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Main board summary at 2024-06-26

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Name Age in
From Until Service
1 Aarons, Elaine Felicity F 66 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
2 Achilles, Frank M 53 2015-06-11 9.04
3 Adam-Van Straaten, Thera 52 2019-06-01 5.07
4 Advani, Gauri 61 2009-05-01 2010-05-31 1.08
5 Ahmed, Iftkhar (1966-10) 58 2003-04-30 21.16
6 Akinrele, Christopher Olatunji Maromipin M 38 2019-07-01 2023-06-30 4.00
7 Allen, Carl Henry M 43 2017-02-20 7.35
8 Allen, Matthew James (1971-05) M 53 2003-04-30 21.16
9 Amison, Helen Elizabeth F 37 2024-05-01 0.15
10 Amole, Anupreet Singh 43 2022-05-16 2.11
11 Anderson, Anthony David Dominic (1967-08) M 57 2019-04-23 2022-04-30 3.02
12 Andrews, Stuart Daniel M 58 2006-05-01 18.15
13 Annable, Helen Jane F 50 2007-05-01 2024-11-27 17.16
14 Ansari, Daniyal (1972-03) 52 2007-07-16 2015-03-03 7.63
15 Antoon, Wilson M 39 2023-11-04 0.64
16 Armstrong, Jonathan Philip M 58 2007-05-01 2009-09-09 2.36
17 Arnesen, Jens 62 2004-02-20 2007-05-31 3.27
18 Arnold, Michael Robert M 64 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
19 Arora, Kiran (1978-05) 46 2023-12-07 0.55
20 Arter, Anthony Lewis M 77 2003-04-30 2014-04-30 11.00
21 Ashfield, Gareth John M 47 2018-05-01 6.15
22 Askerud, Troels Knut M 60 2004-02-20 2011-04-30 7.19
23 Askew, Colin (1979-11) M 45 2019-05-01 5.16
24 Aspinall, Mark Stephen (1962-03) M 62 2017-06-12 2019-04-30 1.88
25 Attali, Deborah F 50 2012-10-01 11.73
26 Atwal, Gurjit Singh (1971-01) 53 2003-05-01 21.16
27 Audran-Proca, Ana Cristina F 43 2022-05-01 2.15
28 Austin, Jason Richard Alexander M 56 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
29 Bacon, George (1970-06) M 54 2008-05-01 2021-07-20 13.22
30 Barge, Lisa Louise F 49 2007-05-01 17.16
31 Barker, Francois Richard M 60 2012-05-01 12.15
32 Barker, Ian Kenneth M 55 2016-02-22 2021-04-04 5.11
33 Barker, Stephen Spencer M 61 2003-04-30 2006-08-31 3.34
34 Barnes, Judith Elizabeth F 63 2003-04-30 2012-08-10 9.28
35 Barrett, Paula (1969-04) F 55 2003-04-30 21.16
36 Barrie, Howard Jonathan M 67 2011-05-01 2018-04-30 7.00
37 Bartlett, Nicholas Michael M 52 2004-03-01 20.32
38 Baskerville, Jonathan M 53 2019-05-01 2021-04-16 1.96
39 Batchelor, Richard John (1978-05) M 46 2015-05-01 9.16
40 Batham, David James (1970-07) M 54 2006-05-01 2022-04-30 16.00
41 Beardmore, Mark Heric M 53 2013-12-02 2024-04-30 10.41
42 Beaumont, Mark (1959-09) M 65 2003-04-30 2011-07-29 8.25
43 Beausang, Paul Fergus M 52 2018-05-14 6.12
44 Bechtold, Martin Wolfgang M 67 2016-02-29 2023-04-30 7.16
45 Behaeghe, Ignaas 63 2007-07-01 2009-09-30 2.25
46 Belcher, Christopher William (1952-01) M 72 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
47 Bennett, Diane Mary (1965-12) F 59 2003-04-30 2012-04-30 9.00
48 Bennison, Nicola Jane F 57 2003-04-30 21.16
49 Bent, Rupert William Timothy M 52 2018-02-19 6.35
50 Beswick, David John (1963-02) M 61 2009-08-01 2021-04-30 11.75
51 Bhachu, Samsher Singh M 42 2020-05-01 4.15
52 Bhattacharya, Indradeep 43 2022-09-12 1.79
53 Biggs, Adrian Hugh M 78 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
54 Birchall, Michael John M 57 2019-12-02 4.57
55 Birchall, Phillip Stuart M 45 2021-01-18 2024-11-30 3.44
56 Birchall, Thomas James M 47 2017-05-01 7.15
57 Birdi, Balraj Singh 46 2019-05-01 5.16
58 Birks, Richard Hugh M 52 2006-11-30 2009-02-22 2.23
2011-04-11 2016-08-12 5.34
59 Bitterlich-Straver, Anique 43 2021-05-01 3.15
60 Black, Richard William (1984-04) M 40 2023-05-01 1.16
61 Black, Thomas (1983-11) M 41 2022-05-01 2.15
62 Bland, Adrian Dennis M 68 2003-04-30 2003-06-30 0.17
63 Bland, Louise Elizabeth (1975-01) F 49 2018-05-01 6.15
64 Blandeau, Valerie Jeanne F 53 2008-05-01 2011-03-31 2.91
65 Blane, Nicholas Charles M 59 2003-04-30 21.16
66 Blom, Wijnand Michael M 50 2018-01-01 2023-08-31 5.66
67 Blower, Geoffrey M 76 2003-04-30 2008-04-30 5.00
68 Blum, Daniel (1975-06) M 49 2009-05-01 15.15
69 Blundell, Neill Francis Kenneth M 54 2008-06-16 2018-07-31 10.12
70 Boardman, John Kenneth M 69 2003-04-30 2012-04-30 9.00
71 Bohling, Hugh Hovey M 67 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
72 Bolkenstein, Matthijs Alexander M 46 2018-01-01 2019-04-30 1.33
73 Bolton, Fiona Samari Uchenna Sarah F 47 2008-10-06 2018-01-21 9.29
74 Bonneau, Sebastien M 48 2022-02-14 2024-09-29 2.36
75 Booth, Kevin Charles M 64 2003-04-30 2021-04-30 18.00
76 Boss, Simon Andrew M 60 2003-04-30 2005-02-28 1.83
77 Boswall, Julian Roderick Gerard M 59 2004-01-19 2009-02-28 5.11
78 Bouillon, Jacques M 61 2020-01-31 4.40
79 Bourgeois, Franck 57 2008-01-14 16.45
80 Bousquet, Jean-Robert M 49 2022-06-01 2.07
81 Boutin, Jean Pascal Dominique 57 2011-05-01 2022-02-06 10.77
82 Bowcock, David Norman M 56 2003-04-30 2009-05-31 6.09
83 Bowley, Jonathan M 53 2003-05-01 21.16
84 Boyd, David James (1968-12) M 56 2003-04-30 21.16
85 Braddock, Nigel Craig M 60 2003-05-01 2014-04-30 11.00
86 Brady, Mark Andrew M 61 2006-02-22 2008-06-27 2.34
87 Brandman, Gregory Michael M 54 2011-10-03 12.73
88 Bray, Thomas Michael M 48 2014-05-01 10.15
89 Brearey, Alison Fiona F 62 2003-04-30 2021-04-30 18.00
90 Breen, Helga Alison Mary F 65 2003-04-30 2007-08-31 4.34
91 Brickwedde, Werner 43 2019-08-05 2023-04-15 3.69
92 Bridges Webb, Anthony Crispin M 62 2003-04-30 2009-03-12 5.87
93 Bridgord, Thomas Robert M 56 2011-02-21 13.34
94 Brook, Jonathan Philip M 50 2014-05-01 2015-06-30 1.16
95 Brook, Laura Jayne F 41 2021-05-01 3.15
96 Brookes, Nicola Emma F 42 2018-05-01 2019-10-31 1.50
97 Brooks, Chris James M 40 2020-05-01 4.15
98 Brooks, Christopher James (1984-05) M 40 2020-05-01 4.15
99 Brooks, Jeremy Frazer M 68 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
100 Brooks, Simon David M 57 2003-04-30 2024-04-30 21.00
101 Broquard, Rachel Mary F 49 2013-05-01 11.15
102 Brown, Alan Neil M 67 2003-04-30 2012-04-30 9.00
103 Brown, Anthony (1956-09) M 68 2003-04-30 2004-09-30 1.42
104 Brown, Benjamin Morley M 38 2022-05-01 2.15
105 Brown, Colin Stewart (1946-01) M 78 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
106 Brown, Julian Marshall M 57 2003-04-30 21.16
107 Brown, Michael Thomas (1954-12) M 70 2003-04-14 2016-04-30 13.05
108 Brown, Mitchell Jefferson M 62 2008-09-01 2013-04-30 4.66
109 Brown, Nancy Joanne F 59 2004-07-09 2022-06-30 17.97
110 Browning, Timothy Charles (1985-03) M 39 2021-05-01 3.15
111 Brueninghaus, Carsten 62 2015-06-11 2024-05-31 8.97
112 Brugman, Gidget Jennifer F 53 2019-12-01 2022-01-31 2.17
113 Brunton, Mark John M 60 2004-05-01 2022-04-30 18.00
114 Bruton, Benjamin Kevin M 49 2009-03-09 2012-10-31 3.65
115 Buchanan, Michael Andrew John M 51 2014-05-01 2023-07-21 9.22
116 Buckingham, Timothy David (1966-06) M 58 2012-10-08 2015-01-31 2.31
117 Buckley, Michael Gregory M 47 2017-05-01 7.15
118 Buckworth, Susan F 62 2008-05-01 2021-04-30 13.00
119 Buddhdev, Sheena F 49 2021-09-07 2.80
120 Bull, Roderick James M 70 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
121 Bundy, Rodman Richards 73 2003-06-01 2013-07-31 10.17
122 Burnley, Paul Anthony M 69 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
123 Burns, Andrew James (1975-03) M 49 2016-05-01 8.15
124 Burns, Michael Anthony (1968-06) M 56 2014-04-01 2020-08-31 6.42
125 Burnside, Sarah Elizabeth Stewart F 40 2023-05-01 1.16
126 Burson, Simon George M 56 2006-12-04 2015-09-04 8.75
127 Busby, Christopher Neal M 52 2004-05-01 20.15
128 Butler, George Richard Francis M 75 2003-04-30 2006-12-31 3.67
129 Butler, John Howard (1945-02) M 79 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
130 Byford, Neville Paul M 58 2010-06-17 2024-04-30 13.87
131 Byrne, Justin (1966-12) M 58 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
132 Caldwell, Sean Raymond M 56 2005-05-01 2009-04-24 3.98
