Caterers need help in lean times: Tommy Cheung
RTHK, 12-Oct-2019
The Catering Legislator and ExCo member supported proceeding with the Extradition Bill after the 9-Jun-2019 mass rally, triggering 4 months of chaos and now wants his sector compensated for loss of business. He has disserved them and should resign. Scrap corporate voting and democratise his constituency with one worker, one vote.
RTHK, 12-Oct-2019
The Catering Legislator and ExCo member supported proceeding with the Extradition Bill after the 9-Jun-2019 mass rally, triggering 4 months of chaos and now wants his sector compensated for loss of business. He has disserved them and should resign. Scrap corporate voting and democratise his constituency with one worker, one vote.
No regrets says defiant James Tien Pei Chun
HK Standard, 30-Oct-2014
Tien: "I am only aware that I am a lawmaker and Liberal Party leader. I have neglected the title of CPCCC member." So he forgot to toe the line and for once said what he thought rather than what he was supposed to think.
HK Standard, 30-Oct-2014
Tien: "I am only aware that I am a lawmaker and Liberal Party leader. I have neglected the title of CPCCC member." So he forgot to toe the line and for once said what he thought rather than what he was supposed to think.
Liberal Party accounts, year to 31-Dec-2010
At 31-Dec-2010, the party had negative equity, but the Liberal Party Trust stands behind it. (6-Oct-2011)
At 31-Dec-2010, the party had negative equity, but the Liberal Party Trust stands behind it. (6-Oct-2011)
Party finances in HK
Which is the wealthiest political party in HK? The answer may surprise you. We publish the accounts of the four main parties for their last two financial years, which go some way towards explaining the hand-to-mouth existence of several of the parties, and the lack of any coherent policy platforms in the pro-democracy camp. This is largely a result of the electoral voting system which divides and conquers them, countered by the secretive funding of the biggest-spending party. (7-Mar-2011)
Which is the wealthiest political party in HK? The answer may surprise you. We publish the accounts of the four main parties for their last two financial years, which go some way towards explaining the hand-to-mouth existence of several of the parties, and the lack of any coherent policy platforms in the pro-democracy camp. This is largely a result of the electoral voting system which divides and conquers them, countered by the secretive funding of the biggest-spending party. (7-Mar-2011)
Liberal Party accounts, year to 31-Dec-2009
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