Yan, Jun (1979) 閆峻

Dealings in Yidu Tech Inc.: O

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 02158  2021-01-15    

Click the date to see more details. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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CapacityCapacity of the shares involved Interest
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
1 25-01-27 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L OwnerBeneficial owner 3,119,310 0.29 -0.01
2 25-01-24 SoldCompleted sale L -190,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,141,410 HKD 4.129 -784,491 0.30 -0.01
3 24-10-04 SoldCompleted sale L -50,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,331,410 HKD 4.080 -204,000 0.31 -0.01
4 24-10-03 SoldCompleted sale L -71,700 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,381,410 HKD 3.890 -278,913 0.32 -0.01
5 24-10-03 SoldCompleted sale L -227,690 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,453,110 HKD 3.990 -908,483 0.33 -0.02
6 24-10-03 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 104,190 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,680,800 0.35 0.00
7 24-10-02 SoldCompleted sale L -139,500 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,680,800 HKD 3.950 -551,025 0.35 -0.01
8 24-10-02 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 313,085 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,820,300 0.36 0.00
9 24-09-05 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -105,800 SpouseInterest of spouse 3,820,300 HKD 3.130 -331,154 0.36 -0.01
10 24-07-25 OtherOther - see filing L -9,200 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,926,100 0.37 0.00
11 24-07-25 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 54,890 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,935,300 0.37 0.00
12 23-10-26 OtherOther - see filing L -3,300 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,935,300 0.37 0.00
13 23-10-26 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 29,415 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,938,600 0.37 0.00
14 23-09-28 CallRight to take underlying shares L 219,560 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,938,600 0.37 0.02
15 23-08-25 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -219,560 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,719,040 0.35 -0.02
16 23-07-03 CallRight to take underlying shares L 1,310,060 OwnerBeneficial owner 3,938,600 0.37 0.12
17 22-06-30 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -444,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,628,540 0.27 -0.04
18 22-03-18 Other incOther increase - see filing L 44,700 SpouseInterest of spouse 3,072,540 0.31 0.00
19 22-03-17 Other incOther increase - see filing L 83,200 SpouseInterest of spouse 3,027,840 0.31 0.01
20 21-10-01 Other incOther increase - see filing L 111,000 2,944,640 0.30 0.01
21 21-07-29 CallRight to take underlying shares L 333,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,833,640 0.31 0.04
22 21-01-15 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 2,500,640 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,500,640 0.28

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