Latest director & CEO dealings

The latest 200 filings are shown. Click the date to see more details. Click on a stock to see all filings in that stock. Click on a name to see all filings by that person in that stock. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event.

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Stock Name Stated
Curr OnEx
Value Stake,
02-12 0931 China HK Power Smart Energy Group Limited:O Kan, Billy Albert Che Kin 簡志堅 BoughtPurchased shares L 5,260,000 HKD 0.345 1,812,596 60.45 0.07
02-12 1783 Envision Greenwise Holdings Limited:O Kwok, Chun Sing (1973) 郭晉昇 BoughtPurchased shares L 282,000 HKD 6.990 1,971,180 46.85 0.02
02-12 0027 GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other incOther increase - see filing L 39,720,805 42.32 0.91
02-12 0027 GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other incOther increase - see filing L 363,421,000 50.62 8.30
02-12 0027 GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED:O Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 InheritedInherited L 5,518,156 31.65 0.13
02-12 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lui, Alexander Yiu Wah 呂耀華 InheritedInherited L 4,519,069 55.13 0.15
02-12 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other incOther increase - see filing L 29,688,273 56.15 0.94
02-12 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Other incOther increase - see filing L 330,256,231 66.62 10.47
02-12 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 InheritedInherited L 3,514,831 55.05 0.11
02-11 0347 Angang Steel Company Limited:H Wang, Baojun (1967) 王保軍 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 177,885 0.00 0.00
02-11 1783 Envision Greenwise Holdings Limited:O Kwok, Chun Sing (1973) 郭晉昇 BoughtPurchased shares L 381,000 HKD 6.570 2,503,170 46.83 0.03
02-11 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Hui, Wai Hing 許慧卿 BoughtPurchased shares L 3,000,000 HKD 4.389 13,166,400 62.64 0.08
02-11 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Man Li (1965-02-12) 黃敏利 BoughtPurchased shares L 3,000,000 HKD 4.389 13,166,400 62.64 0.08
02-11 1263 PC Partner Group Limited:O Wong, Tony Shik Ho 王錫豪 ReturnedReceived shares from borrower L 10,000 SGD 0.000 0 14.28 0.00
02-11 9923 YEAHKA LIMITED:O Liu, Yingqi (1976) 劉穎麒 Other incOther increase - see filing L 40,000 HKD 8.530 341,200 34.87 0.01
02-11 8340 Zijing International Financial Holdings Limited:O Lee, Chun Wai (SFC:AMK024) 李俊葦 OtherOther - see filing L 8,327,400 14.99 -0.50
02-10 1783 Envision Greenwise Holdings Limited:O Kwok, Chun Sing (1973) 郭晉昇 BoughtPurchased shares L 318,000 HKD 6.320 2,009,760 46.80 0.02
02-10 6908 HG Semiconductor Limited (KY):O Zhao, Yi Wen 趙奕文 Other incOther increase - see filing L 8,343,750 HKD 0.480 4,005,000 4.44 0.00
02-10 2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd.:H Shi, Junfeng (1965) 石俊峰 UnpledgedRelease of pledge to unqualified lender L 11,800,000 42.52 0.00
02-10 2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd.:H Zhu, Xianglan 朱香蘭 UnpledgedRelease of pledge to unqualified lender L 11,800,000 42.52 0.00
02-10 2423 KE Holdings Inc.:A Peng, Yongdong (1979) 彭永東 Other incOther increase - see filing L 956,123 27.01 0.28
02-10 2423 KE Holdings Inc.:A Peng, Yongdong (1979) 彭永東 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -956,123 69.74 0.00
02-10 2423 KE Holdings Inc.:A Shan, Yigang 單一剛 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -414,847 30.26 0.00
02-10 2423 KE Holdings Inc.:A Shan, Yigang 單一剛 Other incOther increase - see filing L 414,847 26.23 0.26
02-10 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Hui, Wai Hing 許慧卿 BoughtPurchased shares L 5,000,000 HKD 4.429 22,144,499 62.56 0.13
02-10 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Man Li (1965-02-12) 黃敏利 BoughtPurchased shares L 5,000,000 HKD 4.429 22,144,499 62.56 0.13
02-10 2322 Modern Innovative Digital Technology Company Limited (BM):O Lau, Hoi Kit 劉海杰 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 246,416,000 5.98 0.00
