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SFC licensees

RO=Responsible Officer, Rep=Representative

Name Age in
Role From Until
1 Abbas, Asad (SFC:AIP440) Rep 2003-04-09 2009-10-22
2 Albrecht, Frank Oliver M Rep 2004-07-28
3 Alexander, Michael Lewis M Rep 2004-11-16
4 Alexander, Sean Philip 白影子 M Rep 2006-02-28
5 Ang, Bee Leng Rep 2008-06-05
6 Aono, Kikuko 青野希久子 Rep 2003-12-09 2004-07-21
7 Apabhai, Mohammed Zuned M Rep 2006-06-26
8 Arculli, Kim Melanie F Rep 2004-03-05 2005-05-25
9 Arrowsmith, Natalie Jane F Rep 2003-07-15
Rep 2003-08-14 2004-05-31
10 Askar, Kamel Rep 2006-03-15 2011-01-27
11 Auh, Jun Kyung Rep 2005-03-07 2006-08-21
12 Azzi, Daniel W M Rep 2004-07-13 2006-08-11
13 Bacher, Ryan Rudolf M Rep 2003-12-18 2009-06-23
14 Bamber, Mark (SFC:ALB798) M Rep 2004-08-09 2005-10-01
15 Barford, Adrian Thomas M Rep 2004-05-11 2005-07-05
16 Bean, James Mark M Rep 2005-10-18 2014-06-12
17 Bertrand, Caroline F Rep 2005-03-04
18 Bhammer, Vishal Mahendra Kumar M Rep 2003-08-06 2005-05-25
19 Brown, Bahar Rep 2004-10-14 2006-05-15
20 Burrows, Nathan Wesley M Rep 2004-03-19 2007-04-06
21 Calvert, Piers Henry M Rep 2004-06-17 2004-08-16
22 Carthy, Robin Ian M Rep 2006-07-03 2008-12-05
23 Chak, Alan Wing Kai 翟永基 M Rep 2004-01-08
RO 2004-01-08 2004-04-23
24 Chan, Chieh-Mi (SFC:ALU162) Rep 2005-03-09 2005-11-22
RO 2005-11-22 2009-04-23
25 Chan, Danny Yuet Hang 陳悅恆 Rep 2004-01-15 2011-05-14
26 Chan, Edmund Wing Hong 陳永康 M Rep 2003-09-11 2011-06-30
27 Chan, Pui Ching (SFC:AGN555) 陳佩貞 Rep 2005-01-25 2006-04-10
28 Chan, Spencer Kwok Wai 陳國偉 M Rep 2006-04-03 2013-08-07
29 Chan, Wai Chi (SFC:AHF464) 陳慧芝 Rep 2005-03-21 2006-03-14
30 Chan, Wai Ling (SFC:ABS687) 陳慧玲 Rep 2003-05-05 2008-05-03
31 Chan, Yuk Shan (SFC:ANH003) 陳玉珊 Rep 2006-04-11 2007-12-31
32 Chandak, Dhiraj Rep 2006-02-20 2019-09-03
33 Chandler, Benjamin Victor Michael M Rep 2003-08-18 2011-03-30
34 Chang, Haeyoon Aileen 張鏸允 Rep 2003-12-15 2005-05-03
35 Chang, Hui Na 張惠娜 Rep 2006-04-13
36 Chang, Jack Chun-Chieh 張俊傑 M Rep 2006-09-15 2007-08-01
37 Chang, Michael Cheun Chun 鄭翔浚 M Rep 2006-12-20 2012-01-10
38 Chang, Michael Yio-How 張祐豪 M Rep 2006-07-10 2011-06-24
39 Chang, Peter Yung Kang 張永康 M Rep 2004-07-13 2008-09-11
40 Chang, Richard Yen-Hsiang M Rep 2005-03-09 2005-10-10
41 Chaplow, Richard Simon M Rep 2004-03-19
