Overlapping people

Organisation 1: Mediwelcome Healthcare Management & Technology Inc. 麥迪衛康健康醫療管理科技股份有限公司
Organisation 2: Tibet Aim Pharm. Inc. 西藏易明西雅醫藥科技股份有限公司

The following 1 people hold positions in both organisations on 2025-02-07:

Name Position in Mediwelcome Healthcare Management & Technology Inc. 麥迪衛康健康醫療管理科技股份有限公司 Since Position in Tibet Aim Pharm. Inc. 西藏易明西雅醫藥科技股份有限公司 Since
Song, Rui Lin INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2020-12-21 Ind DirIndependent Director 2015-08

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