Media Room

For media enquiries, please contact the Editor. If you are looking for royalty-free photos to accompany your coverage of, then please see our Webb-Photos gallery. has been quoted or profiled in numerous publications in Hong Kong and overseas. We're delighted that this coverage brings the policy issues we are raising to a wider audience. The more discussion, the more likely we are to see action. We've also been fortunate enough to be profiled in leading publications. Unfortunately many of the online media now put their articles or archive behind a pay-wall, so links may die over time. For older coverage, keep in mind that Webb-site was founded in 1998, so some of the publications which covered us have simply shut down along with their web sites.
The media archive is now on the "articles" archive page of our editor David M Webb, as this makes it easier to manage using our proprietary content management system, so click here for the articles.
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