Mission Investments Holdings Limited
Joint Global Ltd joint venture agreement dated 15-Sep-2015
Company filing, 7-Jun-2017
Thanks to the SFC's Takeovers Code, this agreement has been published online by CMBC Capital Holdings Ltd (1141), one of the 11 entities in what we call the "Chung Nam Network" which pooled their shares in HEC Capital Ltd into Joint Global Ltd, which then imploded like a black hole. It relates to our story "The Joint Global implosion", 30-Sep-2016.
Company filing, 7-Jun-2017
Thanks to the SFC's Takeovers Code, this agreement has been published online by CMBC Capital Holdings Ltd (1141), one of the 11 entities in what we call the "Chung Nam Network" which pooled their shares in HEC Capital Ltd into Joint Global Ltd, which then imploded like a black hole. It relates to our story "The Joint Global implosion", 30-Sep-2016.
Skyway (1141) exits Joint Global Ltd for HK$5m and Freewill Holdings Ltd for HK$105m
| The Joint Global Implosion
Company announcement, 6-Mar-2017
Skyway paid HK$440m when it subscribed for the Freewill shares in Jul-2015. It obtained the 41m JG shares in exchange for 41m shares of HEC Capital when it pooled its HECC holdings with 10 other shareholders on 15-Sep-2015. It subscribed HK$228m for 38m shares of HECC on 30-Jun-2014 and HK$18m for 3m shares on 22-Jan-2013, a total cost of $246m. JG subsequently imloded as covered in our article of 30-Sep-2016. Update: the buybacks of these holdings came just 2 days before the takeover of Skyway by China Minsheng Bank (1988) was announced.
Company announcement, 6-Mar-2017
Skyway paid HK$440m when it subscribed for the Freewill shares in Jul-2015. It obtained the 41m JG shares in exchange for 41m shares of HEC Capital when it pooled its HECC holdings with 10 other shareholders on 15-Sep-2015. It subscribed HK$228m for 38m shares of HECC on 30-Jun-2014 and HK$18m for 3m shares on 22-Jan-2013, a total cost of $246m. JG subsequently imloded as covered in our article of 30-Sep-2016. Update: the buybacks of these holdings came just 2 days before the takeover of Skyway by China Minsheng Bank (1988) was announced.
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