Webb, David Michael (1965-08-29)
The coming end of Webb-site
Unfortunately, there are going to be some more changes around here. Our founder explains why. (12-Feb-2025)
Unfortunately, there are going to be some more changes around here. Our founder explains why. (12-Feb-2025)
Help maintain the Webb-site Database
We are commencing the transition of the Webb-site Database to a crowd-sourced model. Whether it survives our Founder's doom depends on whether you, the users, are willing to volunteer your time, in a "Webbipedia" crowd-sourcing of corporate data. So please get involved, and you may get a free lunch at the end of the year. (19-May-2024)
We are commencing the transition of the Webb-site Database to a crowd-sourced model. Whether it survives our Founder's doom depends on whether you, the users, are willing to volunteer your time, in a "Webbipedia" crowd-sourcing of corporate data. So please get involved, and you may get a free lunch at the end of the year. (19-May-2024)
Webb on "Backchat" re the HK$2 fare scheme and other subsidies
| Transport Dept expenditure
RTHK, 15-May-2023
RTHK, 15-May-2023
Webb reappointed to Takeovers Panel
SFC, 31-Mar-2023
He has been a member since 2001 and a Deputy Chairman since 2013, and becomes the current 2nd-longest-serving member after Freshfields' Teresa Ko, who was appointed in 1998, the same year that Webb-site was founded.
SFC, 31-Mar-2023
He has been a member since 2001 and a Deputy Chairman since 2013, and becomes the current 2nd-longest-serving member after Freshfields' Teresa Ko, who was appointed in 1998, the same year that Webb-site was founded.
HK is running out of time to re-join the World
As our Editor sits in the air-lock waiting to re-enter HK, he looks at the now-unconstitutional quarantine regulations and the harm they are doing to HK. (5-May-2022)
As our Editor sits in the air-lock waiting to re-enter HK, he looks at the now-unconstitutional quarantine regulations and the harm they are doing to HK. (5-May-2022)
Webb on "Backchat" re the Budget
RTHK, 24-Feb-2022
Taster: isn't it amazing that the HK Govt couldn't find housing for people in cage-homes and sub-divided apartments for years, but can now build tens of thousands of isolation units in a couple of months?
RTHK, 24-Feb-2022
Taster: isn't it amazing that the HK Govt couldn't find housing for people in cage-homes and sub-divided apartments for years, but can now build tens of thousands of isolation units in a couple of months?
Yorkey (2788): a successful outcome
Webb-site recommends shareholders to vote in favour of the increased offer, as founder David Webb has undertaken to do. Here's the background to our decision. (20-Jan-2022)
Webb-site recommends shareholders to vote in favour of the increased offer, as founder David Webb has undertaken to do. Here's the background to our decision. (20-Jan-2022)
Webb on "Backchat" re tourism and (second half) the future of authoritarian HK
RTHK, 16-Jul-2021
The discussion took a surprising turn…
RTHK, 16-Jul-2021
The discussion took a surprising turn…
30 years in Hong Kong
This seems like a suitable time for an update from our founder. (15-Jul-2021)
This seems like a suitable time for an update from our founder. (15-Jul-2021)
HK's zealous anti-doxxing campaign could make it even easier to hide dirty money in the city
CNN, 20-Apr-2021
CNN, 20-Apr-2021
Webb reappointed to Takeovers Panel for 2 more years
SFC, 31-Mar-2021
They must be optimistic! He was first appointed in 2001 and became a Deputy Chairman in 2013. He's the 3rd-longest serving current member of the Panel.
SFC, 31-Mar-2021
They must be optimistic! He was first appointed in 2001 and became a Deputy Chairman in 2013. He's the 3rd-longest serving current member of the Panel.
COVID-19: were the lockdowns worth the socio-economic cost?
| Video replay
These are the slides from a "Webbinar" with David Webb hosted by Exeter College, Oxford University, this evening. As vaccines draw near, the debate on the global policy responses to the pandemic should begin. (4-Dec-2020)
These are the slides from a "Webbinar" with David Webb hosted by Exeter College, Oxford University, this evening. As vaccines draw near, the debate on the global policy responses to the pandemic should begin. (4-Dec-2020)
Webb on "Backchat" re Lantau Tomorrow and our proposal for a COVID Isolation Compensation Scheme
RTHK, 19-Nov-2020
Part 2 on COVID and CICS begins at 47:26. See our article of 16-Nov-2020.