42 Chau, Kenneth Yiu Man 周耀文 M Rep 2005-08-30
43 Cheah, Kwong-Weng Rep 2007-01-18 2008-06-06
44 Cheng, Maggie Hang Lam 鄭杏琳 F Rep 2003-07-15 2003-10-07
45 Cheng, Miu Ling 鄭妙玲 Rep 2003-10-29
46 Cheung, Ka Che 張家熾 Rep 2005-07-27 2009-06-24
47 Cheung, Kar Man (SFC:AIN882) 張嘉文 Rep 2005-08-15 2008-05-24
48 Cheung, Lee Na 張莉娜 Rep 2003-05-05 2004-05-10
49 Cheung, Tommy (SFC:ANK150) 張華 Rep 2006-05-15 2006-12-16
50 Cheung, Wendy Ho Ting 張皓婷 F Rep 2004-02-17 2006-03-17
51 Cheung, Winnie Wing Kei 張詠琪 F Rep 2005-02-17 2008-12-05
52 Chiang, Ming Zuei 江明叡 Rep 2006-03-06
53 Choi, Jae Won (SFC:AOD815) 崔宰源 Rep 2006-11-13 2008-10-01
54 Chong, Chyi Yiing Rep 2006-04-05
55 Chow, Jimmy Ka Ching 周家正 M Rep 2006-08-16 2017-08-31
56 Chow, Thomas 周少民 M Rep 2006-04-24 2008-08-30
57 Christianakis, Leonidas Ioannis Rep 2004-09-15 2006-02-28
58 Chu, Patrick Pak Ning 朱柏寧 M Rep 2005-05-09 2010-04-24
59 Chu, Peter M Rep 2004-04-07
60 Chu, Peter Pa-en M Rep 2006-03-31 2010-07-29
61 Chue, Chee Tang Rep 2009-01-01
62 Chui, Alvin Jun Mun 崔俊文 M Rep 2005-11-25 2006-10-18
63 Chui, Chi-Sun 徐志真 Rep 2004-07-16 2005-08-30
64 Chun, Chyi-Hung 詹琦宏 Rep 2006-06-01 2009-05-19
65 Chun, Julian Howe 陳嘉豪 M Rep 2006-10-20 2010-02-10
66 Chung, Jeffrey Jin Wook M Rep 2014-04-10
67 Chung, Ji Young Rep 2011-10-07
68 Chung, Richard M Rep 2005-04-01 2005-12-10
69 Chuy Kon, Alejandro Jose M Rep 2007-04-14
70 Clapham, Thomas Antony M Rep 2006-10-27 2012-06-13
71 Constantopoulos, Agamemnon Rep 2003-11-04 2005-07-07
72 Conway, Richard Wing M Rep 2003-11-04 2005-10-01
73 Copplestone, Francis Anthony M Rep 2007-01-18 2008-03-15
74 Corry, Nicolas Daniel M Rep 2006-03-07 2008-09-01
75 Cortes Cossio, Max Alberto M Rep 2006-11-20 2008-12-05
76 Craig-Wood, Christopher John M Rep 2004-02-12 2004-04-12
77 Crawford, Adam John Sharman M Rep 2004-04-13 2006-11-30
78 Crosbie-Walsh, Gordon Michael M Rep 2006-07-31
79 Cubells, Simon James M Rep 2003-09-02 2008-12-05
80 Daibo, Atsuko Rep 2003-09-16 2005-10-01
81 Daste Ii, Ferrell Emanuel Rep 2005-10-13 2008-01-30
82 Dattas, Bertrand Pierre Fernand M Rep 2006-08-10 2011-08-23
83 Daube, Patrick M Rep 2005-01-10 2005-04-09
Rep 2005-04-14 2010-07-13
84 Davidge-Pitts, Mark Nicholas M Rep 2004-02-09 2007-08-01
85 Dawes, Charlotte Victoria Sohpie F Rep 2003-05-20 2003-08-19
