In honour of the 25th anniversary of the SAR, a new tool to deep-dive into its financial history. This may be our last major project, but we hope you will agree that it was worth the time.

At last, the Webb-site HKSAR Accounts Explorer
14 June 2022

If you've been paying close attention, you may know that for months now, we've been working intermittently on a special project, to compile a comprehensive time-series dataset of the Hong Kong SAR Government accounts. This is intended to be a resource for any policy researcher, journalist, student or legislator investigating how the Government raises, saves and spends its money. The work entailed collecting data from numerous sources, into one coherent set, comprising over 5,000 lines of data across 23 fiscal years from 1-Apr-1998 to 31-Mar-2021. Each page has downloadable CSV data.

At last, as a gift to the people of the Special Administrative Region on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, we are pleased to launch the Webb-site HKSAR Accounts Explorer. Hit the picture below or this link to launch the data explorer. You will find a detailed explanation of how it all works in the Notes at this link, and you can search for items that interest you.

Do let us know if you spot any errors or have any desired features.

HKSAR Consolidated Accounts

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