Gamma Consortium Limited (The)
Domicile: | Hong Kong |
Type: | Private, ltd by shares |
Formed: | 2010-12-01 |
Status: | Active |
Incorporation number: | 53412975 |
Last check on companies registry: | 2020-11-19 |
HK company No. until 2023-12-27: | 1534914 |
SFC ID: | BHP936 |
Web sites
www.gamma-consortium.comEmployment Support Subsidy (COVID-19)
The HK Government paid employers a subsidy of half of staff salaries up to a subsidy cap of HK$9k per month for 6 months in 2 phases covering Jun-Aug and Sep-Nov 2020. Amounts shown do not include subsidiaries. P1 and p2 indicate whether a claim has been made and approved in each phase. Click here for raw filing data.
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English name | Chinese name | Amount HK$ |
Heads | Average HK$ |
p1 | p2 |
THE GAMMA CONSORTIUM LIMITED | 108,000 | 2 | 54,000 | 1 | 1 |
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Name history
Old English name | Old Chinese name | Until |
TGC Financial Partners Limited | 2016-02-05 |
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