Glory Sun Land Group Limited 寶新置地集團有限公司
Domicile: | Cayman Islands |
Type: | Listed company |
Formed: | 2002-07-23 |
Last check on companies registry: | 2017-03-11 |
Year-end: | 31-Dec |
Web sites (archived)
Foreign registrations
Place | ID | Registered | Ceased |
Hong Kong | 34267604Until 2023-12-27:F0012965 | 2003-10-29 |
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Name history
Old English name | Old Chinese name | Until |
New Sports Group Limited | 新體育集團有限公司 | 2019-06-04 |
SINOCOM SOFTWARE GROUP LIMITED | 中訊軟件集團股份有限公司 | 2015-09-18 |
HK-listed equities
Ordinary shares
Exchange | Code | Listed | Last trade | Delisted | |
HK Main | 00299 | 2004-04-30 |
Note: holdings may be incomplete and/or outdated. Holdings in listed companies are not shown as the filings are currently too difficult to automate and the holdings change too rapidly.
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Issuer | 🌐 | Formed | Issue | Shares | Stake | Holding date |
SinoCom Japan Corporation | JPJapan | Ordinary shares | 92.00% | 2013-04-23 |
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