Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00027  1991-10-07    
Stock code:

Directors' dealings

Click the date to see more details. Click on a name to see dealings by that person. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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Name Probable
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
24-12-29 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 7,566 1,376,392,478 31.46 0.00
24-12-29 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 203,400 1,810,635,709 41.39 0.00
24-12-28 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -140,000 1,431,051 0.03 -0.01
24-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -116,000 1,376,392,478 31.46 0.00
24-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -3,749,000 1,810,635,709 41.39 -0.08
24-11-08 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -200,000 1,075,612 HKD 36.654 -7,330,700 0.02 -0.01
24-10-07 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 33,243 1,571,051 0.04 0.00
24-10-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 81,633 1,770,199,554 40.47 0.00
24-10-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,300 1,376,508,478 31.47 0.00
24-10-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 192,633 1,814,384,709 41.49 0.00
24-06-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 56,968 1,770,199,554 40.47 0.00
24-06-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 3,000 1,376,508,478 31.47 0.00
24-06-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 80,568 1,814,384,709 41.49 0.00
23-12-29 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 CallRight to take underlying shares L 200,000 1,571,051 0.04 0.01
23-12-29 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 1,779,300 1,770,199,554 40.47 0.04
23-12-29 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 93,700 1,376,508,478 31.47 0.00
23-12-29 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,517,200 1,814,384,709 41.49 0.06
23-10-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 81,633 1,768,420,254 40.43 0.00
23-10-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,300 1,376,414,778 31.47 0.00
23-10-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 192,633 1,811,867,509 41.43 0.00
23-07-25 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 80,000 1,371,051 HKD 46.950 3,756,000 0.03 0.00
23-07-12 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -60,000 1,371,051 HKD 52.667 -3,160,020 0.03 0.00
23-07-11 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -90,000 1,431,051 HKD 52.339 -4,710,510 0.03 0.00
23-06-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 56,966 1,768,420,254 40.47 0.00
23-06-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 3,000 1,376,414,778 31.50 0.00
23-06-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 80,566 1,811,867,509 41.47 0.00
23-06-14 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 50,000 1,521,051 HKD 46.950 2,347,500 0.03 0.00
22-12-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 76,234 1,768,420,254 40.48 0.00
22-12-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,000 1,376,414,778 31.50 0.00
22-12-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 107,868 1,811,867,509 41.47 0.00
22-12-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,417,000 1,812,570,609 HKD 33.490 47,455,332 41.49 0.00
22-12-08 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 371,000 1,275,612 HKD 33.490 12,424,791 0.03 0.00
22-10-07 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 CallRight to take underlying shares L 320,730 1,521,051 0.03 0.00
22-10-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 1,771,760 1,768,420,254 40.50 0.04
22-10-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -3,993,000 1,766,648,494 40.46 -0.09
22-10-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,087,900 1,770,641,494 40.55 0.04
22-10-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 96,440 1,376,414,778 31.53 0.01
22-10-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -227,000 1,376,318,338 31.52 -0.01
22-10-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 109,900 1,376,545,338 31.53 0.00
22-10-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,505,730 1,811,867,509 41.50 0.06
22-10-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -5,647,000 1,809,361,779 41.44 -0.13
22-10-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,438,170 1,815,008,779 41.57 0.06
22-09-26 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,002,000 1,768,553,594 HKD 33.490 33,556,982 40.51 0.00
22-09-26 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 79,000 1,376,435,438 HKD 33.490 2,645,710 31.53 0.00
22-09-09 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,445,483 1,812,570,609 HKD 28.350 40,979,444 41.53 0.00
22-08-05 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 481,278 1,275,612 HKD 28.350 13,644,231 0.03 0.00
22-06-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,021,312 1,768,553,594 HKD 28.350 28,954,196 40.54 0.00
22-06-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 111,285 1,376,435,438 HKD 28.350 3,154,930 31.55 0.00
22-06-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 56,966 1,768,553,594 40.56 0.00
22-06-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 3,000 1,376,435,438 31.56 0.00
22-06-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 80,566 1,812,570,609 41.57 0.00
21-12-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 76,233 1,768,553,594 40.57 0.00
21-12-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,000 1,376,435,438 31.57 0.00
21-12-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 107,866 1,812,570,609 41.58 0.00
21-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 85,700 1,768,553,594 40.57 0.00
21-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,534 1,376,435,438 31.57 0.00
21-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 121,200 1,812,570,609 41.58 0.00
21-12-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,912,000 1,812,570,609 HKD 24.800 47,417,599 41.58 0.00
21-12-23 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 423,334 1,275,612 HKD 24.800 10,498,683 0.03 0.00
21-09-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 2,601,000 1,768,553,594 HKD 24.800 64,504,798 40.60 0.00
21-09-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 1,376,435,438 HKD 24.800 2,480,000 31.60 0.00
21-08-31 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 44,321 1,200,321 HKD 26.748 1,185,503 0.03 0.00
21-06-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 1,647,900 1,768,553,594 40.64 0.04
21-06-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 87,000 1,376,435,438 31.63 0.01
21-06-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,330,700 1,812,570,609 41.65 0.06
21-05-20 Ancell, James Ross 顏志宏 SoldCompleted sale L -50,000 250,000 HKD 62.900 -3,145,000 0.00 0.00
21-03-29 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -22,668 1,275,612 HKD 71.006 -1,609,562 0.03 0.00
21-03-24 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -20,000 1,298,280 HKD 68.400 -1,368,000 0.03 0.00
21-03-09 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -27,000 1,200,321 HKD 73.033 -1,971,891 0.03 0.00
21-03-08 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -30,000 1,227,321 HKD 71.967 -2,159,010 0.03 0.00
21-03-05 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -20,000 1,257,321 HKD 74.000 -1,480,000 0.03 0.00
21-03-03 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -200,000 1,277,321 HKD 72.386 -14,477,200 0.03 0.00
20-12-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 76,233 1,766,905,694 40.67 0.00
20-12-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,000 1,376,348,438 31.68 0.00
