaques, Irene |
1949-01 |
Jardine, David Hanlon |
1949-01 |
Jardine, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jarman, David Albert |
1949-01 |
Jarrett, Peter Eric |
1949-01 |
Jarvis, Alvin Randall |
1949-01 |
Jarvis, John William |
1949-01 |
Jarvis, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Javed, Abid (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jaworski, Zdzislaw Wladyslaw |
1949-01 |
Jay, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jay, John Roy |
1949-01 |
Jayasealan, Navaratnam |
1949-01 |
Jayasealan, Vithilingam Navaratnam |
1949-01 |
Jaye, Anne |
1949-01 |
Jeal, Michael William John |
1949-01 |
Jee, Dennis Leonard |
1949-01 |
Jeffels, Christopher Leonard |
1949-01 |
Jeffers, Kevin |
1949-01 |
Jeffers, Margaret Edith Mary |
1949-01 |
Jeffrey, Michael Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jeffrey, Mohammad Afzal |
1949-01 |
Jeffrey, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jeffries, Catherine Christina |
1949-01 |
Jeffries, Sheila Mary |
1949-01 |
Jellicoe, Michael John |
1949-01-01 |
Jellings, Francis Henry |
1949-01 |
Jelly, Geoffrey Brian |
1949-01 |
Jemal, Sheniz |
1949-01 |
Jemson, Keiko |
1949-01 |
Jena, Kalyan Coomar |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Alice Daphne |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Eddie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Edward Rae |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Gwynne |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Gwynne Morgan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, John Parry |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Martin Francis |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Nicholas Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Robert Hugh Mitchell |
1949-01 |
Jenkins, Steven James |
1949-01 |
Jenkinson, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jenner, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Jenner, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Jennings, Carol Mary |
1949-01 |
Jennings, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jennins, Dianne Ross |
1949-01 |
Jenssen, Svein Erik |
1949-01 |
Jenvey, Christopher William |
1949-01 |
Jeonney, Angela June |
1949-01 |
Jephcott, William Harry |
1949-01 |
Jepps, Stephen Andrew |
1949-01 |
Jepson, Paul Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jermy, Lorraine Carol |
1949-01 |
Jerozalski, Jerzy |
1949-01 |
Jessa, Manzur Hussein |
1949-01 |
Jesse, Klaus Norbert |
1949-01 |
Jessop, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jessup, Yvonne May |
1949-01 |
Jesuthasan, Emmanuel |
1949-01 |
Jevens, John William Thomas |
1949-01 |
Jewell, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jewitt, Liliana Claudia |
1949-01 |
Jewkes, Janice |
1949-01 |
Jewson, Robert Hugh |
1949-01 |
Jiang, Meizhen |
1949-01 |
Jimenez, Miguel |
1949-01 |
Jitoku, Tadashi |
1949-01 |
Jivan-Patel, Harilal |
1949-01 |
Jobling, Peter Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Jogara, Ladakuben |
1949-01 |
Johal, Ajmail Singh |
1949-01 |
Johal, Hardev Singh |
1949-01 |
Johal, Mohinder Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johansson, Leif Ingemar |
1949-01 |
John, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johns, Brian David Charles |
1949-01 |
Johns, Roy David |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Alan George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Allen Walter |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Arthur Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, George Ashton |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Gerald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Gordon Charles |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Graham Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Ian Nigel |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Ian Robert Thomas |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Jennifer Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Kent Robert |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Margaret Johnstone |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Patricia Mary |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Peter Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Richard Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Sheila Lorraine |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Simon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Timothy Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnson, Tom (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnston, David Edwin |
1949-01 |
Johnston, Hilda Anne |
1949-01 |
Johnston, James Gordon |
1949-01 |
Johnston, James Scott (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnston, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnston, Walter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Johnstone, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jolliffe, Howard Spencer |
1949-01 |
Jolly, Dennis |
1949-01 |
Jolly, Victor |
1949-01 |
Jones, Alan Earl |
1949-01 |
Jones, Alan Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Ann Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Ann Marie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Barbara Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Bryan Edwin |
1949-01 |
Jones, Carol (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Cheryl (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Christine Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Christine Diane |
1949-01 |
Jones, Christine Janice |
1949-01 |
Jones, Clive Ernest |
1949-01 |
Jones, Clive William |
1949-01 |
Jones, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Colin Ernest |
1949-01 |
Jones, Colin Stanley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Colin Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Cridwen Mary |
1949-01 |
Jones, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, David Brian Wynne |
1949-01 |
Jones, David Glyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, David Lloyd (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Derick |
1949-01 |
Jones, Francis Cynfyn |
1949-01 |
Jones, Gareth Leslie |
1949-01 |
Jones, Gareth Wyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Gillian Rutherford |
1949-01 |
Jones, Glyn Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Gwynfor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Helen Wyn |
1949-01 |
Jones, Helena Claire |
1949-01 |
Jones, Joan Janet |
1949-01 |
Jones, John Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, John Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, John Ronald |
1949-01 |
Jones, John Wyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Kathleen Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Keith Norman (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Lynda Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Margaret Enlli |
1949-01 |
Jones, Mari Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Jones, Maria Ann |
1949-01 |
Jones, Marie-Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Michael Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Morris Hilton |
1949-01 |
Jones, Neil Henry |
1949-01 |
Jones, Philip Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Reginald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Richard Ivor Bartlett |
1949-01 |
Jones, Richard Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Richard William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Robert Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Robert Cledwyn |
1949-01 |
Jones, Robert Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Robin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Roger Leslie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Ronald Frederick |
1949-01 |
Jones, Ronald Paul |
1949-01 |
Jones, Sandra Louise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Sayed Phillip |
1949-01 |
Jones, Stephen Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, Tirion |
1949-01 |
Jones, Trefor Glyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones, William Dewi |
1949-01 |
Jones, William Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jones Powell, Gloria |
1949-01 |
Jong, Koon Sang 莊冠生 |
1949-01-21 |
Joorabchian, Shahrzad |
1949-01 |
Joos, Siegfried |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Ann Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jordan, John Francis |
1949-01 |
Jordan, John Richard |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Juliet Mary |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Keith Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Kenneth Charles |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jordan, Richard Charles |
1949-01 |
Joseph, Garry Brian |
1949-01 |
Joseph, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joseph, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Joseph, Reena (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joseph, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Josephides, Noel Christie Luciano (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joshi, Balmukund Prasad |
1949-01 |
Jowett, Christine |
1949-01 |
Joyce, Edward John |
1949-01 |
Joyce, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joyce, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joyce, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joyce, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Joyce, Stephen Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Jukes, Brian |
1949-01 |
Julian, Malcolm Keith |
1949-01 |
Juliber, Lois |
1949-01 |
Jung, Hans-Peter |
1949-01 |
Juranville, Benoit |
1949-01 |
Jurgen, Betz |
1949-01 |
Jury, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Justin, Jane |
1949-01 |
Jutla, Jatinder Kaur |
1949-01 |
Kaasmann, Hinrich |
1949-01 |
Kacem, Debar |
1949-01 |
Kadir, Meral |
1949-01 |
Kafetz, Marion Linda |
1949-01 |
Kageyama, Mahito (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kaiser, Hans-Joachim |
1949-01 |
Kaishima, Kazuo |
1949-01 |
Kajiwara, Kenji (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kalantri, Vijay |
1949-01 |
Kalde, Klaus |
1949-01 |
Kalemkerian, Michael Dickran |
1949-01 |
Kalinin, Ivan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kallha, Kewal Singh |
1949-01 |
Kallstrand, Bo |
1949-01 |
Kalsi, Gurdip Singh |
1949-01 |
Kalyani, Babasaheb Neelkanth |
1949-01 |
Kamarudin, Julaina |
1949-01 |
Kaminski, Eva |
1949-01 |
Kamoda, Osamu |
1949-01 |
Kamstrup, Leif |
1949-01 |
Kamthan, Adarsh Kumar |
1949-01 |
Kane, Avis E |
1949-01 |
Kanth, Surrinder Kaur |
1949-01 |
Kao, Min Hwan |
1949-01 |
Kapasi, Anwarali Akbarali |
1949-01 |
Kar, Rolf |
1949-01 |
Karakchiev, Oleg Petrovich |
1949-01 |
Karakchiyev, Oleg Petrovitch |
1949-01 |
Karatay, Ilyas |
1949-01 |
Karolak, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Karpynec, Walter |
1949-01 |
Karwatka, Leszek Antoni |
1949-01 |
Kasprowicz, Kathleen Elspeth |
1949-01 |
Katsube, Hideo |
1949-01 |
Kaufler, Dominic Barney |
1949-01 |
Kaur, Gurmit (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kaur, Jaswinder (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kaur, Surinder (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kavanagh, John Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kavanagh, Paul Marshall |
1949-01 |
Kawabata, Yoshihiro |
1949-01 |
Kawakami, Joji |
1949-01 |
Kawasaki, Hideaki |
1949-01 |
Kawase, Kazuhito |
1949-01 |
Kawayoke, Shinichi |
1949-01 |
Kay, Brian Terence |
1949-01 |
Kay, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kay, Edmund (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kay, Jean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kay, Marilyn Frances |
1949-01 |
Kayani, Rabnawaz |
1949-01 |
Kean, Robert Hogg |
1949-01 |
Kearney, Patrick Joseph |
1949-01 |
Kearney, Ruth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Keast, Christopher David |
1949-01 |
Keates, Brian Edward |
1949-01 |
Keefe, Jane Mary |
1949-01 |
Keegan, Francis Joseph |
1949-01 |
Keeley, Raymond John |
1949-01 |
Keeley, Ronald Stanley |
1949-01 |
Keeling, Gauri |
1949-01 |
Keen, Brian James |
1949-01 |
Keen, George Henry |
1949-01 |
Keen, Susan Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Keenan, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Keenan, Paul Herbert |
1949-01 |
Kehoe, Carole |
1949-01 |
Kehoe, Edward Joseph |
1949-01 |
Kehoe, James Richard |
1949-01 |
Keighley, Paul Leonard |
1949-01 |
Keighley, Robert Edward |
1949-01 |
Keightley, Carolyn |
1949-01 |
Keir, Allan |
1949-01 |
Keith, Charles Paul |
1949-01 |
Keith, Lloyd |
1949-01 |
Kekhia, Susan |
1949-01 |
Keles, Hassan |
1949-01 |
Kelleher, Tim |
1949-01 |
Kelleher, Timothy Scott |
1949-01 |
Kellner, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Aiphonsus |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Alphonsus |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Alphonsus Dominic |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Edward Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Janice (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, John Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Josephine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Mary Margaret Janice |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Patrick Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Ronald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Ronald Sylvester |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kelly, Terry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kemeny, Ibolya |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kemp, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Maya Dobraswava Maszewska |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Roger Frank |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Roy Frederick |
1949-01 |
Kemp, Stephen William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kempshall, Anthony Glennard |
1949-01 |
Kemshall, Anthony Leonard |
1949-01 |
Kemwal, Dharam Pal |
1949-01 |
Kemwal, Paul Dharam Pal |
1949-01 |
Kendall, Elizabeth Kate |
1949-01 |
Kendall, John Douglas |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Frank (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Gerard Joseph |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Islay Joy |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Robert Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kennedy, Roger Ian Laurence |
1949-01 |
Kenner, Stanley Trevor |
1949-01 |
Kennett, David Henry |
1949-01 |
Kennington, Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Kenny, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kenny, Lynda Elizabeth Mary |
1949-01 |
Kenny, Therese Pauline |
1949-01 |
Kent, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kent, Steven (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kenyon, Catherine Doris |
1949-01 |
Kenyon, Michael James |
1949-01 |
Kenyon, Roger Norton |
1949-01 |
Keogh, Helen Maria |
1949-01 |
Kerin, Jennifer Mary |
1949-01 |
Kernoghan, Sarah |
1949-01 |
Kerr, Allan Alexander |
1949-01 |
Kerr, Christine Mary Agnes |