02-10 0224 PIONEER GLOBAL GROUP LIMITED:O Chan, Kin (1966) 陳健 BoughtPurchased shares L 40,000 HKD 0.680 27,200 0.06 0.01
02-10 9890 ZX Inc.:O Wu, Xuan (1985) 吳璇 VoluntaryVoluntary - see filing L 38,487,000 7.20 0.00
02-09 1368 Xtep International Holdings Limited:O Ding, Mei Qing 丁美清 BoughtPurchased shares L 90,909,000 HKD 5.500 499,999,500 50.10 3.38
02-09 1368 Xtep International Holdings Limited:O Ding, Ming Zhong 丁明忠 BoughtPurchased shares L 90,909,000 HKD 5.500 499,999,500 50.13 3.39
02-09 1368 Xtep International Holdings Limited:O Ding, Shui Po 丁水波 BoughtPurchased shares L 90,909,000 HKD 5.500 499,999,500 52.71 3.39
02-09 9987 Yum China Holdings, Inc.:O Wat, Joey Chui Yung 屈翠容 CallRight to take underlying shares L 62,843 0.33 0.01
02-07 0997 Chinlink International Holdings Limited:O Li, Weibin (1970) 李偉斌 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -288,000 HKD 0.023 -6,624 59.98 -0.02
02-07 0497 CSI Properties Limited (BM):O Chung, Mico Cho Yee 鍾楚義 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 3,045,000 196.00 0.00
02-07 1102 Enviro Energy International Holdings Limited:O Pan, Lihui 潘立輝 SoldCompleted sale L -281 HKD 0.050 -14 0.00 -0.99
02-07 1102 Enviro Energy International Holdings Limited:O Pan, Lihui 潘立輝 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -14,276,766 0.00 -0.99
02-07 0027 GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Trust benBecame trust beneficiary L 4,982,777 41.41 0.11
02-07 0027 GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED:O Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Trust benBecame trust beneficiary L 2,669,476 31.52 0.06
02-07 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lui, Alexander Yiu Wah 呂耀華 Trust benBecame trust beneficiary L 32,774,738 54.98 1.04
02-07 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lui, Francis Yiu Tung 呂耀東 Trust benBecame trust beneficiary L 47,199,972 55.21 1.50
02-07 0173 K. WAH INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Tang Lui, Paddy Wai Yu 呂慧瑜 Trust benBecame trust beneficiary L 25,562,120 54.94 0.81
02-07 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Wang, Lin (Ubtech) 王琳 SoldCompleted sale L -244,000 HKD 84.162 -20,535,529 10.64 -0.08
02-06 8210 DLC Asia Limited:O Shiu, Carmen Yin Man 邵燕文 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 2.25 0.00
02-06 8210 DLC Asia Limited:O Shiu, Kam Man 邵錦文 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 4.90 0.00
02-06 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 191,000 HKD 0.870 166,189 55.87 0.01
02-06 3683 Great Harvest Maeta Holdings Limited:O Lam, Linda Kwan 林群 SoldCompleted sale L -25,000 HKD 0.125 -3,125 108.24 0.00
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Li, Shuangjiang 李雙江 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -5,933,166 14.43 6.82
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Li, Shuangjiang 李雙江 Other incOther increase - see filing L 5,933,166 5.18 0.70
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Lu, Yukun 盧玉坤 Other incOther increase - see filing L 11,327,536 7.49 3.61
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Lu, Yukun 盧玉坤 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -11,327,536 20.88 7.67
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Luo, Hong (1985) 羅紅 Other incOther increase - see filing L 730,365 1.06 -0.32
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Luo, Hong (1985) 羅紅 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -730,365 2.96 1.79
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Song, Yang (1975) 宋陽 Other incOther increase - see filing L 44,815,111 29.65 14.28
02-06 1274 iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:H Song, Yang (1975) 宋陽 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -44,815,111 82.60 30.34
02-06 0975 Mongolian Mining Corporation:O Jambaljamts, Od Other decOther decrease - see filing L HKD 33.46 -0.12