133 Campbell, Ross Donald M 59 2013-07-13 2014-11-02 1.31
134 Campion, Hilary Patrick M 71 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
135 Canning, Joanne Louise F 49 2015-05-01 9.16
136 Carroll, Claire Elizabrth F 53 2011-05-01 13.16
137 Carter, Rebecca Louise (1971-06) F 53 2006-05-01 2011-08-09 5.27
138 Cartwright, Charlotte Marie F 41 2022-05-01 2.15
139 Cartwright, Elizabeth Jane F 46 2019-05-01 5.16
140 Carver, Alex Peter M 55 2022-05-01 2.15
141 Castellani, Paul (1971-10) M 53 2007-05-01 2009-07-31 2.25
142 Castle, Paul John (1977-10) M 47 2017-05-01 7.15
143 Caveney, Suzanne F 44 2024-05-01 0.15
144 Chadwick, Lucy Jane F 47 2020-05-01 4.15
145 Chamberlain, Simon Mark M 54 2003-05-01 21.16
146 Chandler, Andrew Frank M 53 2007-05-01 2013-11-13 6.54
147 Chapman, Norman Allen M 74 2003-04-30 2009-05-29 6.08
148 Chapman, Robert (1949-07) M 75 2003-04-30 2008-04-18 4.97
149 Chatelin, Michel 59 2018-01-01 6.48
150 Chegwin, Stephen James M 40 2024-05-01 0.15
151 Chester, Mark Andrew M 55 2017-05-01 7.15
152 Chhabra, Ankit (1984-02) 40 2024-05-01 0.15
153 Choudry, Naeema Atta 56 2003-04-30 21.16
154 Cirell, Stephen David M 64 2003-04-30 2010-03-31 6.92
155 Clapham, Caroline Elaine F 43 2020-05-01 4.15
156 Clarke, Erika Mary F 62 2003-04-30 2007-07-31 4.25
157 Clavell-Bate, Michael Frederick M 58 2003-04-30 2023-04-30 20.00
158 Cliff, Richard Andrew M 55 2006-07-31 2010-01-31 3.50
159 Cloke, Simon Charles M 44 2016-05-01 2021-12-31 5.67
160 Clowes, Rebecca Ann F 39 2024-05-01 0.15
161 Cloynes, Tiffany Francesca F 60 2003-04-30 2005-08-05 2.27
162 Cole, Alun Bayne M 73 2004-07-19 2011-04-30 6.78
163 Coleman, Elizabeth Jane (1984-01) F 40 2022-05-01 2.15
164 Collings, Stephen John M 63 2008-01-01 2024-04-30 16.33
165 Collinson, Adam Grant M 59 2003-04-30 2017-04-30 14.00
166 Connorton, Ruth Martina F 56 2003-04-30 2014-02-28 10.83
167 Cook, Alan Russell M 55 2023-07-03 0.98
168 Cook, Kathryn Mair F 58 2004-05-01 2022-04-08 17.94
169 Cook, Rosemary Doran F 61 2003-05-01 2005-05-20 2.05
170 Cooke, Nigel Edward M 43 2015-11-23 8.59
171 Cooper, Mark Neils M 44 2019-05-01 5.16
172 Cooper, Rachel Elizabeth Mary F 47 2022-05-01 2.15
173 Coppin, Paul Edward M 59 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
174 Corbanie, Stefan Dominiek M 53 2004-05-01 2009-09-30 5.42
2022-05-01 2.15
175 Cordier, Gaetan 47 2012-05-14 12.12
176 Corr, Jayne F 58 2003-04-30 2003-09-30 0.42
177 Costello, Timothy John Buckham M 78 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
178 Cotter, Adriana Zenobia (1982-09) 42 2022-01-04 2024-08-30 2.48
179 Cotton, Paul Christopher Brian M 56 2003-04-30 21.16
180 Coughlin, Monica Isabelle Bridget F 58 2003-04-30 2004-03-29 0.91
181 Cox-Brown, Jonathan Martin M 50 2013-05-01 11.15
182 Cranston, Peter Edward M 68 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
183 Crawford, Laura Jane (1965-01) F 59 2003-04-30 2007-04-30 4.00
184 Cree, James Alistair M 48 2014-05-01 10.15
185 Cripps, Jonathan Richard Casbourne M 61 2003-04-30 2011-08-09 8.28
186 Crook, Jonathon Richard M 59 2003-04-30 2014-04-30 11.00
187 Croome, Andrew Philip Millard M 70 2003-04-30 2005-07-08 2.19
188 Crosbie, Philip (1985-06) M 39 2024-05-01 0.15
189 Cross, Colman Anthony Richard M 40 2021-05-01 3.15
190 Crossley, Simon Paul M 58 2005-11-28 18.58
191 Curtis, Gemma Joanne F 47 2010-05-01 2015-05-13 5.03
192 Dale, Nigel Andrew M 62 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
193 Daltry, Thomas Michael M 66 2003-04-30 2008-04-30 5.00
194 Daly, Guy Sebastian Sawle M 51 2013-09-01 2017-07-03 3.84
195 Damerell, Judith Mary F 58 2007-05-01 2012-06-27 5.16
196 Daniel, Simon Paul M 42 2019-05-01 5.16
197 Dariosecq, Sylvie 68 2003-10-01 2006-05-30 2.66
198 Daunt, Mary Theresa F 61 2003-04-30 2005-09-01 2.34
199 Davenport, Mark John M 52 2006-05-01 18.15
200 Davies, Anthony George M 52 2009-05-01 2022-04-30 13.00
201 Davies, Ian Hudson M 64 2003-04-30 2020-04-30 17.00
202 Davies, Michelle Thomas 58 2003-04-30 2022-04-30 19.00
203 Davies, Philip Stephen (1977-01) M 47 2011-05-01 2015-04-30 4.00
204 Davies, Richard (1968-10) M 56 2016-05-01 2018-05-31 2.08
205 Davies, Richard William (1968-10) M 56 2016-05-01 2018-05-31 2.08
206 Davies, Simon James Hardwick M 38 2022-05-01 2.15
207 Davis, Benjamin Robert (1977-11) M 47 2023-07-10 0.96
208 Davis, Patrick Michael (1979-04) M 45 2010-05-01 14.15
209 Davison, Andrew John (1961-09) M 63 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
210 Davison, Paul Anthony (1969-04) M 55 2003-04-30 2011-03-31 7.92
211 de Backer, Marjolein 42 2023-09-21 0.76
212 de Gouyon Matignon de Pontouraude, Alexandre M 67 2003-06-01 2005-05-31 2.00
213 de Guyenro, Philippe M 59 2021-11-01 2.65
214 de Guyenro, Phillipe M 59 2021-11-01 2.65
215 de La Chapelle, Frederique 53 2013-05-13 2019-02-22 5.78
216 de La Pena, Paul Rodrigo Gray M 56 2003-04-30 2017-02-28 13.83
217 de Leo, Marianafrancesca 52 2016-05-03 2018-07-31 2.24
218 de Moidrey, Pascal 59 2003-09-01 2007-07-31 3.91
219 de Moreau D'andoy, Viviane F 53 2018-01-15 2019-10-29 1.79
220 de Peuter, Stanislas M 63 2007-07-01 2009-01-31 1.59
221 Dear, Bruce Robert M 60 2003-05-01 2022-10-31 19.50
222 Degos, Louis Marie Robert M 54 2005-01-24 2009-06-30 4.43
223 Delderfield, Gary M 54 2008-03-03 16.31
224 Delsaut, Philippe (1969-12) M 55 2004-05-01 2005-12-31 1.67
225 Demirel, Eda 52 2021-10-04 2023-10-31 2.07
226 Dennison, Giles Thomas Peter M 54 2019-11-04 2023-11-27 4.06
227 Dennison, Mark Anthony M 45 2016-09-05 7.81
228 Denoyelle, Vincent Aurelien Rene M 48 2018-12-17 2024-07-26 5.52
229 Densham, William George Ryan M 49 2008-10-27 15.66
230 Deslandres, Virginie F 63 2011-11-15 2014-05-08 2.48
231 Despres, Philippe M 57 2012-10-01 2018-12-31 6.25
232 Detalle, Catherine F 45 2017-05-01 7.15
233 Devine, Patrick Gerard M 68 2007-10-15 2009-05-29 1.62
234 Devos, Koen 56 2005-05-01 2009-09-30 4.42
2022-05-01 2024-11-22 2.15
235 Dick, Steven Marshall M 44 2020-05-01 4.15
236 Dickson, Dawn F 48 2016-05-03 2023-07-31 7.24
237 Diemer, Stefan Andreas M 52 2015-06-11 9.04
238 Doggett, Lorna Mary F 45 2024-05-01 0.15
239 Dolan, Mary Teresa F 52 2011-07-11 2015-12-14 4.43
240 Done, Benjamin M 54 2009-11-16 2012-04-01 2.37
241 Doolan, Kevin John M 71 2003-04-30 2014-04-30 11.00
242 Doraisamy, Jayanthi Shunmugam 61 2009-08-10 2011-12-09 2.33
243 Doughty, Alexander Robert M 67 2012-08-09 2019-07-31 6.97
244 Douglas, Jonathan (1967-07) M 57 2017-01-01 7.48
245 Douglas, Thomas Christopher M 45 2019-05-01 5.16
246 Dowdeswell, Windsor Patrick Walker M 74 2003-04-30 2005-03-25 1.90
247 Dowie, Alexander Lightbody M 73 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
248 Drew, Jeffrey Ross M 70 2003-04-30 2003-09-30 0.42
249 Dryden, Dominic David M 50 2007-06-18 2008-05-23 0.93
250 Du Feu, Vivian John M 70 2003-04-30 2007-10-31 4.50
251 Duckworth, Andrew James (1984-05) M 40 2021-09-27 2022-11-18 1.14
252 Duignan, Philip Mark M 41 2020-05-01 4.15
253 Duignan, Sarah Maria F 40 2022-05-01 2.15
254 Dunseath, Stephen M 54 2013-05-01 2019-04-30 6.00
255 Durkin, Joseph Anthony M 86 2008-01-01 2010-12-31 3.00
256 Dutson, Stuart Terence M 55 2007-12-07 2016-10-05 8.83
257 Dutton, Paul Nicholas Symon M 59 2003-04-30 2020-04-30 17.00
258 Earle, Stuart Lloyd M 45 2011-05-01 13.16
259 Easo, Jubilee Anie 49 2020-05-01 4.15
260 Edwards, Julia Cathryn F 56 2003-04-30 2006-05-25 3.07
261 Edwards, Natalie Rose (1976-09) F 48 2016-05-01 8.15
262 Edwards, Susan Jean (1964-03) F 60 2006-05-01 2009-06-26 3.15
263 Ehret, Daniel (1975-08) M 49 2024-01-03 0.48
264 Eisdell, Anton Hubert Mortimer M 79 2003-04-30 2007-12-21 4.64
265 Eley, Catherine Jane F 52 2007-05-01 17.16
266 Elies, Gautier Francois M 46 2023-09-04 0.81
267 Ellerton, William M 53 2007-09-10 2016-12-31 9.31