20-12-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 107,866 1,810,239,909 41.67 0.00
20-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 85,700 1,766,905,694 40.67 0.00
20-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 4,533 1,376,348,438 31.68 0.00
20-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 121,200 1,810,239,909 41.67 0.00
20-12-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 70,768 1,766,905,694 40.67 0.00
20-12-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 5,534 1,376,348,438 31.68 0.00
20-12-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 50,068 1,810,239,909 41.67 0.00
20-09-29 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 CallRight to take underlying shares L 200,000 1,477,321 0.03 0.00
20-08-25 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -165,000 1,277,321 HKD 61.976 -10,226,040 0.03 0.00
20-08-24 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -50,000 1,442,321 HKD 61.030 -3,051,500 0.03 0.00
20-08-21 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -140,000 1,492,321 HKD 61.893 -8,665,020 0.03 -0.01
20-05-25 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -15,000 1,632,321 HKD 51.200 -768,000 0.04 0.00
20-05-20 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -65,000 1,647,321 HKD 53.754 -3,493,997 0.04 0.00
20-05-19 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -220,000 1,712,321 HKD 53.096 -11,681,054 0.04 0.00
20-04-23 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 40,000 1,932,321 HKD 24.800 992,000 0.04 0.00
20-04-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 129,000 1,376,348,438 HKD 24.800 3,199,200 31.75 0.00
19-12-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,128,700 1,766,905,694 40.77 0.05
19-12-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 112,000 1,376,348,438 31.76 0.00
19-12-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 3,010,600 1,810,239,909 41.77 0.07
19-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 200,868 1,764,776,994 40.72 0.00
19-12-28 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 42,668 1,318,280 0.03 0.00
19-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 13,533 1,376,236,438 31.76 0.00
19-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 284,134 1,807,229,309 41.70 0.00
19-12-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 70,766 1,764,776,994 40.72 0.00
19-12-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 50,066 1,807,229,309 41.70 0.00
19-12-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 5,533 1,376,236,438 31.76 0.00
19-12-05 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 2,000,000 1,807,229,309 HKD 41.71 0.00
19-11-08 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -50,000 1,318,280 HKD 55.680 -2,784,000 0.03 0.00
19-08-22 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 60,000 1,932,321 HKD 24.800 1,488,000 0.04 0.00
19-05-17 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 50,000 1,368,280 HKD 24.800 1,240,000 0.03 0.00
19-04-12 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -50,000 1,368,280 HKD 57.365 -2,868,250 0.03 0.00
19-04-08 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 50,000 1,418,280 HKD 24.800 1,240,000 0.03 0.00
19-03-07 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -42,666 1,418,280 HKD 53.578 -2,285,963 0.03 0.00
19-01-16 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,150,000 1,764,776,994 HKD 32.500 37,375,000 40.77 0.00
19-01-16 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 1,650,000 1,807,229,309 HKD 32.500 53,625,000 41.75 0.00
18-12-28 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 CallRight to take underlying shares L 140,000 1,932,321 0.04 0.00
18-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 115,166 1,764,776,994 40.81 0.00
18-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,908,100 1,764,776,994 40.81 0.07
18-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 9,000 1,376,236,438 31.82 0.00
18-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 129,600 1,376,236,438 31.82 0.00
18-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 162,933 1,807,229,309 41.79 0.00
18-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 4,112,600 1,807,229,309 41.79 0.10
18-12-28 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 42,666 1,460,946 0.03 0.00
18-12-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 70,766 1,761,868,894 40.74 0.00
18-12-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 5,533 1,376,106,838 31.82 0.00
18-12-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 50,066 1,803,116,709 41.69 0.00
18-11-16 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 40,000 1,792,321 HKD 32.500 1,300,000 0.04 0.00
18-11-16 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 1,376,106,838 HKD 32.500 3,250,000 31.85 0.00
18-09-28 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -51,000 1,792,321 HKD 50.571 -2,579,121 0.04 0.00
18-09-26 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -80,000 1,843,321 HKD 52.781 -4,222,480 0.04 0.00
18-09-26 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -80,000 1,843,321 HKD 52.781 -4,222,480 0.04 0.00
18-09-24 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 SoldCompleted sale L -69,000 1,923,321 HKD 52.692 -3,635,748 0.04 -0.01
18-09-21 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 80,000 1,992,321 HKD 32.500 2,600,000 0.05 0.00
18-09-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 250,000 1,376,106,838 HKD 32.500 8,125,000 31.85 0.00
18-08-23 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -100,000 1,460,946 HKD 55.998 -5,599,750 0.03 -0.01
18-08-07 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 1,560,946 HKD 24.800 2,480,000 0.04 0.00
18-08-02 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 60,000 1,992,321 HKD 32.500 1,950,000 0.05 0.00
18-08-02 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 50,000 1,376,106,838 HKD 32.500 1,625,000 31.86 0.00
18-07-03 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 171,916,021 1,803,116,709 41.75 0.00
18-06-05 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -100,000 1,560,946 HKD 65.362 -6,536,200 0.04 0.00
18-05-21 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 1,660,946 HKD 24.800 2,480,000 0.04 0.00
18-05-14 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 SoldCompleted sale L -42,666 1,660,946 HKD 69.445 -2,962,919 0.04 0.00
18-05-04 Mecca, Michael Victor 萬卓祺 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 1,703,612 1,703,612 0.04 0.04
18-02-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 2,700,000 1,761,868,894 HKD 20.100 54,270,001 40.84 0.00
17-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 9,000 1,376,106,838 HKD 31.94 0.00
17-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 162,933 1,803,116,709 HKD 41.85 0.00
17-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 115,166 1,761,868,894 HKD 40.90 0.00
17-12-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 CallRight to take underlying shares L 65,600 1,376,106,838 HKD 31.95 0.00
17-12-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 CallRight to take underlying shares L 1,021,200 1,803,116,709 HKD 41.86 0.02
17-12-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 CallRight to take underlying shares L 828,300 1,761,868,894 HKD 40.90 0.01
17-12-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 730,000 1,376,041,238 HKD 20.100 14,673,000 31.95 0.00
17-09-20 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 2,100,000 1,802,095,509 HKD 20.100 42,210,001 41.86 0.00
17-07-26 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 CallRight to take underlying shares L 130,000 1,992,321 HKD 0.05 0.01