RTHK, 19-Nov-2020
Part 2 on COVID and CICS begins at 47:26. See our article of 16-Nov-2020.
Finding Virtue in the Finance Industry
| The Book
Harvard Business Review, 12-Oct-2020
An article featuring David Webb's work which is covered in JC de Swaan's new book "Seeking Virtue in Finance" from Cambridge University Press.
Harvard Business Review, 12-Oct-2020
An article featuring David Webb's work which is covered in JC de Swaan's new book "Seeking Virtue in Finance" from Cambridge University Press.
David Webb, Emily Lau on "Saturday AM" radio re National Security Law
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 4-Jul-2020
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 4-Jul-2020
A special message from our Founder
Unfortunately, there are going to be some changes around here. (8-Jun-2020)
Unfortunately, there are going to be some changes around here. (8-Jun-2020)
Webb on CNBC re HK budget
CNBC, 26-Feb-2020
Also discussing the economy, school closures in HK while Singapore's remain open, the HK$10k per voter handout ahead of the September LegCo elections, and the budget to promote the rule of law ahead of the proposed National Anthem Ordinance.
CNBC, 26-Feb-2020
Also discussing the economy, school closures in HK while Singapore's remain open, the HK$10k per voter handout ahead of the September LegCo elections, and the budget to promote the rule of law ahead of the proposed National Anthem Ordinance.
Webb: HK must now address its 'democratic deficit'
CNBC, 25-Nov-2019
An excerpt from an interview this morning.
CNBC, 25-Nov-2019
An excerpt from an interview this morning.
Webb in a Webinar: HK-Invocation of emergency powers
AIMA, 9-Oct-2019
A discussion on the HK Government's use of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, whether the ERO and the anti-mask regulation made by it are constitutional, and the broader issue of where HK may go from here. A form is required to listen but any answers will do. Held at 17:30 on 9-Oct-2019.
AIMA, 9-Oct-2019
A discussion on the HK Government's use of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, whether the ERO and the anti-mask regulation made by it are constitutional, and the broader issue of where HK may go from here. A form is required to listen but any answers will do. Held at 17:30 on 9-Oct-2019.
'It's not about the money': What Beijing doesn't get about HK protesters
Los Angeles Times, 9-Oct-2019
Los Angeles Times, 9-Oct-2019
'Questionable' whether HK mask ban using ERO is constitutional
CNBC, 4-Oct-2019
An excerpt from an interview with David Webb this morning.
CNBC, 4-Oct-2019
An excerpt from an interview with David Webb this morning.
Webb on the HK protests: 'Hard crackdown likely'
CapeTalk Radio, 2-Oct-2019
Jump to 02:15 in the podcast. We again explain how to democratise the Functional Constituencies and the Chief Executive Election Committee seats by scrapping corporate voting, replacing tycoon votes with worker votes. This can be done by amending HK laws, without NPCSC approval. Without meaningful democratisation, the protests will likely continue until a hard crackdown.
CapeTalk Radio, 2-Oct-2019
Jump to 02:15 in the podcast. We again explain how to democratise the Functional Constituencies and the Chief Executive Election Committee seats by scrapping corporate voting, replacing tycoon votes with worker votes. This can be done by amending HK laws, without NPCSC approval. Without meaningful democratisation, the protests will likely continue until a hard crackdown.
New World (0017) farmland donation 'destroyed shareholder value', analysts say
South China Morning Post, 26-Sep-2019
South China Morning Post, 26-Sep-2019
Webb on HK protests and China: a 1-hour podcast
Hidden Forces, 19-Aug-2019
Recorded at 9pm HKT on 16-Aug-2019, a wide-ranging discussion on the unsustainability of HK's model of civil liberties without democracy and the possible outcomes, as well as the unsustainability of the centrally-planned Chinese economic model.
