Court sets trial date for insider dealing case against Segantii Capital Management and its chief investment officer
SFC, 19-Dec-2024
4-May-2026 - this is going to take a while.
Court sets next hearing date for insider dealing case against Segantii Capital Management and its chief investment officer
SFC, 15-Oct-2024
First District Court hearing on insider dealing case against Segantii Capital Management and its chief investment officer
SFC, 2-Jul-2024
Insider dealing case against Segantii Capital Management and its chief investment officer transferred to District Court
SFC, 12-Jun-2024
Simon Sadler and Daniel La Rocca could now face up to 7 years in jail if found guilty, although a much lower sentence would be in line with precedent. This time, the SFC names the stock - something that journalists had to find out by trekking to the High Court Registry for a hard copy of the summons, as in this FinTech hub, the SFC's filings and court filings in general are still offline.
John Poon Cho Ming v Commissioner of Inland RevenueResignation announcement
HK Court of First Instance, 24-Mar-2016
Mr Poon loses his appeal. The judge writes "On 20 July 2008, apparently due to disagreements within the Company's board of directors, the Taxpayer's employment and offices with the Company came to an abrupt end." That's not what Esprit told the market the next day: "Mr Poon has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board...". We call on the SFC to investigate whether this statement was false or misleading. Mr Poon is Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council.
FRC probably investigating Esprit
The Government has appointed a standby Chairman and two temporary members of the Financial Reporting Council, to deal with potential conflicts of interest for its Chairman, John Poon Cho Ming, and other members. We connect the dots. (20-Sep-2015)
Esprit voting advice
We urge investors to vote against the general issue mandate in Esprit Holdings Ltd, which does not comply with the recommendations of Project Vampire, at the meeting on 26-Nov-03. Voting closes this week, so VOTE NOW. (16-Nov-2003)

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