OSL Group Limited (KY): O

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK GEM 08219  2012-04-27  2015-09-07  2015-09-08
HK Main 00863  2015-09-08    
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Directors' dealings

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Name Probable
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
24-08-30 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 51,846,544 8.28 0.00
24-05-13 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 BoughtPurchased shares L 35,000 885,000 HKD 6.550 229,250 0.14 0.00
24-04-25 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 SoldCompleted sale L -18,185,276 51,846,544 HKD 9.000 -163,667,484 8.28 -2.90
24-04-02 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -500,000 70,031,820 11.18 -0.08
24-04-02 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -250,000 850,000 HKD 0.14 -0.04
24-01-15 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -120,704,374 70,531,820 HKD 0.000 -0 11.26 -32.36
24-01-12 Lo, Ken Bon CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 4,718,500 0.75 -0.33
24-01-12 Madden, Hugh Douglas CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 3,700,000 0.59 -0.25
24-01-12 Chapman, David James (1981) CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 4,060,000 0.65 -0.28
24-01-12 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 300,000 0.05 -0.13
24-01-12 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 50,000 0.01 -0.14
23-08-31 Chapman, David James (1981) Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -2,000,000 4,060,000 HKD 0.93 -0.45
23-08-31 Chau, David Shing Yim 周承炎 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -180,000 620,000 HKD 0.14 -0.04
23-08-31 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -1,000,000 191,236,194 43.62 -0.22
23-08-31 Lo, Ken Bon Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -488,111 4,718,500 HKD 1.08 -0.10
23-08-31 Lo, Ken Bon Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -2,000,000 5,206,611 HKD 1.19 -0.45
23-08-31 Madden, Hugh Douglas Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -2,000,000 3,700,000 HKD 0.84 -0.46
23-08-31 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -150,000 650,000 HKD 0.15 -0.03
23-08-31 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -200,000 1,100,000 HKD 0.25 -0.05
23-04-20 Lo, Ken Bon BoughtPurchased shares L 5,000 7,206,611 HKD 2.990 14,950 1.64 0.00
23-04-18 Lo, Ken Bon BoughtPurchased shares L 45,000 7,201,611 HKD 3.320 149,400 1.64 0.01
23-04-14 Lo, Ken Bon BoughtPurchased shares L 180,000 7,156,611 HKD 3.040 547,200 1.63 0.04
23-04-12 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 100,000 6,060,000 HKD 2.500 250,000 1.38 0.02
23-04-12 Lo, Ken Bon BoughtPurchased shares L 5,500 6,976,611 HKD 2.490 13,695 1.59 0.00
23-03-13 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -500,000 192,236,194 43.84 -0.12
23-03-13 Chapman, David James (1981) Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -500,000 5,960,000 HKD 1.36 -0.11
23-03-13 Lo, Ken Bon Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -500,000 6,971,111 HKD 1.59 -0.11
23-03-13 Madden, Hugh Douglas Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -500,000 5,700,000 HKD 1.30 -0.11
23-03-13 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -250,000 1,300,000 HKD 0.30 -0.05
22-10-31 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 46,500 6,460,000 HKD 2.200 102,300 1.47 0.01
22-10-28 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 53,500 6,413,500 HKD 2.200 117,700 1.46 0.01
22-10-12 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 100,000 6,360,000 HKD 2.000 200,000 1.45 0.02
22-10-06 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 BoughtPurchased shares L 150,000 1,550,000 HKD 2.510 376,500 0.35 0.03
22-09-05 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 192,736,194 43.96 -1.19
22-08-08 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 192,736,194 45.15 -0.39
22-07-22 Chapman, David James (1981) GivenReceived shares without payment L 1,000,000 6,260,000 HKD 10.000 10,000,000 1.47 0.23
