Chan, Fut Yan 陳佛恩
Dealings in PT International Development Corporation Limited: O
Exchange | Code | Listed | Last trade | Delisted | |
HK Main | 00372 | 1992-02-13 |
Click the date to see more details. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.
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Relevant date Y-M-D |
Probable reason |
L / S |
Shares involved |
CapacityCapacity of the shares involved | Interest in shares |
Curr | OnEx Price |
OffEx Price |
Value | Stake % |
Stake Δ % |
1 | 11-03-28 | DisposeCeasing to have an interest | L | -3,812,500 | OwnerBeneficial owner | 0 | HKD | 0.00 | -0.49 | |||
2 | 10-10-22 | OtherOther | L | 3,812,500 | HKD | 0.50 | 0.00 | |||||
3 | 09-04-29 | OtherOther | L | 3,812,500 | HKD | 0.56 | 0.38 | |||||
4 | 09-04-03 | OtherOther | L | 1,250,000 | HKD | 0.18 | -0.74 | |||||
5 | 08-03-28 | AcquireBecoming interested | L | 25,000,000 | OwnerBeneficial owner | 25,000,000 | HKD | 0.92 | 0.92 |
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