Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd 陽光100中國控股有限公司

Domicile:Cayman Islands
Type:Listed company
Last check on companies registry: 2017-03-10

Web sites

Foreign registrations

Place ID Registered Ceased
Hong Kong 62552659Until 2023-12-27:F0020341 2013-12-30

Employment Support Subsidy (COVID-19)

The HK Government paid employers a subsidy of half of staff salaries up to a subsidy cap of HK$9k per month for 6 months in 2 phases covering Jun-Aug and Sep-Nov 2020. Amounts shown do not include subsidiaries. P1 and p2 indicate whether a claim has been made and approved in each phase. Click here for raw filing data.

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English name Chinese name Amount
Heads Average
p1 p2
SUNSHINE 100 CHINA HOLDINGS LTD 陽光100中國控股有限公司 324,000 6 54,000 1 1

Webb-site Governance Rating

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Users Average (0-5)

Name history

Old English name Old Chinese name Until
Sunshine 100 China Holdings Limited

HK-listed equities

Ordinary shares

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 02608  2014-03-13    

Listed debt and preference shares

Hit the stock code for details. * = floating

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Type Outst. m Rate % Maturity Code Listed Last trade Delisted
Note USD 13.00000 2022-06-29 40749 2021-07-02 2022-06-24 2022-06-30
CBond USD 6.50000 2021-08-11 5696 2016-08-12 2021-08-06 2021-08-12
Note USD 2017-10-08 5811 2014-10-09 2017-10-03 2017-10-10


Note: holdings may be incomplete and/or outdated. Holdings in listed companies are not shown as the filings are currently too difficult to automate and the holdings change too rapidly.

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Issuer 🌐 Formed Issue Shares Stake Holding date
Sunmode Limited VGBritish Virgin Islands 2007-01-18 Ordinary shares   100.00% 2014-02-27

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