22-07-22 Chau, David Shing Yim 周承炎 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 800,000 HKD 10.000 3,000,000 0.18 0.07
22-07-22 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 800,000 HKD 10.000 3,000,000 0.18 0.07
22-07-22 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 GivenReceived shares without payment L 1,000,000 192,736,194 HKD 10.000 10,000,000 45.54 -0.11
22-07-22 Lo, Ken Bon GivenReceived shares without payment L 1,080,000 7,471,111 HKD 10.000 10,800,000 1.76 0.25
22-07-22 Madden, Hugh Douglas GivenReceived shares without payment L 1,000,000 6,200,000 HKD 10.000 10,000,000 1.46 0.24
22-07-22 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 800,000 HKD 10.000 3,000,000 0.18 0.07
22-07-22 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 GivenReceived shares without payment L 500,000 1,400,000 HKD 10.000 5,000,000 0.33 0.12
21-12-31 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 4,500 5,260,000 HKD 8.878 39,950 1.24 0.00
21-12-30 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 5,500 5,255,500 HKD 8.550 47,025 1.24 0.00
21-12-29 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 24,500 5,250,000 HKD 8.013 196,316 1.24 0.01
21-12-28 Chapman, David James (1981) BoughtPurchased shares L 25,500 5,225,500 HKD 8.512 217,066 1.23 0.00
21-10-11 Lo, Ken Bon ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 563,000 6,311,111 HKD 8.880 4,999,440 1.49 -0.01
21-09-09 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 166,667 500,000 HKD 8.350 1,391,670 0.12 -0.03
21-09-09 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 10,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 88,800 0.12 0.00
21-08-11 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 900,000 HKD 7.450 745,000 0.21 -0.03
21-08-11 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 191,736,194 45.65 -0.04
21-07-09 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 10,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 88,800 0.12 -0.01
21-07-09 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 191,736,194 45.69 -0.04
21-06-09 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 191,736,194 49.50 -0.10
21-05-11 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 191,736,194 49.60 -0.16
21-05-11 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 10,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 88,800 0.13 0.00
21-03-30 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 191,736,194 49.76 -0.28
21-03-09 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 191,736,194 50.04 -0.06
21-01-27 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 CallRight to take underlying shares L 600,000 900,000 0.24 0.16
21-01-13 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 OtherOther - see filing L 191,736,194 50.15 -6.81
21-01-11 Chau, David Shing Yim 周承炎 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 20,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 177,600 0.15 0.00
21-01-11 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 10,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 88,800 0.15 0.00
21-01-05 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 Top-up issueIssued to replace shares sold in top-up placing L 45,000,000 191,736,194 HKD 15.500 697,500,000 56.96 13.37
21-01-05 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 PlacedSold to placees in a top-up placing L -45,000,000 146,736,194 HKD 15.500 -697,500,000 43.59 -13.37
20-12-23 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 191,736,194 56.96 -0.81
20-12-09 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 10,000 500,000 HKD 8.880 88,800 0.15 0.00
20-08-31 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 133,333 500,000 HKD 8.880 1,183,997 0.15 0.00
20-08-31 Lo, Ken Bon ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 60,000 6,311,111 HKD 8.880 532,800 1.89 -0.01
20-07-06 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 191,736,194 57.77 -0.76
20-06-12 Chapman, David James (1981) GivenReceived shares without payment L 3,200,000 5,200,000 HKD 7.990 25,567,999 1.59 0.98