17-06-09 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 53,638,039 1,802,095,509 HKD 42.12 0.00
17-04-19 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 242,000 1,862,321 HKD 13.820 3,344,440 0.04 0.00
17-04-03 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -150,000 1,862,321 HKD 42.903 -6,435,450 0.04 -0.01
17-03-31 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -65,000 2,012,321 HKD 42.574 -2,767,310 0.05 0.00
17-03-30 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -155,000 2,077,321 HKD 42.979 -6,661,745 0.05 0.00
17-03-29 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -180,000 2,232,321 HKD 42.580 -7,664,400 0.05 -0.01
17-03-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,500,000 1,802,095,509 HKD 42.14 0.00
17-03-16 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,800,000 1,802,095,509 HKD 20.100 36,180,001 42.15 0.00
16-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,347,500 1,761,040,594 HKD 41.23 0.03
16-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,905,800 1,802,095,509 HKD 42.19 0.05
16-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 106,000 1,376,041,238 HKD 32.21 0.00
16-12-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,500,000 1,800,189,709 HKD 42.15 0.00
16-10-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,500,000 1,800,189,709 HKD 42.15 0.00
16-09-23 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,499,000 1,758,671,782 HKD 41.18 -0.06
16-09-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -3,536,000 1,798,744,226 HKD 42.12 -0.08
16-09-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,445,483 1,800,189,709 HKD 42.16 0.04
16-09-23 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 111,285 1,375,935,238 HKD 32.22 0.00
16-09-23 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -132,000 2,388,000 HKD 0.06 0.00
16-09-23 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 24,321 2,412,321 HKD 0.06 0.00
16-09-23 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,021,312 1,759,693,094 HKD 41.21 0.03
16-09-23 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -336,000 1,375,823,953 HKD 32.22 -0.01
16-09-02 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 150,000 2,520,000 HKD 13.820 2,073,000 0.06 0.00
16-04-06 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 3,450,000 1,761,170,782 HKD 6.810 23,494,500 41.30 0.00
15-12-24 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,601,000 1,761,170,782 HKD 41.33 0.06
15-12-24 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,912,000 1,802,280,226 HKD 42.30 0.05
15-12-24 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 229,000 1,376,159,953 HKD 32.30 0.01
15-12-24 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 120,000 2,520,000 HKD 0.06 0.00
15-09-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 272,605,000 1,758,569,782 HKD 41.29 0.00
15-09-22 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -272,605,000 1,800,368,226 HKD 0.000 -0 42.28 -6.40
15-09-22 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -272,605,000 1,375,930,953 HKD 0.000 -0 32.31 -6.40
15-09-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 68,000,000 1,758,569,782 HKD 41.29 0.00
15-09-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -68,000,000 2,072,973,226 HKD 0.000 -0 48.68 -1.59
15-09-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -68,000,000 1,648,535,953 HKD 0.000 -0 38.71 -1.60
15-09-17 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 50,000 2,400,000 HKD 13.820 691,000 0.05 0.00
15-09-01 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 200,000 1,758,569,782 HKD 24.000 4,800,000 41.30 0.01
15-09-01 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 200,000 2,140,973,226 HKD 24.000 4,800,000 50.28 0.00
15-09-01 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 200,000 1,716,535,953 HKD 24.000 4,800,000 40.31 0.00
15-08-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 3,000,000 1,758,369,782 HKD 26.785 80,355,000 41.29 0.07
15-08-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 3,000,000 2,140,773,226 HKD 26.785 80,355,000 50.28 0.07
15-08-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 3,000,000 1,716,335,953 HKD 26.785 80,355,000 40.31 0.07
15-08-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 2,094,000 1,755,369,782 HKD 25.498 53,392,810 41.22 0.04
15-08-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 2,094,000 2,137,773,226 HKD 25.498 53,392,810 50.21 0.05
15-08-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 2,094,000 1,713,335,953 HKD 25.498 53,392,810 40.24 0.05
15-04-09 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,834,000 1,711,241,953 HKD 5.542 10,164,028 40.21 0.00
15-04-09 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 100,000 2,400,000 HKD 13.820 1,382,000 0.05 0.00
15-02-06 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,570,000 1,753,275,782 HKD 2.160 5,551,200 41.23 0.00
15-01-16 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,659,000 1,753,275,782 HKD 41.27 0.04
15-01-16 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 130,000 1,711,241,953 HKD 40.28 0.01
15-01-16 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,348,000 2,135,679,226 HKD 50.27 0.06
14-10-15 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 500,000 1,711,111,953 HKD 2.160 1,080,000 40.32 0.00
14-09-22 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 100,000 2,400,000 HKD 13.820 1,382,000 0.05 0.00
14-07-16 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 132,000 2,400,000 HKD 0.05 0.00
14-06-23 Ancell, James Ross 顏志宏 AcquireBecoming interested L 50,000 300,000 HKD 58.000 2,900,000 0.00 0.00
14-05-23 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 162,000 2,268,000 HKD 3.600 583,200 0.05 0.00
14-04-11 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 180,000 2,268,000 HKD 3.600 648,000 0.05 0.00
14-04-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,000,000 1,711,111,953 HKD 2.160 2,160,000 40.37 0.00
14-04-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 6,666,668 2,133,331,226 HKD 5.647 37,646,673 50.33 0.00
14-02-13 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 300,000 2,268,000 HKD 3.600 1,080,000 0.05 0.00
14-01-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -3,450,000 1,751,616,782 HKD 41.46 -0.09
14-01-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,000,000 1,711,111,953 HKD 40.50 -0.05
14-01-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 880,000 1,755,066,782 HKD 2.160 1,900,800 41.55 0.00
14-01-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -5,000,000 2,133,331,226 HKD 50.50 -0.12
14-01-15 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 126,000 1,713,111,953 HKD 40.56 0.00
14-01-15 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 950,000 2,138,331,226 HKD 50.63 0.02
14-01-15 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 672,000 1,755,066,782 HKD 41.55 0.01
13-12-23 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 666,000 1,712,985,953 HKD 6.810 4,535,460 40.59 0.00
13-12-16 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 AcquireBecoming interested L 770,000 1,000,000 HKD 69.011 53,138,471 0.02 0.02
13-12-13 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 AcquireBecoming interested L 230,000 230,000 HKD 66.935 15,395,049 0.00 0.00
13-12-10 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -825,000 0 HKD 63.517 -52,401,524 0.00 -0.01
13-12-09 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,975,000 825,000 HKD 63.732 -125,870,697 0.01 -0.05
13-07-05 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 168,000 1,754,394,782 HKD 41.66 0.01
13-07-05 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 80,000 1,712,985,953 HKD 40.67 0.00
