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Current names

Name  Est. date
 of birth
 Est. age
in 2024
1 Abraham, Kieran John Sep-2002 22
2 Adams, Kieran John May-1991 33
3 Allen, Kieran John Sep-1998 26
4 Anderson-Ballantyne, Kieran John Jul-1994 30
5 Angelini-Hurll, Kieran John Jul-1972 52
6 Ansell, Kieran John Apr-1998 26
7 Arkley, Kieran John Apr-1991 33
8 Atherton, Kieran John Sep-1971 53
9 Axten, Kieran John Jan-1997 27
10 Bagnall, Kieran John Dec-1993 31
11 Baird, Kieran John Jul-1973 51
12 Ball, Kieran John (1985-05) May-1985 39
13 Ball, Kieran John (1995-05) May-1995 29
14 Barry, Kieran John (1976-01) Jan-1976 48
15 Barry, Kieran John (2001-11) Nov-2001 23
16 Bartlett, Kieran John Aug-1977 47
17 Baynes, Kieran John Jan-1960 64
18 Bean, Kieran William John Feb-1994 30
19 Beaney, Kieran John Jul-1993 31
20 Bellis-Woolley, Kieran John Jul-1997 27
21 Bentham, Kieran John Jun-1970 54
22 Bew, Kieran John Aug-1980 44
23 Bhalroo, Kieran John 29-Apr-1988 36
24 Bhalroo, Kieran John Singh Apr-1988 36
25 Billington, Kieran John Edward Sep-1998 26
26 Bird, Kieran John Oct-1999 25
27 Black, Kieran John Jan-1995 29
28 Bold, Adrian John Kieran Mar-1948 76
29 Bond, Kieran John Jan-1956 68
30 Bowers, Kieran John Aug-1972 52
31 Boxwell, Kieran John May-1984 40
32 Boyd, Kieran John Jan-1980 44
33 Brennan, John Kieran Dec-1955 69
34 Brennan, Kieran John Oct-1960 64
35 Bright, Kieran John Mar-1969 55
36 Bristow, Kieran David John Jan-1964 60
37 Broderick, Kieran John Jul-1962 62
38 Bromage, Kieran Richard John Mar-1994 30
39 Brown, Kieran John Jan-1980 44
40 Brunell, Kieran John Apr-1999 25
41 Burke, David Kieran John Nov-1976 48
42 Burke, Kieran John Feb-1999 25
43 Burrows, Kieran John Feb-1988 36
44 Byrne, John Kieran Dec-1960 64
45 Calder, Kieran John
46 Cameron, Kieran John Aug-1993 31
47 Carlo, Kieran John May-1997 27
48 Carmichael, Kieran John Jul-1990 34
49 Carter, Kieran John David Jun-1988 36
50 Casey, John Kieran Aug-1967 57
51 Clarke, Kieran John Jan-1962 62
52 Claver-St John, Kieran Oct-2000 24
53 Clavier St John, Kieran Oct-2000 24
54 Clerkin, Kieran John Dec-1970 54
55 Cliff, Kieran John Nov-1995 29
56 Colgan, Kieran John Nov-1969 55
57 Collins, John Kieran Jul-1974 50
58 Collins, Kieran John Dec-1991 33
59 Colreavy, Kieran John Nov-1985 39
60 Conlon, John Kieran Oct-1939 85
61 Connolly, Kieran John Apr-1957 67
62 Cook, Kieran John Sep-1995 29
63 Cooper, Kieran John Oct-1970 54
64 Cooper, Kieran John (1989-10) Oct-1989 35
65 Cooper, Kieran John Lawson Sep-1967 57
66 Corbet, Kieran John David Feb-2006 18
67 Corcoran, Kieran John Nov-1981 43
68 Costello, John Kieran Sep-1955 69
69 Cox, Kieran John Feb-1996 28
70 Coyle, John Kieran Feb-1978 46
71 Crawford, Kieran John Vincent Jun-1984 40
72 Crowe, Kieran John Jun-1973 51
73 Crowley, Kieran John Nov-1949 75
74 Darlington, Kieran John Jun-2001 23
75 Davies, Kieran John Nov-1984 40
76 Davis, Kieran John Apr-1968 56
77 Dempsey, Kieran John May-1978 46
78 Denvir, Kieran John Dec-1983 41
79 Devane, Kieran John Jul-1986 38
80 Devitt, John Oliver Kieran Feb-1953 71
81 Dickinson, Kieran John Sep-1995 29
82 Dickinson, Kieran John (1982-06) Jun-1982 42