268 Elliott, Audrey Frances F 55 2008-05-01 16.15
269 Elliott, Kevin (1969-06) M 55 2006-05-01 2021-12-31 15.67
270 Emanuel, Lewis Oliver M 66 2005-05-01 2009-03-31 3.92
271 Emberson, David Stephen M 54 2007-05-01 17.16
272 Emmerson, Nicholas Paul (1970-02) M 54 2007-05-01 2013-04-30 6.00
273 England, Eve Louise F 43 2020-05-01 4.15
274 Evans, Eric Christopher M 79 2003-04-30 2006-01-31 2.76
275 Evans, Nicola Rebecca F 46 2021-05-01 2024-06-30 3.15
276 Everiss, Mark Charles M 59 2022-09-01 1.82
277 Everson, Ingrid Ruth F 66 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
278 Falkof, Gregory M 51 2018-05-01 2022-11-18 4.55
279 Fallon, Elizabeth Mary F 65 2003-04-30 2018-04-30 15.00
280 Farrant, Patrick Leslie Maurice M 60 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
281 Farrell, Lesley Ann (1961-07) F 63 2013-01-02 2021-10-31 8.83
282 Fassen, Rob 63 2018-01-01 2020-08-31 2.66
283 Feist, David James M 48 2010-05-01 14.15
284 Fellas, Thekla Rebecca F 56 2019-04-01 5.24
285 Felstead, Stephen John (1968-11) M 56 2006-05-01 18.15
286 Ferguson, Adam Timothy Baty M 54 2009-05-01 2014-12-31 5.67
287 Ferme, Marco M 49 2018-07-01 5.99
288 Findeisen, Maximilian M 48 2018-10-18 2022-10-31 4.04
289 Fink, Stefan M 54 2023-01-01 1.48
290 Finkel, Katia F 41 2023-09-04 0.81
291 Finney, James Ashley M 35 2023-05-01 1.16
292 Finnie, Louise Emily F 44 2015-05-01 9.16
293 Finnigan, John Howard M 77 2003-04-30 2005-09-08 2.36
294 Fisher, Adam Daniel M 44 2017-01-03 7.48
295 Fisher, Barry Thomas M 59 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
296 Fitzsimons, Elizabeth (1967-08) F 57 2016-05-01 8.15
297 Flack, David Jonathan M 52 2014-04-01 10.24
298 Fleet, Stuart Christopher M 64 2003-04-30 2006-11-09 3.53
299 Fletcher, Alan Crawford M 55 2005-01-10 2011-04-30 6.30
300 Fletcher, Mark Elnor M 55 2006-08-14 17.87
301 Flindt, Sybille 51 2015-06-11 2016-09-30 1.31
302 Foitzik, Frederik Uwe M 56 2015-06-11 2021-07-31 6.14
303 Fontes, Paul Marcus M 54 2004-05-01 20.15
304 Ford, Abgus Timothy Le Noury M 50 2012-05-08 2024-11-30 12.13
305 Ford, Stephan Charles M 60 2003-04-30 2006-02-24 2.82
306 Fosh, Timothy Ian M 39 2024-03-20 0.27
307 Fouret, Julien 46 2019-09-09 2024-04-30 4.64
308 Fox, Caspar Lloyd M 52 2008-05-01 2010-12-31 2.67
309 Francis Lang, Rachel Ann F 59 2003-05-01 2008-09-30 5.42
310 Francis, Steven Darryl M 60 2005-01-31 2007-04-30 2.24
311 Franklin, Sarah (1965-02) F 59 2012-07-03 11.98
312 Freiman, Laurence Daniel M 46 2022-09-05 1.81
313 Freund, Thomas (1982-09) M 42 2021-05-01 2024-03-15 2.87
314 Frood, Alastair Mcgarva M 52 2020-01-06 4.47
315 Froud, Keith M 54 2003-04-30 21.16
316 Fry, James Edward M 53 2005-05-01 2017-08-10 12.28
317 Fuerst, Stefanie F 54 2017-12-01 2020-03-31 2.33
318 Furst, Stefanie F 54 2017-12-01 6.57
319 Gaddum, Erica Paula Jane F 57 2012-05-01 12.15
320 Gaertner, Anette 49 2023-01-01 1.48
321 Gamlin, Simon Henry M 48 2009-05-01 15.15
322 Gantzckow, Silke 54 2023-05-01 1.16
323 Gardiner, Patrick John M 54 2006-05-01 2011-01-14 4.71
324 Garnett, Christopher John (1961-09) M 63 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
325 Gascoigne, Ian Vaughan M 67 2003-04-30 2018-04-30 15.00
326 Gaston-Braud, Olivier M 50 2018-10-01 2020-04-30 1.58
327 Geraedts, Natascha Anne Marie F 55 2018-09-01 5.82
328 Gerry, Patrick Yvan M 55 2022-02-14 2.36
329 Gershon, Judith Ann F 68 2003-04-30 2009-06-19 6.14
330 Ghata Aura, Kuljit Singh 53 2007-05-01 2008-05-10 1.03
331 Ghosh, Fiona F 51 2006-06-05 2014-08-31 8.24
332 Gibbs, Robert Victor M 70 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
333 Gibson, Ian Robert (1948-08) M 76 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
334 Gibson, James Stuart (1986-07) M 38 2023-11-13 0.62
335 Giesecke, Susanne F 58 2015-06-11 2023-06-30 8.05
336 Giles, Paul Martin M 49 2012-03-19 2015-10-30 3.61
337 Gilhooley, Diane Cheryl F 55 2003-05-01 21.16
338 Gill, Jonathan Vaughan M 44 2021-09-01 2.82
339 Gill, Kuljeet Kaur 50 2007-05-01 17.16
340 Gillery, Bryan Fred M 73 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
341 Gilliam, Bill John M 53 2005-05-01 2013-12-31 8.67
342 Gilthorpe, Ian Michael M 71 2008-09-01 2011-04-30 2.66
343 Gittins, Hugh John M 49 2016-05-01 2018-09-14 2.37
344 Glover, David (1962-06) M 62 2007-11-19 2010-06-09 2.55
345 Goedvolk, Paul Jacob Arjan M 53 2018-01-01 2021-07-01 3.50
346 Gold, Antony M 66 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
347 Goldsmith, Thomas Martin M 47 2015-03-16 9.28
348 Goodfellow, Benjamin Robert M 77 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
349 Goodwin, Jeremy Paul (1973-11) M 51 2008-05-01 16.15
350 Gordon, David John (1965-03) M 59 2003-05-01 2010-04-30 7.00
351 Gordon, Emma Jane (1974-08) F 50 2013-05-01 2024-08-31 11.15
352 Gordon, Graeme Andrew (1959-07) M 65 2003-05-01 2007-01-31 3.75
353 Gorringe, Mathew David M 57 2004-07-12 2024-05-08 19.82
354 Gough, Matthew Lewis M 54 2006-05-01 18.15
355 Gould, Alison Jayne F 67 2003-04-30 2006-08-31 3.34
356 Gould, Terence John (1952-03) M 72 2003-04-30 2005-07-08 2.19
357 Graham, Ronald Henry Joseph M 73 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
358 Grant Collinson, Adam M 59 2003-04-30 2017-04-30 14.00
359 Graves, Elizabeth Zoe F 51 2013-05-01 11.15
360 Gray, Colin Francis (1962-12) M 62 2008-07-14 2012-01-05 3.48
361 Gray, David John (1955-01) M 69 2003-03-05 2013-04-30 10.15
362 Gray, David Lewis M 54 2004-05-01 20.15
363 Gray, Ian John Basil M 58 2003-04-30 21.16
364 Gray, Neville (1978-06) M 46 2016-05-01 2023-01-16 6.71
365 Gray, Robert Winston M 53 2020-05-01 4.15
366 Grayston, John Francis Blake M 62 2003-04-30 2007-04-30 4.00
367 Green, Graham Andrew (1973-04) M 51 2023-09-04 0.81
368 Green, Lawrence Bernard M 60 2003-04-30 2004-08-31 1.34
369 Green, Susan Catherine F 63 2003-04-30 2007-10-31 4.50
370 Green, William Guy M 64 2003-04-30 2007-05-31 4.08
2008-05-01 2009-02-28 0.83
371 Gregory, Claire Louise (1980-01) F 44 2023-12-18 0.52
372 Gregory, Eve F 56 2003-04-30 2010-02-28 6.83
373 Gregson, Suzanne (1975-08) F 49 2010-08-09 2013-04-30 2.72
374 Gregson, Suzanne Claire F 49 2010-08-09 2013-04-30 2.72
375 Griffiths, David Calvert M 62 2006-10-02 2012-09-21 5.97
376 Griffiths, Marian Elizabeth F 67 2003-04-30 2007-09-28 4.41
377 Grimes, Michael Leonard Julian M 59 2003-04-30 2018-11-30 15.59
378 Gripton, Bruce Graham James M 65 2003-04-30 2008-12-31 5.67
379 Grooterhorst, Johannes Karl Peter M 69 2017-08-01 2020-07-31 3.00
380 Guest, Jonathan Richard M 66 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
381 Gulvanessian, Aleen Seza F 66 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
382 Gutierrez, Jose Ignacio Pascual 49 2018-01-15 6.44
383 Haberkorn, Benjamin M 53 2023-05-01 1.16
384 Hack, Manfred M 58 2016-11-15 2018-04-30 1.45
385 Hacking, Steven Martin M 46 2014-05-01 10.15
386 Hale, Joseph Martin M 47 2022-08-22 1.85
387 Hall, Daniel Charles Joseph M 62 2003-04-30 21.16
388 Hall, John Thridgould M 76 2003-04-30 2008-12-31 5.67
389 Halliday, Christopher John (1973-11) M 51 2006-05-01 18.15
390 Hallowell, Michael Geoffrey M 70 2005-01-24 2013-06-30 8.43
391 Halper, Andrew M 71 2004-08-12 2009-11-30 5.30
392 Halpin, Peter James M 60 2003-04-30 2013-10-31 10.51
393 Hamilton, Stanley Keith M 70 2003-04-30 2005-05-31 2.09
394 Hammerton, Mark Andrew M 55 2004-05-01 2012-04-11 7.95
395 Hammerton, Mark Andrew Brian M 55 2016-06-13 8.04
396 Hammond, Gregory James M 60 2013-02-25 2019-02-28 6.01
397 Hammond, Simon James (1980-11) M 44 2024-05-01 0.15
398 Hand, Alexander Malcolm M 49 2009-05-01 2017-08-04 8.26
399 Hanley, Gemma Patricia F 51 2023-05-01 1.16
400 Hansen, Nikolaj Juhl 49 2012-05-01 2013-02-12 0.79
401 Hanson, Richard Thomas (1964-08) M 60 2007-05-01 2011-01-31 3.75