1949-01 |
Kerr, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kerridge, Virginia Prudence |
1949-01 |
Kershaw, Alan David |
1949-01 |
Kershaw, David Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kershaw, Graham Delwyn |
1949-01 |
Kershaw, John Everard |
1949-01 |
Kessler, Hildegard |
1949-01 |
Kestenbaum, Stuart |
1949-01 |
Kestenbaum, Stuart Alan |
1949-01 |
Ketley, Roy Arthur |
1949-01 |
Kew, Geraldine Diane |
1949-01 |
Key, Charles Aston (1949) |
1949-01 |
Keys, Lynnette Carleen |
1949-01 |
Keys, Richard Sebastian |
1949-01 |
Khadem, Faraneh Vargha |
1949-01 |
Khalsa, Sopurkh Kaur |
1949-01 |
Khamas, Astrid Kerstin |
1949-01 |
Khan, Azad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Iqbal Ali (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Lord Iqbal Ali |
1949-01 |
Khan, Mohammed Azad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Muhammed Azad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Sajawal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Sardar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khan, Usman (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Khashu, Nirmal |
1949-01 |
Khateeb, Abdullah |
1949-01 |
Khuja, Abdul |
1949-01 |
Khuja, Abdule Quayum |
1949-01 |
Khurl, Harbans Kaur |
1949-01 |
Kiai, Parvaneh |
1949-01 |
Kidby, Ann Lilian |
1949-01 |
Kidner, Josephine Gail |
1949-01 |
Kidwell, Albert Arthur |
1949-01 |
Kiely, Susannah |
1949-01 |
Kiggundu, Michael Tamale |
1949-01 |
Kijima, Akira |
1949-01 |
Kilby, Barry |
1949-01 |
Kilby, Barry Charles |
1949-01 |
Kilner, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kilroy, Patricia |
1949-01 |
Kilty, Priscilla Kay |
1949-01 |
Kimber, Edwin Barry |
1949-01 |
Kimber, Marian Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Kindell, Angela |
1949-01 |
Kindred, Jane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
King, Andrew Bryan |
1949-01 |
King, Carolyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, David Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Gail Margaret |
1949-01 |
King, Geoffrey Frederick John |
1949-01 |
King, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Irene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Maureen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Philip Robert |
1949-01 |
King, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
King, Zoe (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kingsbury, Robert Eric John |
1949-01 |
Kingswell, Steven Alan |
1949-01 |
Kingwell, Celia Margaret |
1949-01 |
Kingwell, Norman Derek |
1949-01 |
Kinkaid, Carol |
1949-01 |
Kinkead, Carolann |
1949-01 |
Kintish, Trudie Sybil |
1949-01 |
Kirby, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kircher, Hans-Friedrich |
1949-01 |
Kirisri, Napha |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Christine Anne |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Edward James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Julie Ann |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Margaret Susan Melina |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kirk, Susan Nicola |
1949-01 |
Kirkby, Janice |
1949-01 |
Kirke, Charles Mackenzie St George |
1949-01 |
Kirkham, Brian James |
1949-01 |
Kirkham, Susan Carol |
1949-01 |
Kirkland, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kirkpatrick, William Alexander |
1949-01 |
Kirner, Melvyn William |
1949-01 |
Kirrelly, Stephen John |
1949-01 |
Kirsch, Hilary |
1949-01 |
Kirton-Darling, Hugh Fenwick Ridley |
1949-01 |
Kisaichi, Akio |
1949-01 |
Kissin, Ashley Stephen |
1949-01 |
Kitchen, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kitchen, John Fleming |
1949-01 |
Kitchen, Ronald James |
1949-01 |
Kitchener, John Morriss |
1949-01 |
Kitson, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kitt, Stuart William |
1949-01 |
Kitteridge, Roger |
1949-01 |
Kiuchi, Noriaki |
1949-01 |
Kjeve, Per |
1949-01 |
Kleinhandler, Mitchell |
1949-01 |
Kligerman, Jeffrey Leon |
1949-01 |
Kliot, David |
1949-01 |
Klose, Klaus-Dieter |
1949-01 |
Klug, Brian |
1949-01 |
Knaapen, Henricus Johannes Josephus |
1949-01 |
Knapp, Conroy David |
1949-01 |
Knapp, Paul Richard |
1949-01 |
Kneafsey, Philip |
1949-01 |
Knee, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kneuss, Roger |
1949-01 |
Knibbs, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Knight, Ashley Roger |
1949-01 |
Knight, Barry James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Knight, Colin Andrew |
1949-01 |
Knight, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Knight, David Patrick |
1949-01 |
Knight, Joan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Knight, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Knight, John Paul Baille |
1949-01 |
Knight, Lilian Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Knight, Owen William |
1949-01 |
Knights, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Knights, Ian Bruce |
1949-01 |
Knights, Ian David |
1949-01 |
Knipe, David Philip |
1949-01 |
Knott, Ian Thomas |
1949-01 |
Knotwell, Edward Warren |
1949-01 |
Knowles, Malcolm William |
1949-01 |
Knowlson, Harvey John |
1949-01 |
Kobayashi, Masanori (1949) |
1949-01 |
Kobayashi, Shuichi |
1949-01 |
Kobylecki, Ryszard Jurek |
1949-01 |
Kockott, John Douglas |
1949-01 |
Koehler, Alfons |
1949-01 |
Kofod, Poul |
1949-01 |
Kohn, Simon Walley |
1949-01 |
Kolbeinshavn, Arne Gunnar |
1949-01 |
Komar, Robert Henryk |
1949-01 |
Konczewski, Stanislaw |
1949-01 |
Koning, Gerrit Hendrik |
1949-01 |
Kontoyannis, Apostolos |
1949-01 |
Koo, Ja Sam |
1949-01 |
Koor, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Kooros, Vahid |
1949-01 |
Koppers, Wilhelmus |
1949-01 |
Korchinsky, George |
1949-01 |
Korniyenko, Anatoliy |
1949-01 |
Kosin, Robert Paul |
1949-01 |
Koslowski, Zbigniew Wieslaw Edward |
1949-01 |
Kostanyan, Kostyantyn |
1949-01 |
Kostulin, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Kotecha, Balubhai |
1949-01 |
Kotecha, Narendra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kott, Stanley John |
1949-01 |
Kowalski, Zbigniew Janusz |
1949-01 |
Kozik, Jerome Matthew |
1949-01 |
Kramer, Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Kramo, Agatha |
1949-01 |
Kramskoy, Adrian |
1949-01 |
Krauss, Ottmar |
1949-01 |
Krioukidis, Vitalios |
1949-01 |
Krishan, Dilip |
1949-01-07 |
Kristensson, Clas Olov Kjell |
1949-01 |
Kritzler, Dov Bernard |
1949-01 |
Krivine, John Jason |
1949-01 |
Kryukov, Vitaly |
1949-01 |
Krywawych, Paula Elin Kaarina |
1949-01 |
Kubalska, Diana |
1949-01 |
Kuendinger, Werner |
1949-01 |
Kuffeler, John Philip De Blocq Van |
1949-01 |
Kuflik, Bernard Ian |
1949-01 |
Kugota, Motohiro |
1949-01 |
Kuki, Takakuni |
1949-01 |
Kuler, Jane |
1949-01 |
Kumar, Chawla Vinod |
1949-01 |
Kumar, Vijay (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kundu, Hilary Joyce |
1949-01 |
Kunz, George Stanley |
1949-01 |
Kupfer, Hans R |
1949-01 |
Kurian, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kurien, George Verghese (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Kurrein, Piers Mark |
1949-01 |
Kurt-Elli, Mustafa Demiray |
1949-01 |
Kurum, Nusret |
1949-01 |
Kuskner, Soren |
1949-01 |
Kutner, Michael David |
1949-01 |
Kvello, Yulaine |
1949-01 |
Kysow, Alicia |
1949-01 |
Kyte, Dianne Mary |
1949-01 |
Kyte, Peter Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Lacey, Anthony Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lacey, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lacey, Michael Alex |
1949-01 |
Lacey, Raymond John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lachenauer, Eckhard |
1949-01 |
Lachenauer, Hanns Eckhard Walter |
1949-01 |
Lachlan, Cacilia Maria |
1949-01 |
Lacy, Robert Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ladkin, Christopher |
1949-01 |
Laempe, Joachim |
1949-01 |
Lagan, Kathleen Philomena |
1949-01 |
Lagor, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Laidlaw, George Hugh |
1949-01 |
Laidlaw, Robert Ian |
1949-01 |
Laidler, Piotr Maria |
1949-01 |
Laidler, Roy |
1949-01 |
Laing, David James |
1949-01 |
Laing, Sibella |
1949-01 |
Laing, Sibella Churchward |
1949-01 |
Laird, Dorothy Joan |
1949-01 |
Lake, Grant Mcdonald |
1949-01 |
Lake, John Burton |
1949-01 |
Lake, Lesley Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Lake, Patricia Ann |
1949-01 |
Lake, Roger William |
1949-01 |
Lakha, Ram Parkash |
1949-01 |
Lakhani, Bhupendra Vithaldas |
1949-01 |
Lakin, Robert Thomas |
1949-01 |
Lakin, Trevor George |
1949-01 |
Lal, Shri Jawaharlal Varma |
1949-01 |
Lamb, Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lamb, George William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lamb, Ian Gordon |
1949-01 |
Lamb, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lamb, Victoria (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lamberg, Peter Adrian |
1949-01 |
Lambert, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lambert, John Eric |
1949-01 |
Lambert, John Leslie |
1949-01 |
Lamborn, Peter Newton |
1949-01 |
Lamey, David Robert |
1949-01 |
Lamford, Susan Kate |
1949-01 |
Lancaster, Michael George |
1949-01 |
Lancaster, Robert Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lancey, Richard Henry |
1949-01 |
Land, Anthony Clive |
1949-01 |
Landam, Jean-Michel |
1949-01 |
Landau, Geoffrey Herman |
1949-01 |
Lande, Aase |
1949-01 |
Landes, Susan Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Lane, Anthony David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lane, Geoffrey Dennis |
1949-01 |
Lang, Archibald |
1949-01 |
Lang, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lang, Bryan |
1949-01 |
Lang, Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lang, Sally Ann |
1949-01 |
Langford, Eunice Carol |
1949-01 |
Langford, Margarete |
1949-01 |
Langford, Michael Owen |
1949-01 |
Langford, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Langford, Sheila Margaret |
1949-01 |
Langlands, Alan Dickson |
1949-01 |
Langley, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Langley, Bronwyn |
1949-01 |
Langner, Bernd Emil |
1949-01 |
Langworthy, Pamela |
1949-01 |
Lanigan, Noel |
1949-01 |
Lankester, William John |
1949-01 |
Lansdell, Suzanne |
1949-01 |
Lapatrie, Peter Wilfred |
1949-01 |
Laren, Rosalyn |
1949-01 |
Large, Jeremy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Larkman, Doreen |
1949-01 |
Larmour, Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Larner, Carlton James |
1949-01 |
Lasalvia, Vincenzo |
1949-01 |
Lashmar, Robert |
1949-01 |
Last, Christine Mary |
1949-01 |
Latham, Frederick Stanley David |
1949-01 |
Latham, Stephen Richard |
1949-01 |
Lathrope, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Latif, Faiza Fiaz (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Latif, Mohammad (1949-01) |
1949-01-30 |
Latif, Mohammad Fiaz |
1949-01 |
Latif, Mohammed Fiaz (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lau, Doris Choi Sau Lin |
1949-01 |
Lau, Nuk Nang |
1949-01 |
Lau, Terry |
1949-01 |
Lauder, Alexander Leithead |
1949-01 |
Laurence, Elizabeth Anne |
1949-01 |
Lavelle, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lavender, Maria |
1949-01 |
Laver, Gillian Margaret |
1949-01 |
Laver, Stewart |
1949-01 |
Laverty, Dennis Joseph |
1949-01 |
Laverty, Michael Francis |
1949-01 |
Laverty, Walter Joseph Robert |
1949-01 |
Lavery, Sue |
1949-01 |
Lavi, Beeri |
1949-01 |
Law, Barry Fred |
1949-01 |
Law, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Law, John Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Law, Michael Gustav Simon |
1949-01 |
Lawes, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Andrew Stewart |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Daniel William Robert |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, David Ross |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Dorothy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Frances (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Geoffery |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Roland Tudor |
1949-01 |
Lawrence, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawrenson, William Francis |
1949-01 |
Lawrie, David Robert |
1949-01 |
Lawrinson, Garry |
1949-01 |
Lawson, Carol Joan |
1949-01 |
Lawson, John Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lawson, Paul Ronald |
1949-01 |
Lawson, Sheila Bernadette |
1949-01 |
Lawson, Susan Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Lawton, Heather (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lay, Joan Barbara |
1949-01 |
Laycock, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Laycock, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Layton, Helen MacLean |
1949-01 |
Lazell, Dennis Albert |
1949-01 |
Lazinski, Jerzy |
1949-01 |
Le Grys, Philip James Mansel |
1949-01 |
Le Metais, Joanna Petra Fransisca Maria |
1949-01 |
Lea, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leach, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leach, Malcolm Frederick |
1949-01 |
Leach, Peter Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Leach, Robert Edward |
1949-01 |
Leach, Terence Raymond |
1949-01 |
Leahy, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leake, Duncan Burton |
1949-01 |
Leam, John |
1949-01 |
Lean, Nicholas John |
1949-01 |
Leandre, Arthur Stephen |
1949-01 |
Lebeau, Pascal |
1949-01 |
Leckie, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leclerc, Francis |
1949-01 |
Lecomte, Michel |
1949-01 |
Ledesma, Gerardo |
1949-01 |
Ledger, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Brian Dean |
1949-01 |
Lee, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Desmond J |
1949-01 |
Lee, Diane Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, James Yoke |
1949-01 |
Lee, John Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, John Stephen |
1949-01 |
Lee, Julia Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Martin William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Maylin |
1949-01 |
Lee, Peter Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lee, Wing Sau |
1949-01 |
Lee, Yoke |
1949-01 |
Leech, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leech, Lynn Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Leek, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Lees, Jennifer Dolores |
1949-01 |
Lees, Joan |
1949-01 |
Lees, Margaret Lesley |
1949-01 |
Lees, Victoria Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lees-Smith, Sally Christiana |
1949-01 |
Legrove, Robert |
1949-01 |
Lehman, Mark |
1949-01 |
Leiden, Warren R |
1949-01 |
Leifer, John |
1949-01 |
Leigh, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leigh, John Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leigh, Larry Alfred |
1949-01 |
Leigh, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leighton, Norma |
1949-01 |
Leitch, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Leiviman, Alexandre |
1949-01 |
Lelliott, Diane Veronica |
1949-01 |
Lemon, Liz |
1949-01 |
Lemos Salvo, Alberto |
1949-01 |
Lemos Salvo, Alberto Daniel |
1949-01 |
Lenard, Dennis John |
1949-01 |
Lennon, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lennuyeux Vergier, Etienne Yves |