83 Donnelly, Kieran John May-1984 40
84 Doo, Kieran John Jun-2000 24
85 Dooley, Kieran John Paul Aug-1990 34
86 Dougan, Kieran John Dec-1996 28
87 Dowie, Kieran John Mar-1995 29
88 Doyle, Kieran John Dec-1958 66
89 Duffin, Kieran Daniel John Dec-1992 32
90 Dugdale, Kieran John Dec-1996 28
91 Duggan, John Kieran Jun-1975 49
92 Dunne, Kieran John Jan-1993 31
93 Durham, Kieran John Jun-1992 32
94 Earley, Kieran John Sep-1970 54
95 Eaton, Kieran John Aug-1976 48
96 Edwards, Kieran John Jan-1991 33
97 Edwards, Kieran John Loyd Oct-2001 23
98 Ellis, Kieran John Apr-1991 33
99 Eustace, Kieran John Dec-1986 38
100 Evans, Kieran John Feb-1969 55
101 Falconer, Kieran John Robertson Sep-1997 27
102 Faulkner, Kieran John Mar-2001 23
103 Ferguson, Kieran John James Jun-1967 57
104 Fielding, Kieran John Nov-1988 36
105 Fitzgerald, Kieran John Feb-1991 33
106 Fitzgerald, Kieran John (1978-03) Mar-1978 46
107 Flanagan, Kieran John Mary Aug-1955 69
108 Fletcher, Kieran John Sep-1986 38
109 Flynn, Kieran John May-1981 43
110 Foggett, Kieran John Feb-1991 33
111 Foster, Kieran John Jan-1986 38
112 Foster-Palmer, Kieran John Mark Oct-1993 31
113 Fowler, Kieran Allan John Mar-1997 27
114 Funnel, Kieran John August Jul-2001 23
115 Gaffey, Kieran John Jun-1996 28
116 Gahan, John Kieran Oct-1959 65
117 Galvin, Kieran John Michael Christopher Apr-1959 65
118 Gammon, Kieran John Feb-1999 25
119 Gardiner, Kieran John Jul-1963 61
120 Gaule, Kieran John Sep-1983 41
121 Genese, Benedict John Kieran Morley May-1968 56
122 Gibson, Kieran John Jan-1997 27
123 Gleeson, Kieran John Jan-1977 47
124 Grant, Kieran John Oct-1989 35
125 Green, Kieran Reside Raymond John Mar-1994 30
126 Griffin, Kieran John May-1990 34
127 Griffiths, Kieran John Jan-1989 35
128 Gunn, Kieran John Jan-1990 34
129 Haldane, Kieran Adam John Dec-1996 28
130 Hallinan, Kieran John Jun-1966 58
131 Hammond, Kieran John Coote Sep-1992 32
132 Hansard, Kieran James John Mar-1991 33
133 Harris, Kieran John (1983-10) Oct-1983 41
134 Harris, Kieran John (1987-07) Jul-1987 37
135 Hartigan, Kieran John Aug-1970 54
136 Hartley, Kieran John Feb-1997 27
137 Haycock, Kieran Matthew John 2-Jun-1993 31
138 Hayes, Kieran John Dec-1973 51
139 Hayes, Kieran John (1979-12) Dec-1979 45
140 Healey, Kieran John Feb-1956 68
141 Heaney, Kieran John Apr-1953 71
142 Henry, Kieran John Dec-1967 57
143 Heydon, Kieran John Apr-2000 24
144 Hicks, Kieran John Nov-1978 46
145 Higgins, Kieran John May-1990 34
146 Hinder, Kieran John Sep-1986 38
147 Holroyd, Kieran John Aug-2003 21
148 Houslop, Kieran John Jul-1979 45
149 Howlett, Kieran John 22-Jan-1997 27
150 Howley, John Kieran Dec-1971 53
151 Hoyle, John Kieran Mar-1967 57
152 Hughes, Kieran John Aug-1986 38
153 Humphries, Kieran John Mar-1985 39
154 Humphries, Kieran Martyn John Dec-1987 37
155 Iliife, Kieran John Jun-1992 32
156 Irvine, Kieran John Jun-1990 34
157 Irwin, Kieran John (1969-02) Feb-1969 55
158 Irwin, Kieran John (1970-07) Jul-1970 54
159 Irwin, Kieran John (1975-02) Feb-1975 49
160 Jackson, Kieran John Dec-1981 43
161 James, Kieran John Jan-1996 28
162 Jaunay, Kieran John Carlisle Oct-1992 32
163 Jeffery, Kieran John Apr-1991 33
164 Jenkins, Kieran John Jul-1996 28