402 Harada, Louis-Narito 46 2017-05-01 2021-04-30 4.00
403 Hardie, Alistair Warner M 53 2008-01-14 2013-04-30 5.29
404 Hardy, David Robert (1970-07) M 54 2011-07-21 2015-04-30 3.78
405 Harper, Peter (1979-11) M 45 2017-02-06 7.38
406 Harris, Anne Elizabeth (1961-07) F 63 2003-04-30 2021-04-30 18.00
407 Harris, Lee Antony M 38 2024-05-01 0.15
408 Harris, Simon James (1981-03) M 43 2018-05-01 6.15
409 Harrison, Geoff (1950-07) M 74 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
410 Hartigan, Richard Patrick M 47 2019-05-01 5.16
411 Harverkamp, Lars Hendrik M 44 2022-01-01 2.48
412 Hasted, Emily Jane F 44 2024-05-01 0.15
413 Hastie, Adam Robert M 54 2005-10-10 2009-05-29 3.63
414 Hastings, Christopher (1981-01) M 43 2017-06-05 2024-04-30 6.90
415 Hastings, Christopher John (1981-01) M 43 2017-06-05 7.06
416 Hastings, Deneze Ann F 59 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
417 Hatton Jones, Joanne F 52 2007-05-01 17.16
418 Haverkamp, Lars Hendrik M 44 2022-01-01 2.48
419 Hayward, Anne Lilian F 72 2003-04-30 2008-12-31 5.67
420 Heaps, John Robert M 71 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
421 Hearn, Susan Joyce F 71 2003-04-30 2003-09-03 0.34
422 Heather, Adam Tom M 52 2006-05-01 2013-02-28 6.83
423 Heeds, Jacqueline Tracey F 60 2008-05-01 2020-04-30 12.00
424 Heisse, Matthias Jürgen Herrmann M 64 2015-06-11 9.04
425 Hellert, Joos 51 2015-06-11 9.04
426 Henderson, Andrew James Hamilton M 56 2014-03-10 2019-12-31 5.81
427 Henkenborg, Uwe M 59 2015-06-11 2016-01-12 0.59
428 Heppel, Margaret Elizabeth Maxwell F 67 2003-04-30 2018-04-30 15.00
429 Hepplestone, John Martin M 77 2003-04-30 2006-06-30 3.17
430 Herbert, Katherine Julie F 63 2003-04-30 2009-12-31 6.67
431 Herbert, Mary Therese F 70 2003-04-30 2010-12-31 7.67
432 Herring, Keith Andrew M 56 2013-10-01 2014-08-31 0.91
433 Hill, Adrian Edward M 66 2003-04-30 2011-05-31 8.08
434 Hill, Richard (1985-09) M 39 2019-01-01 5.48
435 Hill, Stephen Michael Ausden M 51 2008-05-01 16.15
436 Hill, Timothy Alexander M 53 2009-05-01 15.15
437 Hilpert, Christian Albert M 48 2016-05-01 8.15
438 Hilsdon, Paul James M 69 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
439 Hilton, Christopher James (1950-01) M 74 2003-04-30 2010-04-30 7.00
440 Hilton, Dawn Marie Nichola F 46 2015-05-01 9.16
441 Ho, Wie-Men 45 2023-05-01 1.16
442 Hoare, Martin Frederick M 51 2008-05-01 2010-03-31 1.91
443 Hodgson, Craig Ian M 57 2003-04-30 2005-07-08 2.19
444 Hoekstra, Jeroen Onno M 57 2019-05-13 2021-08-31 2.30
445 Hoffmann, Claudia Nicole F 40 2022-11-03 2024-11-30 1.65
446 Holland, Nicholas Alexander Anderson M 55 2008-01-07 2009-05-22 1.37
447 Holle, Holger Knut M 49 2018-05-01 6.15
448 Holloway, Charles Henry Warner M 74 2003-04-30 2003-12-31 0.67
449 Holloway, Robert Jamie M 40 2021-05-01 3.15
450 Holmes, Kelly (1977-09) F 47 2016-05-01 8.15
451 Holt, Jonathan David M 69 2003-04-30 2008-10-31 5.51
452 Honeyben, Matthew M 43 2021-06-11 2023-04-30 1.88
453 Honrath-Kurth, Paul Georg Alexander M 59 2015-06-11 9.04
454 Hopkins, Martin Weale M 67 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
455 Hopkins, Stephen Martyn M 64 2003-04-30 2014-10-31 11.50
456 Hothi, Paul Nuwtej Singh M 49 2009-05-01 2011-06-09 2.11
457 Howarth, Louise Jane (1976-12) F 48 2019-05-01 5.16
458 Howarth, Mark (1981-01) M 43 2015-05-01 9.16
459 Howe, Susan Jane F 60 2003-04-30 2008-02-06 4.77
460 Howell, Kim (1961-06) 63 2003-04-30 2006-12-04 3.60
461 Huebscher, Alexandre M 45 2019-05-01 2021-02-28 1.83
462 Hughes, Bryan Gordan M 63 2003-03-05 2017-10-31 14.66
463 Hughes, Clare (1976-07) F 48 2015-02-01 2018-05-25 3.31
464 Hughes, Clare Marie (1976-07) F 48 2015-02-01 2018-05-25 3.31
465 Hughes, Dave Lawrence M 43 2020-05-01 4.15
466 Hughes, Paul Roland M 68 2003-04-30 2004-10-15 1.46
467 Hughes, Tracey Caroline F 61 2003-04-30 2011-02-28 7.83
468 Hugill, Christopher John M 71 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
469 Hull, John Kenneth M 73 2005-05-01 2010-05-28 5.07
470 Hull, Steven Edward M 61 2014-05-01 2024-04-30 10.00
471 Humphreys, Emma Rachel F 37 2023-05-01 1.16
472 Hutton, Laura-Beth F 39 2022-05-01 2.15
473 Hyde, James Edward (1976-09) M 48 2014-05-01 10.15
474 Hylkema-Berghuijs, Marie-Helene Sybille F 41 2023-01-02 1.48
475 Hyndman, Damian Philip James M 48 2010-05-01 14.15
476 Ibbotson, Katherine (1970-03) F 54 2003-04-30 2004-10-16 1.46
477 Irving, Jeremy David M 55 2010-05-10 2015-02-19 4.78
478 Isaacs, Sally Jane F 49 2022-05-01 2.15
479 Isherwood, Patrick Hurst M 77 2003-04-30 2006-09-30 3.42
480 Issitt, Martin Trevor M 66 2003-04-30 2020-04-30 17.00
481 Jackson, Anthony Gavin M 64 2003-04-30 2013-07-18 10.22
482 Jackson, Lee James (1977-01) M 47 2015-05-01 9.16
483 Jacobs, Thomas Henry (1968-06) M 56 2004-05-01 2008-06-27 4.16
484 Jagger, Denise Nichola F 66 2004-05-01 2019-04-30 15.00
485 James, David Keith Marlais (1944-01) M 80 2003-04-14 2004-04-30 1.05
486 James, Philip Edwin Francis M 51 2020-07-13 3.95
487 Jannone, Gaetano Giulia Renato M 40 2024-02-19 0.35
488 Jenkins, Alan Dominique M 72 2003-04-14 2011-04-30 8.04
489 Jervis, David Mark (1966-09) M 58 2003-04-30 2024-07-31 21.16
490 Jew, Nicholas James M 55 2017-05-01 2020-04-30 3.00
491 Jobson, Christopher Edward M 61 2003-04-30 2008-03-31 4.92
492 Johnson, Benjamin Trevor M 61 2003-04-30 2004-08-31 1.34
493 Johnson, Charmian Elizabeth F 51 2016-05-01 8.15
494 Johnson, Robin Stuart Craig M 61 2003-04-30 21.16
495 Johnstone, Patricia Anne (1955-03) F 69 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
496 Jones, Benjamin Charles Ryder M 46 2014-05-01 10.15
497 Jones, Clive Douglas M 56 2008-02-04 2015-01-15 6.95
498 Jones, David (1967-09) M 57 2011-05-01 13.16
499 Jones, David Gareth (1975-01) M 49 2007-05-01 17.16
500 Jones, Huw Rolant M 52 2008-05-01 16.15
501 Jones, Janet Glenys F 69 2007-05-01 2010-04-30 3.00
502 Jones, Michael Edward Caleb M 42 2021-09-01 2.82
503 Jones, Nefydd Picton Gwyn 63 2003-04-30 2019-12-31 16.67
504 Jones, Peter John Watkin M 67 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
505 Jones, Richard David (1980-12) M 44 2015-05-01 9.16
506 Jones, Robert Edward (1966-10) M 58 2003-04-30 2003-08-08 0.27
507 Jones, Sarah Ann (1978-09) F 46 2013-05-01 11.15
508 Jones, Simon Huw (1964-09) M 60 2013-10-14 2017-06-09 3.65
509 Joos, Johan Desire M 49 2023-05-01 1.16
510 Jordan, Andrew James (1970-06) M 54 2004-05-01 20.15
511 Joyce, Morag Elizabeth F 71 2003-04-30 2011-07-15 8.21
512 Jukes, Debra Alison F 59 2003-05-01 2023-09-30 20.42
513 Jung, Steffen Erich M 58 2015-06-11 9.04
514 Kandola, Amrik Singh (1968-01) 56 2003-04-30 2016-10-31 13.51
515 Karsten, Kristine Elizabeth F 72 2003-06-24 2006-07-31 3.10
516 Kayyali, Nadim 49 2022-07-22 1.93
517 Kean, Joseph Francis M 58 2003-04-30 2009-01-04 5.68
518 Kellaway, Rosalind F 67 2003-04-30 2024-05-31 21.09
519 Kelly, Damian James M 54 2004-05-01 2010-04-30 6.00
520 Kelly, Matthew John (1975-01) M 49 2014-11-03 9.65
521 Kemkers, Gertjan Joseph John M 54 2006-05-01 2008-08-31 2.34
2012-05-01 12.15
522 Kendrick, Hannah Lucy F 51 2006-09-01 2013-06-30 6.83
523 Kiernan, Peter Michael M 64 2006-01-09 2008-03-31 2.22
524 King, Emma (1969-10) F 55 2012-06-25 12.00
525 Kitts, Stephen M 61 2003-04-30 2012-10-31 9.51
526 Kleiman, Remi Yvon 58 2010-05-04 14.15
527 Knai, Eric M 55 2010-05-01 14.15
528 Knowles, Janet Susan F 65 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
529 Koko, Agnes Nwaka F 54 2015-05-01 9.16
530 Koster, Marieke 43 2020-05-01 4.15
531 Kotsonis, Totis 58 2014-07-28 2020-03-16 5.63
532 Kowanz, Rolf 54 2015-06-11 9.04
533 Krag, Vibeke 62 2004-02-20 2006-09-30 2.61
534 Krause, Andreas Johannes Luciano M 44 2023-05-01 1.16
535 Kulvik, Waltter Axel Gustav M 42 2022-01-19 2024-09-30 2.43
536 Kursawe, Stefan Karl Edgar M 62 2015-06-11 2023-04-30 7.89