13-07-05 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 238,000 2,137,381,226 HKD 50.75 0.00
13-06-20 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -20,000 2,268,000 HKD 42.800 -856,000 0.05 0.00
13-06-18 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -359,000 2,288,000 HKD 42.545 -15,273,654 0.05 -0.01
13-06-17 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -20,000 2,647,000 HKD 41.963 -839,260 0.06 0.00
13-06-14 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -100,000 2,667,000 HKD 42.200 -4,220,000 0.06 0.00
13-03-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -11,408,000 1,712,905,953 HKD 40.72 -0.27
13-03-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -22,816,000 2,137,143,226 HKD 50.80 -0.54
13-03-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 11,408,000 1,754,226,782 HKD 41.70 0.27
13-01-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,150,000 1,742,818,782 HKD 41.44 0.03
13-01-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 400,000 1,724,313,953 HKD 41.00 0.01
13-01-17 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 180,000 2,767,000 HKD 0.06 0.00
13-01-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,650,000 2,159,959,226 HKD 51.36 0.04
13-01-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,000,000 1,741,668,782 HKD 0.514 1,028,000 41.44 0.00
12-11-12 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -249,581,841 1,741,668,782 HKD 27.170 -6,781,138,639 41.48 -17.00
12-11-12 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -249,581,841 1,723,913,953 HKD 27.170 -6,781,138,639 41.06 -17.42
12-11-12 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -249,581,841 2,158,309,226 HKD 27.170 -6,781,138,639 51.40 -7.08
12-10-09 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -150,000 2,587,000 HKD 25.050 -3,757,500 0.06 0.00
12-10-08 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -20,000 2,737,000 HKD 25.500 -510,000 0.06 0.00
12-10-05 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -370,000 2,757,000 HKD 24.901 -9,213,370 0.06 -0.01
12-10-04 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -170,000 3,127,000 HKD 25.150 -4,275,500 0.07 0.00
12-10-03 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -90,000 3,297,000 HKD 25.961 -2,336,490 0.07 -0.01
12-08-31 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -278,802,159 2,455,585,340 HKD 21.000 -5,854,845,339 58.57 -6.65
12-08-31 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -278,802,159 2,455,585,340 HKD 21.000 -5,854,845,339 58.57 -6.65
12-08-31 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -278,802,159 2,455,585,340 HKD 21.000 -5,854,845,339 58.57 -6.65
12-03-16 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,330,000 2,734,387,499 HKD 65.46 0.18
12-03-16 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,330,000 2,734,387,499 HKD 65.46 0.18
12-03-16 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,330,000 2,734,387,499 HKD 65.46 0.18
11-10-26 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 383,000 3,387,000 HKD 3.320 1,271,560 0.08 0.00
11-10-26 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 5,203,332 2,727,057,499 HKD 1.568 8,158,824 65.33 -0.15
11-09-09 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 3,290,000 2,727,057,499 HKD 4.590 15,101,101 65.55 0.00
11-09-09 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 ExerciseExercising an option L 2,500,000 2,800,000 HKD 4.590 11,475,000 0.06 0.00
11-09-09 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 6,580,000 2,727,057,499 HKD 4.590 30,202,201 65.55 0.00
11-09-06 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -270,000,000 2,727,057,499 HKD 17.700 -4,779,000,206 65.75 -6.51
11-09-06 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -270,000,000 2,727,057,499 HKD 17.700 -4,779,000,206 65.75 -6.51
11-09-06 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -270,000,000 2,727,057,499 HKD 17.700 -4,779,000,206 65.75 -6.51
11-06-29 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 270,000 3,387,000 HKD 4.590 1,239,300 0.08 0.00
11-06-29 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 3,400,000 2,997,057,499 HKD 4.590 15,606,001 72.37 0.00
11-06-29 Ancell, James Ross 顏志宏 ExerciseExercising an option L 250,000 250,000 HKD 4.590 1,147,500 0.01 0.00
11-06-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -400,000 2,997,057,499 HKD 17.550 -7,020,000 72.46 -0.01
11-06-08 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -400,000 2,997,057,499 HKD 17.550 -7,020,000 72.46 -0.01
11-06-08 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -400,000 2,997,057,499 HKD 17.550 -7,020,000 72.46 -0.01
11-06-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -300,000 2,997,457,499 HKD 16.940 -5,082,000 72.47 -0.01
11-06-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -300,000 2,997,457,499 HKD 16.940 -5,082,000 72.47 -0.01
11-06-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -300,000 2,997,457,499 HKD 16.940 -5,082,000 72.47 -0.01
11-04-20 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 642,000 3,387,000 HKD 0.08 0.01
11-04-12 Yip, William Shue Lam 葉樹林 ExerciseExercising an option L 250,000 250,000 HKD 4.590 1,147,500 0.01 0.00
11-03-23 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 72.67 -0.36
11-03-23 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 72.67 -0.36
11-03-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 72.67 -0.36
11-02-24 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 73.14 -0.96
11-02-24 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 73.14 -0.96
11-02-24 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 73.14 -0.96
11-01-28 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -305,000 2,745,000 HKD 11.644 -3,551,420 0.07 -0.01
11-01-27 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -595,000 3,050,000 HKD 11.587 -6,894,265 0.08 -0.01
11-01-26 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -100,000 3,645,000 HKD 11.429 -1,142,900 0.09 0.00
11-01-25 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 74.71 -0.30
11-01-25 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 74.71 -0.30
11-01-25 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 0 2,997,757,499 HKD 74.71 -0.30
10-12-02 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 395,057,025 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.83 0.00
10-12-02 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 395,057,025 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.83 0.00
10-12-02 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 395,057,025 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.83 0.00
10-10-11 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.92 0.13
10-10-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.92 0.13
10-10-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,997,757,499 HKD 75.92 0.13
10-02-18 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 11,408,000 2,987,307,499 HKD 3.020 34,452,160 75.79 0.29
10-02-18 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 11,408,000 2,987,307,499 HKD 3.020 34,452,160 75.79 0.29
10-02-18 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 11,408,000 2,987,307,499 HKD 3.020 34,452,160 75.79 0.29
09-11-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,800,000 2,975,899,499 HKD 0.522 939,600 75.50 -0.07
09-11-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,600,000 2,975,899,499 HKD 0.522 835,200 75.50 -0.07
09-10-21 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 642,000 3,745,000 HKD 0.10 0.02
09-05-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,975,899,499 HKD 75.57 0.27
09-05-08 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,975,899,499 HKD 75.57 0.27
