Cheng, Henry Kar Shun 鄭家純


Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00917  1999-07-16  2016-04-05  2016-08-04

Click the date to see more details. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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CapacityCapacity of the shares involved Interest
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
1 16-03-22 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,077,922 OwnerBeneficial owner 0 HKD 7.800 -16,207,792 0.00 -0.02
2 16-03-15 SellingSale contract L 2,077,922 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,077,922 HKD 7.800 16,207,792 0.02 0.00
3 16-01-15 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,077,922 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,077,922 HKD 3.036 6,308,571 0.02 0.00
4 14-10-17 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -151,983,526 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 2,077,922 HKD 3.950 -600,334,935 0.02 -1.76
5 12-11-12 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,860,826 OwnerBeneficial owner 154,061,448 HKD 1.290 2,400,465 1.78 0.00
6 11-12-23 OtherOther L 3,938,748 OwnerBeneficial owner 154,061,448 HKD 1.78 0.00
7 11-12-15 ExerciseExercising an option L 48,578,400 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 153,913,745 HKD 1.490 72,381,816 1.78 0.00
8 11-12-12 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,462,500 RelativeInterest of child under 18 or spouse 153,913,745 HKD 1.490 2,179,125 1.78 0.00
9 11-12-05 AcquireBecoming interested L 9,375,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 113,247,845 HKD 0.000 0 1.31 -0.49
10 11-12-05 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,462,500 RelativeInterest of child under 18 or spouse 114,710,345 HKD 0.000 0 1.33 0.02
11 11-12-05 AcquireBecoming interested L 39,203,400 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 153,913,745 HKD 0.000 0 1.78 0.45
12 11-02-08 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,238,806 OwnerBeneficial owner 103,872,845 HKD 1.80 -0.04
13 11-01-18 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,000,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 106,111,651 HKD 1.84 -0.87
14 09-11-17 OtherOther L 4,029,851 OwnerBeneficial owner 104,111,651 HKD 2.71 0.01
15 09-11-11 ExerciseExercising an option L 33,360,600 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 103,681,800 HKD 2.550 85,069,528 2.70 0.00
16 09-10-28 AcquireBecoming interested L 33,360,600 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 103,681,800 HKD 0.000 0 2.70 0.87
17 08-12-29 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,600,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 70,321,200 HKD 1.83 0.04
18 08-01-18 AcquireBecoming interested L 950,000 RelativeInterest of child under 18 or spouse 68,721,200 HKD 5.077 4,823,150 1.79 0.02
19 08-01-07 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,000,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 67,771,200 HKD 1.77 0.05
20 07-12-17 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,000,000 RelativeInterest of child under 18 or spouse 65,771,200 HKD 6.654 6,654,000 1.72 0.02
21 06-02-17 ExerciseExercising an option L 12,500,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 64,771,200 HKD 1.782 22,274,999 1.70 -0.02
22 05-04-14 AcquireBecoming interested L 46,171,200 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 64,771,200 HKD 2.800 129,279,358 1.72 0.48
23 05-04-09 OtherOther L 12,500,000 18,600,000 HKD 0.000 0 1.24 0.50
24 05-04-04 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -40,600,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 11,100,000 HKD 0.000 -0 0.74 -2.70
25 05-03-31 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 51,700,000 HKD 2.835 2,835,000 3.44 0.07
26 05-03-30 AcquireBecoming interested L 5,100,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 50,700,000 HKD 2.830 14,433,000 3.37 0.34
27 05-03-29 AcquireBecoming interested L 40,600,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 45,600,000 HKD 0.010 406,000 3.03 2.70
28 03-04-01 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L OwnerBeneficial owner 5,000,000 HKD 0.34 0.34

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