Gurney, Joseph John (1788-08-02)
Gender: | M |
Estimated date of birth: | 1788-08-02 |
Estimated age: | 236 years 166 days |
Estimated date of death: | 1847-01-04 |
Estimated age on death: | 58 years 155 days |
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Count | Generation, name, (birth - death) |
1 | 1 Gurney, John (1749-11-10) (1749-11-10 - 1809-10-28) |
Count | Generation, name, (birth - death) |
1 | 1 Gurney, John Henry (1819-04-04) (1819-04-04 - 1890-04-20) |
2 | 2 Gurney, Richard Hanbury Joseph (1855 - 1899-05-06) |
3 | 3 Gurney, Quintin Edward (1883 - 1968-06-30) |
4 | 4 Gurney, Richard Quintin (1914-09-04 - 1980-04-16) |
5 | 5 Gurney, David Quintin (1941-02-06 - ) |
6 | 6 Gurney, Robert Edward Quintin (1969-07-08 - ) |
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