86 Day, Christopher Alan (SFC:ALQ515) M Rep 2005-01-20 2005-09-07
87 Day, Christopher Elliott Verco 狄圖發 M Rep 2004-07-28 2004-09-14
Rep 2005-08-22 2006-04-04
88 Deng, Rong (SFC:AND181) 鄧嶸 Rep 2006-03-01 2008-06-24
89 Doering, Michael Roger M Rep 2006-07-10 2014-01-03
90 Donley, Charles John M Rep 2005-08-31 2007-04-12
91 Duggan, Luke Benjamin (SFC:AJH215) M Rep 2003-12-09 2004-08-20
Rep 2004-10-06 2005-05-03
92 Edelist, Andrew Wayne M Rep 2005-02-24 2008-07-11
93 Edwards, Shane Grant M Rep 2003-11-14 2005-08-30
94 Emerson, Nathan Devereux M Rep 2003-06-01
95 Erro, Davide Gaetano 37 M Rep 2003-12-09 2005-04-25
96 Fan, Jacqueline Sik Ling 范惜玲 F Rep 2005-04-11
97 Fan, Mingxi 范明曦 Rep 2003-07-29 2008-07-12
98 Fennell, Nicholas Peter (SFC:ADA865) M RO 2003-06-12
99 Fletcher, Luke (SFC:AIL062) M Rep 2006-03-07 2007-04-25
100 Ford, Melvyn Guy M Rep 2003-11-18
101 Franko, Elie Jean Rep 2006-05-10 2007-03-26
102 Fung, Peter Yuk Kuen 馮旭乾 M Rep 2003-04-25
Rep 2003-06-02 2010-06-07
103 Garg, Manish (SFC:AKT480) Rep 2004-06-07 2006-09-01
104 Ghosh, Anandomoy Rep 2006-12-06 2008-03-18
105 Goco, Allan Gilbert Lim M Rep 2003-04-16 2008-12-01
106 Goh, Priscilla Tok Wee 吳書慧 F Rep 2004-10-18 2007-04-22
107 Goodwin, Hannah Victoria 42 F Rep 2005-03-29
108 Hague, Claire Elizabeth Logan F Rep 2004-09-13 2008-12-17
109 Han, Chia Lei 韓嘉蕾 Rep 2006-05-08 2008-06-23
110 Han, William Wei-Lee M Rep 2003-10-15
111 Hao, Christina Jieyu 郝洁羽 F Rep 2005-12-09 2006-11-09
112 Harris, Stephen Paul (1953) 54 M RO 2005-08-12
113 Heim, Gunter Thomas M Rep 2005-04-06 2005-05-05
Rep 2005-07-18 2005-08-17
114 Heng, Kia Mui 王加媚 Rep 2003-07-31 2008-06-02
115 Hesse, Nicolas Jean Georges M Rep 2006-11-07 2013-01-17
116 Hil, Jeffery Chi Yung 許志勇 M RO 2011-10-18
117 Ho, Alan To 何鍍 M Rep 2005-10-03 2007-04-11
118 Ho, Chak Kie 何澤基 Rep 2017-07-21
119 Ho, Daniel King Wah 何景華 M Rep 2004-08-02 2006-07-07
120 Hoepffner, Edouard Yves Maurice Pierre M Rep 2004-02-24 2006-02-28
121 Holiday, Edward Richard M Rep 2004-10-19 2005-10-10
122 Honegger, Ricardo RO 2006-01-01
123 Hoo, Chuin Hoong 何俊鴻 36 M Rep 2005-04-01 2005-12-10
124 Hoong, Yik Luen 洪逸倫 Rep 2003-04-17
Rep 2003-05-29 2009-01-01
125 Hosie, Neil Cameron M Rep 2004-07-02 2009-03-26
126 Hsia, Michael Chinsom 夏俊生 M Rep 2004-05-05 2005-05-03
127 Huang, Po-Chun Rep 2005-03-21 2005-04-21