1949-01 |
Lennuyeux-Vergier, Etienne |
1949-01 |
Lenstra, Anton |
1949-01 |
Lentin, Margaret Elaine |
1949-01 |
Leon, Bernard Raymond |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Brian John |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Charles H |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Linda Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Pauline |
1949-01 |
Leonard, Tania |
1949-01 |
Leonardo, Paul |
1949-01 |
Lepage, Peter Hubertus Carel Ferdinand |
1949-01 |
Leslie, David Iain |
1949-01 |
Lester, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lester, Jeffrey Michael Thomas |
1949-01 |
Lester, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 梁以德 |
1949-01 |
Levack, James Duncan |
1949-01 |
Levell, Katherine Roberta |
1949-01 |
Levelle, Elizabeth Anne |
1949-01 |
Levene, Shirley Anne |
1949-01 |
Lever, Judith Rose |
1949-01 |
Levers, Colin |
1949-01 |
Levin, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Levine, Hilda |
1949-01 |
Levine, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Levine, Michael Anthony |
1949-01 |
Levine, Rob |
1949-01 |
Levinson, Stephen Michael |
1949-01 |
Levy, Brian Perry |
1949-01 |
Levy, Carol (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Levy, Carole (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewent, Judith Carol |
1949-01 |
Lewent, Judy |
1949-01 |
Lewent, Judy Carol |
1949-01 |
Lewington, Roger Victor |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Bryan Edward |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Carolyn Mary |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Carrie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Cheryl (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Clifford Arthur |
1949-01 |
Lewis, David John Wildsmith |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Hilary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Jeanette (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Kelvin Victor |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Owen John Rhys |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Peter James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Richard Reginald |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Roger Derek |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Roger Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Roger William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Sally Verena |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Tegwen |
1949-01 |
Lewis, Thomas Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis, William Gwyn (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lewis-Jones, David Iwan |
1949-01 |
Lewis-Jones, Patricia Helen |
1949-01 |
Leydon, Raymond Patrick |
1949-01 |
Leys, Angela |
1949-01 |
Leytham, David John |
1949-01 |
Lezza, Fulvio |
1949-01 |
Li, Qun Bi |
1949-01 |
Li, Qunbi |
1949-01 |
Liddel, Alasdair |
1949-01 |
Liddell, Alasdair |
1949-01 |
Liddy, Daniel Anthony |
1949-01 |
Lidher, Nirmal |
1949-01 |
Lidster, Terence |
1949-01 |
Lidster, Terence Paul |
1949-01 |
Liebeskind, Jack Leopold |
1949-01 |
Lifford, Edward James Wingfield |
1949-01 |
Light, David James |
1949-01 |
Lightbown, Susan |
1949-01 |
Lighte, Peter Rupert |
1949-01 |
Lilley, Will |
1949-01 |
Lillistone, Colin Philip |
1949-01 |
Lim, Samie |
1949-01 |
Lin, Yuguang |
1949-01 |
Lind, Anne Gerd |
1949-01 |
Linder, Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Lindsay, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lindsay, Irene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Linehan, Daniel William |
1949-01 |
Lines, Malcolm Peter |
1949-01 |
Lingard, David John |
1949-01 |
Lipnick, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Lippett, Anne Marie Francoise Louis |
1949-01 |
Lipson, Robert Lionel |
1949-01 |
Liptrott, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Lisi, Gerardo |
1949-01 |
Lisle II, Howard Bonnette |
1949-01 |
List, Jean |
1949-01 |
Lister, Maureen Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Litherland, Ian |
1949-01 |
Little, Ann Pauline |
1949-01 |
Little, Carol Ann |
1949-01 |
Little, Christopher Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Little, Colin William |
1949-01 |
Little, Ray Alfred |
1949-01 |
Little, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Littlechild, David Howard |
1949-01 |
Littlefield, Pamela Jane |
1949-01 |
Littlefield, Peter Ernest |
1949-01 |
Littleford, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Littler, Gwynneth Doreen Ann |
1949-01 |
Littler, Isabell |
1949-01 |
Littler, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Liu, Chi-Kwong |
1949-01 |
Liu, Guoxin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Liu, Lin-Kwok |
1949-01 |
Liu, Shih-Pin |
1949-01 |
Livesey, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Llewellyn, Christine Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Benjamin William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, James Godfrey |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Jennifer Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Ken |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Kenneth John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Peter Reid |
1949-01 |
Lloyd, Watkin Emyr |
1949-01 |
Lloyd-Barber, Lynn |
1949-01 |
Lo Monaco, Antonino |
1949-01 |
Lober, Richard |
1949-01 |
Loch, Andrew Iain |
1949-01 |
Loch, Stephen Gordon |
1949-01 |
Lock, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lock, Raymond Paul |
1949-01 |
Locke, Ingebjorg Jane |
1949-01 |
Locke, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Locke, Janet Christine |
1949-01 |
Locke, Jennifer Anne |
1949-01 |
Lockett, Alan |
1949-01 |
Lockett, Derek Ronald |
1949-01 |
Lockhart, Richard Allan Eliott |
1949-01 |
Lockley, Cheryl Phyliss |
1949-01 |
Lockwood, Carol Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lockwood, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lockwood, Michael Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lodge, Brian John |
1949-01 |
Loeffler, Maria-Theresia |
1949-01 |
Loffman, Malcolm George |
1949-01 |
Lofthouse, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Loftus, Nicholas Mark Ashley |
1949-01 |
Loftus, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Logan, William Francis |
1949-01 |
Loganathan, Kandasamy |
1949-01 |
Logdon, Keith Mallcolm |
1949-01 |
Logonowicz, Wladyslaw Franciszek |
1949-01 |
Logue, Hugh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Loh, Lye Yong |
1949-01 |
Lohrisch, Hans-Joachim |
1949-01 |
Lomas, David George Edward |
1949-01 |
Lomax, Paul Stanley |
1949-01-30 |
Lomax, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lombardo, Louis Michael |
1949-01 |
Lomonaco, Antonino |
1949-01 |
Lonergan, Doreen Jean |
1949-01 |
Lonergan, Terence Maurice William |
1949-01 |
Long, Dugald Ernest Wilson |
1949-01 |
Long, Gordon Graham |
1949-01 |
Long, James Peter |
1949-01 |
Long, Kenneth Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Long, Richard Alan |
1949-01 |
Long, Robert George |
1949-01 |
Long, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Longley, David Robert |
1949-01 |
Longley, Doreen Elaine |
1949-01 |
Longley, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Longmore, Heather Christine |
1949-01 |
Lonie, John |
1949-01 |
Lonsdale, Howard |
1949-01 |
Lopez-Fanjul Arguelles, Gonzalo |
1949-01 |
Lord, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Lord, Anthony Michael |
1949-01 |
Lord, Tony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lorford, Paul |
1949-01 |
Lorimer, Keith Francis |
1949-01 |
Lorimer-Bate, Janet Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Loring, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Loucas, Paraskezas Panteli |
1949-01 |
Louch, John |
1949-01 |
Loughlin, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Loughrey, Noel |
1949-01 |
Loughrey, Noel Peter |
1949-01 |
Lound, Margaret Elaine |
1949-01 |
Lovatt, John Graham |
1949-01 |
Love, Bernard |
1949-01 |
Lovell, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Low, Harold William |
1949-01 |
Lowden, Celia Margaret |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowe, David Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Ethel Maureen |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Gordon (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowe, John Christopher |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Kathleen Cecilia |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Keith Robert |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Michael William Allan |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Peter Anthony |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Thomas Alan |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Valerie Joan |
1949-01 |
Lowe, Vincent (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowell, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowell, David Elliott |
1949-01 |
Lownsborough, Dilys Christine |
1949-01 |
Lowry, Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Lowry, Rosemary Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lowry, Samuel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Loyd, David William Arnold |
1949-01-04 |
Lu, Changren |
1949-01 |
Lucas, Benjamin Mark |
1949-01 |
Lucas, Bryan Alan |
1949-01 |
Lucas, Byran Alan |
1949-01 |
Lucas, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lucas, David Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lucas, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ludbrook, Peter Nelson |
1949-01 |
Ludik, Michael Christopher |
1949-01 |
Ludlow, John Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ludvigsson, Britt Ingrid |
1949-01 |
Ludwig, Stephen Francis |
1949-01 |
Lueck, Jens Thomas |
1949-01 |
Luft, Wolf Rudiger |
1949-01 |
Luisi, Michele |
1949-01 |
Lukaszewski, Edward Richard |
1949-01 |
Luke, Charles Barry |
1949-01 |
Luke, Richard Evan |
1949-01 |
Lukow, Terry Fritz |
1949-01 |
Lum, Milton Siew Wah |
1949-01 |
Lumgair, Robert |
1949-01 |
Lundon, Mary |
1949-01 |
Lunt, Richard James |
1949-01 |
Lush, Kenneth John |
1949-01 |
Luxmore, Michael Miles |
1949-01 |
Lynch, Brendan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lynch, Heather (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lynch, John Cormac Ian |
1949-01 |
Lynch, Kathleen Susan |
1949-01 |
Lynch, Leslie James |
1949-01 |
Lynch, Teresa (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lyndon-Skeggs, Andrew Neville |
1949-01 |
Lynn, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lynn, Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Lyon, Crista |
1949-01 |
Lyon, Patricia Anne |
1949-01 |
Lyons, Desmond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Lyons, Desmond Joseph |
1949-01 |
Lyons Ritter, Deborah Benita |
1949-01 |
Lyttle, Valerie Winifred |
1949-01 |
Ma, de Blocq Van Kuffeler |
1949-01 |
Maan, Rashem Singh |
1949-01 |
Mabey, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macaluso, Frank Charles |
1949-01 |
Macaluso, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Macarthur, Malcolm Drummond |
1949-01 |
Macaskill, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Macaulay, Allan Frederick |
1949-01 |
MacAulay, Martha |
1949-01 |
Macbeth, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macbrayne, Barbara |
1949-01 |
Macbrayne, James Boyle Potter |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Bruce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Colin Kenneth Ross |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Duncan Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, James Tolmie |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Michael Francis |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Moira (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
MacDonald, Morag (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Neil Clark |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macdonald, Willian |
1949-01 |
Macdougall, Ronald Howell |
1949-01 |
MacE, Peter Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
MacEda, James Stephen |
1949-01 |
Maceoin, Denis |
1949-01 |
Macfarlaine, Donald Edward |
1949-01 |
Macguinness, Angela Charlotte |
1949-01 |
MacHen, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Machen, Pauline |
1949-01 |
Macintyre, Mary Lexie |
1949-01 |
Maciver, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mack, Barbara Shirley |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Barbara Christina |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Brenda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Colin Alexander |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Donald Angus (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Ian Hamish Noel |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Jannette Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Lionel James |
1949-01 |
Mackay, Neil Simon |
1949-01 |
Mackechnie, William |
1949-01 |
Mackenzie, Archibald Smith |
1949-01 |
Mackenzie, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackenzie, Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackenzie, Sandra Lynett |
1949-01 |
MacKenzie, Sheila Margaret |
1949-01 |
Mackerras, David Spencer |
1949-01 |
Mackey, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackie, James Alexander |
1949-01 |
Mackillop, Andrew Arthur Arend |
1949-01 |
Mackinnon, Alastair (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mackness, Peter |
1949-01 |
Macknight, Doris |
1949-01 |
Maclaren, Keith William |
1949-01 |
MacLean, Archibald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
MacLean, Chirsty Ann |
1949-01 |
Maclean, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macleod, Donald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macleod, Donald Angus (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macleod, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macleod, John Duncan Neil |
1949-01 |
Macleod, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macleod, Roderick Somerled |
1949-01 |
MacMillan, Evan |
1949-01 |
MacMillan, Freda Dora |
1949-01 |
MacNamara, Fergus Noel |
1949-01 |
Macphee, Graham John |
1949-01 |
MacPherson, Margaret Dempster |
1949-01 |
Macpherson, Rhoderick Ross |
1949-01 |
Macpherson, Susan Lesley |
1949-01 |
Macvean, Donald Nigel |
1949-01 |
Macvean, Nigel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Macvicar, Archibald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Madden, Irene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Madden, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maddison, Jeremy Michael |
1949-01 |
Maddock, Anthony Graham |
1949-01 |
Madiaah, Tehodor |
1949-01 |
Madsen, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Madsen, Ulf |
1949-01 |
Maehlum, Arild Georg |
1949-01 |
Mafham, Rowena Mary |
1949-01 |
Maggs, Brian |
1949-01 |
Maggs, Jane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Maggs, Rosemary Clare Lucy |
1949-01 |
Magid, Raphael Alexander |
1949-01 |
Maginn, Maura (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Magnier, Maeve |
1949-01 |
Magro, Joaquim |