165 John, Kieran Feb-1977 47
166 John, Kieran Gareth Dec-1994 30
167 John, Kieran Kaleb Shane Feb-2003 21
168 Jones, Kieran John Jun-1994 30
169 Jordan, Kieran John Feb-1995 29
170 Joyce, John Kieran Mar-1965 59
171 Kehoe, John Patrick Kieran Mar-1955 69
172 Kelly, Kieran John Jan-1988 36
173 Kennedy, Kieran John Martin Mar-1968 56
174 Kieran, Adrian John Mar-1948 76
175 Kieran, Anthony John Feb-1945 79
176 Kieran, Dominic John May-1974 50
177 Kieran, John Apr-1973 51
178 Kieran, John Francis May-1947 77
179 Kieran, John Gerard Oct-1948 76
180 Kieran, John James Dec-1965 59
181 Kieran, John James Christopher Dec-1940 84
182 Kieran, Stephen John Mar-1967 57
183 Kieran, William John Gerard Jan-1956 68
184 King, Kieran John Aug-1993 31
185 Kirk, Kieran William John Jul-2001 23
186 Knight, Kieran John Nov-1989 35
187 Kyme, Kieran John Feb-1993 31
188 Laird, Kieran John Apr-1978 46
189 Lang, Kieran Christopher John Sep-2000 24
190 Larkin, Kieran Michael John Sep-1970 54
191 Latner, Kieran Gareth John Sep-1988 36
192 Lendon, Kieran John Jan-2004 20
193 Leonard-Baird, Kieran John Nov-1995 29
194 Lewis, Kieran John Feb-1971 53
195 Leyland, Kieran John Jun-2002 22
196 Lloyd, Kieran John Apr-1987 37
197 Long, Kieran William John Aug-1977 47
198 Lynch, Kieran John Jun-1992 32
199 Lynch, Kieran John (1960-07) Jul-1960 64
200 MacAulay, Kieran John Oct-1999 25
201 MacKie, Kieran John James Jun-2004 20
202 Mageean, John Kieran Sep-1956 68
203 Magennis, Kieran John Jul-1962 62
204 Magill, Kieran John Feb-1980 44
205 Maguire, Kieran John Dec-1957 67
206 Mair, Kieran John Sep-2002 22
207 Mangan, Kieran John Dec-1977 47
208 Marshall, Kieran James John Jun-1996 28
209 Martin, Kieran John Feb-2000 24
210 Martin, Kieran John Raymond Nov-2003 21
211 Mathews, Kieran John Alan Jun-1996 28
212 Mayes, Kieran Shane John Apr-1990 34
213 McAllister, Kieran John Dec-1989 35
214 McAndrew, Kieran John Mar-1997 27
215 McArdle, Kieran John Oct-1971 53
216 McAuley, Kieran John Apr-1990 34
217 McBride, Kieran John Feb-2000 24
218 McCabe, Kieran John Aug-1985 39
219 McCaffrey, John Kieran Paul Apr-1968 56
220 McCann, Kieran John May-1979 45
221 McCarthy, John Kieran Jun-1964 60
222 McCauley, Kieran John Jul-1997 27
223 McDaid, Kieran John Mar-1982 42
224 McElroy, Kieran John Nov-1952 72
225 McElroy, Kieran Malachy John Nov-1952 72
226 McFadden, John Kieran Sep-1966 58
227 McGarry, Kieran John May-1972 52
228 McGing, Kieran John Apr-1984 40
229 McGivern, Kieran John Mar-1996 28
230 McGlade, Kieran John Jul-1956 68
231 McGlade, Kieran John (1956-04) Apr-1956 68
232 McGuigan, Kieran John Mar-1972 52
233 McGurk, Kieran Anthony John Apr-1987 37
234 McIvor, Kieran John Apr-1985 39
235 McKenna, Kieran John (1989-02) Feb-1989 35
236 McKenna, Kieran John (2000-06) Jun-2000 24
237 McKerr, Kieran John Matthew May-1983 41
238 McKinley, Kieran John Jul-1985 39
239 McLaughlin, Kieran John Nov-1993 31
240 McLoughlin, Benedict John Kieran Mar-1974 50
241 McNally, Kieran John Jun-1991 33
242 McNulty, Kieran John Nov-1982 42
243 McPhee, Kieran John May-2001 23
244 McShane, Kieran John Mar-1986 38
245 McWhirter, Kieran John May-1996 28
