Sit, Alfred Wing Hang 薛永恒

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Organisation From Until Service
1 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY COUNCIL 2025-02-01 2027-02-01 0.02  
2 * Envision Greenwise Holdings Limited 2023-10-20 1.31 733.78% 409.04% 319.98%
3 HKSAR Construction Workers Registration Authority 2010-10-25 2013-01-01 2.19  
4 HKSAR Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 2017-10-13 2020-04-22 2.52  
5 HKSAR Executive Council 2020-04-22 2022-07-01 2.19  
6 HKSAR Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau 2020-04-22 2022-07-01 2.19  
7 HKSAR Justices of the Peace (non-gov) 2022-08-12 2.50  
8 * Regal Partners Holdings Limited 2023-07-05 1.60 -63.93% -47.21% -52.26%
9 * WAI YUEN TONG MEDICINE HOLDINGS LIMITED 2023-12-08 1.17 773.26% 538.33% 394.93%
Average 300.05% 220.89%

* = is or was HK primary-listed

Total returns are measured from the latest of the start date, the appointment date and 3-Jan-1994 until the earliest of the end date, the resignation/removal date and the last trading date. CAGR is the annualised return and is not shown for periods under 180 days. Relative returns are to the Tracker Fund of HK (2800), starting from the latest of 12-Nov-1999, the appointment date and the chosen start date.

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