1949-01 |
Magro Almeida, Joaquim |
1949-01 |
Magro de Almeia, Joaquim |
1949-01 |
Magro de Almeida, Joaquim (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maguire, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maguire, Michael Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maguire, Michael Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maguire, Susan May |
1949-01 |
Mahaffy, Alan John |
1949-01 |
Mahalla, Gheulla |
1949-01 |
Mahdi, Mahdi (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mahdjoubian, Roger Vincent Joseph |
1949-01 |
Maher, Jill (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mahil, Joga |
1949-01 |
Mahmood, Ejaz (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mahmood, Shahida Nasreen |
1949-01 |
Mahmud, Shibbir |
1949-01 |
Mahon, Timothy Joseph |
1949-01 |
Mahony, Brigid Catherine |
1949-01 |
Mai, Amnan |
1949-01 |
Mai, Run Rong |
1949-01 |
Main, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Majeed, Akram |
1949-01 |
Majid, Nasim |
1949-01 |
Major, Linda |
1949-01 |
Major, Peter James |
1949-01 |
Makawaoui, Salim Toufic |
1949-01 |
Makipeska, Kimmo |
1949-01 |
Makwana, Dhiraj |
1949-01 |
Malcolm, Kingsley George |
1949-01 |
Malcolm, Roy |
1949-01 |
Male, Graham David James |
1949-01 |
Malem, Hilal |
1949-01 |
Maletin, Yuriy |
1949-01 |
Maley, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Maley, Patrick John |
1949-01 |
Malhotra, Arjun |
1949-01 |
Malhotra, Indra Devi |
1949-01 |
Malhotra, Vijay Kumar (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Malia, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Malik, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Malik, Saeeda Kulsoom Akhter |
1949-01 |
Malins, Christopher Philip |
1949-01 |
Malkani, Sonoo Prem |
1949-01 |
Mallaghan, Sean |
1949-01 |
Mallard, David John Harvey |
1949-01 |
Mallens, Valerie |
1949-01 |
Mallery, Lynne |
1949-01 |
Mallett, Colin Thomas |
1949-01 |
Mallows, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Mallows, Anthony Dominique Nassau |
1949-01 |
Maloney, Edwin |
1949-01 |
Maloney, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maltby, Jacqueline Anne |
1949-01 |
Maltman, Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Manabe, Matsuro |
1949-01 |
Mancey, Barry Ernest |
1949-01 |
Mandal, Gillian Mary |
1949-01 |
Mangat, Jagdish Kaur |
1949-01 |
Mangos, Ioannis |
1949-01 |
Manku, Nirmal Kaur |
1949-01 |
Mann, David Frederick Charles |
1949-01 |
Mann, Edwina |
1949-01 |
Mann, Harbhajan Singh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mann, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mann, Nigel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mann, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mann, Roy Albert |
1949-01 |
Mann, Susan Marilyn |
1949-01 |
Mann, Walter Camfield |
1949-01 |
Mannell, Trevor Norman |
1949-01 |
Manning, David Scott |
1949-01 |
Manning, Irvine Thomas |
1949-01 |
Manning, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Manning, Keith Gordon |
1949-01 |
Manning, Michael Robert |
1949-01 |
Manning, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mannington, David John |
1949-01 |
Mannington, John William |
1949-01 |
Mansha, Naz |
1949-01 |
Mansi, Pasquale Peter |
1949-01 |
Manson, Thomas Borraidale |
1949-01 |
Mansoor, Bushra Tanveer |
1949-01-10 |
Mansour, Michael Joseph Frederick |
1949-01 |
Mansour, Mohamed Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Manyou, Joyce Gloria |
1949-01 |
Manzo, Caroline |
1949-01 |
Manzo, Caroline Anne |
1949-01 |
Maole, Jean Louis |
1949-01 |
Mappley, Anne |
1949-01 |
Maqbool, Shahid (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maragakis, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Marazzi, Edward |
1949-01 |
Marazzi, Edward Clarence |
1949-01 |
Marcham, Barry Owen |
1949-01 |
Marchant, Michael Alan |
1949-01 |
Marchant, Stephen Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Marchesano, Giuseppe |
1949-01 |
Marchington, Lorraine |
1949-01 |
Marchington, Lorraine Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mardell, Chrissie |
1949-01 |
Mardrabeh, Hamid |
1949-01 |
Marechal, Maurice Marie Joseph Gerard |
1949-01 |
Margge Pieternella, Bouman E/v Muller |
1949-01 |
Marie Ange, Jackson |
1949-01 |
Markham, John David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marks, Andrew (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marks, Jonathan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marks, Keith Roy Anthony |
1949-01 |
Marks, Mimi |
1949-01 |
Marks, Peter Vincent (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marks, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
Markussen, Christine Nels |
1949-01 |
Marlow, Gerald George |
1949-01 |
Marple, Jorea |
1949-01 |
Marr, Christine Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Marr, Derek |
1949-01 |
Marr, Phyllis Anne |
1949-01 |
Marr, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marriott, Kevin Douglas |
1949-01 |
Marrs, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mars, Percival Leonard Suresh |
1949-01 |
Marsden, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marsden, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marsden, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marsh, Frederick William John |
1949-01 |
Marsh, Gillian Sarah |
1949-01 |
Marsh, Kristina Helene |
1949-01 |
Marsh, Ronald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Alan Gilbert |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Alan John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Anne Smith |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Bert |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Christopher George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Christopher James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Edward Albert |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Margaret Mary |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Nicki (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Nikola |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Paul Lynton |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Pauline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Rosemary Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Marshall, Sandi |
1949-01 |
Marssh, Gillian Sarah |
1949-01 |
Martin, Andrew Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Martin, Betty (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Colin James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, David Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Derek William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Gillian Eleanor |
1949-01 |
Martin, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Janice Susan |
1949-01 |
Martin, John Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, John Thomas Meldrum |
1949-01 |
Martin, Julia Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Keith Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Margaret Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Marie-Therese (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Robert Emmet |
1949-01 |
Martin, Robert William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Sarah (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Terry John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin, Tony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Martin Smith, Jacqueline Ann |
1949-01 |
Martlew, Eric Anthony |
1949-01 |
Martlew, Joan |
1949-01 |
Maryott, Aubrey George |
1949-01 |
Mashhouri, Janet Mary |
1949-01 |
Maskell, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mason, Carol Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mason, Gregory James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mason, Helena |
1949-01 |
Mason, Ian Elliott |
1949-01 |
Mason, Ian Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mason, Jean |
1949-01 |
Mason, John Derek |
1949-01 |
Mason, John Hayden |
1949-01 |
Mason, John James Donald |
1949-01 |
Mason, Laurence Gerald |
1949-01 |
Mason, Libby |
1949-01 |
Mason, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mason, Michael Terry |
1949-01 |
Mason, Polly |
1949-01 |
Mason, William Raymond |
1949-01 |
Massingham, Raymond Matthew |
1949-01 |
Masson, Gordon |
1949-01 |
Masters, Raymond |
1949-01 |
Masters, Roger Gerald |
1949-01 |
Masterson, Julia Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Matcham, Loretta |
1949-01 |
Matcham, Loretta Naomi |
1949-01 |
Mateo Callejon, Serafin |
1949-01 |
Materlik, Gerhard |
1949-01 |
Mathews, Raymond Reginald |
1949-01 |
Mathewson, David Roderick |
1949-01 |
Mathias, Thomas Reginald Richard |
1949-01 |
Mathieu, Ingeborg Martha Erika |
1949-01 |
Mathisen, Ole |
1949-01 |
Mathison, Mary Evelyn Cameron |
1949-01 |
Mathur, Manohar |
1949-01 |
Mathur, Manohar Lal |
1949-01 |
Matias, Maria Teresa Fernandes |
1949-01 |
Matrejek, Mary Naomi |
1949-01 |
Matsubara, Tadashi |
1949-01 |
Matsuo, Kenji |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Aecila Patricia |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Carol Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Matthews, David Godfrey |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Janice Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Matthews, John Roy |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Leonard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Lynn |
1949-01 |
Matthews, Philip James |
1949-01 |
Matthias, Mary Lucy |
1949-01 |
Mattick, Richard |
1949-01-19 |
Mattinson, Pat |
1949-01 |
Mattinson, Patricia Alice |
1949-01 |
Mattison, Rosalyn Joy |
1949-01 |
Maundrell, Trevor Ross |
1949-01 |
Maurice, Philip William Julian |
1949-01 |
Maw, Barry James |
1949-01 |
Mawhinney, Jennifer Anne |
1949-01 |
Mawloud, Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Mawson, Anthony Charles |
1949-01 |
Maxfield, Thomas Patrick |
1949-01 |
Maxfield, Tom |
1949-01 |
Maxon, Keith |
1949-01 |
Maxted, John Terence |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, Alex (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, James Conor |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, James Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, Michael Thomas Herbert |
1949-01 |
Maxwell, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
May, David Henry Jude |
1949-01 |
May, Eddie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
May, Elizabeth Joan |
1949-01 |
May, Martyn Paul |
1949-01 |
May, Maureen Diana |
1949-01 |
May, Thomas Edward |
1949-01 |
Maybury, David |
1949-01 |
Mayer, David Norman |
1949-01 |
Mayer, Helena Ann |
1949-01 |
Mayer, Suzanne Lorraine |
1949-01 |
Mayers, Lynne |
1949-01 |
Mayhew, Ann |
1949-01 |
Mayhew, John Peter Gregory |
1949-01 |
Maynard, Leister |
1949-01 |
Mays, David William |
1949-01 |
Mazidian, Eleanor Mary |
1949-01 |
Mba, Jentinus Drogt |
1949-01 |
Mboko, Felix Nemak |
1949-01 |
Mboko Nemak, Felix |
1949-01 |
McAleese, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McAlinden, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McAlinden, Peter Gerard |
1949-01 |
McAlindon, Maralyn Isabel |
1949-01 |
McAndie, Cahrles Leonard Mann |
1949-01 |
McAninly, Sheila |
1949-01 |
McArdle, Eugene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McArdle, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McAteer, Margaret Mary |
1949-01 |
McAulay, Patrick |
1949-01 |
McAuley, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McBeth, Carol |
1949-01 |
McBrien, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
McCabe, James (1949-01) (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCabe, James Emmet |
1949-01 |
McCafferty, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCafferty, Teresa Philomena |
1949-01 |
McCahey, Hugh |
1949-01 |
McCaig, Alexander George |
1949-01 |
McCall, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCall, David Sneddon |
1949-01 |
McCallum, James Cowe |
1949-01 |
McCann, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCann, Lesley Marsden |
1949-01 |
McCarter, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCarthy, Donald James |
1949-01 |
McCarthy, Gabriel James |
1949-01 |
McCarthy, Shelagh Rosamund |
1949-01 |
McCarthy, Stephen Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCartney, Kenneth George |
1949-01 |
McCartney, Phylis Margaret |
1949-01 |
McCarton, Leonard Gerrard |
1949-01 |
McCaughey, Florence Anne |
1949-01 |
McClatchie, Colin James Stewart |
1949-01 |
McClelland, Florence Margaret |
1949-01 |
McClelland, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McClelland, Seamus Donovan |
1949-01 |
McClelland, Thomas Paul |
1949-01 |
McCloskey, Raymond Eugene |
1949-01 |
McClure, Alan D |
1949-01 |
McClure, Alan David |
1949-01 |
McClure, Victor |
1949-01 |
McClure (dr), Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McClure 0be, Alan David |
1949-01 |
McCombe, Gordon Lowe |
1949-01 |
McConkey, Malcolm |
1949-01 |
McConnell, Maureen Denise |
1949-01 |
McCoo, James Baxter |
1949-01 |
McCord, Rosemary Isobel |
1949-01 |
McCormack, Letty Evelyn |
1949-01 |
McCoulough, Ian Alexander |
1949-01 |
McCourt, Mary |
1949-01 |
McCrea, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCreadie, James Alexander |
1949-01 |
McCreath, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCrorie, Kenneth Thomas |
1949-01 |
McCullagh, Una |
1949-01 |
McCulloch, Iris |
1949-01 |
McCulloch, Lillian Cameron |
1949-01 |
McCullough, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCullough, John Malcolm |
1949-01 |
McCusker, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McCusker, Anthony Emmanual |
1949-01 |
McCusker, Anthony Emmanuel |
1949-01 |
McCusker, Tony |
1949-01 |
McDanell, Alan |
1949-01 |
McDanell, Alan Francis |
1949-01 |
McDaniel, Michael Dudley |
1949-01 |
McDermaid, Marlene |
1949-01 |
McDermott, David Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDermott, Frank Joseph |
1949-01 |
McDermott, Henry Anthony |
1949-01 |
McDermott, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDermott, Sheila Mary |
1949-01 |
McDonagh, Eileen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Alan Patrick |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Christine Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Gillian Mary |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Gwenda Joyce |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Janice Margaret Brown |
1949-01 |
McDonald, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDonald, Ronald Stuart Ian |
1949-01 |
McDonnell, Patrick James |
1949-01 |
McDougall, Margaret |
1949-01 |
McDowell, Lesley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McDowell, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
McDowell, Stanley (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McElholm, Letitia |
1949-01 |
McEvoy, Edward |
1949-01 |
McEwen, Susan Mary |
1949-01 |
McFadden, Robert Burns |
1949-01 |
McFadzean, Marion Macdougall |
1949-01 |
McFarlane, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McFarquhar, Lord Harry |
1949-01 |
McGarrity, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGarry, Frances (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGawley, William John |