02-06 0975 Mongolian Mining Corporation:O Jambaljamts, Odjargal Other decOther decrease - see filing L HKD 35.33 -0.13
02-06 9995 RemeGen Co., Ltd.:H He, Ruyi (1961) 何如意 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.01 0.00
02-06 9995 RemeGen Co., Ltd.:H He, Ruyi (1961) 何如意 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.63 0.00
02-06 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaochong 范小冲 SoldCompleted sale L -367,000 HKD 0.016 -5,872 58.58 -0.02
02-06 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaohua 范曉華 SoldCompleted sale L -367,000 HKD 0.016 -5,872 58.58 -0.02
02-06 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Yi, Xiaodi 易小迪 SoldCompleted sale L -367,000 HKD 0.016 -5,872 58.58 -0.02
02-06 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Wang, Lin (Ubtech) 王琳 SoldCompleted sale L -533,100 HKD 77.753 -41,449,965 10.72 -0.16
02-06 2503 Zhongshen Jianye Holding Limited:O Sang, Xianfeng 桑先鋒 OtherOther - see filing L 46.00 -9.20
02-06 2503 Zhongshen Jianye Holding Limited:O Xian, Yurong 冼玉榮 OtherOther - see filing L 11.50 -2.30
02-05 3998 Bosideng International Holdings Limited:O Gao, Dekang 高德康 OtherOther - see filing L 60.60 0.00
02-05 3998 Bosideng International Holdings Limited:O Gao, Xiaodong (1975) 高曉東 OtherOther - see filing L 58.31 0.00
02-05 3998 Bosideng International Holdings Limited:O Huang, Qiaolian 黃巧蓮 OtherOther - see filing L 0.14 0.00
02-05 3998 Bosideng International Holdings Limited:O Mei, Dong (1968) 梅冬 OtherOther - see filing L 60.60 0.00
02-05 3998 Bosideng International Holdings Limited:O Rui, Jinsong 芮勁松 OtherOther - see filing L 0.76 0.00
02-05 0632 CHK Oil Limited (BM):O Yu, Zhibo (1962) 于志波 OtherOther - see filing L 69.08 -1.27
02-05 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 261,000 HKD 0.872 227,696 55.86 0.01
02-05 3683 Great Harvest Maeta Holdings Limited:O Lam, Linda Kwan 林群 SoldCompleted sale L -10,000 HKD 0.125 -1,250 108.24 -0.01
02-05 6638 OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd.:O Shen, Chongfeng 沈崇鋒 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 2,908,851 0.25 0.00
02-05 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaochong 范小冲 SoldCompleted sale L -729,000 HKD 0.016 -11,664 58.60 -0.03
02-05 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaohua 范曉華 SoldCompleted sale L -729,000 HKD 0.016 -11,664 58.60 -0.03
02-05 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Yi, Xiaodi 易小迪 SoldCompleted sale L -729,000 HKD 0.016 -11,664 58.60 -0.03
02-05 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Wang, Lin (Ubtech) 王琳 SoldCompleted sale L -209,000 HKD 75.078 -15,691,239 10.88 -0.07
02-04 6160 BeiGene, Ltd.:O Wang, Xiaodong (1963) 王曉東 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 542,880 1.36 0.00
02-04 6160 BeiGene, Ltd.:O Wang, Xiaodong (1963) 王曉東 SoldCompleted sale L -542,880 USD 17.361 -9,424,940 1.32 -0.04
02-04 0092 CHAMPION TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Wong, Winny Man 黃敏 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 0 11.23 -2.25
02-04 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 21,000 HKD 0.870 18,270 55.85 0.00
02-04 1263 PC Partner Group Limited:O Wong, Tony Shik Ho 王錫豪 SBLALent shares to borrower L 10,000 SGD 0.000 0 14.28 0.00
02-04 0224 PIONEER GLOBAL GROUP LIMITED:O Chan, Kin (1966) 陳健 BoughtPurchased shares L 4,000 HKD 0.650 2,600 0.05 0.00
02-04 1657 SG Group Holdings Limited:O Choi, Charles King Ting 蔡敬庭 SoldCompleted sale L -15,500 HKD 10.000 -155,000 74.91 -0.04
02-04 0532 WONG'S KONG KING INTERNATIONAL (HOLDINGS) LIMITED:O Kwong, Bengie Man Hang 鄺敏恆 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.74 -0.41
02-03 0286 Aidigong Maternal & Child Health Limited (BM):O Huang, Wenhua (1977) 黃文華 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 304,313 0.16 0.00
02-03 0286 Aidigong Maternal & Child Health Limited (BM):O Wang, Aier (1967) 王愛兒 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 15,799,489 8.22 0.00