246 Meehan, Kieran John Jul-1973 51
247 Meenan, John Kieran Mar-1962 62
248 Milbourne, Kieran John Elliott Oct-1995 29
249 Milner, Kieran John Ian Dec-1998 26
250 Mitchell, Kieran John Mar-1959 65
251 Mitchell, Kieran John (1996-09) Sep-1996 28
252 Mitham, Kieran John Antony Apr-1995 29
253 Moore, Kieran John (1964-11) Nov-1964 60
254 Moore, Kieran John (1989-03) Mar-1989 35
255 Moore, Kieran John (1993-08) Aug-1993 31
256 Moore, Ryan John Kieran Mar-1995 29
257 Morgan, John Kieran May-1955 69
258 Morgan, Kieran John Oct-1979 45
259 Moriarty, Kieran John May-1951 73
260 Mote, Kieran Stephen John Jan-1989 35
261 Moulden, Kieran John Archer Nov-1961 63
262 Moya, Kieran John Aug-1998 26
263 Moynihan, Kieran John Jul-1985 39
264 Mulholland, John Kieran Jul-1975 49
265 Mullock, Kieran John Aug-1990 34
266 Murdoch, Kieran John Jul-1987 37
267 Murphy, John Kieran Apr-1982 42
268 Murphy, Kieran John (1985-11) Nov-1985 39
269 Murphy, Kieran John (1992-08) Aug-1992 32
270 Murray, John Kieran Sep-1958 66
271 Murray, Kieran John Jun-1986 38
272 Newton, John Kieran Jul-1957 67
273 Newton, Kieran John Aug-2000 24
274 Niles, Kieran John Derek Dec-1994 30
275 Nugent, Kieran John Aug-1978 46
276 O Sullivan, John Francis Kieran Oct-1970 54
277 O'Brien, John Kieran Feb-1969 55
278 O'Brien, Kieran John (1946-08) Aug-1946 78
279 O'Brien, Kieran John (1989-06) Jun-1989 35
280 O'Donnell, Kieran John (1965-03) Mar-1965 59
281 O'Donnell, Kieran John (1966-04) Apr-1966 58
282 O'Donnell, Kieran John (1996-04) Apr-1996 28
283 O'Donnell, Kieran John (2000-01) Jan-2000 24
284 O'Donovan, Patrick Kieran John Sep-1958 66
285 O'Driscoll, Kieran John Sep-1966 58
286 O'Halloran, Kieran John Feb-1976 48
287 O'Mahony, Kieran John Oct-1978 46
288 O'Neill, Kieran John (1958-02) Feb-1958 66
289 O'Neill, Kieran John (1974-05) May-1974 50
290 O'Neill, Kieran John (1999-07) Jul-1999 25
291 O'Prey, Kieran John Mar-1994 30
292 Oconnor, Kieran John Nov-1965 59
293 Okelly, John Kieran Sep-1963 61
294 Oneill, Kieran John Feb-1958 66
295 Osborne, Kieran John Jul-1970 54
296 Owen, Kieran John Feb-1985 39
297 Parkman, Kieran John Nov-1984 40
298 Parry, Kieran John Feb-1990 34
299 Patterson, Kieran John Mar-1963 61
300 Patterson, Kieran John Anthony Nov-1980 44
301 Perree, Kieran John Peter Apr-1979 45
302 Pescod, Kieran Alfie John Jun-2005 19
303 Petvin, Kieran John Jun-1979 45
304 Phelan, Kieran John Jan-1938 86
305 Phillips, John Kieran Jun-1986 38
306 Pott, Kieran John Aug-2003 21
307 Pritchard, Kieran John (1960-03) Mar-1960 64
308 Pritchard, Kieran John (1997-04) Apr-1997 27
309 Proudlock, Kieran John Sep-1996 28
310 Pryke, Kieran John Jun-1963 61
311 Purvis, Kieran John Jan-1983 41
312 Rafferty, Kieran John Nov-1977 47
313 Ralph, Kieran John Jan-1994 30
314 Ralph, Kieran John (1985-05) May-1985 39
315 Redman, Kieran John Nov-1964 60
316 Reed, Kieran John Patrick Mar-1968 56
317 Reid, Kieran John Dec-1994 30
318 Reid, Kieran John Key Feb-2003 21
319 Reilly, Kieran John Feb-1995 29
320 Reilly, Kieran John Achampong Nov-1996 28
321 Reynolds, Kieran John (1977-03-19) 19-Mar-1977 47
322 Reynolds, Kieran John (1990-10) Oct-1990 34
323 Rice, Kieran John (1964-10) Oct-1964 60
