Bernans, Richard Anthony

Please note that due to the planned shutdown of, the directors, officers and advisers of HK-listed companies will cease to be updated effective 2025-03-31. Appointments and resignations effective on or before that date will be recorded, as will advisers recorded in annual reports filed on or before that date. We intend to make a data dump available after processing the final filings.
start date:
end date:
include new appointments after start date
show old organisation names

Main board

Organisation Position From Until
1 COUNTER SOLUTIONS HOLDINGS LIMITED DirDirector 2017-11-10 2024-07-15
2 COUNTER SOLUTIONS U.K. LIMITED DirDirector 2015-09-01
3 PLUS ONE CARE LIMITED DirDirector 2015-08-03 2017-01-17
4 PLUS ONE VENTURES LIMITED DirDirector 2015-08-03 2017-01-17
5 TRUSTYOUR LTD DirDirector 2016-01-08 2017-12-05
6 WAY2PAY GROUP LTD DirDirector 2020-06-30 2023-11-21
7 WAY2PAY TECHNOLOGIES LTD DirDirector 2020-05-15 2023-11-21

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