Cheng, Patsy Pik Yuk 鄭碧玉

start date:
end date:
include new appointments after start date
show old organisation names


Organisation Position From Until Total
1 * China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2012-03-30 2013-01-18 -19.67% -23.82% -37.95%
2 * Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. CoSecCompany Secretary 2013-12-23 -21.58% -7.73% -10.93%
3 * Colour Life Services Group Co., Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2014-06-11 2016-07-25 35.10% 15.64% 14.70%
4 * Dali Foods Group Company Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2015-06-03 2019-05-29 26.29% 6.85% -1.73%
5 * Genertec Universal Medical Group Company Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2015-03-06 2019-06-05 32.67% 7.50% 0.48%
6 * Greentown China Holdings Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2010-04-28 2010-08-01 21.82%
7 * HannStar Board International Holdings Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2011-12-09 -19.18% -4.06% -6.97%
8 * Hilong Holding Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2011-02-10 2018-08-23 -61.83% -12.30% -16.78%
9 * Honma Golf Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2016-10-06 2018-11-20 -23.41% -11.81% -17.81%
10 * Lai Si Enterprise Holding Limited CoSecCompany Secretary 2017-07-12 2018-04-01 -62.19% -74.49% -79.54%
11 * Samson Holding Ltd. CoSecCompany Secretary 2005-10-24 2019-06-28 -62.32% -6.92% -14.10%
12 * TUNGTEX (HOLDINGS) COMPANY LIMITED CoSecCompany Secretary 2016-08-15 2017-08-14 -23.30% -23.37% -37.30%
13 * WuXi Biologics (Cayman) Inc. CoSecCompany Secretary 2017-04 2019-06-05 153.81% 60.19% 51.40%
14 * Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company CoSecCompany Secretary 2014-06-03 2019-04-26 247.64% 32.95% 22.25%
Average -3.18% -10.33%

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Total returns are measured from the latest of the start date, the appointment date and 3-Jan-1994 until the earliest of the end date, the resignation/removal date and the last trading date. CAGR is the annualised return and is not shown for periods under 180 days. Relative returns are to the Tracker Fund of HK (2800), starting from the latest of 12-Nov-1999, the appointment date and the chosen start date.

* = is or was HK primary-listed

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