09-05-08 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,450,000 2,975,899,499 HKD 75.57 0.27
08-10-29 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 196,515,923 2,965,449,499 HKD 0.019 3,733,802 75.30 0.00
08-10-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 36,538,137 2,965,449,499 HKD 0.019 694,225 75.30 0.00
08-08-18 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AcquireBecoming interested L 383,000 3,103,000 HKD 0.08 0.01
08-08-15 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -32,561,562 2,965,449,499 HKD 75.30 -0.83
08-08-15 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -32,561,562 2,965,449,499 HKD 75.30 -0.83
08-08-15 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L -32,561,562 2,965,449,499 HKD 0.019 -618,670 75.30 -0.83
08-05-20 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,000,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 0.533 533,000 76.13 -0.05
08-04-29 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,500,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.15 -0.03
08-03-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 6,875,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.18 0.00
08-03-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 6,875,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 6.222 42,776,251 76.18 0.00
08-03-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 SellingSale contract L 6,875,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 6.222 42,776,251 76.18 0.00
08-03-13 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 22,500,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.18 0.00
08-03-13 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 22,500,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.18 0.00
08-03-13 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 SellingSale contract L 22,500,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 7.089 159,502,505 76.18 0.00
08-02-25 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 476,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.18 0.02
08-02-25 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 476,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 76.18 0.02
08-02-25 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 476,000 2,998,011,061 HKD 5.927 2,821,252 76.18 0.02
08-02-22 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 290,000 2,997,535,061 HKD 76.16 0.00
08-02-22 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 290,000 2,997,535,061 HKD 5.906 1,712,740 76.16 0.00
08-02-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 290,000 2,997,535,061 HKD 76.16 0.00
08-02-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 332,000 2,997,245,061 HKD 76.16 0.01
08-02-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 332,000 2,997,245,061 HKD 5.642 1,873,144 76.16 0.01
08-02-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 332,000 2,997,245,061 HKD 76.16 0.01
08-02-20 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 390,000 2,996,913,061 HKD 76.15 0.01
08-02-20 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 390,000 2,996,913,061 HKD 76.15 0.01
08-02-20 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 390,000 2,996,913,061 HKD 5.663 2,208,570 76.15 0.01
08-02-19 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 188,000 2,996,523,061 HKD 76.14 0.01
08-02-19 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 188,000 2,996,523,061 HKD 76.14 0.01
08-02-19 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 188,000 2,996,523,061 HKD 5.827 1,095,476 76.14 0.01
08-02-18 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 221,000 2,996,335,061 HKD 76.13 0.00
08-02-18 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 221,000 2,996,335,061 HKD 5.763 1,273,623 76.13 0.00
08-02-18 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 221,000 2,996,335,061 HKD 76.13 0.00
08-02-15 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 605,000 2,996,114,061 HKD 76.13 0.02
08-02-15 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 241,000 2,995,750,061 HKD 5.561 1,340,201 76.12 0.01
08-02-15 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 364,000 2,996,114,061 HKD 76.13 0.01
08-02-15 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 364,000 2,995,873,061 HKD 5.551 2,020,564 76.12 0.01
08-02-15 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 241,000 2,996,114,061 HKD 76.13 0.01
08-02-14 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 576,000 2,995,509,061 HKD 76.11 0.01
08-02-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 103,000 2,995,036,061 HKD 5.713 588,439 76.10 0.00
08-02-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 473,000 2,995,509,061 HKD 76.11 0.01
08-02-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 473,000 2,995,406,061 HKD 5.696 2,694,208 76.11 0.01
08-02-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 103,000 2,995,509,061 HKD 76.11 0.00
08-02-13 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 80,000 2,994,933,061 HKD 76.10 0.00
08-02-13 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 80,000 2,994,933,061 HKD 76.10 0.00
08-02-13 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 80,000 2,994,933,061 HKD 5.618 449,440 76.10 0.00
08-02-12 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 50,000 2,994,853,061 HKD 76.10 0.01
08-02-12 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 50,000 2,994,853,061 HKD 76.10 0.01
08-02-12 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 50,000 2,994,853,061 HKD 5.760 288,000 76.10 0.01
08-02-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 60,000 2,994,803,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-11 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 60,000 2,994,803,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 60,000 2,994,803,061 HKD 5.728 343,680 76.09 0.00
08-02-06 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 18,000 2,994,743,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-06 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 18,000 2,994,743,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-06 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 18,000 2,994,743,061 HKD 5.809 104,562 76.09 0.00
08-02-04 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 248,000 2,994,725,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-04 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 248,000 2,994,725,061 HKD 5.837 1,447,576 76.09 0.00
08-02-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 248,000 2,994,725,061 HKD 76.09 0.00
08-02-01 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 350,000 2,994,477,061 HKD 76.09 0.01
08-02-01 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 2,994,477,061 HKD 6.024 2,108,400 76.09 0.01
08-02-01 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 350,000 2,994,477,061 HKD 76.09 0.01
08-01-31 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 505,000 2,994,127,061 HKD 76.08 0.02
08-01-31 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 505,000 2,994,127,061 HKD 76.08 0.02
08-01-31 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 505,000 2,994,127,061 HKD 5.812 2,935,060 76.08 0.02
08-01-30 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 896,000 2,993,622,061 HKD 76.06 0.02
08-01-30 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 896,000 2,993,622,061 HKD 76.06 0.02
08-01-30 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 896,000 2,993,622,061 HKD 5.957 5,337,472 76.06 0.02
08-01-29 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 150,000 2,992,726,061 HKD 76.04 0.00
08-01-29 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 150,000 2,992,726,061 HKD 76.04 0.00
08-01-29 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 150,000 2,992,726,061 HKD 6.011 901,650 76.04 0.00
