Trotter, William Kemp

Gender: M
Estimated date of birth:1929-09-04
Estimated age:95 years 113 days
Nationality Last seen
United Kingdom 2001-10-29

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Non-lineal relatives

Holcroft, Mary Virginia (1939-06-18 - ) Spouse 


CountGeneration, name, (birth - death)
1 Trotter, Victoria Mary (1962-07-10 - )
2 Thomas, Letitia Mary (1992-05-26 - )
3 Thomas, Ivo James (1994-08-14 - )
4 Trotter, James William Dale (1964 - )
5 Trotter, Hebe Florence (1994-07-30 - )
6 Trotter, Lavinia Alathea (1997-01-27 - )
7 Trotter, George Frederic K (1998 - )
8 Trotter, Henry Edward Dale (1966-08-21 - )
9 Trotter, Philip George Dale (1969-04-06 - )
10 Trotter, Reuben William K (2000 - )

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