128 Hui, Ho Kuen 許浩權 Rep 2007-05-19
129 Hurewitz, Joel Allan M Rep 2004-03-19 2006-03-22
130 Hurst, Richard Mark M Rep 2005-02-14 2007-04-21
131 Izawa, Yukio Rep 2003-09-02 2004-05-31
132 Jacobsen, Russell James M Rep 2006-12-04 2008-08-01
133 James, Craig Kendell M Rep 2005-10-19 2008-02-07
134 Jaycock, Ian Richard M Rep 2004-01-08
135 Jeong, Joseph Chu M Rep 2003-10-31 2005-09-30
136 Jhalaria, Saurabh Rep 2006-10-11 2009-07-01
137 Kapur, Kanak Kamal 卡普尓金心 Rep 2006-12-28
138 Kelly, Peter Edward M Rep 2006-08-01 2009-06-01
139 Kennedy, Frank (SFC:AJD477) M Rep 2003-08-25 2006-04-10
140 Khanna, Punit Rep 2008-12-12
141 Kim, Jung Hyon Rep 2005-04-23 2007-03-02
142 Kim, Seong Rak 金成洛 Rep 2006-01-24 2007-05-23
143 Kim, Yong Chan 金容賛 Rep 2004-07-28
144 King, Hubert Duncan 金汶椿 M Rep 2015-06-08
145 Kong, Rita Yan Yee 江欣兒 Rep 2011-03-05
146 Koo, Kevin Hung Yuan 顧弘源 39 M Rep 2005-04-27
147 Kwan, Wendy Yok Bing 關玉冰 F Rep 2004-07-06 2006-05-30
148 Kwok, Daisy Dik Sze 郭迪思 F Rep 2004-11-02 2010-11-16
149 Kwok, Dickie Tak Kei 郭德祺 Rep 2004-07-28
150 Lai, David Yuk Fai 賴玉輝 M Rep 2004-07-02 2017-02-07
151 Lally, Harprit Singh Rep 2005-10-01
152 Lau, Alexander Yen Hou 劉恩浩 M Rep 2006-06-05
153 Lau, Humphrey Nam Lung 劉南龍 M Rep 2004-11-08 2006-06-16
154 Lau, Janice Wai Man 劉維敏 F Rep 2007-01-17 2014-06-24
155 Lau, Karen Ga Yun 劉家欣 F Rep 2007-03-12
156 Lau, Stephen Ying Tung 劉穎東 M Rep 2006-06-01 2021-05-28
157 Law, Ernest Kwan Hon 羅君瀚 M Rep 2004-08-16
158 Lee, Amanda Pui Shan 李珮珊 F Rep 2006-10-16 2009-06-23
159 Lee, Chun Wang (SFC:ADJ624) 李俊宏 Rep 2003-04-30 2004-07-28
160 Lee, Frank I-J M Rep 2004-02-10 2007-11-15
161 Lee, Jae Young (SFC:AKS659) Rep 2004-06-02 2006-08-29
162 Lee, Ming Keung 李明強 Rep 2003-12-09 2005-05-03
163 Lee, Sang Jin (SFC:ANW201) 李相真 Rep 2006-08-25 2006-11-29
164 Lee, Youn Wen Rep 2018-11-11
165 Leonard, Neil Angus James M Rep 2006-02-20 2012-09-05
166 Leong, John Peter Ka Chun 梁家俊 M Rep 2004-09-22 2006-04-14
167 Lepinay, Laurent Henri Francois M Rep 2003-08-12 2006-03-01
168 Leung, Connie Wai Yi 梁慧儀 F Rep 2005-04-11 2008-12-16
169 Li, Alan Cheuk Lun 李卓倫 M Rep 2006-11-01 2017-02-07
170 Li, Annette Ka Pui 李嘉珮 F Rep 2004-02-01
171 Li, Ester Joyse Sau Han 李秀嫻 F Rep 2006-07-10
172 Li, Kathleen Ka-Lam 李嘉琳 Rep 2006-02-20 2006-09-27