537 Kyle, Richard (1979-05) M 45 2018-05-01 2024-06-28 6.15
538 Lacey, Dominic (1973-06) M 51 2009-05-01 15.15
539 Laing, Hugo Christopher M 42 2016-06-06 8.05
540 Laisney, Louis-Jerome M 41 2023-05-01 1.16
541 Lambert, Roderick Stewart M 59 2018-04-09 2021-05-07 3.08
542 Lamberts, Christof 60 2015-06-11 2024-11-30 9.04
543 Lamotte, Manon 38 2022-05-01 2.15
544 Lampert, Richard Philip James M 56 2012-10-01 11.73
545 Langham, Sarah Kathleen F 47 2016-05-01 8.15
546 Lapuelle, Myrtille 48 2019-01-02 2021-04-30 2.32
547 Larbey, Claire Victoria F 50 2015-05-01 2018-10-08 3.44
548 Lashmar, Nicola Jane F 49 2015-05-01 9.16
549 Latchmore, Andrew Windsor M 74 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
550 Latimour, Mark Andrew M 46 2014-09-01 9.82
551 Le Bars, Olivier M 37 2023-05-01 1.16
552 Le Quillec, Gaelle 49 2019-09-09 2024-04-30 4.64
553 Leach, Jonathan David (1975-07) M 49 2016-05-09 8.13
554 Leader, James Timothy Forbes M 47 2011-05-01 2021-04-16 9.96
555 Leeds, Andrew Bruce M 41 2023-05-01 1.16
556 Legg, Andrew Richard (1957-06) M 67 2012-02-06 2021-04-30 9.23
557 Leonard, Tessa F 65 2003-04-30 2010-08-13 7.29
558 Letza, Martin Richard M 55 2003-04-30 2005-01-31 1.76
559 Levin, Stanley David M 66 2006-11-13 2011-12-12 5.08
560 Levy, Daniel Joseph M 52 2005-10-31 2006-05-25 0.56
561 Lewis, Harold (1952-05) M 72 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
562 Lewis, Richard James Trevor M 57 2012-01-01 2017-10-31 5.83
563 Lewis, Roger Kingston M 79 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
564 Lewis, Susan (1957-10) F 67 2003-04-30 2018-04-30 15.00
565 Li, Andrew (1974-04) M 50 2008-01-10 2009-10-23 1.79
566 Lichtenstein, Jane Margaret F 66 2003-04-30 2007-12-31 4.67
567 Lightfoot, Louise F 50 2019-05-01 5.16
568 Lightman, Simon Julian M 45 2019-12-09 4.55
569 Lindop, James Alexander Edward M 44 2017-05-01 7.15
570 Link, Sandra (1974-08) F 50 2024-01-01 0.48
571 Liptrott, Daniel Adam M 52 2008-05-01 2013-08-02 5.25
572 Little, Richard Macdonald M 49 2010-05-01 14.15
573 Llewellyn, Paul (1953-11) M 71 2003-04-30 2005-10-31 2.51
574 Lloyd, Dilys Mary Heneage F 70 2003-04-30 2009-10-31 6.51
575 Lloyd, Richard Evan (1980-03) M 44 2015-05-01 9.16
576 Lloyd, Richard Huw M 54 2003-05-01 21.16
577 Logan Green, Neil M 63 2003-04-30 2008-05-14 5.04
578 Loric, Aurelien M 36 2021-05-01 2023-04-14 1.95
579 Lovell, Jason Philip M 49 2010-10-04 13.73
580 Lovering, Elenor Jane F 51 2007-05-01 17.16
581 Lowe, Paul Wyndham M 65 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
582 Loy, Simon John M 59 2003-04-30 2013-10-31 10.51
583 Ludwig, Robert Leslie M 43 2015-07-06 8.97
584 Lunoe, Mikael 78 2004-02-20 2007-04-30 3.19
585 Lustermans, Lucas M 46 2018-05-01 2019-04-30 1.00
586 Maccuish, Andrew James M 66 2008-05-23 2009-06-14 1.06
587 MacKay, Helen Fiona F 36 2023-05-01 1.16
588 MacKey, Helen Fiona F 36 2023-05-01 1.16
589 Mackin, Stephen (1964-05) M 60 2003-04-30 2017-06-30 14.17
590 Macpherson, Karen (1965-12) F 59 2003-04-30 2005-12-31 2.67
591 Mahmud, Karim 57 2017-02-06 2018-06-30 1.39
592 Mahon, Hannah Mary F 42 2022-07-04 1.98
593 Maier, Tobias (1979-04) M 45 2016-05-05 8.14
594 Maile, Paul Robert M 48 2012-05-01 12.15
595 Maitra, Jessica Ruth F 48 2011-05-01 2017-10-30 6.50
596 Malim, Jonathan Charles Wentworth M 48 2021-05-01 3.15
597 Maloney, Alice Ruth F 37 2024-05-01 0.15
598 Maloney, Timothy Joseph M 73 2003-04-30 2008-08-14 5.29
599 Manford, Peter Roger Frank M 70 2003-04-30 2003-07-11 0.20
600 Mangat, Indraj Singh 61 2003-04-30 2024-04-30 21.00
601 Mankabady, Martin Graff M 55 2022-01-17 2.44
602 Mann, Jennifer Anne (1985-05) F 39 2023-05-01 1.16
603 Manson, Stephen (1968-11) M 56 2003-04-30 2015-12-31 12.67
604 Marquis, Veronique Elisabeth F 49 2012-11-05 2016-07-17 3.70
605 Marschall, Stephan M 43 2020-05-01 4.15
606 Marshall, Ailison Marie Abigail Lynam F 58 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
607 Marshall, Elizabeth (1973-01) F 51 2017-05-01 7.15
608 Marshall, Lynde Kim 55 2006-05-01 18.15
609 Martin, Antoine M 62 2006-09-04 2016-06-30 9.82
610 Martin, Jessica Charlotte F 38 2024-05-01 0.15
611 Martor, Boris M 52 2007-05-01 2019-09-30 12.42
612 Master, Jonathan Dinshaw M 52 2008-05-01 2023-07-31 15.25
613 Masters, Simon Paul M 57 2006-09-01 17.82
614 Mather, Ian Philip M 66 2003-04-30 2011-03-31 7.92
615 Matthew, Stephen William M 67 2003-04-30 2005-11-03 2.51
616 Matthews, Neil Gordon M 61 2003-04-30 2013-07-12 10.20
617 Matthews, Paul Nigel (1953-09) M 71 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
618 Matthews, Richard Alistair M 58 2003-04-30 21.16
619 Mattison, Mark Robert M 73 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
620 Mawhood, John North M 66 2004-05-07 2006-02-02 1.74
621 Maylor, Sarah Elizabeth F 46 2020-01-06 4.47
622 McCormack, Peter John (1975-03) M 49 2008-05-01 16.15
623 McCormick, Kari Suzanne (1970-11) F 54 2020-03-16 4.28
624 McCormick, Karl Suzanne 54 2020-03-16 4.28
625 McCreath, Robert Henry M 64 2003-04-30 2004-12-31 1.67
626 McFarlane, Gayle Elizabeth (1962-09) F 62 2016-08-15 2024-09-06 7.86
627 McGraa, Ceri Ann F 38 2022-05-01 2.15
628 McGuirk, David James M 47 2014-05-01 10.15
629 McGurk, Anthony Justin Gerard M 63 2003-04-30 2011-05-31 8.08
630 McGurk, Rachel Mary F 66 2003-04-30 2003-08-08 0.27
631 McHugh, Peter James (1958-07) M 66 2003-04-30 2008-07-31 5.25
632 McKay, Colin Beaton (1963-04) M 61 2008-07-14 2013-07-12 4.99
633 McKenzie, James David Gilbertson M 40 2023-11-04 0.64
634 McLean, Paul (1989-08) M 35 2024-05-01 0.15
635 McLoughlin, Kevin (1952-07) M 72 2005-09-01 2007-06-08 1.77
636 McNabb, Heather Eve F 73 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
637 McNabb, Robert Simon M 49 2010-05-01 2022-04-30 12.00
638 McQuitty, Jake James M 51 2017-11-01 2024-04-30 6.49
639 Mead, Geoffrey Hugh M 58 2006-09-11 2018-10-31 12.14
640 Mead, Simon Mark M 50 2008-05-01 16.15
641 Medford, Philip James M 61 2003-04-30 2024-04-30 21.00
642 Medvei, Cornelius Malcolm M 73 2003-04-30 2014-04-30 11.00
643 Meggitt, Karen Frances F 55 2004-05-01 2010-01-31 5.75
644 Mehdevy, Alexander Taliesin M 52 2018-05-01 6.15
645 Mendelsohn, Barri 47 2023-11-04 0.64
646 Mense, Christian M 48 2016-05-12 8.12
647 Mercer, Suzanne Margaret Dawn F 55 2003-04-30 2006-01-27 2.75
648 Meredith, Alan David (1952-01) M 72 2003-04-30 2014-04-30 11.00
649 Meryon, Marc Piers M 60 2011-10-08 2023-05-31 11.64
650 Messeca, Jacques M 56 2004-05-01 2015-08-31 11.33
651 Mestoudjian, Jacques M 46 2016-09-01 2021-04-30 4.66
652 Metais, Eric M 46 2018-03-01 2024-01-31 5.92
653 Mewies, Sally Ann F 61 2003-04-30 2006-02-28 2.83
654 Milburn, Thomas David (1985-05) M 39 2024-05-01 0.15
655 Miles, Jennifer (1980-05) F 44 2015-05-01 9.16
656 Milne, David Robinson M 46 2018-05-01 2020-09-02 2.34
657 Mitchell, Isabelle Claire F 42 2023-05-01 1.16
658 Mohring, Neil Stephen M 48 2011-05-01 2019-01-31 7.75
659 Moll de Alba, Rafael M 47 2021-09-01 2.82
660 Moloney, Eamon Philip M 70 2003-04-30 2008-12-05 5.60
661 Molt, Gerhard Ram Peter M 52 2015-06-11 9.04
662 Molyneux, Helen Clare F 59 2003-04-30 2004-09-08 1.36
663 Monheim, Dirk M 52 2015-06-11 9.04
664 Monnerville, Sarah F 38 2023-05-01 1.16
665 Moody, Andrew Gist M 49 2012-05-01 2015-12-31 3.67
666 Moorcroft, Paul John (1968-11) M 56 2004-06-07 2022-10-31 18.40
667 Moore, Ian Clive (1967-07) M 57 2017-01-03 2020-09-17 3.70
668 Moorhouse, Constanze Gabriele F 54 2006-05-01 18.15
669 Mordue, Christopher (1969-10) M 55 2017-04-06 7.22
670 Morel, Alexandre M 45 2022-06-07 2.05
671 Morgan, Claire (1951-03) F 73 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
672 Morgan, Claire Frances F 40 2023-05-01 1.16
673 Morris, Dominic Charles M 52 2010-05-01 2020-04-30 10.00
