Tianneng Power International Limited: O

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00819  2007-06-11    
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Directors' dealings

Click the date to see more details. Click on a name to see dealings by that person. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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Name Probable
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
24-06-15 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -180,000 411,613,650 36.55 -0.02
23-07-06 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 BoughtPurchased shares L 600,000 411,793,650 HKD 8.603 5,161,980 36.57 0.06
23-07-05 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 BoughtPurchased shares L 400,000 411,193,650 HKD 8.665 3,466,000 36.51 0.03
16-12-28 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.39 0.00
16-12-28 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.67 0.00
16-12-28 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 410,793,650 HKD 36.46 0.06
16-12-28 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 2,362,815 HKD 0.20 0.00
16-12-28 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
16-12-28 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.47 0.00
16-12-28 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.21 0.00
16-10-19 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,050,000 2,362,815 HKD 6.902 14,149,100 0.20 0.17
16-06-30 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.47 0.00
16-06-30 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
16-06-30 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.39 0.00
16-06-30 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.21 0.00
16-06-30 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.67 0.00
16-06-30 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 410,793,650 HKD 36.40 0.06
16-06-30 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
16-05-31 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.47 0.00
16-05-31 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
16-05-31 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.39 0.00
16-05-31 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.21 0.00
16-05-31 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.67 0.00
16-05-31 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 410,793,650 HKD 36.34 0.04
16-05-31 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
16-05-16 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 410,793,650 HKD 36.30 0.38
16-05-16 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.67 0.02
16-05-16 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.21 0.02
16-05-16 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.39 0.02
16-05-16 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
16-05-16 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.47 0.00
16-05-16 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
15-12-02 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,000 410,793,650 HKD 5.880 -11,760 35.92 0.00
15-12-01 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -38,000 410,795,650 HKD 6.138 -233,244 35.92 0.00
15-11-30 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -70,000 410,833,650 HKD 6.202 -434,140 35.92 -0.01
15-11-27 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -74,000 410,903,650 HKD 6.264 -463,536 35.93 0.00
15-11-26 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -78,000 410,977,650 HKD 6.717 -523,926 35.93 -0.01
15-11-25 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.47 -0.01
15-11-25 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
15-11-25 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.37 -0.05
15-11-25 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.19 -0.04
15-11-25 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.65 -0.06
15-11-25 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 411,055,650 HKD 35.94 -1.18
15-11-25 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
15-11-23 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 520,000 411,055,650 HKD 3.169 1,647,880 37.12 0.00
15-11-23 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 ExerciseExercising an option L 10,000 240,000 HKD 2.900 29,000 0.02 0.00
15-08-31 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,000,000 411,055,650 HKD 3.090 6,180,000 37.12 0.18
15-07-29 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,343,152 HKD 0.48 0.00
15-07-29 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 240,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
15-07-29 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 HKD 1.42 0.01
15-07-29 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 HKD 1.23 0.00
15-07-29 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,884,174 HKD 1.71 0.01
15-07-29 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 409,055,650 HKD 36.94 0.15
15-07-29 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 OtherOther L 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
15-07-02 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 500,000 409,055,650 HKD 3.608 1,804,000 36.79 0.05
15-03-27 Zhou, Jianzhong (1970) 周建中 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 312,815 312,815 HKD 0.03 0.00
14-06-19 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 AcquireBecoming interested L 100,000 18,884,174 HKD 2.900 290,000 1.70 0.01
14-06-18 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 500,000 408,555,650 HKD 2.897 1,448,500 36.74 0.04
14-06-17 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 AcquireBecoming interested L 100,000 5,343,152 HKD 2.900 290,000 0.48 0.01
14-06-16 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 200,000 408,055,650 HKD 2.900 580,000 36.70 0.02
14-06-16 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 AcquireBecoming interested L 100,000 240,000 HKD 2.900 290,000 0.02 0.01
14-06-16 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 AcquireBecoming interested L 100,000 240,000 HKD 2.900 290,000 0.02 0.01
14-06-16 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 AcquireBecoming interested L 100,000 240,000 HKD 2.900 290,000 0.02 0.01