173 Li, Nelson Siu Sing 李紹成 M Rep 2009-06-13
174 Li, Sandy Pak Lin 李白蓮 Rep 2006-07-10
175 Li, Zongyi (SFC:ALB938) 李宗沂 Rep 2004-08-12 2007-08-29
176 Liedtke, Boris Nikolaj M Rep 2005-03-04
177 Lim, Catherine Ai Nar 林愛娜 F Rep 2003-07-27
178 Ling, Anne Kin Shun 林建純 F Rep 2004-11-30 2007-11-07
179 Liu, Sum Ching 廖心澄 Rep 2005-01-07
180 Lo, James Kwok-Lun 羅國倫 M Rep 2005-01-18 2006-05-18
181 Lo, Ricky Chi Wa 羅志華 M Rep 2010-03-11
182 Lo, Shih-Hung 羅仕泓 Rep 2005-02-03 2010-04-24
183 Lu, Gloria Yi 陸奕 37 F Rep 2003-06-03 2007-08-01
184 Lui, Gregory Sieu Weng M Rep 2009-03-12
185 Lui, Jervis Chun Wai 呂俊為 Rep 2003-11-14 2004-06-24
186 Lui, Thomas Ting Ching 雷廷禎 M Rep 2007-01-25 2008-12-05
187 Ma, Sin Chi 馬善智 33 M Rep 2004-08-09 2010-04-20
188 MacCarthy, Denis Rep 2003-06-09 2004-01-08
RO 2004-01-08 2009-12-11
189 Macdonald, Matthew Douglas M Rep 2006-07-24 2009-08-11
190 Mak, Winnie (SFC:ADK738) 麥蔚誼 F Rep 2005-04-04 2005-07-22
191 McCafferty, Gregory Dominic M Rep 2003-10-24 2006-11-22
192 Meenan, James Nahor M Rep 2004-10-11 2010-04-30
193 Mendes, Carlos Juan D'Oliveira M Rep 2006-11-21 2009-07-14
194 Michalik, Thorsten Rep 2004-01-26 2006-03-01
195 Miller, Daniel Owen 但米勒 M RO 2009-02-28
196 Min, Brett Jae M Rep 2003-09-19 2005-10-10
197 Min, Jung Sun 閔正善 Rep 2006-09-20 2008-12-11
198 Mirpuri, Joseph Gul 梅培理 M Rep 2005-07-21 2007-03-12
199 Mizoguchi, Hironori Rep 2004-04-13 2008-12-05
200 Moon, Haeeun Rep 2006-07-11 2007-08-04
201 Mouilhade, Claire Beatrice Claude F Rep 2006-07-14 2012-09-25
202 Naheta, Akshay Sudhir (SFC:ANM127) Rep 2006-06-01 2009-08-01
203 Naidoo, Marlin Rep 2006-08-14 2012-08-01
204 Narain, Ravi Rep 2010-03-24
205 Neo, Chye Lian Rep 2006-12-31
206 Ng, Agnes Wing Sum 吳詠芯 F Rep 2004-10-14 2005-03-14
207 Ng, Jeffrey Kut Yin 吳吉然 M Rep 2006-03-09 2009-04-15
208 Ng, Ka Hing (SFC:ACU882) 伍家興 Rep 2005-05-10
209 Ng, Lok Yan (SFC:AOG290) 伍樂仁 Rep 2006-11-30 2010-03-03
210 Nichols, David (SFC:AGJ649) M Rep 2006-08-11
211 Nolan, Brian Patrick M RO 2003-06-01
212 Norris, Jeremy Anthony (SFC:ABM977) M Rep 2005-05-26
213 Oberhansberg, Utz Richard M Rep 2005-10-31 2009-04-15
214 Ong, Derek (SFC:AME256) M Rep 2005-06-22 2011-08-23
215 Oyson, Michaelangelo De Los Reyes Rep 2003-10-24 2010-11-11
216 Pachl, Franz Michael M Rep 2003-06-25
217 Pagan, Christopher M Rep 2005-09-15 2008-09-01