1949-01 |
McGeagh, Alasdair James |
1949-01 |
McGeorge, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGeough, Kathleen Anne |
1949-01 |
McGill, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGill, Susan Anne Hoey |
1949-01 |
McGilloway, Hugh Norris |
1949-01 |
McGilloway, Hugo Norris |
1949-01 |
McGinley, James Benedict |
1949-01 |
McGinnis, Bill |
1949-01 |
McGinnis, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGinnis C.b.e, William |
1949-01 |
McGinnis C.B.E D.L, Bill |
1949-01 |
McGladdery, Geoffrey Michael |
1949-01 |
McGlinchey, Jane Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
McGlone, Doreen |
1949-01 |
McGlone, Iris |
1949-01 |
McGlue, Anthony James |
1949-01 |
McGoldrick, Thomas More |
1949-01 |
McGoldrick, Tom (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGourty, Thomas Aidan |
1949-01 |
McGovern, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGowan, Carol Susanne |
1949-01 |
McGrachan, Edward Joseph |
1949-01 |
McGrath, Anthony Christopher |
1949-01 |
McGregor, Robert John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGuigan, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGuinness, Alan Niall |
1949-01 |
McGuinness, Catherine Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McGuire, Jed |
1949-01 |
McGuire, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McHugh, John James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McHugh, Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McHugh, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McIlwaine, James Andrew |
1949-01 |
McIntire, Lee A |
1949-01 |
McIntire, Lee Alan |
1949-01 |
McIntosh, Hugh Hamilton |
1949-01 |
McIntosh, William Melville |
1949-01 |
McIntyre, Basil |
1949-01 |
McIntyre, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McIvor, Suzanne |
1949-01 |
McKay, Ina Morina |
1949-01 |
McKay, John Andrew |
1949-01 |
McKee, John Joseph Addison |
1949-01 |
McKee, Robert Joseph |
1949-01 |
McKellar, Colin Duncan Robert |
1949-01 |
McKellen, Susan |
1949-01 |
McKenna, John James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McKenzie, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McKenzie, Lurline Millicent |
1949-01 |
McKenzie, Ronald Walker |
1949-01 |
McKenzie, William Ernest |
1949-01 |
McKillop, David Erskine |
1949-01 |
McKimmie, Stewart John |
1949-01 |
McKinlay, Charles Thomson (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McKinlay, Douglas Fraser |
1949-01 |
McKnight, Ivan David |
1949-01 |
McKnight, Judith |
1949-01 |
McLachlan, Helen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLaren, Harriet Diana Christabel |
1949-01-18 |
McLaren, James Andrew |
1949-01 |
McLaughlan, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLaughlin, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLean, Barbara Mary |
1949-01 |
McLean, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLean, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLean, Robert Lionel |
1949-01 |
McLean, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLelland, John David |
1949-01 |
McLennan, Anthony Ian |
1949-01 |
McLeod, Kenneth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLeod, Margaret Patricia |
1949-01 |
McLernon, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLevy, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
McLiesh, David Nicol |
1949-01 |
McLoughlin, Jane |
1949-01 |
McLoughlin, Kevin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McLoughlin, Martha Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
McLoughlin, Robert Ian |
1949-01 |
McMahon, Thomas John |
1949-01 |
McManamon, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McManus, John Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McMichael, Brenda Helen |
1949-01 |
McMillan, Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McMorran, Richard |
1949-01 |
McMorran, Richard John |
1949-01 |
McMorrow, Gerald J |
1949-01 |
McMurdie, Terry |
1949-01 |
McMurray, Peter John |
1949-01 |
McNair, Colin Thomas |
1949-01 |
McNally, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McNally, Barbara |
1949-01 |
McNally, Duncan Bruce |
1949-01 |
McNally, Henry |
1949-01 |
McNally, John Brian |
1949-01 |
McNamara, Dennis William |
1949-01 |
McNamee, Philip |
1949-01 |
McNaughton, James Hugh |
1949-01 |
McNeill, Bernard |
1949-01 |
McNeill, Brenda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McNeill, Malcolm Alexander Cunningham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McNulty, Brian Joseph |
1949-01 |
McNulty, Bridget Philomena |
1949-01 |
McNulty, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McPhee, Raymond David |
1949-01 |
McPhee, Suzanne Margaret |
1949-01 |
McQueen, Duncan John |
1949-01 |
McShane, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McSorley, Michael Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McSweeney, Colin |
1949-01 |
McTavish, Vincent Michael |
1949-01 |
McTegart, Ann Patricia |
1949-01 |
McTiernan, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
McVean, John Barron |
1949-01 |
McVeigh, Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
McWilliam, William Peter |
1949-01 |
McWilliams, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Meacham, Wendy Ann |
1949-01 |
Mead, Janice Barbara |
1949-01 |
Meadows, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Meadows, Pamela Catherine |
1949-01 |
Meadows, Roger Powell |
1949-01 |
Meakin, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mears, Charles |
1949-01 |
Mears, Charles William |
1949-01 |
Mears, Cyril John |
1949-01 |
Mears, Melvyn Anthony |
1949-01 |
Mears, Shernaz |
1949-01 |
Mechan, Mary |
1949-01 |
Medalla, Tarcisio Manguiat |
1949-01 |
Mee, Nigel Roderick |
1949-01 |
Meechan, Christina |
1949-01 |
Meehan, Brendan |
1949-01 |
Meek, Alan John |
1949-01 |
Meek, Stuart Lonal |
1949-01 |
Meese, Linda Joy |
1949-01 |
Megat Mohd Nor, Megat Zaharuddin |
1949-01 |
Mehan, Arun |
1949-01 |
Mehat, Amrik Singh |
1949-01 |
Mehmet, Yalchin Halil |
1949-01 |
Mehta, Jayshree (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mei, Mauro |
1949-01 |
Meiehofer, John |
1949-01 |
Meiring, Cornelius Hans |
1949-01 |
Meissner, Brenda Mary |
1949-01 |
Meister, Judith |
1949-01 |
Mekat, Amrik Singh |
1949-01 |
Melbourne, Alexander Roy |
1949-01 |
Meldrum, David Ernest |
1949-01 |
Meldrum, John Mcdonald |
1949-01 |
Melia, David Paul |
1949-01 |
Melling, Kathleen Jeanne |
1949-01 |
Melling, Robert Andrew |
1949-01 |
Mellor, Geoffrey Howard |
1949-01 |
Mellor, Howard |
1949-01 |
Mellor, Jean |
1949-01 |
Mellor, Ritchie John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Meloni, Stefano |
1949-01 |
Meloy, Barry Keith |
1949-01 |
Melrose, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Melrose, Robert Ian |
1949-01 |
Melrose, Robert Rodger |
1949-01 |
Melsom, Helena Maria |
1949-01 |
Melville, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Melville, Richard Peregrine |
1949-01 |
Melvin, Andrew Leopold |
1949-01 |
Memmo D'Amelio, Daniela |
1949-01 |
Menashi, Suzanne |
1949-01 |
Menendez, Gonzalo |
1949-01 |
Mengozzi, Francesco |
1949-01 |
Menon, Sukumari |
1949-01 |
Mensink, Maurice William |
1949-01 |
Meoni, Luigi |
1949-01 |
Merad, Rachid |
1949-01 |
Mercer, David Baxter |
1949-01 |
Mercer, Harold |
1949-01 |
Mercer, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Merchant, Abida |
1949-01 |
Meredith, Margaret Joan |
1949-01 |
Meredith, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Merhej, Saad Jamil |
1949-01 |
Merino Gil, Maria Victoria Juana |
1949-01 |
Merrett, Penelope Mary |
1949-01 |
Merrick, Kathryn |
1949-01 |
Merrifield, John Carey |
1949-01 |
Merrill, Mark |
1949-01 |
Messem, Geoffrey Ronald Dismore |
1949-01 |
Messem, Jeffery Ronald Dismore |
1949-01 |
Messem, Jeffrey Ronald Dismore |
1949-01 |
Messenger, Alan William John |
1949-01 |
Messer, Maria |
1949-01 |
Messinger, Brian Richard |
1949-01 |
Messinger, Paul Sebastian Adrian |
1949-01 |
Mestre, Eduardo |
1949-01 |
Metcalfe, Alison Patricia |
1949-01 |
Mete, Esin |
1949-01 |
Meteyard, Martin Thomas |
1949-01 |
Metherell, Lynne Agnes |
1949-01 |
Methodios, Ioannis |
1949-01 |
Methuen, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Metin, Celal |
1949-01 |
Metzger, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Metzger, John Henri |
1949-01 |
Mia, Aman |
1949-01 |
Miachkov, Nikola |
1949-01 |
Miachkov, Nikola Dokov |
1949-01 |
Mian, Shafiq Ul Hassan |
1949-01 |
Michailidis, Athanasios Doros |
1949-01 |
Micheals, Vincent |
1949-01 |
Middleton, Derek Edward Thomas |
1949-01 |
Midgley, Michael Anthony |
1949-01 |
Midgley, Timothy John |
1949-01 |
Mighall, Valerie Jean |
1949-01 |
Miklos, Gabor |
1949-01 |
Milam, Cynthia |
1949-01 |
Miles, Clifford John |
1949-01 |
Miles, Geoffrey David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miles, Lee (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miles, Maurice |
1949-01 |
Miles, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miles, Oliver John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miles, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mill, David |
1949-01 |
Millar, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Millar, Stephen Anthony |
1949-01 |
Millard, Martin Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Millea, Geraldine |
1949-01 |
Miller, Alan James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Betty |
1949-01 |
Miller, Betty Julia |
1949-01 |
Miller, Ernest Nicholas John Oxenham |
1949-01 |
Miller, Ernest Owen |
1949-01 |
Miller, James Adrian Rodney |
1949-01 |
Miller, Lynda Marie |
1949-01 |
Miller, Norman Edwin |
1949-01 |
Miller, Pamela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Ray (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Raymond James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Roger Moore |
1949-01 |
Miller, Stephen Alan |
1949-01 |
Miller, Stuart Mackenzie |
1949-01 |
Miller, Tony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Miller, Valerie Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Millican, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Millican, Peter John |
1949-01 |
Milligan, Ann |
1949-01 |
Milligan, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Milliken, Joyce Stone |
1949-01 |
Mills, Christine Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mills, Gerald Riley |
1949-01 |
Mills, Graham (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mills, Kevin Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mills, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mills, Michael Dennis |
1949-01 |
Mills, Roger James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mills, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Millward, John Fraser |
1949-01 |
Millward, Peter Linton Godfrey |
1949-01 |
Milne, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Milne, James Alastair |
1949-01 |
Milne, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Milne, Tanya Francesca |
1949-01 |
Milner, Nigel James |
1949-01 |
Milner, Robert Raymond |
1949-01 |
Milnes, Frank Reginald |
1949-01 |
Milsom, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Milton, Andrew Graham |
1949-01 |
Milton, Jill Barbara |
1949-01 |
Milton, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Milward, Mary |
1949-01 |
Mimura, Shigeki |
1949-01 |
Mineeff, Christian Anton Alexander |
1949-01 |
Minton, Philip Reginald |
1949-01 |
Minton, Philip Reginald Eric |
1949-01 |
Miranda, Erlinda |
1949-01 |
Mireux, Jean |
1949-01 |
Mirza, Tahir (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Misra, Surendra Charan |
1949-01 |
Misselbrook, Paul |
1949-01 |
Mistry, Jashumati Chunilal |
1949-01 |
Mistry, Shanta |
1949-01 |
Mistry, Shantilal |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Adrian John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Anthony John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Brian Campbell |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Catherine Glenys |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Christopher Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Colin Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, George William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Jennifer Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, John Wendell |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Kathleen Mary Caroline |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Linda Grace |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Patricia Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Paul Terence |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Peter John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, Robert Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitchell, William Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mitscherlich, Matthias |
1949-01 |
Mizzi, Terence Charles Gilbert |
1949-01 |
Moat, Linda Marjorie |
1949-01 |
Moate, Yvonne Glynis |
1949-01 |
Mockett, Alfred Thomas |
1949-01 |
Modi, Bhupendra Kumar |
1949-01 |
Moeller, Paul Peter |
1949-01 |
Moerman, Boudewijn Dick |
1949-01 |
Moerman, Marinus |
1949-01 |
Moffitt, Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Mogford, Barry Edward |
1949-01 |
Mohamed, Abdalla (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mohamed, Nabil Mahmoud Ahmed |
1949-01 |
Mohamed Drus, Mohizan |
1949-01 |
Mohammad Aminpour, Shahla |
1949-01 |
Mohammed, Luay |
1949-01 |
Moir, Edward Robert |
1949-01 |
Mok, Tim Loi |
1949-01 |
Mokaiesh, Fady |
1949-01 |
Mole, Stuart Gordon |
1949-01 |
Mollon, Robert William |
1949-01 |
Molloy, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Momoh, John |
1949-01 |
Monaghan, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Monaghan, John Stephen |
1949-01 |
Monaghan, Miles David |
1949-01 |
Money, Brian Alfred |
1949-01 |
Monk, Jeremy James |
1949-01 |
Monk, Sandra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Monk, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Monk, Terence Martin |
1949-01 |
Monro, Susan |
1949-01 |
Monson, Trevor Gregory |
1949-01 |
Montague, Susan Rosemarie |
1949-01 |
Montgomery, Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Montgomery, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Montgomery, Noreen |
1949-01 |
Montgomery, Noreen P |
1949-01 |
Moodey, Anthony Alfred |
1949-01 |
Moodie, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moodie, Jennifer Pat |
1949-01 |
Moody, June |
1949-01 |
Moody, Marili |
1949-01 |
Moody, Noel Philip |
1949-01 |
Moody, Wendy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mooney, Joyce Edith Ann |
1949-01 |
Mooney, Sean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Barbara (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Denise (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Diane Margaret |
1949-01 |
Moore, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, James Warrace |
1949-01 |
Moore, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, John Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Julian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Julian Howell |
