WuXi XDC Cayman Inc.: O

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 02268  2023-11-17    
Stock code:

Directors' dealings

Click the date to see more details. Click on a name to see dealings by that person. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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Name Probable
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
24-07-12 Li, Jincai (1973) 李錦才 CallRight to take underlying shares L 190,000 32,645,840 2.72 0.01
24-07-12 Xi, Xiaojie 席曉捷 CallRight to take underlying shares L 136,744 10,136,744 0.85 0.02
24-07-12 Zhang, Jerry Jingwei 張靖偉 CallRight to take underlying shares L 154,488 3,408,504 0.28 0.01
23-12-01 Shi, Ming (1974) 施明 SoldCompleted sale L -6 0 HKD 28.200 -169 0.00 0.00
23-11-29 Shi, Ming (1974) 施明 SellingAgreement to sell L 6 6 0.00 0.00
23-11-17 Chen, Zhisheng (1972-10) 陳智勝 BoughtPurchased shares L 340,000 418,878 HKD 27.881 9,479,676 0.04 0.03
23-11-17 Chen, Zhisheng (1972-10) 陳智勝 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 75,636 78,878 0.01 0.01
23-11-17 Chen, Zhisheng (1972-10) 陳智勝 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 3,242 3,242 0.00 0.00
23-11-17 Li, Jincai (1973) 李錦才 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 32,455,840 32,455,840 2.75
23-11-17 Shi, Ming (1974) 施明 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 6 6 0.00
23-11-17 Xi, Xiaojie 席曉捷 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 10,000,000 10,000,000 0.85
23-11-17 Zhang, Jerry Jingwei 張靖偉 ListingPosition on listing of corporation or class L 3,254,016 3,254,016 0.28

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