Ma, Frederick Si Hang 馬時亨

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Main board

Organisation Position From Until Total
1 * AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2011-04-18 2016-05-13 -24.19% -5.32% -4.87%
2 * ALUMINUM CORPORATION OF CHINA LIMITED INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2013-06-27 2015-12-29 7.92% 3.09% -2.83%
3 * BOC HONG KONG (HOLDINGS) LIMITED (HK) INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2023-10-20 38.66% 28.04% 0.69%
4 * CHINA RESOURCES LAND LIMITED INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2010-03-08 2013-07-05 33.79% 9.15% 6.01%
5 * COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd. INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2020-11-30 341.57% 42.32% 42.62%
6 * CSC Holdings Limited (HK) NED, ChNon-Executive Director, Chairman 2009-11-10 2012-03-02 -72.27% -42.64% -43.38%
7 * DICKSON CONCEPTS (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2001-10-01 2002-06-24 21.15% 30.41% 13.85%
8 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG (THE) Ch, CouncilChairman of Council 2017-04-25 2021-01-01
9 GEM Listing Committee Alt MemberAlternative Member 1999-08-03 1999-09-01
MemberMember 1999-09-01 2002-07-01
10 * GUANGSHEN RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2020-06-16 2023-06-15 72.02% 19.85% 24.24%
11 * HKC (HOLDINGS) LIMITED DirDirector 1990-09-01 1993-04-30
Dep MDDeputy Managing Director 1993-04-30 1995 -35.20% -25.31%
Dep Ch, Dep MDDeputy Chairman, Deputy Managing Director 1995 1997-11-18 18.12% 7.25%
MDManaging Director 1997-11-18 1998-05-15 -32.17%
12 HKSAR Chief Executive's Council of Advisers MemberMember 2023-03-17 2025-07-01
13 HKSAR Chief Executive's Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development MemberMember 2018-03-21 2022-07-01
14 HKSAR Commerce and Economic Development Bureau Sec (gov)Secretary of Bureau 2007-07-01 2008-07-12
15 HKSAR Construction Industry Review Committee MemberMember 2000-04-05 2001-01-18
16 HKSAR Estate Agents Authority MemberMember 2000-11-01 2002-11-01
17 HKSAR Executive Council Off MemberOfficial Member 2002-07-01 2008-07-12
18 HKSAR Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Sec (gov)Secretary of Bureau 2002-07-01 2007-07-01
19 HKSAR Justices of the Peace (non-gov) MemberMember 2010-07-01
20 HONG KONG MORTGAGE CORPORATION LIMITED (THE) NEDNon-Executive Director 2002-07-22 2007-07-01
21 HONGKONG INTERNATIONAL THEME PARKS LIMITED Dir, Govt-apptdDirector, Government-appointed 2002 2007-07-01
22 Husky Energy Inc. DirDirector 2010-07
24 * Master Glory Group Limited INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 1996-05-20 2002-06-24 -83.97% -25.95% -56.51%
25 * MTR CORPORATION LIMITED NEDNon-Executive Director 2002-07-01 2007-07-10 122.98% 17.32% -2.83%
INEDIndependent Non-Executive Director 2013-07-04 2015-11-30 34.71% 13.23% 6.35%
NEDNon-Executive Director 2015-11-30 2016-01-01 4.77%
NED, Ch, Govt-apptdNon-Executive Director, Chairman, Government-appointed 2016-01-01 2019-07-01 70.76% 16.62% 3.55%
26 * PCCW LIMITED EDExecutive Director 2001-05-02 2002-06-24 -32.00% -28.61% -13.55%
27 SEHK Listing Committee MemberMember U
28 SFC Takeovers and Mergers Panel MemberMember 1995-05-15 2002-06-29
29 STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED (THE) CouncillorCouncillor 1995-10-27 2000-03-06
Average 3.96% -2.05%


Organisation Position From Until
1 HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB (THE) Voting MemberVoting Member 2022-02-22
Hon Voting MemberHonorary Voting Member 2022-02-22


Organisation Position From Until
1 Gold Bauhinia Star AwardAward 2009-07-01

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Total returns are measured from the latest of the start date, the appointment date and 3-Jan-1994 until the earliest of the end date, the resignation/removal date and the last trading date. CAGR is the annualised return and is not shown for periods under 180 days. Relative returns are to the Tracker Fund of HK (2800), starting from the latest of 12-Nov-1999, the appointment date and the chosen start date.

* = is or was HK primary-listed

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