02-03 0711 ASIA ALLIED INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Pang, Dominic Yat Ting 彭一庭 BoughtPurchased shares L 30,000,000 HKD 0.500 15,000,000 71.26 1.61
02-03 8280 China Digital Video Holdings Limited:O Guo, Langhua 郭朗華 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 49,257,053 7.81 0.00
02-03 1129 CHINA WATER INDUSTRY GROUP LIMITED:O Chu, Georgiana Yin Yin 朱燕燕 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 0.02 -0.02
02-03 1929 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited:O Cheng, Henry Kar Shun 鄭家純 BoughtPurchased shares L 85,400 HKD 6.696 571,830 0.23 0.00
02-03 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 744,000 HKD 0.866 644,378 55.85 0.02
02-03 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Jun (1974) 王軍 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 130,000 HKD 1.560 202,800 1.18 0.00
02-03 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Jun (1974) 王軍 SoldCompleted sale L -130,000 HKD 2.080 -270,400 1.12 -0.06
02-03 1657 SG Group Holdings Limited:O Choi, Charles King Ting 蔡敬庭 SoldCompleted sale L -10,500 HKD 10.000 -105,000 74.95 -0.04
02-03 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaochong 范小冲 SoldCompleted sale L -800,000 HKD 0.016 -12,800 58.63 -0.03
02-03 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaohua 范曉華 SoldCompleted sale L -800,000 HKD 0.016 -12,800 58.63 -0.03
02-03 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Yi, Xiaodi 易小迪 SoldCompleted sale L -800,000 HKD 0.016 -12,800 58.63 -0.03
02-03 0088 TAI CHEUNG HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Chan, David Pun 陳斌 BoughtPurchased shares L 1,000 HKD 2.900 2,900 44.91 0.00
02-03 2003 VCREDIT HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Ma, Ting Hung 馬廷雄 Other incOther increase - see filing L 29,462,173 HKD 1.800 53,031,910 50.62 6.02
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Dai, Quanfa 戴全發 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -17,200 0.05 0.00
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Hui, Wai Hing 許慧卿 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -10,400 62.43 0.00
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Hui, Wai Hing 許慧卿 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -12,000 62.43 0.00
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Man Li (1965-02-12) 黃敏利 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -10,400 62.43 0.00
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Man Li (1965-02-12) 黃敏利 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -12,000 62.43 0.00
02-02 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Ying Ying (1986) 黃影影 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -2,000 0.06 0.00
02-01 9983 Central China New Life Limited:O Shi, Shushan 史書山 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.07 0.00
02-01 1553 MAIKE TUBE INDUSTRY HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Kong, Linglei (1974) 孔令磊 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 172,600,000 39.79 0.00
02-01 1657 SG Group Holdings Limited:O Choi, Charles King Ting 蔡敬庭 SoldCompleted sale L -4,000 HKD 10.000 -40,000 74.99 -0.01
02-01 0751 Skyworth Group Limited (BM):O Wu, Qinan 吳启楠 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 6,000,000 0.27 0.00
02-01 1181 Tang Palace (China) Holdings Limited:O Wong, Chung Yeung 黃忠揚 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.27 0.00
01-29 6686 Noah Holdings Limited (KY):A Wang, Jingbo (1971) 汪靜波 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 740 20.50 0.00
01-29 6686 Noah Holdings Limited (KY):A Yin, Zhe (1974) 殷哲 Other chgOther change in nature of interest - see filing L 740 5.12 0.00
01-28 0039 China Beidahuang Industry Group Holdings Limited:O Jiang, Jiancheng (1971) 江建成 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.50 0.00
01-28 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 401,000 HKD 0.896 359,376 55.83 0.01
01-28 0468 Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited:O Bi, Jeff Hua 畢樺 SoldCompleted sale L -129,000,000 HKD 2.650 -341,850,012 0.00 -9.17