08-01-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 323,000 2,992,576,061 HKD 76.04 0.01
08-01-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 323,000 2,992,576,061 HKD 6.001 1,938,323 76.04 0.01
08-01-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 323,000 2,992,576,061 HKD 76.04 0.01
08-01-24 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 305,000 2,992,253,061 HKD 76.03 0.01
08-01-24 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 305,000 2,992,253,061 HKD 76.03 0.01
08-01-24 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 305,000 2,992,253,061 HKD 6.009 1,832,745 76.03 0.01
08-01-22 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 13,000 2,991,948,061 HKD 76.02 0.00
08-01-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 13,000 2,991,948,061 HKD 76.02 0.00
08-01-22 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 13,000 2,991,948,061 HKD 5.818 75,634 76.02 0.00
08-01-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 23,000 2,991,935,061 HKD 76.02 0.00
08-01-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 23,000 2,991,935,061 HKD 76.02 0.00
08-01-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 23,000 2,991,935,061 HKD 6.104 140,392 76.02 0.00
08-01-18 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 770,000 2,991,912,061 HKD 76.02 0.02
08-01-18 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 770,000 2,991,912,061 HKD 6.206 4,778,620 76.02 0.02
08-01-18 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 770,000 2,991,912,061 HKD 76.02 0.02
08-01-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,000,000 2,982,151,061 HKD 75.77 0.05
08-01-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 8,991,000 2,991,142,061 HKD 76.00 0.23
08-01-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,450,000 2,983,601,061 HKD 75.81 0.09
08-01-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 7,541,000 2,991,142,061 HKD 76.00 0.19
08-01-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 541,000 2,980,692,061 HKD 6.476 3,503,516 75.74 0.02
08-01-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 5,000,000 2,985,692,061 HKD 75.86 0.12
08-01-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 5,450,000 2,991,142,061 HKD 76.00 0.14
08-01-16 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 150,000 2,980,151,061 HKD 75.72 0.00
08-01-16 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 150,000 2,980,151,061 HKD 75.72 0.00
08-01-16 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 150,000 2,980,151,061 HKD 6.558 983,700 75.72 0.00
08-01-15 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 450,000 2,980,001,061 HKD 75.72 0.01
08-01-15 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 450,000 2,980,001,061 HKD 75.72 0.01
08-01-15 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 450,000 2,980,001,061 HKD 6.885 3,098,250 75.72 0.01
08-01-14 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 130,000 2,979,551,061 HKD 75.71 0.01
08-01-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 130,000 2,979,551,061 HKD 75.71 0.01
08-01-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 130,000 2,979,551,061 HKD 7.030 913,900 75.71 0.01
08-01-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 700,000 2,979,421,061 HKD 75.70 0.01
08-01-11 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 700,000 2,979,421,061 HKD 75.70 0.01
08-01-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 700,000 2,979,421,061 HKD 7.186 5,030,200 75.70 0.01
08-01-10 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 787,000 2,978,721,061 HKD 75.69 0.02
08-01-10 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 787,000 2,978,721,061 HKD 7.285 5,733,295 75.69 0.02
08-01-10 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 787,000 2,978,721,061 HKD 75.69 0.02
08-01-09 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 3,085,000 2,977,934,061 HKD 75.67 0.08
08-01-09 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 3,085,000 2,977,934,061 HKD 75.67 0.08
08-01-09 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,085,000 2,977,934,061 HKD 7.313 22,560,606 75.67 0.08
08-01-08 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,934,000 2,974,849,061 HKD 75.59 0.05
08-01-08 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,934,000 2,974,849,061 HKD 7.501 14,506,934 75.59 0.05
08-01-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,934,000 2,974,849,061 HKD 75.59 0.05
08-01-07 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 238,000 2,972,915,061 HKD 75.54 0.01
08-01-07 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 238,000 2,972,915,061 HKD 7.645 1,819,510 75.54 0.01
08-01-07 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 238,000 2,972,915,061 HKD 75.54 0.01
08-01-04 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 883,000 2,972,677,061 HKD 75.53 0.02
08-01-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 883,000 2,972,677,061 HKD 75.53 0.02
08-01-04 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 883,000 2,972,677,061 HKD 7.783 6,872,389 75.53 0.02
08-01-03 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 805,000 2,971,794,061 HKD 75.51 0.02
08-01-03 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 805,000 2,971,794,061 HKD 75.51 0.02
08-01-03 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 805,000 2,971,794,061 HKD 7.802 6,280,610 75.51 0.02
08-01-02 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 234,000 2,970,989,061 HKD 75.49 0.01
08-01-02 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 234,000 2,970,989,061 HKD 7.500 1,755,000 75.49 0.01
08-01-02 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 234,000 2,970,989,061 HKD 75.49 0.01
07-12-31 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 350,000 2,970,755,061 HKD 75.48 0.00
07-12-31 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 350,000 2,970,755,061 HKD 75.48 0.00
07-12-31 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 2,970,755,061 HKD 7.325 2,563,750 75.48 0.00
07-12-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 300,000 2,970,405,061 HKD 75.48 -0.01
07-12-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 300,000 2,970,405,061 HKD 7.272 2,181,600 75.48 -0.01
07-12-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 300,000 2,970,405,061 HKD 75.48 -0.01
07-12-28 Cheng, Moses Mo Chi 鄭慕智 ExerciseExercising an option L 500,000 500,000 HKD 2.144 1,072,000 0.01 0.00
07-12-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 751,000 2,970,105,061 HKD 75.49 0.02
07-12-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 751,000 2,970,105,061 HKD 75.49 0.02
07-12-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 751,000 2,970,105,061 HKD 7.280 5,467,280 75.49 0.02
07-12-24 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 304,000 2,969,354,061 HKD 75.47 0.01
07-12-24 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 304,000 2,969,354,061 HKD 7.226 2,196,704 75.47 0.01
07-12-24 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 304,000 2,969,354,061 HKD 75.47 0.01
07-12-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 300,000 2,969,050,061 HKD 75.46 0.01
07-12-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 300,000 2,969,050,061 HKD 7.103 2,130,900 75.46 0.01
07-12-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 300,000 2,969,050,061 HKD 75.46 0.01
07-12-20 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 3,105,000 2,968,750,061 HKD 75.45 0.08
07-12-20 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 3,105,000 2,968,750,061 HKD 75.45 0.08
07-12-20 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,105,000 2,968,750,061 HKD 6.880 21,362,400 75.45 0.08