674 Morris, Neil Derek M 71 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
675 Morrison, Nicholas Scot M 60 2003-05-01 2007-04-15 3.96
676 Morrissey, Simon (1963-07) M 61 2018-10-08 2019-04-05 0.49
677 Moss, Christopher John (1968-04) M 56 2003-04-30 2005-08-25 2.32
678 Moss, David John (1961-11) M 63 2012-03-19 2016-04-30 4.11
679 Moulton, Richard Edward M 55 2003-05-01 21.16
680 Mousdale, Michael (1962-09) M 62 2003-04-30 2010-05-31 7.09
681 Moylan, Ben Michael M 49 2016-05-01 2019-07-31 3.25
682 Mueller, Nils M 43 2021-05-01 3.15
683 Mulholland, Gerald Damian M 60 2003-04-30 2008-06-15 5.13
684 Murphy, David Paul M 61 2003-04-30 2004-09-30 1.42
685 Murray, Christopher Andrew Thomas M 38 2024-05-01 0.15
686 Nash, Stephen Paul (1973-07) M 51 2005-05-01 19.15
687 Naunton, William James M 56 2003-04-30 2015-01-15 11.71
688 Naylor, Michelle Joanne F 46 2015-05-01 9.16
689 Naylor, Sarah Louise (1981-09) F 43 2017-05-01 2019-05-14 2.03
690 Neal, Julia Elena F 46 2018-05-01 6.15
691 Nesbit, Martin Peter M 45 2015-05-01 9.16
692 Neuberger, Jessica Alice F 47 2018-10-31 5.65
693 New, Richard Andrew Philip M 46 2013-05-01 2018-12-31 5.67
694 Newberry, Glenn Robert M 53 2021-05-01 3.15
695 Newcombe, Diana Catherine Rachel F 54 2009-05-01 2011-01-28 1.74
696 Newitt, Joseph Richard John M 51 2023-11-04 0.64
697 Newman, Katherine Elizabeth F 50 2016-05-01 2022-11-30 6.58
698 Newton, Benjamin Michael (1980-11) M 44 2019-05-01 5.16
699 Nicholas, Rebecca (1974-10) F 50 2012-05-01 2015-11-21 3.56
700 Niethammer, Alexander Reiner Karl M 52 2015-06-11 9.04
701 Norbury, Charles Peter (1953-01) M 71 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
702 Nunn, Andrew James (1971-05) M 53 2004-05-01 2009-02-28 4.83
703 Nurse, Byron John M 55 2007-05-01 2013-05-31 6.08
704 Nuttall, Callum Laing 57 2003-04-30 2003-09-28 0.41
705 O'Brien, Gary John (1959-08) M 65 2003-04-30 2008-04-30 5.00
706 O'Connor, James John M 43 2016-05-01 8.15
707 O'Connor, Paul (1952-12) M 72 2003-04-30 2003-08-08 0.27
708 O'Donoghue, Christopher John (1965-06) M 59 2007-05-01 2009-09-30 2.42
709 O'Reilly, Stephen John M 46 2022-05-01 2024-04-30 2.00
710 Oats, Simon Daniel M 58 2003-04-30 21.16
711 Oldfield, Alison Judith F 55 2009-05-01 15.15
712 On, Nicholas Peter M 61 2003-04-30 2008-10-31 5.51
713 Ord, Michael Thomas M 66 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
714 Ortoli, Henri Xavier M 70 2003-06-01 2005-05-31 2.00
2007-12-21 2010-08-31 2.69
715 Orton, Giles Anthony Christopher M 65 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
716 Orton, Sebastian George M 46 2016-03-07 2019-03-31 3.06
717 Ostermöller, Christian M 44 2024-01-01 0.48
718 Outhwaite, Alasdair Ian M 50 2012-05-01 2016-01-30 3.75
719 Owen, Gerallt Wyn 55 2004-08-02 2008-03-31 3.66
720 Owen, Ian Alexander (1978-03) M 46 2023-05-01 1.16
721 Owens, Joanne (1976-09) F 48 2022-02-21 2.34
722 Packer, Mark John M 59 2004-02-02 2007-11-16 3.79
723 Padfield, Brendan John M 65 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
724 Paget-Brown, Edward Andrew M 62 2006-12-11 2009-03-01 2.22
725 Paley, Ruth Theresa F 44 2022-05-01 2.15
726 Parry, Rex John M 59 2003-04-30 2011-09-15 8.38
727 Partland, Amanda Jane F 50 2006-05-01 18.15
728 Partridge, Malcolm James (1945-01) M 79 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
729 Paterson, Ronald George M 68 2003-04-30 2023-04-30 20.00
730 Pears, Melanie Louise F 59 2003-04-30 2006-09-29 3.42
731 Peet, Carole Elizabeth F 66 2005-11-07 2009-02-28 3.31
732 Pellow, Gary Robert M 61 2003-04-30 2023-04-30 20.00
733 Pendlebury, Gemma F 56 2022-05-01 2.15
734 Perrotta, Philip Carlo M 57 2003-04-30 2004-01-01 0.67
735 Perus-Bichot, Sophie F 48 2012-02-01 2021-04-30 9.24
736 Peto, Monica Ailsey Renate F 77 2008-01-01 2017-04-30 9.33
737 Pheasant, Louise Ann F 61 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
738 Phillips, Andrew James (1980-07) M 44 2017-03-15 2018-07-28 1.37
739 Phillips, Robert Owen M 46 2022-01-01 2.48
740 Pickavance, James Antony M 46 2014-04-01 2019-09-30 5.50
741 Pickens, Christopher M 48 2014-05-01 10.15
742 Pinder, Nicholas M 42 2019-05-01 5.16
743 Piper, Richard David Steuart M 55 2003-04-30 2005-10-28 2.50
744 Pipkin, Mark Andrew M 46 2018-05-01 6.15
745 Pirpamer, Bernd M 55 2015-06-11 9.04
746 Pitcher, Robert Wayne M 61 2003-04-30 2023-04-30 20.00
747 Pitt, Richard Mark M 50 2009-05-01 15.15
748 Player, Thomas Stephen M 52 2004-05-01 20.15
749 Polden, Deborah Jane F 43 2020-05-01 4.15
750 Pontillo, Sebastien M 46 2017-12-01 2021-04-30 3.41
751 Poole, Jason Geoffrey M 56 2003-04-30 2004-05-07 1.02
752 Poole, Kate Emma F 42 2021-05-01 2023-11-12 2.53
753 Porteous, Nigel Keith Douglas M 61 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
754 Porter, Leila 66 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
755 Possener, Adrian Marcus M 60 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
756 Poulton, Jenna Lucy F 42 2019-05-01 5.16
757 Powell, Deborah Anne (1963-07) F 61 2006-01-09 2009-05-08 3.33
758 Prendergast, Simon Anthony Carmenu M 56 2008-04-14 2013-04-30 5.04
759 Prevett, Geoffrey James M 80 2003-04-30 2007-03-23 3.90
760 Proctor, Nigel Colin M 68 2012-05-01 2015-11-30 3.58
761 Prowse, Richard Alan M 60 2003-04-30 2022-04-30 19.00
762 Pruessner, Michael M 50 2019-07-08 2022-09-30 3.23
763 Pugh, Ann-Marie F 54 2003-05-01 2006-03-05 2.84
764 Pugh, Paul Thomas M 52 2008-05-01 16.15
765 Purcell, Conrad Michael M 48 2016-09-05 2018-10-31 2.15
766 Pydiamah, Wesley M 44 2017-05-01 7.15
767 Pysden, Edward Scott M 76 2003-05-01 2011-04-30 8.00
768 Quayle, Andrew John M 49 2007-05-01 2013-04-08 5.94
769 Radford, Christopher Mark (1966-09) M 58 2003-04-30 2008-07-11 5.20
770 Randall-Smith, Claire Louise F 47 2020-05-01 4.15
771 Rankin, Claire Alison F 56 2003-04-30 2006-06-30 3.17
772 Rankin, Georgina Ann F 50 2017-05-08 7.13
773 Ranson, Lee (1964-12) 60 2003-04-30 21.16
774 Rathke, Carola 54 2015-06-11 2022-01-31 6.64
775 Rauch, Manuela 43 2019-05-01 5.16
776 Raven, Hugh Edward Earle M 53 2008-05-01 2010-03-26 1.90
777 Rawnsley, Patrick James M 60 2003-04-30 2005-05-31 2.09
778 Read, Victoria Nichola F 47 2012-01-09 2013-01-31 1.06
779 Rebus, Paul Michael M 57 2010-05-11 2012-07-16 2.18
780 Rees, Anthony Karl M 60 2004-12-20 2024-04-30 19.36
781 Rees, Keri Edward M 53 2004-05-01 20.15
782 Reynard, Charles William M 64 2010-01-18 2019-04-05 9.21
783 Rhatigan, Michael Vernon M 72 2003-04-30 2004-11-26 1.58
784 Rhys Jones, Mark David James M 58 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
785 Rice-Birchall, Simon M 57 2005-05-01 19.15
786 Richard, Bruno Alain Francois M 58 2017-05-02 2021-04-30 3.99
787 Richards, Jonathan (1959-09) M 65 2003-04-30 2014-07-31 11.25
788 Richardson, Graham Edward M 59 2003-04-30 21.16
789 Richardson, Phillip James (1985-02) M 39 2021-07-05 2.98
790 Richardson, Stephen Blake M 63 2003-04-30 2008-10-31 5.51
791 Ridge, Helen Elizabeth F 61 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
792 Ridley, Howard John M 60 2003-04-30 2005-08-26 2.32
793 Rieks, David M 40 2021-05-01 2024-08-31 3.15
794 Roberts, David John (1964-02) M 60 2003-05-01 2014-08-08 11.27
795 Roberts, James Daniel Houghton M 50 2011-05-01 13.16
796 Roberts, Kathryn Elizabeth (1967-10) F 57 2003-04-30 21.16
797 Robertson, Angela Carol F 61 2011-03-14 2014-12-05 3.73
798 Robinson, James David (1967-09) M 57 2006-11-27 17.58
799 Robinson, Jonathan Peter (1967-03) M 57 2006-05-01 2012-12-07 6.60
800 Robinson, Sophie Ann F 44 2014-05-01 2017-04-14 2.95
801 Robson, Nigel Rhyl M 73 2003-04-30 2007-07-31 4.25
802 Roe, Mark Jonathan M 48 2020-05-01 4.15
803 Roessler, Max (1956-12) 68 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
804 Roff, Mary Anne F 59 2013-05-01 2019-01-31 5.75
805 Roff, Mary Anne Urelda F 59 2013-05-01 2019-01-31 5.75
