Freeman (0279) sells 10.57% of Satinu Resources Group Ltd to Co-Lead Holdings Ltd
Company announcement, 7-Feb-2018
Another deal in what we call the "Chung Nam Network". The purchaser is or was owned by multiple listed companies in the network. Freeman gets HK$150m in cash and the other $600m as a 6-month IOU. Co-Lead is 13.54% owned by Freewill Holdings Ltd, another hub, which is 35.37% owned by Freeman.
Company announcement, 7-Feb-2018
Another deal in what we call the "Chung Nam Network". The purchaser is or was owned by multiple listed companies in the network. Freeman gets HK$150m in cash and the other $600m as a 6-month IOU. Co-Lead is 13.54% owned by Freewill Holdings Ltd, another hub, which is 35.37% owned by Freeman.
Freeman (0279) and Willie (0273) to pool their interests in HEC Capital Ltd
| Willie announcement
Company announcement, 20-Jun-2014
Freeman owns 4.97% of Willie, just under the disclosure threshold, and Willie owns 6.81% of Freeman.
Company announcement, 20-Jun-2014
Freeman owns 4.97% of Willie, just under the disclosure threshold, and Willie owns 6.81% of Freeman.
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