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Feng, Yijing 馮義晶 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 100,000 HKD 1.560 156,000 0.70 0.00
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Feng, Yijing 馮義晶 SoldCompleted sale L -100,000 HKD 2.010 -201,000 0.65 -0.05
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Jun (1974) 王軍 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 444,000 HKD 1.560 692,640 1.38 0.00
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Jun (1974) 王軍 SoldCompleted sale L -444,000 HKD 2.130 -945,720 1.19 -0.18
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Zheshi 王者師 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 925,000 HKD 1.560 1,443,000 3.85 0.00
01-28 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Zheshi 王者師 SoldCompleted sale L -925,000 HKD 2.280 -2,109,000 3.45 -0.40
01-28 2225 Jinhai Medical Technology Limited:O Jiang, Jiangyu 蔣江雨 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 0.50 0.00
01-28 1263 PC Partner Group Limited:O Wong, Tony Shik Ho 王錫豪 SBLALent shares to borrower L 45,000 SGD 0.000 0 14.28 0.00
01-28 0808 Prosperity Real Estate Investment Trust:Unit ESR Asset Management (Prosperity) Limited 泓富資產管理有限公司 Other incOther increase - see filing L 9,601,517 HKD 1.223 11,737,854 5.87 0.59
01-28 8439 Somerley Capital Holdings Limited:O Cheung, Jamie Tei Sing 莊棣盛 Other incOther increase - see filing L 60.07 0.12
01-28 8439 Somerley Capital Holdings Limited:O Sabine, Martin Nevil 邵斌 Other incOther increase - see filing L 60.07 0.12
01-28 2003 VCREDIT HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Ma, Ting Hung 馬廷雄 Other incOther increase - see filing L 200 HKD 1.800 360 44.60 0.56
01-28 2003 VCREDIT HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Ma, Ting Hung 馬廷雄 Other incOther increase - see filing L 2,727,496 HKD 1.800 4,909,493 44.60 0.56
01-28 0209 Winshine Science Company Limited:O Jiang, Qinghui 蔣青輝 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 8.22 -0.54
01-28 0209 Winshine Science Company Limited:O Li, Zhonghai (1980) 李忠海 Other decOther decrease - see filing L 24.16 -1.56
01-27 1039 Changyou International Group Limited:O Sun, Jun (1979) 孫駿 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 30,000 0.00 0.00
01-27 0362 China Zenith Chemical Group Limited:O Lai, Chai Suang 賴彩雲 BoughtPurchased shares L 50,000,000 HKD 0.079 3,950,000 6.15 3.70
01-27 0997 Chinlink International Holdings Limited:O Li, Weibin (1970) 李偉斌 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -1,200,000 HKD 0.023 -27,600 60.00 -0.10
01-27 0035 FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED:O Chiu, David Tat Cheong 邱達昌 BoughtPurchased shares L 71,000 HKD 0.881 62,523 55.82 0.01
01-27 0101 HANG LUNG PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Chan, Adriel Wenbwo 陳文博 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,000,000 HKD 64.25 0.00
01-27 0101 HANG LUNG PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Chiu, Kenneth Ka Kui 趙家駒 CallRight to take underlying shares L 600,000 HKD 0.00 0.00
01-27 0101 HANG LUNG PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Lo, Weber Wai Pak 盧韋柏 CallRight to take underlying shares L 4,000,000 HKD 0.02 0.00
01-27 2142 HBM Holdings Limited (KY):O Wang, Jingsong (1963) 王勁松 BoughtPurchased shares L 400,000 HKD 3.504 1,401,720 9.21 0.05
01-27 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Chen, Ping (Howkingtech) 陳平 SoldCompleted sale L -121,124,579 HKD 0.889 -107,679,751 0.00 -53.83
01-27 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Feng, Yijing 馮義晶 SoldCompleted sale L -4,313,000 HKD 2.040 -8,798,520 0.70 -1.18
01-27 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Feng, Yijing 馮義晶 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 4,313,000 HKD 1.560 6,728,280 1.88 0.00
01-27 2440 Howkingtech International Holding Limited:O Wang, Zheshi 王者師 SoldCompleted sale L -121,124,579 HKD 0.889 -107,679,751 0.00 -53.83