Hidden Forces, 19-Aug-2019
Recorded at 9pm HKT on 16-Aug-2019, a wide-ranging discussion on the unsustainability of HK's model of civil liberties without democracy and the possible outcomes, as well as the unsustainability of the centrally-planned Chinese economic model.
An investor's vision for the future of HK (podcast)
Bloomberg, 22-Jun-2019
Webb on corporate governance, small caps, the Extradition Bill and the future of HK & China.
Bloomberg, 22-Jun-2019
Webb on corporate governance, small caps, the Extradition Bill and the future of HK & China.
U.S. may order funds to dump Chinese stocks, activist Webb says
| The Trump Dump
Bloomberg, 17-Jun-2019
Bloomberg, 17-Jun-2019
The spectacular implosion of Dr. Cho's 'nefarious network'
| The Enigma Network
Bloomberg, 15-May-2019
Today is the 2nd anniversary of Webb-site's publication of the Enigma Network. So far, nobody has been charged with any offence, and no SFC action has been taken to bring in the liquidators to wind up any of the listed companies involved.
Bloomberg, 15-May-2019
Today is the 2nd anniversary of Webb-site's publication of the Enigma Network. So far, nobody has been charged with any offence, and no SFC action has been taken to bring in the liquidators to wind up any of the listed companies involved.
Webb reappointed to Takeovers Panel
SFC, 28-Mar-2019
He joined the Panel on 1-Apr-2001 and became a Deputy Chairman in 2013.
SFC, 28-Mar-2019
He joined the Panel on 1-Apr-2001 and became a Deputy Chairman in 2013.
Killik Explains: how to invest in equities the David Webb way
YouTube, 17-Jan-2019
Oh, so that's how it's done! Maybe we should try it.
YouTube, 17-Jan-2019
Oh, so that's how it's done! Maybe we should try it.
Freedom and the future of China: Webb's talk at HKU on 30-Oct-2018 (video)
| Text of speech
YouTube, 29-Nov-2018
YouTube, 29-Nov-2018
Freedom and the future of China
This is the text of a High Table dinner speech delivered by Webb-site founder David Webb to the students of Chi Sun College, University of Hong Kong, this evening. Hyperlinks have been added. (30-Oct-2018)
This is the text of a High Table dinner speech delivered by Webb-site founder David Webb to the students of Chi Sun College, University of Hong Kong, this evening. Hyperlinks have been added. (30-Oct-2018)
Webb on the Government's under-priced metered parking
South China Morning Post, 28-Dec-2017
HK's Government competes unfairly with commercial parking by charging $8/hr for on-street parking when the private sector nearby charges $30. Proposals to increase that to $4 or $5 per 15 minutes won't make much difference, even if they overcome vested interests in LegCo. Meanwhile criminal gangs corner the meters and rake off the difference as "valet parking".
South China Morning Post, 28-Dec-2017
HK's Government competes unfairly with commercial parking by charging $8/hr for on-street parking when the private sector nearby charges $30. Proposals to increase that to $4 or $5 per 15 minutes won't make much difference, even if they overcome vested interests in LegCo. Meanwhile criminal gangs corner the meters and rake off the difference as "valet parking".
Webb on "The Pulse" re digital pseudo-currencies
RTHK, 18-Nov-2017
Jump to Part 2 at timestamp 10:40.
RTHK, 18-Nov-2017
Jump to Part 2 at timestamp 10:40.
If only INEDs were independent
David Webb will be speaking at a conference in HK today. These are his slides, on the most fundamental issue in HK corporate governance. (10-Nov-2017)
David Webb will be speaking at a conference in HK today. These are his slides, on the most fundamental issue in HK corporate governance. (10-Nov-2017)
'Enigma Network' crash spurs HK's largest financial raid
| The Enigma Network
Bloomberg, 13-Oct-2017
Bloomberg, 13-Oct-2017
Activist investor David Webb, who called HK small-cap rout, says regulators failed investors
CNBC, 29-Jun-2017
CNBC, 29-Jun-2017
Webb on "Newswrap" re HKEX third board and GEM
RTHK, 16-Jun-2017
Shareholder activist David Webb says the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which has proposed setting up a new board to open ways for more mainland tech companies to list in the city, is going in completely the wrong direction. He said Hong Kong should have a single board, rather than confusing the market with more boards. He told Jim Gould that a simpler structure should also have better disclosure and governance requirements.
