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Current names

Name  Est. date
 of birth
 Est. age
in 2025
1 Austin, Daniel Gregory 1999-03 26
2 Barnes, Gregory Daniel 1978-11 47
3 Barton, Gregory Daniel 1975-06 50
4 Berger-Bit, Gregory Daniel
5 Biller, Andrew Gregory Daniel 1977-04 48
6 Blanchard-Emmerson, Gregory Daniel 1977-05 48
7 Borg, Daniel Gregory William 1980-05 45
8 Briscoe, Daniel Gregory 1982-12 43
9 Brown, Daniel Gregory 1986-08 39
10 Brown, Daniel Gregory (1987-03) 1987-03 38
11 Cambridge, Daniel Gregory 1971-09 54
12 Canning, Gregory Daniel 1977-02 48
13 Casseleux, Gregory Daniel Eric 1978-10 47
14 Caton, Gregory Daniel 1976-03 49
15 Choppen, Gregory Daniel 1961-07 64
16 Clark, Daniel Gregory 1976-07 49
17 Coad, Gregory Daniel 1976-11 49
18 Coltman, Gregory Stephen Daniel 1975-04 50
19 Crowhurst, Daniel Gregory 1985-07 40
20 Daniel, Gregory 1964-03 61
21 Daniel, Gregory (1981-01) 1981-01 44
22 Daniel, Gregory Evan 1973-10 52
23 Daniel, Gregory James 1950-03 75
24 Daniel, Gregory Joseph 1965-02 60
25 Daniel, Gregory Mark 1952-06 73
26 Davies, Gregory Daniel 1968-05 57
27 de Roeck, Gregory Marie Daniel 1983-08 42
28 Demund, Gregory Daniel 1956-04 69
29 Dove, Gregory Daniel 1978-02 47
30 Duddy, Gregory Daniel 1947-02 78
31 Dumont, Gregory Daniel Jean Philippe 1974-04 51
32 Eigelthinger, Grégory Daniel Alexandre Ruddy 1971-05 54
33 Empson, Timothy Gregory Daniel 1961-03 64
34 Fairley, Gregory Daniel 1971-10 54
35 Field, Gregory Clive Daniel 1971-10 54
36 Gibson, Gregory Daniel 1968-09 57
37 Gill, Gregory Daniel 1988-05 37
38 Gracey, Gregory Eamon Daniel 1966-11 59
39 Gregory, Daniel (1969-09) 1969-09 56
40 Gregory, Daniel (1972-03) 1972-03 53
41 Gregory, Daniel (1973-08) 1973-08 52
42 Gregory, Daniel (1973-12) 1973-12 52
43 Gregory, Daniel (1975-08) 1975-08 50
44 Gregory, Daniel (1976-06) 1976-06 49
45 Gregory, Daniel (1976-10) 1976-10 49
46 Gregory, Daniel (1977-10) 1977-10 48
47 Gregory, Daniel (1978-02) 1978-02 47
48 Gregory, Daniel (1980-02) 1980-02 45
49 Gregory, Daniel (1980-09) 1980-09 45
50 Gregory, Daniel (1981-06) 1981-06 44
51 Gregory, Daniel (1981-11) 1981-11 44
52 Gregory, Daniel (1982-02) 1982-02 43
53 Gregory, Daniel (1982-03) 1982-03-27 43
54 Gregory, Daniel (1983-11) 1983-11 42
55 Gregory, Daniel (1984-03) 1984-03 41
56 Gregory, Daniel (1984-04) 1984-04 41
57 Gregory, Daniel (1986-07) 1986-07 39
58 Gregory, Daniel (1986-09) 1986-09 39
59 Gregory, Daniel (1987-04) 1987-04 38
60 Gregory, Daniel (1988-04) 1988-04 37
61 Gregory, Daniel (1989-10) 1989-10 36
62 Gregory, Daniel (1990-08) 1990-08 35
63 Gregory, Daniel (1992-06) 1992-06 33
64 Gregory, Daniel (1994-08) 1994-08 31
65 Gregory, Daniel Alex 1990-10 35
66 Gregory, Daniel Alvin Gordon 1977-06 48
67 Gregory, Daniel Andrew 1989-10 36
68 Gregory, Daniel Arthur (1986-07) 1986-07 39
69 Gregory, Daniel Arthur (1987-07) 1987-07 38
70 Gregory, Daniel Charles 1972-03 53
71 Gregory, Daniel David 1977-10 48
72 Gregory, Daniel David (1985-05) 1985-05 40
73 Gregory, Daniel Edward 1973-11 52
74 Gregory, Daniel Edwin 1979-03 46
75 Gregory, Daniel Gareth 1989-05 36
76 Gregory, Daniel Howard Luke 1991-11 34
77 Gregory, Daniel Hugh 1977-01 48
