Chew, Fook Aun 周福安


Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00190    1987-03-12  1987-03-13
HK Main 00375  1987-03-13  1987-11-26  1987-12-03
HK Main 00191  1987-12-03    

Click the date to see more details. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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CapacityCapacity of the shares involved Interest
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
1 23-10-01 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 5,135,275 0.58 0.00
2 23-01-03 Other incOther increase - see filing L 265,408 OwnerBeneficial owner 5,135,275 0.58 -0.25
3 21-08-02 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,050,663 OwnerBeneficial owner 4,869,867 0.83 -0.14
4 20-07-17 SoldCompleted sale L -202,422 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 3,819,204 HKD 8.100 -1,639,618 0.97 -0.05
5 20-06-29 OtherOther - see filing L 4,021,626 1.02 -0.02
6 20-02-13 OtherOther - see filing L 4,021,626 1.04 0.00
7 19-02-13 OtherOther - see filing L 4,021,626 1.04 0.00
8 18-01-30 OtherOther - see filing L 4,021,626 HKD 1.04 -0.01
9 17-08-15 OtherOther - see filing L 4,021,626 HKD 1.05 0.00
10 17-06-19 AcquireBecoming interested L 19,096,022 OwnerBeneficial owner 20,108,133 HKD 1.05 1.00
11 17-01-27 OtherOther L 1,012,111 HKD 0.05 0.00
12 16-12-09 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -7,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 1,012,111 HKD 1.610 -11,270,000 0.05 -0.37
13 16-11-01 ExerciseExercising an option L 8,012,111 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 8,012,111 HKD 0.501 4,014,068 0.42 0.00
14 16-10-28 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -7,192,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 8,012,111 HKD 1.501 -10,795,192 0.42 -0.38
15 16-08-19 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -5,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,204,111 HKD 1.350 -6,750 0.80 0.00
16 16-08-10 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -5,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,209,111 HKD 1.350 -6,750 0.80 0.00
17 16-08-08 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -30,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,214,111 HKD 0.135 -4,050 0.80 0.00
18 16-07-26 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -60,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,244,111 HKD 1.350 -81,000 0.80 -0.01
19 16-01-29 OtherOther L 15,304,111 HKD 0.81 0.00
20 15-05-27 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -458,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,304,111 HKD 1.380 -632,040 0.81 -0.02
21 15-05-22 ExerciseExercising an option L 7,750,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,762,111 HKD 0.501 3,882,750 0.83 -0.01
22 15-05-20 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -3,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 15,762,111 HKD 1.300 -3,900,000 0.84 -0.16
23 15-05-06 ExerciseExercising an option L 3,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 18,762,111 HKD 0.501 1,503,000 1.00 0.00
24 15-01-30 OtherOther L 18,762,111 HKD 1.00 0.00
25 14-02-07 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,587,877 OwnerBeneficial owner 18,762,111 HKD 1.00 0.00
26 12-06-05 AcquireBecoming interested L 16,174,234 OwnerBeneficial owner 16,174,234 HKD 1.00 1.00

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