218 Pak, Quentin 白熲棠 M Rep 2004-05-24 2006-05-31
219 Pang, Chi Wai (SFC:ANU804) 彭志偉 Rep 2006-08-18 2007-04-22
220 Pantone, Nicola F Rep 2006-08-11 2008-01-17
221 Pemberton, Christian Matthew M Rep 2005-11-29 2009-07-24
222 Perry, Matthew John (SFC:ALS348) M Rep 2005-02-16 2009-04-28
223 Peter, Edouard Fernen RO 2005-08-12
224 Pirestani, Kayvon Andrew M Rep 2005-06-08 2012-10-11
225 Poon, Philip Chung Hein 潘頌軒 M Rep 2004-07-13 2011-02-26
226 Poon, Pui Sze 潘佩詩 Rep 2006-04-11 2006-06-22
227 Preller, Raoul Gustav M Rep 2004-02-09 2006-08-16
228 Primhak, Warren Lee 43 M RO 2006-12-31
229 Quarmby, Thomas Edward M Rep 2004-02-09 2004-09-10
Rep 2007-01-25 2007-10-10
230 Rageau, Patrice Frederic M Rep 2005-09-02 2009-04-21
231 Reeves, Andrew James M Rep 2004-01-26 2014-02-27
232 Richmond, Blair James M Rep 2004-04-20 2008-01-01
233 Rodgers, Charles Beresford M Rep 2004-02-14 2004-05-31
234 Roland, Mathilde Suzanne Rep 2004-08-06 2005-09-29
235 Romeo, Roberto Rep 2005-09-21 2005-10-21
236 Sadler, Simon Peter 38 M RO 2004-05-10
237 Sanchez, Marlon Mikhail M Rep 2006-06-26 2011-01-04
238 Sanghi, Keshav Krishna Rep 2003-09-01
239 Sankovic, Diana Elizabeth F Rep 2006-08-15 2008-12-05
240 Sargeant, Luke Matthew M Rep 2006-11-20 2009-05-27
241 Sarkis, David M Rep 2004-03-05 2004-06-01
RO 2004-06-01 2005-07-07
242 Sayer, David Michael 31 M Rep 2004-06-10 2005-09-12
243 See, Buay Lan Rep 2004-01-27
244 Shaw, Natalie Ann F Rep 2003-06-25
245 Shen, Lyon Li Ang 沈歷昂 Rep 2003-07-10
246 Shi, Jinjun (SFC:AOD609) 施進軍 Rep 2006-11-08 2008-06-19
247 Silveira, Ashley Rep 2003-09-01
248 Sim, Sharon Anne Soo Yee F Rep 2005-07-22
249 Smaller, Daniel Scott M Rep 2005-06-09
250 Sohn, Seock Woo Rep 2003-07-09 2004-04-23
251 Somera, Ved Kavi Rep 2004-02-25 2004-10-02
Rep 2004-10-14 2006-02-01
252 Soni, Ajay (SFC:AMS611) Rep 2005-11-21 2006-06-23
Rep 2006-10-26 2007-03-31
253 Sue, Kenneth (SFC:AEL989) 蘇其暉 M Rep 2006-03-28
RO 2006-03-28 2006-06-27
254 Suen, Ming Chit 孫明哲 Rep 2004-03-30 2010-08-14
255 Summerfield, David Angus M Rep 2003-06-26
256 Sun, Cheuk Wa 孫卓華 Rep 2005-07-06 2012-09-05
257 Szeto, Carissa Carol 司徒加樂 F Rep 2003-05-14 2007-11-07
258 Tan, Geok Hua 陳玉華 Rep 2004-02-26 2004-03-31
259 Tan, Guat Cheng Maureen F Rep 2008-02-22
260 Tan, Jushin Kenneth M Rep 2005-01-07