1949-01 |
Moore, Lorraine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Margaret Jean |
1949-01 |
Moore, Marion (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Mike (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Patricia Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moore, Rosemary Anne Ferrier |
1949-01 |
Moore, Vesta |
1949-01 |
Moorey, Nicholas Raymond |
1949-01 |
Moorhouse, Bernice |
1949-01 |
Moorman, Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Morahan, Sylvia Audrey |
1949-01 |
Mordecai, David Christopher |
1949-01 |
Morelli, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moretti, Giancarlo |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Clare Myfanwy Gurney |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Daniel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Dominique Andree Jeannine |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Irena |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Janet Wynne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, John Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, John Dennis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Joseph Lamance |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Keith Edwin |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Keith Eric |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Laurence (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Maria (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Martin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Martin Victor |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Megan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Philip James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Phillip James |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Roger Anthony |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Sandra Joy |
1949-01 |
Morgan, Trevor Thomas |
1949-01 |
Morgan Gurr, Stephen Martyn |
1949-01 |
Mori, Mie |
1949-01 |
Mori, Osamu |
1949-01 |
Mori, Shigeharu |
1949-01 |
Morigami, Susumu |
1949-01 |
Moritani, Makoto |
1949-01 |
Morphy, Leslie Ann |
1949-01 |
Morrall, Ruth |
1949-01 |
Morrice, James Shepherd |
1949-01 |
Morrice, Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Morris, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Christopher Litchfield |
1949-01 |
Morris, David Arfor |
1949-01 |
Morris, Dee |
1949-01 |
Morris, Doris (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Elleth Letitia |
1949-01 |
Morris, Helen Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, John Tudor |
1949-01 |
Morris, Keith Wayne |
1949-01 |
Morris, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Marilyn Catherine |
1949-01 |
Morris, Michael Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Nadia-Angela |
1949-01 |
Morris, Pauline Elisabeth |
1949-01 |
Morris, Raymond Harry |
1949-01 |
Morris, Richard Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Ryan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Stephen John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Terry William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morris, Vivienne |
1949-01 |
Morrison, Bruce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morrison, Dale Frederick |
1949-01 |
Morrison, Kenneth Bruce |
1949-01 |
Morrison, Kenneth John Mcdougall |
1949-01 |
Morrison, Paul Thomas Owen |
1949-01 |
Morrison, William Malcolm |
1949-01 |
Morrison-Cowan, Jennifer Anne |
1949-01 |
Morrissey, Kathryn Mary |
1949-01 |
Morrow, Martin James |
1949-01 |
Morse, Barbara Janet |
1949-01 |
Morse, Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Morse, Wendy |
1949-01 |
Mortimer, Barrie Charles |
1949-01 |
Mortimer, Christine Ann |
1949-01 |
Mortimer, Susan Janet |
1949-01 |
Mortimor, Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Morton, Andrew Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morton, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Morton, David Stephen |
1949-01 |
Morton, Geoffrey Frank |
1949-01 |
Mory, Charles Wesley |
1949-01 |
Moseley, John William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moseley, Kevin James Jennings |
1949-01 |
Moseley, Linda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Mosley, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Moss, Christine Pamela |
1949-01 |
Mosser, Serge |
1949-01 |
Mossman, Frances Anne |
1949-01 |
Mossop, Helen Margaret |
1949-01 |
Mostue, Bjoern Olav |
1949-01 |
Motalleb Zadeh, Sousan |
1949-01 |
Mote, Charles Christopher |
1949-01 |
Mothersole, Linda Susan |
1949-01 |
Motts, David Robert |
1949-01 |
Moulding, Peter James |
1949-01 |
Moulding, Ronald James |
1949-01 |
Moule, Frances Jean |
1949-01 |
Moules, Denis |
1949-01 |
Moulton, Mary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Mourad, Mohammed Saleh |
1949-01 |
Moustafa, Mohsen Tawfik |
1949-01 |
Mowatt, Jim (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mowatt, Peter |
1949-01 |
Mowcoomber, William Stephen |
1949-01 |
Moxham, Susan |
1949-01 |
Moxom, Peter Robert |
1949-01 |
Moyrand, Jaques |
1949-01 |
Mraseck, Klaus-Dieter |
1949-01 |
Mrosek, Dietmar |
1949-01 |
Mroz, Johann |
1949-01 |
Muehlan, Klaus-Dieter |
1949-01 |
Muers-Raby, Nigel Andrew |
1949-01 |
Muir, Sefton Haig |
1949-01 |
Muir, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Muirhead, Alexander William |
1949-01 |
Mukherjee, Shyamal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mulder, Rob (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mulhern, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Mulholland, Miriam |
1949-01 |
Mullan, Emily |
1949-01 |
Mullan, Lily |
1949-01 |
Mullan, Stephen Richard |
1949-01 |
Mullarkey, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mullen, Henry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Muller-Bouman, Margje Pieternella |
1949-01 |
Mullett, Tony |
1949-01 |
Mulley, Rita |
1949-01 |
Mullington, Sheelagh Catharine |
1949-01 |
Mulloy, Bryan Anthony |
1949-01 |
Mulqueen, Patrick Joseph |
1949-01 |
Mulvaney, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Mulvihill, Anita |
1949-01 |
Mumford, Mary Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Munday, Robert Frederick |
1949-01 |
Mundell, Janet Gillingham |
1949-01 |
Muneer, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Munge, Samuel |
1949-01 |
Mungovan, Eamonn |
1949-01 |
Munir, Ghazala |
1949-01 |
Munir, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Munkley, James |
1949-01 |
Munn, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Munn, John Norton |
1949-01 |
Munns, Anna Christina |
1949-01 |
Munns, Keith David |
1949-01 |
Munns, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Munro, Alexander (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Munro, Anne Theresa |
1949-01 |
Munro, Graeme John |
1949-01 |
Munro, Marjorie Forbes |
1949-01 |
Munro, Thomas Ian |
1949-01 |
Murchie, Bruce William |
1949-01 |
Murden, Rupert Charles Henry |
1949-01 |
Murdoch, Rob (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murfin, Barrie Thomas |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Christine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Joan Mary |
1949-01 |
Murphy, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Kevin John Mitchell |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Miceal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Michael David |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Patrick Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Phillip George |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Sue (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murphy, Thomas Joseph Charles |
1949-01 |
Murray, Alastair James Francis |
1949-01 |
Murray, Alexander Birnie |
1949-01 |
Murray, Annette Alma |
1949-01 |
Murray, Catherine (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Christine Lilian |
1949-01 |
Murray, Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Euan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Francis Joseph (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Gregory James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Jean June |
1949-01 |
Murray, John Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Kathleen Grace |
1949-01 |
Murray, Kathryn Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Patrick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray, Philip James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Murray Wells, David |
1949-01 |
Murray Willis, James Henry |
1949-01 |
Murray-Jenkins, June |
1949-01 |
Murray-Willis, James |
1949-01 |
Murrell, David Christopher |
1949-01 |
Murrish, Brian William |
1949-01 |
Murtagh, Patrick Bernard |
1949-01 |
Murti, Kalpagam |
1949-01 |
Murueta, Ann |
1949-01 |
Muse, Alan Andrew |
1949-01 |
Musgrave, Charles Robin |
1949-01 |
Musgrave, Dorothy Linda |
1949-01 |
Musgrove, Keith |
1949-01 |
Mussawar, Hussain |
1949-01 |
Mutch, Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Mutton, Robin John |
1949-01 |
Myers, Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Myerscouch, Jennifer |
1949-01 |
Myerscough, Jennifer Maud Hainsworth |
1949-01 |
Myerscough, Jennifer Maude Hainsworth |
1949-01 |
Myronov, Oleh |
1949-01 |
Myton, Anne |
1949-01 |
N'Jie, Yusuf |
1949-01 |
Nachman, Danek |
1949-01 |
Naderi, Mohammad Reza |
1949-01 |
Nadimi Boushehri, Abdol Rahman |
1949-01 |
Naegeli, Richard |
1949-01 |
Nagim, Hadi Ibrahim |
1949-01 |
Nakagawa, Katsuhiro (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nakamura, Shigefumi |
1949-01 |
Nakamura, Shunichi (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nakano, Yoshio (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Namekata, Kazunori |
1949-01 |
Nandhra, Jagir Singh |
1949-01 |
Narayana, Swamy |
1949-01 |
Narayana, Venkata Swamy |
1949-01 |
Nardulli, Vito |
1949-01 |
Nash, Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nash, Jeffrey Ralph |
1949-01 |
Nash, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nash, Rhidian Thomas |
1949-01 |
Nash, Sidney John |
1949-01 |
Nash Pugh, Venessa |
1949-01 |
Nasim, Mohammed (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nasser, Ghazi Abdullah |
1949-01 |
Nassi, Vjatseslav |
1949-01 |
Nathwani, Manharlal |
1949-01 |
Nathwani, Manharlal Velji |
1949-01 |
Nathwani, Pravin |
1949-01 |
Nattrass, Walter James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Naughton, James Michael |
1949-01 |
Nawaz, Muhammad (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Naweed, Abdullah |
1949-01 |
Nayek, Sukumar |
1949-01 |
Naylor, Christine Diane |
1949-01 |
Naylor, Michael Edgar |
1949-01 |
Naylor, Russell Gary |
1949-01 |
Naysmith, Linda |
1949-01 |
Nayyar, Paramjit Singh |
1949-01 |
Neal, John Alan |
1949-01 |
Neal, Rosemary Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Neal, Stephen Bryan |
1949-01 |
Neale, Frederick Hilary |
1949-01 |
Neale, John Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Neary, Brendan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Neather, Valerie Joan |
1949-01 |
Neave, John Leslie |
1949-01 |
Needham, David John |
1949-01 |
Needham, Sally |
1949-01 |
Negasi, Haile |
1949-01 |
Neider, Daniel Walter |
1949-01 |
Neill, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nelson, Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nelson, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nelson, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Nelson, Margaret Ann |
1949-01 |
Nelson, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nelson, Wendy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nemeczek, Roman |
1949-01 |
Nesbitt, David Edward Stuart |
1949-01 |
Nesveda, Peter |
1949-01 |
Netter, Paul Louis |
1949-01 |
Nettle, Robin |
1949-01 |
Neville, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Neville, Marion |
1949-01 |
Newbery, Christopher Hallam |
1949-01 |
Newbury, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Newbury, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newbury, Paul Kevin |
1949-01 |
Newett, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newham, Terence |
1949-01 |
Newland, John Lawrence |
1949-01 |
Newman, Jacqueline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newman, James Godfrey |
1949-01 |
Newman, Jaqueline |
1949-01 |
Newman, Marlene (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newman, Michael Harry |
1949-01 |
Newnham, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newnham, Julia Rosemary |
1949-01 |
Newnham, Terence |
1949-01 |
Newton, Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newton, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newton, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newton, Francis Christopher |
1949-01 |
Newton, John Alfred |
1949-01 |
Newton, Lindsay Roy |
1949-01 |
Newton, Peter Roy |
1949-01 |
Newton, Philip John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Newton, Richard Oliver William |
1949-01 |
Newton, Robert Le Butt |
1949-01 |
Nezri, Joseph |
1949-01 |
Ng, Chat Choon |
1949-01 |
Ng, Chung Key |
1949-01 |
Ng, Grace Suk Mei Yip |
1949-01 |
Ng, Kenneth Yu Lam 吳俞霖 |
1949-01-10 |
Niblock, Dorothy |
1949-01 |
Nice, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Nichol, Alan William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nichol, Frank Edward |
1949-01 |
Nicholas, John Stuart |
1949-01 |
Nicholas, Margaret Ann Selina |
1949-01 |
Nicholas, Noreen Mary Ann |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Barry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, David Peter |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, John Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Linda (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicholls, Susan Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nichols, Caroline |
1949-01 |
Nicholson, Dianne Josephine |
1949-01 |
Nicholson, Patricia Karen |
1949-01 |
Nickes, Kathrine |
1949-01 |
Nicklin, David Frederick |
1949-01 |
Nicklin, Jean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nicklin, Judith Louise |
1949-01 |
Nicol, George Stewart |
1949-01 |
Nicol, Thomas |
1949-01 |
Nielsen, Peter Jann |
1949-01 |
Nielson, Martin |
1949-01 |
Nikpournaini, Farideh |
1949-01 |
Nilson, Roare Hauge |
1949-01 |
Nilsson, Leif Arne |
1949-01 |
Nireki, Takashi |
1949-01 |
Nixon, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nixon, Robert Vincent |
1949-01 |
Nixon, Sandra Carol |
1949-01 |
Njie, Yusuf Kebba Jarga |
1949-01 |
Noble, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Noble, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Noeklebye, Kirsten Katrine Bertheau |
1949-01 |
Nogawa, Masataka |
1949-01 |
Noguchi, Hiroyuki |
1949-01 |
Nolan, Gerard Francis |
1949-01 |
Nolan, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nolan, Shane Martin |
1949-01 |
Nordang, Harald |
1949-01 |
Nordhus, Liv Willow |
1949-01 |
Norgate, Peter David |
1949-01 |
Norman, Ann Mary |
1949-01 |
Norman, David James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norman, Derek (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norman, Garry Melvin |
1949-01 |
