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Main board summary at 2025-02-19

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Name Age in
From Until Service
1 Ali, Shafic Jamil 78 2000-04-28 -
2 Asseily, Anthony Nicholas M 84 2000-07-28 -
3 Asseily, George Edward M 88 2000-07-28 -
4 Brock, Catherine Jane F 49 2011-03-15 2013-06-06 2.23
5 Brooks, Stephen John (1965-04) M 60 2006-11-07 2008-12-17 2.11
6 Bussey, Michael Adrian M 66 2001-10-11 2002-05-22 0.61
7 Caldecott, Rupert Mark M 72 2000-08-07 2002-07-12 1.93
8 Chislett, Paul James M 47 2013-07-02 2016-07-06 3.01
9 Craig, Colin James (1942-02) M 83 1995-07-31 -
10 Crump, Gregory Lee M 47 2014-10-24 2016-07-06 1.70
11 Foulkes, Richard Ralston M 80 1996-06-24 2001-09-07 5.20
12 Furniss, John Valentine M 87 1995-02-09 1997-10-22 2.70
13 Hinks, Francis Paul M 78 1992-10-02 -
14 Kardouche, George Khalil M 90 1996-09-25 -
15 Munro, Alan Gordon M 90 1993-10-25 2000-10-24 7.00
16 Murphy, Leslie Frederick M 110 2000-01-14 -
17 Neate, Francis Webb M 85 2002-06-07 2004-06-30 2.06
18 Netherton, Derek Nigel Donald M 80 2002-06-18 2014-10-24 12.35
19 Salibi, Fadi Fouad 70 2000-07-25 2002-06-10 1.88
20 Sargent, Alex James M 57 2009-03-09 2010-05-19 1.19
21 Swannell, Robert William Ashburnham M 75 1996-06-24 2000-04-24 3.83
22 Sykes, Andrew Francis M 68 2000-08-07 2001-10-11 1.18
2002-06-05 2004-03-31 1.82
23 Trust, Howard Bailey M 71 2004-04-21 2014-10-24 10.51
24 Turner, Neil (1968-02) M 57 2006-10-30 2007-12-06 1.10
25 von Mallinckrodt, Georg Wilhelm Gustav M 95 2001-10-23 -
26 Winder, Bayly Philip M 74 1996-11-11 2000-06-16 3.59

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