261 Tang, Wincy Wing Sze (SFC:ADQ849) 鄧穎施 Rep 2005-05-20 2007-04-30
262 Tao, Nina Chih-Yu 陶芝宇 Rep 2006-05-08 2008-07-14
263 Tay, Mei Yuen Rep 2005-04-20
264 Tei, Miranda Mei Lun 戴美倫 F Rep 2005-03-22 2005-04-22
Rep 2006-03-31 2007-07-16
265 Thacker, Sacha (SFC:AJH223) Rep 2003-12-09 2005-04-25
266 Trivedi, Amit Mahendra Rep 2003-06-03 2003-09-08
267 Tsai, Jack Du 蔡篤傑 M Rep 2006-05-29 2009-07-22
268 Tsang, Ka Li 曾嘉莉 Rep 2004-08-09 2012-01-10
269 Tsang, Yee Mai 曾綺薇 Rep 2010-03-11
270 Tse, Benjamin Bun 謝彬 M Rep 2006-12-29
271 Tseng Kuo, Juan Rep 2004-02-09 2004-09-11
272 Tsui, Stephen Fook Hong 徐福康 M Rep 2005-07-18 2012-09-05
273 Turnbull, Alexander Bligh Hughes 25 M Rep 2005-09-30 2006-05-23
274 Ueyama, Satoshi 植山敏 M Rep 2003-12-09 2005-05-03
275 Wang, Yiding 王軼丁 24 M Rep 2006-11-07 2008-05-26
276 Wang, Yue (SFC:ANM980) 王越 Rep 2006-06-15 2007-12-19
277 White, Christopher James (SFC:ACS947) M Rep 2004-07-19 2014-11-18
278 Whitfield, Charles Bernard Francis 查韋斐 M Rep 2006-05-09
279 Wijaya, Annie F Rep 2006-04-24
280 Wong, Ingrid Yun Kit 黃欣潔 Rep 2005-06-24 2009-04-01
281 Wong, Ka Hong 黃家康 Rep 2004-09-24
282 Wong, Kenneth Kin 黃健 M RO 2004-06-12
283 Wong, Look Liew Rep 2005-10-13 2006-06-18
284 Wong, Timothy Tin Wai 黃天維 M Rep 2004-04-15 2008-09-18
285 Wong, Tsz Kin (SFC:ALA499) 王子健 Rep 2004-12-16 2013-02-01
286 Woo, Janet Fong Fong 胡渢渢 F Rep 2019-07-08
287 Woo, Lam Hay 胡林熙 Rep 2007-07-21
288 Woo, Mei Wah 吳美華 Rep 2006-08-11
289 Woo, Seung Yub 禹昇燁 Rep 2006-08-16 2006-09-12
290 Wood, Graham Douglas (SFC:AKT391) M Rep 2004-06-07 2011-06-07
291 Woods, Duncan Robert M Rep 2003-12-09 2004-11-04
292 Wu, Isabella Ke 吳柯 F Rep 2004-04-23
293 Wurzel, Roger M Rep 2005-02-15 2005-05-14
294 Yang, Yu (SFC:ALD507) 楊煜 Rep 2004-08-25 2005-03-29
295 Yau, Sheung Kam 邱湘琴 Rep 2004-09-14
296 Yeoh, Wee Khee David 姚崇照 M Rep 2007-05-09
297 Yeung, Kei Yuen 楊紀元 Rep 2006-06-08 2008-03-19
298 Yong, Yi Shan 楊憶善 Rep 2006-10-17 2011-06-24
299 Yongkittikul, Kittiphongse 馬俊琦 Rep 2004-07-19 2006-12-31
300 Yoon, Jerry Chan 尹燦 M Rep 2004-04-01
301 Yu, Bella Hoi Ying 余凱凝 Rep 2004-03-09 2004-05-31
302 Zhao, Chunhua 趙春花 Rep 2004-09-13 2009-11-06
303 Zhao, Yue (SFC:ALJ837) 趙悅 Rep 2006-07-07 2017-08-19
304 Zuo, Jie (SFC:AKP468) 左杰 Rep 2004-05-19 2005-03-14

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