01-27 2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd.:H Shi, Junfeng (1965) 石俊峰 UnpledgedRelease of pledge to unqualified lender L 15,000,000 42.52 0.00
01-27 2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd.:H Zhu, Xianglan 朱香蘭 UnpledgedRelease of pledge to unqualified lender L 15,000,000 42.52 0.00
01-27 0636 Kerry Logistics Network Limited:O Wang, Wei (SF Holdings) 王衞 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -41,489,361 51.52 -2.30
01-27 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Dai, Quanfa 戴全發 CallRight to take underlying shares L 738,400 0.05 0.02
01-27 1999 Man Wah Holdings Limited:O Wong, Ying Ying (1986) 黃影影 CallRight to take underlying shares L 214,400 HKD 0.06 0.00
01-27 2350 MTT Group Holdings Limited:O Ip, Charlie Ka Wai 葉嘉威 SoldCompleted sale L -2,300,000 HKD 0.425 -977,500 57.34 -0.37
01-27 0213 NATIONAL ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lee, James Yuen Kui 李源鉅 OtherOther - see filing L 0.00 0.00
01-27 0213 NATIONAL ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lee, Jimmy Yuen Ching 李源清 OtherOther - see filing L 58.60 0.01
01-27 0213 NATIONAL ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lee, Loewe Bon Chi 李本智 OtherOther - see filing L 62.39 0.01
01-27 0213 NATIONAL ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Sun, David Dai Wai 孫大為 OtherOther - see filing L 0.67 0.00
01-27 0213 NATIONAL ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Wai, Ricky Kwong Yuen 衛光遠 OtherOther - see filing L 4.48 0.00
01-27 0016 SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Kwok, Adam Kai Fai 郭基煇 Other incOther increase - see filing L 50,000 HKD 69.710 3,485,475 20.46 0.00
01-27 0016 SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Kwok, Christopher Kai Wang 郭基泓 Other incOther increase - see filing L 50,000 HKD 69.710 3,485,475 20.40 0.00
01-27 0016 SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Kwok, Edward Ho Lai 郭顥澧 Other incOther increase - see filing L 50,000 HKD 69.710 3,485,475 20.39 0.00
01-27 0016 SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Kwok, Geoffrey Kai Chun 郭基俊 Other incOther increase - see filing L 50,000 HKD 69.710 3,485,475 20.18 0.00
01-27 0016 SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LIMITED:O Kwok, Raymond Ping Luen 郭炳聯 Other incOther increase - see filing L 50,000 HKD 69.710 3,485,475 21.18 0.00
01-27 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaochong 范小冲 SoldCompleted sale L -745,000 HKD 0.016 -11,920 58.66 -0.03
01-27 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaohua 范曉華 SoldCompleted sale L -745,000 HKD 0.016 -11,920 58.66 -0.03
01-27 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Yi, Xiaodi 易小迪 SoldCompleted sale L -745,000 HKD 0.016 -11,920 58.66 -0.03
01-27 6963 Sunshine Insurance Group Company Limited:H Zhang, Weigong (1964) 張維功 OtherOther - see filing L 16.53 0.00
01-27 1223 SYMPHONY HOLDINGS LIMITED (BM):O Cheng, Tun Nei 鄭盾尼 BoughtPurchased shares L 3,500,000 HKD 0.810 2,835,000 43.96 0.12
01-27 1600 Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited:O Zhang, Baixuan 張百萱 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 555,899,300 56.62 56.62
01-27 1600 Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited:O Zhang, Yingcen 張瀛岑 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 555,899,300 57.20 0.00
01-27 1600 Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited:O Zhang, Yingcen 張瀛岑 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 5,722,500 57.20 0.00
01-27 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Wang, Lin (Ubtech) 王琳 BoughtPurchased shares L 9,000 HKD 71.629 644,664 10.95 0.00
01-27 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Xia, Zuo Quan 夏佐全 BoughtPurchased shares L 14,500 HKD 73.343 1,063,479 4.40 0.01
01-27 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Xia, Zuo Quan 夏佐全 BoughtPurchased shares L -14,500 HKD 73.343 -1,063,479 4.40 -0.62
