HK first registration: Private Cars: in 2022-04

This page shows the breakdown of newly-registered vehicles for a chosen vehicle class and brand since May-2016, using data from the Transport Department. By law, permitted gross vehicle mass in tonnes are: Light: 5.5, Medium: 24, Heavy: 38. The latest month is 2024-12.

Year Month
Vehicle type

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Body Reg type Petrol Electric All fuels Petrol share % Electric share %
Saloon A 254 98 352 72.16 27.84
C1 4 0 4 100.00 0.00
C2 185 1 186 99.46 0.54
Others 3 0 3 100.00 0.00
Station Waggon A 789 308 1,097 71.92 28.08
C1 9 0 9 100.00 0.00
C2 241 0 241 100.00 0.00
Others 2 0 2 100.00 0.00
Convertible A 14 0 14 100.00 0.00
C2 19 0 19 100.00 0.00
Others 2 0 2 100.00 0.00
Total 1,522 407 1,929 78.90 21.10


Body Petrol Electric All fuels Petrol share % Electric share %
Saloon 446 99 545 81.83 18.17
Station Waggon 1,041 308 1,349 77.17 22.83
Convertible 35 0 35 100.00 0.00
All bodies 1,522 407 1,929 78.90 21.10
Saloon % 29.30 24.32 28.25
Station Waggon % 68.40 75.68 69.93
Convertible % 2.30 0.00 1.81


Registrations are classified by the Transport Department, up to 2018 into "Brand new" and "Others", and from 2019 onwards, using the following more detailed categories:

Status Description
A Prior to importation into Hong Kong for sale, the vehicle has either never been registered outside Hong Kong, or was registered outside Hong Kong but in a manner that the vehicle was not permitted to be used on roads, with documentary proof.
B Prior to importation into Hong Kong for sale, the vehicle has never been registered outside Hong Kong as declared by the vehicle importer.
C1 The vehicle has been registered outside Hong Kong prior to importation to Hong Kong for sale. The length of the period of such registration is shorter than 15 days as proved by supporting documents.
C2 The vehicle has been registered outside Hong Kong prior to importation to Hong Kong for sale, other than vehicles categorised as C1.
Others The vehicle was imported by the registered owner into Hong Kong for own use, or was assembled in Hong Kong with specified additions to the imported chassis / cab and chassis, or was acquired through auction from the Hong Kong SAR Government.

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