78 Gregory, Daniel James 1988-04 37
79 Gregory, Daniel Jenson 2002-07 23
80 Gregory, Daniel John 1987-08 38
81 Gregory, Daniel John (1973-06) 1973-06 52
82 Gregory, Daniel John (1977-04) 1977-04 48
83 Gregory, Daniel John (1978-03) 1978-03 47
84 Gregory, Daniel John (1982-01) 1982-01 43
85 Gregory, Daniel John (1984-10) 1984-10 41
86 Gregory, Daniel John (1995-05) 1995-05 30
87 Gregory, Daniel Jonathan 1989-03 36
88 Gregory, Daniel Keith (1974-10) 1974-10 51
89 Gregory, Daniel Keith (1982-07) 1982-07 43
90 Gregory, Daniel Kenith James 1982-08 43
91 Gregory, Daniel Lee (1985-01) 1985-01 40
92 Gregory, Daniel Lee (1988-04) 1988-04 37
93 Gregory, Daniel Leon 1997-05 28
94 Gregory, Daniel Lionel 1990-11 35
95 Gregory, Daniel Lucas David 1973-03 52
96 Gregory, Daniel Mark (1977-02) 1977-02 48
97 Gregory, Daniel Mark (1985-03) 1985-03 40
98 Gregory, Daniel Matthew 1972-04 53
99 Gregory, Daniel Paul 1979-02 46
100 Gregory, Daniel Reise 1994-08 31
101 Gregory, Daniel Richard 1994-02 31
102 Gregory, Daniel Robert (1980-01) 1980-01 45
103 Gregory, Daniel Robert (1986-01) 1986-01 39
104 Gregory, Daniel Roland 1975-10 50
105 Gregory, Daniel Ross 1985-12 40
106 Gregory, Daniel Sebastian 1991-07 34
107 Gregory, Daniel Stephen 1971-02 54
108 Gregory, Daniel Thomas 1973-12 52
109 Gregory, Edward Daniel 2007-11 18
110 Gregory, James Daniel 1982-01 43
111 Gregory, John Daniel 1968-10 57
112 Gregory, Joshua Daniel 1978-05 47
113 Gregory, Nicholas Daniel 1989-12 36
114 Gregory, Oliver Daniel 1996-12 29
115 Gregory, Richard Daniel 1994-03 31
116 Gregory, Thomas Daniel 1995-11 30
117 Gregory-Davis, Daniel 1995-05 30
118 Gregory-Penfold, Daniel Liam 1992-03 33
119 Hare, Gregory Daniel 1967-03 58
120 Hughes, Gregory Daniel 1989-08 36
121 Ivison, Gregory Daniel 1984-06 41
122 Jensen, Gregory Daniel 1994-05 31
123 Joseph, Gregory Daniel 1965-08 60
124 Kershaw, Gregory Daniel 1955-11 70
125 King, Daniel Gregory 1973-12 52
126 Lewin, Gregory Daniel 1989-06 36
127 Lima, Daniel Gregory 1971-09 54
128 Lukes, Daniel Gregory 1995-02 30
129 Macfarlan, Daniel Gregory 1950-05 75
130 Maslen, Daniel Gregory 1996-03 29
131 Mason, Daniel Gregory 1995-06 30
132 Mayer, Gregory Jean Daniel 1980-10 45
133 Mears, Gregory Daniel 1988-09 37
134 Mellor, Elliot Daniel Gregory 1997-03 28
135 Moran, Gregory Daniel 1965-10 60
136 Morgan, Daniel Gregory
137 Morgan, Gregory Daniel 1963-04 62
138 Morley, Neville Daniel Gregory 1969-03 56
139 Murphy, Daniel Gregory Edmund 1971-06 54
140 O'Leary, Gregory Daniel 1992-06 33
141 Owen, Gregory Daniel 1983-05 42
142 Parker, Gregory Daniel 1989-08 36
143 Peniket, Gregory Daniel 1992-08 33
144 Pettifer, Daniel Gregory 1970-05 55
145 Pillay, Edmund Daniel Gregory 1994-01 31
146 Pool, Gregory Daniel
147 Pryme, Gregory Daniel 1964-09 61
148 Quick, Daniel Gregory 1986-01 39
149 Swartberg, Gregory Daniel 1988-05 37
150 Triggs, Daniel Gregory 1983-08 42
151 Usianeneh, Gregory Oje Daniel Phillip 1983-05 42
152 White, Jack Gregory Daniel 1994-02 31
153 Winter, Daniel Gregory 1980-05 45
154 Witts, Gregory Daniel 1994-07 31

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None found.

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