RTHK, 16-Jun-2017
Shareholder activist David Webb says the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which has proposed setting up a new board to open ways for more mainland tech companies to list in the city, is going in completely the wrong direction. He said Hong Kong should have a single board, rather than confusing the market with more boards. He told Jim Gould that a simpler structure should also have better disclosure and governance requirements.
Rebuilding free markets in HK
These slides are from a presentation by David Webb today, on how HK's free markets have eroded during the 20 years since the Handover, and what HK can do to recover its dynamism. (16-Jun-2017)
These slides are from a presentation by David Webb today, on how HK's free markets have eroded during the 20 years since the Handover, and what HK can do to recover its dynamism. (16-Jun-2017)
Webb on "BackChat" re HK's declining income gap and the need to improve efficiency of public spending
RTHK, 13-Jun-2017
RTHK, 13-Jun-2017
Webb on "Backchat" re taxis and other road transport cartels
RTHK, 19-Dec-2016
Note: Sonia Cheng is an Executive Director of Chung Shing Taxi Ltd, which with related companies owns about 350 licences with a rent-seeking value of about HK$2.1bn.
RTHK, 19-Dec-2016
Note: Sonia Cheng is an Executive Director of Chung Shing Taxi Ltd, which with related companies owns about 350 licences with a rent-seeking value of about HK$2.1bn.
Webb increases Ming Fai (3828) stake over 10%
| Open letter
Disclosure of interest, 2-Nov-2016
We look forward to the EGM tomorrow to approve the property disposal, and to the board's subsequent decision on the distribution of sale proceeds.
Disclosure of interest, 2-Nov-2016
We look forward to the EGM tomorrow to approve the property disposal, and to the board's subsequent decision on the distribution of sale proceeds.
Activist Webb pushes for even more radical listing reforms
HK Standard, 7-Sep-2016
By "radical" they mean "rational".
HK Standard, 7-Sep-2016
By "radical" they mean "rational".
Presentation on HK securities market reform
These are the slides from a presentation by David Webb to accountants hosted by legislator Kenneth Leung this evening. (16-May-2016)
These are the slides from a presentation by David Webb to accountants hosted by legislator Kenneth Leung this evening. (16-May-2016)
Keeping public data public: the right to remember
| Video
These are the slides of a presentation by David Webb to the Foreign Correspondents' Club today. (12-Jan-2016)
These are the slides of a presentation by David Webb to the Foreign Correspondents' Club today. (12-Jan-2016)
AAB rejects Webb-site appeal of redaction order
In a chilling decision for media freedom in HK, the AAB has rejected our appeal of the Privacy Commissioner's order to remove from Webb-site Reports information obtained from published judgments, ruling that "reporting and publication for general use" is not an allowed purpose. Constitutional aspects, such as the necessity of a restriction on free speech that does not apply to overseas online publishers, were barely covered. We look at the consequences and options. (30-Oct-2015)
In a chilling decision for media freedom in HK, the AAB has rejected our appeal of the Privacy Commissioner's order to remove from Webb-site Reports information obtained from published judgments, ruling that "reporting and publication for general use" is not an allowed purpose. Constitutional aspects, such as the necessity of a restriction on free speech that does not apply to overseas online publishers, were barely covered. We look at the consequences and options. (30-Oct-2015)
Challenges for China and implications for Hong Kong
Slides from a presentation by David Webb to the Oxford University Hong Kong Society annual dinner last night. (22-Aug-2015)
Slides from a presentation by David Webb to the Oxford University Hong Kong Society annual dinner last night. (22-Aug-2015)
Webb on "All About Money"
RTHK, 22-Aug-2015
Video segment starts at 13:23. Clips in English with Cantonese narration and subtitles.
RTHK, 22-Aug-2015
Video segment starts at 13:23. Clips in English with Cantonese narration and subtitles.