Norman, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norman, Michael Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norman, Patricia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norman, Robin Francis |
1949-01 |
Normanton, Barbara |
1949-01 |
Norris, David Alan |
1949-01 |
Norris, John William |
1949-01 |
Norris, Margaret (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norris Small, Susan Wendy |
1949-01 |
Norriss, Lesley Jean |
1949-01 |
North, Martin Leonard |
1949-01 |
North, Richard Conway (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
North, Robin Clive |
1949-01 |
North, Trevor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norton, Carolynn Cali |
1949-01 |
Norton, Frank |
1949-01 |
Norton, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norton, Pauline Anne |
1949-01 |
Norton, Richard Eric (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Norwich, Brahm |
1949-01 |
Nottage, Alan John |
1949-01 |
Nottage, George Henry |
1949-01 |
Nottage, John Anthony |
1949-01 |
Nourallah, William Mousa |
1949-01 |
Novak, Anthea Rose |
1949-01 |
Novakovic, Damir |
1949-01 |
Novelli, Diego |
1949-01 |
Ntuli, Duduzile Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Nunn, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Nunn, Robert Edward |
1949-01 |
Nunnerley, Jean |
1949-01 |
Nurse, Paul |
1949-01 |
Nurse, Paul Maxime |
1949-01 |
Nutkins, Brian Edward |
1949-01 |
Nutland, James William |
1949-01 |
Nuttall, John Albert |
1949-01 |
Nygaard, Nantaya Pimparu |
1949-01 |
O Connell, Mary Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
O Connor, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
O Martin, Micheal |
1949-01 |
O Neill, Ronald Joseph |
1949-01 |
O'Brien, G.F. |
1949-01 |
O'Brien, Gerald Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Brien, Gerald O'Brien |
1949-01 |
O'Brien, Gerard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Brien, Gerard Francis (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Callaghan, Sean (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Connell, Michael Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Connor, Kathleen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Connor, Martyn William |
1949-01 |
O'Donnell, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Donnell, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Donoghue, Anne |
1949-01 |
O'Donoghue, Michael Vincent |
1949-01 |
O'Donoghue, Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Donoghue, Vicent |
1949-01 |
O'Donovan, Billy |
1949-01 |
O'Donovan, Rory |
1949-01 |
O'Dowd-Booth, John Ashley |
1949-01 |
O'Driscoll, Peter Joseph |
1949-01 |
O'Farrell, Anne Christine |
1949-01 |
O'Gorman, Gwendoline May |
1949-01 |
O'Hanlon, Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Hanlon, Tom (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Hara, Steve |
1949-01 |
O'Hear, Philip |
1949-01 |
O'Kane, Seamus (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Keefe, Sandra |
1949-01 |
O'Malley, Dermod Anthony Barnaby |
1949-01 |
O'Malley, Kevin John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Neill, David Hugh |
1949-01 |
O'Neill, Henry Matthew |
1949-01 |
O'Neill, Michael Lawrence |
1949-01 |
O'Neill, Trevor (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Rourke, James Terence |
1949-01 |
O'Shea, John Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
O'Sullivan, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oake, Jean Eileen |
1949-01 |
Oakes, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oakham, George Francis |
1949-01 |
Oakley, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oakley, Doreen Lesley |
1949-01 |
Oaten, Royston Charles |
1949-01 |
Oates, Kathleen |
1949-01 |
Obee, Douglas Leonard Charles |
1949-01 |
Ober, Rhonda |
1949-01 |
Obertelli, Adrian Giacobbe |
1949-01 |
Obi-Uzom, Martina Ifeyinwa |
1949-01 |
Obrien, Gerald Francis |
1949-01 |
Obrien, Helen Margaret |
1949-01 |
Ocean, Ray |
1949-01 |
Odey, Derek Erwin |
1949-01 |
Odonnell, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Odonoghue, Michael Vincent |
1949-01 |
Odowd Booth, John |
1949-01 |
Oduola, Olukemi Ajoke |
1949-01 |
Oeksnes, Janette Mary |
1949-01 |
Ofori-Mensah, Ebenezer |
1949-01 |
Ogawa, Harunobu |
1949-01 |
Ogley, Adrian Edward |
1949-01 |
Ogston, Vivien Mary Pamela |
1949-01 |
Ogunlola, Sharaf Olaitan |
1949-01 |
Ohki, Kunio |
1949-01 |
Ohmann, Wolfgang |
1949-01 |
Oka, Toshinari |
1949-01 |
Okada, Takashi |
1949-01 |
Okere, Livingstone |
1949-01 |
Okulus, Glenn Stuart |
1949-01 |
Oldfield, Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oldham, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Olechnicka, Anna |
1949-01 |
Oleforo, Maduabuchi |
1949-01 |
Oliff, Jan |
1949-01 |
Oliphant, Timothy John |
1949-01 |
Oliver, Angela Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oliver, Jacqueline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oliver, Jose Manuel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oliver, Michael David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Oliver, Richard Thomas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Olley, Margaret Rose |
1949-01 |
Ollive, Roger |
1949-01 |
Olliver, Gray |
1949-01 |
Olliver, Gray Bensted |
1949-01 |
Ollivier, Michael Morton |
1949-01 |
Olsen, Leif Erik |
1949-01 |
Olson, Eric Arnold John |
1949-01 |
Olymbios, Chrystalla Andreou |
1949-01 |
Onabanjo Otunba, Alexander |
1949-01 |
Ondrus, Josef |
1949-01 |
Ong, Bee Bee |
1949-01 |
Onuma, Kenichi |
1949-01 |
Oostenbrug, Gjalt |
1949-01 |
Opare-Sakyi, Gorge |
1949-01 |
Opie, John |
1949-01 |
Orchard, Victor |
1949-01 |
Oreilly, Francis Edward |
1949-01 |
Orjales Venero, Roberto |
1949-01 |
Orme, Jane (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ormsby, Geoffrey Anthony |
1949-01 |
Orr, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Orr, David Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Orr, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Orsini, Ciro |
1949-01 |
Orton, Terence Ferguson |
1949-01 |
Osborne, Clive (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Osborne, Hazel |
1949-01 |
Osborne, Peter Timothy Norwood |
1949-01 |
Osborne, Stephen Jon |
1949-01 |
Osborne, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Osegi, Elizabeth Adepeju |
1949-01 |
Osman, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Osmanbhai, Sumra Amadbhai |
1949-01 |
Ostcliffe, Janet Christine |
1949-01 |
Ostermeyer, Carol Mary |
1949-01 |
Ostoja Ostaszewski, Adam |
1949-01 |
Ostrowski, Antoni Paul |
1949-01 |
Oswald, David John |
1949-01 |
Oswald, Michael Dennis |
1949-01 |
Otte, Baudouin Joseph Marie Leon |
1949-01 |
Otubanjo, Majekodunmi |
1949-01 |
Oudeh, Bashier |
1949-01 |
Ovenden, Angela Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Ovenden, Eric Timothy |
1949-01 |
Owen, Angela Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Owen, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, Diane Patricia |
1949-01 |
Owen, Elizabeth Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, Jeffery |
1949-01 |
Owen, Linda |
1949-01 |
Owen, Marie Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Owen, Mary Anne |
1949-01 |
Owen, Michael Frederick |
1949-01 |
Owen, Paul Richard |
1949-01 |
Owen, Peter (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, Richard Matthew |
1949-01 |
Owen, Richard Matthews |
1949-01 |
Owen, Stephen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owen, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owens, Neville |
1949-01 |
Owens-Lee, Pamela Kesia (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Owlett, Elsa |
1949-01 |
Owston, Gloria Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Owston, Graeme Ashley |
1949-01 |
Oxenham, Alan Charles |
1949-01 |
Oxley, Marlene Ann |
1949-01 |
Oxley, Michael Ernest |
1949-01 |
Oxley, Reg |
1949-01 |
Ozdemir, Aka Gunduz |
1949-01 |
Ozemir, Aka Gunduz |
1949-01 |
Ozer, Huseyin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paaskesen, Erik |
1949-01 |
Pabari, Balkrishna |
1949-01 |
Paciorek, Judy Ann |
1949-01 |
Pack, Robert |
1949-01 |
Packard, Fred Arthur Rank |
1949-01 |
Packer, Christine Louise |
1949-01 |
Packham, Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paddison, Andrew Simon |
1949-01 |
Paddison, Jack Thomas Russell |
1949-01 |
Padgett, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Padley, Barry Harding |
1949-01 |
Padley, Brenda |
1949-01 |
Padovani, Kathleen Irene |
1949-01 |
Padovani, Renato |
1949-01 |
Page, Andrew George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Page, Colin Stanley |
1949-01 |
Page, Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Page, Elizabeth Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Page, Graham John |
1949-01 |
Page, Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Page, Janice Mary |
1949-01 |
Page, John Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Page, Martin Gregory |
1949-01 |
Page, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01-30 |
Page, Roy |
1949-01 |
Paget, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Pagnoni, Claudio |
1949-01 |
Pakula, Henrik Jozef |
1949-01 |
Palfree, Michael John |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Andrew George Joseph |
1949-01 |
Palmer, David George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Frederick (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Janet (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, John Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Judith Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Margaret Lesley |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Martin John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Michael Brian |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Neil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Palmer, Philip Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Panayis, Emilia |
1949-01 |
Panayis, Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Panchalingathurai, Jeyakantha |
1949-01 |
Pang, Agnes Mei Wing |
1949-01 |
Panovas, Aleksandras (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Panton, Michael David |
1949-01 |
Papathanasiou, Athanasios (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parekh, Jasumati |
1949-01 |
Parekh, Rajesh (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parekh, Rajesh Pritamlal |
1949-01 |
Parfitt, Roy |
1949-01 |
Parise, Liliana Rita |
1949-01 |
Parish, Anthony John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parish, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parish, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Park, Chang K |
1949-01 |
Park, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Park, David Graham |
1949-01 |
Park, Kyung Bok |
1949-01 |
Park, Thomas Graham |
1949-01 |
Parker, Angela Jacqueline |
1949-01 |
Parker, Anthony Terence |
1949-01 |
Parker, Barrie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parker, Frank Schofield |
1949-01 |
Parker, Howard John |
1949-01 |
Parker, Jane Elizabeth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parker, John David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parker, Lena Elizabeth Ramsey Graham |
1949-01 |
Parker, Malcolm Charles |
1949-01 |
Parker, Marion Susan |
1949-01 |
Parker, Patricia Mary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parker, Pauline (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parker, Rodney Selwyn |
1949-01 |
Parker, Rosemary Bertha |
1949-01 |
Parker, Susan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parkes, Amy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parkes, Barry Reginald James |
1949-01 |
Parkes, John Edward (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parkhouse, Bridget Philomena |
1949-01 |
Parkin, Jeffrey |
1949-01 |
Parkin, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parkins, Richard Andrew |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Alan Stanley |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Francis Leslie |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Ian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Joan Lesley |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Marilyn Janice |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, Raymond Clegg |
1949-01 |
Parkinson, William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parks, Rosemarie Josephina |
1949-01 |
Parlour, John Leslie |
1949-01 |
Parnell, Frederick Victor |
1949-01 |
Parnell, Richard David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parrini, Michael Louis |
1949-01 |
Parris, Emmerson |
1949-01 |
Parris, Garnet Algernon |
1949-01 |
Parris, Garnet Algrenon |
1949-01 |
Parrish, Roger Albert |
1949-01 |
Parrott, Denise Mildred |
1949-01 |
Parry, Alison Hope |
1949-01 |
Parry, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parry, Goronwy Wyn |
1949-01 |
Parry, John Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parry, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parry, Spiros |
1949-01 |
Parsley, Dawn |
1949-01 |
Parslow, Jane |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Charles Frederick |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Christine Pamela |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Colin David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Ian Dominic |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Maureen Joyce |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Michael Andrew |
1949-01 |
Parsons, Roger John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Parsonson, Derek John |
1949-01 |
Parten, Barry John |
1949-01 |
Partis, William |
1949-01 |
Partner, Wendy Jane |
1949-01 |
Partridge, James Christopher Brock |
1949-01 |
Partridge, Piers Graham |
1949-01 |
Parveen, Shama (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pasha, Zahida |
1949-01 |
Passmore, Peter Charles Roland |
1949-01 |
Passow, Judah |
1949-01 |
Patchett, Kathleen Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Patel, Abdul Husein Abbasbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Anil (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Anilkumar Indubhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Arunbhai Jashbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Arunkumar Jashbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Arvindbhai (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Chandrakant Vithalbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Haresh Vijaykumar |
1949-01 |
Patel, Hasmukh Shanabhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Jashvantial |
1949-01 |
Patel, Jayantilal (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Kanaklatta Mahendra |
1949-01 |
Patel, Kirit Chhotabhai (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Kirit Shivabhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Kiritkumar Shivabhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Kiritumar |
1949-01 |
Patel, Laxman Kalan |
1949-01 |
Patel, Mahendra Purushottam |
1949-01 |
Patel, Mahendrabhai Chaturbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Mukund Navnitlal |
1949-01 |
