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Main board summary at 2025-03-02

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Name Age in
From Until Service
1 Adam, Max Nicholas M 70 1995-07-11 2000-06-08 4.91
2 Alexander, Clare Frances F 72 1997-01-31 -
3 Annan, Juliet F 70 1997-04-07 2005-07-29 8.31
4 Attenborough, Elizabeth Margaret F 73 1995-09-18 -
5 Bamford, Laura Elizabeth F 68 1994-07-13 1994-10-24 0.28
6 Bowron, Peter David M 57 2001-08-23 2005-10-07 4.12
7 Brennan, Suzanne Margaret F 56 2009-07-06 2014-03-31 4.73
8 Bristow, Kevin Michael M 70 1995-07-11 1996-02-29 0.64
9 Campbell-Smith, Duncan John M 75 1996-06-01 1999-12-01 3.50
10 Carson, Peter Thomas Staheyeff M 87 1997-12-31 -
11 Clarke, Roger Grenville Quinton M 71 1993-11-29 1999-01-31 5.17
12 Cowser, John Richard M 82 1998-06-29 2000-01-31 1.59
13 Dohle, Markus Franz-Joseph M 57 2017-01-01 2022-12-31 6.00
14 Engle, Cecily Julia F 65 2001-12-31 -
15 Field, Peter (1946-08) M 79 2007-01-01 2012-12-31 6.00
16 Floyer, Sally Margaret Doris F 80 2008-03-31 -
17 Forbes Watson, Anthony David M 71 1994-09-29 2005-02-28 10.42
18 Franklin, Andrew Cecil M 68 1995-07-14 -
19 Fraser, Helen Jean Sutherland F 76 1997-01-27 2009-12-31 12.93
20 Gardiner, Mark William M 64 2014-03-31 10.92
21 Glover, Trevor David M 85 1995-11-24 -
22 Haley, Peter (1952-05) M 73 1996-12-06 1999-02-12 2.18
23 Hall, Stephen Derek M 83 1998-01-31 -
24 Herridge, Michael Geoffrey M 75 1999-03-01 2002-04-15 3.12
25 Hutchinson, Patrick Burgon John M 75 1995-11-29 -
26 James, Laurence (1954-04) M 71 1996-11-12 1998-08-14 1.75
27 Johnson, Brenda (1944-01) F 81 1995-03-01 -
28 Kirkland, Nicholas Charles M 68 1998-08-03 2000-09-30 2.16
29 Lacey, Anthony Stephen M 77 2005-07-29 -
30 Landers, Brian James M 76 2003-05-20 2009-07-31 6.20
31 Lynton, Michael M 65 1996-11-12 2000-01-31 3.22
32 Makinson, John Crowther M 71 2002-06-01 2016-12-31 14.58
33 Malaviya, Nihar 51 2023-01-01 2.17
34 Mayer, Peter Michael M 89 1996-12-31 -
35 McCarthy, Patrick John (1952-06) M 73 1995-03-03 1997-12-31 2.83
36 Milnes-Smith, Philippa Jean F 65 1995-09-26 2001-03-31 5.51
37 Peck, John James M 83 1993-12-31 -
38 Power, Charles Richard M 61 1999-08-16 2003-02-28 3.54
39 Rolfe, Alastair David M 65 1996-01-18 1999-10-22 3.76
40 Rolfe, John Henry M 87 1997-08-01 -
41 Rosenheim, Andrew Keeney M 70 1997-09-29 2001-10-05 4.02
42 Shore, Genevieve Helen F 56 2005-10-07 2007-07-01 1.73
43 Supple, Frances F 85 1995-11-06 1996-08-31 0.82
44 Symons, Michael John (1969-05) M 56 2007-10-15 2017-01-31 9.30
45 Taylor, Susan Elizabeth (1956-10) F 69 1999-04-06 2005-12-31 6.74
46 Waddington, Robert Angus M 55 2017-01-31 8.08
47 Wan, David Andrew M 71 2000-02-01 2002-05-31 2.33
48 Watt, Susan (1938-03) F 87 1998-01-31 -
49 Webster, John Walter M 89 1996-01-19 -
50 Weldon, Thomas Daryl M 62 1997-02-10 2005-07-29 8.46
2010-01-01 15.16
51 Welham, Andrew Peter M 69 1995-03-03 2006-12-31 11.83
52 Williams, Nigel John (1945-09) M 80 1995-11-24 -
53 Wilson Barker, Rosalie Mavis F 74 1995-09-01 -
54 Yglesias, Jonathan Roy Ramon M 86 1997-06-30 -

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