07-12-19 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 250,000 2,965,645,061 HKD 75.37 0.00
07-12-19 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 250,000 2,965,645,061 HKD 75.37 0.00
07-12-19 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 250,000 2,965,645,061 HKD 6.778 1,694,500 75.37 0.00
07-12-18 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 2,964,000 2,965,395,061 HKD 75.37 0.08
07-12-18 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 2,964,000 2,965,395,061 HKD 75.37 0.08
07-12-18 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,964,000 2,965,395,061 HKD 6.860 20,333,040 75.37 0.08
07-12-17 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 416,000 2,962,431,061 HKD 75.29 0.01
07-12-17 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 416,000 2,962,431,061 HKD 6.991 2,908,256 75.29 0.01
07-12-17 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 416,000 2,962,431,061 HKD 75.29 0.01
07-12-14 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 688,000 2,962,015,061 HKD 75.28 0.02
07-12-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 688,000 2,962,015,061 HKD 75.28 0.02
07-12-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 688,000 2,962,015,061 HKD 6.995 4,812,560 75.28 0.02
07-12-13 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,832,000 2,961,327,061 HKD 75.26 0.04
07-12-13 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,832,000 2,961,327,061 HKD 75.26 0.04
07-12-13 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,832,000 2,961,327,061 HKD 7.041 12,899,112 75.26 0.04
07-12-12 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,375,000 2,959,495,061 HKD 75.22 0.04
07-12-12 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,375,000 2,959,495,061 HKD 75.22 0.04
07-12-12 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,375,000 2,959,495,061 HKD 7.095 9,755,625 75.22 0.04
07-12-11 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,537,000 2,958,120,061 HKD 75.18 0.04
07-12-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 648,000 2,957,231,061 HKD 7.166 4,643,568 75.16 0.02
07-12-11 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 889,000 2,958,120,061 HKD 75.18 0.02
07-12-11 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 889,000 2,957,472,061 HKD 7.122 6,331,458 75.17 0.03
07-12-11 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 648,000 2,958,120,061 HKD 75.18 0.01
07-12-10 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 115,000 2,956,583,061 HKD 75.14 0.00
07-12-10 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 115,000 2,956,583,061 HKD 7.138 820,870 75.14 0.00
07-12-10 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 115,000 2,956,583,061 HKD 75.14 0.00
07-12-04 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 716,000 2,956,468,061 HKD 75.14 0.02
07-12-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 716,000 2,956,468,061 HKD 7.366 5,274,056 75.14 0.02
07-12-04 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 716,000 2,956,468,061 HKD 75.14 0.02
07-11-28 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 472,000 2,955,752,061 HKD 75.12 0.00
07-11-28 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 472,000 2,955,752,061 HKD 75.12 0.00
07-11-28 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 472,000 2,955,752,061 HKD 75.12 0.00
07-11-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,632,453,133 2,955,280,061 HKD 75.12 41.50
07-11-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,117,000 1,718,837,782 HKD 7.624 0.000 16,140,008 43.69 0.05
07-11-27 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 1,189,774,298 2,955,280,061 HKD 75.12 30.24
07-11-27 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,236,442,279 2,955,280,061 HKD 75.12 31.43
07-11-26 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,600,000 1,716,720,782 HKD 7.745 0.000 12,392,000 49.70 0.04
07-11-23 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,776,000 1,715,120,782 HKD 7.554 0.000 13,415,904 49.66 0.05
07-11-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,285,000 1,713,344,782 HKD 7.518 0.000 9,660,630 49.61 0.04
07-11-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,935,000 1,712,059,782 HKD 7.593 0.000 29,878,455 49.57 0.11
07-11-20 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,006,000 1,708,124,782 HKD 7.604 0.000 15,253,624 49.46 0.06
07-10-25 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 0 1,765,505,763 HKD 0.000 0.000 0 51.12 -2.33
07-10-25 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 0 1,322,826,928 HKD 0.000 0.000 0 38.31 -1.74
07-10-25 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,706,118,782 HKD 0.000 0.000 49.40 -2.26
07-10-08 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 156,804,000 1,765,505,763 HKD 0.000 8.420 0 53.45 4.74
07-10-08 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 153,438,000 1,322,826,928 HKD 0.000 8.420 0 40.05 4.64
07-10-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 153,438,000 2,158,618,782 HKD 0.000 8.420 0 65.36 4.65
07-10-08 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 SellingSale contract L -452,500,000 1,706,118,782 HKD 0.000 8.420 -0 51.66 -13.70
07-10-05 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -22,969,034 1,169,388,928 HKD 0.000 0.000 -0 35.41 -0.69
07-10-05 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 22,969,034 2,005,180,782 HKD 0.000 0.000 0 60.71 0.00
07-10-05 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -22,969,034 1,608,701,763 HKD 48.71 -0.69
07-10-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 22,969,034 2,005,180,782 HKD 0.000 0.000 0 60.71 0.00
07-10-03 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -721,700,154 1,192,357,962 HKD 0.000 0.000 -0 36.10 -22.07
07-10-03 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -721,700,154 1,631,670,797 HKD 49.40 -22.12
07-10-03 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 129,685,141 2,005,180,782 HKD 0.000 0.000 0 60.71 -0.23
07-07-26 Cheung, Charles Wai Bun 張惠彬 SellingSale contract L -330,000 252,533 HKD 7.955 -2,625,150 0.01 -0.01
07-04-18 Carter, Anthony Thomas Christopher 唐家達 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 2,800,000 HKD 0.08 0.00
07-02-07 Lo, William Chi Chung 羅志聰 ExerciseExercising an option L 230,000 1,926,000 HKD 4.590 1,055,700 0.06 0.00
06-01-23 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 ExerciseExercising an option L 60,000,000 2,353,370,951 HKD 1.505 90,300,000 71.52 0.00
05-10-22 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 237,791,304 2,353,370,951 HKD 71.52 0.00
05-10-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 237,791,304 2,005,180,782 HKD 60.94 0.00
05-10-22 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 237,791,304 1,914,058,116 HKD 58.17 0.00
05-10-21 Chan, Kai Nang 陳啟能 OtherOther L 270,000 380,000 HKD 0.01 0.01
05-10-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 3,290,000 2,005,180,782 HKD 60.94 0.10
05-10-21 Cheng, Moses Mo Chi 鄭慕智 OtherOther L 200,000 500,000 HKD 0.02 0.01
05-10-21 Yip, William Shue Lam 葉樹林 OtherOther L 250,000 250,000 HKD 0.01 0.01
05-10-21 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 OtherOther L 270,000 2,720,000 HKD 0.08 0.01
05-10-21 Lo, William Chi Chung 羅志聰 OtherOther L 1,730,000 1,926,000 HKD 0.06 0.05
05-10-21 Cheung, Charles Wai Bun 張惠彬 OtherOther L 250,000 582,533 HKD 0.02 0.01
05-10-21 Ancell, James Ross 顏志宏 OtherOther L 250,000 250,000 HKD 0.01 0.01
05-10-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 3,400,000 1,914,058,116 HKD 58.17 0.10
05-10-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 6,580,000 2,353,370,951 HKD 71.52 0.20
05-10-20 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -2,880,333 1,910,658,116 HKD 58.07 -0.09