Patel, Mukundbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Narotambhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Nathalal Bhaychandbhai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Nitin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Nitin Tribhovandas |
1949-01 |
Patel, Rajendra Jagivandas |
1949-01 |
Patel, Rajendra Jagjivandas |
1949-01 |
Patel, Ramanbhai (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Santukbai |
1949-01 |
Patel, Santukbai Natha Velji |
1949-01 |
Patel, Subhash (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Surendra (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patel, Ushaben (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paterson, Alexander Douglas |
1949-01 |
Paterson, David Robert (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paterson, James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paterson, Karen (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paterson, Philip John |
1949-01 |
Paterson, Richard (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paterson, Richard Cumming |
1949-01 |
Paterson, William Russell |
1949-01 |
Patey, John Robert |
1949-01 |
Patience, Derek |
1949-01 |
Patience, Irene |
1949-01 |
Patience, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paton, Ethel |
1949-01 |
Patrick, Frances Wester |
1949-01 |
Pattani, Ramesh Liladhar |
1949-01 |
Patterson, Alex (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patterson, Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patterson, Ivan James |
1949-01 |
Patterson, Lynda Margaret |
1949-01 |
Patterson, Michael John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Patterson, William John |
1949-01 |
Pattinson, Brian Sidney |
1949-01 |
Pattinson, Joyce Irene |
1949-01 |
Pattison, Anthony John |
1949-01 |
Pattison, Barry |
1949-01 |
Patton, Dennis Patrick |
1949-01 |
Paul, Alan Sydney |
1949-01 |
Paul, George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Paul, Sarjit Kaur |
1949-01 |
Paul, Subhas Chandra |
1949-01 |
Paulley, Janet Sandra |
1949-01 |
Paulton, Robert John |
1949-01 |
Paulwell, Petura |
1949-01 |
Paxton, Arthur Ralph |
1949-01 |
Pay, Rosemary Elizabeth Ann |
1949-01 |
Payne, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Payne, David Copplestone |
1949-01 |
Payne, David Keith |
1949-01 |
Payne, David Ronald (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Payne, Doreen Rose |
1949-01 |
Payne, John Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Payne, Michael George |
1949-01 |
Payne, Oliver Arthur |
1949-01 |
Payne, Patricia Joan |
1949-01 |
Payne, Ray Douglas |
1949-01 |
Payne, Roger Graham |
1949-01 |
Payne, Rosamund |
1949-01 |
Peace, Peter Jonathan |
1949-01 |
Peach, Janice |
1949-01 |
Peacock, John Edward |
1949-01 |
Peak, David Charles |
1949-01 |
Peake, Sallie Helen |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Anthony Trevor |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Bernard Ian David |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Brian Thomas |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Daniel John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, David Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Edward Ernest |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Geoffrey William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, Julie (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearce, William Charles (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Peare, Angela Margaret |
1949-01 |
Pearlman, Maureen Barbara |
1949-01 |
Pearse, Kathrine |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Andrew Cameron |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Bridget (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Bryan Sparke |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Douglas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Geoffrey (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Janet Alison |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Keith (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Owen Keith |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Raymond George (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Robert Leonard |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Teresa |
1949-01 |
Pearson, Vivienne Pamela |
1949-01 |
Peat, Ronald James Macdonald |
1949-01 |
Peate, George Edwin |
1949-01 |
Peatfield, Anne Patricia |
1949-01 |
Peberdy, Harry Geoffrey |
1949-01 |
Pecastaing, Monique |
1949-01 |
Peck, Diane Mary |
1949-01 |
Pedder, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pedder, Michael Robert |
1949-01 |
Pedelty, Mervyn Kay |
1949-01 |
Pedersen, Jan Gorm |
1949-01 |
Pedersen, Terje |
1949-01 |
Pedley, Christopher John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pedramnia, Morteza |
1949-01 |
Peek, Christine Rosalyn |
1949-01 |
Peel, Erica |
1949-01 |
Peel, Graham Edward |
1949-01 |
Peel, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Peers, Audrey |
1949-01 |
Peers, Jack (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pegler, John Robin |
1949-01 |
Pehrsson, Olle |
1949-01 |
Pehrsson, Per Olof |
1949-01 |
Peitz, Dieter Heinrich |
1949-01 |
Pell, Robert Andrew |
1949-01 |
Pellett, Abbie Dennis |
1949-01 |
Pemberton, Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pendlebury, Gerard |
1949-01 |
Pendred, Christopher John |
1949-01 |
Pendrell, Christopher Bernard |
1949-01 |
Penfold, Roger Frederick |
1949-01 |
Pengo, Antonio |
1949-01 |
Penman, Norman Steward |
1949-01 |
Penn, Alfred Francis |
1949-01 |
Penn, Eric |
1949-01 |
Penney, Geoffrey Derek |
1949-01 |
Pennicott, Michael |
1949-01 |
Penny, Andrew John |
1949-01 |
Penston, Dion |
1949-01 |
Pentecost, Brian |
1949-01 |
Pentelow, Guy Scott |
1949-01 |
Pepall, Carol Ann |
1949-01 |
Peperzak, Marcus Bernard |
1949-01 |
Pepori, Marcello |
1949-01 |
Pepper, Carol Anne |
1949-01 |
Pepper, John Charles |
1949-01 |
Pepper, Terence Anthony (Gastineau) |
1949-01 |
Perch, Ellian Joseph |
1949-01 |
Percival, Yonit Manor |
1949-01 |
Pereira, Duarte Lino Saldanha |
1949-01 |
Pergolesi, Elisabetta |
1949-01 |
Perkins, Christine Ann (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Perkins, Glynis |
1949-01 |
Perkins, Marion Hilda |
1949-01 |
Pernick, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Perriam, John |
1949-01 |
Perrick, Steven |
1949-01 |
Perrott, Barbara Jean |
1949-01 |
Perry, David Arthur (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Perry, David William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Perry, Keith William (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Perry, Laine |
1949-01 |
Perry, Monica Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Perry, Philip James Erskine |
1949-01 |
Perry, Phillip James Erskine |
1949-01 |
Perry, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Perry, Roger George |
1949-01 |
Perry, Stephen Samuel |
1949-01 |
Perryman, Brian Harry |
1949-01 |
Perryman, Roger |
1949-01 |
Perumayan Varrid, Thariathkutty |
1949-01-05 |
Pester, Janice Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Peter, Knee |
1949-01 |
Peters, Bibi Hamidan |
1949-01 |
Peters, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Peters, Shermane Willis |
1949-01 |
Peterson, Billy Gene |
1949-01 |
Petherick, Marilyn |
1949-01 |
Peto, Francis Michael Morton |
1949-01 |
Petronzi, John Emil |
1949-01 |
Petrovic, Arne |
1949-01 |
Petrucci, Janis Hazel |
1949-01 |
Peyton, James William Rodney |
1949-01 |
Phelps, Gary David |
1949-01 |
Philip, Derek |
1949-01 |
Phillimore, Nathalie Berthe Louisa |
1949-01 |
Phillimore, Nathalie Berthe Louise |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Adam Ivor Cargill |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Alan Ross |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Anthony David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Christopher Alan Patrick |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Christopher Arthur |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Frederick Hewitt |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Gerald Frederick Richard |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Ian Raymond |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Jane Anne (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Joyce (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Kathryne |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Paul (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Paul Andrew Mark |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Peter Ian |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Rita (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, Wendy (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillips, William John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Phillpotts, John Nicholas (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Philp, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Philpott, Bernadine Erna |
1949-01 |
Philpott, Richard Nagle |
1949-01 |
Philpotts, John Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Pickance, William Thomas |
1949-01 |
Pickering, Andrew John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pickering, Christopher (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pickett, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pickles, Pauline Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Pickman, Susan |
1949-01 |
Pickman, Susan Margaret |
1949-01 |
Pickup, Mary |
1949-01 |
Pickup, Raymond (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Picton, Edward John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Piddock, Angela Patricia |
1949-01 |
Pierallini, Giovanni |
1949-01 |
Piercy, Nigel Francis |
1949-01 |
Pieroni, Mary Catherine |
1949-01 |
Pieropan, Angela |
1949-01 |
Pierpoint, Alan (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pike, Ernest Kevin |
1949-01 |
Pilat, Vladimir |
1949-01 |
Pilbeam, Adrian Brendan |
1949-01 |
Pilkington, David Harry (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pilkington, Richard Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pimm, George Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Pimm, Geroge Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Pinchbeck, Stephen |
1949-01 |
Pinchen, Anthony |
1949-01 |
Pinder, James William |
1949-01 |
Pinder, Rennie |
1949-01 |
Pinel, Lorraine |
1949-01 |
Pink, Michael James |
1949-01 |
Pinkus, David |
1949-01 |
Pinner, Angela |
1949-01 |
Pinter, Abraham Mordecai |
1949-01 |
Piotrowski, Seweryn |
1949-01 |
Piper, Frederick Mark |
1949-01 |
Piper, Mark (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pirret, Gordon Maxwell |
1949-01-22 |
Pitney, David John |
1949-01 |
Pitsiladi, Aristides Peter |
1949-01 |
Pittman, Frederick John |
1949-01 |
Pittol, Sonia Beatrice |
1949-01 |
Pittordou, Anne Eyvonne |
1949-01 |
Pitts, Alan Philip |
1949-01 |
Pitts, Keith Richard |
1949-01 |
Pitts, William Henry Leonard |
1949-01 |
Plaha, Satpal Kaur |
1949-01 |
Plank, Madeleine |
1949-01 |
Planner, Neil |
1949-01 |
Plant, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Planton, Andrew William |
1949-01 |
Platings, Richard Lucien Raynier |
1949-01 |
Platt, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Platter, Harvey |
1949-01 |
Playfoot, John Christopher |
1949-01 |
Playforth, Helah Georgina |
1949-01 |
Plimley, Peter Kennedy |
1949-01 |
Plimmer, Kathryn Patricia |
1949-01 |
Plimmer, Michael James (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Ploughman, Paul |
1949-01 |
Plummer, David Hugh |
1949-01 |
Pody, David Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Poenaru, Liviu Traian |
1949-01 |
Pointon, Frederick Brian |
1949-01 |
Poirier, Gerard |
1949-01 |
Poirier, Michel (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Poissonnier, Yves Marie Joseph |
1949-01 |
Polak, Christopher Charles |
1949-01 |
Poldrugo, Flavio Antonio Vittorio |
1949-01 |
Polgar, Tamas Gyorgy |
1949-01 |
Polhill, George John |
1949-01 |
Pollack, Hugo Alexander Harold |
1949-01 |
Pollak, Hugo Alexander Harold |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Brian (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Brian John |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Brian Leadley |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Eileen |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Eric Nicholas |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Sheila Millicent |
1949-01 |
Pollard, Stuart John |
1949-01 |
Pollen, Christine May |
1949-01 |
Pollock, Anne Elizabeth |
1949-01 |
Pollock, Michael Leonard |
1949-01 |
Pollok, Michael Leonard |
1949-01 |
Pomroy, Janice Ann |
1949-01 |
Ponnappa, Shoba |
1949-01 |
Ponting, Bruce |
1949-01 |
Ponzellini, Maurizio |
1949-01 |
Poole, Colin (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Poole, Philip Leslie |
1949-01 |
Poole, Roger (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Poole, Susan Elisabeth |
1949-01 |
Pooler, Jillian Susan |
1949-01 |
Pope, Gary (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pope, Michael (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Popkiss, Ernest Wayne |
1949-01 |
Pople, Josephine |
1949-01 |
Porteous, Russell Kenneth |
1949-01 |
Porteous, William (Bill) |
1949-01 |
Porteous, William John |
1949-01 |
Porter, Clifford Dennis |
1949-01 |
Porter, George Edward |
1949-01 |
Porter, Malcolm Ivan |
1949-01 |
Porter, Patricia Jane |
1949-01 |
Porter, Philip Lougher |
1949-01 |
Porter, Robert Humphrey |
1949-01 |
Porter, Sarah (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Posner, Tamar |
1949-01 |
Posner, Tamar Beatrice |
1949-01 |
Posnett, John Philip |
1949-01 |
Poston, Rosemary Anne |
1949-01 |
Potter, Alice Florence |
1949-01 |
Potter, Angela (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Potter, Colin John |
1949-01 |
Potter, David John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Potter, Ian Charles |
1949-01 |
Potter, Jennifer (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Potter, John Stratton |
1949-01 |
Potter, Philip (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Potter, Richard Martin |
1949-01 |
Potter, Robert Brian |
1949-01 |
Potts, Brian Arthur |
1949-01 |
Potts, Roy Leslie |
1949-01 |
Poulter, John Alfred |
1949-01 |
Poulter, Veronica Ann |
1949-01 |
Poulter, Veronica Anne |
1949-01 |
Poweleit, Hans-Peter |
1949-01 |
Powell, Anthony (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, Barry George |
1949-01 |
Powell, Clinton (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, Gareth (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, John (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, Linda Mary |
1949-01 |
Powell, Lindsay (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, Malcolm (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Powell, Robert Charles |
1949-01 |
Powell, Roy Sandy |
1949-01 |
Powell, Vinney |
1949-01 |
Power, Laurence (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Power, Robert Joseph Charles |
1949-01 |
Powers, Lynda G |
1949-01 |
Pownall, David (1949-01) |
1949-01 |
Pradhan, Chandra Bahadur |
1949-01 |
Prady, Edward |
1949-01 |