01-27 9880 UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD:H Zhou, Jian (1976) 周劍 BoughtPurchased shares L 77,850 HKD 71.532 5,568,782 26.18 0.02
01-27 9923 YEAHKA LIMITED:O Liu, Yingqi (1976) 劉穎麒 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,200 HKD 8.230 9,876 34.86 0.00
01-27 2158 Yidu Tech Inc.:O Xie, Li (1976) 謝麗 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 371,900 0.04 0.04
01-27 2158 Yidu Tech Inc.:O Yan, Jun (1979) 閆峻 CeasedPosition on ceasing as director/CE L 0.29 -0.01
01-27 2098 Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd.:O Yan, Zhi (1972) 閻志 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,200,000,000 HKD 0.260 311,999,989 72.85 2.63
01-27 1458 Zhou Hei Ya International Holdings Company Limited:O Zhou, Fuyu 周富裕 OtherOther - see filing L 61.24 1.34
01-27 1176 Zhuguang Holdings Group Company Limited:O Chu, Hing Tsung 朱慶凇 SoldCompleted sale L -4,000,000 HKD 0.082 -327,200 64.64 -0.05
01-27 1176 Zhuguang Holdings Group Company Limited:O Liao, Tengjia 廖騰佳 SoldCompleted sale L -4,000,000 HKD 0.082 -327,200 64.64 -0.05
01-26 3319 A-Living Smart City Services Co., Ltd.:H Liu, Jianrong (1979) 劉劍榮 SoldCompleted sale L -49,834 HKD 2.650 -132,060 0.01 0.00
01-25 0861 DIGITAL CHINA HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Guo, Wei (1963-02) 郭為 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -13,116,974 20.66 -0.78
01-25 0861 DIGITAL CHINA HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Lin, Yang (1967) 林楊 Call expExpired right to take underlying shares L -13,116,974 0.29 -0.79
01-24 0711 ASIA ALLIED INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS LIMITED:O Pang, Dominic Yat Ting 彭一庭 OtherOther - see filing L 166,000,000 69.65 0.00
01-24 0428 Cocoon Holdings Limited:O Wong, Sze Lok (1973) 黃思樂 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 69,072 HKD 0.381 26,316 0.07 -0.01
01-24 2453 Concord Healthcare Group Co., Ltd.:H Yang, Jianyu (1971) 楊建宇 PledgedPledged to unqualified lender L 8,967,318 43.77 0.00
01-24 1772 GANFENG LITHIUM GROUP CO., LTD.:H Li, Liangbin (1967) 李良彬 PledgedPledged to unqualified lender L 7,000,000 23.47 0.00
01-24 1121 Golden Solar New Energy Technology Holdings Limited:O He, Shuangquan 何雙權 CallRight to take underlying shares L 2,000,000 1.05 0.11
01-24 1121 Golden Solar New Energy Technology Holdings Limited:O Kang, Chuang 康莊 CallRight to take underlying shares L 18,000,000 1.41 0.99
01-24 2777 Guangzhou R&F Properties Co., Ltd.:H Li, Sze Lim 李思廉 EnforceeEnforcement of pledge against me L -100,000,000 26.31 -2.66
01-24 0655 HONGKONG CHINESE LIMITED:O Lee, Davy Kwok Fai 李國輝 Other incOther increase - see filing L 232 0.00 0.00
01-24 0655 HONGKONG CHINESE LIMITED:O Lee, John Luen Wai 李聯偉 Other incOther increase - see filing L 2,495,625 0.23 0.13
01-24 0655 HONGKONG CHINESE LIMITED:O Riady, Stephen Tjondro 李棕 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -298,515,589 59.01 -14.94
01-24 1319 Oi Wah Pawnshop Credit Holdings Limited:O Chan, Edward Kai Ho 陳啟豪 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,016,000 HKD 0.245 248,818 72.84 0.05
01-24 1319 Oi Wah Pawnshop Credit Holdings Limited:O Chan, Mei Fong (1970) 陳美芳 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,016,000 HKD 0.245 248,818 72.84 0.05
01-24 1319 Oi Wah Pawnshop Credit Holdings Limited:O Chan, Ying Yu (1965) 陳英瑜 Other incOther increase - see filing L 1,016,000 HKD 0.245 248,818 72.84 0.00
01-24 8418 Optima Automobile Group Holdings Limited:O Ang, Lay Keong 洪禮强 SoldCompleted sale L -127,500,000 HKD 0.312 -39,754,500 29.56 -15.00
01-24 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaochong 范小冲 SoldCompleted sale L -1,800,000 HKD 0.016 -28,800 58.69 -0.07
01-24 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Fan, Xiaohua 范曉華 SoldCompleted sale L -1,800,000 HKD 0.016 -28,800 58.69 -0.07
01-24 2608 Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd:O Yi, Xiaodi 易小迪 SoldCompleted sale L -1,800,000 HKD 0.016 -28,800 58.69 -0.07

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