HK privacy watchdog’s order to remove names from website would create an ‘Orwellian memory hole’, says market analyst
South China Morning Post, 13-Jul-2015
South China Morning Post, 13-Jul-2015
Webb to defend HK media freedom in landmark appeal
In a public hearing on 13-Jul-2015, Webb-site's founder, editor and publisher will appeal against an Enforcement Notice issued by the Privacy Commissioner which, if upheld, would have wide-ranging implications for freedom of speech and publication in HK and access to media archives of HK-based publishers. (4-Jul-2015)
In a public hearing on 13-Jul-2015, Webb-site's founder, editor and publisher will appeal against an Enforcement Notice issued by the Privacy Commissioner which, if upheld, would have wide-ranging implications for freedom of speech and publication in HK and access to media archives of HK-based publishers. (4-Jul-2015)
SFC calls for proactive investors: Will more David Webbs emerge?
EJinsight, 30-May-2015
We hope so! Nice pic - taken during SARS in 2003.
EJinsight, 30-May-2015
We hope so! Nice pic - taken during SARS in 2003.
Government cites Webb-site board stats without attribution
The Government has cited statistics from Webb-site Who's Who without attribution, instead attributing them to SEHK. You're welcome. (25-Mar-2015)
The Government has cited statistics from Webb-site Who's Who without attribution, instead attributing them to SEHK. You're welcome. (25-Mar-2015)
Webb on "Backchat" re Report on Recent Community & Political Situation
| The report
RTHK, 7-Jan-2015
RTHK, 7-Jan-2015
Admiralty address
Here's the speech by Webb-site founder David Webb to the crowd in Admiralty last night. (12-Oct-2014)
Here's the speech by Webb-site founder David Webb to the crowd in Admiralty last night. (12-Oct-2014)
Webb increases stake in Sino Golf (0361) over 5%
SFC, 6-Oct-2014
We wouldn't normally publicise this, but Sino Golf is in an Offer Period under the Takeovers Code so the filing appears this morning on the obscure SFC Dealing Disclosures page and has not yet been mirrored to the HKEx company news site. One market, two systems. Update: the file was subsequently posted on HKEx News at 16:24, after the market closed.
SFC, 6-Oct-2014
We wouldn't normally publicise this, but Sino Golf is in an Offer Period under the Takeovers Code so the filing appears this morning on the obscure SFC Dealing Disclosures page and has not yet been mirrored to the HKEx company news site. One market, two systems. Update: the file was subsequently posted on HKEx News at 16:24, after the market closed.
Webb on "Backchat" re the pro-democracy protests
RTHK, 1-Oct-2014
In this program (at about 10m25s), we suggest a face-saving way out for Beijing: following the procedures it devised in 2004, it can say that the "Actual Situation in HK" has changed, or that it was misadvised on the Actual Situation, and the CE of HK can file a new report to Beijing on the Actual Situation, proposing retention of the 1/8 nomination threshold that allows genuine choice. Beijing could still reserve the power to reject the elected candidate.
RTHK, 1-Oct-2014
In this program (at about 10m25s), we suggest a face-saving way out for Beijing: following the procedures it devised in 2004, it can say that the "Actual Situation in HK" has changed, or that it was misadvised on the Actual Situation, and the CE of HK can file a new report to Beijing on the Actual Situation, proposing retention of the 1/8 nomination threshold that allows genuine choice. Beijing could still reserve the power to reject the elected candidate.
What do investors want? Views from an activist investor
These are the slides from a presentation by David Webb to investor relations professionals in HK today at the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI, USA) "Wisdom Roadshow" hosted by IPREO. (26-Sep-2014)
These are the slides from a presentation by David Webb to investor relations professionals in HK today at the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI, USA) "Wisdom Roadshow" hosted by IPREO. (26-Sep-2014)
Webb keynote: Challenges for China - beyond minority listings of SOEs
| Slides
YouTube, 19-Sep-2014
At the Centre for Accounting Research & Education (CARE) Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic, 10-Jun-2014
YouTube, 19-Sep-2014
At the Centre for Accounting Research & Education (CARE) Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic, 10-Jun-2014
Webb on the "1 2 3 Show" re HKID cards
| HKID check digit generator
RTHK, 2-Sep-2014
Start at the 15:20 mark.