05-10-20 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -2,880,333 2,346,790,951 HKD 71.32 -0.09
05-10-20 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -2,880,333 2,001,890,782 HKD 60.84 -0.09
05-10-13 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 485,000 2,004,771,115 HKD 60.93 0.01
05-10-13 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 406,800 2,349,671,284 HKD 71.41 0.01
05-10-07 Cheung, Charles Wai Bun 張惠彬 OtherOther L 30,000 332,533 HKD 0.01 0.00
05-09-14 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -108,434,241 1,913,538,449 HKD 58.16 -3.29
05-09-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -104,619,261 2,004,286,115 HKD 60.92 -3.26
05-09-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -109,132,941 2,349,264,484 HKD 71.40 -3.42
05-09-14 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 OtherOther L 100,000 2,450,000 HKD 0.07 0.00
05-09-14 Cheung, Charles Wai Bun 張惠彬 OtherOther L 723 302,533 HKD 0.01 -0.01
05-09-14 Lo, William Chi Chung 羅志聰 OtherOther L 10,000 196,000 HKD 0.01 0.00
05-09-02 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,270,000 2,021,972,690 HKD 0.514 652,780 61.45 -0.05
05-08-17 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,000,000 2,350,000 HKD 0.514 514,000 0.07 -0.04
05-08-03 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 ExerciseExercising an option L 1,670,000 2,021,972,690 HKD 0.526 878,420 61.50 -0.04
05-07-22 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 1,160,449,206 2,108,905,376 HKD 8.000 9,283,593,648 64.18 -81.74
05-07-22 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 1,271,587,245 2,458,397,425 HKD 8.000 10,172,697,960 74.82 -95.28
05-07-22 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 1,160,449,206 2,021,972,690 HKD 8.000 9,283,593,648 61.54 -78.36
05-07-19 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -51,118,000 2,108,905,376 HKD 145.92 -3.68
05-07-19 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -51,118,000 2,458,397,425 HKD 170.10 -3.71
05-07-19 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -51,118,000 2,021,972,690 HKD 139.90 -3.68
05-06-27 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 2,254,000 2,073,090,690 HKD 143.58 0.09
05-06-24 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 2,254,000 2,160,023,376 HKD 149.60 0.09
05-06-24 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 2,254,000 2,509,515,425 HKD 173.80 0.07
05-05-12 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L -764,000 2,070,836,690 HKD 143.49 -0.05
05-05-12 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L -764,000 2,507,261,425 HKD 173.73 -0.05
05-05-12 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L -764,000 2,157,769,376 HKD 149.51 -0.06
05-05-04 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 49,628,000 2,071,600,690 HKD 143.54 -12.33
05-05-04 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 49,628,000 2,508,025,425 HKD 173.78 -15.74
05-05-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 49,628,000 2,158,533,376 HKD 149.57 -13.00
05-04-26 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -146,000,000 2,021,972,690 HKD 8.000 -1,168,000,000 155.87 -11.26
05-04-26 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -146,000,000 2,458,397,425 HKD 8.000 -1,168,000,000 189.52 -11.25
05-04-26 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -146,000,000 2,108,905,376 HKD 8.000 -1,168,000,000 162.57 -11.26
05-04-26 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 146,000,000
05-04-26 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 146,000,000
05-04-26 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 146,000,000
05-04-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 146,000,000 2,254,905,376 HKD 8.000 1,168,000,000 173.83 11.26
05-04-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 146,000,000 2,604,397,425 HKD 8.000 1,168,000,000 200.77 11.25
05-04-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 146,000,000 2,167,972,690 HKD 8.000 1,168,000,000 167.13 11.26
05-04-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 GoShortComing to have a short position S -146,000,000 -146,000,000 -11.26 -11.26
05-04-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 GoShortComing to have a short position S -146,000,000 -146,000,000 -11.26 -11.26
05-04-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 GoShortComing to have a short position S -146,000,000 -146,000,000 -11.26 -11.26
05-03-14 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,160,449,206 2,108,905,376 HKD 8.000 9,283,593,648 162.59 89.47
05-03-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,271,587,245 2,132,781,803 HKD 8.000 10,172,697,960 164.43 98.04
05-03-14 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 325,615,622 2,458,397,425 HKD 189.53 25.10
05-03-14 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,160,449,206 2,021,972,690 HKD 8.000 9,283,593,648 155.89 89.47
04-11-12 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OtherOther L 0 858,583,484 HKD 0.000 0 66.33 -0.72
04-11-12 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OtherOther L 0 943,156,170 HKD 0.000 0 72.87 -0.78
04-11-12 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OtherOther L 0 856,724,558 HKD 0.000 0 66.19 -0.71
04-07-09 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 6,206,595 858,583,484 HKD 0.000 0 67.05 -0.66
04-07-09 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 6,206,638 856,724,558 HKD 0.000 0 66.90 -0.66
04-07-09 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,445,267 943,156,170 HKD 0.000 0 73.65 -0.68
04-06-28 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 ExerciseExercising an option L 650,000 1,350,000 HKD 0.522 339,300 0.11 0.05
04-04-15 Chee, Joseph Ying Keung 徐應強 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 700,000 700,000 HKD 0.06 0.00
04-04-15 Lo, William Chi Chung 羅志聰 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 186,000 186,000 HKD 0.01 0.00
03-11-21 Yip, Hing Chung 葉慶忠 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,334 192,124 HKD 0.000 0 0.02 0.00
03-11-21 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,485,378 852,376,889 HKD 0.000 0 67.71 0.00
03-11-21 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 7,485,428 850,517,920 HKD 0.000 0 67.56 0.00
03-11-21 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 8,963,960 935,710,903 HKD 0.000 0 74.33 0.06
03-07-04 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 AcquireBecoming interested L 86,611 844,891,511 HKD 0.000 0 67.71 -0.24
03-07-04 Yip, Hing Chung 葉慶忠 AcquireBecoming interested L 4,278 186,790 HKD 0.000 0 0.02 0.01
03-07-04 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 AcquireBecoming interested L 86,676 843,032,492 HKD 67.56 -0.24
03-07-04 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,983,672 926,746,943 HKD 0.000 0 74.27 -0.12
03-04-01 Cheung, Charles Wai Bun 張惠彬 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 1,810 HKD 0.00 0.00
03-04-01 Yip, Hing Chung 葉慶忠 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 184,512 HKD 0.01 0.00
03-04-01 Chan, Kai Nang 陳啟能 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 0 HKD 0.00 0.00
03-04-01 Lui, Che Woo 呂志和 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 924,763,271 HKD 74.39 0.00
03-04-01 Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 842,945,816 HKD 67.80 0.00
03-04-01 Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 844,804,900 HKD 67.95 0.00
03-04-01 Chan, Kenneth Nai Keong 陳乃強 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 55,576 HKD 0.00 0.00
03-04-01 Cheng, Moses Mo Chi 鄭慕智 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 0 HKD 0.00 0.00

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