20-06-12 Chau, David Shing Yim 周承炎 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 500,000 HKD 7.990 2,397,000 0.15 0.09
20-06-12 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 500,000 HKD 7.990 2,397,000 0.15 0.09
20-06-12 Lo, Ken Bon GivenReceived shares without payment L 3,200,000 6,311,111 HKD 7.990 25,567,999 1.93 0.98
20-06-12 Madden, Hugh Douglas GivenReceived shares without payment L 3,200,000 5,200,000 HKD 7.990 25,567,999 1.59 0.98
20-06-12 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 GivenReceived shares without payment L 300,000 500,000 HKD 7.990 2,397,000 0.15 0.09
20-06-12 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 GivenReceived shares without payment L 3,200,000 191,736,194 HKD 7.990 25,567,999 58.53 0.98
20-03-16 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 188,536,194 57.55 -4.37
20-03-16 Lo, Ken Bon VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 3,111,111 0.95 -0.07
20-02-21 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 188,536,194 61.92 -0.20
20-02-12 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 188,536,194 62.12 -4.15
20-01-15 Tiu, Gary Ka Chun 刁家駿 CallRight to take underlying shares L 300,000 300,000 HKD 0.11 0.11
19-07-05 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 188,536,194 65.92 -0.23
19-06-04 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 188,536,194 66.50 -7.98
18-08-22 Chapman, David James (1981) CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,000,000 2,000,000 HKD 0.79 0.79
18-08-22 Chau, David Shing Yim 周承炎 CallRight to take underlying shares L 200,000 200,000 HKD 0.08 0.08
18-08-22 Chia, Lawrence Kee Loong 謝其龍 CallRight to take underlying shares L 200,000 200,000 HKD 0.08 0.08
18-08-22 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 GivenReceived shares without payment L 1,000,000 188,536,194 HKD 8.880 8,880,000 74.48 -0.01
18-08-22 Lo, Ken Bon OtherOther - see filing L 1,111,111 3,111,111 HKD 1.24 0.45
18-08-22 Lo, Ken Bon CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,000,000 2,000,000 HKD 0.79 0.79
18-08-22 Madden, Hugh Douglas CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,000,000 2,000,000 HKD 0.79 0.79
18-08-22 Tai, Benedict 戴並達 CallRight to take underlying shares L 200,000 200,000 HKD 0.08 0.08
18-05-03 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 BoughtPurchased shares L 10,000 187,536,194 HKD 3.180 31,800 74.49 0.01
18-04-20 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 BoughtPurchased shares L 16,000 187,526,194 HKD 3.180 50,880 74.48 0.00
18-04-16 Ko, Johnson Chun Shun 高振順 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 187,510,194 187,510,194 74.48 0.00
18-01-24 Fan, Youyuan 范幼元 SoldCompleted sale L -14,700,000 0 HKD 3.178 -46,709,250 0.00 -5.84
18-01-24 Fang, Bin (1970) 方彬 SoldCompleted sale L -112,500,000 0 HKD 3.178 -357,468,751 0.00 -44.86
18-01-24 Huang, Wei (Branding China) 黃維 SoldCompleted sale L -20,810,194 0 HKD 3.178 -66,124,392 0.00 -8.27
16-07-25 Huang, Wei (Branding China) 黃維 SellingSale contract L -26,000,000 20,810,194 CNY 2.039 -53,014,001 8.27 -10.32
16-04-29 Fan, Youyuan 范幼元 OtherOther L 14,700,000 14,700,000 HKD 5.84 -0.12
16-04-29 Fang, Bin (1970) 方彬 OtherOther L 112,500,000 112,500,000 HKD 44.68 -0.90
16-04-29 Huang, Wei (Branding China) 黃維 OtherOther L 46,810,194 46,810,194 HKD 18.59 -0.38
15-01-20 Huang, Wei (Branding China) 黃維 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 46,810,194 46,810,194 HKD 18.97 0.00
14-01-07 Fan, Youyuan 范幼元 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -4,800,000 14,700,000 HKD 3.300 -15,840,000 5.96 -1.94
13-06-17 Fang, Bin (1970) 方彬 OtherOther L 112,500,000 112,500,000 HKD 45.58 -10.67
13-06-17 Fan, Youyuan 范幼元 OtherOther L 19,500,000 19,500,000 HKD 7.90 -1.85
12-04-27 Fang, Bin (1970) 方彬 ListLongLong interest upon listing L -112,500,000 112,000,000 HKD 56.25 0.00
12-04-27 Lin, Kaiwen 林凱文 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 18,000,000 18,000,000 HKD 9.00 0.00
12-04-27 Fan, Youyuan 范幼元 ListLongLong interest upon listing L 19,500,000 19,500,000 HKD 9.75 0.00

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