13-07-15 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 262,000 407,855,650 HKD 3.190 835,780 36.68 0.02
13-04-08 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 13,641,022 13,641,022 HKD 1.23 -0.01
13-04-08 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 OtherOther L 5,159,151 5,159,151 HKD 0.46 -0.01
13-04-08 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 ExerciseExercising an option L 140,000 140,000 HKD 1.220 170,800 0.01 0.00
13-04-08 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 15,686,141 15,686,141 HKD 1.41 -0.02
13-04-08 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 ExerciseExercising an option L 140,000 140,000 HKD 1.220 170,800 0.01 0.00
13-04-08 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 ExerciseExercising an option L 140,000 140,000 HKD 1.220 170,800 0.01 0.00
13-04-08 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 18,784,174 18,784,174 HKD 1.69 -0.02
13-04-08 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 5,243,152 5,243,152 HKD 0.47 -0.01
13-04-08 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 407,593,650 407,593,650 HKD 36.66 -0.42
12-12-24 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -7,750,000 18,784,174 HKD 4.550 -35,262,501 1.71 -0.70
12-12-24 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -5,950,000 13,641,022 HKD 4.550 -27,072,501 1.24 -0.54
12-12-24 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -176,000 140,000 HKD 4.550 -800,800 0.01 -0.02
12-12-24 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,700,000 5,159,151 HKD 4.550 -7,735,000 0.47 -0.15
12-12-24 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -6,650,000 15,686,141 HKD 4.550 -30,257,501 1.23 -0.80
12-12-24 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -176,000 140,000 HKD 4.550 -800,800 0.01 -0.02
12-12-24 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -176,000 140,000 HKD 4.550 -800,800 0.01 -0.02
12-12-24 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,800,000 5,243,152 HKD 4.550 -8,190,000 0.48 -0.16
12-12-24 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 300,000 407,593,650 HKD 4.889 1,466,700 37.08 0.03
12-06-26 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 204,000 407,293,650 HKD 4.000 816,000 37.05 0.02
12-06-05 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 200,000 407,089,650 HKD 3.990 798,000 37.03 0.02
12-05-28 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 430,000 406,889,650 HKD 4.084 1,756,120 37.01 0.04
12-05-25 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 66,000 406,459,650 HKD 4.093 270,138 36.97 0.00
12-05-24 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 978,000 406,393,650 HKD 4.048 3,958,944 36.97 0.09
12-05-23 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 98,000 405,415,650 HKD 3.985 390,530 36.88 0.01
12-05-21 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 200,000 405,317,650 HKD 3.900 780,000 36.87 0.02
12-05-18 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,160,000 405,117,650 HKD 3.876 4,496,160 36.85 0.10
12-05-17 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 850,000 403,957,650 HKD 3.965 3,370,250 36.75 0.08
12-05-16 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 3,590,000 403,107,650 HKD 3.800 13,642,000 36.67 0.33
12-05-15 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 442,000 399,517,650 HKD 3.984 1,760,928 36.34 0.04
12-05-14 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 296,000 399,075,650 HKD 3.980 1,178,080 36.30 0.03
12-04-18 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 ExerciseExercising an option L 105,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 128,100 0.03 0.00
12-04-18 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 AcquireBecoming interested L 105,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 128,100 0.03 0.00
12-04-18 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 ExerciseExercising an option L 105,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 128,100 0.03 0.00
11-10-11 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 300,000 398,779,650 HKD 3.142 942,600 36.59 0.03
11-06-22 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,426,648 22,336,141 HKD 3.135 -4,472,541 2.05 -0.13
11-06-21 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -666,000 23,762,789 HKD 3.143 -2,093,238 2.18 -0.06
11-06-20 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -234,000 24,428,789 HKD 3.204 -749,736 2.24 -0.02
11-04-18 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 ExerciseExercising an option L 70,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 85,400 0.03 0.00
11-04-18 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 ExerciseExercising an option L 70,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 85,400 0.03 0.00
11-04-18 Cheng, Cheng Wen 鄭承文 AcquireBecoming interested L 70,000 315,000 HKD 1.220 85,400 0.03 0.00
11-04-18 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 AcquireBecoming interested L 70,000 316,000 HKD 1.220 85,400 0.03 0.00
10-11-22 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 500,000 398,479,650 HKD 36.78 0.04
10-06-24 Cheng, Cheng Wen 鄭承文 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -35,000 315,000 HKD 3.008 -105,280 0.03 0.00
10-05-17 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -34,000 316,000 HKD 4.420 -150,280 0.03 0.00
10-05-14 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -34,000 316,000 HKD 4.656 -158,304 0.03 0.00
10-05-14 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -34,000 316,000 HKD 4.649 -158,066 0.03 0.00
10-04-22 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 ExerciseExercising an option L 35,000 350,000 HKD 1.220 42,700 0.03 0.00
10-04-22 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 ExerciseExercising an option L 350,000 350,000 HKD 1.220 427,000 0.03 0.00
10-04-22 Cheng, Cheng Wen 鄭承文 ExerciseExercising an option L 350,000 350,000 HKD 1.220 427,000 0.03 0.00
10-04-22 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 ExerciseExercising an option L 350,000 350,000 HKD 1.220 427,000 0.03 0.00
