Non-HK companies departed/dissolved HK in 2025
This page shows the non-HK companies which were registered in HK and either departed or were dissolved (whichever comes first) in the chosen period, since records begin in 1946. A change in registration requirements took effect on 31-Aug-1984; it is possible that there were other foreign companies with a place of business in HK before that which were not registered with the Companies Registry.
Note: data on deregistrations are not reliable after 16-Nov-2020, when we started our last complete scan of the registry. On 22-Nov-2020, the registry implemented a new captcha system, preventing further data collection. The limited data available on (comprising delayed weekly updates) only cover new registrations and name-changes, without stating domicile.
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Reg no. | Name | Registered | Left HK | Dissolved | Domicile | |
1 | 61871426 | SHELL COMPANY OF HONG KONG LIMITED (THE) | 2013-08-09 | 2025-01-07 | England & Wales |
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