RTHK, 2-Sep-2014
Start at the 15:20 mark.
David Webb "In Conversation" with Stephen Davies
RTHK, 17-Jul-2014
This show was recorded on 12-Jun-2014.
RTHK, 17-Jul-2014
This show was recorded on 12-Jun-2014.
Videos from SFC regulatory conference published
SFC, 1-Apr-2014
Webb-site editor David Webb appears in Panel 3, Market Integrity and Investor Protection, with David Graham, Head of Regulation at HKEx, Andrew Procter, Group Head of Compliance at Deutsche Bank, William Strong, Co-CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia-Pacific, and Keith Yeung, Director of Public Prosecutions, HK Government. The moderator is Mark Steward, Head of Enforcement at the SFC. The conference was held on 24-Jan-2014.
SFC, 1-Apr-2014
Webb-site editor David Webb appears in Panel 3, Market Integrity and Investor Protection, with David Graham, Head of Regulation at HKEx, Andrew Procter, Group Head of Compliance at Deutsche Bank, William Strong, Co-CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia-Pacific, and Keith Yeung, Director of Public Prosecutions, HK Government. The moderator is Mark Steward, Head of Enforcement at the SFC. The conference was held on 24-Jan-2014.
Webb on 'Backchat" re the proposed stamp duties
RTHK, 29-Nov-2013
The proposed laws on Buyer's Stamp Duty, higher rate and longer period of Seller's Stamp Duty, and Double Stamp Duty are still in LegCo Bills Committees. The show discusses whether they should be withdrawn.
RTHK, 29-Nov-2013
The proposed laws on Buyer's Stamp Duty, higher rate and longer period of Seller's Stamp Duty, and Double Stamp Duty are still in LegCo Bills Committees. The show discusses whether they should be withdrawn.
Webb on 'Backchat' re Jetstar Hong Kong and competition
RTHK, 9-Sep-2013
With two representatives of Cathay Pacific group (which includes Dragonair) and none from Jetstar Hong Kong or its 3 shareholders.
RTHK, 9-Sep-2013
With two representatives of Cathay Pacific group (which includes Dragonair) and none from Jetstar Hong Kong or its 3 shareholders.
Presentation to IFRS Regional Policy Forum
Webb-site founder David Webb is speaking in a panel session at the IFRS event in HK this afternoon. These are his slides. (5-Jun-2013)
Webb-site founder David Webb is speaking in a panel session at the IFRS event in HK this afternoon. These are his slides. (5-Jun-2013)
Webb on "Backchat" re policy address
RTHK, 17-Jan-2013
With Starry Lee (Executive Council, LegCo, DAB), Albert Ho (LegCo, DP) and Nick Brooke (Harbourfront Commission, Science and Technology Parks Corp).
RTHK, 17-Jan-2013
With Starry Lee (Executive Council, LegCo, DAB), Albert Ho (LegCo, DP) and Nick Brooke (Harbourfront Commission, Science and Technology Parks Corp).
Webb reappointed to Takeovers Panel and Takeovers Appeal Committee
SFC, 30-Mar-2012
He is one of 3 investors on the 32-member panel.
SFC, 30-Mar-2012
He is one of 3 investors on the 32-member panel.
David Webb: Why HK should back competition law and class actions
International Financial Law Review, 28-Feb-2012
International Financial Law Review, 28-Feb-2012
Total lunar eclipse 2011, as seen from Hong Kong
YouTube, 10-Dec-2011
By David Webb. Crank up the volume - just for fun!
YouTube, 10-Dec-2011
By David Webb. Crank up the volume - just for fun!
Hong Kong finance: job vacancies
Financial Times, 27-Oct-2011
The guys in pink have some fun with Webb-site's new database of SFC licensees.
Financial Times, 27-Oct-2011
The guys in pink have some fun with Webb-site's new database of SFC licensees.
Webb on "Backchat" in Basic Law quiz
RTHK, 31-May-2011
Issues covered include exemptions from jury service, the right of non-Chinese and Chinese with right of foreign abode to run for LegCo election, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or religious belief, and legal aid for refugee applicants.
