Bonsor, Bryan Cosmo

Gender: M
Estimated date of birth:1916-09-27
Estimated age:108 years 14 days
Estimated date of death: 1977-03-05
Estimated age on death:60 years 159 days

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Non-lineal relatives

Hambro, Elizabeth (1920-10-22 - 1995-04-26) Spouse 


CountGeneration, name, (birth - death)
1 Bonsor, Reginald, Baronet Bonsor (1879-08-09 - 1959-04-04)
2 Bonsor, Henry Cosmo Orme, Baronet Bonsor (1848-09-02 - 1929-12-04)


CountGeneration, name, (birth - death)
1 Bonsor, Nicholas Cosmo, Baronet Bonsor (1942-12-09 - )
2 Bonsor, Sacha Henrietta (1975-03-26 - )
3 Bonsor, Alexander Cosmo Walrond (1976-09-08 - )
4 Bonsor, James Charles (1982-12 - )
5 Bonsor, Elizabeth Nadine (1987 - )
6 Bonsor, Mary Catherine (1987) (1987 - )
7 Bonsor, Angus Richard (1947-02-03 - )
8 Bonsor, Rupert James (1974-09 - )
9 Bonsor, Flora Madeleine Mary (2008-08-14 - )
10 Bonsor, Alice Rose Elizabeth (2010-11-10 - )
11 Bonsor, Edward Richard (1976-07-16 - )

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