09-10-16 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 OtherOther L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.03 -0.01
09-10-16 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 OtherOther L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.03 -0.01
09-10-16 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 OtherOther L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.03 -0.01
09-10-16 Cheng, Cheng Wen 鄭承文 OtherOther L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.03 -0.01
09-10-16 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 397,979,650 397,979,650 HKD 36.85 -2.94
09-10-16 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 OtherOther L 26,534,174 26,534,174 HKD 2.46 -0.19
09-10-16 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 OtherOther L 19,591,022 19,591,022 HKD 1.81 -0.15
09-10-16 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 OtherOther L 6,859,151 6,859,151 HKD 0.64 -0.05
09-10-16 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 OtherOther L 24,662,789 24,662,789 HKD 2.28 -0.19
09-10-16 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 OtherOther L 7,043,152 7,043,152 HKD 0.65 -0.05
09-10-12 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -96,200,000 397,979,650 HKD 3.500 -336,700,000 39.79 -9.62
09-10-12 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,200,000 7,043,152 HKD 3.500 -4,200,000 0.70 -0.12
09-10-12 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -4,200,000 24,662,789 HKD 3.500 -14,700,000 2.47 -0.42
09-10-12 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -300,000 6,859,151 HKD 3.500 -1,050,000 0.69 -0.03
09-10-12 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -5,100,000 19,591,022 HKD 3.500 -17,850,000 1.96 -0.51
09-10-12 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -3,800,000 26,534,174 HKD 3.500 -13,300,000 2.65 -0.38
09-10-12 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 96,200,000 -0 -0.00 9.62
09-10-12 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 1,200,000 -0 -0.00 0.12
09-10-12 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 4,200,000 -0 -0.00 0.42
09-10-12 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 300,000 -0 -0.00 0.03
09-10-12 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 5,100,000 -0 -0.00 0.51
09-10-12 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 EndShortCeasing to have a short position S 3,800,000 -0 -0.00 0.38
09-10-08 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 AcquireBecoming interested L 80,000,000 494,179,650 HKD 3.500 280,000,000 49.41 7.99
09-10-08 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 GoShortComing to have a short position S -1,200,000 -1,200,000 -0.12 -0.12
09-10-08 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 GoShortComing to have a short position S -4,200,000 -4,200,000 -0.42 -0.42
09-10-08 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 GoShortComing to have a short position S -300,000 -300,000 -0.03 -0.03
09-10-08 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 GoShortComing to have a short position S -5,100,000 -5,100,000 -0.51 -0.51
09-10-08 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 GoShortComing to have a short position S -3,800,000 -3,800,000 -0.38 -0.38
09-10-08 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 GoShortComing to have a short position S -96,200,000 -96,200,000 -9.62 -9.62
09-06-29 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -500,000 28,862,789 HKD 2.350 -1,175,000 2.87 -0.07
09-06-26 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -400,000 24,691,022 HKD 2.405 -962,000 2.47 -0.04
09-06-26 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -938,000 30,334,174 HKD 2.398 -2,249,324 3.03 -0.10
09-06-26 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -740,000 29,362,789 HKD 2.380 -1,761,200 2.94 -0.07
09-06-25 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -230,000 25,091,022 HKD 2.380 -547,400 2.51 -0.02
09-06-24 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -400,000 8,243,152 HKD 2.360 -944,000 0.82 -0.04
09-06-24 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,500,000 30,102,789 HKD 2.340 -3,510,000 3.01 -0.15
09-06-24 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -2,292,000 31,272,174 HKD 2.350 -5,386,200 3.13 -0.23
09-06-22 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -800,000 33,564,174 HKD 2.290 -1,832,000 3.36 -0.08
09-06-22 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -350,000 31,602,789 HKD 2.320 -812,000 3.16 -0.04
09-06-15 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -100,000 8,643,152 HKD 2.560 -256,000 0.86 -0.01
09-06-12 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -1,584,000 7,159,151 HKD 2.590 -4,102,560 0.72 -0.15
09-06-12 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -300,000 8,743,152 HKD 2.630 -789,000 0.87 -0.03
09-06-09 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -300,000 8,743,151 HKD 2.500 -750,000 0.87 -0.03
09-03-30 Cheng, Cheng Wen 鄭承文 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.04 0.04
09-03-30 Ho, Tso Hsiu 何祚庥 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.04 0.04
09-03-30 Huang, Dongliang 黃董良 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.04 0.04
09-03-30 Wang, Jing Zhong 王敬忠 AcquireBecoming interested L 350,000 350,000 HKD 0.04 0.04
07-06-29 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 OtherOther L 414,179,650 HKD 41.42 0.00
07-06-11 Chen, Minru 陳敏如 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 9,043,152 HKD 0.90 0.90
07-06-11 Shi, Borong 史伯榮 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 31,952,789 HKD 3.20 3.20
07-06-11 Zhang, Aogen 張敖根 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 25,321,022 HKD 2.53 2.53
07-06-11 Zhang, Kaihong (1957) 張開紅 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 34,364,174 HKD 3.44 3.44
07-06-11 Yang, Lianming 楊連明 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 9,043,151 HKD 0.90 0.90
07-06-11 Zhang, Tianren (1962) 張天任 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 414,179,650 HKD 41.42 41.42

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