RTHK, 31-May-2011
Issues covered include exemptions from jury service, the right of non-Chinese and Chinese with right of foreign abode to run for LegCo election, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or religious belief, and legal aid for refugee applicants.
Webb on "Backchat" re budget
RTHK, 24-Feb-2011
With Ronald Arculli, Ronny Tong Ka-wah (the Two Ronnies) and Kenneth Leung Kai-cheong.
RTHK, 24-Feb-2011
With Ronald Arculli, Ronny Tong Ka-wah (the Two Ronnies) and Kenneth Leung Kai-cheong.
Webb, other key business leaders interviewed by IFAC
International Federation of Accountants, 6-Aug-2010
See Theme 3: Business reporting through the lens of the investor.
International Federation of Accountants, 6-Aug-2010
See Theme 3: Business reporting through the lens of the investor.
Webb on backchat re "deep-rooted conflicts"
RTHK, 28-Jan-2010
Including a proposal for a cap-and-trade scheme for residency rights, easing emigration to the mainland, and capitalising public housing tenants by giving them the property.
RTHK, 28-Jan-2010
Including a proposal for a cap-and-trade scheme for residency rights, easing emigration to the mainland, and capitalising public housing tenants by giving them the property.
Webb on Social Corporate Responsibility in Exon, the magazine of Exeter College, Oxford
Presentation on insider blackout rule by David Webb
as featured in a luncheon debate at the Foreign Correspondents Club, HK (9-Apr-2009)
as featured in a luncheon debate at the Foreign Correspondents Club, HK (9-Apr-2009)
Webb on "Backchat" re stock market and Government's policy address
RTHK, 28-Oct-2008
Note: in this show we issued a rare "buy" call on blue chips, when the HSI was at 11,015.
RTHK, 28-Oct-2008
Note: in this show we issued a rare "buy" call on blue chips, when the HSI was at 11,015.
HK financier-turned-activist still fighting after quitting stock exchange
Associated Press, 21-May-2008
Associated Press, 21-May-2008
Webb on "Backchat" re the IPCC data leak, the commodities and property bubbles and open forum
RTHK, 10-Apr-2006
RTHK, 10-Apr-2006
Loh Joins Webb in Run for HKEx Elections
MEDIA RELEASE: Webb-site.com is pleased to announce that Christine Loh, Chief Executive of Civic Exchange, has accepted a nomination to run for election as a director of HKEx, increasing the representation of investor interests on the board of HKEx. (7-Apr-2006)
MEDIA RELEASE: Webb-site.com is pleased to announce that Christine Loh, Chief Executive of Civic Exchange, has accepted a nomination to run for election as a director of HKEx, increasing the representation of investor interests on the board of HKEx. (7-Apr-2006)
Webb on "Backchat" re West Kowloon single-developer approach being dropped, and the budget
RTHK, 22-Feb-2006
RTHK, 22-Feb-2006
Webb profiled and interviewed on "New Territory", 2003
RTHK, 5-Jun-2003
We are not sure when this progamme was broadcast, but the interview was conducted on 5-Jun-2003 with Paul Gordon. It covers the "Project Poll" campaign for 1-share-1-vote in shareholder meetings, which we eventually won in 2006, abolishing the "show of hands" system, as well as "Project Vampire", the push for pre-emptive rights, still in progress as of 2020.
RTHK, 5-Jun-2003
We are not sure when this progamme was broadcast, but the interview was conducted on 5-Jun-2003 with Paul Gordon. It covers the "Project Poll" campaign for 1-share-1-vote in shareholder meetings, which we eventually won in 2006, abolishing the "show of hands" system, as well as "Project Vampire", the push for pre-emptive rights, still in progress as of 2020.
