HKSAR Consolidated Accounts

Show as % of Gross Domestic Product

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Year to 31 March HK$000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Revenue 177,786,525 191,958,907 202,363,095 175,368,823 160,715,226 181,441,459 223,522,768 236,663,573 258,595,823 330,544,825 269,990,749 284,817,285 342,548,259 400,477,206 404,155,000 418,345,243 478,453,770 449,823,915 552,399,230 598,393,941 559,432,144 542,528,105 511,803,678 613,142,445 528,845,596 544,717,146
Expenditure -240,235,531 -223,728,708 -233,443,987 -239,787,164 -240,106,675 -247,465,908 -241,794,608 -232,220,891 -226,036,742 -234,014,466 -311,659,492 -288,385,080 -300,785,529 -363,461,635 -376,751,158 -432,968,911 -395,857,660 -435,556,001 -461,975,328 -470,786,231 -531,747,982 -607,687,273 -815,880,457 -692,883,104 -809,386,382 -717,497,116
Investment income 31,223,755 42,161,975 23,744,212 1,104,235 17,644,158 25,895,994 14,674,505 10,371,525 29,418,472 27,919,853 46,571,152 33,725,461 34,916,029 39,369,407 41,375,755 41,185,615 31,479,800 53,538,387 37,583,573 50,264,112 66,816,170 57,974,515 74,539,482 101,349,439 38,678,675 48,318,808
Exchange Fund surplus 52,174,000 48,960,000 16,485,000 -4,230,000 24,944,000 57,972,000 39,203,000 20,184,000 64,985,000 109,779,000 -136,131,000 73,759,000 39,333,000 -21,585,000 61,300,000 20,721,000 8,006,000 -74,473,000 15,958,000 180,985,000 -45,613,000 177,404,000 150,501,000 79,268,000 -276,407,000 112,525,000
Interest & expenses on bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 -440,378 -850,524 -825,916 -799,913 -752,638 -655,677 -843,560 -1,360,624 -1,814,843 -2,442,873 -2,677,305 -2,284,655 -2,184,696 -2,173,374 -2,391,385 -2,377,374 -2,056,056 -3,721,883 -5,873,635 -11,025,898
Total 20,948,749 59,352,174 9,148,320 -67,544,106 -36,803,291 17,843,545 35,165,287 34,147,683 126,136,637 233,429,299 -131,981,229 103,260,989 115,168,199 53,439,354 128,264,754 44,840,074 119,404,605 -8,951,354 141,780,779 356,683,448 46,495,947 167,841,973 -81,092,353 97,154,897 -524,142,746 -22,962,060

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