806 Rogers, Craig (1974-10) M 50 2015-11-02 8.65
807 Rollason, Samantha Beverley F 58 2004-05-01 2008-12-31 4.67
808 Ronco, Emmanuel Franck Joseph M 50 2021-06-01 2024-07-26 3.07
809 Roper, Jonathan Burnell M 73 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
810 Rose, Stephen Alan (1965-05) M 59 2003-04-30 2018-10-31 15.50
811 Roskis, Dan 52 2008-11-03 15.64
812 Rowe, Neil Walker M 57 2004-05-01 2008-10-31 4.50
813 Rowland, Brett Cameron M 63 2013-07-22 2016-07-29 3.02
814 Rowland, Helen (1985-08) F 39 2023-05-01 1.16
815 Rudd, Clare Louise (1972-01) F 52 2020-05-01 4.15
816 Rumberg, Carsten Diethelm Jurgen 58 2003-05-01 2009-04-30 6.00
817 Rundle, Nicholas John (1970-07) M 54 2004-05-01 2024-04-30 20.00
818 Saeedi, Terry Lynne 65 2008-12-01 2013-05-31 4.50
819 Saerbeck, Stefan M 45 2023-05-01 1.16
820 Sahla-Jones, Stefanie F 40 2022-05-01 2.15
821 Salam, Taslima 44 2016-05-01 2022-10-07 6.43
822 Salib, Walid Jean 42 2023-10-01 0.74
823 Salmond, Giles Menzies M 57 2014-01-13 2023-11-03 9.80
824 Samson, Christophe M 54 2015-06-11 9.04
825 Samuel, Susan Elizabeth F 53 2014-05-01 2019-03-04 4.84
826 Sandler, Martin John M 62 2022-10-03 2023-12-27 1.23
827 Sarginson, John Hayes M 74 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
828 Satterly, Mark John M 60 2012-05-01 2013-04-30 1.00
829 Saunders, David (1973-03) M 51 2006-05-01 2011-03-31 4.91
2012-10-01 11.73
830 Savage, Victoria Louise (1980-12) F 44 2022-05-01 2.15
831 Scemla, Sophie F 51 2015-09-24 2019-07-31 3.85
832 Scheerer, Daniel M 52 2015-06-11 9.04
833 Schneider, Michael (1956-12) M 68 2015-06-11 2016-09-30 1.31
834 Schniepp, Steffen M 48 2022-10-01 1.74
835 Schramm, Stefan M 49 2018-06-20 2021-07-31 3.11
836 Schreiber, Lutz 53 2017-05-01 2022-08-14 5.29
837 Schwencke, Marc Christian M 54 2017-08-01 6.90
838 Schweneke, Sven Marko 51 2015-06-11 2022-09-30 7.30
839 Sciot-Siegrist, Christophe Pascal Andre M 60 2008-05-01 16.15
840 Scott, Toby Nicholas Peter M 62 2003-04-30 2007-03-02 3.84
841 Scurlock, Peter William M 56 2003-05-01 21.16
842 Seabrook, Michael Richard M 72 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
843 Seagers, Adrian Charles M 60 2003-04-30 2004-05-31 1.09
844 Sellers, David Stuart M 63 2003-06-01 2023-04-30 19.91
845 Seward, Naomi F 52 2018-08-01 5.90
846 Sewell, John Philip M 50 2008-05-01 16.15
847 Shackleton, Stewart Robert (1958-11) M 66 2003-04-30 2010-01-26 6.74
848 Shann, Ian Robert M 73 2003-04-30 2007-04-30 4.00
849 Shapland, Maria Alexandra F 48 2022-05-01 2.15
850 Sharpe, Nigel Richard M 61 2003-04-30 2008-12-31 5.67
851 Sharpe, William George Nathan M 54 2007-02-05 2008-11-21 1.79
852 Shaw, Brian Richard M 76 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
853 Shelton, Richard Edward M 54 2012-11-05 2021-09-10 8.85
854 Shenton, Lisa Callen F 53 2005-05-01 2007-04-05 1.93
855 Shenton, Paul Andrew M 57 2003-04-30 2006-01-31 2.76
856 Shepherd, Elizabeth Margaret F 65 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
857 Sherrell, Philip Nathan M 50 2008-05-01 2011-02-18 2.80
858 Shi, Jun (1968-06) 56 2011-05-01 2013-04-30 2.00
859 Short, Alison (1974-12) F 50 2016-05-01 8.15
860 Short, Heidi F 51 2024-05-01 0.15
861 Shorthose, Sally Jane F 61 2003-04-30 2006-08-31 3.34
862 Simpson, Alan George (1955-11) M 69 2003-04-30 2007-04-30 4.00
863 Simpson, Susan Ann (1967-05) F 57 2003-04-30 2007-12-31 4.67
864 Sinclair, Jonathan Mark (1961-03) M 63 2003-04-30 2009-08-20 6.31
865 Singh, Parmjit (1965-05) 59 2003-04-30 21.16
866 Sinnott, Paul Eric M 50 2017-06-12 2019-05-31 1.97
867 Skelton, Robin Nicholas M 56 2003-04-30 21.16
868 Small, Amanda (1974-12) F 50 2024-05-01 0.15
869 Smart, Charlotte Jane (1981-10) F 43 2024-05-01 0.15
870 Smedley, Barnabas Alexander M 45 2024-04-08 0.22
871 Smith-Hilliard, Brandon Sandiford M 62 2003-04-30 2003-10-31 0.50
872 Smith, Euan Mark Folan M 52 2021-07-05 2.98
873 Smith, Nicola Louise (1975-02) F 49 2020-05-01 4.15
874 Smith, Paul Anthony (1956-11) M 68 2003-04-30 2019-04-30 16.00
875 Smith, Stephen Paul (1976-05) M 48 2018-12-03 5.56
876 Smith, Steven Mark (1967-07) M 57 2004-05-01 2014-04-30 10.00
877 Soomal, Rashpal Kaur 51 2022-04-25 2.17
878 Sorrell, Stephen Terence M 65 2003-04-30 2015-12-31 12.67
879 Southworth, James Alexander M 51 2010-10-18 13.69
880 Southworth, Jane F 59 2019-05-01 5.16
881 Sparrow, Neil Geoffrey M 71 2003-04-30 2005-04-30 2.00
882 Speed, Elizabeth Jane F 61 2003-05-01 2006-01-27 2.74
883 Speers, Jayne Martha F 44 2022-05-01 2.15
884 Spetch, Michael David M 61 2003-04-30 2007-12-31 4.67
885 Spickett, William Douglas M 41 2022-05-01 2.15
886 Spinner, Mark Owen M 61 2003-04-30 2013-01-31 9.76
887 Springer, Nina Alexandra F 46 2018-07-01 2024-12-31 5.99
888 Spyropoulos, Philip M 39 2021-05-01 3.15
889 Sradj, Martina F 52 2019-01-01 2021-04-30 2.33
890 Stanfield, Glynne 63 2003-04-30 21.16
891 Stanley, Adrian Mark M 64 2003-04-30 2013-07-18 10.22
892 Starr, Alison F 54 2014-09-01 2022-12-31 8.33
893 Steel, Roger Cameron M 72 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
894 Stein, Stephanie F 59 2003-06-01 2011-09-12 8.28
895 Stephens, Richard Geoffrey Royals M 78 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
896 Sternberg, Nigel Paul M 70 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
897 Stevenson, David John (1964-11) M 60 2003-04-30 2006-04-30 3.00
898 Stobart, Julie F 60 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
899 Stockford, Claire Elizabeth F 48 2019-08-13 2022-11-30 3.30
900 Stodell, Charlotte Jane F 44 2023-05-01 1.16
901 Stodell, Theresa-Marie F 45 2017-05-01 7.15
902 Stonefield, Gregory M 54 2023-11-04 0.64
903 Storer, Matthew (1976-10) M 48 2017-05-01 7.15
904 Strachan, David Maxwell M 66 2003-04-30 2008-05-16 5.05
905 Strecker, Isabel Miriam F 43 2024-05-01 0.15
906 Streeter, Richard John Steven M 50 2017-05-01 7.15
907 Strieder, Dominique 45 2023-01-01 1.48
908 Stubbs, Nicholas Guy M 52 2016-03-14 2024-03-31 8.05
909 Surguy, John Mark Alan M 62 2011-01-10 2015-01-24 4.04
910 Surtees, Richard Alan M 34 2024-06-03 0.06
911 Sutherland, Monique Diane F 58 2003-04-30 2008-03-31 4.92
912 Swaminathan, Sindhura 39 2021-04-12 3.21
913 Swift, Sarah (1973-01) F 51 2012-02-20 12.35
914 Swiss, Nicholas Peter Frecker M 53 2005-05-01 19.15
915 Symms, Andrew John M 61 2006-05-08 2012-11-21 6.54
916 Tabbaa, Tawfiq 50 2022-07-22 1.93
917 Tait, Hazel (2014-11) F 10 2014-11-03 2019-10-31 4.99
918 Tanda, Mukhtiar Singh 54 2015-08-03 8.90
919 Tanikal, Charlotte F 50 2022-05-01 2.15
920 Tardif, Jonathan Christopher M 50 2006-05-01 2010-09-30 4.42
921 Taylor, Mark Alexander (1981-02) M 43 2017-05-01 2023-08-20 6.30
922 Taylor, Matthew William (1981-09) M 43 2014-05-01 10.15
923 Taylor, Paul (1965-12) M 59 2006-06-01 2008-10-31 2.42
924 Taylor, Simon Charles (1965-05) M 59 2003-04-30 2009-10-31 6.51
925 Taylor, Susan Mary (1951-10) F 73 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
926 Ten Hove, Wieger 47 2021-02-01 3.40
927 Terry, Andrew Kirk M 54 2013-05-01 2021-04-30 8.00
928 Thomas, Geraint Roger David M 51 2011-05-01 13.16
929 Thomas, Geraint Spencer M 53 2003-05-01 2018-12-17 15.63
930 Thomas, Helen Elizabeth (1972-01) F 52 2006-05-01 18.15
931 Thomas, Robert Gregory (1956-01) M 68 2003-04-30 2009-02-28 5.83
932 Thomas, Ryland William M 51 2010-05-01 2016-12-31 6.67
933 Thomlinson, Antony Howard M 74 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
934 Thompson, Francis (1975-08) M 49 2016-12-05 2018-12-31 2.07
935 Thompson, Michael Edwin M 59 2003-04-30 2024-08-31 21.16
936 Thompson, Pamela Mary F 68 2003-04-30 2022-04-30 19.00
937 Thomson, Morag Erskine 67 2015-08-03 2020-04-30 4.74
938 Tilly, David William M 61 2003-04-30 2004-08-31 1.34
939 Timmins, Jacqueline Anne F 59 2003-04-30 2006-09-05 3.35