HKEx AGM Shake-up
We look back on an eventful evening on the floor of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as shareholders seized their first chance to shake up the board of HKEx, electing the first investors, including Webb-site.com editor David Webb, to serve on the board, and rejecting 5 out of the 8 broker candidates, 3 of whom were incumbent directors recommended by the board. (16-Apr-2003)
We look back on an eventful evening on the floor of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as shareholders seized their first chance to shake up the board of HKEx, electing the first investors, including Webb-site.com editor David Webb, to serve on the board, and rejecting 5 out of the 8 broker candidates, 3 of whom were incumbent directors recommended by the board. (16-Apr-2003)
HKEx voting recommendations
The race is on, and we need your help. If you own shares in HKEx, and want a better-run market, then you should elect an HKEx board which for the first time includes investor representatives. Vote for David Webb and Oscar Wong and against the incumbent broker-directors at the AGM. Vote now! We also urge investors to vote against the new issue mandate and support Project Vampire. (28-Mar-2003)
The race is on, and we need your help. If you own shares in HKEx, and want a better-run market, then you should elect an HKEx board which for the first time includes investor representatives. Vote for David Webb and Oscar Wong and against the incumbent broker-directors at the AGM. Vote now! We also urge investors to vote against the new issue mandate and support Project Vampire. (28-Mar-2003)
Webb-site.com announces the candidacy of David Webb for directorship of HKEx, which is holding its first elections after almost 3 years of listing, or listlessness, depending on your view. Under its unique constitution, only 6 out of 13 directors can ever be elected. This may also be the first time a shareholder has nominated a director at the AGM of a HK-listed company. Please support us, and help make a more representative board at HKEx! (17-Mar-2003)
Webb-site.com announces the candidacy of David Webb for directorship of HKEx, which is holding its first elections after almost 3 years of listing, or listlessness, depending on your view. Under its unique constitution, only 6 out of 13 directors can ever be elected. This may also be the first time a shareholder has nominated a director at the AGM of a HK-listed company. Please support us, and help make a more representative board at HKEx! (17-Mar-2003)
CFO Magazine names Webb in "Global 100" kingmakers, deal breakers and power brokers that shape finance
CFO Magazine, 28-Jun-2002
CFO Magazine, 28-Jun-2002
SFC formalises Shareholders Group as a standing committee, reconfigures it to represent investor interests
SFC, 12-Jun-2002
SFC, 12-Jun-2002
Campaigning in Hong Kong to stop abuses by controlling shareholders
International Herald Tribune, 8-Dec-2001
International Herald Tribune, 8-Dec-2001
Fly in the Ointment - David Webb, Hong Kong's champion of shareholder rights
Far Eastern Economic Review, 22-Nov-2001
Far Eastern Economic Review, 22-Nov-2001
Webb appointed to Takeover Panel
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has announced that Webb-site.com Editor David Webb is among seven new members appointed to the Takeovers and Mergers Panel and the Takeovers Appeal Committee. (6-Apr-2001)
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has announced that Webb-site.com Editor David Webb is among seven new members appointed to the Takeovers and Mergers Panel and the Takeovers Appeal Committee. (6-Apr-2001)
SEHK hit over data access
HK Standard, 20-Sep-1999
Former investment banker calls for central information warehouse for listed firms.
HK Standard, 20-Sep-1999
Former investment banker calls for central information warehouse for listed firms.
David Webb's "Starion" (Amstrad version) reviewed
Amstrad Action, 1-Nov-1985
"The graphics really are stunning - it's just about the best version of space I've seen on any computer, let alone the Amstrad..."
Amstrad Action, 1-Nov-1985
"The graphics really are stunning - it's just about the best version of space I've seen on any computer, let alone the Amstrad..."
David Webb's "Starion" (Amstrad version) reviewed
AmTix, 1-Nov-1985
"Starion on the Amstrad certainly is wonderful. The vector graphics are just amazing and are the best I've seen to date..."
AmTix, 1-Nov-1985
"Starion on the Amstrad certainly is wonderful. The vector graphics are just amazing and are the best I've seen to date..."
David Webb's "Starion" reviewed
Your Spectrum, 1-Jun-1985
"Now let's have a look at the devious ways this programmer's mind works..."
Your Spectrum, 1-Jun-1985
"Now let's have a look at the devious ways this programmer's mind works..."
David Webb's "Starion" (Sinclair Spectrum version) reviewed
Crash Magazine, 1-May-1985
"Words cannot describe the immense realism that the graphics manage to portray..."
Crash Magazine, 1-May-1985
"Words cannot describe the immense realism that the graphics manage to portray..."
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