Former CEO of Applied Dev (0519), wife and another charged with fraud for hiding interests in HK$110m loans
ICAC, 2-Jun-2022
ICAC, 2-Jun-2022
Applied Dev (0519) lends HK$40m for 2 months at 4% p.a. to On Tai International Credit Ltd
Company announcement, 13-Feb-2018
Interestingly this is described as "a further loan" and "the Further Loan" but no information is given on any earlier loan. The borrower is said to be "an independent third party" but no ownership is disclosed. The Borrower is itself a money-lender and is providing security in the form of a loan to a third party, the terms of which are undisclosed.
Company announcement, 13-Feb-2018
Interestingly this is described as "a further loan" and "the Further Loan" but no information is given on any earlier loan. The borrower is said to be "an independent third party" but no ownership is disclosed. The Borrower is itself a money-lender and is providing security in the form of a loan to a third party, the terms of which are undisclosed.
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