940 Tindall, Elizabeth Rachel F 37 2020-05-01 4.15
941 Tinsley, Christopher John M 61 2003-05-01 2010-03-19 6.88
942 Titcomb, Malcolm M 80 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
943 Todd, Andrew James (1974-01) M 50 2015-12-03 8.56
944 Tompkin, Edward Michael M 38 2023-05-01 1.16
945 Toutoungi, Adrian Gilbert John M 51 2010-05-01 2020-02-24 9.82
946 Tracy Phillips, Katrin Annelise F 56 2003-04-30 2008-07-04 5.18
947 Trafford, James Richard Ellis M 51 2008-05-01 16.15
948 Treacy, Julianne Mary F 39 2024-05-01 0.15
949 Trevis, James Richard M 52 2005-05-01 19.15
950 Trinick, George Marcus Arthur M 72 2008-07-03 2016-04-30 7.82
951 Tripp, Richard Edward M 55 2008-02-25 2013-03-28 5.09
952 Trowell, Nicholas James M 62 2003-04-30 2003-10-17 0.47
953 Tumelty, Ben John M 38 2020-05-01 4.15
954 Tunney, Phillip Walker M 54 2003-04-30 21.16
955 Turner, Adrian Grenville M 53 2006-05-01 2011-11-11 5.53
956 Turner, Michael Robin (1988-02) M 36 2024-05-01 0.15
957 Turner, Victoria (1984-02) F 40 2024-05-01 0.15
958 Turnwald, Philipp M 47 2019-05-01 2021-06-30 2.17
959 Turquet, Francesca Imogen Melissa F 47 2022-04-06 2024-11-30 2.22
960 Tweedie, Colin James M 71 2005-06-01 2006-06-30 1.08
961 Tytherleigh, Simon Grosvenor M 54 2004-05-01 20.15
962 Ullah, Zia (1973-06) 51 2014-05-01 10.15
963 Upadhyay, Deepesh Jayantkumar Mahishanker 42 2021-05-01 3.15
964 Uppal, Jessie Kaur 45 2020-05-01 2022-02-03 1.76
965 Valentine, Sarah Elizabeth F 41 2023-05-01 1.16
966 Valner, Nicholas Edmund M 71 2003-04-30 2011-04-30 8.00
967 Van Berkel, Ingrid F 57 2018-01-01 2021-04-30 3.33
968 Van Drunen, Maximiliaan Gijsbertus Bernardus M 45 2021-04-01 3.24
969 Van Ee, Miriam Mi Jung F 52 2018-01-01 6.48
970 Van Haperen, Olaf M 55 2019-06-01 5.07
971 Van Hoffen, Anthony Graham M 56 2008-05-01 2017-12-31 9.67
972 Van Kessel, Benjamin Eduard Maria M 49 2019-05-01 2021-12-31 2.67
973 Van Leersum, Willem Rutger Johannes M 42 2020-02-01 2024-09-30 4.40
974 Van Wijngaarden, Tom M 61 2018-01-01 6.48
975 Vanderspar, Cathryn Grace F 65 2014-11-03 2019-04-30 4.49
976 Vaughan, Philip Douglas M 66 2003-04-30 2016-04-30 13.00
977 Veenman, Elmer 44 2019-07-01 2022-04-29 2.83
978 Veitch, Joanne Margaret F 39 2023-05-01 1.16
979 Verrico, Paul Christopher M 48 2016-05-01 8.15
980 Vickery, Katharine Sian F 48 2011-05-01 2016-12-15 5.63
981 Vivant, Antoine M 59 2003-06-01 2003-10-31 0.42
982 Volz, Fabian M 57 2015-06-11 9.04
983 von Brevern, Daniel M 52 2021-05-01 3.15
984 Vowles, Gareth Brian M 44 2020-05-01 4.15
985 Wadley, Gareth Thomas M 45 2016-05-01 2018-01-28 1.74
986 Wagland, Scott M 52 2008-05-01 2012-08-06 4.27
987 Wainwright, Michael (1958-07) M 66 2003-04-30 2014-01-10 10.70
988 Walker-Osborn, Charlotte Elizabeth F 49 2008-05-01 2023-02-28 14.83
989 Walker, Michaela Ann F 55 2004-05-01 20.15
990 Waller, Simon Thomas M 60 2003-04-30 2024-04-30 21.00
991 Walsh, Antony John (1978-11) M 46 2011-05-01 13.16
992 Walsh, Brendan Patrick (1959-10) M 65 2003-04-30 2013-04-30 10.00
993 Walsh, James Nicholson M 43 2012-05-01 2015-05-31 3.08
994 Walsh, Robert Daniel (1980-12) M 44 2019-05-01 2020-08-24 1.32
995 Walters, Iwan Wyn 48 2012-05-01 2018-03-31 5.91
996 Walters, Jonathan David (1979-02) M 45 2014-05-01 2022-06-17 8.13
997 Walters, Kathryn Jane F 56 2003-04-30 2021-07-31 18.25
998 Ward, Clare Louise (1979-05) F 45 2020-05-01 4.15
999 Ward, Martin Christopher (1979-07) M 45 2020-05-01 4.15
1000 Ward, Richard Lewis M 67 2003-04-30 2014-03-31 10.92
1001 Warnock, Donald David M 55 2007-05-01 2009-10-23 2.48
1002 Warnock, Owen Herbert M 67 2003-04-30 2018-04-30 15.00
1003 Warren, Martin Hugh M 63 2003-04-30 2019-10-31 16.50
1004 Watford, Benjamen Charles M 49 2018-06-25 2022-04-30 3.85
1005 Watkins, David Timothy (1967-04) M 57 2003-04-30 2020-04-30 17.00
1006 Watzlawek, Alexandra F 49 2015-06-11 9.04
1007 Waugh, Lucilla Victoria F 61 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
1008 Wauters, Celine Anne Marie F 39 2023-05-01 1.16
1009 Weatherburn, David M 62 2003-04-30 2008-10-31 5.51
1010 Webb, Stephen (1965-10) M 59 2006-12-04 2008-06-30 1.57
1011 Webb, Timothy Charles M 60 2003-04-30 2009-10-31 6.51
1012 Webster, David Edlin M 68 2003-04-30 2009-04-10 5.95
1013 Wehrmeijer, Yuri M 42 2018-10-15 2024-04-30 5.54
1014 Weitenberg, Martin M 48 2020-05-01 4.15
1015 Wells, Vanessa Nicola F 44 2024-05-01 0.15
1016 Weppner, Simon M 48 2019-09-01 2023-03-31 3.58
1017 Werl, Alexis Charles M 48 2022-03-28 2.25
1018 West, David Eric M 72 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
1019 Wheeler, Jeanette Deborah F 54 2005-05-01 2007-03-11 1.86
1020 Whitaker, Clare F 55 2015-01-05 2022-02-11 7.10
1021 White, Esther Ceridwen F 56 2006-05-01 2009-04-07 2.93
1022 White, Sophie Louise (1978-12) F 46 2018-05-01 6.15
1023 Whitfield, Thomas Paul M 43 2023-05-01 1.16
1024 Whitton, Anthea Clare F 53 2017-08-01 2023-07-19 5.96
1025 Widman, Phillippa Jane F 44 2024-05-01 0.15
1026 Wilcox, Una Bridgette 58 2003-04-30 2020-10-31 17.51
1027 Wild, David William M 68 2003-04-30 2010-04-01 6.92
1028 Wilkins, Hannah Claire F 45 2016-05-01 8.15
1029 Wilkinson, David (1966-11) M 58 2022-05-02 2.15
1030 Wilkinson, Lorna Katherine (1972-07) F 52 2006-05-01 2012-09-23 6.40
1031 Williams, Audrey (1965-01) F 59 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
1032 Williams, Audrey Ann Marina F 59 2003-04-30 2015-04-30 12.00
1033 Williams, Christopher Lloyd (1983-12) M 41 2022-01-01 2.48
1034 Williams, David Anthony (1969-09) M 55 2009-05-01 2011-12-31 2.67
1035 Williams, Hugh Stephen M 80 2003-04-30 2005-03-31 1.92
1036 Williams, Nicholas Don M 55 2004-05-01 2009-11-30 5.58
1037 Williams, Nicola Redfern F 52 2007-05-01 2012-09-24 5.40
2023-04-17 1.19
1038 Wilson Paul, Catherine Mary F 58 2003-04-30 2009-06-30 6.17
1039 Winnard, Peter Jess M 56 2005-05-01 2015-06-07 10.10
1040 Winskell, Kathryn Lucy Hay F 61 2003-04-30 2004-04-30 1.00
1041 Winter, Paul Ernest Antony M 75 2003-04-30 2009-04-30 6.00
1042 Wittmann, Ralf-Thomas 55 2017-08-01 6.90
1043 Wolters, Leon M 41 2022-05-01 2024-12-31 2.15
1044 Womersley, Stewart Benjamin M 47 2018-11-05 5.64
1045 Wood, Benjamin Edward M 54 2012-05-01 12.15
1046 Wood, Helena Rosamund F 35 2024-05-01 0.15
1047 Wood, Mark James (1973-12) M 51 2009-05-01 15.15
1048 Woodcock, Ashley Clive M 46 2017-05-01 2021-11-20 4.56
1049 Woodhead, Frances F 65 2013-05-01 2015-09-30 2.41
1050 Woods, Michael Elliot M 58 2008-10-03 2010-01-31 1.33
1051 Woodward-Carlton, Julia Ruth F 54 2012-05-01 12.15
1052 Woodward, David Alan (1952-06) M 72 2003-04-30 2006-02-10 2.78
1053 Wooldridge, Felicity Jane F 78 2003-04-30 2007-04-30 4.00
1054 Woolterton, Linda F 67 2003-04-30 2007-06-30 4.17
1055 Wootton, Paul James (1968-11) M 56 2003-04-30 2014-08-29 11.33
1056 Worden, Alexandra Jane F 50 2012-05-01 2014-08-16 2.29
1057 Wordsworth, Peter Bryan Keyte M 58 2003-04-30 2009-09-25 6.41
1058 Wormald, Christopher Nigel M 70 2003-04-30 2008-04-30 5.00
1059 Worth, Paul Richard M 57 2003-05-01 2023-12-31 20.67
1060 Wortley, Stuart Sherbrooke M 57 2015-09-14 8.78
1061 Woschech, Sebastian M 40 2023-05-01 1.16
1062 Wright, Shirley (1962-09) F 62 2006-05-01 2023-04-30 17.00
1063 Wrighton, Ralph Frederick John M 73 2003-04-30 2005-01-31 1.76
1064 Wurzal, Jason Gerald M 55 2003-04-30 21.16
1065 Yates, Tracy Jane (1962-06) F 62 2003-04-30 2015-02-28 11.83
1066 Young, David Anthony (1959-10) M 65 2003-04-30 2020-04-30 17.00
1067 Young, John Ditlev Christiani M 76 2003-04-30 2004-10-31 1.51
1068 Zeeck, Sebastian M 58 2015-06-11 2021-01-31 5.64
1069 Zhao, Hui (1966-07) 58 2024-01-08 0.47
1070 Ziegler, Thomas (1965-03) M 59 2015-06-11 9.04
1071 Zimmermann, Axel 62 2015-06-11 9.04
1072 Zukowski, Luisa Katherine F 40 2024-05-01 0.15

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