324 Rice, Kieran John (1973-09) Sep-1973 51
325 Ritchie, John Kieran Jan-1960 64
326 Robinson, John Kieran May-1968 56
327 Rogers, Kieran John Harry Jul-1995 29
328 Routledge, Kieran Ronald John Oct-1995 29
329 Rowbotham, John Kieran Jan-1948 76
330 Rowlinson, Kieran John Sep-1993 31
331 Roxburgh, Kieran John Oct-1998 26
332 Ruane, Kieran William John Sep-1965 59
333 Rubbery, Kieran John Jun-1991 33
334 Ryan, Kieran John May-1981 43
335 Sampson, Kieran Joseph John Jul-1995 29
336 Saunders, Kieran John Jul-1991 33
337 Scambler, Kieran John Aug-1990 34
338 Scobie, Kieran John Jan-1993 31
339 Sharrock, John Kieran Clive Jan-1972 52
340 Sheedy, Kieran John Sep-1961 63
341 Sheen, Kieran John May-1992 32
342 Simmons, Kieran John Apr-1975 49
343 Simms, John Kieran Nov-1965 59
344 Slater, Kieran John Mar-1991 33
345 Smale, Kieran John Jul-1988 36
346 Smith, Kieran John Oct-1997 27
347 Smith, Kieran John Joseph Jun-1995 29
348 Smullen, Kieran John Mar-1988 36
349 Smyth, Kieran John Apr-1979 45
350 Smyth, Kieran John (1963-11) Nov-1963 61
351 St John, Harrison Kieran Jan-1999 25
352 St John, Kieran Oct-2000 24
353 Stanger, Kieran John Dec-1996 28
354 Stapleton, Kieran Andrew John Jun-1989 35
355 Steers, Kieran John Jan-1997 27
356 Stott, Kieran John Richard Feb-1996 28
357 Studholme, Kieran John Mar-2005 19
358 Swann, Kieran John Michael Mar-1962 62
359 Swinney, Kieran Robert John Aug-2001 23
360 Tennant, Kieran John Andrew Feb-1997 27
361 Thackeray, Kieran John Nov-1959 65
362 Thompson, Kieran Matthew John Feb-1995 29
363 Tilley, Kieran John May-1969 55
364 Tobin, Kieran Noel John Oct-1976 48
365 Tookey, Kieran John Jul-1977 47
366 Topp, Kieran Alfred John Jul-1990 34
367 Townend, Kieran John Roger Aug-2002 22
368 Travis, Kieran John Jan-1991 33
369 Tremble, Kieran John Oct-1997 27
370 Trippier, Kieran John Sep-1990 34
371 Turner, Kieran John (1970-01) Jan-1970 54
372 Turner, Kieran John (2002-09) Sep-2002 22
373 Tween, Kieran John Mar-1998 26
374 Tyrrell, Kieran John Jun-1976 48
375 Virr, Kieran John Nov-1985 39
376 Wakefield, Kieran John Feb-2000 24
377 Walmsley, Kieran John Feb-1998 26
378 Walsh, John Kieran Aug-1974 50
379 Walsh, Kieran John May-1964 60
380 Walton, Kieran John Oct-1986 38
381 Ward, Kieran John Feb-1977 47
382 Watson, Kieran John (1991-04) Apr-1991 33
383 Watson, Kieran John (1994-01) Jan-1994 30
384 Watt, Kieran John Feb-1984 40
385 Watts, Kieran John Feb-1964 60
386 Waugh, John Kieran Jan-1967 57
387 Weightman, Kieran John May-1990 34
388 Westlake, Kieran John May-1995 29
389 White, John Kieran Oct-1961 63
390 Wickenden, Kieran John Oct-1995 29
391 Wilkinson, Kieran John Apr-1980 44
392 Williams, Kieran David John Apr-1996 28
393 Williams, Kieran John Apr-1992 32
394 Wilson, Kieran John Kenneth Jun-1991 33
395 Wood, Kieran John Nov-1975 49
396 Woods, Kieran John Aug-1977 47
397 Wright, Kieran John (1961-09) Sep-1961 63
398 Wright, Kieran John (1974-09) Sep-1974 50
399 Wright, Kieran John (1993-03) Mar-1993 31
400 Wynne, John Kieran Mar-1979 45
401 Yaxley, Kieran John Oct-1985 39
402 Zubrinich, Kieran John

Alias or former names

None found.

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